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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contrôle souple de la dynamique éolienne le long d'un littoral artificialisé et propositions de gestion : le cas de la façade maritime du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque / Aeolian sand transport control and management measures on a human-altered coast : the coastline of Dunkirk seaport, Northern France

Tresca, Antoine 04 April 2013 (has links)
La façade littorale du Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque est une cellule sédimentaire quasi-fermée où les formes dunaires résultent de l’imbrication de facteurs humains et naturels. Ce littoral peut être divisé en deux parties : la partie Ouest est constituée d’un cordon bordier sur une longueur de 7 km (plage du Clipon) et le long de la partie Est, la plage est adossée à une digue en enrobé bitumineux de 6 km de long (digue du Braek) où des transferts sableux se produisent. L’objectif de cette étude est de (1) caractériser les formes dunaires et leur évolution sur un site artificiel, (2) quantifier le transport éolien sur le haut de plage, le versant externe de la dune bordière et la digue du Braek, et (3) proposer des mesures de gestion afin de remédier aux contraintes d’exploitation engendrées par les dépôts éoliens sur les infrastructures. A moyen terme (28 ans), l’analyse diachronique de photographies aériennes montre que les superficies dunaires ont fortement augmenté depuis 1983. A court terme (2 ans), des mesures topographiques révèlent que les dunes continuent de se développer aujourd’hui mais gardent la marque des interventions anthropiques passées. Sur la digue du Braek, des formes dunaires se sont naturellement constituées sur l’asphalte. Le sable a été colonisé par Ammophila arenaria qui s’est enraciné sous l’enrobé par l’intermédiaire de fissures. Une typologie de ces dunes de digue a été proposée. A l’Est, des dunes se développent en pied de digue en raison de l’interruption des transferts sédimentaires longitudinaux par une jetée. Des piégeages éoliens in situ ont montré que le transport éolien était essentiellement contrôlé par la vitesse du vent et la source de sable disponible. Par vents frontaux et obliques, les dunes de pied de digue constituent la principale source des envols, et le transport éolien est favorisé par une accélération du vent sur le versant exposé. Différents types de brise-vent ont été testés sur l’ensemble du site afin de trouver le meilleur mode de gestion souple de ces envols de sable. Ces analyses montrent que si la localisation des structures brise-vent a une grande influence sur leur efficacité, les systèmes habituellement utilisés sur les plages (ganivelles, filets synthétiques) peuvent aussi favoriser le développement de dunes sur une digue en asphalte. Les mesures de gestion envisagées sont la stabilisation des principales sources de sable en pied de digue ainsi que le renforcement de la dune bordière aux endroits les plus fragiles. / The coastline of Dunkirk seaport is a sedimentary cell where dune morphology is the result of both natural processes and human intervention. This shoreline can be divided in two parts: a western part of 7 km long, where a macrotidal beach is backed by naturally developing coastal dunes, and an eastern part consisting of a 6 km long asphalt dike overtopped in places by low elevated aeolian dunes. This study aims at (1) describing aeolian dunes and their evolution on a human-altered coast, (2) quantifying aeolian sand transport on the upper beach, the seaward slope of the foredune and the asphalt dike, and (3) suggesting management measures in order to solve windblown sand accumulation problems on harbour infrastructures. On the middle term (28 years), diachronic analysis of aerial photographs shows rapid development of dunes area since 1983. On the short term (2 years), topographic surveys reveal that dune development is still ongoing, although dune morphology keeps the marks of passed human interventions. Dunes have naturally developed on asphalt and their formation is initiated by Ammophila arenaria colonisation of numerous perpendicular cracks in the dike. A typology of these dunes is proposed. Dike toe dunes have developed at the beach/dike contact in the most eastern part of the site, where a jetty is interrupting net sediment transport. In situ field measurements revealed that aeolian sand transport is mainly controlled by wind speed and the source of sand available. Under oblique to direct onshore winds, dike toe dunes are the main source of windblown sand on the dike, and aeolian transport is enhanced by a wind speedup on the windward slope. Different kinds of windbreaks have been tested in order to solve uncontrolled aeolian sand transport problems on the dike, as well as to consolidate foredunes. It appeared from the topographic surveys carried out on the windbreaks that although their location seemed to play a major role on the amount of sand captured, fences and synthetic fabrics deployed on sandy surfaces were also able to trap windblown sand on a seaport dike. Management measures considered are a stabilisation of main sand sources at the dike toe and consolidation of foredunes with windbreaks.

