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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh opatření pro posílení konkurenceschopnosti firmy / Proposals of Steps Improving Competitiveness of Company

Pavelková, Dagmar January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the strengthening of competitiveness of a company that specializes in the development and sale of the economic system. The work first deals with the strategic analysis of the external and internal environment of the company. Based on the results, nature of the current competitive strategy of the company is defined and measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the company in the economic system market are proposed.

A capacidade de gestão da informação como fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável da firma

Brinkhues, Rafael Alfonso January 2016 (has links)
A informação vem sendo apontada como a base da competitividade. A maior parte das pesquisas, no entanto, têm focado em estudar o impacto dos recursos eminentemente tecnológicos. Com as transformações no fluxo informacional, desenvolver novas capacidades é apontado como um imperativo competitivo para as organizações. Mais do que a análise dos recursos isoladamente, a análise das capacidades enquanto um conjunto de habilidades para ganhar, integrar e gerir recursos vem ganhando um papel importante na área de SI. As capacidades são particularmente úteis para as organizações em ambientes que mudam rapidamente. Considerando essa oportunidade de pesquisa, avaliou-se relevante analisar, nesse trabalho, a influência da Capacidade de Gestão da Informação (CGI) na Vantagem Competitiva da firma. Nesse sentido, estendeu-se o conceito de CGI para o conjunto de habilidades da firma para acessar dados e informações dos ambientes interno e externo, assim como mapear e distribuir essas informações para que possam ser processadas, permitindo o ajuste organizacional para responder às necessidades e direções do mercado. Para que CGI possa se configurar em uma importante fonte de vantagem competitiva para as organizações no atual contexto informacional, a literatura indica que é necessária uma complexa articulação com outras capacidades organizacionais. Valendo-se da perspectiva teórica das Capacidades Dinâmicas (CD), esse trabalho propôs modelo pelo qual a CGI articula-se com outras capacidades (nomeadamente Capacidade de Integração de SI, Flexibilidade, Capacidade de Reconfiguração e Agilidade) que intermediam o impacto da CGI enquanto fonte de VCS. Esse modelo, baseado na literatura existente, foi avaliado em uma perspectiva de Métodos Mistos, preliminarmente - em uma etapa qualitativa exploratória -, por quatro CIOs de companhias identificadas pelo uso extensivo de informação em suas operações e reconhecidas pela excelência na gestão desse uso. Após esse refinamento, a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de dois métodos. A análise das relações entre as variáveis propostas na pesquisa foi realizada, primeiramente, a partir de um estudo de casos múltiplos de natureza explanatória, realizado em três organizações líderes nacionais em seus segmentos de mercado (uma cooperativa de crédito, uma rede de varejo de moda e uma indústria de móveis planejados). A essa etapa, seguiu-se uma Survey com 180 gestores de TI e não-TI, pela qual foi possível quantificar a influência do caminho proposto da CGI até a VCS. A etapa quantitativa foi efetuada utilizando-se da análise de modelagem de equações estruturais baseada em Partial Least Square-Path Modeling (PLS-SEM). Os resultados foram analisados separadamente em cada etapa (Estudos de Casos Múltiplos e levantamento Survey), e a discussão, realizada por abordagem conjunta de métodos mistos com propósito de corroboração e confirmação integrada. Os resultados demonstram que a CGI influencia a VCS principalmente de forma indireta, mediada por outras capacidades organizacionais. Mais especificamente, a análise aponta para dois caminhos partindo da complementaridade da CGI com as capacidades de integração de SI. No mais consistente