Spelling suggestions: "subject:"das"" "subject:"adas""
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A Traffic Simulation Modeling Framework for Rural HighwaysTapani, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
<p>Models based on micro-simulation of traffic flows have proven to be useful tools in the study of various traffic systems. Today, there is a wealth of traffic microsimulation models developed for freeway and urban street networks. The road mileage is however in many countries dominated by rural highways. Hence, there is a need for rural road traffic simulation models capable of assessing the performance of such road environments. This thesis introduces a versatile traffic micro-simulation model for the rural roads of today and of the future. The developed model system considers all common types of rural roads including effects of intersections and roundabouts on the main road traffic. The model is calibrated and validated through a simulation study comparing a two-lane highway to rural road designs with separated oncoming traffic lanes. A good general agreement between the simulation results and the field data is established.</p><p>The interest in road safety and the environmental impact of traffic is growing. Recent research has indicated that traffic simulation can be of use in these areas as well as in traditional capacity and level-of-service studies. In the road safety area more attention is turning towards active safety improving countermeasures designed to improve road safety by reducing the number of driver errors and the accident risks. One important example is Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). The potential to use traffic simulation to evaluate the road safety effects of ADAS is investigated in the last part of this thesis. A car-following model for simulation of traffic including ADAS-equipped vehicles is proposed and the developed simulation framework is used to study important properties of a traffic simulation model to be used for safety evaluation of ADAS. Driver behavior for ADAS-equipped vehicles has usually not been considered in simulation studies including ADAS-equipped vehicles. The work in this thesis does however indicate that modeling of the behavior of drivers in ADAS-equipped vehicles is essential for reliable conclusions on the road safety effects of ADAS.</p> / Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2005:60.
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Material Characterization Of The Late 12th-13th Century Byzantine Ceramics From Kusadasi Kadikalesi/anaiaKirmizi, Burcu 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigates the petrographical and chemical characteristics of a group of Zeuxippus Ware Related Ceramics dating to the late 12th-13th centuries from Kusadasi Kadikalesi/Anaia. Kadikalesi was a Byzantine fortress at the coast of Aegean Sea. It was also a significant commercial port and an episcopacy center during the 13th century.
In this study, visual classifications of the ceramics were carried out based on their stylistic properties. Then, ceramic samples were investigated by several methods including mineralogical, micromorphological, chemical (SEM-EDX, ICP-OES, ICP-MS) and Raman Spectrometry techniques and further evaluated by statistical analyses. Bodies are found to be rich in SiO2 and Al2O3 while relatively
high amounts of Fe2O3 measured, agree well with their reddish bodies. These
bodies mostly display micaceous matrix with a relatively low degree of
vitrification. Cluster analysis performed among thirty selected samples, points out the presence of two main groups. Observed slip layers are also found to be rich in SiO2 and Al2O3 contents and exhibit various types of crystalline and/or vitreous matrix. Glazes are found to be high lead glazes processed at or below. The glazes are found to be high lead glazes processed at or below 700° / C as confirmed by SEM-EDX and Raman spectrometry investigations. Iron compounds are the major coloring agents for most of the glazes analyzed regardless of their observed colors. Presence of Raman peaks in some yellow glazes which may be assigned to a solid solution of Naples yellow type of pigment is significant since its use in the Byzantine period as a glaze pigment has been scarcely reported before.
