Spelling suggestions: "subject:"das"" "subject:"adas""
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Fusion von Unfallszenarien für die Repräsentativitätsüberprüfung eines Testszenarienkataloges zur Absicherung automatisierter FahrfunktionenDziuba-Kaiser, Linda 06 March 2020 (has links)
Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Bewertung und Durchführung der Fusion von zwei Datensätzen, die auf Basis der Statistik der Straßenverkehrsunfälle des statistischen Bundesamtes konstruiert werden. Für die Fusionierung wird die Methode der statistischen Datenfusion angewendet. Die zu fusionierenden Datensätze werden auf die Ausgangslage der Datenfusion und Unfalldatenbanken angepasst. Anhand der Zusammenhangsstärke und Verteilung werden die passenden Variablen, die für die Datenfusion verwendet werden können, identifiziert und ausgewählt. Für die Datenfusion werden verschiedene nichtparametrische
Verfahren unter der bedingten Unabhängigkeitsannahme (Distanz-Hot-Deck, Random-Hot-Deck) und unter der Beibehaltung der Unsicherheit (Imprecise Imputation) durchgeführt. Zusätzlich werden Qualitätsstufen mit einbezogen, um die Auswirkung von veränderten Variablen auszuwerten. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Datenfusion unter der bedingten Unabhängigkeit allgemein eine unsichere Methode ist, die jedoch unter Umständen für bivariate Analysen vielversprechende Ergebnisse erzielen kann.:1. Einleitung
2. Grundlagen
3. Aufbau der simulierten Datensätze
4. Datenfusion
5. Ergebnisse
6. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Koexistenz von AUTOSAR Softwarekomponenten und Linux-Programmen für zukünftige High Performance Automotive SteuergeräteJann, Christian 11 March 2016 (has links)
Moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme und der Weg zum autonomen Fahren stellen immer größere Anforderungen an die Steuergeräte Hard- und Software im Fahrzeug. Um diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen kommen vermehrt hochperformante Steuergeräte mit einer heterogenen Prozessorarchitektur zum Einsatz. Ein Safety-Prozessor, auf dem ein standardmäßiges AUTOSAR-Betriebssystem ausgeführt wird, übernimmt dabei die echtzeitkritischen und sicherheitsrelevanten Aufgaben wohingegen die rechenintensiven und dynamischen Aufgaben auf einem sehr viel leistungsfähigeren Performance-Prozessor unter einem POSIX-Betriebssystem wie zum Beispiel Linux ausgeführt werden. Hierbei soll es ermöglicht werden unter dem Linux System ebenfalls AUTOSAR Softwarekomponenten und Module auszuführen, welche beispielsweise die im Fahrzeug verwendeten Kommunikationsprotokolle umsetzen oder weniger sicherheitskritische Aufgaben erfüllen. Auf diese Weise lassen sich andere Steuergeräte im Fahrzeug entlasten. Dazu wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Softwarearchitektur entwickelt, die es ermöglicht AUTOSAR-Komponenten direkt in einer Linux-Umgebung auszuführen. Des Weiteren wurde eine einfache und effiziente Kommunikation zwischen AUTOSARKomponenten und Linux-Applikationen erarbeitet.