The role of large woody debris on sandy beach-dune morphodynamics

Grilliot, Michael J. 30 April 2019 (has links)
Coastal foredune evolution involves complex processes and controls. Although a great deal is known about the effects of vegetation cover, moisture, and fetch distance on sediment supply, and of topographic forcing on airflow dynamics, the role of large woody debris (LWD) as a modulator of sediment supply and a control on foredune growth is understudied. Large assemblages of LWD are common on beaches near forested watersheds and collectively have a degree of porosity that increases aerodynamic roughness and provides substantial sand trapping volume. To date, no research has attempted to understand the geomorphic role that LWD matrices, as a whole, have as roughness elements affecting airflow and sediment transport across a beach-dune system, or, what the long-term implications of these impacts are on beach and foredune erosion recovery and evolution. This four-year research initiative investigated the role of a LWD matrix on beach-dune morphodynamics on West Beach, Calvert Island on the central coast of British Columbia, Canada. This study integrated data from research that spanned three temporal scales, 1) event-scale (10 min) flow and sediment transport patterns, 2) daily frequency and relative magnitude of landscape changing events, 3) seasonal to interannual-scale volumetric and LWD changes. An event-scale experiment to characterise airflow dynamics and related sand transport patterns showed that LWD distinctly alters wind flow patterns and turbulence levels from that of incoming flow over a flat beach. Overall, mean wind speed and fluctuating flow properties declined as wind transitioned across the LWD. Streamwise mean energy was converted to turbulent energy, however, the reductions in mean flow properties were too great for the increased streamwise turbulence to have an effect on transport. In response to these flow alterations and more limited sand transport pathways to the foredune, sediment flux was reduced by 99% in the LWD compared to the open beach, thereby reducing sand supply to the foredune. Sand grains rebounding off of the LWD were carried higher into the flow field resulting in greater mass flux recorded at 20-50 cm in the LWD as opposed to the flat beach. This effect was only recorded 6 m into the LWD. As such, LWD has the potential to modulate rates of foredune recovery, growth, and evolution. Time-lapse photography collected at 15 min intervals during the study revealed that storm events lead to wave-induced erosion of the backshore and reworking of the LWD matrix. The exposed LWD matrix subsequently traps aeolian sediment that leads to rapid burial of the LWD and building of a raised platform for emergent vegetation. However, infilling of the accommodation space within the LWD matrix is so rapid, that sediment starvation of the foredune is short-lived. While the LWD at this site does trap sediment in the backshore, helping to protect the dune from scarping, LWD at this study site maintains an overall lower impact on transport to the foredune. Critical to this relationship is the frequency and magnitude of nearshore events that erode the beach periodically and re-organize the LWD matrix, which directly impacts the ability of LWD to store sediment and modulate transport to the foredune. A conceptual model exploring these relationships is presented. / Graduate

Sucessão flúvio-eólica da Formação São Sebastião, Bacia De Jatobá – PE

Ferronatto, João Pedro Formolo January 2016 (has links)
A Formação São Sebastião na Bacia de Jatobá, de idade cretácea inferior, é formada por estratos continentais acumulados em um ambiente de clima árido que predominam depósitos eólicos. As melhores exposições localizam-se no município de Ibimirim, mais especificamente nas proximidades do povoado de Campos, estado de Pernambuco. Através de levantamentos de perfis colunares, foi possível caracterizar cinco associações de fácies distintas para a formação, três eólicas e duas fluviais. As eólicas compreendem (a) dunas eólicas, (b) lençóis de areia eólicos secos e (c) blowouts, enquanto que as fluviais são formadas por (d) inundações em lençol e (e) fluviais efêmeros canalizados. Essas associações de fácies se organizam em três unidades genéticas com características distintas e separadas por supersuperfícies. A Unidade 1 é formada por intercalações das associações de fácies de inundações em lençóis, lençóis de areia eólicos e dunas eólicas, frequentemente com feições de deformação de sedimentos inconsolidados. Os estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas aumentam de tamanho e passam a dominar em direção ao topo da unidade, passando a ser raras as estruturas de deformação. A Unidade 2 compreende lençóis de areia eólicos cortados por canais fluviais, com bases côncavas erosivas, e por blowouts, esses preenchidos por dunas eólicas. A Unidade 3 é formada essencialmente por estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas de médio e grande porte, que tanto podem ser simples ou compostas (draas). As supersuperfície que separam as unidades marcam hiatos deposicionais, definindo diferentes episódios de acumulação de sedimentos. / The São Sebastião Formation in The Jatobá Basin, of lower Cretaceous age, consists of continental strata accumulated in a arid environment dominated by aeolian deposits. The best outcrops are located in the county of Ibimirim, specifically near the Campos, in the Pernambuco state. Through columnar profiles surveys/data collection, it was possible to characterize five distinct facies associations for this formation, three aeolian and two fluvial facies. The aeolian facies comprise (a) aeolian dunes, (b) aeolian dry sand sheets and (c) blowouts, while the fluvial facies are formed by (d) sheetflood and (e) channeled ephemeral river. These facies associations are organized into three genetic units with distinct characteristics and they are separated by supersurfaces. Unit 1 is formed by intercalation of sheetflood, aeolian dry sand sheet and aeolian dunes facies associations, often with soft sediment deformation. The crossbed strata of aeolian dunes grow larger and start to dominate towards the top of the unit, and the deformation structures become rare. The Unit 2 comprises aeolian sand sheets cut by fluvial channels, with erosive concave bases, and by blowouts, those are filled by aeolian dunes. Unit 3 is essentially formed by crossbed strata of medium and large aeolian dunes, which can be either simple or compound (draas). The supersurfaces that divide the units mark the depositional gaps, thus defining different episodes of sediment accumulation.

