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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Models for investigation of flexibility benefits in unbalanced low voltage smart grids / Modèles pour l'étude des apports de la flexibilité dans les réseaux smart grids basse tension déséquilibrés

Benoit, Clémentine 19 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des apports de la flexibilité dans les réseaux Smart Grids Basse Tension. Ces derniers étant fondamentalement différents des réseaux Moyennes et Hautes Tensions, la gestion des flexibilités BT ne peut être calquée sur celle des réseaux MT et HT. De nouveaux moyens de contrôle doivent donc être développés. L'apport de ces flexibilité est analysé selon deux principaux bénéfices: la gestion opérationnelle la réduction de la pointe. Le premier apport porte donc sur le maintien des variables critiques à l'interieur des contraintes admissibles. Le but est de pouvoir gérer le réseau au plus près de ses limites, et donc d'éviter d'avoir à le renouveler, nottament en cas d'insertion importante de production décentralisée ou de véhicules électriques. La flexibilité utilisée est la gestion coordonnée des production décentralisées (puissances actives, réactives et phase de connection) et d'un régleur en charge. Le second porte sur la réduction de la pointe de consommation, soit au niveau du transformateur, soit au niveau national. La flexibilité utilisée est le délestage du chauffage électrique pendant une courte durée, suivie d'un rebond de puissance lorsque le chauffage est rallumé. / This thesis investigates the potential contributions of flexibilities in Low Voltage Smart Grids. These networks are intrinsically different than Medium and High Voltages networks, so that the control of LV flexibilities cannot be directly taken from MV and HV networks, and new methods should be developed. The contribution of these flexibilities is studied through two main benefits: improved network operation and peak shaving. The first benefit focuses on maintaining the critical variables within the admissible constraints. The objective is to manage the network closer to its limits, reducing the need for margins, and therefore the need for upscaling. This is especially true in case of significant insertion of distributed generations or electric vehicles. The studied flexibility is the coordinated management of decentralized generation (active and reactive powers, phase switch) and a tap changer. The second benefit concerns the reduction of the peak consumption, either at the transformer, either at the national level. The studied flexibility is the shedding of electric heating for a short time, followed by a rebound when the heating is turned back on.

A reconstrução da memória da resistência em Roma e Turim: a autobiografia de Carla Capponi e o diário de Ada Gobetti / The reconstruction of the memory of the resistance in Rome and Turin: the autobiography of Carla Capponi and the diary of Ada Gobetti

Maldonado, Rafaela Souza [UNESP] 28 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafaela Souza Maldonado null (rafaela_maldonado@hotmail.com) on 2017-01-20T12:08:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Rafaela M.pdf: 1654669 bytes, checksum: d62fcd1665bdff8cab105fe84c54a8e9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-01-24T16:42:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 maldonado_rs_me_assis.pdf: 1654669 bytes, checksum: d62fcd1665bdff8cab105fe84c54a8e9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-24T16:42:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 maldonado_rs_me_assis.pdf: 1654669 bytes, checksum: d62fcd1665bdff8cab105fe84c54a8e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Nos últimos anos, publicações e reedições de obras em que o testemunho é a principal característica narrativa afirmam as identidades de determinados grupos. Assim, buscamos na literatura italiana, com temática da Resistência, obras que sustentam esta ideia e uma interpretação do modo de lidar com a memória de um período significativo no contexto da Segunda Guerra. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e comparar duas obras de autoria feminina nas quais as autoras reconstroem a memória partigiana a partir de suas experiências, neste episódio que foi marcante para a tradição e cultura italiana. Para isso nos embasaremos nas teorias da literatura de teor testemunhal de períodos autoritários, observando os aspectos literários; da micro-história, ressaltando as obras como materiais úteis para o estudo da História; e memorialístico, discutindo o valor da memória para a história e literatura, preservando a cultura italiana e demonstrando a característica híbrida e fronteiriça das obras. Com a apresentação destas teorias analisaremos as obras autobiográfica e diarística de Carla Capponi e Ada Gobetti, respectivamente, Con cuore di donna e Diario Partigiano. / In the last years, publications and re-editions of literary works in which the testimony is the main narrative feature affirm the identities of particular groups. Thus, we search in the Italian literature, with the theme of the Resistance, works that support this idea and an interpretation of the way of how to deal with the memory of a significant period in the World War II context. Therefore, this study aims to analyze and compare two works of female authorship in which the authors reconstruct the partisan memory from their experiences, in this remarkable episode for the Italian tradition and culture. To do so, we will rely on theories of the literature’s testimonial wording of authoritarian periods, observing the literary aspects; of the micro - history, emphasizing the works as useful materials for the study of History; and memorialistic, discussing the value of memory for the History and Literature, preserving the Italian culture and demonstrating the hybrid and frontier characteristic of the works. With the presentation of these theories we will analyze the autobiographical and diaristic works of Carla Capponi and Ada Gobetti, respectively, Con cuore di donna and Diario Partigiano. / CNPq: 168643/2014-6

