Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ddministration c.organization"" "subject:"ddministration c.reorganization""
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The role of the family championNacht, Joshua G. 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p> This qualitative research study explored the characteristics, emergence, and engagement of people who occupy the role of the family champion in family-enterprise systems. The family champion is a next-generation leader who emerges from within the ownership group of a family-enterprise system and who works to develop the ownership, governance, and relational capabilities of the family-owners to support their goals of success. This study investigated the interdependent exchanges between individual family champions, the family-ownership group, and their family-enterprise systems. Much of the existing research on leadership within family-enterprises has focused on leadership for the business entity. This study focused specifically on leadership within the family-ownership group. Ownership of an enterprise by a family has long been cited as a strategic asset. A need exists for further understanding of the role and function of leadership within the family-owners. </p><p> This study explored the characteristics, emergence, and engagement of 14 primary family champions through semi-structured qualitative interviews. An additional eight supporting interviews were conducted with another family member who was familiar with the primary interviewee to provide a complimentary perspective. The research was discovery based and designed to explore the experiences of family champions. The extensive interviews were transcribed and analyzed utilizing grounded theory principles with the assistance of NVivo 10 qualitative analysis software. </p><p> This research revealed a rich interaction between the context of family-enterprise systems, the characteristics of family champions, and systemic shift points that created the awareness of the need for leadership. The family champions worked to develop the family-ownership group through a cycle of engagement, to produce an advanced family-enterprise system. Four main themes linked to issues in family-enterprises emerged: The systemic context of family-enterprises, the process of leadership emergence, how family champions operate as catalysts for change, and governance of both family and enterprise. The family champion is a visionary catalyst who brings new energy into the family system to support and develop the family-ownership advantage. This research makes a contribution to our understanding of the vital role of leadership within family-enterprises, and has significance for individual leaders, families who own a business, and professionals who work with these systems.</p>
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Enterprise information technology adoption in government institutions| A quantitative studyJordan, Eric A. 22 October 2015 (has links)
<p> The purpose of this quantitative descriptive study was to describe the Washington, District of Columbia and metropolitan (DMV) area-based federal government employee perspectives on the adoption of enterprise information technologies. The sample size of this study consisted of 132 participants. The inability to accept or reject the hypothesis in this research was determined by descriptive statistics (means and standard deviation). Drawing from theoretical frameworks involving leadership, culture, human and organizational behavior, and decision-making, this study involves the introduction of an integrated model to describe the complexities of technology adoption in a single, comprehensive view. The comprehensive model attempted to emphasize interrelationships between key elements involved in organizational technology adoption, including how innovation spreads from various sources to influence organizational perceptions for both members and leaders. Additionally, this study also introduced a new survey tool (Employee Perceptions on Adoption of Enterprise Information Technology), and attempted to determine to what extent different factors affected enterprise information technology adoption. Data collected from this research effort suggested that government employees believe leadership represents the main factor influencing technology adoption in government organizations, with cost as the second leading factor. Government employees, however, did not believe that culture represented a key influence on technology adoption. Findings from this study may offer new insights on how to conduct technology adoption more effectively, and provide the foundation for recommending ways to create a successful enterprise system implementation. The main recommendation for future study is exploration of the Integrated Technology Adoption Model (ITAM) and the Employee Perceptions on Adoption of Enterprise Technology Survey. </p>
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The role of academic departments in graduate academic program innovationOwens, Taya Louise 08 January 2016 (has links)
<p> This analysis contributes conceptually to the field by investigating how campuses both originate and respond to academic innovation by locating the focus of the study in the center of curricular decision-making and action—the academic department. </p><p> This study applies an organizational perspective to academic innovation directly by combining three ideas to conceptualize and measure departmental qualities. The research design proposes that (1) academic innovation is the result of a direct behavior taken by an actor—in this case, departments are collective actors and changes in academic programs require collective decision-making; (2) actor behaviors are often cyclical or routine and changes in behavior can be measured through these routines—in this case, departments routinely offer courses; (3) innovation requires feasibility in actor knowledge, capability, and skill—in this case, departments collectively contain faculty capability, course knowledge, and administrative skill. </p><p> The significance of departmental factors in a robust inferential model provides evidence that departments draw on technical knowledge and skills through course development and prior programmatic experience. Although enabling environments contribute, external conditions do not create organizational change. Program innovations occur within a campus, beginning at the department level. This study makes the case that context matters, but that its relative impact is mediated by the core characteristics of the collective actor that makes decisions and takes action.</p>
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Understanding the Sustainability of a Planned Change| A Case Study Using an Organizational Learning LensBarnes, Mary 09 September 2018 (has links)
<p>The concept of implementing organizational learning principles in an organization to help individuals and groups ?learn to learn? (Schein, 2017), thereby making the ongoing adaptation and change that inevitably occurs in organizations more successful, is an interesting problem to explore. While interesting, there are very few studies that examine the sustainability of change in any context. Several theoretical models incorporate the idea of sustaining, or institutionalizing, change. But, very few empirical studies actually explore that concept.
