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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formation of New Ideologies of Administration in American and Russian Administrative Reform

Bruk, Boris V. 23 January 2013 (has links)
This research project seeks to identify commonalities and differences between new administrative ideologies in the United States and post-Soviet Russia. To achieve this goal, the study explores the question of administrative ideology through the lens of the New Public Management (NPM) related reforms, which spread around much of the world in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The discussion is structured around two broad themes identified in the review of the literature on NPM and Reinventing Government: the new vision of the government (and its bureaucracy) and the relationship between government and the public. As a method of inquiry, the study uses the review and analysis of official publications and elite interviews with high-ranking officials, analysts, and scholars in the United States and Russia. The research demonstrates that although new ideologies of administration in the United States and Russia share significant characteristics, they differ in a number of important respects. / Ph. D.

Uma experiência de reforma administrativa da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde / Experience of administrative reform of the Secretary of State for Health

Sa, Evelin Naked de Castro 15 June 1978 (has links)
O estudo acompanha o desenvolvimento da reforma admnistrativa da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, definida em 1967, face aos condicionantes existentes no Plano de Reforma Administrativa do Serviço Público Estadual. Esses condicionantes situavam-se na configuração institucional, principalmente legislativa do Estado, na forma de divisão, duplicidade e vazios de competência dos órgãos centrais da administração, na crescente tendência do Governo para adoção de figuras jurídicas de Direito Privado na organização de serviços públicos e no reforço do consenso divulgado de uma administração centralizada ingovernável e ineficiente. Pretende, também, demonstrar como a definição clara e precisa de princípios e diretrizes de saúde pública, como base de reforma da Secretaria, demandou tanto esforço e tempo que se descuidou da adoção de mecanismo de proteção frente aos condicionantes citados. São examinados três conjuntos de medidas propostas, mais recentemente, para a organização de Saúde, quanto às soluções que demandariam, evidenciando que aqueles condicionantes, mais do que a disponibilidade de tecnologia adequada para organização, continuam a restringir a operacionalização de qualquer plano. / The administrative reform of the State Secretariate of Health, carried out in 1967, is analysed considering the conditionning factors and limitations of the Reform Plan of the State Civil Service. Among the conditionning factors we may state: institutional configuration, especially the legislative one; division of attributions and lack of competence of State Administrative Central Organs; the increasing tendency to adopt juridical figures of Private Law in the organization of public services. The formulation of Public Health principais and guide-lines as a basis for the reform took such an effort and consumed so much time that mechanisms of self-protection agains the conditionning factors were not instituted. Three sets of measures proposed \"a posteriori\" for the organization of health services in the State are analysed. Operational difficulties observed are due the conditionning factors rather than dificiency or lack of administrative technology adequate to the reform.

Uma experiência de reforma administrativa da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde / Experience of administrative reform of the Secretary of State for Health

Evelin Naked de Castro Sa 15 June 1978 (has links)
O estudo acompanha o desenvolvimento da reforma admnistrativa da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde, definida em 1967, face aos condicionantes existentes no Plano de Reforma Administrativa do Serviço Público Estadual. Esses condicionantes situavam-se na configuração institucional, principalmente legislativa do Estado, na forma de divisão, duplicidade e vazios de competência dos órgãos centrais da administração, na crescente tendência do Governo para adoção de figuras jurídicas de Direito Privado na organização de serviços públicos e no reforço do consenso divulgado de uma administração centralizada ingovernável e ineficiente. Pretende, também, demonstrar como a definição clara e precisa de princípios e diretrizes de saúde pública, como base de reforma da Secretaria, demandou tanto esforço e tempo que se descuidou da adoção de mecanismo de proteção frente aos condicionantes citados. São examinados três conjuntos de medidas propostas, mais recentemente, para a organização de Saúde, quanto às soluções que demandariam, evidenciando que aqueles condicionantes, mais do que a disponibilidade de tecnologia adequada para organização, continuam a restringir a operacionalização de qualquer plano. / The administrative reform of the State Secretariate of Health, carried out in 1967, is analysed considering the conditionning factors and limitations of the Reform Plan of the State Civil Service. Among the conditionning factors we may state: institutional configuration, especially the legislative one; division of attributions and lack of competence of State Administrative Central Organs; the increasing tendency to adopt juridical figures of Private Law in the organization of public services. The formulation of Public Health principais and guide-lines as a basis for the reform took such an effort and consumed so much time that mechanisms of self-protection agains the conditionning factors were not instituted. Three sets of measures proposed \"a posteriori\" for the organization of health services in the State are analysed. Operational difficulties observed are due the conditionning factors rather than dificiency or lack of administrative technology adequate to the reform.

