Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acute myeloid leukemia"" "subject:"acute myeloid eukemia""
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Development and Application of Serum Assay to Monitor Response to Therapy and Predict for Relapse in Acute Myeloid LeukemiaGhahremanlou, Mohsen 22 November 2013 (has links)
The diagnosis and monitoring of AML relies predominantly on the identification of blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. While at the time of diagnosis the identification of leukemic cells is relatively easy, during remission the identification of small numbers of blasts is problematic. This is most evident by the fact that patients who achieve complete remission frequently relapse, despite pathologic examination indicating a marked reduction in leukemic cell burden. In this thesis I have explored the potential of using serum proteins secreted by leukemic cells as a means of monitoring disease in patients. To identify proteins that might be useful for monitoring, I took advantage of published gene expression arrays and looked into online bioinformatics databases. Using specific characteristics, I was able to identify approximately 107 candidate proteins secreted by AML cells. RT-PCR analysis and ELISA assays were performed to evaluate the variability of expressions and serum level differences of twelve different proteins in the list.
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Μελέτη εξέλιξης φυσιολογικών αιμοποιητικών σειρών σε ασθενείς με οξεία λευχαιμία και συσχέτισή τους με τα κυτταρικά χαρακτηριστικά των νεοπλασματικών κυττάρωνΧάδλα, Παναγιώτα 20 April 2011 (has links)
Η Οξεία λευχαιμία (ΟΛ) αποτελεί νεοπλασματικό, αιμοποιητικό νόσημα, που οφείλεται στον πολλαπλασιασμό και την επέκταση κυττάρων, που προέρχονται από τους λευχαιμικούς βλάστες. Η φυσική εξέλιξη του νοσήματος είναι η αντικατάσταση των φυσιολογικών κυττάρων του αιμοποιητικού ιστού από τους απόγονους των λευχαιμικών βλαστών και θάνατος, λόγω των επιπλοκών της έλλειψης των ώριμων αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων, όπως λοιμώξεις, αναιμία και αιμορραγία.
Θεραπευτικά για την αντιμετώπιση της ΟΛ χρησιμοποιούνται σχήματα χημειοθεραπείας και ακτινοθεραπείας, που έχουν σαν σκοπό την καταστροφή των λευχαιμικών βλαστών και την αποκατάσταση της φυσιολογικής αιμοποίησης.
Συχνά η ΟΛ, ιδιαίτερα σε ασθενείς μεγάλης ηλικίας, εμφανίζεται ταυτόχρονα με δυσπλαστικές διαταραχές των αιμοποιητικών κυττάρων που ωριμάζουν ή εξελίσσεται σε μυελοδυσπλαστικό σύνδρομο μετά από χημειοθεραπεία.
Από την βιβλιογραφία είναι γνωστό ότι, τόσο η ΟΛ μπορεί να είναι στάδιο εξέλιξης των μυελοδυσπλαστικών συνδρόμων και κατά συνέπεια μετά τη θεραπεία της ΟΛ επανέρχεται η δυσπλαστική κατάσταση της αιμοποίησης, όσο ότι η χημειοθεραπεία καθαυτή μπορεί να προκαλέσει μυελοδυσπλασία.
Είναι σημαντική η διάγνωση των πρωτοπαθών μυελοδυσπλαστικών συνδρόμων που εξελίσσονται σε ΟΛ, ως προς την πρόγνωση των ασθενών, αλλά και τη θεραπευτική τους αντιμετώπιση. Επίσης, είναι σημαντική η διάκριση ομάδων ασθενών που θα αναπτύξουν δυσπλασία μετά από χημειοθεραπεία, σε σχέση με αυτούς που δεν θα αναπτύξουν και ως προς την πρόγνωση και ως προς τη θεραπευτική αντιμετώπιση. Μέχρι σήμερα, κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΛ η διάγνωση υποκείμενης μυελοδυσπλασίας είναι δύσκολη και στηρίζεται σε μορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά των ώριμων κυττάρων και στην παρουσία ορισμένων κυτταρογενετικών διαταραχών. Η διάκριση ομάδων που θα αναπτύξουν δυσπλασία μετά από χημειοθεραπεία είναι αδύνατη.
Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν να συμβάλλει στην ανάπτυξη νέων πρωτοκόλλων στο λογισμικό της κυτταρομετρίας ροής, που θα διευκολύνουν τη διάγνωση πρωτοπαθών δυσπλαστικών συνδρόμων κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΛ, αλλά και θα διακρίνουν τις ομάδες που μπορούν να αναπτύξουν δυσπλασία μετά από θεραπεία. Για τον σκοπό αυτό, παρακολουθήσαμε την έκφραση χαρακτηριστικών αντιγονικών συνδυασμών, που εκφράζονται σε διαφορετικά στάδια ωρίμανσης των φυσιολογικών κυττάρων, παράλληλα με την έκφραση των αντιγόνων των βλαστών.
Τα δεδομένα αυτά μελετήθηκαν, τόσο κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΛ, όσο και κατά τη παρακολούθηση της. Τα δεδομένα αναλύθηκαν με συστήματα ταυτόχρονης ανάλυσης και συσχέτισης 15-20 παραμέτρων, με σκοπό τον καθορισμό συσχετισμών που θα έχουν διαγνωστική και προγνωστική σημασία για τους ασθενείς με ΟΛ. Τα αποτελέσματα του ανοσοφαινοτύπου αναλύθηκαν, επιπλέον, με το λογισμικό πακέτο στατιστικής ανάλυσης SPSS 16.0.
Για τους σκοπούς της μελέτης αναλύθηκαν αναδρομικά τα αποτελέσματα της κυτταρομετρίας ροής στο μυελό των οστών 148 ασθενών με ΟΜΛ κατά την εμφάνιση της νόσου, κατά την διάρκεια και μετά από θεραπεία. Αναλύθηκε η έκφραση των αντιγόνων CD11b/CD16/CD13 σε όλα τα στάδια ωρίμανσης της μυελικής σειράς, ενώ η έκφραση των αντιγόνων CD34/CD117 μόνο στα άωρα κύτταρα. Τα ευρήματα του ανοσοφαινοτύπου συγκρίθηκαν με τα μορφολογικά χαρακτηριστικά των αντίστοιχων μυελών των οστών.