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Avifauna em ?reas com diferentes est?dios de conserva??o no Espinha?o Meridional / Birds in areas with different levels of conservation in Southern Espinha?oOliveira, Lelis Vaz Leite de 16 August 2013 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Conserva??o e Restaura??o de Ecossistemas Florestais. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-03-07T19:22:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Impactos ambientais comprometem direta ou indiretamente a riqueza e estrutura tr?fica da avifauna local e regional e informa??es sobre esta tem?tica s?o escassas para as forma??es do Cerrado, em especial para a o Espinha?o Meridional. Assim, este estudo busca fornecer informa??es sobre a conserva??o, endemismo e estrutura tr?fica da avifauna em forma??es sav?nicas (cerrado t?pico e cerrado rupestre), de tr?s ?reas que se encontram em diferentes est?dios de conserva??o na Serra do Espinha?o Meridional. Em cada ?rea foi pr?-estabelecido um transecto de 5 km, os quais foram visitados mensalmente. Cada uma dessas visitas teve dura??o de oito horas, totalizando 120 horas/ ?rea. Ao percorrer tais transectos, foram registradas todas as aves vistas e/ou ouvidas. Foi avaliado o status de degrada??o de cada ?rea estudada, por meio de uma matriz de impactos e a quantifica??o estrutural da paisagem foi feita por meio de ?ndices de composi??o e configura??o espacial. No Parque Estadual do Biribiri e antigo dep?sito de lixos de Diamantina (BL) foram registradas 123 esp?cies de aves distribu?das em 34 fam?lias. Para o RP foram registradas 88 esp?cies e 28 fam?lias e para a ?rea de Prote??o Ambiental Pau-de-Fruta (PF) foram registradas 76 esp?cies e 23 fam?lias. Considerando que o pior cen?rio de impactos poss?vel, no qual todos os crit?rios est?o com a maior pontua??o alcan??vel some 132, o RP atingiu 25% (33 pontos), o PF 26,5% (35 pontos) e o BL 60,6% (80 pontos). Em rela??o ? estrutura tr?fica n?o houve diferen?as significativas entre as ?reas estudadas tanto para todo o per?odo analisado (H = 5,670; p = 0,127), como para as duas esta??es seca (H = 5,436; p= 0,145) e chuvosa (H = 4,744; p = 0,191) e demonstrou um predom?nio de esp?cies inset?voras, seguidas por frug?voras e on?voras. A insetivoria foi a guilda mais predominante durante as duas esta??es em todos os ambientes estudados. Houve uma consider?vel similaridade da avifauna entre as ?reas. Os padr?es encontrados por este estudo refor?am a necessidade melhor compreens?o de ambientes antropizados, principalmente aqueles em ?reas de forma??es sav?nicas, onde a avifauna indica uma tend?ncia a apresentar maior plasticidade e amplitude ambiental. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2013. / Environmental impacts directly or indirectly compromise the richness and trophic structure of local and regional avifauna and information on this subject are scarce for the formations of the Cerrado, especially to the southern Espinha?o. Thus, this study aims to provide information about conservation, endemism and trophic structure of the avifauna in savanna formations (typical cerrado and grasslands) of three areas that are at different stages of conservation in the southern Espinha?o. In each area was pre-established a transect of 5 km, which were visited monthly. Each of these visits lasted eight hours, totaling 120 hours/area. In such transects were recorded all birds seen and / or heard. The deterioration status of each studied by means of an array of structural impacts and quantification of the landscape area was made by compounding rates and spatial configuration was evaluated. In the Biribiri State Park and ancient deposit of waste from Diamantina (BL) 123 species of birds distributed in 34 families were recorded. RP for 88 species and 28 families were recorded and the Environmental Protection Area Pau-de-fruit (PF) 76 species and 23 families were recorded. . In the Biribiri State Park and ancient deposit of waste from Diamantina (BL) 123 species of birds distributed in 34 families were recorded. In the Rio Preto State Park (RP) 88 species and 28 families were recorded and at the Environmental Protection Area Pau-de-Fruta (PF) 76 species and 23 families were recorded. Whereas the worst possible impacts, where all criteria are reached with the highest score some 132, RP reached 25% (33 points), PF 26.5% (35 points) and 60.6% BL (80 points). Regarding the trophic structure there were no significant differences among the studied areas for the entire period analyzed both (H = 5.670, p = 0.127) and for the two dry seasons (H = 5.436, p = 0.145) and wet (H = 4,744 p = 0.191) and demonstrated a predominance of insectivores, followed by frugivorous and omnivorous species. The insectivorous guild was most prevalent during the two seasons in all environments studied. There was considerable similarity between the avifauna in the study areas. The patterns found in this study reinforce the need for better understanding of anthropogenic environments, especially those in areas of savanna formations where birdlife indicates a tendency to have higher plasticity and environmental amplitude.