deles, o caminho que se origina na CGI é mediado pela Capacidade de Integração Interna de SI, Flexibilidade e Agilidade para influenciar positivamente a VCS. O caminho mediado pela integração externa vale-se da Capacidade de Reconfiguração ao invés da Flexibilidade. Dentre as implicações acadêmicas a pesquisa estão a extensão do conceito de CGI a partir das pesquisas estratégicas e a evidenciação da influência dessa capacidade na variável dependente natural das capacidades, a VCS. Como implicação gerencial, apresentou-se dois caminhos pelo qual o desenvolvimento de habilidade para o gerenciamento da informação pode levar a VCS. A indicação desses caminhos atende a uma lacuna do mercado que estima que 85% das organizações ainda não foram capazes de extrair diferenciação estratégica dos novos dados disponíveis. / Information has been indicated as the basis of competitiveness. Most research, however, has focused on studying the impact of eminently technological resources. With transformations in informational flow, developing new capabilities is indicated as a competitive imperative for organizations. More so than the isolated analyses of resources, analysis of capabilities as a set of abilities to gain, integrate, and manage resources has been acquiring an important role in the area of IS. Capabilities are particularly useful for organizations in environments that change rapidly. Considering this research opportunity, it was deemed relevant to analyze, in this work, the influence of Information Management Capability (IMC) on the firm’s Sustained Competitive Advantage (SCA). In this sense, the concept of IMC was extended to the firm’s set of abilities to access data and information from internal and external environments as well as to map and distribute this information for processing, thereby permitting organizational adjustment to respond to market needs and directions. For IMC to configure into an important source of competitive advantage for organizations in the current informational context, the literature recommends that a complex articulation with other organizational capabilities is necessary. With the theoretical perspective of Dynamic Capabilities (DC), this work proposes a model in which IMC articulates with other capabilities (namely IS Integration Capability, Flexibility, Reconfiguration Capability, and Agility), which intermediates the impact of IMC as a source of SCA. This model, based on the existing literature, was evaluated by a Mix Methods approach, preliminarily – in an exploratory qualitative stage – by four CIOs from companies identified by their extensive use of information in their operations and recognized for excellence in the management of this use. After this refinement, research was conducted through two methods. Analysis of the relations among the proposed variables in the research was made, firstly, from a multiple-case study of an explanatory nature, at three organizations, national leaders in their market segments (a credit union, a fashion retail chain, and an industry of custom furniture). In this stage, a survey of 180 IT and non-IT managers was conducted, from which it was possible to quantify the influence of the proposed path of IMC to SCA. The quantitative stage was executed by utilizing structural equation modeling analysis based on Partial Least Square-Path Modeling. The results were analyzed separately in each stage (Multiple-Case Study and Survey), and the discussion was made through a joint approach of mixed methods with the purpose of integrated corroboration and confirmation. The results demonstrate that IMC influence SCA mainly in an indirect way, mediated by other organizational capabilities. More specifically, the analysis points to two paths coming from the complementarity of IMC with IS integration capabilities. In the more consistent of the two, the path that originates from IMC is mediated by IS Internal Integration Capability, Flexibility, and Agility to positively influence SCA. The path mediated by external integration makes use of the Reconfiguration Capability instead of Flexibility.