Συμπερασματικά, τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι, η έκφραση των αντιγόνων CD11b και CD13 στα μεταμυελοκύτταρα και ουδετερόφιλα των ασθενών διακρίνει αποτελεσματικά τους ασθενείς με de novo ΟΜΛ σε σχέση με αυτούς που εμφάνισαν ΟΜΛ μετά από ΜΔΣ. Στους ασθενείς με de novo ΟΜΛ η έκφραση των αντιγόνων CD11b, CD13, CD16 δεν διέφερε κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΛ στους υποπληθυσμούς των προμυελοκυττάρων, μυελοκυττάρων, μεταμυελοκυττάρων και ουδετερόφιλων μεταξύ των ασθενών που κατά ή μετά την θεραπεία εμφάνισαν μυελοδυσπλασία, σε σχέση με αυτούς που δεν εμφάνισαν. Επίσης, η θετική συν- έκφραση των αντιγόνων CD34/CD117 στους λευχαιμικούς βλάστες κατά την εμφάνιση δεν συσχετίζονταν με την εμφάνιση ΜΔΣ μετά την θεραπεία. Αντίθετα, η υψηλή έκφραση του λευχαιμικού φαινοτύπου CD34+/CD117- στα άωρα κύτταρα της μυελικής σειράς κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΜΛ, έδειξε ότι σχετίζεται με την εμφάνιση μυελοδυσπλαστικών χαρακτηριστικών μετά τη θεραπεία. Η ανάλυση των ανοσοφαινοτύπων του μυελού των οστών κατά ή μετά την θεραπεία έδειξε παθολογική έκφραση CD11b, CD13, CD16 στα μεταμυελοκύτταρα και ουδετερόφιλα των ασθενών που εμφάνισαν ΜΔΣ μετά θεραπεία για de novo ΟΜΛ και ασθενών (5/17) που δεν εμφάνισαν ΜΔΣ. Συμπερασματικά, η έκφραση των αντιγόνων CD11b, CD16 και CD13 στα ώριμα κύτταρα της μυελικής σειράς κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΜΛ διαχωρίζει αποτελεσματικά την de novo ΟΜΛ από την δευτεροπαθή μετά ΜΔΣ. Η έκφραση αυτών των αντιγόνων κατά την εμφάνιση της ΟΜΛ δεν μπορεί, όμως, να προβλέψει την εξέλιξη της de novo ΟΜΛ και την εμφάνιση δυσπλαστικών χαρακτηριστικών μετά τη θεραπεία. Αντιθέτως, η μελέτη των λευχαιμικών φαινοτύπων CD34+/CD117- και CD34+/CD117+ μπορεί να παίξει καθοριστικό ρόλο στην πρόγνωση της εμφάνισης μυελοδυσπλαστικών χαρακτηριστικών κατά τη διάρκεια ή μετά τη θεραπεία του ασθενούς. / --
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Etude des longs ARNs non codants dans la leucémie aiguë myéloblastique à caryotype normal / Study of long non coding RNAs in acute myeloid leukemia with normal karyotypeDe Clara, Etienne 26 November 2015 (has links)
Les longs ARN non codants (lncRNAs) sont définis comme des transcrits de plus de 200nt et n'ayant pas de potentiel codant. Des études récentes ont démontré que les lncRNAs pouvaient être impliqués dans la régulation de la transcription, de la traduction, de la différenciation cellulaire, de l'expression génique, du cycle cellulaire et des modifications de la chromatine. De plus, il a été montré un impact fonctionnel de certains lncRNAs dans le processus de cancérogenèse mais nos connaissances actuelles sur ces molécules dans le cancer, et plus particulièrement dans la leucémie, restent extrêmement limitées. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons analysé l'expression des lncRNAs par RNA-sequencing sur 40 patients atteints de leucémie aiguë myéloblastique (LAM) à caryotype normal. Parmi les 11065 lncRNAs exprimés dans nos échantillons, nous avons identifié une signature de lncRNAs associée à la mutation de NPM1. Afin de mettre en évidence les fonctions putatives des lncRNAs sélectionnés, nous avons utilisé un algorithme de prédiction d'interaction protéine/ARN. De manière intéressante, plus de la moitié des lncRNAs présentent des sites d'interactions potentiels à SUZ12, une sous unité du complexe PRC2 (Polycomb repressive complex 2), connu pour être recruté par des lncRNAs pour la régulation épigénétique de gènes cibles. Par RNA immunoprécipitation (RIP) de SUZ12, nous avons pu démontrer que le lncRNA XLOC_087120 interagissait avec SUZ12. De plus, son expression est anti-corrélée avec celle des gènes voisins codants des histones, suggérant un rôle dans la régulation négative des histones par ce lncRNA. L'impact de la dérégulation de XLOC_087120 sur les histones a été confirmé par des expériences de surexpression et d'inhibition de ce lncRNA dans des lignées de LAM. De plus, même si la mutation NPM1 ne semble pas affecter directement l'expression de ce lncRNA, des expériences d'infection de la forme mutée de NPM1 dans une lignée LAM ont montré que NPM1 pourrait réguler la localisation nucléaire/cytoplasmique de XLOC_087120 et moduler sa fonction de répresseur. En conclusion, ces données suggèrent que les lncRNAs sont des facteurs clés dans la pathogenèse des LAMs. / Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are defined as RNA transcripts that are larger than 200 nt but do not appear to have protein- coding potential. Recent studies have demonstrated that lncRNAs regulate many processes such as transcription, translation, cellular differentiation, gene expression regulation, cell cycle regulation, and chromatin modification. Cumulative evidence points towards an important role of lncRNAs in cancer initiation, development, and progression. However, our overall knowledge of lncRNAs in cancer, including leukemia, remains extremely limited. In this study, we investigated lncRNA expression by RNA-sequencing in 40 acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients with normal karyotype. Among 11065 lncRNA expressed in our samples, we identified specific lncRNA signature associated with the presence of NPM1 mutation. To go further into the putative function of these lncRNAs, we used catRAPID Omics algorithm to predict potential protein partners. Interestingly, the majority of the selected lncRNAs contains putative SUZ12 binding sites, a PRC2 (Polycomb Repressive Complex 2) component known to be linked to lncRNAs and to epigenetically regulates target genes. By using SUZ12 RNA Immunoprecipitation, we identify one lncRNA named XLOC_087120 linked to SUZ12. XLOC_087120 is located in a region enriched in histone genes. Pearson correlation showed a significative anti-correlation between XLOC_087120 and histone neighboring coding gene expression suggesting a role of this lncRNA in the regulation of histone genes. The impact on histone genes expression was confirmed by overexpression and inhibition of XLOC_087120 in AML cell lines. Overexpression of NPM1 mutant in an AML cell line showed that NPM1 modulates the nuclear/cytoplasmic localization of XLOC_087120 and consequently its repressive function. Altogether, these data suggest that lncRNAs should be considered as key players in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemias.
