Spelling suggestions: "subject:"argiles"" "subject:"argileux""
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Agil utveckling med användarcentrerat fokus / Agile development with user centered focusChristersson, Karl Johan, Jansson, Caroline January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats tittar på hur en hög grad av användarinvolvering i en agilt driven designprocess påverkar användares upplevda nöjdhet med processen och slutresultatet. För att utvärdera dessa aspekter har ett arbete bedrivits som aktionsforskning på ett företag, där en del bestått av att designa om ett befintligt användargränssnitt efter användares behov och önskemål, enligt beprövade designprinciper. Den andra delen har bestått av att utvärdera den valda arbetsmetoden och artefakten sett från användarnas synvinkel. Denna kombination av användarinvolvering i en agil designprocess resulterade i en väl mottagen artefakt som motsvarade användarnas behov, samt en väl fungerande process med nöjda användare. Vi ser att en hög grad av användarinvolvering, där fokus verkligen ligger på användare och deras behov, är en viktig faktor för användarnas upplevda nöjdhet med både process och resultat. / This bachelor thesis investigates how a high degree of user involvement in an agile-driven design process affects users’ perceived satisfaction with regards to the process and the result. To evaluate these aspects, action research has been conducted at a company where one part of the research consisted of redesigning an existing user interface in accordance with user needs and requests by using proven design principles. The second part consisted of evaluating the chosen method of approach and the artifact itself from a user perspective. The combination of user involvement in an agile design process proved to be successful in both redesigning the artifact with regards to the user’s needs and in creating a well-working process with satisfied users. We conclude that a high degree of user involvement where the main focus is the users’ and their needs as an important factor in the perceived satisfaction of both the process and the result. This essay is written in Swedish.
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Framgångsrika IT-projekt : En kvalitativ studie kring effekterna av framgångsfaktorer hos agila IT-projekt / Successful IT-projectsSvensson, Sebastian, Sörensen, Petter January 2023 (has links)
Studier visar på att Agila IT-projekt har en större lyckandegrad än traditionella IT-projekt där ett mer vattenfallsorienterat arbetssätt anammats. Trots att den agila approachen i många avseenden har bidragit till att fler projekt anses framgångsrika är det långt ifrån alla projekt som färdigställs i tid, inom budget och till rätt kvalité. Sedan det agila manifestet utgavs i början av 2000-talet har en rad faktorer, såsom kundinvolvering och teamets förmåga, identifierats som avgörande för agila IT-projekt. Trots att de inom teorin i stor utsträckning råder konsensus kring dessa så kallade framgångsfaktorer är forskningen begränsad när det kommer till effekterna av dessa framgångsfaktorer och relationen mellan framgångsfaktorer och effekter. Problemet som denna studie syftar till att adressera är således avsaknaden av en konkretisering av effekter kopplade till framgångsfaktorer för agila IT-projekt och hur dessa relaterar till varandra. För att adressera detta problem, är syftet med studien att utforska och kartlägga kritiska framgångsfaktorer inom agila IT-projekt. För att sedan undersöka de effekter som respektive faktor medför och dess inverkan på projektframgången. För att samla in data, genomfördes totalt fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer, hos SEB Kort AB, Pulsen Omsorg AB och IT avdelningen hos Högskolan i Borås. Respondenterna som intervjuats besitter praktiskt erfarenhet och kunskap av agila- och traditionella utvecklingsmetodologier. Bland respondenterna återfinns roller som Scrum Master, Release Train Engineer, Project Manager och System Developer. Intervjumaterialet transkriberades och analyserades. Analysen av befintlig teori och de empiriska fynden resulterade i en framgångsmodell bestående av organisatoriska, mänskliga, process och tekniska framgångsfaktorer tillsammans med dess tillhörande effekter. Resultatet från studien och den föreslagna modellen kan vara användbart för studenter, yrkessamma och organisationer som önskar få en ökad förståelse för kritiska framgångsfaktorer inom agil mjukvaruutveckling och vilka effekter dessa faktorer medför. Likaså kan modellen fungera som inspiration för framtida forskare som vill forska vidare i denna riktning.