Olimp?ada de L?ngua Portuguesa: ressignifica??o de pr?ticas de leitura e escrita

Fernandes, Francisca Vane?se Andrade 10 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-12T17:41:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaVaneiseAndradeFernandes_DISSERT.pdf: 2565480 bytes, checksum: d836eea68abf554370480d29130edf2a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-20T17:53:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaVaneiseAndradeFernandes_DISSERT.pdf: 2565480 bytes, checksum: d836eea68abf554370480d29130edf2a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-20T17:53:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscaVaneiseAndradeFernandes_DISSERT.pdf: 2565480 bytes, checksum: d836eea68abf554370480d29130edf2a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-10 / A busca por ressignifica??es no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na educa??o b?sica vem ocasionando o desenvolvimento de pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para o ensino de l?ngua materna, tais como a Olimp?ada de L?ngua Portuguesa (OLP). Para contribuir com essa busca, este projeto de interven??o tem como objeto de estudo as pr?ticas de leitura e escrita desenvolvidas na OLP por meio do modelo did?tico advindo dos projetos de letramento (KLEIMAN, 2001). Assim, visando ao objetivo geral de ressignificar pr?ticas de leitura e escrita de estudantes do 7? ano, estabelecemos tr?s objetivos espec?ficos: a) participar de um concurso nacional de escrita; b) realinhar conceitual e metodologicamente as aulas de L?ngua Portuguesa nas turmas de 7? ano em fun??o do trabalho desenvolvido; c) qualificar pr?ticas de leitura e escrita desenvolvidas nesse processo de constru??o de conhecimentos. Para tanto, fundamentamo-nos na hist?ria do ensino de L?ngua Portuguesa no Brasil (SOARES, 2002), na concep??o dial?gica de l?ngua(gem) (BAKHTIN, VOLOCH?NOV ([1929] 2009), nos Estudos de Letramento (KLEIMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; TINOCO, 2008; OLIVEIRA; TINOCO; SANTOS, 2011; STREET, 2014), no conceito de comunidade de aprendizagem (AFONSO, 2001), nos estudos sobre retextualiza??o (OLIVEIRA, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2010), no g?nero discursivo mem?rias liter?rias (CLARA; ALTENFELDER; ALMEIDA, 20--), nos ind?cios de autoria (POSSENTI, 2002) e na Lingu?stica Textual (MARCUSCHI, 2008; ANTUNES, 2009; KOCH, 2011). Metodologicamente, esta pesquisa qualitativa de vertente etnogr?fica (L?DKE; ANDR?, 1986; ANDR?, 2005) ancora-se na Lingu?stica Aplicada (MOITA LOPES, 1996). Colaboraram nesta pesquisa os alunos do 7? ano, professores, equipe gestora e pais de alunos, al?m de pessoas externas ? comunidade escolar. Os instrumentos utilizados para a gera??o de dados foram: entrevista semiestruturada, textos dos alunos, grava??es em ?udio e em v?deo, fotografias, material da OLP (caderno do professor, colet?nea de textos e CD-ROM). Os dados gerados nos permitiram estabelecer as seguintes categorias de an?lise em rela??o aos textos produzidos: autoria, informatividade, progress?o discursiva, estrutura composicional, estilo e aspectos lingu?sticos. Os resultados alcan?ados evidenciam que o projeto de letramento desenvolvido possibilitou tamb?m macroaltera??es: pr?ticas de leitura e escrita, antes consideradas objeto de estudo estritamente escolar, foram transformadas em pr?ticas sociais, por meio das quais diferentes agentes de letramento