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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The phenomenon of 'second window of protection' : effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation and melatonin

Davids, Ashraf 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Please see fulltext for abstract. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien asb volteks vir opsomming.

The mechanism of pharmacological preconditioning of rat myocardium with beta-adrenergic agonists

Salie, Ruduwaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Mechanism of -adrenergic preconditioning ( -PC) Ischaemic preconditioning (IPC), a potent endogenous protective intervention against myocardial ischaemia, is induced by exposure of the heart to repetitive short episodes of ischaemia and reperfusion. The protective effects of this phenomenon have been demonstrated to be mediated by release of autocoids such as adenosine, opioids and bradykinin. Release of endogenous catecholamines and activation of the beta-adrenergic receptors (b-AR) have also been shown to be involved in ischaemic preconditioning. However, the exact mechanism whereby activation of the - adrenergic signal transduction pathway leads to cardioprotection, is still unknown. In view of the above, the aims of the present study were to evaluate: (i) the respective roles of the 1-, 2- and 3-AR receptors as well as the contribution of Gi protein and PKA to -adrenergic preconditioning, (ii) the role of the prosurvival kinases, PKB/Akt and ERK 44/p42 MAPKinase in -drenergic preconditioning, (iii) whether b-AR stimulation protect via ischaemia and the formation of adenosine; the respective roles of the A1-, A2-, A3-adenosine receptors as well as the involvement of the PI3-K/PKB/Akt and ERKp44/p42 signal transduction pathways, in the cardioprotective phenomemon of -adrenergic preconditioning and (iv) the contribution of the mitochondrial KATP channels (mKATP), reactive oxygen species and NO to the mechanism of -AR-induced cardioprotection. Methods: Isolated perfused rat hearts were subjected to 35 min regional ischaemia (RI) and reperfusion. Infarct size (IS) was determined using tetrazolium staining (TTC) and data were analyzed with ANOVA. Hearts were preconditioned with 5 min isoproterenol 0.1 μM ( 1/ 2-AR agonist), or formoterol 1 nM ( 2-AR agonist) or BRL 37344 1 μM ( 3-AR agonist) followed by 5 min reperfusion. The roles of the 1-, 2- and 3-ARs as well as NO were explored by using the selective antagonists CGP-20712A (300 nM), ICI -18551 (50 nM), SR59230A (100 nM) and NOS inhibitors L-NAME (50 μM) or LNNA (50 μM) respectively. Involvement of ROS and the mK+ ATP channels was studied by administration of N-acetyl cysteine (NAC, 300 μM) and the mitK+ ATP iv channel blocker 5-HD (100 μM) during the triggering phase. The role of PKA and PI3-K/Akt was investigated by the administration of the blockers Rp-8-CPT-cAMPs (16 μM) and wortmannin (100 nM) respectively, prior to RI or at the onset of reperfusion. Pertussis toxin (PTX), 30 μg kg-1 was administered i.p., 48 h prior to experimentation. The role of adenosine and the adenosine A1, A3, A2A and A2B receptors was studied by using adenosine deaminase and the selective antagonists DPCPX (1 μM), MRS 1191(1 μM), ZM241385 (1 μM) and MRS1754 (1 μM). Activation of PKB/Akt and ERKp44/p42 was determined by Western blot. Results: Infarct sizes of hearts preconditioned with isoproterenol of formoterol were significantly smaller compared to those of non-preconditioned hearts. This was associated with an improvement in postischaemic mechanical performance. However the 3-AR agonist BRL37344 could not reduce infarct size. The 1- and 2-AR blockers CGP-20712A and ICI-118551 completely abolished the isoproterenol-induced reduction in infarct size and improvement in mechanical recovery, while the 3-AR blocker was without effect. Both Rp-8-CPT-cAMPs and wortmannin significantly increased infarct size when administered before 1/ 2-AR preconditioning or at the onset of reperfusion while it reduced mechanical recovery during reperfusion. PTX pretreatment had no significant effect on the reduction in infarct size induced by 1/ 2-AR or 2-AR preconditioning, however it reduced mechanical recovery in the latter. The NOS inhibitors had no effect on the reduction in infarct size induced by 1/ 2-AR preconditioning, but depressed mechanical function during reperfusion. The significant reduction in infarct size by 1/ 2-PC, was associated with activation of ERKp44/p42 and PKB/Akt during the triggering phase, as well as during reperfusion. DPCPX (A1-AdoR antagonist) had no effect on the 1/ 2-PC-induced reduced infarct size or ERK p44/p42 and PKB activation. A2A-AdoR, but not A2b-AdoR, blockade during the trigger phase abolished the reduction in infarct size of 1/ 2-PC. Both antagonists significantly reduced ERK and PKB activation in the trigger phase. In addition, when applied at the onset of reperfusion they significantly reduced ERK p44 / v p42 MAPK and PKB/Akt activation to an even greater extent. MRS-1191 (A3-AdoR antagonist) blocked 1/ 2-PC when applied prior to index ischaemia or when added during early reperfusion, significantly inhibiting both ERK p44 and PKB activation. Cardioprotection of 1/ 2-PC was abolished by inhibition of ROS generation with NAC in the triggering phase as well as at the start of reperfusion. However, the mitoK+ ATP channel blocker 5- HD was without effect. Conclusions: Protection afforded by an acute transient stimulation of the -ARs, depends on the activation of both 1-AR and 2-ARs but not the 3-AR. PKA as well as PI3-K activation prior to sustained ischemia and at the onset of reperfusion were essential for cardioprotection. With functional recovery as endpoint, it appears that NO is involved in 1/ 2-AR preconditioning, while the Gi protein may play a role in 2-AR preconditioning. The production of endogenous adenosine induced by transient b1/b2 stimulation of the isolated rat heart is involved in b−AR preconditioning. Cardioprotection was shown not to be dependent on the A1AdoR while activation of the A3-AdoR occurs during both the triggering and mediation phases. Both the adenosine A2A and, to a lesser extent, the adenosine A2B receptors participate in the triggering phase of b1/b2-PC. Generation of ROS during the triggering and reperfusion phases is involved in eliciting protection, but no role for the mKATP channels could be demonstrated. Finally, activation of the RISK