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Evaluating and Automating a Scaled Agile Framework Maturity Model / Utvärdering och automatisering av ett uppskalat agilt ramverks mognadsmodellReitz, Fabienne January 2021 (has links)
While agile development is becoming ever more popular, studies have shown that few organisations successfully transition from traditional to agile practices. One such study showed that large organisations can benefit greatly from agile methods, but evaluating agile maturity and tailoring the method to the organisation’s needs is crucial. An agile maturity model is a tool with which an organisation’s practices and their conformance to agile development is evaluated. The purpose of this study is to discover the best suited agile maturity model for large organisations and to minimise costs, resources and the subjectivity of the model’s evaluation. In this study we take a closer look at four agile maturity models, the Scaled Agile Framework Maturity Model (SAFeMM) by Turetken, Stojanov and Trienekens (2017), the Scaled Agile Maturity Model (SAMM) by Chandrasekaran (2016), the Agile Adoption Framework (AAF) by Sidky, Arthur and Bohner (2007) and the Scaled Agile Framework Business Agility Assessment (SAFeBAA) by the Scaled Agile Incorporation. By evaluating each model on their scalability, completeness, generality, precision, simplicity, usability and meaningfulness, consistency, minimum overlapping, balance and proportion of automatable measurements, the best model is chosen. Based on the evaluation criteria for the maturity models, the SAFeMM is deemed the most suitable model. It proves to be a comprehensive, well-rounded tool with persistent high scores in all criteria. In order to improve the model’s objectivity and resource needs, it is also applied in a case study at the Swedish Tax Agency, where the possibilities to automate the model are investigated. The results show that the SAFeMM can be automated to roughly 50%, with the use of process mining and software system querying. Process mining uses event logs to extract and analyse information, while software querying extracts information directly from the software systems used in an organisation. The study suggests primary sources for querying and process mining techniques and perspectives to enable and encourage future research in the area of process mining within agile development. / Agil utveckling är en mycket populär utvecklingsmetod, samtidigt visar studier att få stora organisationer lyckas med övergången från traditionella metoder direkt. Som hjälpmedel kan dessa organisationer använda så kallade agila mognadsmodeller. En agil mognadsmodell är ett verktyg som mäter hur väl en organisation och dess processer överensstämmer med agila principer. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken agil mognadsmodell som är bäst lämpad för stora organisationer och kan samtidigt minimera kostnader, resurser och subjektiviteten i mätningarna. Därför tittar denna studie på fyra agila mognadsmodeller, Scaled Agile Framework Maturity Model (SAFeMM) av Turetken, Stojanov och Trienekens (2017), Scaled Agile Maturity Model (SAMM) av Chandrasekaran (2016), Agile Adoption Framework (AAF) av Sidky, Arthur och Bohner (2007) och Scaled Agile Framework Business Agility Assessment (SAFeBAA) av Scaled Agile Incorporation. Genom att utvärdera varje modell baserat på dess skalbarhet, helhetsbild, generaliserbarhet, precision, enkelhet, användbar-het och meningfullhet, kontinuitet, minimal överlappning, balans och andel automatiserbara mätvärden, bestäms vilken modell som är bäst. Resultaten visar, att baserat på de ovannämnda kriterierna, är SAFeMM modellen den bäst lämpade för stora organisationer. Den visade sig vara särsilkt helhetstäckande, enkel att förstå och använda, med höga poäng på de flesta kriterierna. För att förbättra modellens objektivitet och resurskrav, gjordes även en fallstudie där modellen applicerades på Skatteverkets IT avdelning. Där undersöktes möjligheterna för att automatisera modellen. Resultaten visar att knappt 50% av modellen är automatiserbar genom metoder såsom process mining och software querying. Process mining, använder event loggar från mjukvarusystem för att analysera och utvinna information, medan software querying utvinnar information direkt från mjukvarusystemen. Studien presenterar förslag på utvinningskällor och process mining tekniker och metoder för sammanhanget.