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Vehicle Collision Risk Prediction Using a Dynamic Bayesian Network / Förutsägelse av kollisionsrisk för fordon med ett dynamiskt Bayesianskt nätverkLindberg, Jonas, Wolfert Källman, Isak January 2020 (has links)
This thesis tackles the problem of predicting the collision risk for vehicles driving in complex traffic scenes for a few seconds into the future. The method is based on previous research using dynamic Bayesian networks to represent the state of the system. Common risk prediction methods are often categorized into three different groups depending on their abstraction level. The most complex of these are interaction-aware models which take driver interactions into account. These models often suffer from high computational complexity which is a key limitation in practical use. The model studied in this work takes interactions between drivers into account by considering driver intentions and the traffic rules in the scene. The state of the traffic scene used in the model contains the physical state of vehicles, the intentions of drivers and the expected behaviour of drivers according to the traffic rules. To allow for real-time risk assessment, an approximate inference of the state given the noisy sensor measurements is done using sequential importance resampling. Two different measures of risk are studied. The first is based on driver intentions not matching the expected maneuver, which in turn could lead to a dangerous situation. The second measure is based on a trajectory prediction step and uses the two measures time to collision (TTC) and time to critical collision probability (TTCCP). The implemented model can be applied in complex traffic scenarios with numerous participants. In this work, we focus on intersection and roundabout scenarios. The model is tested on simulated and real data from these scenarios. %Simulations of these scenarios is used to test the model. In these qualitative tests, the model was able to correctly identify collisions a few seconds before they occur and is also able to avoid false positives by detecting the vehicles that will give way. / Detta arbete behandlar problemet att förutsäga kollisionsrisken för fordon som kör i komplexa trafikscenarier för några sekunder i framtiden. Metoden är baserad på tidigare forskning där dynamiska Bayesianska nätverk används för att representera systemets tillstånd. Vanliga riskprognosmetoder kategoriseras ofta i tre olika grupper beroende på deras abstraktionsnivå. De mest komplexa av dessa är interaktionsmedvetna modeller som tar hänsyn till förarnas interaktioner. Dessa modeller lider ofta av hög beräkningskomplexitet, vilket är en svår begränsning när det kommer till praktisk användning. Modellen som studeras i detta arbete tar hänsyn till interaktioner mellan förare genom att beakta förarnas avsikter och trafikreglerna i scenen. Tillståndet i trafikscenen som används i modellen innehåller fordonets fysiska tillstånd, förarnas avsikter och förarnas förväntade beteende enligt trafikreglerna. För att möjliggöra riskbedömning i realtid görs en approximativ inferens av tillståndet givet den brusiga sensordatan med hjälp av sekventiell vägd simulering. Två olika mått på risk studeras. Det första är baserat på förarnas avsikter, närmare bestämt att ta reda på om de inte överensstämmer med den förväntade manövern, vilket då skulle kunna leda till en farlig situation. Det andra riskmåttet är baserat på ett prediktionssteg som använder sig av time to collision (TTC) och time to critical collision probability (TTCCP). Den implementerade modellen kan tillämpas i komplexa trafikscenarier med många fordon. I detta arbete fokuserar vi på scerarier i korsningar och rondeller. Modellen testas på simulerad och verklig data från dessa scenarier. I dessa kvalitativa tester kunde modellen korrekt identifiera kollisioner några få sekunder innan de inträffade. Den kunde också undvika falsklarm genom att lista ut vilka fordon som kommer att lämna företräde.
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Trajectory generation and data fusion for control-oriented advanced driver assistance systemsDaniel, Jérémie 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Since the origin of the automotive at the end of the 19th century, the traffic flow is subject to a constant increase and, unfortunately, involves a constant augmentation of road accidents. Research studies such as the one performed by the World Health Organization, show alarming results about the number of injuries and fatalities due to these accidents. To reduce these figures, a solution lies in the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) which purpose is to help the Driver in his driving task. This research topic has been shown to be very dynamic and productive during the last decades. Indeed, several systems such as Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), Electronic Stability Program (ESP), Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Parking Manoeuvre Assistant (PMA), Dynamic Bending Light (DBL), etc. are yet market available and their benefits are now recognized by most of the drivers. This first generation of ADAS are usually designed to perform a specific task in the Controller/Vehicle/Environment framework and thus requires only microscopic information, so requires sensors which are only giving local information about an element of the Vehicle or of its Environment. On the opposite, the next ADAS generation will have to consider more aspects, i.e. information and constraints about of the Vehicle and its Environment. Indeed, as they are designed to perform more complex tasks, they need a global view about the road context and the Vehicle configuration. For example, longitudinal control requires information about the road configuration (straight line, bend, etc.) and about the eventual presence of other road users (vehicles, trucks, etc.) to determine the best reference speed. [...]