A System Thinking Approach to the Study of Organizational Starting Change : A Case Study of the Taipei-Kaohsiung Household Registration Office

Li, Shyh-Jane 18 July 2001 (has links)
It will be hard to do or be easy to do when an organization starts to change. It is so called that think globally and act locally. This research is a system thinking approach of study about how an organization starts to change. It is a case study of the household-registration offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung. This case is selected with its bureaucracy in the past, but now we can see their changes. It is worthy to study more deeply. This research begins with studying the development process of the household-registration offices in Taiwan and then inquires the backgrounds and results, which could help us to understand it. This point of view focuses on the changing processes in 1990¡¦s. Household-registration offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung began their reforms from 1990 early. It is the incentive that mayors in Taipei and Kaohsiung could be elected directly by the residents in the two cities. However, computerization was the main reason that satisfied people substantially. Computerization makes the waiting time shorten. Household-registration offices could focus on many conveniences to the people further. The reform of household-registration offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung began with the simple change and it could be seen the result immediately. The reform of household-registration offices in Taipei and Kaohsiung started with some slight matters. For instance, bureau chiefs build a promotion system and a merit system, and they earned staff¡¦s support to continue making change. Improving the environment of offices could make officers happy and then change their attitudes, so it is easy to earn citizens¡¦ commendations. Merit system could promote competition among offices and make officers endeavor further. Moreover, we can say that morale, merit, and competition can make the actions of reform produce reinforce feedback loops. It should be noticed that bureau chiefs¡¦ requests and participations in reform are the key factors to start changing, and then changing will become everyone¡¦s job. The result is to earn citizens¡¦ satisfaction.

The role of international aid in public service reform and capacity building : the case of post-communist Albania

Karini, Artan January 2013 (has links)
This research study investigates the role of international aid in public service reform and capacity building in the context of post-communist Albania. It takes a two-pronged approach towards exploring the interaction between the key research variables. First, challenging the technocratic, results-based management frameworks used by aid organizations, it offers a qualitative and critical assessment of the role of aid in a specific arena, administrative reform and capacity building, given its significance as key to (and conditionality for) the EU accession process. Secondly, the research points to the specificity of the national politico-administrative context and its ability to modify the process of policy transfer from aid organizations to the Albanian bureaucracy. In doing so, it attempts to illustrate the domestic challenges in the transfer process towards policy learning thus making a contribution to the debate over the (voluntary vs. coercive) administrative reform in Southeast Europe in relation to the politics of EU accession. Therefore, the findings of the study are two-fold. First, based on the multi-level analysis of policy transfer, the research provides an account of (aid-supported) policies/programmes and institutions/mechanisms of transfer towards administrative reform and capacity building. Thus, the analysis reveals the conflicting nature of international aid via the dichotomy between the ‘career’ versus ‘managerialist’ approaches promoted respectively by the EU and the WB as the drivers of administrative reform in post-communist Albania. The study maintains that aid towards administrative reform and capacity building has been confined to regulatory frameworks while its impact on the capacities of the public sector HRM functions has been rather limited. Besides, it claims that programmes and mechanisms of transfer have supported alignment with EU standards and compliance with global aid effectiveness agenda towards a broader public sector reform. The study concludes that while administrative reform and capacity building are conditionality for EU accession, the significantly reduced funding combined with the use of alternative policy incentives (signing into SAA in 2006 and admission into the Schengen agreement in 2010) might be taken to indicate a silent abandonment of administrative reform as a national matter. The findings suggest that this has indeed led to a complacent relationship between the EU and Albania, which may jeopardize the country’s chances of accession into the EU. The study also challenges the views of the literature locating Albania among countries which have adopted the hybrid NWS, drawing on both NPM and Weberian reform doctrines. Accounts of an adversarial and polarized political culture in which political patronage and high staff turnover persist, coupled with a hierarchy-/clan-based administrative culture may explain the ability of the national context not only to modify but also to block policy transfer. The findings imply that the Albanian case provides a ‘classic’ example whereby transfer based on reform doctrines has been used by governing elites to solidify their political position. While the above may explain non-transfer towards policy learning, the role of aid is also reduced by other factors including overreliance on NGOs as ‘implementation partners’, ‘mixed feedback’ to bureaucrats and ‘strong’ informal donor-beneficiary-contractor networks characterized by a certain ability to affect donor behaviour.