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Microenvironnement médullaire et résistance des LAM FLT3-ITD aux inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase : Rôle pivot du récepteur TAM AXL / Microenvironment favors FLT3-ITD AML resistance to FLT3-TKI through hypoxia- and STAT5- dependent upregulation of AXLDumas, Pierre-Yves 10 October 2017 (has links)
La duplication interne en tandem au sein du gène du Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) est l’une des mutations les plus fréquemment observées dans les leucémies aiguës myéloblastiques (LAM). Elle est corrélée à un mauvais pronostic. Des inhibiteurs de tyrosine kinase anti-FLT3 (FLT3-ITK) sont en cours de développement mais les premiers essais cliniques ont été décevants. Les rémissions sont de courte durée, et si une clairance leucémique sanguine est observée, la LAM persiste au sein de la moelle osseuse. Dans ce travail, nous avons démontré que les cytokines activatrices de STAT5, telles que l’interleukine-3 et la thrombopoïétine, et les basses pressions en oxygène, telles que celles observées au sein de la niche hématopoïétique augmentent l’expression et l’activité du récepteur tyrosine kinase AXL qui protège les cellules de LAM FLT3-ITD de l’apoptose induite par le FLT3-ITK quizartinib (AC220). Nous avons démontré dans un modèle murin que les cellules de LAM FLT3-ITD « knock-down » pour AXL sont plus sensibles au quizartinib, et que cette différence se révèle spécifiquement dans un modèle de prise de greffe hématopoïétique. La combinaison de stratégies inhibitrices du FLT3-ITD et d’AXL permettra d’améliorer l’efficacité des FLT3-ITK en atteignant la fraction de cellules responsable des rechutes, nichée dans son microenvironnement. A l’issue, nous avons démontré que le gilteritinib (ASP2215), double FLT3/AXL-ITK est plus efficace que le quizartinib pour atteindre ces cellules leucémiques médullaires. Enfin, nous avons démontré que la combinaison d’un anticorps monoclonal anti-AXL avec un FLT3-ITK ou de la cytarabine était une stratégie thérapeutique prometteuse dans les LAM FLT3-ITD ou sauvage. / Internal tandem duplication in Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 gene (FLT3-ITD) is the most frequent mutation observed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and correlates with poor prognosis. FLT3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (FLT3-TKI) have been promising for therapeutic strategies but clinical trials have revealed rarely long-lasting remission with persistent leukemic cells present in the bone marrow. In this work, we show that the hematopoietic niche microenvironment protects FLT3-ITD AML cells from FLT3-TKI quizartinib (AC220) through convergent up-regulation of AXL expression and activity. Cytokine-dependent activation of STAT5 enhances AXL gene transcription and expression, while low O2 concentration up-regulates AXL protein levels. Moreover, cytokines such as thrombopoietin or interleukin-3 directly activate AXL. RNA interference-based inhibition of AXL expression in FLT3-ITD AML cells allowed a selective purge of leukemic cells within their microenvironment when combined with FLT3-TKI in immuno-compromised mice. Altogether, our data support a strategy combining FLT3-TKI and anti-AXL therapy to eradicate FLT3-ITD AML cells, including those protected by the hematopoietic niche. In such a setting, we performed a study to test the efficacy of gilteritinib (ASP2215) and we showed in vitro and in vivo that this dual FLT3/AXL-TKI is more efficient to eradicate leukemic cells in their microenvironment than quizartinib which is a more specific FLT3-TKI. Finally, we also studied an anti-AXL monoclonal antibody on primary AML cells and showed that its efficacy could be interesting with FLT3-TKI and cytarabine in both FLT3-wild type and FLT3-ITD AML.
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Avalia??o dos marcadores celulares por citometria de fluxo nos portadores de leucemia mieloide aguda atendidos no Hemocentro do Rio Grande do Norte-HemonorteVasconcelos, Roberto Chaves de 24 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:16:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
RobertoCV_DISSERT.pdf: 2201581 bytes, checksum: a5ed04f6ae5794f328192fe513bdf03f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-02-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a disease in which malignant myeloblasts
expand, build up and suppress normal hematopoietic activity would represent a
major diagnostic challenge. With the advent of immunophenotyping by flow
cytometry, the diagnosis of these tumors have become more faithful, facilitating the
treatment and monitoring of patients. The objectives of this study: diagnosis and
classification of AML based on immunophenotyping by flow cytometry with a panel of
AcMo specific for acute leukemias, set the frequency of AML in samples from
patients with acute leukemias sent to the Department of Hematology Blood Center of
Rio Grande do Norte - HEMONORTE, establish standards of antigen expression for
different subtypes of acute leukemia and its correlation with the newly diagnosed
cases refractory to treatment and recurrence of the disease, standardization of
methods for detection and labeling of surface antigens by flow cytometry and
intracytoplasmic flow, and observe the frequency of acute leukemia with aberrant
phenotypes rare. During the study, 351 were diagnosed acute leukemia, and 179
(51%) classified as AML and 172 (49%) and ALL, which were excluded from the
present work. Of the 179 AML, 92 (51.4%) were female and 87 (48.6%) were male,
with ages ranging from 3 to 95 years of ag, with higher incidence in individuals in the
age group of 41 to 65. Splenomegaly was the clinical finding more present, a total of
147 cases (82.1%), followed by hepatomegaly present in 132 cases (73.7%). The
hemorrhagic events were observed in 55 cases (30.7%). Lymphadenopathy in turn
was detected in 20 of 179 cases (11.2%). In order to classify subtypes of AML, we
used a large panel of monoclonal antibodies, obtaining the following results: AML
M0, 02 (1.1%) AML M1, 40 (22.3) AML M2, 60 (33.5) AML M3, 22 (12.3%) AML M4,
10 (5.6) AML M5, 13 (7.3%) AML M6 06 (3.4%) and AML M7 01 (0.6%). We
observed some cases with aberrant expression of some antigens such as CD7, CD4,
CD19, CD3, CD5 and TdT, CD 7 was present in 30 (16.8%), CD4 in 5 (2.8%), the CD
3 in 5 (2.8%), the CD19 in 3 (1.7%), the CD5 in 3 (1.7%) and TDT was in 7 (3.9%)
cases of AML .the CD8 and CD79a was present in only a 1 case. / A Leucemia Miel?ide Aguda (LMA) ? uma doen?a maligna em que os mieloblastos
expandem-se, acumulam-se e suprimem a atividade hematopo?tica normal,
constituindo um grande desafio diagn?stico. Com o advento da imunofenotipagem
por citometria de fluxo, o diagn?stico dessas neoplasias se tornaram mais fi?is,
facilitando o tratamento e o acompanhamento dos pacientes. Foram objetivos deste
estudo: diagnosticar e classificar as LMA com base na imunofenotipagem por
citometria de fluxo, com um painel de AcMo espec?fico para leucemias agudas;
estabelecer a frequ?ncia de LMA nas amostras de pacientes com leucemias agudas
encaminhadas ao Departamento de Hematologia do Hemocentro do Rio Grande do
Norte HEMONORTE; estabelecer padr?es de express?o antig?nica para os
diversos subtipos de leucemias agudas e a sua correla??o com os casos rec?m
diagnosticados, refrat?rios ao tratamento e recorr?ncia da doen?a; padroniza??o dos
m?todos de detec??o e marca??o de ant?genos de superf?cie e intracitoplasm?tico
por citometria de fluxo; e observar a freq??ncia de leucemias agudas com fen?tipos
aberrantes raros. Durante o estudo, foram diagnosticados 351 leucemias agudas,
sendo 179 (51%) classificadas como LMA e 172 (49%) como LLA, as quais foram
exclu?das do presente trabalho. Das 179 LMA, 92 (51,4%) eram do sexo feminino e
87 (48,6%) do sexo masculino, com faixa et?ria variando de 3 a 95 anos de idade,
com maior incid?ncia em indiv?duos na faixa et?ria de 41 a 65 anos. A
esplenomegalia foi o achado cl?nico mais presente, perfazendo um total de 147
casos (82,1%), seguida da hepatomegalia presente em 132 casos (73,7%). Os
fen?menos hemorragicos foram observado em 55 casos ( 30,7%). A linfoadenopatia
por sua vez foi constatada em 20 dos 179 casos (11,2%). Para classifica??o dos
subtipos de LMA foi utilizado um painel amplo de anticorpos monoclonais, obtendo
os seguintes resultados: LMA M0, 02 (1.1%) LMA M1, 40 (22.3) LMA M2, 60 (33.5)
LMA M3, 22 (12.3%) LMA M4, 10 (5.6) LMA M5, 13 (7.3%) LMA M6 06 (3.4%) e
LMA M7 01 (0.6%). Foram observados alguns casos com express?o aberrante de
alguns ant?genos tais como CD7, CD4, CD19, CD3, CD5 e TdT, O CD7 esteve
presente em 30 (16,8%) , o CD4 em 5 (2,8%), o CD 3 em 5 (2,8%), o CD19 em 3
(1,7%), o CD5 em 3 (1,7%) e o TDT esteve em 7 (3,9%) casos de LMA
diagnosticados.O CD8 e o CD79a esteve presente em apenas um 1 caso.