Estudo da aplicação de tecnologias interativas para customização em massa na indústria automotiva

Duarte, Rafael Silva January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo evidenciar os benefícios que as transformações sociais contemporâneas, alimentadas pela evolução tecnológica interativa, podem exercer sobre a indústria automotiva, notadamente na questão de customização do produto. A fim de estreitar as relações entre o contexto histórico e as mudanças na indústria automotiva, o trabalho traça um paralelo entre as transformações vividas pela sociedade e a evolução dos automóveis, analisando como as mudanças de contexto afetaram a indústria automotiva. Da mesma forma, é pesquisado sobre como a evolução do automóvel moderno moldou o estilo de vida da sociedade, nos últimos 125 anos. A relação entre o contexto histórico e as mudanças na indústria automotiva é a base que o trabalho utiliza para justificar o emprego das novas tecnologias interativas nos automóveis.São analisadas novas tecnologias interativas existentes e em estágio avançado de desenvolvimento, notadamente aplicadas a smartphones e tablets, e a influência que essas estão tendo no modo de vida contemporâneo. Foi verificado que, apesar dos automóveis terem evoluído concomitantemente com a sociedade, nos mais de cem anos desde sua invenção, estão demorando a embarcar tais desenvolvimentos tecnológicos, continuando, em sua maioria, máquinas análogas e isoladas das outras partes que compõem o trânsito. Este trabalho se propõe a analisar tais tecnologias interativas, estudar quais podem ser embarcadas nos automóveis, exemplificando as possibilidades de aplicação das mesmas, através de um modelo tridimensional, criando um produto customizável em massa, condizente com as tendências sociais contemporâneas, que atenda o maior número de consumidores em potencial, com uma mesma linha de produto, evidenciando o diferencial competitivo que este proporcionaria ao seu fabricante ante a concorrência. / The objective of this paper is to highlight the benefits that contemporary social changes, fueled by the interactive technological evolution, can exert on the automotive industry, mainly in the aspect of product customization.In order to strengthen the relation between historical context and changes in automotive industry, this paper draws a parallel between social changes and automobile evolution, evidencing how context changes affect the automotive industry. Also, this paper demonstrate how the evolution of the modern automobile framed society life style in the past 125 years. The relation between historical context and automotive industry changes is the base that this paper use to justify the insertion of interactive technologies in automobiles.New and advance stage technologies are analyzed, mostly the ones applied to smartphones and tablets, and the influence of such technologies in contemporary lifestyle.It is shown that, despite cars have evolved together with society for over a century since its invention, they are holding up the insertion of this new technologies, remaining, mostly, analog machines isolated from the other traffic components.This paper proposes to analyze these interactive technologies, studing which one can be applied in automobiles, demonstrating the applications possibilities through a tridimensional model, creating a mass customizable product, consistent with contemporary social trends, that reach most of the potential buyers with a single product line, demonstrating this product manufacturer competitive advantage against competition.

A competitividade da agricultura brasileira : o Brasil é competitivo no comércio de grãos?

Luz, Antônio Newton Corrêa da January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho elenca um rol de argumentos que apresentam a agricultura brasileira como um setor dinâmico e pujante da economia brasileira, mostrando que, muito mais do que gerar alimentos, este setor é um dos eixos de crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico, podendo contribuir muito mais para o crescimento de longo prazo da economia brasileira se ativado para este propósito. No entanto, para que se tenha um horizonte de longo prazo é necessário discutir-se a competitividade desse setor, o que é feito a partir da apresentação dos resultados de uma pesquisa de levantamento e comparação de custos de produção de Milho, Soja e Trigo, realizada entre 2008 e 2012, com a mesma metodologia, nos principais países do mundo, conhecida como Agri benchmark. Os dados mostram que o Brasil exibe alto custo de produção em relação a seus concorrentes e este estudo apresenta algumas das principais razões para essa diferença de custos, quais sejam: tributação, logística, produtividade da mão-de-obra e as diferenças entre as políticas públicas. Esta dissertação busca mensurar as Vantagens Comparativas Reveladas dos principais grãos de exportação brasileiros, com o intuito de descobrir se os altos custos de produção observados chegam a retirar a competitividade da agricultura nacional, o que se verificou somente para o caso do Trigo. / This study gives many arguments which presents Brazilian Agriculture as a dynamic and strong sector of Brazilian economy, showing that, more than the ability to supply food, this sector is one of the axis for growth and economic development. It would contribute for long term economic growth if it would be activate toward this proposal. However, for long term view is necessary to discus the competitiveness of this sector, which is made by using results of a research that compares cost of production of corn, soybean and wheat between 2008 and 2012, using the same methodology, for most producers around the world, known as Agri benchmark. The date shows that Brazil is the most expensive country in terms of cost of production in comparison with his competitors and this study also shows the main reasons, which are: taxation, logistics, workforce productivity and subsidies. This thesis measures Revealed Comparative Advantages of mains Brazilian grains produced, aiming to realize if high costs reduces agriculture competitiveness, which is observed in wheat.