Investigation Of Stockbridge Dampers For Vibration Control Of Overhead Transmission Lines

Kasap, Huseyin 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to examine the performance of Stockbridge dampers used to suppress aeolian vibrations on overhead transmission lines arising from the wind. In this respect, a computer program, based on the Energy Balance Method, is developed using MATLAB. The developed computer program has also a graphical user interface (GUI), which allows the program to interactively simulate Stockbridge damper performance for vibration control of overhead transmission lines. Field tests results obtained from literature are used in various case studies in order to validate and evaluate the developed software. Moreover, sample Stockbridge damper characterization tests, which then could be introduced to the software, are performed. A custom test fixture is designed due to its unavailability of commercial alternatives in the market. In the design of the test fixture, modal and transmissibility analyses are done by using ANSYS Workbench. To further validate the test setup, transmissibility test is done and consistent results with the transmissibility analyses are observed in the range of expected aeolian vibration frequencies. Finally, the stepped-sine and swept-sine tests are performed with and without damper for the characterization test, where the latter one is performed to eliminate the negative effects of the test setup. Both tests yield almost same damper power dissipation curves.

Érosion éolienne et rugosité de la surface neigeuse en Terre Adélie : observations et approche numérique / Aeolian erosion and roughness of the snow surface in Adélie Land : observations and numerical approach