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Avaliação do efeito da suplementação com proteínas lácteas sobre pacientes com leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA), na mucosite induzida por quimioterápicos e em células leucêmicas / Evaluation of the effect of the supplementation with milk proteins on patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in chemotherapy-induced mucositis and leukemic cellsZiegler, Fabiane La Flor 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Valdemiro Carlos Sgarbieri / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T14:32:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Ziegler_FabianeLaFlor_D.pdf: 4176640 bytes, checksum: fccef651838684499cf4cf698073b39e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O objetivo geral da presente pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito de um concentrado de proteínas do soro do leite bovino (WPC) enriquecido com o fator de crescimento e transformação beta (TGF-?) e lactoferrina, em pacientes pediátricos com Leucemia Mieloide Aguda - LMA (Capítulo 2); desenvolver um modelo de mucosite gastrointestinal induzida por quimioterápicos, em ratos Wistar, para posterior avaliação da eficácia das proteínas lácteas na proteção da mucosa (Capítulo 3); avaliar os efeitos pelo WPC e por uma caseína comercial, in vivo e in vitro sobre células leucêmicas humanas transplantadas em camundongos imunodeficientes (NOD/SCID) e em cultura de células (Capítulo 4). Para todos os estudos foi utilizado WPC enriquecido com TGF-??e lactoferrina doado pela empresa Hilmar Cheese Company (Cal, USA). No capítulo 2 realizou-se estudo de intervenção nutricional, prospectivo, duplo cego com placebo controlado, onde foram avaliados 21 pacientes, entre 0 a 19 anos, virgens de terapia, admitidos no Centro Infantil Boldrini, Campinas - SP. Foram avaliados quanto à adequação da ingestão alimentar, estado nutricional (EN), dosagem de glutationa (GSH) eritrocitária, hemograma, produção de citocinas no plasma e em cultura de células, imunoglobulina A salivar e evolução da mucosite. Foram comparados os resultados bioquímicos dos pacientes com um grupo controle de indivíduos saudáveis da mesma faixa etária. Utilizou-se o software SPSS para as análises estatísticas (p<0,05). O protocolo de pesquisa foi aprovado pela Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP) com registro 14097. Tomados em conjunto os resultados indicaram que o WPC apresentou efeito positivo sobre o EN dos pacientes, porém não influenciou na composição corporal. A distribuição % dos macronutrientes estava adequada em todos os tempos para os grupos WPC e maltodextrina (placebo), mas o % de adequação dos micronutrientes não atendia às recomendações em sua maioria. As análises bioquímicas não evidenciaram superioridade do WPC em relação ao placebo. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos sobre a avaliação clínica da mucosite oral. Na comparação dos pacientes com LMA e indivíduos saudáveis (controle) pode-se constatar níveis estatisticamente superiores do controle nos parâmetros bioquímicos de albumina, pré-albumina, eritrócitos, hematócrito, hemoglobina, plaquetas, produção de fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-?), interleucina 6 (IL-6), interleucina 10 (IL-10) e interferon gama (IFN-?) quando estimuladas pela vacina BCG liofilizada e produção de IL-6 quando estimulada por fitohemaglutinina (PHA). No entanto, para a concentração de GSH eritrocitária e produção espontânea das citocinas TNF-??e IFN-??verificou-se que os pacientes com LMA apresentaram níveis estatisticamente superiores em relação ao controle saudável. No capítulo 3 foi elaborado um protocolo de indução de mucosite em ratos Wistar testando-se os quimioterápicos 5-Fluoruracila (5-FU) e sulfato de vincristina (SV), em administrações de diferentes concentrações e número de doses. Através desse experimento concluiu-se que o SV não foi um bom agente indutor de mucosite, ao contrário do 5-FU. A partir desses resultados foram realizados experimentos com 5-FU visando ajuste das condições dos experimentos inclusive do número, periodicidade e concentração das doses do quimioterápico. O melhor modelo de indução de mucosite gastrointestinal foi obtido através da administração de 3 doses de 5-FU com intervalo de 3 dias entre cada dose, nas concentrações entre 50 e 70 mg/Kg/dose. Os índices bioquímicos não foram influenciados pelo efeito da peletização da dieta e, de modo geral não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos tratados com WPC e com caseína. Independente da natureza da proteína (WPC ou caseína) observou-se maior proteção contra o 5-FU quando os animais receberam as dietas previamente à administração do quimioterápico. Ao contrário do esperado, o estímulo imunológico com hemáceas de carneiro não promoveu aumento nos níveis de GSH nos eritrócitos. As proteínas do soro do leite protegeram a mucosa, em termos de promover menor intensidade de mucosite, nos períodos mais críticos (72h após a 2ª e a 3ª dose de 5-FU) nas regiões de maior prevalência, duodeno e jejuno, quando se comparou com os resultados obtidos para os grupos tratados com caseína. Para os experimentos in vivo, do capítulo 4, utilizaram-se células de leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA) pediátrica humana, isoladas de pacientes do Centro Infantil Boldrini, as quais foram inoculadas em camundongos NOD/SCID. Nesses experimentos, utilizou-se dieta AIN-93G com WPC ou caseína e dieta comercial e o quimioterápico SV. Avaliou- se: peso corporal, consumo de dieta, razão entre peso dos órgãos (rim, baço e fígado) e peso corporal, evolução da leucemia, tempo de sobrevida, hemograma e níveis de glutationa em eritrócitos do sangue periférico. Nos experimentos in vitro foram usadas 6 linhagens celulares: K562 (Leucemia Mieloide Crônica), Nalm-6 (Leucemia Linfóide Aguda do tipo B), Jurkat (Leucemia Linfóide Aguda do tipo T), CEM (Leucemia Linfóide Aguda do tipo T), RAMOS (Linfoma Burkitt) e HL-60 (Leucemia Mieloide Aguda). Foram testadas a citotoxicidade (IC50) do WPC, a viabilidade celular e os níveis de glutationa total nas células leucêmicas estudadas em 4 tempos (0, 24, 48 e 72h) e 4 condições diferenciadas (células; células + WPC; células + WPC + ARAC-C; células + ARA-C). Todos os resultados, tanto do capítulo 3 como do 4, foram analisados através do software ¿Statística: Basic Statistics and Tables¿. Não houve diferença entre o WPC e a caseína em relação aos parâmetros avaliados nos experimentos in vivo, exceto na análise de Doença Residual Mínima (DRM), na qual a caseína se mostrou mais efetiva que o WPC. Constatou-se superioridade do WPC sobre os resultados de peso corporal, razão dos rins e baço pelo peso e evolução da leucemia em relação aos animais tratados com dieta comercial. Não foi possível verificar um efeito sinergístico entre o WPC e o quimioterápico sulfato de vincristina. No que se refere aos experimentos in vitro, o WPC apresentou IC50 para Nalm-6 de 6,72 mg/mL e para a linhagem CEM de 11,84 mg/mL. Verificou-se que as linhagens K562, Nalm-6 e HL-60 apresentaram perfis semelhantes em relação à viabilidade celular. No entanto, em