puderam, colaborativamente, agir. Para tanto, fizeram entrevistas, cartas de solicita??o, of?cios, mem?rias liter?rias, apresenta??es orais de poemas e de relatos de experi?ncia. Vivenciaram uma premia??o local e participaram de um concurso nacional. Produziram um v?deo e um livro com hist?rias e ilustra??es de autoria dos alunos. Em suma, vivenciaram pr?ticas de escrita que ultrapassam a sala de aula e a rela??o professor-aluno. / The search for new meanings in the basic education teaching-learning process has caused the development of public policies for mother language teaching, such as the Portuguese Language Olympics (OLP). To contribute to this search, this intervention project has as object of study reading and writing practices developed in the OLP through the educational model arising from literacy projects (TINOCO, 2008). In working towards, the general aim of reframing reading and writing practices through the PLO, developed from the teaching model that comes of literacy projects, we established three specific objectives: a) reflect on a national writing contest; b) to realign conceptual and methodological the Portuguese classes of the 7th grade school due to the developed project; c) to improve the reading and writing practices of the students in 7th grade of school where we operate. Therefore, we base ourselves in the history of Portuguese teaching in Brazil (SOARES, 2002; GERALDI, 2008), the dialogical conception of language (BAKHTIN, VOLOCH?NOV [1929] 2009; SOARES, 1998; FARACO, 2009) in Literacy Studies (KLEIMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; TINOCO, 2008; OLIVEIRA; TINOCO; SANTOS, 2011; STREET, 2014), the learning community concept (AFONSO, 2001), in studies of retextualization (OLIVEIRA, 2005; MARCUSCHI, 2010), gender discursive literary memories (CLARA; ALTENFELDER; ALMEIDA, 20--), in written evidence (POSSENTI, 2002) and Textual Linguistics (MARCUSCHI, 2008; ANTUNES, 2009; KOCH, 2011; SILVA [et. al.], 2013). Methodologically, this qualitative research (L?DKE; ANDR?, 1986; ANDR?, 2005) is anchored in Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 1996). This research was supporting by students in the 7th grade, teachers, management team and parents, as well as people outside of school community. The instruments used for the generation of data were semi-structured interview, students? texts, audio recordings and video, photos, OLP material (teacher's book, a collection of texts and CD-ROM). The data generated allowed us to establish the following categories of analysis in relation to the texts produced: authorship, in formativeness, discursive progression, compositional structure, content, style, and language aspects. In addition, throughout the project, the collaborators have produced texts of various genres: oral interview and written request letter, legal, literary memories, oral and experience report. Also experienced a local award and participated in a national competition. They produced a video and a book with stories and student authorship of illustrations. The results achieved show that the literacy project developed also allowed macro changes: reading and writing practices, once considered strictly school studied, they were transformed into broader social practices, through which various literacy agents were able to collaboratively act. In short, they experienced writing practices that go beyond the classroom and the teacher-student relationship.

