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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modernização agrícola e monopólio: a Cargill no México e no Brasil (décadas de 1960 e de 1970) / Agriculture modernization and monopoly: Cargill in Mexico and Brazil (decades of 1960 and 1970)

Caio Graco Valle Coberio 28 March 2014 (has links)
A presente tese busca corroborar a hipótese inicial, segundo a qual, no México e no Brasil, o processo de introdução das relações capitalistas na agricultura foi configurado por uma modernização agrícola crescente e de uma tendência ao monopólio. A conjunção desses processos deu consequência à agroindústria que, em um sentido amplo, se tornou a nova forma dominante da estrutura agrícola capitalista, em substituição às antigas formas pré-capitalistas, herdeiras do colonialismo moderno no México e no Brasil, respectivamente, as haciendas e as plantations. Nesses países, a modernização agrícola, que se iniciou ainda no século XIX, se intensificou após 1930, culminando nas décadas de 1960 e de 1970, quando convergiram para a mesma direção, as empresas transnacionais de grande aporte de capital estrangeiro e a acentuação dos processos de inovação tecnológica. Para ilustrar essa relação plena entre modernização agrícola, organização da agroindústria, tendência ao monopólio e transnacionalização, foi escolhida a abordagem, em particular, da Cargill, conhecida empresa do ramo alimentar e de comércio e beneficiamento de grãos, entre outros / The present thesis targets the confirmation of the initial hypothesis, in which, in Mexico and in Brazil, the process of capitalistic relations into agriculture was configured by an improved agriculture modernization and a tendency to monopoly. The conjunction of these processes resulted in agroindustry that in a comprehensive sense became the new dominant way to the capitalistic agriculture structure, in substitution of the former pre-capitalistic models, the Mexican and Brazilian modern colonialism heirs, respectively, the haciendas and the plantations. In these countries, the agriculture modernization, which began in the 19th century, intensified after 1930, culminating in the decades of 1960 and 1970, when converged to the same direction, the transnational enterprises with large capital support and an increment of the technological innovation process. Illustrating this complete relation of agriculture modernization, agroindustry organization, tendency to monopoly and transnational change, was chosen the approach, in particular, of Cargill, acquainted enterprise of alimentary sector and of grain merchandising and processing, among others

Giving Voice to The Voiceless: Health Communication and Female Fieldworkers in Central Florida

Salazar, Sofia 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative research project examined health experiences of female agricultural workers in central Florida. Specifically, this study identified the most common physical and mental health illnesses and issues reported by female agricultural workers, their health-related decision-making processes, methods used to access health-related information, and the challenges they encounter when attempting to access health-related information, support, and services. In total, 21 interviews were conducted with women who had worked for at least one year as an agricultural worker in central Florida. The data was analyzed for emergent themes based on a codebook developed using the IDEA model as a theoretical framework. The results revealed that female agricultural workers realize the relevance and impact of key physical and mental health issues and actively seek information about them and help to treat, as well as prevent them. However, the results also revealed a level of distrust for some medical providers and other information sources, as well as challenges in understanding health-related information due to language and health literacy barriers. They also identified several challenges that hinder them from getting the medical help they needed. These include, for example, financial constraints, immigration status, fear of deportation, and fear of losing their children and their jobs. Finally, this study confirmed the utility of the IDEA model as a framework for examining interview data provided by underrepresented populations regarding health-related topics and issues. It also identified recommendations and ideas for future research that, if carried out, would continue to raise awareness about the community's health communication constraints.