Mobiliário brasileiro de exportação: um estudo da competitividade da indústria com foco em São Bento do Sul, SC / Brazilian furniture for export: a study of the industry's competitiveness with focus on São Bento do Sul, SC

Alexandre de Barros Teixeira 15 September 2008 (has links)
Com a estabilização econômica alcançada a partir da implantação do Plano Real em 1994, o foco da agenda econômica do país mudou, da obsessão pelo combate à inflação e aos problemas do balanço de pagamentos, para novas preocupações, como, crescimento econômico sustentável, microeconomia do desenvolvimento e competitividade. Nesse sentido, tornam-se importantes os estudos sobre o setor industrial, por esse continuar mantendo-se como o setor de maior potencial indutor do crescimento econômico no Brasil. São Bento do Sul, situado no planalto norte de Santa Catarina, e assunto dessa dissertação, ocupa posição relevante no cenário da indústria moveleira do país, sendo responsável por quase a metade das exportações brasileiras de móveis. Uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica da realidade do arranjo produtivo em questão, demanda a utilização de metodologia que se aplique à análise de setores industriais. A teoria da vantagem competitiva de Michael Porter, considerando os conceitos de que, são as empresas e não as nações que competem no comércio internacional, e que, a unidade básica de análise para se compreender a competição é a indústria, disponibiliza instrumental que permitiu pontuar os determinantes que contribuíram para a formação das vantagens competitivas de São Bento do Sul. No decorrer da análise, revelou-se uma estrutura da indústria com forte poder de uma das forças (compradores), personificada hoje, a nível local, pelas agências exportadoras. Em razão desse desequilíbrio em favor dos compradores, observado na estrutura da indústria, haverá um amplo direcionamento para a busca de vantagens de menor custo e não de diferenciação. Apresenta-se como de fundamental importância, o resgate da idéia de que a estrutura da indústria não é imutável, podendo as empresas com suas estratégias, influenciá-la a seu favor. Ações nesse sentido, poderão potencializar o envolvimento futuro da indústria de serviços de design, evitando assim o equívoco de se pensar em sua inserção autônoma, ignorando o fato de que, o design estará sempre submetido a uma leitura econômica. / With the economic stabilization following the Real Plan in 1994, the focus of the economic agenda shifted from the obsessive fight to control inflation and payment surpluses to new challenges such as sustainable growth, development microeconomics and competitiveness. In this sense, studies of the manufacturing segment in Brazil continue to be relevant as it is this segment that carries the largest potential to induce economic growth in the country. São Bento do Sul, located in the northern plains of Santa Catarina State, the focus of this study, holds a relevant position in the furniture manufacturing industry in Brazil, accounting for close to half of Brazilian furniture exports. In order to fully understand the dynamics of the productive equation it is imperative that we make use of a methodology that applies to industrial sectors. The theory of Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter, which establishes the concept that companies, not nations, are the ones that compete in international trade, and that the basic unit to understand competition is the industry, offers the elements that determined the competitive advantages of São Bento do Sul. The analysis revealed that the industry had one powerful force buyers expressed today at the local level by the exporting agencies. In view of this unbalance in favor of the buyers, the search for the competitive advantage will focus on lower cost and not differentiation. A critical aspect is the revelation that the structure of the industry is not set in stone. Companies may influence in their favor through their strategies and positioning. Such actions could maximize the potential future involvement of the design industry, avoiding the mistaken view of its autonomous insertion, ignoring the fact that design will always be subjected to an economic analysis.

The impact of ambidextrous market learning and product innovativeness on product advantage and new product performance

Kalro, Hitesh January 2016 (has links)
New Product Development is vital to the performance of high-tech firms given the rapid change in technology and markets that they face. Drawing on the ambidexterity literature this study focuses on how firms can employ Ambidextrous Market Learning (AML), that is, the use of exploratory and exploitative market learning strategies simultaneously, to develop successful innovative products. Despite the exponential growth of studies focusing on ambidexterity, the literature portrays the ambidexterity concept as a present or absent like phenomena. However, in the current study, AML is conceptualised as a continuum of market knowledge that acts as a key source essential in creating customer value in the form of new products. Whilst research into ambidexterity contains abundant evidence of the positive effects of ambidexterity on firm performance, yet there is little discussion in the literature on the effects of AML on product advantage and the role of product innovativeness. A conceptual model comprising the relationship between AML, product advantage and product innovativeness is developed and empirically tested using 178 UK-based high-tech firms. The findings indicate that AML firms tend to develop products that have high product advantage. The study further focuses on how product innovativeness and product advantage constructs interact to create new product financial performance. Findings also suggest that marketing and technological discontinuity (product innovativeness from the firm s perspective) respectively has a negative and a positive moderating impact on product advantage. In addition, modelling product innovativeness from the customers perspective (customer discontinuity) in the same model sheds new light on the relationship between product advantage, product innovativeness and product performance. By further examining the moderating effects of marketing and technological discontinuity on the link between AML and product advantage, the analyses reveals the different scenarios in which the benefits of AML firms may outweigh its implementation cost.