Estudo da influ?ncia de sistemas microemulsionados na molhabilidade de arenitos e na recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo

Firmino, Priscilla Cibelle Oliveira de Souza 27 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-07-22T15:37:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PriscillaCibelleOliveiraDeSouzaFirmino_DISSERT.pdf: 2931554 bytes, checksum: 875d45632f3b9ed21653471af9188d59 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-27T23:33:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 PriscillaCibelleOliveiraDeSouzaFirmino_DISSERT.pdf: 2931554 bytes, checksum: 875d45632f3b9ed21653471af9188d59 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T23:33:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PriscillaCibelleOliveiraDeSouzaFirmino_DISSERT.pdf: 2931554 bytes, checksum: 875d45632f3b9ed21653471af9188d59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-27 / Ag?ncia Nacional do Petr?leo - ANP / As rochas reservat?rio do tipo arenito s?o comumente respons?veis por acumula??es de petr?leo. A molhabilidade ? um par?metro fundamental para as propriedades f?sicas do reservat?rio, uma vez que interfere em caracter?sticas como a permeabilidade relativa ? fase aquosa, a distribui??o de ?leo residual no reservat?rio, as caracter?sticas de explora??o com inunda??es de ?gua e a recupera??o do petr?leo bruto. Este estudo consistiu em aplicar diferentes tipos de sistemas microemulsionados - SME - nos reservat?rios de arenito e avaliar as suas influ?ncias na molhabilidade e na recupera??o do petr?leo residual. Para tanto, foram obtidos quatro sistemas microemulsionados diferindo quanto ? natureza i?nica dos tensoativos (i?nicos e n?o i?nico). A caracteriza??o dos sistemas obtidos revelaram microemuls?es, que atrav?s de an?lises de tens?o superficial, massa espec?fica, di?metro de part?cula e viscosidade numa faixa de temperatura de 30 a 70?C foram caracterizadas. O petr?leo estudado foi caracterizado como do tipo leve e a rocha arenito ? proveniente da forma??o Botucatu. O estudo da influ?ncia dos sistemas microemulsionados na molhabilidade do arenito foi realizado atrav?s de medidas de ?ngulos de contato utilizando como par?metros o tempo de tratamento da rocha com SME e ap?s o contato salmoura-superficie, verificando o comportamento da varia??o de ?ngulo. Os resultados desse estudo mostraram que a rocha inicialmente de molhabilidade mista, para ap?s tratamento com os SME, teve sua molhabilidade invertida para molh?vel a ?gua. Em rela??o ao tempo de contato rocha-SME, foi evidenciado que a molhabilidade da rocha teve mais altera??o quando houve maior tempo de contanto entre sua superf?cie e os sistemas microemulsionados, como tamb?m que s? houve uma redu??o significativa para os primeiros 5 minutos de intera??o entre a superf?cie j? tratada e a salmoura. Os melhores resultados foram para o sistema microemulsionado ani?nico de tensoativo sintetizado, o cati?nico comercial, o ani?nico comercial e n?o i?nico, respectivamente. Para a atua??o dos sistemas na recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo, todos apresentaram um percentual significativo de ?leo recuperado, com os melhores resultados para o sistema ani?nico, que atingiu a um percentual de 80% de recupera??o, comprovando os resultados do estudo da molhabilidade, que mostrou a influ?ncia desta propriedade sobre a intera??o entre os fluidos e a rocha reservat?rio e a capacidade dos sistemas microemulsionados para a recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo em reservat?rios de arenito. / Sandstone-type reservoir rocks are commonly responsible for oil accumulation. The wettability is an important parameter for the physical properties of the container, since it interferes in characteristics such as relative permeability to the aqueous phase, residual oil distribution in the reservoir, operating characteristics with waterflood and recovery of crude oil. This study applied different types of microemulsion systems - MES - in sandstone reservoirs and evaluated their influences on wettability and residual oil recovery. For this purpose, four microemulsion were prepared by changing the nature of ionic surfactants (ionic and nonionic). Microemulsions could then be characterized by surface tension analysis, density, particle diameter and viscosity in the temperature range 30? C to 70? C. The studied oil was described as light and the sandstone rock was derived from the Botucatu formation. The study of the influence of microemulsion systems on sandstone wettability was performed by contact angle measurements using as parameters the rock treatment time with the MES and the time after the brine surface contact by checking the angle variation behavior. In the study results, the rock was initially wettable to oil and had its wettability changed to mixed wettability after treatment with MES, obtaining preference for water. Regarding rock-MES contact time, it was observed that the rock wettability changed more when the contact time between the surface and the microemulsion systems was longer. It was also noted only a significant reduction for the first 5 minutes of interaction between the treated surface and brine. The synthesized anionic surfactant, commercial cationic, commercial anionic and commercial nonionic microemulsion systems presented the best results, respectively. With regard to enhanced oil recovery performance, all systems showed a significant percentage of recovered oil, with the anionic systems presenting the best results. A percentage of 80% recovery was reached, confirming the wettability study results, which pointed the influence of this property on the interaction of fluids and reservoir rock, and the ability of microemulsion systems to perform enhanced oil recovery in sandstone reservoirs.