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Uncertainty management – How to handle project uncertainty : A case study at Rimaster Development / Osäkerhetshantering – Hur hanterar man osäkerhet i projekt : En fallstudie på Rimaster DevelopmentHellström, Douglas January 2021 (has links)
We know that it is difficult to forecast the future, and the same applies to project management. There are a lot of occurrences that are both predictable and not possible throughout the course of a project. The management of uncertainty is a management method that helps to forecast and adjust to future occurrences. In this context, frameworks and tools have been created to help project managers genuinely understand a project's potential. The study was conducted as a case study at Rimaster Development in Söderhamn and aimed at discovering sources of uncertainty within their project development that affect project performance. The study is built on both quantitative and qualitative data gathering from a workshop, survey, meetings, and interviews from ten different projects of Rimaster. The study had five respondents who contributed with two projects, each of which they had been a part of previously, one classified as uncertain and one as more certain. The data were analyzed with the statistics tool SPSS, where variables were computed based on the empirical findings in the uncertainty survey. The result was then presented through uncertainty attribute matrices to identify how each project performed in relation to customer satisfaction as well as time plan and budget. Here, dependent variables were tested, such as if the uncertainty score (the higher value, the more uncertain is the project) influenced project performance. From the data, two categories of projects could be developed: Higher performing projects and lower performing projects. To this, significant analysis of the performance groups was performed to find parameters that were significantly different between the categories. To capture more data to the thesis, each project was then evaluated through an individual project analysis which consisted of analyzing the data from the survey more closely for each project. The findings from this were then supported with qualitative interviews. The findings in the study suggest that there is a relationship between project uncertainty and lower-performing projects in relationship to time plan and budget. Further, sixteen uncertainty parameters showed to have a significant value in the comparison between higher and lower performing projects. Based upon the data and the analysis of the study, managerial recommendations have been provided to Rimaster on tools and development processes that may assist the organization's uncertainty management and increase their project performance. / Det är allmänt känt att det är omöjligt att tydligt förutsäga framtiden och detsamma gäller projektledning. Det finns många händelser som är både oförutsägbara och riskfyllda under ett projektets gång, där osäkerhetshanteringen är en hanteringsmetod som hjälper till att prognostisera och anpassa sig till framtida händelser. Tidigare forskning inom osäkerhetshantering har utvecklat ramar och verktyg för att hjälpa projektledare att verkligen förstå ett projekts potential. Studien genomfördes som en fallstudie vid Rimaster Development i Söderhamn och syftade till att upptäcka källor till osäkerhet inom deras utvecklingsavdelning som påverkar projektets prestanda. Studien bygger på både kvantitativ och kvalitativ datainsamling från en workshop, enkätundersökning, möten och intervjuer från tio olika projekt från Rimaster. Studien enkätundersökning hade fem svarande som bidrog med två projekt som de tidigare hade varit en del av, ett klassificerat som osäkert och ett som mer säkert. Data erhållen from enkäten analyserades med statistikverktyget SPSS där variabler beräknades baserat på empiriska resultat i osäkerhetsundersökningen. Resultatet presenterades sedan genom osäkerhetsattributmatriser för att identifiera hur varje projekt presterade i förhållande till kundnöjdhet samt tidsplan och budget. Här testades beroende variabler som om den osäkerhetspoängen varde projekt erhöll (ju högre värde, desto mer osäkert är projektet) hade en effekt på projektets prestanda. Från analysen kunde två kategorier av projekt utvecklas: projekt med högre prestanda och projekt med lägre prestanda. Utöver detta genomfördes en signifikansanalys av prestationsgrupperna för att hitta parametrar som var signifikanta olika mellan kategorierna. För att samla ytterliga data till avhandlingen utvärderades varje projekt genom en individuell projektanalys som bestod av att analysera data från undersökningen närmare för varje projekt. Resultaten från detta styrktes sedan med kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultaten i studien antyder att det finns ett samband mellan projektosäkerhet och projekt med lägre resultat i förhållande till tidsplan och budget. Vidare visade sig sexton osäkerhetsparametrar ha ett signifikant värde i jämförelsen mellan projekt med högre och lägre resultat. Baserat på analyseringen av den data studien samlat in så har rekommendationer överlämnats till Rimaster om verktyg och utvecklingsprocesser som kan hjälpa organisationens osäkerhetshantering och därmed öka deras projektprestanda.