A nova agenda da gestão pública brasileira: estudo de caso do Detran-SP / The new agenda for Brazilian public management: a case study of Detran-SP

Rodrigues, Denis Alves 06 February 2015 (has links)
A administração pública brasileira tem uma imagem muito negativa perante a sociedade, o que se deve, em grande medida, a um histórico de ineficiência e práticas patrimonialistas e clientelistas. Para enfrentar o desafio de mudar esse tipo de administração pública, a corrente de pensamento denominada Nova Administração Pública (NAP) ou administração gerencialista, como ficou conhecida no Brasil, propõe novos métodos e técnicas de gestão a ela adaptados, muitos deles oriundos das práticas de empresas privadas. Assim, como outras experiências anteriores de reformas no Estado brasileiro, a NAP também ficou mais restrita ao âmbito federal, sendo poucas as oportunidades de estudá-la em nível subnacional (estados ou municípios), ou mesmo via estudos intraorganizacionais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar, por meio de um estudo de caso único, a experiência de implantação de alguns dos valores e práticas da Nova Administração Pública num órgão público brasileiro, de nível estadual, historicamente vinculado aos procedimentos típicos da burocracia tradicional. O órgão público pesquisado é o Departamento de Trânsito de São Paulo (Detran-SP), que atualmente está passando por processo de reestruturação, visando mudanças em seu modelo de gestão. Sendo assim, ele se apresenta como um profícuo laboratório para entender e analisar quais são as variáveis mais relevantes para tornar tecnicamente viável o modelo da NAP em nível subnacional. / Public administration in Brazil has a very negative image in society, largely due to a history of inefficiency combined with patrimonial and clientelistic practices. In order to change this type of administration, the school of thought known as New Public Management (NPM) or managerial public administration, as it is commonly known in Brazil proposes new methods and management techniques, many of which are adapted from private business practices. Similarly to other previous Brazilian state reforms, NPM has been restricted to the federal level, rendering it difficult to be observed or studied at subnational (states or municipalities), or even intraorganizational levels. Given this, the aim of this research is to study, through a single case study, the implementation of some of the values and practices of New Public Management in a state-level Brazilian public agency, historically linked to the typical procedures of traditional bureaucracy. The agency studied is the São Paulo Department of Transit (Detran-SP), which is currently undergoing a restructuring process and can be seen as a laboratory to understand and analyze what are the most relevant variables and challenges to make the NPM possible at the Brazilian subnational level.

UFSCar: estado, reforma e autonomia universitária (1988-2002) / UFSCar: state, reform and university autonomy (1988-2002)

Lana, Rita de Cássia 27 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese dedicase a estudar, no âmbito da história política do tempo presente, as configurações históricas dos processos interrelacionais em uma universidade pública federal no Brasil contemporâneo e sua conexão com a recente história políticoadministrativa, em sentido amplo. Para tanto, a UFSCar/Universidade Federal de São Carlos foi tomada como base para o estudo e a pesquisa documental teve suporte na documentação dos órgãos colegiados desta instituição, além de outros subsídios advindos de acervos jornalísticos e banco de documentos de órgãos públicos federais. Em função do estudo destas fontes primárias emergiram os momentos de periodização da tese, quais sejam, de 1988 à 2002, o que permitiu questionar a noção de modernização institucional e autonomia universitária enquanto aparato discursivo de grupos no poder que produziu o mascaramento do conflito capitaltrabalho no âmbito de uma instituição pública de ensino superior. / This thesis investigates, in the area of political history of the present time, the historical process in a Brazilian federal public university and the connection between national political and administrative system. For this purpose, we analyzed the Federal University of São Carlos/UFSCar through a documental research focus on University Advisory Board, newspapers and federal documents. The periodization emerge from the database, i.e., 1988 to 2002, which allowed to investigate the concept of \"institutional modernization\" and university autonomy as discursive strategies employed by groups in power to hidden labour-capital conflicts in a Public Higher Education Institution.

Estado, o pedagogo da liberdade. Reformas das instituições político-administrativas do Estado e cultura política nacional no Brasil Império e República / State, freedom\'s pedagogue: the reforms of the political-administrative institutions of the state and the national political culture in imperial and republical Brazil