The purpose of this qualitative, descriptive, embedded case study was to explore how a government agency developed and sustained organizational learning, using the Organizational Learning Systems Model (OLSM) as a lens. To fulfill the purpose of this study, the following research question was addressed: How did a government agency introduce and sustain organizational learning during and after a planned change?
The results from this study contributed to the literature and to the practitioner community by showing that (1) the organization introduced and implemented organizational learning by centrally managing the learning subsystems during the change itself; (2) the organization introduced and sustained organizational learning by involving, encouraging, and empowering employees and middle managers during the change; (3) the organization introduced and implemented organizational learning by aligning all messaging from senior leadership to front-line employees during the change; (4) the organization implemented and sustained organizational learning by encouraging practice to learn the new behaviors and to iterate the change plan based on lessons learned; (5) the organization sustained organizational learning by counting on middle managers to sustain sensemaking and organizational learning post-change; and, (6) the organization was challenged in sustaining organizational learning because the specific change to a dispersed work environment has several unintended consequences that make it a tricky change.
A conceptual model to augment the OLSM was proposed. Future studies could: (1) test the conceptual model proposed; (2) explore the impacts of a dispersed work environment using OLSM or social network analysis; and, (3) examine the relationship between open office design and a dispersed work environment.
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Authentic Leadership, Research Integrity, and Institutions of Higher Learning| Why Focusing on Departmental Leadership is Critical for Preserving the Sanctity of ScienceEchols, Katherine I. 16 December 2017 (has links)
<p> One of the most overlooked and complex problems that universities and colleges face nation-wide is how to reduce and eliminate research misconduct. Because of the confidential nature of allegations of research misconduct and the high rate of underreporting, administrators at scholarly institutions struggle with understanding the cause of such behavior. Without a clear picture of the prevalence of misconduct or the barriers to reporting, leaders at institutions of higher learning find themselves at a disadvantage when dealing with these problems. This uncertainty coupled with a growing regulatory emphasis from federal funding agencies, results in a reactionary approach while questionable practices go unchecked. </p><p> In the early 2000s, federal funding agencies began requiring colleges and universities to provide training in the responsible conduct of research prior to receiving funding. The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training covers research misconduct (falsification of data, fabricating data, and plagiarism) as well as other topics related to research misbehaviors (mentoring, peer review, data management, authorship, etc). This emphasis on training, while well intended, has not had a significant impact on faculty and student knowledge about misconduct. </p><p> Authentic Leadership Theory is based on Aristotle’s concept of authenticity and has gained attention over the last decade. It is comprised of four main components: Balanced processing, internalized moral perspective, relational transparency, and self-awareness. These types of leaders focus on moral standards and values and that is what guides his or her leadership. </p><p> This study evaluates the impact authentic leaders have on shaping the ethical attitudes of faculty when they are placed in direct departmental supervisory positions. A survey of faculty from 15 Mississippi colleges and universities was conducted. Results indicate that the self-awareness and relational transparency constructs of authentic leadership influence faculty attitudes towards objective research integrity issues, but the direction of influence conflicts with each of the constructs. Additional variables failed to reach a level of significance suggesting that other variables, not historically associated with organizational leadership and research integrity, are influencing faculty’s ethical perceptions. Additional attention is focused on barriers to effective leadership caused by the compliance focused culture of institutions of higher learning.</p><p>
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Culture and Middle School Reform| From Stalled to Cruising. A Case Study of a Leadership Team's Journey Implementing Middle School ReformSmith, AnneMarie Kestner 02 April 2016 (has links)
