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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do ácido clorogênico sobre funções de neutrófilos: estudos in vitro / Effects of chlorogenic acid on neutrophils functions: in vitro studies

Belinati, Karen Daher 07 October 2010 (has links)
Ácido clorogênico (ACG) é o termo utilizado para designar um grupo de compostos fenólicos oriundos da reação de esterificação entre ácidos hidroxicinâmicos (p-cumárico, caféico e ferúlico) e ácido quínico. São amplamente encontrados em produtos naturais e exercem ações antioxidantes, citotóxicas, antitumorais, antibacterianas, antifúngicas e antiinflamatórias. Apesar da descrição dos seus efeitos antiinflamatórios em diferentes modelos experimentais, a literatura é carente quanto suas ações específicas em funções inflamatórias de neutrófilos. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar os efeitos do ACG sobre funções de neutrófilos in vitro. Neutrófilos foram obtidos do lavado peritoneal de ratos Wistar, machos, 4 horas após a injeção local de glicogênio de ostra a 1% e foram incubados, na presença ou ausência de LPS, com ACG nas concentrações de 25, 50, 100 ou 1000 µM. A viabilidade celular (exclusão por trypan-blue), a secreção de citocinas e prostaglandina E2 (ensaio imunoenzimático); a produção de óxido nítrico (reação de Griess); a expressão de moléculas de adesão (citometria de fluxo); a aderência e a quimiotaxia foram avaliadas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o ACG não afetou as secreções do fator de necrose tumoral-α,de interleucina 1β, do óxido nítrico e de prostaglandina E2 em condições basais ou após estimulação pelo LPS. Diferentemente, a incubação com ACG inibiu a aderência de neutrófilos à cultura primária de célula endotelial de microcirculação de ratos e a quimiotaxia in vitro frente ao peptídeo formilado (N-formilmetionil- leucil-fenilalanina). Estes últimos efeitos podem estar associados à ação do ACG sobre a expressão de moléculas de adesão, já que o ACG elevou a expressão de L-selectina e reduziu as expressões de β2 integrina e da molécula de adesão plaqueta e endotélio. Os dados obtidos não foram dependentes de alterações da viabilidade celular. Em conjunto, os resultados mostram que o ACG possui efeito direto sobre funções de neutrófilos responsáveis pela interação ao endotélio microvascular e pela migração orientada em resposta a estímulo inflamatório. Estes efeitos podem contribuir, pelo menos em parte, para redução da migração de neutrófilos para focos de inflamação na vigência de tratamento com ACG amplamente descrita na literatura. / Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is the term utilized to design a group of phenolic compounds from the sterification reaction between the hydroxycinnamic acids (p-coumaric, caffeic and ferulic acid) and the quinic acid. They are largely found in natural products and exert anti-oxidant, citoxic, anti-tumoral, anti-bactericidal, anti-fungicidal and anti-inflammatory activity. Besides the description of its anti-inflammatory effect in different experimental models, the literature is scarse regarding its specific actions in neutrophil inflammatory functions. Therefore, the aim of this present work was to investigate the CGA effects on neutrophils functions in vitro. Neutrophils were obtained from the peritoneal lavage of male Wistar rats four hours after a local injection of oyster glycogen 1% and were incubated, in the presence or absence of LPS, with CGA in the concentrations of 25, 50, 100 or 1000 µM. The cellular viability (trypan-blue exclusion), the cytokines secretions (enzyme-linked immunosorbend assay), production of nitric oxide (Greiss reaction); adhesion molecules expression (flow citometry), adherence and chemotaxis in vitro were assessed. The results shows that the CGA did not affect the secretion of the tumor necrosis factor-α , of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2 and only the incubation with 50µM of CGA inhibited the secretion of Interleukin 1β after stimulation with LPS. Differently, the incubation with CGA inhibited the adherence of neutrophils on the primary culture of endothelial cell from the micro-circulation of rats and the chemotaxis in vitro against formylated peptide (fenyl-metyl-leucyl-alanin). This lasts effects might be associated with the action of CGA on the expression of adhesion molecules, hence this compound was capable of elevate the expression of L-selectin and reduce the expression of β2 integrin and PECAM-1. The data here obtained are not dependent of cellular viability alterations. In conjunct, the data here obtained shows that the CGA has direct effect on neutrophils functions responsible of the interaction with the micro vascular endothelium and the oriented migration in response to an inflammatory stimuli. These effects can contribute, at least in part, to the decreased neutrophil migration in the inflammatory focus in the presence of CGA treatment.