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Large-Scale Agile Transformation : A Case Study Conducted in the Banking Industry with a Focus on Organizational, Managerial, and Cultural Aspects / Storskalig Agil Transformation : En fallstudie genomförd inom bankindustrin med fokus på organisatoriska, ledningsmässiga och kulturella aspekterKHAN, AREEBA ZAMAN, ÅSTRÖM, SOPHIE January 2021 (has links)
In today's competitive market, established organizations need to adapt in order to survive. One way to do this is by transforming to agile. Since its origin in the IT industry, the agile approach has been embraced by several different industries. One industry where several major players have undergone an agile transformation is the banking industry, an industry which is characterized by strict regulatory requirements, complex organizational structure, and extensive use of technology. By conducting a case study exploring the agile transformation inside three large banks in Sweden, the motivating factors behind transforming to large-scale agile as well as the key aspects to consider when pursuing an agile transformation have been investigated. The study aims to contribute academically to existing research within the implementation of large-scale agile in the banking industry as well as practically by outlining driving factors and critical considerations when pursuing an agile transformation. An understanding of that the traditional ways of working did not suit today's dynamic market in combination with a need to increase market speed and faster respond to changes in customer needs were found to be the main motivating factors behind why the banks decided to transform to an agile approach. The theoretical and empirical findings led to the identification of five aspects to consider when transforming to large-scale agile. The five aspects are: The role of management, adjusting the method or framework to the organization, the people side of change, knowledge and education as well as the role of HR. Out of these five aspects, our findings indicate that the people side of change is the most challenging one but also the most crucial one to manage in order to accomplish a successful implementation. An active management support throughout the entire transformation journey, change-positive people in positions of leadership, adjustment of chosen methods or frameworks, and adequate funding for knowledge and education were discovered to be critical for a successful transformation. Furthermore, it was discovered that by integrating the HR function early in the transformation, many of the challenges associated with change management and leadership could be mitigated. / Etablerade organisationer som verkar på dagens föränderliga marknad behöver bli mer snabbrörliga för att bibehålla sin konkurrenskraft. Ett sätt för organisationer att bli mer snabbrörliga är att implementera agila arbetssätt. Sedan sitt ursprung i IT-branschen har agila arbetssätt implementerats av flera olika branscher. En industri där flera stora aktörer har genomgått en agil transformation är bankindustrin, en teknikintensiv industri med strikta lagkrav och komplexa organisationsstrukturer. Genom att genomföra en fallstudie om den agila transformationen som tre stora banker i Sverige har genomgått kunde de underliggande faktorerna bakom transformationerna till storskaligt agilt arbetssätt samt de viktigaste aspekterna att tänka på vid genomförandet undersökas. Studien syftar till att bidra akademiskt till befintlig forskning inom implementeringen av agila arbetssätt i bankindustrin samt praktiskt genom att beskriva underliggande faktorer samt viktiga aspekter att tänka på vid en agil transformation. En förståelse för att de traditionella arbetssätten inte passar dagens dynamiska marknad i kombination med ett behov av att möta förändrade kundbehov visade sig vara de mest framträdande underliggande faktorerna bakom varför företagen i studien beslutade sig för att implementera agila arbetssätt. Studien resulterade i fem identifierade aspekter att beakta vid implementering av agila arbetssätt: Ledningens roll, anpassning av ramverk till organisation, människans roll i förändringsresan, kunskap och utbildning samt integrering av HR-funktionen. Av dessa fem aspekter visar våra resultat att människans roll i förändringsprocessen är den mest utmanande att hantera men också den mest avgörande för att lyckas uppnå en framgångsrik transformation. Ett aktivt ledningsstöd under hela transformationsresan, förändringspositiva personer i ledande positioner, anpassning av valt ramverk samt tillräcklig finansiering för kunskap och utbildning visade sig vara av central betydelse. Dessutom konstaterades att genom att integrera HR-funktionen i ett tidigt skede av omvandlingen, kunde många av utmaningarna relaterade till förändringsledning och ledarskap mildras.