Volhoubare besigheidsmodel perspektief vir 'n vrugte produserende besigheid : 'n gevallestudie

Naude, Stephanus Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die besigheidsomgewing van die landbou industrie ondervind huidiglik baie veranderinge op makro sowel as teikenmarkomgewing met faktore wat nie noodwendig in die nabye toekoms gaan verbeter nie. Gebeure op die makro en teikenmarkomgewing het gelei tot meer onsekerheid en verhoogde mededinging binne die industie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n perspektief te gee van 'n volhoubare besigheidsmodel vir Denau Boerdery, 'n familebesigheid, primêr betrokke in die produksie van tafeldruiwe en sagtesitrus. Met 'n analise van die eksterne en interne omgewing waarbinne Denau Boerdery opereer poog hierdie studie om die besigheid strategies kompeterend te posisioneer vir die langtermyn. Die navorsingsvraag van die studie is: Wat is die optimale besigheidsmodel vir Denau Boerdery om volhoubaar kompeterend geposisioneer te wees oor geslagte heen? Die ondersoekvelde wat op hierdie probleem impakteer is die rigting waarin die globale sagtevrugtebedryf neig ten opsigte van produksie, verpakking, verkoeling, distribusie en die dinamika binne die bemarkingswêreld vir tafeldruiwe en sitrus. 'n Kombinasie van interpretivisme (interpretivism) en subjektivisme (subjectivism) is as navorsingsfilosofie in hierdie studie gebruik. 'n Induktiewe benadering is in hierdie studie gebruik. Die resultaat van die induktiewe benadering sal wees om 'n teoretiese model te formuleer. Die benadering van hierdie studie is om 'n gevallestudie te doen met Denau Boerdery as die onderwerp van die gevallestudie. Kwalitatiewe data is ingesamel deur relevante literatuur en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is strategie gedefinieer as die kompeterende aksies en bestuursbenadering wat bestuurders gebruik om die besigheid te groei en om klante te trek en te bevredig. Hierdie kompeterende aksies en bestuursbenadering het ten doel om suksesvol mee te ding en operasionele aktiwiteite so uit te voer dat geteikende vlakke van organisatoriese prestasie bereik word. Waar tradisionele strategie gefokus het op die pas van bestaande hulpbronne op ontwikkelende geleenthede, probeer 'n dinamiese strategiese benadering om gapings vir organisasies sigbaar te maak tussen hulpbronne en aspirasies. Hierdie geidentifiseerde gapings skep die energie en motivering vir bestuur om aksie te mobiliseer wat die balans herstel. Die studie toon dat strategiese argitektuur beskryf kan word as 'n hoëvlak bloudruk vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe funksionaliteite, die verkryging van nuwe vaardighede of die migrasie van bestaande vaardighede en 'n omvorming van die interaksie tussen besighede en kliënt. Die strategiese argitektuur is 'n organisasie se kern logika om waarde te skep op 'n volhoubare basis en vorm daarom die grondslag van 'n organisasie se kompeterende potensiaal. Dit beïnvloed ook die huidige kompeterende optrede van 'n onderneming en kan daarom verduidelik hoekom 'n onderneming dalk nie kompeterend in huidige omstandighede is nie. Die strategiese argitektuur van 'n besigheid is nie dieselfde as die besigheidsmodel nie. Die strategiese argitektuur van 'n besigheid is 'n meer uitgebreide en omvattende strategiese beskrywing. Die besigheidsmodel is 'n integrale onderafdeling van die strategiese argitektuur. Volgens die litratuurstudie bestaan die hoofkomponente van 'n strategiese argitektuur die analise en ontwikkeling van: - beskrywings van kern aspirasie of 'n strategiese filosofie bestaande uit die missie, visie en organisasie waardes; - die eksterne omgewing - 'n konteksanalise wat die kompetisie in die industrie asook verbruikersneigings en -patrone reflekteer; - die interne omgewing - 'n konteks-analise bestaande uit 'n finansiële analise, interne waardeketting, kernvaardighede, produk posisioneringsanalise en strategiese kwessie-analise -'‟n besigheidsmodel-beskrywing wat die volgende insluit: o deelnemingstrategie o hulpbronstrategie o kompeterende strategie o winsstrategie - die scenarios en vooruitsigte; - die strategie-uitvoeringspraktyke wat die volgende insluit: o strategiese temas of fokusareas o strategiese padkaart wat strategiese doelwitte verteenwoordig o gebalanseerde telkaart wat strategiese metings verteenwoordig - 'n strategiese innovasiesiklus wat insluit: o besigheidsmodel-innovasie o interne en eksterne begrip o konvergerende en divergerende strategiese gesprekke. Die studie beklemtoon die belangrikheid van die implimentering van 'n strategie. Gesofistikeerde beleggers het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat uitvoering van strategie selfs belangriker is as visie. Navorsing toon dat twee woorde gereeld opduik waar deurbrake by uitvoering van strategie gemaak is naamlik: 'belyning' en 'fokus'. Strukture word ontwerp om die uitvoering van die strategiese plan te dryf. Strukture maak dit vir mense moontlik om verwagtinge waaraan hulle moet voldoen op so 'n wyse te definieer dat dit altyd fokus om die kapasiteit van die sisteem te verbeter en sodoende die