<p> Academic and behavioral success in middle school is a predictor of academic and behavioral success in high school. How best to provide a developmentally responsive education to students at the middle level is a challenge that American educators and policymakers need to address (Jackson et al., 2000). This case study provides an understanding of the unique organizational structures and school culture that contributed to a diverse school’s fostering and sustaining the goals of a middle school reform initiative designed to contribute to students’ academic and behavioral success. </p><p> Once a low-performing school with high disciplinary referrals, Crossroads Middle School is now considered exemplary because of high ratings on district climate surveys and success in increasing student achievement for all student groups since implementation of the reform strategy. Notably, during the reform implementation, three principals led the school. Given this leadership turnover, the school’s success cannot be attributed to one charismatic leader, but rather the organizational culture fostered by the instructional leadership team. Data include interviews with 19 past and present members of the instructional leadership team, meeting observations, and reviews of school documents and artifacts. This exemplary case study reveals the shared norms, values, and beliefs developed over time by the leadership team members as they designed and implemented the structures, policies, and practices needed to foster the goals of the reform. </p><p> Crossroads had and continues to have a student population that mirrors the demographics of its large diverse district. This diversity contributes to the relevancy of the findings for other school leaders in districts that have diverse student populations and who seek to improve middle level education. The results of this study may inform district leaders and school-based staff seeking to adopt a middle school model uniquely suited to developing middle school students, and seeking to develop a staff with skill sets unique to teaching students at the middle school level.</p>
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建立我國行政機關職務普查制度之研究-從員額管制角度探討 / The Research of Establishing Position Census System in the R.O. C. Administration Organization甘雯, Kan, Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所稱的「職務普查制度」(Position Survey System),其研究範圍主要係由員額管制角度加以探討--即指因應內外在環境變遷,並參酌機關目標及任務,透過一套標準化的評量技術,對機關內全部職務的職掌、工作項目、工作量與其人力運用等情形,均予客觀而理性之評估後,從而發現缺失,進而提出具體職務調整的改進辦法,以謀求機關人力合理調配運用。
第二章計五節,透過「巨視」(macro)觀點來探討職務普查組織設計層面理論基礎,並就組織如何因應環境變遷的「情境面」(situation side)、以整體組織結構外貌為主的「結構面」(structure side)、及在既定機關組織結構中,其成員如何實際運作為主的「過程面」(process side)等三個要素加以探討,並參酌其重點列入職務普查制度實施之範圍,以資肆應。
第四章是實證狀況分析,計四節,主要在分析討論分類職位普 (抽)查措施之沿革、實施情形及其檢討;另借重組織員額評鑑(行政院)及職位普查 (內政部)之經驗;並就其三者之實施缺失,提出批判性之看法,以作為改進之參考。
第五章計六節,是實施職務普查所面臨問題與現象的分析,首先釐清建立職務普查制度所面臨的問題,主要有兩方面:一為該制度執行的步驟為何;另一方面為該制度有無一套具體可行的辦法。並透過愛德華三世(George C. Edward III)之政策執行力模式所論之「溝通」、「資源」、「執行者意向」、「機關結構」四種主要變數;及筆者結合前述組織設計與人事管理等理論而成之「理想化政策」等面向來探討職務普查工作執行應注意面臨之問題。
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國立高中學校行政組織再造之研究-以臺中縣市為例呂培川 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 現行國立高中學校行政組織架構,各校設立之組別大致相似。
二、 各校現行之學校行政組織中較迫切需要再造之處,頗符合現況需求。加強專業養成訓練;採勞務外包制;員額採總量管制。
三、 各校現行之學校行政組織架構較類似甲方案。較傾向於傳統之處室分組架構。
四、 國立高中學校行政組織,多數的填答者認為國立高中之規模區分維持現狀無須調整。
五、 國立高中學校行政組織,教學組、試務組以及訓育組較適合由教師兼任組長。
六、 現行國立高中學校行政組織及運作之缺失︰教師兼任行政工作意願不高;行政工作勞逸不均;行政組織結構缺乏彈性。
七、 現行國立高中學校行政組織改進途徑︰加強行政人員的專業養成訓練;改善各組行政工作勞逸不均;教職員採總量管制。
八、 國立高中學校行政組織再造,可透過將非屬核心業務外包或場所委外經營的方式來提升行政效率。
九、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,可以朝著裁併處室、裁併組別或歸併的方向調整。
十、 國立高中學校行政組織架構調整,以維持現狀的甲案最為填答者支持,反映出普遍冀求安定,但亦有近半數認同再造。
八、 進行國立高中學校行政組織再造,建議裁併部分處室或組別。 / This study is researching the necessity of adjusting the administration organization in national senior school, and exhaustedly analyzing the condition that a teacher holds a concurrent administrative post. Meanwhile, we can understand the faults of the school administrative organization and its administrative operation, and then we can analyze the improving gateways used nowadays in national senior high schools. Furthermore, we can offer the skeleton of reengineering administration organization, and the references to schools and the managers of the educational administration institution. These researching methods which I used are including “questionnaire survey law” and “visiting discussion”.
The object personnel that I researched were senior high school teachers, concurrent administrators, full-time administrators and some educational administration personnel in manager educational administration institution. As to the questionnaire survey, we took national senior high schools in Taichung City and Taichung County as the matrix of lamination random sampling. We sent out about 500 “asks-the-volumes” and returned 411 “asks-the-volumes”. The recall “asks-the-volumes” were all effective, so the total returns-ratio reached 82.2%.