Amory, Charles 08 January 2016 (has links)
Le bilan de masse en surface de l’Antarctique (noté BMS ; résultante de l’équilibre entres les termes d’accumulation et d’ablation) contribue directement aux variations du niveau moyen des mers. Dans le contexte du changement climatique, sa détermination par les modèles atmosphériques est nécessaire pour affiner son estimation présente et future.Les vents violents en périphérie de l’Antarctique de l’Est sont responsables d’un entraînement aérodynamique de la neige en surface qui influence de façon significative le BMS. Le transport de neige par le vent est également à l’origine du développement de formes d’érosion éolienne orientées parallèlement au vent moyen au moment de leur formation et dont la distribution spatiale est un déterminant majeur de la rugosité de surface. Ces éléments de rugosité exercent en retour un effet d’obstacle à l’écoulement qui affecte directement le champ de vent en surface et, par extension, le transport éolien de la neige.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur l’observation et la modélisation numérique de l’érosion éolienne de la neige au niveau d’une région côtière de l’Antarctique de l’Est, la Terre Adélie. Dans un premier temps, le modèle atmosphérique régional MAR, qui contient une représentation détaillée des processus de transport éolien, est mis en œuvre à une résolution spatiale de 5 km sur un domaine couvrant la Terre Adélie et comparé sur un mois d’été à des observations météorologiques incluant des mesures continues du vent et du flux éolien massique de neige aérotransportée. Il est montré que les flux éoliens de neige produits par le MAR sont hautement sensibles à la paramétrisation de la rugosité de surface, et qu’une calibration unique de ce paramètre ne permet pas de simuler avec une qualité équivalente le champ de vent en deux points de mesure distants d’à peine 100 km. À partir des observations, les interactions rugosité-érosion sont ensuite étudiées à l’échelle d’évènements individuels d’érosion éolienne. Il est mis en évidence i) que l’effet d’obstacle généré par les formes d’érosion éolienne a un impact inhibiteur sur le flux éolien de neige et ii) que cet effet d’obstacle peut être fortement diminué par l’aptitude des formes d’érosion éolienne à se réorienter parallèlement au vent dominant pendant un événement de transport. L’examen des observations sur une année révèle que ce processus d’ajustement aérodynamique est sujet à des variations temporelles majoritairement reliées à l’historique de la température. Enfin, on montre qu’une reconfiguration du modèle comprenant notamment l’introduction d’une dépendance à la température dans la paramétrisation de la rugosité de surface améliore considérablement la représentation des flux éoliens de neige par le MAR sur l’année considérée. Ces résultats suggèrent qu’une distribution spatiale et temporelle de la rugosité de surface doit être prise en compte dans les modèles atmosphériques pour une simulation réaliste du transport éolien de la neige à l’échelle de l’Antarctique. / The Antarctic ice sheet surface mass balance (SMB; the result of the balance between accumulation and ablation terms) has a direct influence on variations in the global mean sea level. In the context of climate change, atmospheric models are needed to improve its current and future estimation.Intense surface winds over the coastal slopes of East Antarctica are responsible for aerodynamic entrainment of snow at the surface, which has a significant influence on the BMS. Transport of snow by the wind also produces aeolian erosion features aligned parallel to the prevailing winds at the time of their formation. The spatial distribution of these features is a major determinant of surface roughness. On the other hand, surface roughness is an obstacle to flow and directly affects the surface wind field and, by extension, aeolian snow transport.The work presented here is based on observations and numerical modeling of aeolian snow erosion in a coastal stretch of Adélie Land, East Antarctica. First, the regional atmospheric model MAR, which includes a detailed representation of aeolian transport processes, was run at a spatial resolution of 5 km over a zone including Adélie Land and model results were compared with meteorological observations made over one month in summer, including continuous measurements of the wind and the aeolian snow mass flux. Aeolian snow mass fluxes modeled by MAR were highly sensitive to parameterization of surface roughness, and a single calibration of this parameter was not enough to simulate the surface wind field at two measurement points located only 100 km apart with the same accuracy. Consequently, roughness-erosion interactions were analyzed at the scale of individual aeolian erosion events using observations. The results of this analysis underlined that (i) the barrier effect generated by aeolian erosion features had an inhibiting impact on the aeolian snow mass flux and (ii) that the barrier effect can be strongly reduced by the ability of aeolian erosion features to realign with the dominant wind during a transport event. Examination of observations made over a period of one year revealed that this adjustment process is prone to temporal variations mainly linked to past temperatures. Finally, we showed that reconfiguring the model, including introducing temperature dependence in the parameterization of surface roughness considerably improved the representation of aeolian snow mass fluxes by the MAR model for the year concerned. These results suggest that spatial and temporal distribution of surface roughness should be included in atmospheric models for realistic simulations of aeolian snow transport over Antarctica.