bestaande verbruikers gelukkig te hou en nuwe verbruikers te trek. Om dit te bereik definieer die organisasie baie duidelik wat van mense op alle verantwoordelikheidsvlakke verwag word om hierdie doel te bereik. Volhoubaarheid van 'n besigheid beteken om besigheidsbedrywighede so uit te voer dat dit nie die vermoë van toekomstige geslagte om na hulself om te sien, benadeel nie. Vir hierdie studie is die term volhoubaarheid in 'n strategiese ekonomiese konteks gebruik en het nie op die natuurlike en sosiale aspekte gefokus nie. Uit die literatuur kan korporatiewe bestuur soos volg gedefinieer word: dit is die gepaste samestelling van die raad van direkteure se strukture, prosesse en waardes om te voldoen aan die vinnig veranderende vraag van aandeelhouers en belangegroepe oor hul besigheid Die King III verslag poog om aan die spits van internasionale korporatiewe bestuur te bly. Die filosofie van die verslag handel oor leierskap, volhoubaarheid en korporatiewe eienaarskap. Die onderwerp van studie in hierdie tesis is 'n gevallestudie van 'n familiebesigheid. Vir hierdie studie is 'n famliebesigheid soos volg definieer: - ten minste 51 persent van die besigheid besit; - ten minste twee familielede betrokke is by die bestuur van die besigheid; en - die oorgee van bestuur en eienaarskap na die volgende generasie in die familie in die vooruitsig gestel word. Uit die literatuur is dit duidelik dat in diepte kennis van 'n besigheid se eksterne en interne omgewing 'n voorvereiste vir bestuurders is om daarin te slaag om 'n strategie te formuleer en te belyn met die besigheid se situasie en omgewing om sodoende te bou op die mededingende voordeel en die besigheid se prestasie te verbeter. Dit is duidelik dat Denau Boerdery in 'n baie mededingende omgewing besigheid doen. Faktore in Denau Boerdery se makro-omgewing wat nie ignoreer kan word in hul strategiese posisionering is die onsekerheid wat 'n gebrek aan 'n groenskrif vir grondhervorming te weeg bring, die wisselvallige wisselkoers, MIV/Vigs se gevolge en klimaatsverandering se potensiele negatiewe gevolge. Faktore in die teikenmarkomgewing wat die grootste invloed op Denau Boerdery se strategiese posisionering kan uitoefen sluit in: - nuwe geleenthede en markte as gevolg van globalisering, - verandering in die koopkrag van supermarkte, - meer gesofistikeerde verbruikers, - intergrasie moontlikhede in die waardeketting, en - verhoudinge met sleutel besluitnemers in die mark. Denau Boerdery se interne analise toon dat die besigheid finansieel gesond is en oor 'n sterk balanstaat beskik. Denau Boerdery weeg goed op teen die meeste van die industrie se KSF'e, maar produksievolumes per hektaar kan verbeter. Voorwaardse integrasie van die besigheid deur as 'n produsente uitvoerder geposisioneer te wees pas in by huidige marktendense. Denau Boerdery volg 'n gefokusde gedifferensieerde strategie en die waardeproposisie is in opsomming op die volgende elemente gebou: - Effektiewe waardeketting na verbruikers. - Die Hoekstra Superfruit Handelsmerk. - Hoekstra Fruit Exporters se vermoë om druiwe vanaf November tot April te lewer. - Persoonlike identifisering met die Hoekstra handelsmerk en die deurlopende ontwikkeling van die handelsmerk. - Die lewering van 'n diens aan supermarkte om produkte op die regte tyd, in die gevraagde kwalitiet, in die ooreengekome hoeveelheid met die korrekte dokumentasie te voorsien. - Goeie, direkte verhoudinge met sleutel besluitnemers in die mark. - Voldoening aan alle internationale etiese en voedselveiligheidsakreditasies. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The business environment of the agricultural industry is currently experiencing many changes on macro level as well as in the target market environment, with factors that may not necessarily improve in the near future. Events in the macro- and target market environments lead to more uncertainty and increased competition within the industry. The goal of this study is to give a perspective of a sustainable business model for Denau Farms, a family business involved mainly in the production of table grapes and soft citrus. With an analysis of the external and internal environments within which Denau Farms operates, this study aims to position the business for strategic competitiveness in the long term. The research question of this study is: “What is the optimal business model for Denau Farms to be positioned in a sustainable and competitive way over a number of generations?” The research fields that impact on this problem relates to the direction in which the global deciduous fruit industry tends regarding production, packaging, cooling, distribution and the dynamics within the marketing world of grapes and citrus. A combination of interpretivism and subjectivism is used as research philosophy in this study and an inductive approach was used. The result of the inductive approach will be to formulate a theory. The strategy is to do a case study with Denau Boerdery as the subject of the study. Qualitative data was collected through relevant literature and semi-structured interviews. For the purpose of this study, strategy