pathway (PKB/Akt and ERKp44/p42) during the triggering phase is a prerequisite for protection. In addition, cardioprotection by b-AR is characterized by activation of the RISK pathway during reperfusion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Iskemiese prekondisionering (IPC) is ‘n kragtige endogene beskerming teen miokardiale iskemie, wat deur blootstelling van die hart aan kort opeenvolgende episodes van iskemie en herperfusie, ontlok word. Hierdie beskerming word medieer deur vrystelling van outakoïede soos adenosine, opioïede en bradikinien. Vrystelling van endogene katekolamiene en aktivering van die betaadrenerge reseptore (b-AR) is bewys om ook by hierdie proses betrokke te wees. Die presiese meganismes waardeur aktivering van die -adrenerge seintransduksiepad tot miokardiale beskerming lei, is nog onbekend. In die lig van bogenoemde, was die doel van die huidige studie om die volgende te evalueer: (i) die onderskeie rolle van die b1-, b2- en b3-AR sowel as die bydrae van die Gi proteïen en PKA in b- adrenerge prekondisionering, (ii) of b-AR stimulasie beskerming ontlok via iskemie en vorming van adenosien, die onderskeie rolle van die A1-, A2-, A3-adenosien reseptore (AdoRs) sowel as die PI3- K/PKB/Akt en ERKp44/p42 seintransduksie paaie, (iv) die mitochondriale KATP (mKATP) kanale, vry suurstof radikale en NO in b−AR prekondisionering. Metodes: Geïsoleerde, geperfuseerde rotharte is aan 35 minute streeksiskemie en herperfusie onderwerp. Infarktgrootte (IS) is deur die tetrazolium (TTC)-kleuringsmetode bepaal. Data is met behulp van ANOVA analiseer. Harte is geprekondisioneer vir 5 min met isoproterenol 0.1 μM ( 1/ 2-AR agonist), of formoterol 1 nM ( 2-AR agonist) of BRL 37344 1 μM ( 3-AR agonist), gevolg deur 5 min herperfusie, voor streeksiskemie. Die belang van die 1-, 2- en 3-ARs sowel as NO is ondersoek, deur onderskeidelik gebruik te maak van selektiewe antagoniste nl CGP- 20712A (300 nM), ICI -18551 (50 nM), SR59230A (100 nM) en NOS inhibitore L-NAME (50μM) of LNNA (50μM). Die rol van die mK+ ATP kanale en ROS is bepaal deur die toediening van die mK+ ATP kanaal blokker 5-HD (100 μM) en die vrye-radikaal opruimer, N-asetiel cysteine (NAC, 300 μM). Die belang van PKA en PI3-K/Akt is bepaal deur toediening van die PKA blokker Rp-8- CPT-cAMPs (16μM) en wortmannin (100nM) respektiewelik. Pertussis toxin (PTX), 30 μg kg-1 is i.p toegedien, 48 uur voor eksperimentasie. vii Die rol van adenosien en die adenosien A1, A2A, A2B en A3 reseptore is bestudeer, deur gebruik te maak van adenosien deaminase en die selektiewe antagoniste DPCPX (1 μM), MRS 1191(1 μM), ZM241385 (1 μM) and MRS1754 (1 μM),repektiewelik. Die middels is deurgaans toegedien tydens die prekondisioneringsprotokol (“snellerfase”) of tydens vroeë herperfusie. Aktivering van PKB/Akt en ERK p44/p42 is deur Western blot analise bepaal. Resultate: Infarktgrootte van harte wat geprekondisioneer is met of isoproterenol ( 1/ 2-PC) of formoterol ( 2-PC), was beduidend kleiner as díe van ongeprekondisioneerde harte. Dit is geassosieer met ‘n toename in postiskemiese meganiese herstel. Die 3-AR agonis BRL37344 ( 3- PC) het egter geen effek op infarktgrootte gehad nie. Die selektiewe 1- en 2-AR blokkers CGP- 20712A en ICI-118551 het die afname in infarktgrootte heeltemal opgehef, asook die verbetering in meganiese herstel tydens herperfusie terwyl die 3-AR blokker geen effek getoon het nie. Beide Rp- 8-CPT-cAMPs en wortmannin het infarktgrootte beduidend vergroot en meganiese herstel beduidend verlaag, wanneer dit net voor 1/ 2-prekondisionering of tydens die begin van herperfusie toegedien is. PTX voorafbehandeling het geen beduidende effek op die vermindering van infarktgrootte (geïnduseer deur 1/ 2-PC of 2-PC) gehad nie. Meganiese herstel is egter verminder in die geval van 2-PC. Die NOS inhibitore het geen effek op die vermindering in infarktgrootte geïnduseer deur b1/b2 gehad nie, maar het ook meganiese herstel onderdruk. Die beduidende afname in infarktgrootte deur b1/b2 prekondisionering is gekenmerk deur aktivering van ERKp42/p44 en PKB/Akt tydens die snellerfase. Soortgelyke aktivering van hierdie kinases is ook tydens herperfusie van b-AR geprekondisioneerde harte waargeneem. DPCPX (A1-AdoR antagonis) het geen effek op die infarkt-verminderde effek van 1/ 2- prekondisionering of op ERK p44/p42 en PKB aktivering gehad nie. A2A-AdoR, maar nie A2b – AdoR, blokkade tydens die snellerfase, het die effek van b-AR prekondisionering op infarktgroottee opgehef. Beide antagoniste het die aktivering van ERKp42/p44 en PKB/Akt tydens die snellerfase onderdruk. Wanneer toegedien tydens herperfusie, het dit die aktivering van hierdie kinases tot ‘n groter mate onderdruk. MRS-1191 (A3-AdoR antagonis) het infarktgrootte beduidend verhoog en 1/ 2-prekondisionering geblokkeer, beide wanneer dit voor indeks-iskemie toegedien is of tydens vroeë herperfusie, tesame met inhibisie van PKB en ERK p44/p44 aktivering. viii Die kardiobeskerming van 1/ 2-prekondisionering is opgehef deur middel van opruiming van vry suurstof radikale deur NAC in die snellerfase sowel as aan die begin van herperfusie. Die mK+ ATP kanaal blokker 5-HD het geen effek op b-AR prekondisionering gehad nie. Gevolgtrekking: Kardiobeskerming teweeggebring deur ‘n kort periode van stimulasie van die - ARs, is afhanklik van die aktivering van beide 1-AR en 2-ARs, maar nie 3-AR nie. PKA sowel as PI3-K aktivering, net voor volgehoue iskemie en tydens vroeë herperfusie, is aangedui om noodsaaklik vir 1/ 2-AR prekondisionering te wees. Waar funksionele herstel as eindpunt gebruik is, blyk dit dat NO wel betrokke is by 1/ 2-AR prekondisionering, terwyl die Gi protein ‘n rol mag speel in 2-AR prekondisionering. Vorming van endogene adenosien tydens b-adrenerge stimulasie is betrokke by b-AR prekondisionering. Hierdie beskerming is nie van die A1-AdoR afhanklik nie, maar aktivering van die A3-AdoR is nodig tydens beide die sneller en herperfusie fases. Beide die A2A-AdoR, en tot ‘n mindere mate die A2B–AdoR, is ook betrokke by die snellerfase. Vorming van vry suurstof radikale is nodig vir b-AR prekondisionering, nterwyl die mKATP kanale nie betrokke is nie. Ten slotte, aktivering van die RISK seintransduksiepad (ERKp42/p44 en PKB/Akt) tydens die snellerfase is ‘n voorvereiste vir die ontlokking van beskerming. Daarbenewens word b-AR prekondisionering gekarakteriseer deur aktivering van hierdie pad tydens herperfusie. / South African Medical Research Council / University of Stellenbosch