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O aspecto polif?nico d os Lus?adasPereira, Fernando Alves 10 December 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-10 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language
written by Lu?s de Cam?es, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in
the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the ?ndias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles
engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The
object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to
the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Cam?es with the novelistic prose
developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels
written by Dostoi?vski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Cam?es lies in the elaboration of
a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such
speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic
prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the
monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as
monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the
polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Cam?es is the relative
procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical
creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that
permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the
speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited,
accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory
adopted / Estudo sobre o aspecto polif?nico d Os Lus?adas. Poema ?pico escrito em L?ngua Portuguesa
por Lu?s de Cam?es, cujo tema central ? a aventura da viagem de Vasco da Gama no
descobrimento de novas rotas mar?timas para as ?ndias, narrando, secundariamente, as
batalhas hist?ricas travadas no percurso da forma??o e consolida??o do Imp?rio Portugu?s. O
objeto do estudo s?o os diversos discursos que comp?em a narra??o do poema, examinando a
poss?vel rela??o de influ?ncia est?tica entre a poesia ?pica camoniana e a prosa romanesca
que se desenvolve na modernidade, a partir de D. Quixote, consagrando-se nos romances
polif?nicos de Dostoi?vski. O estudo enfoca a singularidade de Cam?es na elabora??o de uma
narrativa estruturalmente ?pica, mas que ao mesmo tempo engloba v?rios discursos desviantes
(excursos). Discursos esses que revelam a multiplanaridade e a plurivocaliza??o
(caracter?sticas da prosa romanesca) sem, contudo, prejudicar o encadeamento l?gico-formal
da epopeia, resultando no acabamento monol?gico can?nico do g?nero ?pico. Este aspecto
caracteriza Os Lus?adas como uma obra monol?gica, conforme o c?none de ent?o, mas que
deixa transparecer tra?os de dialogismo e de plurilinguismo essenciais ao fen?meno
polif?nico. Outro aspecto relevante da po?tica camoniana, ressaltado no presente estudo, ? o
procedimento relativo ? expressividade das personagens. As personagens-narradoras do
poema s?o, na maioria, cria??es discursivas ou ret?ricas, as quais assumem, no discurso,
caracter?sticas humanas ou mitol?gicas. Artif?cio que permite ao poeta apresentar uma vis?o
multifacet?ria dos fatos narrados. A an?lise dos discursos apoia-se inteiramente na teoria
polif?nica de Mikhail Bakhtin, citando, acessoriamente, pontos de vista de outros te?ricos, ?