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The use and effectiveness of system development methodologies during the development of community based systems in South Africa / Ntombovuyo WayiWayi, Ntombovuyo January 2014 (has links)
For the past few decades researchers, development agencies and government have focussed on the use of Information and Communication Technologies to improve the socio-economic status of people in underdeveloped rural communities. In recent years there has been remarkable recognition of the importance of developing systems that address the specific needs of rural communities. Education, health, commerce, government and agriculture are amongst the needs of rural communities that could well be addressed by these systems.
System development is a complex process and studies have shown that if poorly conducted, the process could lead to the failure of the system being developed. Due to differences in context and application, the processes followed in the development of the rural community systems need to differ from those of commercial applications. One such difference is the choice of the Information System Development Methodology (SDM) used.
Following a methodical approach to Information Systems development is important as it improves discipline, standardization and monitoring of a quality system. There are hundreds of SDM available for use during development and choosing the wrong SDM has been linked to problems such as systems being delivered late, being over budget or not meeting the needs of the users. Developing systems for disadvantaged communities is different from developing system for organisations or even affluent communities. Some of the challenges that developers encounter include lack of structure, poor computer literacy, and poor infrastructure.
Lack of user involvement during system development has been linked to system failures. A Living Labs approach to socio-economic development is aimed at involving multiple stakeholders
towards improving the living standards. Developing Community Information Systems aimed at solving varying community problems is one of the objectives of the Living Labs. There are only few CISs that are fully operational from South African Living Labs, and a number of systems developed are not in use. Poor user involvement and lack of use of system development are some of the reasons for system failures.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use and effectiveness of System Development Methodologies when developing community information systems aimed at socio-economic development of disadvantaged communities.
To achieve the objectives of this study, an interpretive, multiple case study research was conducted in three Living Labs around South Africa. To improve the chances for success during the development of Community Information Systems for use by disadvantage communities, this study proposes a framework for evaluating use and effectiveness of SDMs. The second output of the Study is an SDM framework that could be adopted specifically for Living Labs which adopts an agile approach and prototyping. These frameworks takes into account the social attributes of people in disadvantaged communities, the nature of the living lab, the nature of the systems being developed and the role of the users in the systems being developed. / PhD (Computer Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The use and effectiveness of system development methodologies during the development of community based systems in South Africa / Ntombovuyo WayiWayi, Ntombovuyo January 2014 (has links)
For the past few decades researchers, development agencies and government have focussed on the use of Information and Communication Technologies to improve the socio-economic status of people in underdeveloped rural communities. In recent years there has been remarkable recognition of the importance of developing systems that address the specific needs of rural communities. Education, health, commerce, government and agriculture are amongst the needs of rural communities that could well be addressed by these systems.
System development is a complex process and studies have shown that if poorly conducted, the process could lead to the failure of the system being developed. Due to differences in context and application, the processes followed in the development of the rural community systems need to differ from those of commercial applications. One such difference is the choice of the Information System Development Methodology (SDM) used.
Following a methodical approach to Information Systems development is important as it improves discipline, standardization and monitoring of a quality system. There are hundreds of SDM available for use during development and choosing the wrong SDM has been linked to problems such as systems being delivered late, being over budget or not meeting the needs of the users. Developing systems for disadvantaged communities is different from developing system for organisations or even affluent communities. Some of the challenges that developers encounter include lack of structure, poor computer literacy, and poor infrastructure.