Badri, Prajakta 01 January 2010 (has links)
This research developed validated QSPKR and PK-AS models for predicting human systemic PK properties of three, preselected, pharmacological classes of drugs, namely opioids, β-adrenergic receptor ligands (β-ARL) and β-lactam antibiotics (β-LAs) using pertinent human and animal systemic PK properties (fu,, CLtot, Vdss, fe) and their biologically relevant unbound counterparts from the published literature, followed by an assessment of the effect of different molecular descriptors on these PK properties and on the PK-AS slopes for CLtot and Vdss from two species (rat and dog). Lipophilicity (log (D)7.4) and molecular weight (MW) were found to be the most statistically significant and biologically plausible, molecular properties affecting the biologically relevant, systemic PK properties: For compounds with log (D)7.4 > -2.0 and MW < 350 D (e.g., most opioids and β-ARL), increased log (D)7.4 resulted in decreased fu and increased Vdssu, CLtotu and CLnonrenu, indicating the prevalence of hydrophobic interactions with biological membrane/proteins. As result, the final QSPKR models using log (D)7.4 provided acceptable predictions for fu, Vdssu, CLtotu and CLnonrenu. CLnonrenu and CLtotu. For both the datasets, inclusion of drugs undergoing extrahepatic clearance worsened the QSPKR predictions. For compounds with log (D)7.4 < -2.0 and MW > 350 D (e.g., β-LA), increased MW (leading to more hydrogen bond donors/acceptors) resulted in a decrease in fu, likely indicating hydrogen bonding interactions with plasma proteins. In general, it was more difficult to predict PK parameters for β-LAs, as their Vdssu approached plasma volume and CLrenu and CLnonrenu were low - as a result of their high hydrophilicity and large MW, requiring specific drug transporters for distribution and excretion. The PK-AS analysis showed that animal body size accounted for most of the observed variability (r2> 0.80) in systemic PK variables, with single species methods, particularly those using dog, gave the best predictions. The fu correction of PK variables improved goodness of fit and predictability of human PK. There were no apparent effects of molecular properties on the predictions. CLren, CLrenu, CLnonren, and CLnonrenu were the most difficult variables to predict, possibly due to the associated interspecies differences in the metabolism, renal and hepatobiliary drug transporters.

Mecanismos celulares ativados por agonistas adrenérgicos em aorta de ratos hipertensos renais com disfusão endotelial / Cellular mechanisms activated by adrenergic agonists in the aorta of renal hypertensive rats with endothelial dysfunction