Functional roles of L1-Cam/Neuroglian in the nervous system of Drosophila Melanogaster

Unknown Date (has links)
Neuronal cell adhesion molecules of L1 family play a critical role in proper nervous system development. Various mutations on human L1-CAM that lead to severe neurodevelopmental disorders like retardation, spasticity etc. termed under L1 syndrome. The vertebrr their roles in axon pathfinding, neurite extension and cell migration, howeverate L1CAM and its homolog in Drosophila, neuroglian (nrg) have been well studied fo, much less is known about the mechanisms by which they fine tune synaptic connectivity to control the development and maintenance of synaptic connections within neuronal circuits. Here we characterized the essential role of nrg in regulating synaptic structure and function in vivo in a well characterized Drosophila central synapse model neuron, the Giant Fiber (GF) system. Previous studies from our lab revealed that the phosphorylation status of the tyrosine in the Ankyrin binding FIGQY motif in the intracellular domain of Nrg iscrucial for synapse formation of the GF to Tergo-Trochanteral Motor neuron (TTMn) synapse in the GF circuit. The present work provided us with novel insights into the role of Nrg-Ank interaction in regulating Nrg function during synapse formation and maintenance. By utilizing a sophisticated Pacman based genomic rescue strategy we have shown that dynamic regulation of the Neuroglian–Ankyrin interaction is required to coordinate transsynaptic development in the GF–TTMn synapse. In contrast, the strength of Ankyrin binding directly controls the balance between synapse formation and maintenance at the NMJ. Human L1 pathological mutations affect different biological processes distinctively and thus their proper characterization in vivo is essential to understand L1CAM function. By utilizing nrg14;P[nrg180ΔFIGQY] mutants that have exclusive synaptic defects and the previously characterized nrg849 allele that affected both GF guidance and synaptic function, we were able to analyze pathological L1CAM missense mutations with respect to their effects on guidance and synapse formation in vivo. We found that the human pathological H210Q, R184Q and Y1070C, but not the E309K and L120V L1CAM mutations affect outside-in signaling via the FIGQY Ankyrin binding domain which is required for synapse formation and not for axon guidance while L1CAM homophilic binding and signaling via the ERM motif is essential for axon guidance in Drosophila. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Estudo in vitro do efeito da prostaglandina E2 na migração das células U87MG e U251MG, evidenciando a matriz extracelular e as moléculas de adesão. / In vitro study of the effect of prostaglandin E2 on cell migration of U87MG and U251MG, highlighting the extracellular matrix and adhesion molecules.

Feitoza, Fábio 07 March 2014 (has links)
O glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) é uma neoplasia do sistema nervoso central (SNC), caracterizada por uma elevada capacidade proliferativa e migratória. O desenvolvimento do tumor provoca uma remodelação da matriz extracelular (MEC) que facilita a migração tumoral. Eicosanóides são moléculas lipídicas importantes na carcinogênese e a sua síntese está correlacionada com o grau de desenvolvimento do tumor. As prostaglandinas são eicosanóides envolvidas na estimulação da angiogênese, na adesão celular e proliferação celular. Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar in vitro o efeito da PGE2 na expressão moléculas da MEC e das moléculas de adesão envolvidas na migração, em células U87MG e U251MG. As células U251MG e U87MG foram tratadas com PGE2 (10µM) e Ibuprofeno (25µM), por um período 48hs. As proteínas da MEC foram analisadas por RT-qPCR após o tratamento. Foram realizadas reações de imunohistoquímica para as moléculas da MEC. As alterações foram encontradas na expressão de laminina, fibronectina, colágeno tipo IV e as integrinas αv , α3 e α5 para células U87MG . Observamos imunomarcação nas linhas celulares para colágeno tipo IV, laminina e fibronectina. Concluímos que o tratamento com IBU e PGE2, afeta a expressão gênica de moléculas de MEC. / Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) is a neoplasm of the central nervous system (CNS), characterized by a high proliferative and migratory capacity. Tumor development leads to extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling and facilitating the migration of these cells. Eicosanoids are important lipid molecules in carcinogenesis, and their synthesis often correlates with the degree of tumor development. Prostaglandins are eicosanoids involved in the stimulation of angiogenesis, cell adhesion and cell proliferation. This study is aimed to evaluate the expression of several ECM molecules involved in migration after altering the concentration of prostaglandins, using human glioma cell lines as an in vitro model. The cell lines U87MG and U251MG were treated with PGE2 (10µM) and Ibuprofen (25µM), for a predetermined period of 48hs. Proteins involved in extracellular matrix were analyzed by RT-qPCR after treatment in vitro. Immunohistochemical reactions were also performed for the ECM molecules. Changes were found in the expression of laminin, fibronectin, type IV collagen and αv, α3 and α5 integrins in cells U87MG. We observed immunostaining in cell lines to type IV collagen, laminin and fibronectin. In conclusion, Ibuprofen and PGE2, affects gene expression of ECM molecules.