Lack of user involvement during system development has been linked to system failures. A Living Labs approach to socio-economic development is aimed at involving multiple stakeholders
towards improving the living standards. Developing Community Information Systems aimed at solving varying community problems is one of the objectives of the Living Labs. There are only few CISs that are fully operational from South African Living Labs, and a number of systems developed are not in use. Poor user involvement and lack of use of system development are some of the reasons for system failures.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use and effectiveness of System Development Methodologies when developing community information systems aimed at socio-economic development of disadvantaged communities.
To achieve the objectives of this study, an interpretive, multiple case study research was conducted in three Living Labs around South Africa. To improve the chances for success during the development of Community Information Systems for use by disadvantage communities, this study proposes a framework for evaluating use and effectiveness of SDMs. The second output of the Study is an SDM framework that could be adopted specifically for Living Labs which adopts an agile approach and prototyping. These frameworks takes into account the social attributes of people in disadvantaged communities, the nature of the living lab, the nature of the systems being developed and the role of the users in the systems being developed. / PhD (Computer Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) approach to game development methodologyAl-Azawi, Rula K. January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates existing game development methodologies, through the process of researching game and system development models. The results indicate that these methodologies are engineered to solve specific problems, and most are suitable only for specific game genres. Different approaches to building games have been proposed in recent years. However, most of these methodologies focus on the design and implementation phase. This research aims to enhance game development methodologies by proposing a novel game development methodology, with the ability to function in generic game genres, thereby guiding game developers and designers from the start of the game development phase to the end of the implementation and testing phase. On a positive note, aligning development practice with universal standards makes it far easier to incorporate extra team members at short notice. This increased the confidence when working in the same environment as super developers. In the gaming industry, most game development proceeds directly from game design to the implementation phase, and the researcher observes that this is the only industry in which this occurs. It is a consequence of the game industry’s failure to integrate with modern development techniques. The ultimate aim of this research to apply a new game development methodology using most game elements to enhance success. This development model will align with different game genres, and resolve the gap between industry and research area, so that game developers can focus on the important business of creating games. The primary aim of Agent Oriented Agile Base (AOAB) game development methodology is to present game development techniques in sequential steps to facilitate game creation and close the gap in the existing game development methodologies. Agent technology is used in complex domains such as e-commerce, health, manufacturing, games, etc. In this thesis we are interested in the game domain, which comprises a unique set of characteristics such as automata, collaboration etc. Our AOAB will be based on a predictive approach after adaptation of MaSE methodology, and an adaptive approach using Agile methodology. To ensure proof of concept, AOAB game development methodology will be evaluated against industry principles, providing an industry case study to create a driving test game, which was the problem motivating this research. Furthermore, we conducted two workshops to introduce our methodology to both academic and industry participants. Finally, we prepared an academic experiment to use AOAB in the academic sector. We have analyzed the feedbacks and comments and concluded the strengths and weakness of the AOAB methodology. The research achievements are summarized and proposals for future work outlined.
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The NERV Methodology: Non-Functional Requirements Elicitation, Reasoning, and Validation in Agile ProcessesDomah, Darshan 01 January 2013 (has links)
Agile software development has become very popular around the world in recent years, with methods such as Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP). Literature suggests that functionality is the primary focus in Agile processes while non-functional requirements (NFR) are either ignored or ill-defined. However, for software to be of good quality both functional requirements (FR) and NFR need to be taken into consideration; lack of attention to NFR has been documented to be the cause of failure for many software projects. Hence special attention needs to be focused on NFR in Agile software development. By its very nature Agile processes require frequent changes but these changes are often not well documented. This is especially true of NFR in Agile processes. While functional requirements are carefully identified, NFR are often not properly elicited. Once NFR are identified they become the basis for reasoning and facilitation of design and development decisions. NFR also need to be validated through proper testing to ensure their quality attributes have been met in the final software product.