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Alterações induzidas pelo TEMPOL sobre as concentrações de metabólitos do óxido nítrico após o tratamento com nitrito de sódio / Time course effects of TEMPOL on nitritc oxide metabolites levels after sodium nitrite treatmentFerreira, Graziele Cristina 19 January 2018 (has links)
No final do século XX o nitrito e nitrato de sódio passaram a ser vistos como possíveis agentes terapêuticos nas doenças cardiovasculares. Estudos iniciais sugeriam que o mecanismo anti-hipertensivo do nitrito de sódio (NaNO2) era pela sua conversão a óxido nítrico (NO) em meio ácido. Estudos posteriores mostraram que a formação de espécies nitros(il)adas também poderiam estar envolvidas nesse mecanismo. Sabemos ainda da importância do ciclo êntero-salivar do NO para a manutenção dos efeitos anti-hipertensivos do nitrito, além do fato que antioxidantes, como o TEMPOL potencializam esses efeitos. Entretanto o mecanismo antihipertensivo exato do NaNO2 e a relevância de cada metabólito do NO (nitrito, nitrato e espécies nitros(il)adas) nesse processo, permanecem obscuros. Este estudo foi realizado a fim de compreender a formação de espécies nitros(il)adas, nitrito e nitrato a partir da administração de NaNO2, e como o TEMPOL pode interferir nessas reações em condições fisiológicas e na hipertensão. Em animais normotensos a administração de NaNO2 aumentou as concentrações de nitrito, espécies nitros(il)adas e nitrato no plasma, coração, fígado e estômago. O TEMPOL potencializou o aumento de nitrito em quase todos os tecidos no intervalo de 15 minutos após a administração de NaNO2. Na hipertensão, as concentrações desses metabólitos ficaram mais baixas comparadas aos animais normotensos, e o TEMPOL não foi mais capaz de potencializar a formação dos mesmos. / At the end of the 20th century, sodium nitrite and nitrate were seen as possible therapeutic agents in cardiovascular diseases. Initial studies suggested that the antihypertensive mechanism of sodium nitrite (NaNO2) was related to its conversion to nitric oxide (NO) in acidic environment. Further studies have shown that formation of nitros(yl)ated species may also be involved in this mechanism. We also know the importance of the enterosalivary circuit of nitrate for the maintenance of antihypertensive effects of nitrite, besides antioxidants such as TEMPOL potentiate these effects. However, the exact antihypertensive mechanism of NaNO2 and the relevance of each NO metabolite (nitrite, nitrate and nitros(yl)ated species) in this process remain obscure. This study was carried out in order to understand a little more about the formation of nitros(yl)ated species, nitrite and nitrate from the administration of NaNO2, and how TEMPOL may interfere in these reactions in physiological conditions and hypertension. In normotensive animals the administration of NaNO2 increased the concentrations of nitrite, nitros(yl)ated species and nitrate in the plasma, heart, liver and stomach. TEMPOL potentiated this increase in almost all tissues within 15 minutes after administration of NaNO2. In hypertension, the concentrations of these metabolites decreased compared to the concentrations found in normotensive animals, and TEMPOL was no longer able to potentiate them. Thus, we concluded that in situations where oxidative stress is lower, we found higher concentrations of NO metabolites after treatment with sodium nitrite.
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Aplicabilidade da t?cnica de oscila??es for?adas modificada na avalia??o da imped?ncia respirat?ria em crian?as asm?ticasVaccari, Alessandra 07 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Pediatria e Sa?de da Crian?a (pediatria-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-11-22T17:28:47Z
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Tese Ale Vaccari ap?s banca vers?o final.pdf: 1728521 bytes, checksum: a91cc3687893439b4a2fd3465256d84d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-12-01T11:27:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Ale Vaccari ap?s banca vers?o final.pdf: 1728521 bytes, checksum: a91cc3687893439b4a2fd3465256d84d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-01T11:30:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Tese Ale Vaccari ap?s banca vers?o final.pdf: 1728521 bytes, checksum: a91cc3687893439b4a2fd3465256d84d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-11-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Introduction: the prevalence of asthma is increasing worldwide; today it is considered a public health problem; is often underdiagnosed and its severity is also underestimated, greatly increasing morbidity and mortality, especially in the lower socioeconomic and educational classes. In childhood, asthma is the most frequent among chronic diseases and can adversely affect the quality of life of patients and their families. The assessment of lung function may help in the diagnosis and assessment