medida que se julgam compat?veis com a teoria adotada
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Grilles de perception évidentielles pour la navigation robotique en milieu urbain / Evidential perception grids for robotics navigation in urban environmentMoras, Julien 17 January 2013 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans cette thèse portent sur le problème de la perception de l’environnement en milieu urbain, complexe et dynamique et ce en présence de mesures extéroceptives bruitées et incomplètes obtenues à partir decapteurs embarqués. Le problème est formalisé sous l’angle de la fusion de données capteurs à l’aide d’une représentation spatiale de l’environnement. Ces travaux ont été réalisés pour la navigation autonome de véhicules intelligents dans le cadre du projet national ANR CityVIP. Après avoir considéré les principaux formalismes de modélisation de l’incertitude, un système de fusion de grilles spatio-référencées gérant l’incertitude avec des fonctions de croyances est étudié. Ce système est notamment capable de fusionner les mesures d’un lidar multi-nappes et multi-échos, obtenues à différents instants pour construire une carte locale dynamique sous la forme discrète d’une grille d’occupation évidentielle.Le principal avantage des fonctions de croyance est de représenter de manière explicite l’ignorance et ne nécessite donc pas d’introduire d’information à priori non fondée. De plus, ce formalisme permet d’utiliser facilement l’information conflictuelle pour déterminer la dynamique de la scène comme par exemple les cellules en mouvement. Le formalisme de grilles d’occupation évidentielles est présenté en détails et un modèle de capteur lidar multi-nappes et multi-echos est ensuite proposé. Deux approches de fusion séquentielle multi-grilles sont étudiées selon les paradigmes halocentréet égo-centré. Enfin, l’implémentation et les tests expérimentaux des approches sont décrits et l’injection d’informations géographiques connues a priori est étudiée. La plupart des travaux présentés ont été implémentés en temps réel sur un véhicule du laboratoire et de nombreux tests en conditions réelles ont été réalisés avec une interface d’analyse de résultat utilisant une rétro-projection dans une image grand angle. Les résultats ont été présentés dans 5 conférences internationales [Moras et al., 2010, Moras et al., 2011a, Moras et al., 2011b, Moras et al., 2012, Kurdej et al., 2012] etle système expérimental a servi à la réalisation de démonstrations officielles dans le cadre du projet CityVIP à Paris et lors de la conférence IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2011 en Allemagne. / The research presented in this thesis focuses on the problem of the perception of the urban environment which is complex and dynamic in the presence of noisy and incomplete exteroceptive measurements obtained from on-board sensors. The problem is formalized in terms of sensor data fusion with a spatial representation of the environment. This work has been carried out for the autonomous navigation of intelligent vehicles within the national project ANR CityVIP. After having considered various formalisms to represent uncertainty, a fusion of spatio-referenced grids managing uncertainty with belief functions is studied. This system is capable of merging multi-layers and multi-echoes lidar measurements, obtainedat different time indexes to build a dynamic local map as a discrete evidential occupancy grid. The main advantages of belief functions are, firstly, to represent explicitly ignorance, which reduces the assumptions and therefore avoid introducing wrong a priori information and, secondly, to easily use conflicting information to determine the dynamics of the scene such as movements of the cells. The formalism of evidential occupancy grids is then presented in details and two multi-layers and multi-echos lidar sensor models are proposed. The propagation of the information through geometrical transformations is formalized in a similar way of image transformation framework. Then, the implementation of the approach is described and the injection of prior geographic information is finally investigated. Most of the works presented have been implemented in real time on a vehicle and many tests in real conditions have been realized. The results of these researches were presented through five international conferences [Moras et al., 2010, Moras et al., 2011a, Moras et al., 2011b, Moras et al., 2012], [Kurdej et al., 2012] and the experimental vehicle was presented at the official demonstration project CityVIP in Paris and at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2011, in Germany.
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Accelerated Behavioural Adaptation through Targeted Training Programs : the Case of Highly Automated DrivingKrampell, Martin January 2016 (has links)
A prominent issue in the field of automotive research is the apparent lack of consideration given to the potentially safety-critical differences between novice and experienced users of Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS). Conducting experiments with novices only often results in the generation of unrepresentative findings, as these new systems often come with a lengthy adaptation period following their introduction. Running experiments with experienced drivers, however, is difficult, as these are often few and far between, if they even exist. To alleviate this discrepancy, and to help researchers acquire participants more akin to experienced drivers, even before a system has been launched, the approach of AcceLerated Behavioural Adaptation through Targeted tRaining prOgramS (ALBATROS) is proposed. It aims at training drivers in the use of the system, ideally giving them a level of experience similar to experienced users of said systems. A framework for the ALBATROS approach is presented, as is the development of a proof-of-concept training program following this approach. Likewise, a mock-up ADAS, that provides drivers with both longitudinal and lateral support of the vehicle, dubbed the Driver Assist (DA), is presented, for which the training program (the DATP) is developed. The current study presents an experiment designed to validate the efficacy of the DATP, and ultimately, the ALBATROS approach itself. The current study concludes that DATP-trained drivers display significantly improved understanding of the DA system following training and are significantly more likely to retake control in critical situations, than are untrained drivers. Thus, the ALBATROS approach appears a viable approach in giving drivers a better understanding of an ADAS system. However, whether the DATP succeeded in creating drivers similar in experience and understanding to real experienced users of said sys- tem, and if so, exactly how similar, is still unknown. More research is needed, specifically, studies comparing experienced users with those having been trained with the ALBATROS approach.