Caracterização do efeito anti-inflamatório da crotoxina sobre a migração celular induzida pela carragenina / Characterization of anti-inflamatory action of crotoxin on cell migration induced by carrageenan

Nunes, Fernanda Peixoto Barbosa 26 June 2012 (has links)
A literatura relata que o veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus (VCdt) ou suas toxinas isoladas modulam a resposta inflamatória. A crotoxina (CTX) é a principal toxina do VCdt, representando aproximadamente 65% do conteúdo do veneno bruto. Dando continuidade aos estudos que evidenciam o efeito modulador do VCdt sobre a inflamação, foi demonstrado que o VCdt apresenta um efeito anti-inflamatório prolongado sobre a resposta inflamatória induzida pela carragenina (Cg), em camundongos. Esse estudo mostrou que uma única dose de VCdt, administrada pela via subcutânea, 7 ou 21 dias antes da injeção de Cg inibe, respectivamente, o desenvolvimento do edema de pata e a migração celular para a cavidade peritoneal, induzidos por este agente inflamatório. Este efeito anti-inflamatório também foi observado após a instalação da resposta inflamatória (Nunes et al., 2007). Além disso, foi demonstrado também que a CTX, é a toxina responsável por este efeito anti-inflamatório prolongado. Ainda, dados recentes mostram que os receptores para peptídeo formil, tais como lipoxina/anexina, mediadores com potente ação anti-inflamatória, estão envolvidos no efeito da CTX. Em continuidade a essa linha de investigação, este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar o efeito da CTX sobre a expressão de mediadores pró-inflamatórios e de moléculas de adesão envolvidas na resposta inflamatória induzida pela Cg. em camundongos. Além de avaliar também o efeito desta toxina sobre a translocação da subunidade p65 do NF-κB para o núcleo celular. Para tanto, foi, investigado o efeito de uma única dose de CTX (44 μg/kg) sobre: a expressão de P-selectina, ICAM-1, PECAM-1 e Mac-1; sobre a secreção de TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, PGE2, e LTB4 e sobre a expressão de iNOS e p65. Cabe destacar ainda que, um inibidor da síntese de glicocorticoides (Mifepristone), bem como um antagonista de receptor para glicocorticoides (Metirapona) foram administrados antes do tratamento da CTX, para avaliar também a participação de glicocorticoides endógenos no efeito anti-inflamatório da CTX. A administração subcutânea de uma única dose de CTX produziu: 1- diminuição da secreção de TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6; 2- diminuição da expressão de P-selectina e ICAM-1 e 3- diminuição da expressão de p65. Por outro lado, a CTX não alterou os níveis de PGE2, e LTB4, como também não alterou a expressão de iNOS e Mac-1. Além disso, nossos resultados sugerem que os glicocorticóides endógenos não interferem no efeito anti-inflamatório da CTX, uma vez que o pré-tratamento com Mifepristone ou Metirapona não alteraram o efeito inibitório desta toxina sobre a migração celular. Em conjunto, os resultados caracterizam o efeito anti-inflamatório da CTX sobre a migração celular induzida pela Cg e sugerem que esta toxina pode inibir a expressão de importantes substâncias pró-inflamatórias envolvidas na resposta inflamatória pela Cg ao inibir a ativação do fator de transcrição, NF-κB, uma vez que este fator favorece a transcrição de vários genes, cujas proteínas são importantes no desenvolvimento da resposta inflamatória. Esses resultados contribuem para a elucidação dos mecanismos envolvidos na ação modulatória da CTX sobre a resposta inflamatória / The literature shows that Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom (CdtV) or their toxins isolated modulate the inflammatory response. The crotoxin (CTX) is the main toxin of CdtV, representing approximately 65% of the content of the crude venom. It was demonstrated that CdtV presents a long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect induced by carrageenan (Cg) in mice. This study showed that a single dose of CdtV inhibits respectively, the development of paw edema and cell migration to the peritoneal cavity induced by this inflammatory agent. This anti-inflammatory effect was also observed after installation of the inflammatory response (Nunes et al., 2007). Furthermore, it was also demonstrated that CTX is responsible for this long-lasting anti-inflammatory effect. Still, recent data show that the formil peptide receptors, such as lipoxin/anexin, mediators with potent anti-inflammatory action, are involved in the effect of CTX. The aim of this study is characterize the effect of CTX on the expression of proinflammatory mediators and adhesion molecules involved in the inflammatory response induced by Cg in mice and also evaluate the effect of the toxin on translocation of the p65 subunit of NF-κB to the nucleus. Therefore, it was investigated the effect of a single dose of CTX (44 μg/kg) on: P-selectin, ICAM-1, PECAM-1 and Mac-1 expression; TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, PGE2 and LTB4 secretion and, on iNOS and p65 expression. It should be noted that a synthesis of glucocorticoids inhibitor (Mifepristone) and a glucocorticoid antagonist receptor (Metyrapone) were administrated before CTX treatment to evaluate the involvement of endogenous glucocorticoids in the anti-inflammatory effect of CTX. Our results show that a single dose of CTX produced: reduction of TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6 secretion; reduction of P-selectin and ICAM-1 expression and reduction of p65 expression. Moreover, CTX did not alter levels of PGE2 and LTB4 secretion and did not alter iNOS and Mac-1 expression. Furthermore, our results suggest that endogenous glucocorticoids do not interfere with anti-inflammatory effect of CTX, since that pre-treatment with Mifepristone and Metyrapone did not alter the inhibitory effect of this toxin on cell migration induced by Cg and suggest that this toxin can inhibit the expression of important proinflammatory substances involved in the inflammatory response induced by Cg to inhibit the NF-κB activation, since this factor promotes the transcription of several genes whose proteins are important in the development inflammatory response. These results contribute to the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the modulatory action of CTX on the inflammatory response