of asthma severity, there are several methods available, however some are inadequate for young children or for people with motor coordination difficulties or cognitive deficits. One method that has a high success rate in situations of poor patient collaboration is the forced oscillation technique (FOT); is a noninvasive procedure that applies airway oscillations through the mouth and measures the impedance of the respiratory system. The real part of the impedance is called the resistance of the respiratory system that reflects the resistance to friction; while the imaginary part is called the reactance of the respiratory system, which reflects the elastic and inertial properties of the lung. Modified FOT measures respiratory mechanics variables, in addition to multi-frequency applications (6 to 32 hertz), checks within breath variables at a 10 hertz monofrequency. Objective: to explore the applicability of FOT in patients with asthma, as a tool for diagnosis and assessment of the severity of obstruction. Methods: observational, cross-sectional study with quantitative approach. The population was composed of subjects from 3 years old to 18 years of age, recruited for convenience from May 2016 to July 2017, at the Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatrics Service at a school hospital in southern Brazil. The equipment used for the FOT acquisition was built specifically for this study. The measured parameters include impedance, resistance and reactance in the frequencies between 6 to 32 hertz and within-breath variables in the monofrequency of 10 hertz. The analyzes were performed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program with a significance level of 5%. The data were presented in mean and standard deviation or in median and interquartile range, depending on the normal distribution of the variables. For the analysis of the performance of the variables regarding the diagnosis of asthma the individuals were divided into an Asthma group and Control group, formed by healthy individuals from the respiratory point of view from the clinical questionnaire. To analyze the associations of the variables obtained with FOT with the different levels of asthma severity and clinical status, subjects were divided into: controls, mild asthma, moderate asthma and asthma exacerbation. The Spearman rank correlation test was used in the exploratory analysis of lung function data and dichotomous asthma. Comparisons between the Asthma and Control groups were made using the Mann-Whitney test; in the analyzes in which asthma was classified by severity in three levels according to the treatment or clinical state, Kruskal-Wallis was used per stations, not parametric. To examine the ordering of these differences in the different levels of asthma we used the non-parametric Jonckheere-Terpstra trend test. The Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve was used to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the variables obtained in the pulmonary function test for the correct classification of subjects as controls or asthmatics. The study was approved by the institution's Ethics Committee. Results: 204 subjects were included, after removing the losses, 189 FOT tests with a performance of 95.45% of success in the test were analyzed. For statistical analyzes, the subjects were divided into four groups: healthy controls, mild asthma, moderate asthma and asthma exacerbation. The FOT variables with the highest sensitivity for distinguishing subjects are: X6, X8, ReE-ReI, XeE, XeI, Xmax,E, Xmax,I, Xmean,E and Xmean,I. Conclusions: The study findings indicate that the FOT test has a high success rate and seems to be an adequate method for assessing respiratory impedance in children and adolescents, differentiating subjects with asthma and healthy individuals. / Introdu??o: a preval?ncia da asma est? aumentando em todo o mundo; hoje ? considerada um problema de sa?de p?blica; ? frequentemente subdiagnosticada e sua gravidade ? tamb?m subestimada, aumentando consideravelmente morbidade e mortalidade, principalmente nas classes socioeconomicas e educacionais mais baixas. Na inf?ncia, a asma ? a mais frequente entre as doen?as cr?nicas e pode prejudicar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e suas fam?lias. A avalia??o da fun??o pulmonar pode auxiliar no diagn?stico e avalia??o da gravidade da asma, (1) (1) h? v?rios m?todos dispon?veis, entretanto alguns s?o inadequados para crian?as pequenas ou para pessoas com dificuldades de coordena??o motora ou d?ficit cognitivo. Um m?todo que tem alto ?ndice de sucesso em situa??es de pouca colabora??o por parte do paciente ? a t?cnica de oscila??es for?adas (FOT); ? um procedimento n?o invasivo que aplica oscila??es na via a?rea pela boca e mede a imped?ncia do sistema respirat?rio. A parte real da imped?ncia ? chamada de resist?ncia do sistema respirat?rio que reflete a resist?ncia ao atrito; enquanto que a parte imagin?ria ? chamada de reat?ncia