relação à produção de glutationa total, cada linhagem comportou-se de maneira diferenciada, sendo que a maior produção em todas as condições e tempos estudados, foi para a linhagem HL-60 seguida pela K562 / Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of a bovine milk whey protein concentrate (WPC), enriched with transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) and lactoferrin in pediatric patients with Acute Myeloide Leukemia (AML) (Chapter 2); in a chemotherapic-induced gastrointestinal mucositis model in Wistar rats (Chapter 3); evaluate in human leukemic cells in culture or transplanted into immune-deficient mouse NOD/SCID (Chapter 4). WPC enriched with TGF-ß and lactoferrin was donated by Hilmar Cheese Company (Cal, USA). Chapter 2 describes a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, prospective clinical trial of nutritional intervention with participation of 21 therapy-naïve patients with AML aged 0-19 years from Centro Infantil Boldrini, Campinas, SP. Food intake, nutritional status, red blood cell glutathione (GSH) concentration, haemogram, cytokine concentration in plasma and cell cultures, salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA) and evolution of mucositis were studied. Health individuals at the same age range were used as a control group. The statistical analysis was done using SPSS software (p < 0.05). The research protocol was approved by the National Committee of Ethics in Research (CONEP), resgistered by the number 14097. WPC showed a positive effect in the nutritional status of the patients, but it did not influence their body composition. Percentual distribution of macronutrients was adequate in all times of analyses for both WPC and maltodextrin (placebo) groups, but the percentage of adequacy of the majority of micronutrients did not reach recommendation. Other laboratorial analyses and evolution of mucositis did not show any difference between WPC and placebo groups. Comparison of AML patients with a group of healthy control showed higher concentrations of albumin, prealbumin, haematocrit, hemoglobin, platelets, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine-stimulated tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), interleukin 6 (IL-6), interleukin 10 (IL-10) and interferon gamma (IFN-?) and phytohemaglutinin (PHA)- stimulated IL-6 in controls. On the other hand, patients with AML had higher red blood cell glutathione concentration and spontaneous TNF-a and IFN-??production in comparison to controls. Chapter 3 describes the experiments envolved in the development of a chemotherapic-induced model of mucosites, in Wistar rats, in which 5-Fluoruracila (5-FU) and Vincristine Sulfate (VS) were used, in various concentrations and number of doses. Through this experiment it was concluded that the VS was not a good promoter of mucositis in rats, unlike 5-FU. From these results, experiments were performed with 5-FU considering conditions of the experiments including the number, frequency and concentration of the doses of chemotherapic. The best model was obtained by the administration of 3 doses of 5-FU, each with a 3-days interval and concentrations in the range of 50 to 70 mg/Kg/dose. Haematological parameters and erythrocyte glutathione (GSH) were not influenced by pelletization of the diet and no difference was found between WPC and casein groups. Independent of the protein type (casein or WPC) the effect of 5-Fluoruracila was less deleterious when the diets were offered prior to the chemotherapic treatment. Contrary to expected, sheep red blood cells did not stimulate higher production of erythrocyte GSH by the WPC. WPC decreased mucosites intensity better than casein protecting the mucosa during the most critical periods (72h after 2nd and 3rd doses of 5-FU) in the intestinal regions of major prevalence of mucositis (duodenum and jejunum). More studies are required to support the WPC benefit in the protection and recovery of the mucosa GIT in experimental animal models, and possibly in humans. In chapter 4, cells originated from patients with Acute Lymphoid Leukemia (ALL) from Centro Infantil Boldrini were inoculated in NOD/SCID mice. The animals were fed with commercial diet or AIN-93G diet with WPC or casein as the only protein source and used the chemotherapic vincristine sulfate. Body weight, diet ingestion, ratio between organs (kidney, spleen and liver) and body weight, leukemia evolution, survival time, haemogram and glutathione levels were evaluated. The cell lineages K562 (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia), Nalm-6 (B cell, ALL), Jurkat (T cell, ALL), CEM (T cell, ALL), RAMOS (Burkitt¿s Lymphoma) and HL-60 (AML) were used for the in vitro assays, in which WPC cytotoxicity (IC50), cell viability and glutathione levels were accessed in four different times (0, 24, 48 and 72h) and conditions (cells; cells + WPC; cells + WPC + ARA-C; cells + ARA-C). Data were submitted to statistic analysis by using the: Basic Statistics and Tables software. There was no differences between WPC and casein in relation to the parameters evaluated in vivo, with the exception of the analysis of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD), in which casein seemed to be more effective than WPC. Results on body weight, ratio between organs and body weight and evalution of leukemia were better for the WPC group when compared with animals fed commercial diet. No synergistic effect between the WPC and vincristine sulfate could be observed. In the in vitro experiments, WPC IC50 was 6,72 mg/mL for Nalm-6 and 11,84 mg/mL for CEM cells. K562, Nalm-6 and HL-60 cell lineages showed similar viability profiles. However, each lineage produced different total glutathione concentration in the culture medium, with a higher production achieved by HL-60 cells, followed by K562 cells / Doutorado / Nutrição Experimental e Aplicada à Tecnologia de Alimentos / Doutor em Alimentos e Nutrição
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A proteína FEZ1 e a formação dos núcleos multilobulados / FEZ1 and formation of the flower-like nucleiMigueleti, Deivid Lucas dos Santos, 1988- 06 April 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Jorg Kobarg / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T03:42:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: A proteína UNC-76 foi identificada como necessária para a fasciculação e elongação de axônios do verme Caenorhabditis elegans durante o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso. A homóloga de mamíferos FEZ1 apresenta altos níveis de expressão em tecidos neuronais e camundongos knockout para o gene FEZ1 apresentam desvios de comportamento que remetem a desordens neurológicas. O papel de FEZ1 no desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso parece residir na sua associação com elementos do citoesqueleto e vias de sinalização (e.g., PKC?, E4B, DISC1) que conduzem o crescimento axonal e a polarização celular. Trabalhos do grupo mostram que FEZ1 é uma proteína multifuncional (hub), capaz de interagir com mais de 50 parceiros através de seus domínios coiled-coil. Além disso, a superexpressão de FEZ1 em células HEK293 provoca