Bocalon, Ana Carolina Campos Cotrim 30 September 2014 (has links)
O sistema nervoso simpático (SNS) desempenha importante papel sobre o controle da pressão arterial assim como o endotélio, pela liberação de fatores de relaxamento e contração que atuam sobre a modulação do tônus vascular. A hipertensão renovascular (2R-1C) está associada à elevada produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, hiperatividade do SNS e disfunção endotelial. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que os agonistas adrenérgicos noradrenalina (NOR) e adrenalina (ADR), catecolaminas endógenas, promovam efeito anti-contrátil devido à ativação da eNOS em aorta de ratos 2R-1C. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar se a ativação de adrenoceptores (AR) com NOR ou ADR leva à maior ativação da eNOS em aortas de ratos 2R-1C do que em 2R e os mecanismos relacionados. Realizamos curvas concentração-efeito para NOR ou ADR, em aortas com ou sem endotélio de ratos 2R e 2R-1C em ausência (controle) ou presença dos antagonistas ?-AR (propranolol), ?2-AR (ioimbina), e inibidor não seletivo da NOS (L-NAME). Por western blot, verificamos a fosforilação do resíduo de ativação da enzima eNOS, Serina1177 (Ser1177), via ativação de ?-AR ou ?-AR, pela NOR ou ADR em aortas com endotélio, de ratos 2R e 2R-1C e se a via PI3K/AKT e o H2O2 estariam envolvidos nesse processo. Avaliamos a produção de NO pelas células endoteliais isoladas de ratos 2R e 2R-1C, por citometria de fluxo. Realizamos a dosagem de NOR e ADR plasmática e tecidual (adrenais) por meio de HPLC. Nos estudos de reatividade vascular avaliamos a potência (pD2) e eficácia (Emax) dos agonistas em induzir contração. O Emax da NOR foi menor na contração de aorta de ratos 2R-1C comparada a 2R, provavelmente devido à maior atividade da eNOS evidenciada pelo efeito do L-NAME em aorta de 2R-1C. A particularidade mais significativa da resposta da NOR é de que em aorta de ratos 2R-1C, a NOR promove a maior fosforilação de Ser1177 via ?-AR, e esta envolve a participação da via PI3K/AKT e do H2O2, não havendo alteração dos níveis plasmáticos e tecidual de NOR entre 2R e 2R-1C. O estímulo com ADR, em aorta de 2R-1C, promoveu aumento da atividade da eNOS, certificada pelo efeito do L-NAME, que pode contribuir para o menor Emax da ADR em 2R-1C do que em 2R. Entretanto, a ADR promoveu maior fosforilação de Ser1177 via ?-AR, em aorta de ratos 2R-1C, e esta não envolve participação da via PI3K/AKT e do H2O2. Os níveis teciduais de ADR foram semelhantes entre 2R e 2R- 1C, mas a concentração plasmática de ADR foi menor em 2R-1C do que em 2R. Não houve diferença na produção de NO pelas células endoteliais entre 2R e 2R-1C. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a ativação de ?-AR com NOR envolve participação de H2O2 e da via PI3K/AKT para maior ativação da eNOS em aortas de ratos 2R-1C, mecanismo que pode contribuir para o menor Emax da NOR em aorta de 2R-1C. A ADR ao ativar ?-AR leva à maior ativação da eNOS, porém sem participação efetiva de H2O2 e da via PI3K/AKT em aortas de ratos 2R-1C. / The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) plays important role on the arterial pressure control as well the vascular endothelium by relaxing and contractile factors release that modulates the vascular tone. The renovascular hypertension (2K-1C) is related to the increased production of oxygen reactive species, SNS hyperactivity and endothelium dysfunction. The hypothesis of this work is that the adrenoceptor (AR) agonists noradrenaline (NOR) and adrenaline (ADR), the endogenous catecholamine promote anti-contractile effect due to eNOS activation in 2K-1C rat aorta. This study aimed to investigate if AR activation by NOR or ADR leads to the increased activation of eNOS in 2K-1C rat aorta, and the mechanisms activated by these agonists. Concentration-effect curves were constructed for NOR or ADR, in intactendothelium or denuded aortas isolated from 2K-1C and 2K rats in the absence (control) or in the presence of the AR antagonists propranolol (?-AR) or yohimbine (?2-AR), or the non-selective NOS inhibitor, L-NAME. By using western blot, we have veryfied the the effects of activation of ?-AR ou ?-AR and the phosphorylation of NOS activation site Serine1177 (Ser1177) by NOR or ADR in intact endothelium aorta from 2K and 2K-1C and also whether the PI3K/AKT pathway and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are related to this phosphorylation. We evaluated by flow cytometry the NO production in the isolated endotelial cells from 2K and 2K-1C. Plasma and tissue (adrenal) levels of NOR and ADR were measured by HPLC. In the vascular reactivity studies, we evaluated the potency (pD2) and efficacy (Emax) of the agonists in inducing contraction. The Emax induced by NOR was lower in 2K-1C than in 2K rat probably due to the higher activity of eNOS as shown by the effect of L-NAME. The most interesting finding was in 2K-1C aorta that NOR increases the Ser1177 phosphorylation via ?-AR activation that involves the signaling trough PI3K/AKT and H2O2. There is no differences in NOR at the plasma and tissue levels between 2K-1C and 2K. ADR activates more eNOS in 2K-1C rat aorta as shown by the effect of LNAME. It could contribute to the lower Emax of ADR in 2K-1C than in 2K. However, ADR increased Ser1177 phosphorylation via ?-AR activation in 2K-1C rat aorta, which does not involve PI3K/AKT and H2O2 pathway. The tissue levels of ADR were not different between 2K-1C and 2K, but the plasma concentration of ADR was lower in 2K-1C than in 2K. There was no difference in the NO production in the endothelial cells from 2K-1C and 2K. Taken together, our results suggest that ?-AR activation by NOR involves H2O2 and PI3K/AKT that activates eNOS in 2K-1C rat aorta that could contribute to the lower contractile effect induced by NOR in 2K-1C. ?-AR activation by ADR leads to the eNOS activation without activation of H2O2 and PI3K/AKT pathway in 2K-1C rat aorta.

Efeito do sistema nervoso autônomo simpático ß-adrenérgico sobre a expressão do gene do GLUT4 no jejum. / Effect of ß-adrenergic sympathetic autonomic nervous system on GLUT4 gene expression on fasting.

Alves, Ana Barbara Teixeira 24 July 2007 (has links)
O estudo investigou a participação do sistema nervoso simpático ß-adrenérgico sobre a regulação da expressão gene do GLUT4 em músculo vermelho (sóleo) e branco (EDL) no jejum. Foram estudados ratos alimentados livremente, jejuados por 48 horas e sob bloqueio ß1/ß2 ou bloqueio ß1/ß2/ß3 ou sob estímulo ß1/ß2/ß3-adrenérgicos. Os músculos sóleo e EDL foram analisados por Northern e Western Blotting. O jejum diminuiu o peso dos animais, a glicemia, a insulinemia, e aumentou concentração de ácidos graxos livres (AGL). O bloqueio ß1/ß2 aumentou a insulinemia, o bloqueio ß1/ß2/ß3 reduziu a glicemia e o estímulo ß1/ß2/ß3 aumentou AGL. O jejum aumentou mRNA do GLUT4 no sóleo e EDL, os bloqueios ß-adrenérgicos reduziram o mRNA no sóleo e EDL, e o estímulo ß aumentou o mRNA somente no sóleo. O jejum aumentou a proteína GLUT4 no sóleo e nos tratamentos somente reduziu com o bloqueio triplo, no EDL. O jejum aumentou a expressão do gene do GLUT4 em músculo esquelético. A atividade simpática ß-adrenérgica é fundamental para aumentar a expressão do GLUT4 no sóleo e manter no EDL. / The study investigated the participation of ß-adrenergic sympathetic nervous system in the regulation of GLUT4 gene expression in red (soleus) and white (EDL) muscles during fasting. Rats were fasted for 48hours and treated with ß1/ß2-adrenoceptors antagonist or ß1/ß2/ß3-adrenoceptors antagonist or ß1/ß2/ß3-adrenoceptors agonist. Soleus and EDL muscles were analyzed by Northern and Western Blotting. Fasting decreased body weight, glycemia, insulinemia, and increased non esterified free fatty acids (NEFA). The insulinemia increased with ß1/ß2 blockade, glycemia decreased with triple blockade, NEFA increased with ß stimulus. The GLUT4 mRNA increased in soleus and EDL after fasting, and it decreased in soleus and EDL after ß1/ß2 blockade and triple blockade, and increased in soleus after ß stimulus. GLUT4 protein increased in soleus of fasted rats, and decreased with triple blockade in EDL. Fasting increased GLUT4 gene expresion in skeletal muscle. The ß-adrenergic sympathetic activity is essencial to increase GLUT4 expression in soleus and to preserve it in EDL.