Romão Netto, José Verissimo 30 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese ocupa-se de alinhar o pensamento de quatro autores-atores políticos brasileiros que tratam de estabelecer relação entre reformas das instituições político-administrativas nacionais e a geração e/ou fortalecimento de uma cultura política nacional mais democrática: Visconde do Uruguai, Oliveira Viana, Guerreiro Ramos e Bresser-Pereira. Em comum, todos tiveram papel relevante em diversos momentos históricos brasileiros de reformas das instituições político-administrativas do país. Visconde do Uruguai foi autor da revisão do Ato Adicional do Império; Oliveira Viana teve papel central na criação de Leis importantes para a organização sindical brasileira na época do getulismo; Guerreiro Ramos teve longa passagem pelo Departamento de Administração do Serviço Público, onde refletiu e atuou sobre a reforma burocrática brasileira; Bresser-Pereira foi Ministro do Ministério da Administração Federal e Reforma do Estado durante o primeiro mandato do Presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Todos supuseram que a democracia brasileira pudesse ser construída, ou qualificada, a partir de reformas das instituições político-administrativas do país. / This thesis align the thought of four authors-political actors that deal to establish the relationship between reforms of political-administrative institutions and the generation and/or strengthening of a national political culture more democratic: Viscount of Uruguay, Oliveira Viana, Guerreiro Ramos and Bresser-Pereira. In common, all had an important role in Brazilians history, particularly on moments of Brazilians reforms of political and administrative institutions. Viscount of Uruguay was the author of the revision of the Additional Act of the Brazilian Empire period (1837-1840); Viana played a central role in the creation of important laws to the Brazilian trade unions organization at the time of President Getulio Vargas (1930-1944); Guerreiro Ramos had long passage by the Department of Public Service Administration (1945-1964), which reflected and acted on bureaucratic reform in Brazil; Bresser-Pereira was Minister of the Ministry of Federal Administration and State Reform during the first term of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-1998). Everyone assumed that Brazilian democracy could be built, or qualified, from reforms of political and administrative institutions of the country.

UFSCar: estado, reforma e autonomia universitária (1988-2002) / UFSCar: state, reform and university autonomy (1988-2002)

Rita de Cássia Lana 27 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese dedicase a estudar, no âmbito da história política do tempo presente, as configurações históricas dos processos interrelacionais em uma universidade pública federal no Brasil contemporâneo e sua conexão com a recente história políticoadministrativa, em sentido amplo. Para tanto, a UFSCar/Universidade Federal de São Carlos foi tomada como base para o estudo e a pesquisa documental teve suporte na documentação dos órgãos colegiados desta instituição, além de outros subsídios advindos de acervos jornalísticos e banco de documentos de órgãos públicos federais. Em função do estudo destas fontes primárias emergiram os momentos de periodização da tese, quais sejam, de 1988 à 2002, o que permitiu questionar a noção de modernização institucional e autonomia universitária enquanto aparato discursivo de grupos no poder que produziu o mascaramento do conflito capitaltrabalho no âmbito de uma instituição pública de ensino superior. / This thesis investigates, in the area of political history of the present time, the historical process in a Brazilian federal public university and the connection between national political and administrative system. For this purpose, we analyzed the Federal University of São Carlos/UFSCar through a documental research focus on University Advisory Board, newspapers and federal documents. The periodization emerge from the database, i.e., 1988 to 2002, which allowed to investigate the concept of \"institutional modernization\" and university autonomy as discursive strategies employed by groups in power to hidden labour-capital conflicts in a Public Higher Education Institution.

Program Evaluation and Policy Management in Australian Central Agencies

Di Francesco, Michael Francis, not available January 1997 (has links)
Of the many components of reform to Australian government administration in the 1980s, the introduction of systematic program evaluation is perhaps one of the least examined. This thesis seeks to assess the Federal Labor Government's evaluation strategy as an instrument for enhancing what are here termed the policy management capacities of central agencies. It proceeds in two steps. First, the thesis traces in detail the development of program evaluation policy in Australian federal government from the effectiveness reviews of the Coombs Report of 1976 to the current evaluation strategy, and argues that, despite competing purposes for it, evaluation was intended primarily to serve decision making in central government. This policy aim was cemented by the economic crisis of the mid 1980s and framed around budgetary issues by its steward, the Department of Finance. Second, in order to assess the impact of the evaluation strategy, the thesis develops a framework for analysing program evaluation as one instrument for strengthening the core policy management functions of central agencies. In this context, policy management is essentially a coordination task. The contribution of evaluation to two aspects of policy management-resource coordination, and policy development and coordination-is examined. The findings confirm that attempts to formalise evaluation processes have had a variable impact- central budgetary processes remain dependent on relatively informal assessment procedures, although recent attempts to enhance policy coordination through the evaluation of policy advising processes have proved potentially to be more influential. In conclusion, the thesis argues that the evaluation strategy represented a credible attempt to better inform policy making in central government, but suffered for want of clear policy design and firm execution that resulted in only a marginal impact on these processes.

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