o aparecimento de núcleos multilobulados, um fenótipo comum em alguns tipos de leucemia. Nesse trabalho foi investigado o papel de FEZ1 nos mecanismos causadores dos núcleos multilobulados e as consequências funcionais de sua superexpressão na viabilidade celular, tentando extrapolar esse modelo para leucemias. Análises in silico de diversas leucemias mostraram que FEZ1 está superexpressa em LMAs e que isso pode se relacionar à ocorrência da fusão 11q23/MLL. A expressão de FEZ1 na linhagem leucêmica THP-1 foi detectada por Western blotting, mas, a expressão em PBMCs de pacientes ainda permanece sem provas empíricas. Para avaliar as consequências funcionais da superexpressão, uma linhagem com expressão estável e indutível foi obtida e utilizada em ensaios de proliferação e resistência a quimioterápicos. Porém, não foram observadas diferenças entre as linhagens expressando a fusão FLAG-FEZ1 e as que expressavam o FLAG tag apenas. Em um ensaio de IP-MS utilizando tais linhagens, foram identificadas proteínas cuja interação com FEZ1 pode ser modulada pela atividade de PKCs. Finalmente, a cotransfecção de FEZ1 inteira com coiled-coils C-terminais diminui a formação de núcleos multilobulados em quase 40%. A transfecção com o mutante FEZ1 nocys contendo 5 cisteínas mutadas não teve o mesmo efeito, mas, novos experimentos são necessários para determinar o potencial de sinergismo que esses dois componentes podem ter sobre a ocorrência desse fenômeno / Abstract: The protein UNC-76 was identified as necessary for fasciculation and elongation of axons of the worm Caenorhabditis elegans during development of the nervous system. The mammalian homologue FEZ1 is mostly expressed in neuronal tissues and FEZ1 knockout mice present behavior abnormalities that resemble neurological disorders. The role of FEZ1 in the development of the nervous system seems to lie in its association with cytoskeletal elements and signaling pathways (e.g., PKC?, E4B, DISC1) regulating axon outgrowth and cell polarization. The studies of our group have shown that FEZ1 is a hub, able to interact with more than 50 partners through its coiled-coil domains. Furthermore, overexpression of FEZ1 in HEK293 cells causes the appearance of flower-like nuclei, a common phenotype to certain types of leukemia. In this work the role of FEZ1 in the mechanisms of flower-like nuclei formation and functional consequences of its overexpression on cell viability were investigated, attempting to extrapolate this model for leukemias. In silico analysis of several leukemias showed that FEZ1 is overexpressed in AML patients and that this may relate to the occurrence of 11q23/MLL genetic fusion. FEZ1 expression in leukemic THP-1 cells was detected by Western blotting, but the expression in PBMCs of leukemic patients still lacks empirical evidence. To assess the functional consequences of overexpression, cell lineage with stable and inducible expression of FEZ1 was obtained and used in proliferative assays. However, it was not observed any differences between lineages expressing FLAG-FEZ1 fusion protein or FLAG tag alone. IP-MS assay using these lineages identified proteins whose interaction with FEZ1 could be modulated by the activity of PKCs. Finally, cotransfection of C-terminal coiled-coils and FEZ1 full-length decreases flower-like nuclei formation to nearly 40%. Transfection with FEZ1nocys mutant containing five substituted cysteines did not play the same, but further experiments are needed to determine the potential synergism these two components may have on this phenomenon / Mestrado / Genetica Animal e Evolução / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular
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Caractérisation moléculaire des leucémies aigües myéloïdes avec dysmyélopoïèse / Molecular characterization of acute myeloid leukemia with myelodysplasia related changesDevillier, Raynier 31 October 2014 (has links)
Les leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM) avec dysplasie, identifiées par la classification OMS 2008 sous le nom de LAM-MRC (« AML with myelodysplasia-related changes »), sont actuellement définies par la présence de critères cliniques, cytologiques et cytogénétiques. Elles forment un groupe hétérogène tant sur le plan biologique que pronostique. Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que la caractérisation moléculaire des LAM-MRC pourrait permettre d'identifier des marqueurs spécifiques associés à ces pathologies et d'en distinguer différents sous-groupes. Nous avons mis en évidence que les LAM-MRC de risque cytogénétique intermédiaire présentent un profil mutationnel spécifique caractérisé par un taux élevé de mutation d'ASXL1 et une faible proportion de mutations de DNMT3A, NPM1 et FLT3. Les LAM-MRC de risque cytogénétique défavorable, essentiellement complexes et/ou monosomales, sont quant à elle associées aux mutations de TP53. Alors que les critères actuels des LAM-MRC ne permettent pas d'en stratifier le pronostic, nous avons montré que les mutations d'ASXL1 ou de TP53 sont des facteurs pronostics péjoratifs majeurs. Ainsi, une reclassification basée sur la présence de ces altérations moléculaires exclusives entre elles permettrait d'affiner le diagnostic et la stratification pronostique de ces maladies. Enfin, dans une stratégie de médecine personnalisée combinant le séquençage à haut débit à des tests de sensibilité thérapeutique in vitro, l'identification de tels marqueurs moléculaires permettraient de prédire la réponse aux traitements, de guider les choix thérapeutiques et d'orienter le développement de nouvelles drogues. / Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with myelodysplasia-related changes (AML-MRC) as reported in the WHO 2008 classification are defined by the presence of clinical, morphological and cytogenetic criteria. AML-MRCs are heterogeneous diseases with prognostic heterogeneity. We hypothesized that molecular characterization of AML-MRC could identify specific molecular markers and disease subgroups. We showed that AML-MRCs with intermediate cytogenetic risk harbor a specific mutational profile characterized by a high frequency of ASXL1 mutations and a low incidence of DNMT3A, NPM1 and FLT3 mutations. Unfavorable cytogenetic risk AML-MRCs, especially due to complex and/or monosomal karyotypes, are associated with TP53 mutations. While WHO criteria do not stratify the prognosis of AML-MRC patients, we showed that the mutations of ASXL1 or TP53 are major poor prognostic factors. The criteria defining AML-MRC do not identify distinct clinical and biological subgroups and do not predict outcome of patients with AML-MRC. In contrast, ASXL1 and TP53-mutated AML identify two distinct biological subgroups of AML-MRC with very poor outcome. This molecular characterization could be useful to redefine AML-MRC in a future classification aiming at merging biological characterization and specific prognostic value. Finally, we showed that a personalized treatment approach combining next generation sequencing and in vitro drug screening could be useful to predict therapeutic response and to guide both treatment choices and new targeted drug developments.