Sucessão flúvio-eólica da Formação São Sebastião, Bacia De Jatobá – PE

Ferronatto, João Pedro Formolo January 2016 (has links)
A Formação São Sebastião na Bacia de Jatobá, de idade cretácea inferior, é formada por estratos continentais acumulados em um ambiente de clima árido que predominam depósitos eólicos. As melhores exposições localizam-se no município de Ibimirim, mais especificamente nas proximidades do povoado de Campos, estado de Pernambuco. Através de levantamentos de perfis colunares, foi possível caracterizar cinco associações de fácies distintas para a formação, três eólicas e duas fluviais. As eólicas compreendem (a) dunas eólicas, (b) lençóis de areia eólicos secos e (c) blowouts, enquanto que as fluviais são formadas por (d) inundações em lençol e (e) fluviais efêmeros canalizados. Essas associações de fácies se organizam em três unidades genéticas com características distintas e separadas por supersuperfícies. A Unidade 1 é formada por intercalações das associações de fácies de inundações em lençóis, lençóis de areia eólicos e dunas eólicas, frequentemente com feições de deformação de sedimentos inconsolidados. Os estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas aumentam de tamanho e passam a dominar em direção ao topo da unidade, passando a ser raras as estruturas de deformação. A Unidade 2 compreende lençóis de areia eólicos cortados por canais fluviais, com bases côncavas erosivas, e por blowouts, esses preenchidos por dunas eólicas. A Unidade 3 é formada essencialmente por estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas de médio e grande porte, que tanto podem ser simples ou compostas (draas). As supersuperfície que separam as unidades marcam hiatos deposicionais, definindo diferentes episódios de acumulação de sedimentos. / The São Sebastião Formation in The Jatobá Basin, of lower Cretaceous age, consists of continental strata accumulated in a arid environment dominated by aeolian deposits. The best outcrops are located in the county of Ibimirim, specifically near the Campos, in the Pernambuco state. Through columnar profiles surveys/data collection, it was possible to characterize five distinct facies associations for this formation, three aeolian and two fluvial facies. The aeolian facies comprise (a) aeolian dunes, (b) aeolian dry sand sheets and (c) blowouts, while the fluvial facies are formed by (d) sheetflood and (e) channeled ephemeral river. These facies associations are organized into three genetic units with distinct characteristics and they are separated by supersurfaces. Unit 1 is formed by intercalation of sheetflood, aeolian dry sand sheet and aeolian dunes facies associations, often with soft sediment deformation. The crossbed strata of aeolian dunes grow larger and start to dominate towards the top of the unit, and the deformation structures become rare. The Unit 2 comprises aeolian sand sheets cut by fluvial channels, with erosive concave bases, and by blowouts, those are filled by aeolian dunes. Unit 3 is essentially formed by crossbed strata of medium and large aeolian dunes, which can be either simple or compound (draas). The supersurfaces that divide the units mark the depositional gaps, thus defining different episodes of sediment accumulation.

Sucessão flúvio-eólica da Formação São Sebastião, Bacia De Jatobá – PE

Ferronatto, João Pedro Formolo January 2016 (has links)
A Formação São Sebastião na Bacia de Jatobá, de idade cretácea inferior, é formada por estratos continentais acumulados em um ambiente de clima árido que predominam depósitos eólicos. As melhores exposições localizam-se no município de Ibimirim, mais especificamente nas proximidades do povoado de Campos, estado de Pernambuco. Através de levantamentos de perfis colunares, foi possível caracterizar cinco associações de fácies distintas para a formação, três eólicas e duas fluviais. As eólicas compreendem (a) dunas eólicas, (b) lençóis de areia eólicos secos e (c) blowouts, enquanto que as fluviais são formadas por (d) inundações em lençol e (e) fluviais efêmeros canalizados. Essas associações de fácies se organizam em três unidades genéticas com características distintas e separadas por supersuperfícies. A Unidade 1 é formada por intercalações das associações de fácies de inundações em lençóis, lençóis de areia eólicos e dunas eólicas, frequentemente com feições de deformação de sedimentos inconsolidados. Os estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas aumentam de tamanho e passam a dominar em direção ao topo da unidade, passando a ser raras as estruturas de deformação. A Unidade 2 compreende lençóis de areia eólicos cortados por canais fluviais, com bases côncavas erosivas, e por blowouts, esses preenchidos por dunas eólicas. A Unidade 3 é formada essencialmente por estratos cruzados de dunas eólicas de médio e grande porte, que tanto podem ser simples ou compostas (draas). As supersuperfície que separam as unidades marcam hiatos deposicionais, definindo diferentes episódios de acumulação de sedimentos. / The São Sebastião Formation in The Jatobá Basin, of lower Cretaceous age, consists of continental strata accumulated in a arid environment dominated by aeolian deposits. The best outcrops are located in the county of Ibimirim, specifically near the Campos, in the Pernambuco state. Through columnar profiles surveys/data collection, it was possible to characterize five distinct facies associations for this formation, three aeolian and two fluvial facies. The aeolian facies comprise (a) aeolian dunes, (b) aeolian dry sand sheets and (c) blowouts, while the fluvial facies are formed by (d) sheetflood and (e) channeled ephemeral river. These facies associations are organized into three genetic units with distinct characteristics and they are separated by supersurfaces. Unit 1 is formed by intercalation of sheetflood, aeolian dry sand sheet and aeolian dunes facies associations, often with soft sediment deformation. The crossbed strata of aeolian dunes grow larger and start to dominate towards the top of the unit, and the deformation structures become rare. The Unit 2 comprises aeolian sand sheets cut by fluvial channels, with erosive concave bases, and by blowouts, those are filled by aeolian dunes. Unit 3 is essentially formed by crossbed strata of medium and large aeolian dunes, which can be either simple or compound (draas). The supersurfaces that divide the units mark the depositional gaps, thus defining different episodes of sediment accumulation.

Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction on the basis of Quaternary palaeo dune sequences on Fuerteventura

Roettig, Christopher-Bastian 30 October 2019 (has links)
The volcanic origin of the Canarian Archipelago widely determines the landscape of these islands. Partially in coastal near areas the volcanic rocks are covered by dune fields. The eastern Canary Islands show the largest areas of sand deposits. On northern Fuerteventura sandpits and deep incised gully systems allow broader insight into generations of these archives. The dune material originates from the shallow shelf. Hence, the mineral composition is dominated by calcite and aragonite. The outcrops show the layering of several generations of biogenic carbonate sands which are separated by palaeosurfaces. These surfaces suggest soil-forming processes by their (often) reddish colour. Generally, the occurrence of several palaeosurfaces promises a high potential of those Quaternary dune archives on northern Fuerteventura. Former studies focussed on just few quarries being situated in close distances. Differing formation concepts and contradicting chronologies (Middle to Late Pleistocene versus Late Pleistocene) suggest the need for further investigation of landward palaeo dune sections, resulting in a DFG funded project with regard to palaeo dune sequences within the catchments of two Barrancos on northern Fuerteventura. Firstly, the project called for defining representative sections of the two catchments for the purpose of working out a correlation and deducing a standard profile, both should be based on stratigraphic findings. IRSL dating shall contribute to finally establishing a chrono-stratigraphy. Besides the carbonate sands, the dune archives are influenced by the imprint of volcanic material (tephra, lapilli, and basaltic rock) and Saharan dust. Generally, the archives’ composition and appearance raise several further questions: Are periods of surface formation dependent on reduced sand supply or on changes in climatic conditions? Which soil forming processes contribute to the characteristics of palaeosurface layers? How about the influence of Saharan dust? As dating of lava flows on northern Fuerteventura revealed Middle to Late Pleistocene ages, a further question refers to the relationship of dune formation and volcanic activity. Mainly deduced from findings in the field but also by use of grain size distribution, elemental composition, content of CaCO3, determination of Fed, measurements of rock magnetic parameters, analyses of gastropod associations, micromorphological analyses, determination of quartz content via Morphologi G3-ID measurements, XRD analyses, and IRSL dating, this thesis provides a chronostratigraphy of palaeo dune archives of northern Fuerteventura deduced from a correlation of sections close to the western coast and sections close to the eastern coast. The derived standard profile shows 15 units divided into 5 main sequences. These 5 sequences mainly differ in sand supply and accumulation, in changing humidity, and in imprint of volcanic activity. The chrono-stratigraphy dates back to about 450 ka. Generally, the archives are very site-specific, because features of a stratigraphic layer often change within close distances, depending on connectivity to erosion pathways and distance to sand sources. Micromorphological analyses indicate soil forming processes which are restricted to de- and recalcification and recrystallisation of iron and manganese. Ultimately, the palaeosurfaces are primarily dominated by the characteristics of Saharan dust (silt dominated, yellow to red in colour, containing hematite and goethite). The archives indicate a cyclicity of predominant processes, starting with I) sand accumulation, followed by II) dust accumulation and weak soil formation, leading to III) water-induced relocation. On the basis of this cyclicity a conceptual approach of the archives’ relationship to changes in sea level could be drawn. We assume highest sand supply during starting regression after sea level maxima. With dropping sea level, the distance between the studied sites and the sand source area (which are the gradually exposed shallow shelf areas) increases, leading to reduced sand accumulation. Starting transgression at the end of glacials suggests the lowest potential of sand accumulation. Furthermore, the concept is based on the assumption that with lower sea levels, more precipitation can reach the Canary Islands. Deduced from periods of lowest potential of sand accumulation in combination with periods of increased precipitation, best conditions for predominant dust accumulation and in-situ processes should be given at terminations. Generally, prevalence of palaeosurface formation is related to transgression periods. These periods are in good agreement with increased dust supply, which, in turn, seem to be affected by precession minima (according to Moreno et al., 2001). The predominance of dust accumulation and in-situ processes causes the fining of sediments, leading to reduced morphological resistance and, finally, water-induced relocation. Ultimately, site-specific sand availability seems to determine whether surfaces are exposed for longer durations, whereas the availability of precipitation (and dust) suggests determining the intensity of surface formation. The studied sections indicate a strong relationship to local volcanic activity because lava flows are able to cut off sand pathways and cover former sand source areas. In combination with dated lava flows the findings point to three different periods of volcanic activity which ceased the sand supply gradually. A first period around 180-170 ka, a next period around 135 ka, and a third period after 100 ka but latest around 50 ka which, finally, completely stopped the sand supply. Regarding the northern part of Fuerteventura, the latest period has so far not been described.