do sistema respirat?rio, que reflete propriedades el?sticas e inerciais do pulm?o. O FOT modificado mede vari?veis da mec?nica respirat?ria, al?m das aplica??es de multifrequ?ncias (6 a 32 hertz), verifica as vari?veis within breath em uma monofrequ?ncia de 10 hertz. Objetivo: explorar a aplicabilidade do FOT em portadores de asma, como ferramenta de diagn?stico e de avalia??o de gravidade da obstru??o. M?todos: estudo observacional, do tipo transversal com abordagem quantitativa. A popula??o foi composta por sujeitos de 3 anos completos at? 18 anos incompletos, recrutadas por conveni?ncia nos meses de maio de 2016 a julho de 2017, no Servi?o de Pneumologia Pedi?trica e Pediatria em um hospital escola no sul do Brasil. O equipamento utilizado para a aquisi??o do FOT foi constru?do especificamente para este estudo. Os par?metros medidos incluem imped?ncia, resist?ncia e reat?ncia nas frequ?ncias entre 6 a 32 hertz e vari?veis within-breath na monofrequ?ncia de 10 hertz. As an?lises foram realizadas com o programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences com um n?vel de signific?ncia de 5%. Os dados foram apresentados em m?dia e desvio-padr?o ou em mediana e intervalo interquart?lico, dependendo da normalidade da distribui??o das vari?veis. Para a an?lise da performance das vari?veis quanto ao diagn?stico de asma os indiv?duos foram divididos em um grupo Asma e grupo Controle, formado por indiv?duos saud?veis do ponto de vista respirat?rio a partir do question?rio clinico. Para analisar as associa??es das vari?veis obtidas com o FOT com os diferentes n?veis de gravidade da asma e estado cl?nico, os sujeitos foram divididos em: controles, asma leve, asma moderada e asma exacerba??o. O teste de correla??o em postos Spearman foi usado na an?lise explorat?ria dos dados de fun??o pulmonar e asma dicot?mico. As compara??es entre os grupos Asma e Controles foram feitas atrav?s do teste de Mann-Whitney; nas an?lises em que a asma foi classificada por gravidade em tr?s n?veis acordo com o tratamento ou estado cl?nico, foi utilizado Kruskal-Wallis por postos, n?o param?trico. Para examinar o ordenamento destas diferen?as nos diferentes n?veis de asma utilizamos o teste n?o param?trico de tend?ncia Jonckheere-Terpstra. A Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve foi utilizada para avaliar a sensibilidade, especificidade e precis?o das vari?veis obtidas no teste de fun??o pulmonar para a classifica??o correta dos sujeitos como controles ou asm?ticos. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comit? de ?tica da institui??o. Resultados: foram inclu?dos 204 sujeitos, ap?s retirada as perdas, foram analisados 189 testes de FOT com um desempenho de 95,45% de sucesso na realizado do teste. A fim das an?lises estat?sticas, os sujeitos foram separados em quatro grupos: controles saud?veis, asma leve, asma moderada e asma exacerba??o. As vari?veis do FOT com maior sensibilidade para a distin??o dos sujeitos s?o: X6, X8, ReE-ReI, XeE, XeI, Xmax,E, Xmax,I, Xmean,E e Xmean,I. Conclus?es: os achados do estudo indicam que o teste de FOT tem alto ?ndice de sucesso e parece ser um m?todo adequado para a avalia??o da imped?ncia respirat?ria em crian?as e adolescentes, diferenciando sujeitos com asma e indiv?duos saud?veis.
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A systematic Mapping study of ADAS and Autonomous DrivingAgha Jafari Wolde, Bahareh January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays, autonomous driving revolution is getting closer to reality. To achieve the Autonomous driving the first step is to develop the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). Driver-assistance systems are one of the fastest-growing segments in automotive electronics since already there are many forms of ADAS available. To investigate state of art of development of ADAS towards Autonomous Driving, we develop Systematic Mapping Study (SMS). SMS methodology is used to collect, classify, and analyze the relevant publications. A classification is introduced based on the developments carried out in ADAS towards Autonomous driving. According to SMS methodology, we identified 894 relevant publications about ADAS and its developmental journey toward Autonomous Driving completed from 2012 to 2016. We classify the area of our research under three classifications: technical classifications, research types and research contributions. The related publications are classified under thirty-three technical classifications. This thesis sheds light on a better understanding of the achievements and shortcomings in this area. By evaluating collected results, we answer our seven research questions. The result specifies that most of the publications belong to the Models and Solution Proposal from the research type and contribution. The least number of the publications belong to the Automated…Autonomous driving from the technical classification which indicated the lack of publications in this area.