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Sra. PlanchaVelarde, Sandra Lucia, Espinoza Jaico, Luis Miguel, Vargas Chiong, Víctor Hugo, Zorogastua Zavaleta, Melissa Teresa 09 July 2019 (has links)
Este proyecto refleja la investigación para el desarrollo de un proyecto que busca satisfacer la necesidad del servicio de planchado por delivery y a domicilio.
El proyecto busca crear y satisfacer la demanda directa del servicio de planchado, la contratación del servicio será a través de su APP o de manera tradicional vía telefónica. El servicio se ofrecerá como servicio de planchado Delivery y planchado a domicilio, en donde la propuesta de valor es además de calidad, la flexibilidad de horario (nocturno y fines de semana) con personal adecuadamente seleccionado y técnicamente capacitado.
Conscientes de crecientes tendencia mundial por la reducción del uso de plástico, este proyecto busca ser responsable con el medio ambiente, al no utilizar plástico en entrega de las prendas, sino en bolsas y colgadores de papel, así como en estuches reusables, además del uso de almidonantes naturales.
Se ha considerado como público objetivo a las personas de 25 años a más, de nivel socio económico A, B y C, habitantes de Lima Moderna: (excepto La Molina) quienes buscan cuidar su aspecto a través de sus prendas de vestir de manera detallada, por lo cual, requieren de un servicio planchado profesional.
Se demuestra que es posible recuperar la inversión en 1.48 años; de acuerdo al plan de operaciones y su proyección de ventas el proyecto es viable al haber realizado un análisis de sensibilidad del precio y también simulaciones en tres escenarios distintos, los cuales muestran cifras rentables. / This project reflects the research for the development of a project that seeks to satisfy the need for ironing service by delivery or at home.
The project seeks to create and satisfy the direct demand by the ironing service; the service will be offered through its APP or traditionally by telephone in two ways: Delivery and ironing at home, where the value proposition is in addition to quality, flexibility of schedule (night and weekends) with appropriately selected and technically trained personnel.
Aware of growing global trend about the reduction of plastic use, this project emphasize that it is environment responsible avoiding using plastic at the delivery of clothes, but specially using reusable covers, paper hangers, besides the use of natural starches.
The target is people between 25 and 55 years old approximately, socio-economic level A, B and C, inhabitants of Modern Lima: San Isidro, Miraflores, Surco, Magdalena, Lince, Barranco, Pueblo Libre, Jesús María, Surquillo and San Borja (except La Molina) who looks for perfect good-looking, therefore, they look for a professional ironing service.
It shows that it is possible to recover the investment in 1.48 years. According to the plan of operations and its sales projection, the project is viable having carried out an analysis of price sensitivity and simulations in three different scenarios, which show profitable figures. / Tesis
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Gaussian Process Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Driving in Safety-Critical ScenariosRezvani Arany, Roushan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with model predictive control (MPC) within the field of autonomous driving. MPC requires a model of the system to be controlled. Since a vehicle is expected to handle a wide range of driving conditions, it is crucial that the model of the vehicle dynamics is able to account for this. Differences in road grip caused by snowy, icy or muddy roads change the driving dynamics and relying on a single model, based on ideal conditions, could possibly lead to dangerous behaviour. This work investigates the use of Gaussian processes for learning a model that can account for varying road friction coefficients. This model is incorporated as an extension to a nominal vehicle model. A double lane change scenario is considered and the aim is to learn a GP model of the disturbance based on previous driving experiences with a road friction coefficient of 0.4 and 0.6 performed with a regular MPC controller. The data is then used to train a GP model. The GPMPC controller is then compared with the regular MPC controller in the case of trajectory tracking. The results show that the obtained GP models in most cases correctly predict the model error in one prediction step. For multi-step predictions, the results vary more with some cases showing an improved prediction with a GP model compared to the nominal model. In all cases, the GPMPC controller gives a better trajectory tracking than the MPC controller while using less control input.