Efeito da adição de ractopamina e da imunocastração na carne in natura de suínos / Effect ofractopamine and immunocastration the raw meat of pigs

Oliveira, Simone Raymundo de 02 September 2016 (has links)
A moderna suinocultura vem nos últimos anos avançando no desenvolvimento e no emprego de tecnologias que visam o aumento da performance produtiva e econômica do segmento. As inovações associadas aos métodos de castração e modificadores metabólicos têm sido avaliadas, em particular o uso da imunocastração e dos repartidores de energia (ractopamina). Embora os ganhos zootécnicos e industriais destas tecnologias já estejam bem discutidos, o real impacto do emprego juntas ou isoladas sobre a qualidade tecnológica da carne pelo seu efeito na matriz bioquímica, necessita de estudos mais aprofundados. Desta forma, esta pesquisa científica foi direcionada para avaliar os efeitos, focando nas alterações dos perfis eletroforéticos da carne, advinda de animais produzidos comercialmente, utilizando concomitantemente ractopamina e imunocastração. Foram utilizados 48 suínos, criados comercialmente, sendo 8 suínos por tratamento (machos castrados cirurgicamente - CC, machos imunocastrados - IM, e fêmeas - F) recebendo dietas suplementadas com (CR) ou sem (SR) ractopamina na fase final da terminação. Avaliaram-se as características qualitativas da carne, tais como o pH, a cor objetiva, a capacidade de retenção de água (perda de água por gotejamento - drip loss, perda por cocção - PCOC, e perda por descongelamento - PDESC), maciez objetiva (força de cisalhamento) e perfil eletroforético. A utilização conjunta da imunocastração com a ractopamina influenciou o pH 24 horas do lombo suíno, a luminosidade (L*) e a força de cisalhamento, sendo que o pH e a força de cisalhamento foram maiores e a luminosidade menor em IC-CR na dieta. Porém, essa influência não foi verificada na análise eletroforética unidimensional. O perfil proteico foi significativamente influenciado pelo fornecimento do &beta;-agonista adrenérgico. Diferenças na abundância de peptídeos foram verificadas para as variáveis qualitativas da carne maciez, capacidade de retenção de água (drip loss e descongelamento) e luminosidade. Aumento nos volumes normalizados dos peptídeos reduziu a PDESC e melhorou a maciez objetiva, enquanto que o drip loss aumentou quando não houve a suplementação com ractopamina na dieta. Os resultados demonstraram que somente o &beta;-agonista adrenérgico foi o responsável pelas diferenças verificadas no perfil proteico. O efeito simultâneo imunocastração com a inclusão da ractopamina na dieta não propociou impactos na qualidade tecnológica da carne. / The modern swine industry has in recent years to advance the development and use of technologies aimed at increasing production and economic performance of the segment. Innovations associated methods of castration and metabolic modifiers have been evaluated, in special the use of immunocastration and feed additive (ractopamine). Although the production growth and industrial gains of these technologies are already well discussed, the real impact of employment together or isolated on the technological quality of meat by its effect on the biochemical matrix, requires further study. Therefore, this scientific research was directed to evaluate the effects, concentrating on changes in electrophoretic profiles of meat, resulting animals commercially produced concurrently using ractopamine and immunocastration. 48 animals were used commercially created, 8 per treatment (castrates - CC, immunocastrated - IM, and female - F) fed diets supplemented with (CR) or without (SR) ractopamine at the final stage of finishing. We evaluated the qualitative characteristics of meat, such as pH, color, water-holding capacity (drip loss, cooking loss - PCOC, and loss defrosting - PDESC) objective tenderness (shear force) and electrophoretic profile. The combined use of immunocastration with ractopamine influence pH 24h swine loin, the lightness (L*) and shear force, and pH, and shear force were higher and lower luminosity in IC-CR in the diet. However, this effect wasn\'t seen in the one-dimensional electrophoretic analysis. The protein profile was significantly influenced by the supply of &beta;-adrenergic agonist. Differences in the abundance of peptides were checked for qualitative variables of meat tenderness, water retention capacity (drip loss and defrosting) and luminosity. The increase in the volume of standard peptides pDesc reduced and improved objective tenderness, while the drip loss increased when no supplementation with dietary ractopamine. The results demonstrate that only the &beta;-adrenergic agonist was responsible for the observed differences in the protein profile. The effect simultaneously immunocastration with the addition of ractopamine in the diet not influence impacts on technological meat quality.