is defined as the competitive action and management approach that managers use to grow a business and to draw and satisfy client's needs. These competitive actions and managment approach aims to compete successfully and perform operational activities in such a way that targeted levels of organisational performance can be reached. Where traditional strategy focuses on fitting existing resources to developing opportunities, a strategic aim points out gaps between resources and aspirations. The study shows that strategic architecture can be described as a high level blueprint for the development of new functionalities, the acquiring of new skills or the migration of current skills and the transformation of the interaction between businesses and clients. The strategic architecture is an organisation's core logic to create value on a sustainable basis and, therefore, forms the foundation of an organisation's competitive potential. It also influences the current competitive behaviour of an organisation and can, therefore, explain why an organisation is not currently competitive. The strategic architecture of a business is not the same as the business model. The strategic architecture of a business is more expanded and an extensive strategic description. The business model is only one subdivision of the strategic architecture. According to the literature, the main components of a strategic architecture is the analysis and development of: - descriptions of core aspirations of a strategic philosophy existing of the mission, vision and organisation's values; - the external environment – a context analysis reflecting the competition in the industry as well as the consumer trends and patterns; - the internal environment – a context analysis existing of a financial analysis, internal value chain, core skills, product positioning analysis and strategic issue analysis; - a business model description including the following; o participation strategy o resource strategy o competitive strategy o profit strategy - the scenarios and prospects; - the strategy implementation practices consisting of the following; o strategic themes of focus areas o strategic roadmap representing strategic goals o balanced scorecard representing strategic measures - a strategic innovation cycle including; o business model innovation o internal and external understanding o convergent and divergent strategic talks The study accentuates the importance of implementing a strategy. Sophisticated investors have come to the conclusion that the execution of a strategy is even more important than vision. Research shows that two words often surface where breakthroughs are made in the execution of a strategy, namely alignment and focus. Structures are designed to drive the execution of the strategic plan. Structures make it possible for people to define the expectations they must adhere to in such a way that it always focuses on improving the capacity of the system in order to keep the current consumers happy and to draw new consumers. To achieve this goal, the organisation clearly defines what is expected of people on all levels of responsibility. Sustainability of a company means to execute business activities in such a way that it doesn't disadvantage the ability of future generations to look after themselves. For this study, the term sustainability is used in a strategic economic context and doesn't focus on the natural and social aspects. From the literature, corporate management is defined as: the appropriate composition of the board of directors' structures, processes and values to comply with the fast changing demand of shareholders and interest groups about their business. The King III report aims to stay on the cutting edge of international corporate management. The philosophy of the report concerns leadership, sustainability and corporate ownership. The subject of the study in this thesis is a case study of a family business. For this study, a family business is defined as follows: - at least 51 percent of the business is owned by the family; - at least two family members are involved in the management of the business; and - there is the prospect of handing over the management and ownership to the next generation in the family. From the literature, it is clear that in-depth knowledge of a business' external and internal environment is a prerequisite for managers to be able to successfully formulate a strategy and to align it with the business situation and environment in order to build upon the competitive advantage and improve the business‟ achievement. It is clear that Denau Farms is doing business in a very competitive environment. Factors in Denau Farms' macro environment that cannot be ignored for their strategic positioning is the uncertainty that a lack of a green paper for land reform brings about, the fluctuating exchange rate, the effects of HIV/Aids and climate change's potential negative effects. Factors in the target market environment that can have the greatest influence on Denau Farms' strategic positioning include: - new opportunities and markets that is a result of