Nano emuls?es aplicadas a recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo

Souza, Tamyris Thaise Costa de 07 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TamyrisTCS_DISSERT.pdf: 4523567 bytes, checksum: 5cb932282090a7b64afe68ca95b0fd6f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-07 / 2020-01-01 / A explora??o de petr?leo est? a cada dia em circunst?ncias mais adversas, no que diz respeito ? profundidade dos po?os como tamb?m, em rela??o ? fluidez do ?leo. Os reservat?rios de descobertas recentes n?o possuem energia pr?pria para produzir ou os m?todos convencionais n?o s?o eficientes para fazer com que esses reservat?rios tenham uma vida ?til elevada, devido a altera??es das propriedades f?sico-qu?micas, como por exemplo a viscosidade, que torna o deslocamento do ?leo pelos poros do reservat?rio at? a superf?cie cada vez mais complexo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a prepara??o, caracteriza??o e a utiliza??o de nanoemuls?es obtidas a partir de sistemas microemulsionados, com e sem a presen?a de pol?mero. Esses sistemas foram aplicados como m?todo qu?mico de recupera??o de petr?leo, com o intuito de obter maior efici?ncia de volume de ?leo deslocado. O interesse por esse tipo de sistema existe devido a sua baixa tens?o superficial, o pequeno tamanho de got?cula e, principalmente, pelo baixo percentual de mat?ria ativa presente em sua composi??o. Os ensaios realizados para caracterizar esses sistemas foram: aspecto f?sico, medidas de tamanho de got?cula, ?ndice de polidispers?o, tens?o superficial, pH e condutividade. Ensaios de reologia e de adsor??o dos sistemas foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar sua influencia na recupera??o de petr?leo. Os ensaios de recupera??o foram realizados em um equipamento que simula as condi??es de um reservat?rio de petr?leo, utilizando plugs de rocha arenito Botucatu. Esses plugs foram saturados com salmoura (KCl 2%) e com petr?leo proveniente da Bacia Potiguar do campo de Ubarana. Ap?s essas etapas foi realizada a recupera??o convencional utilizando a salmoura e, por ?ltimo, foi injetada, a nanoemuls?o, como m?todo de recupera??o avan?ada. Os sistemas obtidos variaram de 0% ? 0,4% de pol?mero. Os ensaios de tamanhos de part?cula obtiveram como resultado uma varia??o de 9,22 a 14,8 nm, caracterizando que as nanoemuls?es est?o dentro da faixa de tamanho inerente a esse tipo de sistema. Para ensaios de tens?o superficial os valores foram na faixa de 33,6 a 39,7 dynas/cm, valores semelhantes ? microemuls?es e bem abaixo da tens?o superficial da ?gua. Os resultados obtidos para os valores de pH e condutividade se mantiveram est?veis ao longo do tempo de armazenamento, essa avalia??o indica estabilidade das nanoemuls?es estudadas. O teste de recupera??o avan?ada utilizando nanoemuls?o com baixo percentual de mat?ria ativa obteve como resultado de efici?ncia de deslocamento 39,4%. Por?m esse valor foi crescente, de acordo com o aumento do percentual de pol?mero na nanomeuls?o. Os resultados de efici?ncia de deslocamento de petr?leo est?o diretamente relacionados com o aumento da viscosidade das nanoemuls?es. A nanoemuls?o V (0,4% pol?mero) ? o sistema mais viscoso dentre os analisados, e obteve o maior percentual de ?leo deslocado (76,7%), resultando na maior efici?ncia de deslocamento total (90%). Esse estudo mostrou o potencial de sistemas nanoemulsionados, com e sem pol?meros, na recupera??o avan?ada de petr?leo. Eles apresentam algumas vantagens com rela??o a outros m?todos de recupera??o avan?ada, como: o baixo percentual de mat?ria ativa, baixo ?ndice de adsor??o do pol?mero, dissolvido em nanoemuls?o, na rocha e alta efici?ncia de recupera??o

Avalia??o comportamental e neuroqu?mica de ratos em dessincroniza??o for?ada: poss?veis implica??es para um modelo animal de oscila??es no humor