Papel de inibidores da síntese e absorção do colesterol na modulação de biomarcadores de inflamação e adesão celular in vivo e in vitro / Role of inhibitors of the cholesterol synthesis and absorption on modulation of inflammation and cell adhesion biomarkers in vivo and in vitro

Cerda Maureira, Álvaro Danilo 24 May 2013 (has links)
O processo inflamatório tem um papel fundamental na gênese e desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, sendo que a disfunção endotelial é considerada um dos estágios iniciais da aterogênese. Por meio da inibição da enzima hidroxi-metil-glutaril coA redutase (HMGCR), as estatinas reduzem a biossíntese do colesterol e a formação de isoprenóides, produtos intermediários da síntese do colesterol que são importantes na modificação pós-transcricional de GTPases pequenas que estão envolvidas na disfunção endotelial e inflamação vascular. A ezetimiba é um inibidor da absorção do colesterol através da inibição da proteína NPC1L1. Com a finalidade de esclarecer os mecanismos moleculares da inibição da síntese e da absorção do colesterol sobre a modulação de biomarcadores inflamatórios e de adesão celular foram utilizados modelos in vitro com células endoteliais (HUVEC) e monócitos (células THP-1), e in vivo com células mononucleares do sangue periférico (CMSP) de indivíduos hipercolesterolêmicos (HC). O efeito das estatinas, atorvastatina e sinvastatina, e da ezetimiba na expressão de RNAm e proteínas de moléculas de adesão endoteliais e moduladores do processo inflamatório, como citocinas e óxido nítrico (NO), foi estudado em células HUVEC. O efeito desses fármacos sobre a expressão de moléculas de adesão monocitárias foi estudado em células THP-1. O efeito da terapia hipolipemiante sobre essas moléculas foi também estudada em CMSP de HC tratados com ezetimiba (10 mg/dia/4 semanas), sinvastatina (10 mg/dia/8 semanas) e sinvastatina combinada com ezetimiba (10 mg de cada/dia/4 semanas). A expressão de RNAm foi avaliada por RT-qPCR. A expressão de moléculas de adesão na superfície de células THP-1 e HUVEC foi estudada por citometria de fluxo. A quantificação de citocinas secretadas no sobrenadante de células HUVEC e no plasma dos HC foi analisada pela tecnologia Milliplex. A quantificação do perfil lipífico, Proteína C reativa ultra-sensível (PCRus) e NO foi realizada por métodos laboratoriais convencionais. O papel do NO na modulação dos marcadores inflamatórios pelas estatinas foi também estudada, usando modelo de células HUVEC com NOS3 silenciado por interferência de RNAm e também por meio do uso do inibidor da síntese do óxido nítrico, L-NAME. Também foi avaliado o efeito de hipolipemiantes na expressão dos microRNAs (miRs) 221, miR-222 e miR-1303 em células HUVEC por meio do stem-loop RT-qPCR. O tratamento com atorvastatina e sinvastatina reduziu a expressão de RNAm e proteínas das moléculas de adesão LSelectina, PSGL-1 e VLA-4, em células THP-1 pré-tratadas com TNFα por 12 h. A ezetimiba reduziu a expressão de L-Selectina apenas no nível transcricional. Em células HUVEC, as estatinas diminuíram a expressão de RNAm de IL1B e SELP, entretanto aumentaram a de VCAM1. A ezetimiba reduziu a expressão de RNAm do IL1B. Entretanto as expressões de SELE, MMP9, IL6 e MMP9 não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos. A expressão das proteínas ICAM-1 e P-Selectina, na superfície de células HUVEC, foi diminuída pelo tratamento com as estatinas, mas não pela ezetimiba. Da mesma forma, a secreção das citocinas IL-6 e MCP-1 foram reduzidas pelas estatinas, entretanto a secreção de IL-8 não foi modificada por nenhum dos tratamentos. A expressão de NOS3 e a liberação de NO em células HUVEC foi aumentada pelas estatinas, porém não foi estimulada pela ezetimiba. Entretanto, os efeitos antiinflamatórios exercidos pelas estatinas foram independentes dessa via devido a que estes efeitos foram mantidos em células HUVEC com NOS3 silenciado por interferência de RNAm. Apesar de que o efeito sobre ICAM-1 e MCP-1 foi atenuado quando as células foram simultaneamente tratadas com L-NAME, os efeitos das estatinas parecem ser independentes da liberação de NO. As estatinas e a ezetimiba reduziram a expressão do miR-221, em células HUVEC. A expressão do miR-222 foi reduzida só pelo tratamento com atorvastatina. A expressão do miR-1303 não foi modulada pelos tratamentos hipolipemiantes. Em pacientes HC, a terapia de associação da sinvastatina e ezetimiba demonstrou melhorar o perfil lipídico de forma mais efetiva que ambas monoterapias. Da mesma forma, o tratamento combinado resultou em maior beneficio pela redução da expressão de RNAm em CMSP e da concentração plasmática das proteínas IL-1 β, MCP-1, IL-8 e TNFα. A expressão de ICAM1 foi diminuída apenas no nível transcricional, entretanto a expressão de RNAm mas não da proteína do TNFα foi também reduzida pela sinvastatina em monoterapia. Não houve modulação de RNAm ou proteínas de outros marcadores estudados no modelo in vivo. Por outro lado, os efeitos anti-inflamatórios observados nos indivíduos HC foram independentes da modulação de PCRus e NO que não foram modificados pelos tratamentos hipolipemiantes. Neste