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The Clinical Significance of Diagnostic Red Cell Distribution Width in Patients with Acute Myeloid LeukemiaVucinic, Vladan 21 December 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a highly heterogeneous disease which renders risk stratification at diagnosis of high importance to personalize therapy. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) offers the highest chance for sustained remission in most AML patients, but usually comes at the risk of a significant treatment-related mortality. The red cell distribution width (RDW) is an universally accessible parameter that identifies individuals with a higher mortality in many diseases, including some hematological entities. However, the impact of diagnostic RDW levels in AML – especially in the context of a HSCT consolidation - has not been evaluated so far.
Purpose: To evaluate the prognostic impact of RDW levels at AML diagnosis.
Methods: A total of 294 newly diagnosed AML patients (median age 60.6, range 14.3-76.5 years), with available diagnostic RDW levels were retrospectively included in this analysis. All patients received a consolidation therapy with an allogeneic HSCT in curative intention between August 2007 and December 2020 at the University Medical Center Leipzig. The RDW was measured in all patients at AML diagnosis before the start of cytoreductive therapies.
Results: RDW levels at diagnosis were highly variable (median 16.6%, range 12%-30.6%) and above the upper level of normal (>15%) in 73% of the analyzed AML patients. Patients with RDW levels above 15% did not have worse outcomes compared to patients with low diagnostic RDW levels. However, when the cohort was dichotomized according to a receiver operating characteristic (ROC)-based optimal cut-point (20.7%), patients with high RDW levels had a significantly higher non-relapse mortality (NRM), shorter overall survival and a trend for shorter event-free survival, while the risk of relapse or disease progression was similar in both groups. In multivariate analyses, the RDW remained an independent prognostic factor for higher NRM after adjustment for the body mass index at diagnosis. Patients with a higher RDW were more likely to harbor a secondary AML, as well as to harbor secondary AML-associated gene mutations (i.e. JAK2, ASXL1, or spliceosome mutations, especially SRSF2).
Conclusion: High RDW levels at diagnosis represent an independent risk marker for a higher mortality following allogeneic HSCT. When confirmed in prospective clinical trials, the RDW might help to personalize AML consolidation therapy including conditioning regimens before allogeneic HSCT.:1. Bibliographische Beschreibung
2. Abkürzungsverzeichnis
3. Einführung / Introduction
3.1. Acute Myeloid Leukemia
3.1.1. Definition
3.1.2. Epidemiology and etiology
3.1.3. Clinical presentation
3.1.4. Diagnosis of AML Morphology Immunophenotyping Cytogenetic and molecular analyses
3.1.5. AML classification according to WHO classification
3.1.6. Prognostic factors in AML Patient-related risk factors Genetic risk factors Measurable residual disease
3.1.7. Treatment of AML Induction therapy in curative intention Consolidation therapies Palliative treatment approaches New substances
3.2. Allogeneic HSCT
3.2.1. Principles of allogeneic HSCT
3.2.2. Conditioning regimens
3.3. Red cell distribution width
4. Aufgabenstellung / Objectives
5. Materialien und Methoden / Materials and Methods
5.1. Patients and treatments
5.1.1. Treatment protocols
5.1.2. Allogeneic HSCT and immunosuppression
5.1.3. Assessment of GvHD
5.2. Disease characterization
5.2.1. Evaluation at AML diagnosis Morphology Flow cytometry Genetic analyses Evaluation of RDW levels
5.2.2. Evaluation at HSCT Definition of remission status at HSCT Evaluation of measurable residual disease at HSCT
5.3. Statistical Analyses
5.3.1. Associations
5.3.2. Clinical endpoints
5.3.3. Definition of an optimal cut-point for RDW levels
5.3.4. Multivariate analyses
6. Ergebnisse / Results
6.1. Overall outcomes of the patient cohort
6.2. RDW levels at AML diagnosis regarded as continous parameter
6.3. The role of RDW levels at diagnosis as a predictor for outcomes after
allogeneic HSCT
6.4. Associations of RDW levels at diagnosis
7. Diskussion / Discussion
8. Zusammenfassung / Summary
9. Literaturverzeichnis / References
10. Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit
11. Curriculum Vitae
12. Komplette Publikationsliste (Peer-reviewed)
13. Danksagung
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Etude du rôle d’ASXL2 dans l'hématopoïèse normale et pathologique / Role of ASXL2 in Normal and Malignant HematopoiesisMicol, Jean-Baptiste 23 March 2016 (has links)
Les gènes ASXL (ASXL1, ASXL2 et ASXL3) sont les homologues mammifères du gène Additional sex combs (Asx) présent chez la Drosophile. En 2009, des mutations somatiques impliquant ASXL1 ont été identifiées chez ~ 10-20% des patients atteints d’hémopathies myéloïdes. Le rôle et l’implication des autres membres de la famille dans l’hématopoïèse normale et pathologique sont encore inconnus.Dans ce travail, nous avons identifié pour la 1ère fois, par séquençage haut débit, des mutations somatiques récurrentes d’ASXL2 (22,7%) chez des adultes et enfants atteints de leucémies aiguës myéloïdes (LAM) avec translocation t(8 ;21) (c.