Koike, Bruna Del Vechio 05 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrunaDVK_TESE.pdf: 3409051 bytes, checksum: 592cd1d3c7cff938d0233ff18eb69b2e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Bipolar disorder has been growing in several countries. It is a disease with high mortality and has been responsible by the social isolation of the patients. Bipolar patients have alterations in circadian timing system, showing a phase shift in various physiological variables. There are several arguments demonstrating alterations in circadian rhythms may be part of the bipolar disorder pathophysiology. Given the necessity for further elucidation, the goal of this study was to validate the forced desynchronization protocol as an animal model for bipolar disorder. To do this, Wistar rats were submitted to a forced desynchronization protocol which consists in a symmetrical light dark cycle with 22h. Under this protocol, rats dissociate the locomotor activity rhythm into two components: one synchronized to the light / dark cycle with 22h, and another component with period longer than 24 hours following the animal endogenous period. These rhythms with different periods sometimes there is coincidence, which we named CAP (Coincidence Active Phase) and the opposite phase, non-coincidence, called NCAP (Non-Concidence Active Phase). The hypothesis is that in CAP animals present a mania-like behavior and animals in NCAP depressive-like behavior. We found some evidence described in detail throughout this thesis. In sum, the animals under forced desynchronization protocol were more stressed, showed an increase in stereotypic behaviors such as grooming and reduction in other behaviors such as risk assessment and vertical exploration when compared to the control group. The CAP animals showed increased locomotor activity, especially during the dark phase when compared to controls (rats under T24) and less depressive behavior in the forced swim test. The animals in NCAP showed a higher anxiety in elevated plus maze, but they don t have ahnedonia. The animals under dissociation have more labeled 5HT1A cells at the amygdala area, which appoint that they have more amygdala inhibition. Taking these data together, we could partially validated the forced desynchronization protocol as an animal model for mood oscillations / Os indiv?duos com Transtorno Bipolar apresentam altera??es no sistema de temporiza??o circadiano, mostrando deslocamento de fase em diversas vari?veis fisiol?gicas. Muitos argumentos demonstram que altera??es nos ritmos circadianos podem ser parte da fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar. Dada a necessidade de maior elucida??o sobre a fisiopatologia da doen?a, o objetivo deste trabalho foi a valida??o do protocolo de dessincroniza??o for?ada como modelo animal para o transtorno bipolar. Para isso, submetemos ratos Wistar ao protocolo de dessincroniza??o for?ada que consiste num ciclo de claro/escuro sim?trico de 22h. Sob este protocolo, os ratos dissociam o ritmo da atividade locomotora em dois componentes r?tmicos: um sincronizado ao ciclo claro/escuro imposto de 22h; e outro componente com per?odo maior que 24h que segue o per?odo end?geno do animal. Como esses ritmos possuem per?odos diferentes acabam coincidindo em alguns momentos, o que nomeamos de CAP (do ingl?s coincidence active phase) e a fase oposta, de n?o coincid?ncia, chamamos de NCAP (do ingl?s non-concidence active phase). A hip?tese ? que em CAP os animais apresentassem um comportamento semelhante aos indiv?duos bipolares em estado de mania e os animais em NCAP, sintomas semelhantes aos indiv?duos na fase depressiva. Encontramos algumas evid?ncias que est?o descritas detalhadamente ao longo desta tese. Em resumo dos dados comportamentais temos que os animais em dessincroniza??o for?ada mostram-se mais estressados, com a atividade explorat?ria reduzida e avalia??o de risco prejudicada. Os animais no momento CAP s?o menos depressivos e apresentam maior atividade locomotora concentrada na fase escura. Enquanto os animais em NCAP apresentam maior ansiedade, mas n?o apresentam anedonia. Atrav?s dos testes farmacol?gicos vimos que a dessincroniza??o foi abolida, mas n?o foi poss?vel mensurar se a atividade dos animais volta aos n?veis basais. Encontramos que os animais dissociados apresentam maior n?mero de c?lulas marcadas para o receptor serotonin?rgico 5HT1A na regi?o da am?gdala, supostamente indicando que h? uma maior inibi??o da am?gdala nestes animais. Tomando os dados em conjunto, conseguimos validar parcialmente o protocolo de dessincroniza??o for?ada como modelo animal para oscila??es do humor

Optimization Models for Selecting Bus Stops for Accessibility Improvements for People with Disabilities