estudo, foram confirmados os propostos efeitos pleiotrópicos das estatinas em modelos células de monócito e endotélio vascular in vitro e em pacientes HC. Por outro lado, apesar de ser menos potente que as estatinas foi mostrado que a inibição da absorção do colesterol tem também um efeito anti-inflamatório. A redução adicional do colesterol causado pela combinação das terapias hipolipemiantes outorga um maior beneficio cardiovascular em pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos. / The inflammatory process has a key role in the genesis and development of atherosclerosis and the endothelial disfunction is considered as a first step in atherogenesis. By inhibiting the hydroxyl-methyl-glutaryl coA reductase (HMGCR)m statins reduce the cholesterol synthesis and isoprenoid generation, which are intermediary products of cholesterol synthesis with important role in posttranscriptional modifications of small GTPases that are involved in endothelial disfunction and vascular inflammation. The ezetimibe is an inhibitor of cholesterol absorption by inhibiting the NPC1L1 protein. To clarify the molecular mechanisms of the inhibition of cholesterol synthesis and absorption modulating inflammatory and cell adhesion biomarkers we used in vitro models of endothelial cells (HUVEC) and monocytes (THP-1), and an in vivo model of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from hypercholesterolemic (HC) patients. The effect of the statins, atorvastatin and simvastatin, and the ezetimibe on mRNA and protein expression of endothelial adhesion molecules and modulators of the inflammatory process, as citokynes and nitric oxide (NO), was analyzed in HUVEC. The effect of these drugs on the expression of monocyte adhesion molecules was also studied in THP-1. The influence of hypolipemiant therapy on the adhesion molecules was also analyzed in PBMC from HC treated with ezetimibe (10 mg/day/4-weeks), simvastatin (10 mg/day/8-weeks) and simvastatin combined with ezetimibe (10 mg each/day/4-weeks). The mRNA expression was evaluated by RT-qPCR. The expression of adhesion molecules on the surface of THP-1 and HUVEC cells was analyzed flow cytometry. The citokynes in the supernatants of HUVEC were quantified using the milliplex technology. The Lipid profile, high-sensivity PCR (hsPCR) and NO were determined by conventional laboratory methods. The role of the NO on the statin-modulation of inflammatory markers was also studied using a model with silenced NOS3 by interference of mRNA and by the use of the inhibitor of NO synthesis, L-NAME. The effect of hypolipemiants on the expression of microRNAs (miRs) 221, miR-222 and miR-1303 was also evaluated in HUVEC using the stem-loom RT-qPCR. Atorvastatin and simvastatin reduced the mRNA and protein expression of the adhesion molecules L-Selectin, PSGL-1 and VLA-4 in THP-1 cells pre-treated with TNFα for 12 h. The ezetimibe reduced the L-Selectin expression only at transcriptional level. In HUVEC, statins diminished IL1B and SELP mRNA expression, whereas VCAM1 was increased. The ezetimibe reduced the IL1B mRNA expression. However, SELE, MMP9, IL6 and MMP9 mRNA expressions were not affected by the treatments. The protein expression of ICAM-1 and P-Selectin on the surface of HUVEC was reduced by statins, but not by the ezetimibe. Similarly, IL-6 and MCP-1 secretion were reduced by statins, whereas IL-8 secretion was not modified by the treatments. The NO release and NOS3 expression in HUVEC was increased by the statins, however it was not stimulated by ezetimibe. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory statin effects were independent of this pathway due to statin effects were maintained in HUVEC with silenced NOS3. Although the statin effect on ICAM-1 and MCP-1 were attenuated by L-NAME co treatment, the statin effects seem to be independent of NO release. Statins and ezetimibe reduced miR221 in HUVEC. miR-222 expression was reduced only by atorvastatin. miR-1303 was not affected by the treatments. In HC patients, the improvement of the lipid profile simvastatin combined with ezetimibe was more efficient than both monotherapies. Similarly, the association therapy was better in reducing the mRNA expression in PBMC and plasma concentration of IL-1β, MCP-1, IL-8 and TNFα. ICAM1 expression was reduced only at transcriptional level, whereas mRNA but not protein expression of TNFα was also reduced by the simvastatin monotherapy. There was no modulation mRNA or protein expression of other studied markers in the in vivo model. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects observed in the HC were independent of PCRus or NO modulation, which were not altered by the hypolipemiant treatments. In this study, the proposed plitropic effects of statins were confirmed in monocytes and endothelial cells in vitro and in HC patients. Moreover, although it was less potent than statins, an anti-inflammatory effect was also observed for the inhibition of cholesterol absorption. An additional reduction of the cholesterol caused by combined hypolipemiant therapies gives a greater cardiovascular beneffict in hypercholesterolemic patients.