Efeito do carvedilol na prevenção da cardiotoxicidade por antraciclinas: estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, placebo controlado (CECCY Trial) / Effect of carvedilol in the prevention of chemotheraphyinduced cardiotoxicity: results of a randomized, double blind, placebocontrolled trial

Grinberg, Mônica Samuel Avila 23 November 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O tratamento quimioterápico com antraciclina está associado à cardiotoxicidade. Sua prevenção primária com o uso de beta-bloqueadores permanece controversa. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o papel do carvedilol na prevenção da cardiotoxicidade relacionada ao tratamento com antraciclina. Métodos: estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, placebo controlado que incluiu 200 pacientes com câncer de mama, fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda (FEVE) preservada e uso de doxorrubicina (240 mg/m²) para receber carvedilol ou placebo até a conclusão da quimioterapia em proporção 1:1. O desfecho primário foi a redução > 10% da FEVE em seis meses. Os desfechos secundários foram o efeito do carvedilol nos marcadores de injúria miocárdica, troponina I (TnI) e peptídeo natriurético cerebral (BNP), e na disfunção diastólica. Resultados: O desfecho primário ocorreu em 14 (14,5%) pacientes do grupo carvedilol e em 13 (13,5%) do grupo placebo (p=1,0). Não houve diferença nos valores da FEVE durante o tratamento quimioterápico ou nos valores de BNP entre os grupos. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na distribuição dos níveis de TnI ao longo do tempo, com menor pico de TnI no grupo carvedilol (p=0,003). Além disso, houve menor incidência de disfunção diastólica no grupo carvedilol (p=0,039). Foi observada tendência para menor aumento do diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo do início do tratamento até o final da quimioterapia no grupo carvedilol em relação ao placebo, respectivamente, 44,1+3,64 a 45,2+3,2 vs 44,9+3,6 a 46,4+4,0 mm (p=0,057). Conclusão: A incidência de cardiotoxicidade com o uso de doses contemporâneas de ANT foi menor do que relatado previamente com doses mais elevadas. Neste cenário, a administração de carvedilol resultou em redução significativa da injúria miocárdica avaliada pelos níveis de troponina I e pelo aparecimento da disfunção diastólica. No entanto, essa redução não teve impacto na disfunção sistólica relacionada à cardiotoxicidade (NCT01724450) / Background: Anthracycline (ANT) chemotherapy is associated with cardiotoxicity. Its prevention with beta-blockers remains controversial. The aim of this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was to evaluate the role of carvedilol in the prevention of early onset ANT cardiotoxicity. Methods: We randomized 200 patients with breast cancer and normal left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) referred for doxorubicin (240 mg/m²) to receive carvedilol or placebo until completion of chemotherapy. The primary end-point was a reduction > 10% in LVEF at six months. Secondary outcomes were the effects of carvedilol on troponin I (TnI), BNP and diastolic dysfunction. Results: Primary end-point occurred in 14 (14.5%) patients in the carvedilol and in 13 (13.5%) in the placebo (p=1.0). No difference in changes of LVEF or BNP was noted between groups. There was a significant difference between groups on the TnI levels over time, with lower TnI levels in carvedilol group (p=0.003). Additionally, a lower incidence of diastolic dysfunction was seen in carvedilol group (p=0.039). A trend towards less pronounced increase in LV end-diastolic diameter during follow up was noted in the carvedilol group, respectively 44.1+3.64 to 45.2+3.2 vs 44.9+3.6 to 46.4+4.0 mm (p=0.057). Conclusion: In this largest clinical trial of ?-blockers for prevention of early onset cardiotoxicity under contemporary doses of ANT, we noted a lower incidence of cardiotoxicity than higher doses. In this scenario, the use of carvedilol resulted in a significant reduction in troponin levels and diastolic dysfunction. However, this reduction had no impact on the incidence of cardiotoxicity-related myocardial systolic dysfunction (NCT01724450)

Alterações do metabolismo de glicogênio das glândulas salivares de ratos diabéticos alimentados e em jejum após a injeção de sialogogos / Glycogen metabolism alterations of fed and fast diabetic rats salivary glands after secretagogues injection

Ganzerla, Émily 16 July 2008 (has links)
O processo de secreção salivar é dependente de energia, consome glicose e pode mobilizar glicogênio na glândula submandibular. Nos ratos diabéticos a produção de saliva estimulada é reduzida e ocorre acúmulo de glicogênio nas glândulas parótida e submandibular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar in vivo o metabolismo de glicogênio das glândulas salivares, submandibular e parótida, de ratos diabéticos após o estimulo com agonistas colinérgico e adrenérgico e também analisar se os animais alimentados ou com restrição alimentar overnight apresentam diferenças no metabolismo de glicogênio das glândulas salivares nas condições estudadas. Os ratos foram divididos em grupos controles (C) e diabéticos (D). Após 30 dias da indução do diabete com estreptozotocina i.p. 60mg/kg p.c., os animais foram subdivididos em alimentados ou em jejum, anestesiados com pentobarbital 50mg/kg p.c. e hidrato de cloral 400mg/kg p.c, administrado i.p. 7,5 mg/kg p.c de pilocarpina ou 5 mg/kg p.c. de isoproterenol, os ratos foram eutanasiados 0(T0), 30(T30), 60(T60) and 120(T120) minutos após a injeção do agonista. As glândulas SM e P foram removidas e analisadas quanto ao conteúdo de proteína total, glicogênio, atividade da glicogênio sintase (GS) e da glicogênio fosforilase (GP), ativa (a) e total (t). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo ANOVA e o teste de Tukey (p>0,05). A concentração de proteína total não foi afetada pela doença diabetes, nem pela administração dos agonistas, mas apresentou-se maior nos grupos em jejum quando comparados aos grupos alimentados. A concentração de glicogênio inicial foi maior nos ratos diabéticos quando comparados ao controles nas glândulas SM e P. O estímulo com a pilocarpina e com o isoproterenol na SM dos ratos alimentados e em jejum promoveu a degradação do glicogênio observada em T30 e posterior recuperação do conteúdo até o T120 nos grupos controles e diabéticos. Na P os agonistas não mobilizaram o glicogênio no grupo controle e sim no grupo diabético. As enzimas GP e GS tiveram a atividade alterada pelos agonistas e pela doença diabetes, porém não apresentaram um padrão nas condições estudadas. Os animais em jejum apresentaram menor conteúdo de glicogênio que os diabéticos nas glândulas SM e parótida e as enzimas GS apresentou um aumento na relação da forma ativa e total nos grupos em jejum e a GP apresentou menores valores que foi mais evidente na glândula SM. A injeção dos sialogogos apresentou efeitos diferentes no metabolismo de glicogênio das glândulas P e SM, assim como nos animais diabéticos / The salivary secretion process is energydependent, consumes glucose and might mobilize glycogen in the submandibular glands. In diabetics rats the stimulated saliva flow rate is reduced and accumulate glycogen in submandibular (SM) and parotid (P). The aim of this work was evaluated in vivo glycogen metabolism in the SM and P of diabetic rats stimulated with adrenergic or cholinergic agonists, and to analyze if there are any differences in the glycogen metabolism in fed or unfed (alimentary fasting overnight) animals.The rats were divided in control (C) and diabetic (D) groups. Thirty days after diabetes induction with streptozotocin (60mg/kg b.w. i.p.), the animals were subdivided in fed or unfed, anaesthetized with pentobarbital (50mg/kg b.w. i.p.). and chloral hydrate (400mg/kg b.w. i.p.), injected pilocarpine (7.5mg/kg b.w.) or isoproterenol (5mg/kg b.w.) intraperitoneally, and euthanized 0(T0), 30(T30), 60(T60) and 120(T120) minutes post-injection of the agonists. SM and P were excised and assessed for glycogen and protein content and glycogen synthase (GS) and phosphorylase (GP) active (a) and total (t) activities. Data was statistically analyzed by ANOVA and Tukeys test (p<0.05). Protein concentration didn´t alter by diabetes or agonist injections but was higher in unfed when compared to the fed rats. Increased initial glycogen content was found in both groups of glands in diabetic rats when compared to the control group. Pilocarpine and isoproterenol stimulus promoted glycogen degradation in SM of fed and unfed rats on T30 and the T120 SM control and diabetic groups recovered glycogen content as the initial T0 values. In P the agonist mobilized glycogen just in diabetic group. The GP and GS activities were different and didnt present a pattern in this study´s condition. The unfed animals present glycogen content diminished when compared to fed animal in both glands and the relation of active and total glycogen synthase was higher in fast animals and lesser specific activities of active and total glycogen phosphorilase that were more evident in submandibular glands. The secretagogues injection presents different effects on glycogen metabolism of P and SM even so in diabetic animals.