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Negative attitudes towards cyclists influence the acceptance of an in-vehicle cyclist detection systemDe Angelis, Marco, Puchades, Víctor Marín, Fraboni, Federico, Pietrantoni, Luca, Prati, Gabriele 21 December 2020 (has links)
The shift towards automation and safer vehicles will increasingly involve use of technological advancements such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Nevertheless, these technologies need to meet users’ perceived needs to be effectively implemented and purchased. Based on an updated version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this study analyses the main determinants of drivers’ intention to use an ADAS aimed at detecting cyclist and preventing potential collision with them through an auto-braking system. Even if the relevance of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and trust on the acceptance of a new system has been already discussed in literature, we considered the role of an external variable such as attitudes towards cyclists in the prediction of an ADAS aimed to improve the safety of cyclists. We administered a questionnaire measuring negative attitudes towards cyclists, trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and the behavioural intention to use the system to 480 Italian drivers. Path analysis using Bayesian estimation showed that perceived usefulness, trust in the system, and negative attitudes towards cyclists have a direct effect on the intention to use the ADAS. Considering the role of attitudes towards other road users in the intention to use new ADAS aimed to improve their safety could foster the user’s acceptance, especially for those people who express a negative representation of cyclists and are even more unlikely to accept the technology.
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Vision-based Driver Assistance Systems for Teleoperation of OnRoad Vehicles : Compensating for Impaired Visual Perception Capabilities Due to Degraded Video Quality / Visuella förarhjälpmedel för fjärrstyrning av fordonMatts, Tobias, Sterner, Anton January 2020 (has links)
Autonomous vehicles is going to be a part of future transport of goods and people, but to make them usable in unpredictable situations presented in real traffic, there is need for backup systems for manual vehicle control. Teleoperation, where a driver controls the vehicle remotely, has been proposed as a backup system for this purpose. This technique is highly dependent on stable and large wireless network bandwidth to transmit high resolution video from the vehicle to the driver station. Reduction in network bandwidth, resulting in a reduced level of detail in the video stream, could lead to a higher risk of driver error. This thesis is a two part investigation. One part looking into whether lower resolution and increased lossy compression of video at the operator station affects driver performance and safety of operation during teleoperation. The second part covers implementation of two vision-based driver assistance systems, one which detects and highlights vehicles and pedestrians in front of the vehicle, and one which detects and highlights lane markings. A driving test was performed at an asphalt track with white markings for track boundaries, with different levels of video quality presented to the driver. Reducing video quality did have a negative effect on lap time and increased the number of times the track boundary was crossed. The test was performed with a small group of drivers, so the results can only be interpreted as an indication toward that video quality can negatively affect driver performance. The vision-based driver assistance systems for detection and marking of pedestrians was tested by showing a test group pre-recorded video shot in traffic, and them reacting when they saw a pedestrian about to cross the road. The results of a one-way analysis of variance, shows that video quality significantly affect reaction times, with p = 0.02181 at significance level α = 0.05. A two-way analysis of variance was also conducted, accounting for video quality, the use of a driver assistance system marking pedestrians, and the interaction between these two. The results point to that marking pedestrians in very low quality video does help reduce reaction times, but the results are not significant at significance level α = 0.05.
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