A Novel Role of the Ankyrin-Binding Motif of L1-Type CAM Neuroglian in Nuclear Import and Transcriptional Regulation of Myc

Unknown Date (has links)
L1-type cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) plays an essential role in the development of nervous system and is also highly relevant for the progression of diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and cancers, some of the leading causes of human mortality. In addition to its canonical role as a plasma membrane protein organizing the cytoskeleton, recent in vitro studies have revealed that transmembrane as well as cytosolic fragments of proteolytically cleaved vertebrate L1CAM translocate to the nucleus and regulate expression of genes involved in DNA post-replication repair, cell cycle control, migration and differentiation. However, little is known about the in vivo function of L1CAM in the adult nervous system. This dissertation research focuses on studying in vivo nuclear translocation and function of L1CAM. Using the Drosophila model system, we first show that the sole Drosophila L1CAM homolog, Neuroglian (Nrg), is proteolytically cleaved by Alzheimer’s associated secretases, similar to L1CAM, and is also translocated to the nucleus in the adult nervous system. Subsequently, we have shown that the deletion of highly conserved Ankyrin binding domain or FIGQY motif disrupts nuclear import. Further experiments have revealed that the nuclear translocation of Nrg is in fact regulated by the phosphorylation of the FIGQY motif. Importantly, our studies also show transgenic expression of full-length Nrg or the intracellular domain of Nrg resulted in increased myc expression, which is associated with increased sensitivity to oxidative stress and reduced life span. On the other hand, deletion of the FIGQY motif or mutations preventing its phosphorylation led to decrease in myc expression. In summary, we have identified a novel role for the highly conserved Ankyrin binding domain in nuclear translocation and transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila myc oncogene, which is of high relevance to neurodegenerative diseases and cancer associated with oxidative stress. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2018. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Effects of glycosylation on melanoma interactions with type IV collagen models