Mecanismos celulares ativados por agonistas adrenérgicos em aorta de ratos hipertensos renais com disfusão endotelial / Cellular mechanisms activated by adrenergic agonists in the aorta of renal hypertensive rats with endothelial dysfunction

Ana Carolina Campos Cotrim Bocalon 30 September 2014 (has links)
O sistema nervoso simpático (SNS) desempenha importante papel sobre o controle da pressão arterial assim como o endotélio, pela liberação de fatores de relaxamento e contração que atuam sobre a modulação do tônus vascular. A hipertensão renovascular (2R-1C) está associada à elevada produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, hiperatividade do SNS e disfunção endotelial. A hipótese deste trabalho é de que os agonistas adrenérgicos noradrenalina (NOR) e adrenalina (ADR), catecolaminas endógenas, promovam efeito anti-contrátil devido à ativação da eNOS em aorta de ratos 2R-1C. Este estudo teve por objetivo investigar se a ativação de adrenoceptores (AR) com NOR ou ADR leva à maior ativação da eNOS em aortas de ratos 2R-1C do que em 2R e os mecanismos relacionados. Realizamos curvas concentração-efeito para NOR ou ADR, em aortas com ou sem endotélio de ratos 2R e 2R-1C em ausência (controle) ou presença dos antagonistas ?-AR (propranolol), ?2-AR (ioimbina), e inibidor não seletivo da NOS (L-NAME). Por western blot, verificamos a fosforilação do resíduo de ativação da enzima eNOS, Serina1177 (Ser1177), via ativação de ?-AR ou ?-AR, pela NOR ou ADR em aortas com endotélio, de ratos 2R e 2R-1C e se a via PI3K/AKT e o H2O2 estariam envolvidos nesse processo. Avaliamos a produção de NO pelas células endoteliais isoladas de ratos 2R e 2R-1C, por citometria de fluxo. Realizamos a dosagem de NOR e ADR plasmática e tecidual (adrenais) por meio de HPLC. Nos estudos de reatividade vascular avaliamos a potência (pD2) e eficácia (Emax) dos agonistas em induzir contração. O Emax da NOR foi menor na contração de aorta de ratos 2R-1C comparada a 2R, provavelmente devido à maior atividade da eNOS evidenciada pelo efeito do L-NAME em aorta de 2R-1C. A particularidade mais significativa da resposta da NOR é de que em aorta de ratos 2R-1C, a NOR promove a maior fosforilação de Ser1177 via ?-AR, e esta envolve a participação da via PI3K/AKT e do H2O2, não havendo alteração dos níveis plasmáticos e tecidual de NOR entre 2R e 2R-1C. O estímulo com ADR, em aorta de 2R-1C, promoveu aumento da atividade da eNOS, certificada pelo efeito do L-NAME, que pode contribuir para o menor Emax da ADR em 2R-1C do que em 2R. Entretanto, a ADR promoveu maior fosforilação de Ser1177 via ?-AR, em aorta de ratos 2R-1C, e esta não envolve participação da via PI3K/AKT e do H2O2. Os níveis teciduais de ADR foram semelhantes entre 2R e 2R- 1C, mas a concentração plasmática de ADR foi menor em 2R-1C do que em 2R. Não houve diferença na produção de NO pelas células endoteliais entre 2R e 2R-1C. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a ativação de ?-AR com NOR envolve participação de H2O2 e da via PI3K/AKT para maior ativação da eNOS em aortas de ratos 2R-1C, mecanismo que pode contribuir para o menor Emax da NOR em aorta de 2R-1C. A ADR ao ativar ?-AR leva à maior ativação da eNOS, porém sem participação efetiva de H2O2 e da via PI3K/AKT em aortas de ratos 2R-1C. / The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) plays important role on the arterial pressure control as well the vascular endothelium by relaxing and contractile factors release that modulates the vascular tone. The renovascular hypertension (2K-1C) is related to the increased production of oxygen reactive species, SNS hyperactivity and endothelium dysfunction. The hypothesis of this work is that the adrenoceptor (AR) agonists noradrenaline (NOR) and adrenaline (ADR), the endogenous catecholamine promote anti-contractile effect due to eNOS activation in 2K-1C rat aorta. This study aimed to investigate if AR activation by NOR or ADR leads to the increased activation of eNOS in 2K-1C rat aorta, and the mechanisms activated by these agonists. Concentration-effect curves were constructed for NOR or ADR, in intactendothelium or denuded aortas isolated from 2K-1C and 2K rats in the absence (control) or in the presence of the AR antagonists propranolol (?-AR) or yohimbine (?2-AR), or the non-selective NOS inhibitor, L-NAME. By using western blot, we have veryfied the the effects of activation of ?-AR ou ?-AR and the phosphorylation of NOS activation site Serine1177 (Ser1177) by NOR or ADR in intact endothelium aorta from 2K and 2K-1C and also whether the PI3K/AKT pathway and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are related to this phosphorylation. We evaluated by flow cytometry the NO production in the isolated endotelial cells from 2K and 2K-1C. Plasma and tissue (adrenal) levels of NOR and ADR were measured by HPLC. In the vascular reactivity studies, we evaluated the potency (pD2) and efficacy (Emax) of the agonists in inducing contraction. The Emax induced by NOR was lower in 2K-1C than in 2K rat probably due to the higher activity of eNOS as shown by the effect of L-NAME. The most interesting finding was in 2K-1C aorta that NOR increases the Ser1177 phosphorylation via ?-AR activation that involves the signaling trough PI3K/AKT and H2O2. There is no differences in NOR at the plasma and tissue levels between 2K-1C and 2K. ADR activates more eNOS in 2K-1C rat aorta as shown by the effect of LNAME. It could contribute to the lower Emax of ADR in 2K-1C than in 2K. However, ADR increased Ser1177 phosphorylation via ?-AR activation in 2K-1C rat aorta, which does not involve PI3K/AKT and H2O2 pathway. The tissue levels of ADR were not different between 2K-1C and 2K, but the plasma concentration of ADR was lower in 2K-1C than in 2K. There was no difference in the NO production in the endothelial cells from 2K-1C and 2K. Taken together, our results suggest that ?-AR activation by NOR involves H2O2 and PI3K/AKT that activates eNOS in 2K-1C rat aorta that could contribute to the lower contractile effect induced by NOR in 2K-1C. ?-AR activation by ADR leads to the eNOS activation without activation of H2O2 and PI3K/AKT pathway in 2K-1C rat aorta.