Wu, Wanyang 26 March 2009 (has links)
Bus stops are key links in the journeys of transit patrons with disabilities. Inaccessible bus stops prevent people with disabilities from using fixed-route bus services, thus limiting their mobility. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 prescribes the minimum requirements for bus stop accessibility by riders with disabilities. Due to limited budgets, transit agencies can only select a limited number of bus stop locations for ADA improvements annually. These locations should preferably be selected such that they maximize the overall benefits to patrons with disabilities. In addition, transit agencies may also choose to implement the universal design paradigm, which involves higher design standards than current ADA requirements and can provide amenities that are useful for all riders, like shelters and lighting. Many factors can affect the decision to improve a bus stop, including rider-based aspects like the number of riders with disabilities, total ridership, customer complaints, accidents, deployment costs, as well as locational aspects like the location of employment centers, schools, shopping areas, and so on. These interlacing factors make it difficult to identify optimum improvement locations without the aid of an optimization model. This dissertation proposes two integer programming models to help identify a priority list of bus stops for accessibility improvements. The first is a binary integer programming model designed to identify bus stops that need improvements to meet the minimum ADA requirements. The second involves a multi-objective nonlinear mixed integer programming model that attempts to achieve an optimal compromise among the two accessibility design standards. Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques were used extensively to both prepare the model input and examine the model output. An analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was applied to combine all of the factors affecting the benefits to patrons with disabilities. An extensive sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the reasonableness of the model outputs in response to changes in model constraints. Based on a case study using data from Broward County Transit (BCT) in Florida, the models were found to produce a list of bus stops that upon close examination were determined to be highly logical. Compared to traditional approaches using staff experience, requests from elected officials, customer complaints, etc., these optimization models offer a more objective and efficient platform on which to make bus stop improvement suggestions.

Determining Anomalies in Radar Data for Seedbed Tine Harrow Operation

Winbladh, William, Persson, Karl January 2022 (has links)
The agricultural industry is constantly evolving with automation as one of the current main focuses. This thesis involves the automation of a seedbed tine harrow, specifically the control of the tillage depth. The tillage depth is instrumental to farming as it determines the quality of the tilth, how well clods are broken up, and how well the soil aggregates are sorted. Poor control of the tillage depth could result in a bad harvest for the farmer. To control the tillage depth, several pulse radar sensors are installed on the harrow. The sensors measure the distance from the tines of the harrow to the ground. This distance is used in a control-loop that controls the hydraulic actuators that lifts and pushes down the frame of the harrow. Because of the rough working conditions of the tine harrow, the pulse radar sensors are in danger of being damaged or disturbed. A sensor not working as intended will lead to poor control of the tillage depth or even an unstable control system. The purpose of this thesis is to develop diagnosis systems to detect and generate an alarm if the output of a sensor is faulty. Four different systems are developed, three machine learning approaches and one model based approach. To be able to test and train models without having to go out on a field with a real harrow, a test rig is available. The test rig emulates a harrow driving on a field and the tests are designed to imitate plausible sensor errors. The models trained on and tuned to the test rig data are validated with data gathered from a real tine harrow.  The validation data from the harrow reveal that the main difference between the field data and test rig data are the vibrations and the sensor heights. The test rig produces negligible amounts of vibrations whereas the vibrations on a real harrow are immense. These differences affect the performances of the models and some tuning have to be done to the models to accommodate for the vibrations. The performance of the model based approach is good and no larger adjustments have to be made to it. The machine learning models created from the test rig data do not work in the field and new models are trained using field data. The new models are accurate and show great potential; albeit, it would be necessary to collect a lot more data for further training. Specifically, training the machine learning models on varying heights. In conclusion, the test rig data is similar to the field data but the vibrations in the system is missing and the heights differ. The missing vibrations results in that the models do not work as intended on field data. The conventional diagnostics approach works, but the generated alarms are binary meaning that the alarm only reveal if the signal is good or bad and does not provide any nuance. The machine learning models does provide nuance, meaning that the model can detect errors, what is causing the error, and warn if an error is about to occur. However, the machine learning models need a lot of data to train on to make this happen.

An Examination of Disability Stereotypes in Medical Dramas Before and After the Passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Lewis, Allison M. 26 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Leadership Characteristics of Dietetic Professionals in Ohio

Weaver, Diane N. 25 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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