Unknown Date (has links)
Tumor cells interact with basement membrane collagen at the site of extravasation through distinct cellular receptors, including the α2β1 and α3β1integrins. These receptors are known to be differentially expressed in metastatic tumors, relative to the normal cells, depending on tumor type and stage of progression. The binding sites within type IV collagen for the α2β1 andα3β1 integrins have been identified. Since both of the integinspecific sequences possess at least one glycosylated Hyl residue, we questioned whether glycosylation could modulate integrin binding. Triple-helical peptides with and without Lys substituted by glycosylated Hyl for Lys543 and Lys540 from the human a1(IV)531-543 gene sequence (α3β integrin-specific) and Lys393 from the human a1(IV)382-393 gene sequence (α2β1 integrin-specific) were synthesized and utilized in the present study. / Cellular response to these triple helical ligands was tested with a primary melanoma cell line, WM-115, and three highly metastatic melanoma cell lines , WM-266-4, M14#5, and SK-MEL-2. Cell adhesion and cell spreading assays yielded differing results depending on whether the ligands contained glycosylated Hyl residues or not. In general, a decrease in cellular affinity toward the ligands was observed when glycosylated Hyl was present. Differences in the levels of adhesion and spreading between cell lines representing different stages of melanoma were also observed. Neutral B-galactosidase activity was detected in all four cell lines. Enzymatic activity levels were comparable for the three metastatic cell lines, whereas distinctively higher activity was detected for cells originating from a primary lesion. This acitivity can signal the potential of tumor cells to enhance and recover their invasive abilities. / The ability of each cell line to remove the galactose from the peptide ligands has been investigated, to test whether tumor cells can reestablish binding relationships between the α2β1 and α3β1 integrins and type IV collagen that are reduced by glycosylation. / by Beatrix Aukszi. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2008. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2008. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Análise da expressão de moléculas de adesão no tumor primário e em metástases ósseas e linfonodais de pacientes com câncer de próstata / Adhesion molecules in localized prostate cancer and in bone and lymph node metastases