globalisation, - changes in the buying power of supermarkets, - more sophisticated consumers, - integration possibilities in the value chain, - relationships with key decision makers in the market. Denau Farms' internal analysis shows that the business is financially sound and has a strong balance sheet. Denau Farms weigh up well against most of the industry's critical success factors (CSFs) but production volumes per hectare can improve. Forward integration of the business through being positioned as a producer-exporter fits in with current market trends. Denau Farms follow a focused, differentiated strategy and the value proposition is built on the following elements: - Effective value chain to consumers - Access to the Hoekstra Superfruit trademark - Hoekstra Fruit Exporters' ability to deliver grapes from November to April - Own interest - Good, direct relationships with key decision makers in the market - Compliance to all international ethical and food safety accreditation

Potencial antimicrobiano de resíduos agroindustriais sobre Listeria monocytogenes / Antimicrobial potential of agroindustrial residues on Listeria monocytogenes

Corrêa, Cristina Bani 08 November 2011 (has links)
Os compostos fenólicos e os glucosinolatos vêm sendo pesquisados quanto à atividade antimicrobiana contra diversos microrganismos patogênicos, dentre eles a Listeria monocytogenes, um perigoso contaminante de alimentos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar resíduos agroindustriais com atividade contra Listeria monocytogenes, bem como identificar a composição química, visando a aplicação na indústria de alimentos. Neste trabalho foram analisados 23 resíduos agroindustriais. Os extratos destes resíduos foram preparados a partir de cinco solventes (hexano; clorofórmio; acetato de etila; etanol:água (80:20 v/v) e água), os quais foram utilizados na avaliação do potencial antimicrobiano contra Listeria monocytogenes por meio do teste de difusão em ágar. Os extratos que apresentaram resultado positivo foram selecionados para as análises de Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM), Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CBM), citometria de fluxo e composição química por CG-EM. A L. monocytogenes mostrou-se sensível apenas aos extratos aquosos de talo de brócolis e casca de abóbora moranga e extrato clorofórmico de semente de mamão apresentando valores de CIM de 102,4 mg/mL, >102,4 mg/mL e de 6,4mg/mL, respectivamente. A análise de citometria de fluxo demonstrou alterações na morfologia das células, frente aos extratos testados. A principal ação dos extratos foi em função da inibição do crescimento do microrganismo e da redução de sua população. Os extratos apresentaram uma composição química peculiar. Nos extratos de talo de brócolis e casca de abóbora foram encontrados alguns ácidos fenólicos e orgânicos, enquanto que no extrato de semente de mamão o único composto encontrado com potencial antimicrobiano foi o benzil-isotiocianato. Diante da dificuldade em evitar a contaminação de alimentos por L. monocytogenes, a utilização de compostos antimicrobianos naturais derivados de resíduos agroindustriais se mostra promissora e pode ser uma alternativa para auxiliar na segurança dos alimentos. / The phenolic compounds and glucosinolates have been investigated for their antimicrobial activity against several pathogenic microorganisms, including Listeria monocytogenes, a dangerous contaminant of food. This study has as main objective valuate agroindustrial residues with activity against Listeria monocytogenes, well as evaluate the chemical composition, aimed at their application in food industry. In this work we analyzed 23 agroindustrial residues. The extracts of these residues were prepared from five solvents (hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethanol:water (80:20 v/v) and water), which were used in evaluating the antimicrobial potential against Listeria monocytogenes by the agar diffusion test. The extracts that tested positive were selected for analysis of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC), Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC), flow cytometry and chemical composition by GC-MS. L. monocytogenes showed sensibility only to aqueous extracts of stalk of broccoli and peel pumpkin and chloroform extract of papaya seed showing MIC values of 102.4 mg / mL,> 102.4 mg / mL and 6.4 mg / mL, respectively. The flow cytometry analysis showed changes in cell morphology, front of to tested extracts. The main action of the extracts was as a function the inhibition of growth of microorganisms and reducing its population. The extracts showed a peculiar chemical composition. In extracts of broccoli stalks and peel pumpkin were found some phenolic acids and organic, while the extract in papaya seed found the single compound with antimicrobial potential was benzyl-isothiocyanate. Given the difficulties in preventing food contamination by L. monocytogenes, the use of natural antimicrobial compounds derived from agroindustrial residues shows promise and can be an alternative to aid in safety of food.