-à-d AML1-ETO (AE) ou RUNX1/RUNX1T1). Ces mutations n’ont pas été retrouvées dans d’autres sous types de LAM et sont mutuellement exclusives des mutations d’ASXL1. Le séquençage de l'ARN (RNAseq) d'échantillons de patients a révélé un profil transcriptionnel spécifique chez les patients mutés pour ASXL2. Bien que la survie globale soit similaire, les patients porteurs de mutations d’ASXL1 ou ASXL2 ont une incidence cumulative de rechute de 54,6% et 36,0% comparativement à 25% pour les patients non mutés (P = 0,226). Ces résultats, évoquant une coopération entre ASXL1/2 et AE lors de la leucémogenèse, sont importants car les t(8 ;21) sont parmi les anomalies cytogénétiques les plus fréquentes en matière de LAM. D’autre part, il est bien établi que AE nécessite la coopération d’altérations géniques supplémentaires pour induire la leucémie.Nous avons ensuite exploré le rôle d’ASXL2 dans l’hématopoïèse normale. Nous avons d’abord démontré in vitro que les mutations d’ASXL2 entrainent une diminution de son expression. Nous avons ensuite généré un modèle de souris invalidées pour Asxl2 (KO conditionnel). Par transplantations compétitive et non compétitive, nous avons montré que le KO pour Asxl2 ou Asxl1 et Asxl2 (double KO) induit une diminution et un défaut d’auto renouvellement des cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) ainsi que des cytopénies, avec un phénotype plus sévère que le KO d’Asxl1 seul. L’analyse du transcriptome (par RNAseq) des CSH a révélé un nombre de gènes dérégulés par la perte d’Asxl2 25 fois plus important qu’avec Asxl1. De plus les gènes dérégulés par la perte d’Asxl2 recoupent les cibles transcriptionnelles d’AML1-ETO. Ces données suggérant qu’Asxl2 pourrait être un médiateur important de la leucémogenèse, nous avons ensuite étudié le rôle d’ASXL2 dans les LAM avec t(8 ;21). In vitro, par CHIP Seq, nous avons mis en évidence, dans des lignées t(8;21), un enrichissement des sites de liaisons à l’ADN d’ASXL2 au niveau de ceux d’AML1-ETO. De plus, en infectant ces lignées avec un shRNA dirigé contre ASXL2, nous avons étudié la marque H3K4me1 qui est augmentée de façon majeure dans le contexte leucémique. Afin de comprendre les effets in vivo d’ASXL2 dans la leucémogenèse, nous avons réalisé des greffes de cellules de moelle osseuse de souris KO infectées avec un rétrovirus pour AE9a. Ces souris développent une LAM plus rapidement que les souris contrôles AE9a lors de greffes secondaires, suggérant à nouveau un rôle spécifique d’Asxl2. Afin d’élucider le mécanisme impliqué, nous avons réalisé de l’ATAC seq sur ces souris et mis en évidence des différences importantes dans l’accessibilité de la chromatine, notamment au niveau des gènes Hoxa et Meis1.Pour la première fois, nous décrivons l’incidence des mutations d’ASXL2 dans les LAM et le rôle d’ASXL2 dans l’hématopoïèse. Nous suggèrerons un rôle spécifique dans les LAM avec t(8;21), qui pourrait être associé à des modifications de la marque d’histone H3K4me1. Ces spécificités pourraient résulter en de nouvelles options thérapeutiques chez les patients. / The ASXL family of genes (ASXL1, ASXL2, and ASXL3) are mammalian homologs of the Drosophilia Additional sex combs (Asx) gene. In 2009 somatic mutations involving ASXL1 were originally identified in ~10-20% of patients with myeloid malignancies. Despite this association, alterations in other ASXL family members and their potential function in normal or malignant hematopoiesis were unknown.We identified, by next generation sequencing, the surprising finding of highly recurrent somatic ASXL2 mutations (22.7%) in adult and pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients bearing the AML1-ETO (AE) translocation (i.e. RUNX1/RUNX1T1, t(8;21)). Interestingly these mutations were only found in patients with t(8 ;21) and mutually exclusive with ASXL1 mutations. RNA sequencing (RNAseq) of primary AE AML patient samples revealed that ASXL2-mutants form a distinct transcriptional subset of AE AML. Although overall survival was similar between ASXL1 and ASXL2 mutant t(8;21) AML patients and their wild-type counterparts, patients with ASXL1 or ASXL2 mutations had a cumulative incidence of relapse of 54.6% and 36.0%, respectively, compared with 25% in ASXL1/2 wild-type counterparts (P=0.226). These findings are of immediate biological importance as AE translocations are amongst the most common cytogenetic alterations in AML and it is well established that AE requires additional genetic alterations to induce leukemogenesis.Given the above human genetic data, we set out to perform a functional comparison of ASXL1 and ASXL2 on hematopoiesis and determine the functional basis for frequent mutations in AE AML. In vitro analyses of ASXL2 mutations revealed that these mutations resulted in substantial reduction of ASXL2 protein expression. We therefore generated Asxl2 conditional knockout (cKO) mice to delineate the effect of ASXL2 loss on hematopoiesis. Competitive and noncompetitive transplantation revealed that Asxl2 or compound Asxl1/2 loss resulted in cell-autonomous, rapid defects of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) function, self-renewal, and number with peripheral blood leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. RNA-seq of HSCs revealed twenty-fold greater differentially expressed genes in Asxl2 cKO mice relative to Asxl1 cKO mice. Interestingly, genes differentially expressed with Asxl2 loss significantly overlapped with direct transcriptional targets of AE, findings not seen in Asxl1 cKO mice.Overall, the above data suggest that Asxl2 may be a critical mediator of AE leukemogenesis. To functionally interrogate the role of ASXL2 loss in leukemogenesis we first utilized an in vitro model with RNAi-mediated depletion of ASXL2 in the SKNO1 cell line. Anti-ASXL2 and AE ChIPSeq revealed significant co-occupancy of ASXL2 with AE binding sites. Moreover, analysis of histone modification ChIP-Seq revealed an enrichment in intergenic and enhancer H3K4me1 abundance following ASXL2 loss. Next, to understand the in vivo effects of Asxl2 loss in the context of AE, we performed retroviral bone marrow (BM) transplantation assays using AE9a in Asxl2 cKO mice. In contrast to the failure of HSC function with Asxl2 deletion alone, mice reconstituted with BM cells expressing AE9a in Asxl2-deficient background had a shortened leukemia-free survival compared to Asxl2-wildtype control. Moreover, ATAC Sequencing showed an increase of chromatin occupancy with Asxl2 loss at known leukemogenic loci, including the HoxA and Meis1 loci.Overall, these data reveal that ASXL2 is required for hematopoiesis and has differing biological and transcriptional functions from ASXL1. Moreover, this work identifies ASXL2 as a novel mediator of AE transcriptional function and provides a new model of penetrant AE AML based on genetic events found in a substantial proportion of t(8;21) AML patients. Further interrogation of the enhancer alterations generated by ASXL2 loss in AE AML may highlight new therapeutic approaches for this subset of AML
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