A micro e pequena empresa brasileira exportadora e a formação de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis : estudo de casos

Iamin, Gustavo C. Paiva January 2007 (has links)
O presente trabalho buscou, através de um estudo múltiplo de casos, explanar o processo de internacionalização da micro e pequena empresa brasileira, identificando os principais indutores desse fenômeno e analisando a relação existente entre a atividade exportadora dessas empresas e a formação de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. O acesso a mercados externos é percebido, em geral, como um processo de desenvolvimento gradual e a questão da competitividade é abordada à luz de dois ângulos distintos: o paradigma SCP (structure-conduct-performance) e a teoria baseada em recursos (resource-based view). Esta última abordagem, de modo particular, ampara-se na idéia de que as empresas possuem recursos diferenciados, os quais, agrupados em processos distintos, dão origem ao conceito de atividades de valor, formando as capacidades internas que possibilitam à organização apresentar desempenhos acima da média em seu ramo de atuação.Para avaliar a formação de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis, proporcionadas pelas capacidades singulares alcançadas por cada empresa, utilizou-se a metodologia do Balanced Scorecard (BSC), gerando-se um conjunto de indicadores que possibilitassem avaliar a tendência de desempenho da organização em áreas-chave para o seu sucesso atual e futuro. O uso dessa metodologia, efetivado através de quatro diferentes perspectivas de análise, permitiu um entendimento adequado do funcionamento das empresas pesquisadas, principalmente a respeito da combinação e integração de suas atividades de valor e dos fatores críticos para o sucesso no mercado externo. Os resultados apontaram para a confirmação do modelo gradualista de inserção internacional, com ressalva para as situações de exportação passiva e indireta. Os ganhos de reputação foram identificados como importante resultado do ingresso no mercado internacional e o tamanho da empresa não foi avaliado como fator restritivo. A formação de vantagens competitivas e a permanência da firma na atividade exportadora estão fortemente relacionados ao incentivo à constante formação técnico-gerencial, à adequação da estrutura organizacional à participação no cenário internacional, ao comprometimento progressivo de recursos internos para o comércio exterior e aodesenvolvimento de atividades focadas em estudo, seleção e exploração de novos mercados externos. / The present study sought, through a study of multiple cases, explain the process of internationalization of the micro and small Brazilian company, identifying the key inducers of this phenomenon and analyzing the relationship between the exporting activity of these companies and the formation of sustainable competitive advantages. Access to foreign markets is perceived, in general, as a process of gradual development and the issue of competitiveness is discussed in the light of two different angles: the paradigm SCP (structure-conduct-performance) and the theory based on resources (resource-based view). This last approach, in particular, seek refuge in the idea that the companies have different resources, which grouped into separate processes, give rise to the concept of value activities , forming the internal capabilities that enable the organization to present above- the-average performances in their field of expertise. To assess the formation of sustainable competitive advantages, brought about by the singular capabilities achieved by each company, the methodology of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) was used, generating a set of indicators that enable to assess the tendencies of the organization's performance in key areas for its current and future success. Using this methodology, effected through four different perspectives of analysis, enabled an understanding of the proper functioning of the surveyed companies, mainly about the combination and integration of its value activities and the critical factors to the success in external markets. The results pointed to the confirmation of the gradualist model of international insertion, with exception for cases of passive and indirect export. Gains of reputation were identified as important result of the entry in the international market and the size of the company has not been evaluated as a restrictive factor. The formation of competitive advantages and the permanence of the firm in the exporting activity are strongly linked to the constant encouragement of technical and managerial training, the adequacy of the organizational structure to participation in the international arena, the ongoing commitment of internal resources for foreign trade and development of activities focused on study, selection and operation of new foreign markets.