This dissertation aimed at developing a methodology for addressing NFR in Agile processes. As such, the "NERV Methodology: Non-Functional Requirements Elicitation, Reasoning, and Validation in Agile Processes" was proposed. Several artifacts were created as part of this methodology and included: the NFR Elicitation Taxonomy, the NFR Reasoning Taxonomy, the NFR Quantification Taxonomy, and the Non-Functional Requirements User Story Companion (NFRusCOM) Card. Additionally the NERV Agility Index (NAI) was developed using the Agile Manifesto and its twelve principles.
The NERV Methodology was validated using the 26 requirements of the European Union (EU) eProcurement Online System. Additionally the results obtained by the NORMAP Methodology in previous research, were used as baseline. Results show that the NERV Methodology was successful in identifying NFR, for 55 out of 57 requirements sentences that contained implicit NFR, compared to 50 for the baseline. This represented a 96.49% success rate compared to 87.71% for the baseline; an improvement of 8.78%. Furthermore the NERV Methodology was successful in eliciting 82 out of 88 NFR compared to 75 for the baseline. The elicitation success rate was 93.18% compared to 85.24% for the baseline; an improvement of 7.94%.
Agility was validated using the same data set as above. Two experiments investigated project durations measured in 2-week sprint iterations, commonly used in Scrum. Results show that the first experiment, using the "FR and NFR Simultaneous Scheme" completed all FR and NFR scope in 24 sprints. The second experiment, using the "FR First Then NFR Scheme" consumed 26 sprints. The first agile scheduling scheme delivered all scope two sprints earlier than the second scheme; representing a saving of almost one month. Validation results showed that the NERV Methodology and its artifacts can potentially be beneficial for software development organizations for eliciting, reasoning about, and validating NFR in Agile processes.
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The SUITED Framework for International Development Project Management : Enhancing Flexibility in IDPCastillo, Vanessa, Salgado, Freddy January 2015 (has links)
International Development Projects (IDP) are designed to deliver sustained solutions to human life quality threatens. They aim to improve living conditions in emerging countries through initiatives that should provide long-term sustained results. However, the extreme characteristics of IDP contexts challenge traditional project management methodologies. The dynamic nature of stakeholders’ relationships and influence adds additional pressures to the management teams. Higher levels of uncertainty in IDP are faced with non-flexible strategies that compromise the long-term desired results. Not enough participation of relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries limits the impact of development initiatives. The authors could identify that IDP management is overall an under-investigated field. Specifically, contemporary challenges arisen from unbalanced robust/flexible strategies and low stakeholders participation have undermined the impact success of those projects. Moreover, there is no academic study that constructs on how flexibility could be enhanced in IDP, while maintaining control. Methodologies such as design thinking and agile have elucidated new paths of action for better impact and customer satisfaction in other industries, by enabling flexibility and change management. Despite their huge proven success, these methodologies are still a phenomenon limited to IT and design industries. Therefore, in IDP field there is no framework linking contingency and participatory development theories with flexible methods similar to design thinking and agile methodologies. In order to bridge this gap the authors will embark in a qualitative study to explore literature and gain insights from actors within the IDP field about the problem at hand. A multiple embedded case study will be conducted with ID academics and practitioners at supervisory and implementation levels from across the world. A possible solution will be designed for IDP management from a different angle to that of traditional management, in order to build up flexibility without compromising project structure. The proposed framework will tackle flexibility and participation issues by integrating design thinking and agile methodologies into IDP. The theoretical findings suggest that enabling participatory development strategies in the design phase, and expanding the available project knowledge would enhance IDP flexibility. Likewise, IDP flexibility during the implementation phase is impacted by the quality and relevance of information and methodological tools available, stakeholders’ involvement, as well as the handover process. Therefore, since no previous studies interconnecting those theories to enhanced flexibility could be found in IDP, an expansion of available theoretical knowledge on contingency and participatory development theory in IDP is produced. The authors concluded that design thinking and agile principles may conceptually prove useful to effectively deal with the problems identified, thus project design is more adequate, and collaboration among stakeholders proves effective to deal with uncertainty and complexity. These constructs are explained in the propositions made for the SUITE framework to IDP, which aims to practically contribute to the management field of IDP.
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