Efeito da terapia com Beta-bloqueadores em camundongos com deleção dos receptores alpha 2A/alpha 2C adrenérgicos / Effects of b- adrenergic antagonist therapy in mice lacking a 2A/a 2C adrenergic receptors

Bartholomeu, Jan Barbosa 08 August 2006 (has links)
Recentemente foi descrito que a deleção dos receptores a2A e a2C adrenérgicos em camundongos, proporciona hiperatividade simpática com evidências de insuficiência cardíaca (IC) aos sete meses de idade. Com isso, esses animais representam um modelo experimental para o estudo de diferentes terapias da IC. Estudamos o efeito de antagonistas b-adrenérgicos (BB) de diferentes gerações em camundongos deleção para os receptores a2A e a2C adrenérgicos (KO) entre cinco a sete meses de idade que apresentam mortalidade de 50%. Foram utilizados camundongos controle (CO) (n = 22) e KO (n = 94) divididos randomicamente e tratados por dois meses com salina, propranolol (P), metoprolol (M) e carvedilol (C). Foi avaliada a pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca (FC), além da tolerância ao esforço (TE) e fração de encurtamento (FS) do ventrículo esquerdo. A estrutura cardíaca foi avaliada pelo diâmetro dos cardiomiócitos (DC) e a fração de colágeno cardíaco (CC). Aos sete meses de idade os KO tratados com salina apresentaram intolerância ao esforço e redução de 30% na FS, e aumento do DC (13%) quando comparados com os CO. Todos os BB foram eficientes em reduzir a FC de repouso dos KO que tornaram-se semelhantes as dos CO. Nenhum BB restabeleceu a TE nos animais KO. P, M e C restauraram de forma similar a FS nos KO. Apesar de todos os BB reduzirem DC, apenas M restabeleceu as dimensões dos cardiomiócitos que passaram a ser semelhantes as dos CO. Em contrapartida, apenas M reduziu parcialmente o CC. M e C reduziram a mortalidade dos KO em 31 %, sendo que o tratamento com propranolol reduziu a mortalidade dos KO em apenas 24% e foi o BB menos tolerado. Os dados evidenciam o beneficio de M e C no tratamento da IC, e sugerem maior estudo das propriedades farmacodinâmicas de M sobre o remodelamento cardíaco. / We have recently reported that disruption for both a2A ?and a2C adrenergic receptor subtypes in mice (KO) leads to sympathetic hyperactivity with evidence of heart failure (HF) by the age of 7 months. These mice provide a model system for evaluating the efficiency among different ?- adrenergic antagonists (BB) for HF therapy. In the present study, we evaluate the effect of three different BB in a cohort of a wild type (n=22) control group (WT) and a cohort of congenic KO (n=94) from five to seven mo of age. Mice from both groups were randomly assigned to receive by gavage (seven days/wk) either saline (S), propranolol (P), metoprolol (M), or carvedilol (C). Exercise capacity was measured using a graded treadmill protocol. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were determined by tail cuff and LV function by echocardiography. The cardiomyocyte width (CW) and cardiac collagen content (CC) were evaluated by light microscopy. At seven mo of age, when cardiac dysfunction is severe, KO treated with S displayed exercise intolerance and 30% decrease in fractional shortening (FS) when compared with WT. In addition, CW (13%) was increased. All BB were efficient in reducing baseline HR of KO mice towards WT levels, however P was less tolerated. Again, all BB similarly restored FS, and reduced CW, but only M reduced CW towards WT levels. Only M significantly decreased CC. M and C decreased mortality rate of KO mice (31 %), while P did decrease it in only 24%. Collectively these data provide direct evidence for beneficial effect of M and C in restoring cardiac function. Further investigation is need to better understand the pharmacodynamics of M on cardiac remodeling

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