High Sampling Resolution Luminescence Dating of Loess in Brittany, France / Luminiscensdatering av loess med hög provtagningsupplösning i Bretagne, Frankrike

Jakabová, Vanda January 2021 (has links)
Aeolian dust is an important but poorly understood component of the climate system, which both responds to and drives global climate. Recently, dust produced at the high latitudes is also gaining attention as a possible contributor to the atmospheric dust load. However, little is known about its past dynamics and well­ dated records close to the former ice margins at the higher latitudes are scarce. Loess in Brittany region, France, is, therefore a valuable archive of the past dustiness, climate and landscape dynamics close to the former margins of the British–Irish and Fennoscandian ice sheets. However, knowledge of the timing of its deposition and accumulation dynamics, based on a detailed and independent chronology, is mostly lacking. Here, loess stratigraphy at the newly established site Primel Trégastel (Brittany, France) is presented. Loess deposits are dated in detail by optically stimulated luminescence of quartz. Moreover, to account for a variable past dust activity, loess sedimentation and dust mass accumulation rates are derived from a continuous Bayesian age model. Furthermore, this thesis tests the hypothesis of whether the same wind and dust accumulation patterns from the north of the Channel system can also be traced south the English Channel. Luminescence ages and Bayesian age modelling results show a phase of enhanced dust accumulation between 22.5–25.5 ka, coinciding with the Heinrich event 2 and Greenlandstadial 3. Although the proposed model with two phases of the enhanced dust accumulation between 25–19 ka does not exactly match the record at Primel Trégastel, the hypothesis of the glacial dynamics, associate glacial lake drainage and linked atmospheric circulation reorganisation controlling the loess accumulation in western France cannot be rejected with certainty. / Eoliskt damm är en viktig, men illa förstådd komponent av klimatsystemet som både reagerar på, såväl som driver, det globala klimatet. Nyligen har damm som producerats vid höga latituder också fått uppmärksamhet som ett möjligt bidrag till den atmosfäriska dammbelastningen. Kunskapen är dock liten gällande dess föregående dynamik och väl daterade uppgifter om tidigare isgränser vid höga latituder är fortfarande undermåliga. Loess i regionen Bretagne i Frankrike är därför ett värdefullt arkiv av tidigare dammhalter, klimat och landskapets dynamik nära de tidigare gränserna av de Brittiskt­-Irländska och Fennoskandiska istäckena. Men kunskap om timingen mellan dess deposition och ackumuleringsdynamik, baserad på en detaljerad och självständig kronologi, saknas till stor del. Här kan loess stratigrafi, vid den nyligen etablerade utgrävningsplatsen Primel Trégastel (Bretagne, Frankrike), presenteras. Loess avlagringar är daterade i detalj genom optiskt stimulerad luminescens av kvarts. Ytterligare, för att tamed variationen av dammets aktivitet i beräkningarna, är loess sedimentering och ackumuleringstakt av dammets massa härledda från en kontinuerlig Bayesiansk åldersmodell. Vidare så testar detta arbete hypotesen om huruvida samma vindar och ackumuleringsmönster av damm, som ses norr on kanalsystemet, även kan ses söder om den engelska kanalen. Resultat från luminescensåldrar och Bayesiansk åldersmodellering visar en fas av ökad dammackumulering mellan 22.5–25.5 ka, något som sammanfaller med Heinrich händelse 2 och Grönland stadial 3. Även om den föreslagna modellen med två faser av den ökade dammackumuleringen mellan 25–19 ka inte exakt överensstämmer med uppgifterna från Primel Trégastel, så kan inte hypotesen rörande den glaciala dynamiken med tillhörande dränering av glaciärsjöar och den sammankopplade atmosfäriska cirkulativa omorganisationen som kontrollerar loess ackumulering i västra Frankrike avvisas med säkerhet.

Aeolian Sediments of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica

Deuerling, Kelly M. 15 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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