When do dialects become languages? : a cognitive perspective

Kirk, Neil W. January 2016 (has links)
Several definitions exist that offer to identify the boundaries between languages and dialects, yet these distinctions are inconsistent and are often as political as they are linguistic (Chambers & Trudgill, 1998). A different perspective is offered in this thesis, by investigating how closely related linguistic varieties are represented in the brain and whether they engender similar cognitive effects as is often reported for bilingual speakers of recognised independent languages, based on the principles of Green’s (1998) model of bilingual language control. Study 1 investigated whether bidialectal speakers exhibit similar benefits in non-linguistic inhibitory control as a result of the maintenance and use of two dialects, as has been proposed for bilinguals who regularly employ inhibitory control mechanisms, in order to suppress one language while speaking the other. The results revealed virtually identical performance across all monolingual, bidialectal and bilingual participant groups, thereby not just failing to find a cognitive control advantage in bidialectal speakers over monodialectals/monolinguals, but also in bilinguals; adding to a growing body of evidence which challenges this bilingual advantage in non-linguistic inhibitory control. Study 2 investigated the cognitive representation of dialects using an adaptation of a Language Switching Paradigm to determine if the effort required to switch between dialects is similar to the effort required to switch between languages. The results closely replicated what is typically shown for bilinguals: Bidialectal speakers exhibited a symmetrical switch cost like balanced bilinguals while monodialectal speakers, who were taught to use the dialect words before the experiment, showed the asymmetrical switch cost typically displayed by second language learners. These findings augment Green’s (1998) model by suggesting that words from different dialects are also tagged in the mental lexicon, just like words from different languages, and as a consequence, it takes cognitive effort to switch between these mental settings. Study 3 explored an additional explanation for language switching costs by investigating whether changes in articulatory settings when switching between different linguistic varieties could - at least in part – be responsible for these previously reported switching costs. Using a paradigm which required participants to switch between using different articulatory settings, e.g. glottal stops/aspirated /t/ and whispers/normal phonation, the results also demonstrated the presence of switch costs, suggesting that switching between linguistic varieties has a motor task-switching component which is independent of representations in the mental lexicon. Finally, Study 4 investigated how much exposure is needed to be able to distinguish between different varieties using two novel language categorisation tasks which compared German vs Russian cognates, and Standard Scottish English vs Dundonian Scots cognates. The results showed that even a small amount of exposure (i.e. a couple of days’ worth) is required to enable listeners to distinguish between different languages, dialects or accents based on general phonetic and phonological characteristics, suggesting that the general sound template of a language variety can be represented before exact lexical representations have been formed. Overall, these results show that bidialectal use of typologically closely related linguistic varieties employs similar cognitive mechanisms as bilingual language use. This thesis is the first to explore the cognitive representations and mechanisms that underpin the use of typologically closely related varieties. It offers a few novel insights and serves as the starting point for a research agenda that can yield a more fine-grained understanding of the cognitive mechanisms that may operate when speakers use closely related varieties. In doing so, it urges caution when making assumptions about differences in the mechanisms used by individuals commonly categorised as monolinguals, to avoid potentially confounding any comparisons made with bilinguals.

Which product attributes lead consumers to prefer startups’ products over established companies’ products in the specialty product category? : A study of the electric vehicle market in Germany

Häßler, Alina, Souren, Bernd January 2018 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate which product attributes lead consumers to prefer startups’ products over established companies’ products in the specialty product category. The research object is the electric vehicle market in Germany and the product attributes that are researched are alignable attributes, non-alignable attributes and the price. Design/Methodology/Approach – Quantitative data was collected via an internet questionnaire by means of the non-probability sampling techniques convenience and snowball sampling. The data of 408 members of the German Generation Y (age 17 – 38) was used to test six hypotheses by applying ANOVA and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings – It was found that established companies possess a pioneer advantage in comparison to startups for the specialty product ‘electric vehicle’. This advantage can be overcome when startups differentiate their electric vehicles by implementing superior alignable attributes, a valuable non-alignable attribute or a lower price. Superior alignable attributes had the strongest positive influence on consumers’ preferences towards the startup’s electric vehicle, followed by the lower price and a valuable non-alignable attribute. Limitations/Implications – This study is limited to investigating consumers’ preferences without focusing on the reasons behind the preferences. Further, the category of specialty products is represented by only one example, namely the electric vehicle industry. Practical Implications – Startups can benefit from the results by adopting differentiation strategies that were found to be successful in overcoming pioneer advantage. Originality/Value – This study contributes to pioneer advantage literature by researching how startups can successfully overcome pioneer advantage in the specialty product category.