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Cumulative methods for image based driver assistance systems : applications to egomotion estimation, motion analysis and object detection / Méthodes cumulatives d’analyse d’images pour les systèmes d’aide à la conduit : application à l’estimation du movement et à la reconstruction de scèneNie, Qiong 12 June 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la détection d’objets à partir d’une caméra embarquée sur un véhicule mobile en exploitant l’approche monoculaire « c-vélocité ». Cette méthode s’inspire de la méthode appelée « v-disparité » utilisée en stéréovision : toutes deux ont pour objectif la détection d’objets en les approximant par des plans d’orientations différentes, ce qui permet d’éviter, en monoculaire, d’estimer la profondeur. Ces deux approches, monoculaires et binoculaires, permettent de transformer le problème complexe de la détection d’objets en un problème plus simple de détection de formes paramétriques simples (droites, paraboles) dans un nouvel espace de représentation où la détection peut être réalisée à l’aide d’une transformée de Hough. La « c-vélocité », pour être efficace, requiert un calcul assez précis du flot optique et une bonne estimation de la position du Foyer d’expansion (FOE). Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié les approches existantes de calcul de flot optique et sommes arrivés à la conclusion qu’aucune n’est vraiment performante notamment sur les régions homogènes telle que la route dans les scènes qui correspondent à l’application que nous visons à savoir : les véhicules intelligents. Par ailleurs, les méthodes d’estimation du flot optique peinent également à fournir une bonne estimation dans le cas de déplacement importants dans les régions proches de la caméra. Nous proposons dans cette thèse d’exploiter à la fois un modèle 3D de la scène et une estimation approximative de la vitesse du véhicule à partir d’autres capteurs intégrés. L’utilisation de connaissances a priori permet de compenser le flot dominant pour faciliter l’estimation de la partie résiduelle par une approche classique. Par ailleurs, trois approches différentes sont proposées pour détecter le foyer d’expansion. Parmi elles, nous proposons une méthode novatrice permettant d’estimer le FOE en exploitant la norme du flot et la structure de la scène à partir d’un processus « c-vélocité » inversé. En plus d’améliorer ces étapes préliminaires, nous proposons aussi l’optimisation et l’accélération de l’algorithme « c-vélocité » par une implémentation multithread. Enfin, nous proposons une modification de l’approche c-vélocité d’origine afin d’anticiper une éventuelle coopération mouvement/stéréo, proposée en perspective, à travers un jumelage avec la v-disparité. / This thesis is based on the detection of objects from an onboard moving camera by exploiting the monocular approach "c-velocity". This method is inspired by the method called "v-disparity" used in stereovision: both methods aim at detecting objects by approximating objects into plans with different orientations. Such approximation can avoid to estimate the depth in monocularvision. These two approaches, monocular and binocular, allow to transform the complex objet détection problem into a more simple parametric forms (eg. lines) detection in a new space, where these formes can be easily extracted using Hough Transform.The “c-velocity”, to make it effective, requires an accurate computation of optical flow and a good estimation of the focus of expansion (FOE) location. Therefore, we have studied the existing approaches of optical flow estimation and arrived at the conclusion that none of them is really powerful especially on the homogeneous regions such as road surface. In addition, the optical flow estimation methods also struggle to provide a good estimate in the case of huge displacement in the areas close to the camera. We propose in this thesis to exploit both a 3D model of the scene and a rough estimate about the vehicle speed from other integrated sensors. Using a priori knowledge allows to compensate the dominant optical flow and to facilitate the estimation of the rest part by a classical approach. In addition, three different approaches are proposed to detect the focus of expansion. Among them, we propose a novel method for estimating FOE by leveraging the flow norm and the scene structure from an inverse “c-velocity“ process. In addition to improve these preliminary steps, we also propose an acceleration and optimization of the “c-velocity“ algorithm by a multi-thread implementation. Finally, we propose a modification to the original “c-velocity“ approach in order to anticipate a possible cooperation motion/stereo, proposed in perspective, with the “v-disparity“ approach.