Modelo locacional dinâmico para a cadeia agroindustrial da carne bovina brasileira / Dynamic locational model applied to the Brazilian beef supply chain

Zucchi, Juliana Domingues 17 June 2010 (has links)
O referencial da Teoria da Localização embasa o modelo matemático de otimização dinâmico desenvolvido a fim de se determinar os melhores locais dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores no Brasil visando à minimização dos custos associados ao transporte, bem como os custos associados à instalação de novas unidades industriais de abate, resultando, assim, em aumento de competitividade para a cadeia. Este trabalho visa responder a três questões: (i) localizações das unidades industriais de abate; (ii) tamanho e número ótimos de cada unidade industrial de abate e (iii) fluxos mensais da matéria-prima necessários para atender a demanda dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores, bem como os fluxos ofertados mensalmente por eles a fim de se satisfazer a demanda dos países importadores da carne bovina brasileira. Desse modo, foram simulados quatro cenários alternativos. Os dois primeiros disseram respeito sobre a determinação da localização dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores e respectivos fluxos de produtos num contexto ideal, ou seja, o modelo determinou onde os mesmos deveriam ser instalados. Enquanto o primeiro cenário considerou na modelagem os dez principais estados exportadores da carne bovina desossada congelada brasileira, o segundo considerou os seis principais estados, excluindo, assim, os estados que fazem parte da Amazônia Legal. No primeiro cenário, dos dez estados considerados, em cinco deveriam ser instalados ao menos um frigoríficoabatedouro exportador, enquanto no segundo cenário dos seis estados considerados em três deveriam ser instalados ao menos um frigorífico-abatedouro exportador. Ambos os cenários indicaram São Paulo como estado candidato à instalação de maior número de frigoríficosabatedouros exportadores. Além disso, em ambos os cenários a decomposição dos custos logísticos revelou que a maior parte do custo total mínimo obtido nos processamentos dos modelos decorreu da instalação dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores,76,3% do custo total mínimo obtido no cenário 1 e 79,4% do custo total mínimo obtido no cenário 2, seguidos pelo custo de transporte da carne bovina aos mercados externos (14,9% e 14,1%) e custo de transporte da carne bovina aos portos exportadores (5,7% e 3,6%). O custo de transporte da matéria-prima aos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores foi 1,9% e 1,2% do custo total mínimo obtido no cenário 1 e 2, respectivamente, ao passo que o custo de transporte da carne bovina aos mercados internos foi de 1,2% e 1,7% do respectivo custo total mínimo. O terceiro e quarto cenários disseram respeito sobre quais frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores já instalados deveriam ser responsáveis pelo abastecimento dos mercados externos demandantes de carne bovina desossada congelada brasileira. Ambos consideraram na modelagem as localizações atuais dos frigoríficos abatedouros exportadores existentes nos seis principais estados exportadores do produto. No entanto, o último cenário refere-se a projeção de aumento de demanda externa futura por carne bovina. Nesses cenários, como não há custo de intalação dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores a ser incorridos, a maior parcela dos custos logísticos decorreu da distribuição da carne bovina aos mercados externos. Os resultados do terceiro cenário revelaram que 12 frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores seriam suficientes para atender plenamente os mercados externos, ao passo que o aumento da demanda externa futura exigirá 14 frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores. / The theoretical framework of the Location Theory supports the dynamic optimization mathematical model developed in order to determine the potential sites for the installation of exporter slaughterhouses in Brazil, minimizing the costs associated with transportation and the costs associated with the installation