Avaliação do impacto do acesso aberto em periódicos da área da Ciência da Informação : uma análise de indicadores bibliométricos e altmétricos

Cintra, Paulo Roberto 16 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-02-17T12:05:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPRC.pdf: 3774120 bytes, checksum: ac43c623fcb4cf2efe4eaf196a15389d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-09T18:40:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPRC.pdf: 3774120 bytes, checksum: ac43c623fcb4cf2efe4eaf196a15389d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-03-09T18:40:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPRC.pdf: 3774120 bytes, checksum: ac43c623fcb4cf2efe4eaf196a15389d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-09T18:51:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPRC.pdf: 3774120 bytes, checksum: ac43c623fcb4cf2efe4eaf196a15389d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-16 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / The existence of innumerous barriers to access scientific knowledge gave rise to the movement in favor of open access. The impact of scientific research tends to be measured by the total number of citations the work gets, and so the hypothesis of a possible Open Access Citation Advantage (OACA) emerged, in which it is argued that the articles available in open access have an advantage in the number of citations in relation to those only available in restricted publications. However, assessing the impact of a scientific publication must go beyond the analysis of citations, as it is necessary to consider that scientists do not cite all references that may have influenced them during the research, and that other actors are also part of the scientific community. For these reasons, the use of alternative metrics to assist the evaluation of science has been discussed in a new subfield called Altmetrics. In this sense, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential benefits that open access can offer to the field of Information Science. Therefore, bibliometric citation indicators and altmetric indicators for four journals were collected and analyzed: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Scientometrics, El Profesional de la Información and Transinformação. Data sources covered Web of Science, Google Scholar, Altmetric.com and Mendeley. The results indicated that open access actually offered advantages over the average number of citations and references in the social web received in all hybrid journals. This fact confirms the validity of the OACA hypothesis for the Information Science area. It was also found that this advantage is maintained, at least, until the eighth year after publication, and it extends to the altmetrics data. / A existência de diversas barreiras de acesso ao conhecimento científico levaram a um movimento em prol do acesso aberto. Como o impacto de uma pesquisa científica costuma ser ponderado pelo número total de citações que o trabalho recebe, surgiu a hipótese do Open Access Citation Advantage (OACA), na qual argumenta-se que os artigos disponibilizados em acesso aberto possuem uma vantagem no número de citações em relação às publicações de acesso restrito. No entanto, avaliar o impacto de uma publicação científica deve ir além da análise de citações, pois é necessário considerar que os cientistas não citam todas as referências que os influenciaram durante a pesquisa e que outros atores também fazem parte da comunidade científica. Por essas razões, a utilização de métricas alternativas que auxiliem a avaliação da ciência vem sendo discutidas em um novo subcampo do conhecimento, chamado Altmetria. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as possíveis vantagens que o acesso aberto pode oferecer ao campo da Ciência da Informação. Para tanto, foram elaborados e analisados indicadores bibliométricos de citação e indicadores altmétricos para quatro periódicos científicos: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Scientometrics, El Profesional de la Información e Transinformação. As fontes de dados abrangeram a Web of Science, o Google Acadêmico, a Altmetric.com e o Mendeley. Os resultados indicaram que o acesso aberto realmente oferece vantagens em relação ao número médio de citações e de menções na web social recebidas em todas as revistas híbridas, fato que confirma a validade da hipótese de OACA para a área da Ciência da Informação. Verificou-se ainda que essa vantagem se mantém, pelo menos até o oitavo ano após a publicação, e que ela também se estende para os dados altmétricos. / FAPESP: 2015/16872-2

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