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Alterações induzidas pelo TEMPOL sobre as concentrações de metabólitos do óxido nítrico após o tratamento com nitrito de sódio / Time course effects of TEMPOL on nitritc oxide metabolites levels after sodium nitrite treatmentGraziele Cristina Ferreira 19 January 2018 (has links)
No final do século XX o nitrito e nitrato de sódio passaram a ser vistos como possíveis agentes terapêuticos nas doenças cardiovasculares. Estudos iniciais sugeriam que o mecanismo anti-hipertensivo do nitrito de sódio (NaNO2) era pela sua conversão a óxido nítrico (NO) em meio ácido. Estudos posteriores mostraram que a formação de espécies nitros(il)adas também poderiam estar envolvidas nesse mecanismo. Sabemos ainda da importância do ciclo êntero-salivar do NO para a manutenção dos efeitos anti-hipertensivos do nitrito, além do fato que antioxidantes, como o TEMPOL potencializam esses efeitos. Entretanto o mecanismo antihipertensivo exato do NaNO2 e a relevância de cada metabólito do NO (nitrito, nitrato e espécies nitros(il)adas) nesse processo, permanecem obscuros. Este estudo foi realizado a fim de compreender a formação de espécies nitros(il)adas, nitrito e nitrato a partir da administração de NaNO2, e como o TEMPOL pode interferir nessas reações em condições fisiológicas e na hipertensão. Em animais normotensos a administração de NaNO2 aumentou as concentrações de nitrito, espécies nitros(il)adas e nitrato no plasma, coração, fígado e estômago. O TEMPOL potencializou o aumento de nitrito em quase todos os tecidos no intervalo de 15 minutos após a administração de NaNO2. Na hipertensão, as concentrações desses metabólitos ficaram mais baixas comparadas aos animais normotensos, e o TEMPOL não foi mais capaz de potencializar a formação dos mesmos. / At the end of the 20th century, sodium nitrite and nitrate were seen as possible therapeutic agents in cardiovascular diseases. Initial studies suggested that the antihypertensive mechanism of sodium nitrite (NaNO2) was related to its conversion to nitric oxide (NO) in acidic environment. Further studies have shown that formation of nitros(yl)ated species may also be involved in this mechanism. We also know the importance of the enterosalivary circuit of nitrate for the maintenance of antihypertensive effects of nitrite, besides antioxidants such as TEMPOL potentiate these effects. However, the exact antihypertensive mechanism of NaNO2 and the relevance of each NO metabolite (nitrite, nitrate and nitros(yl)ated species) in this process remain obscure. This study was carried out in order to understand a little more about the formation of nitros(yl)ated species, nitrite and nitrate from the administration of NaNO2, and how TEMPOL may interfere in these reactions in physiological conditions and hypertension. In normotensive animals the administration of NaNO2 increased the concentrations of nitrite, nitros(yl)ated species and nitrate in the plasma, heart, liver and stomach. TEMPOL potentiated this increase in almost all tissues within 15 minutes after administration of NaNO2. In hypertension, the concentrations of these metabolites decreased compared to the concentrations found in normotensive animals, and TEMPOL was no longer able to potentiate them. Thus, we concluded that in situations where oxidative stress is lower, we found higher concentrations of NO metabolites after treatment with sodium nitrite.
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Commande asssitée au conducteur basée sur la conduite en formation de type "banc de poissons" / Driver assistance system based on fish schooling behaviorMorand, Audrey 17 December 2014 (has links)
Le mouvement en essaim est défini par l'action d'un ensemble d'individusautopropulsés se déplaçant en groupe uniquement à l’aide de la connaissance locale de leur environnement.L'objectif scientifique de la thèse consiste à mettre en oeuvre ce type demodèle de comportement appliqué à un flot de véhicules se déplaçant sur un profilroutier, et ce afin d'assister le conducteur dans ses actions à la fois pour son confortet sa sécurité.A partir de l’analyse d’une synthèse bibliographique, une stratégie dehiérarchisation a été mise en place afin de créer un système d’aide à la conduite ouADAS (de l’anglais « Advanced Driver Assistance System »). Ainsi, dans un premiertemps, il s’agit de générer une trajectoire à partir de ce type de modèle qui respecteles contraintes autoroutières. Ensuite, la dynamique du véhicule est prise en compteafin de transmettre au conducteur via une régulation de vitesse et un retour haptiqueau volant, les deux étant basés notamment sur la commande CRONE, lesmanoeuvres nécessaires au suivi de cette trajectoire. Enfin, le système d’aide à laconduite est mis en oeuvre, non seulement sur un simulateur dynamique de conduiteafin de recueillir le ressenti des conducteur, mais aussi au sein d’un logiciel desimulation de trafic pour évaluer les gains obtenus dans le cas d’un ensemble devéhicules équipés. / Swarm behavior refers to individuals travelling in a group and using only localknowledge of their environment.The scientific objective of the thesis is to implement this type of behaviormodel to vehicles traveling on road, in order to assist the driver in his actions for bothits comfort and security.From a literature review, a prioritization strategy was set up to create anAdvanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). At first, it is to generate a path from thistype of model that respects the motorway constraints. Then, vehicle dynamics istaken into account in order to transmit to the driver through cruise control and hapticfeedback steering wheel, both based on the CRONE control, maneuvers needed tofollow this trajectory. Finally, the driver assistance system is not only implemented ona dynamic driving simulator to gather driver’s feelings but it is also implemented intraffic simulation software to evaluate gains obtained for a set of equipped vehicles.
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