Pontes Junior, José 12 February 2010 (has links)
Objetivo: As moléculas de adesão celular (MAC) são essenciais para a manutenção do fenótipo epitelial. Alguns estudos têm relatado associação entre as alterações de sua expressão e a carcinogênese, mas o seu papel no câncer de próstata não é claro. Nosso objetivo foi estudar o perfil de expressão de E-caderina, cateninas e integrinas em espécimes cirúrgicos de câncer de próstata e associar as suas expressões com a evolução do tumor. Avaliamos também o perfil de expressão em metástases ósseas e linfonodais, a fim de compreender a influência destes marcadores na progressão do câncer de próstata. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados 111 pacientes com câncer de próstata localizado tratados com prostatectomia radical pelo mesmo cirurgião. Sessenta pacientes não apresentaram recidiva tumoral após acompanhamento médio de 123 meses. A expressão das MAC foi avaliada por imuno-histoquímica (IH) em microarranjo tecidual (TMA), contendo duas amostras de cada tumor. Empregamos análise semiquantitativa para avaliação da expressão e determinamos a associação entre a expressão de cada MAC com a recorrência do tumor após a cirurgia. Avaliamos também a expressão das MAC por IH em TMA contendo espécimes de 28 metástases ósseas e em outro TMA contendo 19 metástases linfonodais com seus 19 tumores primários correspondentes. Resultados: Nos tumores primários a análise multivariada mostrou que a expressão das integrinas 3 e 3 1 relaciona-se com recidiva da doença. Quando a expressão de 3 foi forte e a expressão de 3 1 foi positiva, as chances de recorrência foram de 3,0 e 2,5 vezes maior. Apenas 19% e 28% dos pacientes estavam livres de recidiva após seguimento médio de 123 meses, quando os tumores apresentavam forte imunoexpressão de 3 ou positiva para 3 1 respectivamente. Outras integrinas apresentaram expressão reduzida, exceto 6 que foi expressa pela maioria dos tumores primário e metástases. A E-Caderina e as cateninas não mostraram associação com o prognóstico no tumor de próstata localizado. No sítio metastático, houve perda global de expressão das MAC. Encontramos ganho de expressão com a progressão do câncer de próstata somente para a integrina 3 que mostrou forte expressão em metade das metástases ósseas e linfonodais. Encontramos forte expressão de e -catenina foi em 94% dos linfonodos e 45% Conclusões: Nossos experimentos demonstram que a expressão das integrinas 3 e 3 1 está independentemente associada à recidiva de câncer de próstata após prostatectomia radical, e que a perda das moléculas de adesão celular pode ser considerada uma característica da progressão desta neoplasia / Purpose: Cell adhesion molecules (CAM) are essential for the maintenance of epithelial phenotype. Some studies have reported correlations between abnormalities in their expression and carcinogenesis, but their role in prostate cancer is unclear. Our aim was to study the expression profile of E-cadherin, catenins and integrins in surgical specimens of prostate cancer and associate their expression with outcome. We also assessed these expressions in bone and lymph node metastases in order to understand their influence in the progression of prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: We selected 111 patients with localized prostate cancer who underwent radical prostatectomy performed by the same surgeon. Sixty patients had no tumor recurrence after a median follow-up of 123 months. The CAM expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in a tissue microarray (TMA) containing two samples of each tumor. A semiquantitative analysis was employed and we measured the association between the expression of CAM and tumor recurrence. We also evaluated CAM expression by immunohistochemistry in a TMA containing 28 bone metastases and in other TMA containing 19 lymph node metastases with their corresponding 19 primary tumors. Results: In primary tumors, multivariate analysis showed that expression of 3 and 31 integrins was related to worse outcome. When 3 expression was strong and 31 expression was positive,the odds of recurrence were 3.0 and 2.5 fold higher. Only 19% and 28% of patients were recurrence-free in a mean follow up period of 123 months, when tumors showed strong 3 or positive 31 immuno-expression respectively. Other integrins have shown reduced expression, except 6 , which was expressed in most primary and metastatic cases. E-cadherin and catenins expressions were not associated with primary tumor outcome. At the metastatic setting, there was a global loss of CAM expression. We observed reliable gain of expression with prostate cancer progression only for integrin 3 that showed strong expression in half of bone and lymph node metastases. Interestingly, strong expression of and -catenin was observed in 94% of lymph node and 45% of bone metastases. Conclusions: We have demonstrated that the expression of integrins 3 and 31 was independently associated with recurrence after radical prostatectomy. In addition, we have shown that the loss of cell adhesion molecules can be considered a characteristic of prostate cancer progression

Axon patterning in the mouse retinofugal pathway.

January 2002 (has links)
Leung Kin Mei. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 106-125). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- GENERAL INTRODUCTION --- p.1-11 / Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- ENZYMATIC REMOVAL OF CHONDROITIN SULFATES ABOLISHES THE AGE-RELATED ORDER IN THE OPTIC TRACT OF MOUSE EMBRYOS / INTRODUCTION --- p.12-13 / MATERIALS AND METHODS --- p.13-18 / RESULTS --- p.18-24 / DISCUSSION --- p.24-29 / FIGURES --- p.30-39 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- EXPRESSION OF PHOSPHACAN AND NEUROCAN IN THE DEVELOPING MOUSE RETINOFUGAL PATHWAY / INTRODUCTION --- p.40-42 / MATERIALS AND METHODS --- p.42-43 / RESULTS --- p.44-49 / DISCUSSION --- p.49-55 / FIGURES --- p.56-61 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- HEPARAN SULFATE PROTEOGLYCAN EXPRESSION IN THE OPTIC CHIASM OF MOUSE EMBRYOS / INTRODUCTION --- p.62-63 / MATERIALS AND METHODS --- p.63-65 / RESULTS --- p.66-70 / DISCUSSION --- p.70-76 / FIGURES --- p.77-82 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- EXPRESSION OF NEURAL CELL ADHESION MOLECULES IN THE CHIASM OF MOUSE EMBRYOS / INTRODUCTION --- p.83-85 / MATERIALS AND METHODS --- p.85-88 / RESULTS --- p.88-92 / DISCUSSION --- p.92.95 / FIGURES --- p.96-102 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- GERNEAL CONCLUSION --- p.103-105 / REFERENCES --- p.106-125

Molecular Interactions between Neurons and Oligodendrocytes during Myelin Formation / Dissertation for the award of the degree "Doctor rerum naturalium" Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Timmler, Sebastian 17 September 2018 (has links)
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