After literature discussion, investigation and visiting discussion, we come to the following conclusions:
1. The administrative organization skeletons of sections in national senior high schools nowadays are similar to one another.
2. The schools’ administrative organizations now needed urgently reengineering in national senior high schools are: strengthen the professional nurture training, the school services need adopting by “outside the service wraps”. And the specified number of personnel uses the total quantity control. These conform to the present situation demand.
3. The school administrative organization skeleton now traditionally tends to the way of “office room grouping”.
4. The majority of the answerers think that we needn’t adjust the present scale discrimination in high schools’ administrative organization and maintain the present situation.
5. The suitable concurrent posts for high school teachers are the Curriculum and Instruction Section, Examination Section and Extra-curriculum section in national senior high school administrative organization.
6. The demerits in high schools’ administrative organization and their operations nowadays are: teachers are not willing to be concurrent administrative personnel, the administrative affairs unbalance, and the administrative organization structures are lack of flexibility.
7. The ways of improving the schools’ administrative organization in national senior high schools are: strengthen the administrative personnel professional nurture training, balance the service work between sections, and teachers and administrators use the total quantity control.
8. As for the high schools’ re-engineering administrative organization, we may penetrate the outside agent to deal with the non- core business, or place request management in order to uplift the administration efficiency.
9. In proceeding the schools’ re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, we can consolidate offices, or sections, etc., or combine some offices or sections.
10. In adjusting national senior high schools’ administrative organization skeletons, most answerers support to maintain the present situation.
According to the above conclusions, my proposals are as following: --supply the reference
1. The proposals for the educational authorities:
(a) To make the plans of re-engineering organization, be accordance to the future actual demand.
(b) To loose the administrative constitutive law, afford the autonomous flexibility in operation.
(c) To solve the demerits basically from the system surface that the teachers are unwilling to serve the part-time employment, suggest that some jobs unsuitable for teachers can be done by full-time administrative personnel.
2. The proposals for school authorities:
(a) To make the brief measure of working flow, reedit the rules and regulations of school affairs.
(b) To carry on what will be re-engineered positively and urgently.
(c) To transact all labor services done by outside agent to reduce the burden of internal personnel, and incorporate personnel to save the personnel funds.
(d) To afford the non-core business managed by outside agent, exploit the finance, lighten the administrative burden, will be advantageous of re-engineering organization. And proposal that school cafeteria, cooperative, and swimming pool can be managed by outside agent.
(e) To strengthen administrative personnel’s professional nurture training, encourage concurrently administrative teachers to attend the administrative thorough study.
(f) To divide each service labor rationally, avoid the unfair burden in assigning work.
(g) To brief the administrative affairs work flow, activate the school administrative operation mechanism.
(h) To be engaged in re-engineering administrative organization in national senior high schools, suggest consolidating some offices or sections.
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行政機關採行全面品質管理方式之研究 / The Researchof Total Quality Managementin Administration Organization林長宏, Lin, Chang Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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Gerência do trabalho em saúde: desenvolvimento histórico da administração em saúde nos serviços públicos do Estado de São Paulo / Gerência do trabalho em saúde: desenvolvimento histórico da administração em saúde nos serviços públicos do Estado de São PauloCastanheira, Elen Rose Lodeiro 28 June 1996 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre o processo histórico de constituição e desenvolvimento da gerencia de serviços públicos estaduais, não hospitalares, no Estado de São Paulo. A partir da análise de documentos e da legislação pertinente, procura-se reconhecer as diferentes propostas de organização administrativa e gerencial, formuladas no interior do aparato público estadual, em relação as tecnologias de atenção a saúde hegemonicas nestes serviços ao longo do período histórico estudado. Discute-se a ação gerencial enquanto atividade instrumental inserida no processo de organização do trabalho em saúde. O período analisado vai do início da institucionalização das ações públicas de saúde neste estado, em 1892, a consolidação da gerência de nível local, enquanto ação de coordenação do trabalho coletivo em unidades de saúde, sob responsabilidade estadual, em 1983 / This paper traces the history of the setting up and development of management in the public non-hospital health services of the state of São Paulo. Based on the analysis of documents, publications and pertinent legislation, this thesis aims to identify teh various different proposals for administrative and management organization that have been formulated within the state\'s bureaucratic machine, with regard to predominant health care technology throughout the period unbder consideration. The action of management within the process of organization of health care organization in this state in 1892, and extends to the consolidation of management as a coordination action at the local level, with the organization of colletive work into health care units under state responsibility, in 1983.
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