of new slaughter industrial units, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the chain. The following three questions were addressed: (i) at what locations should slaughter industrial units be installed; (ii) what is the optimal-size and number of each slaughter industrial, and (iii) what are the flows of raw material required monthly to meet the exporter slaughterhouses demand and the monthly supplied amount by them in order to meet the importing countries demands? Thus, four alternative scenarios were simulated. The first two scenarios are related to determine the exporter slaughterhousess locations and the products flows in an ideal environment, i.e., the model determines where they should be installed. The difference between these scenarios is that the former considers in the modeling the Brazilian top ten exporter states of frozen boneless beef, while the second considers the six major states, excluding, thus, the states that belong to the Amazon region. In the first scenario, at least one exporter slaughterhouse should be installed in five out of ten states considered, while in the second scenario at least one exporter slaughterhouse should be installed in three out of six states considered. Both scenarios indicated that most of the exporter slaughterhouses should be installed in São Paulo. Moreover, in both scenarios the decomposition of logistics costs has shown that most of the minimum total cost obtained in the models processing was due to the installation of the exporter slaughterhouses, 76.3% of the minimum total cost obtained in the scenario 1 and 79, 4% of the minimum total cost obtained in the scenario 2, followed by the cost of transporting beef up to the foreign markets (14.9% and 14.1%) and by the cost of transporting beef up to the exporter ports (5.7% and 3 , 6%). The cost of transporting the raw material up to the exporter slaughterhouses was 1.9% and 1.2% of the minimum total cost obtained in scenario 1 and 2, respectively, while the cost of transporting beef up to the domestic markets was 1.2% and 1.7% of the minimum total cost, respectively. The third and fourth scenarios concerned about which exporter slaughterhouses already installed should be responsible for fulfilling the demands of the external markets for the Brazilian frozen boneless beef. Both scenarios considered in the modeling the actual locations of the existing exporter slaughterhouses in the six main exporter states of the product. However, the latter scenario considers an increase in the beef future demand of the external markets. Since there is no cost related to the installation of the exporter slaughterhouses to be incurred in these scenarios, the largest share of logistics costs was related to the distribution of beef up to the foreign markets. The results of the third scenario indicates that 12 exporter slaughterhouses would be enough to fully meet the demands of the foreign markets for frozen boneless beef, while the increase in the external demands will require 14 exporter slaughterhouses.

Competitividade e inovação tecnológica na cadeia agroindustrial de fécula de mandioca no Brasil. / Competitiveness and technological innovation in the cassava starch agro-industrial chain in Brazil.

Cardôso, Carlos Estevão Leite 28 August 2003 (has links)
O estudo tem como objetivo diagnosticar a competitividade da cadeia de produção agroindustrial de fécula de mandioca, enfatizando o segmento de produção de matéria-prima e os determinantes do processo de inovação tecnológica. Especificamente, pretende-se identificar quais as principais restrições para melhorar a competitividade da cadeia; calcular um indicador de competitividade que relacione as variações de preços do produto e dos insumos, assim como as decisões estratégicas de políticas públicas e privadas; determinar como os investimentos em tecnologia têm influenciado os níveis de competitividade do segmento agrícola e identificar quais fatores explicam e determinam a trajetória tecnológica implementada na cadeia. Para atingir esses objetivos, utilizou-se um instrumental que permite realizar predições quantitativas dos efeitos da adoção de políticas públicas e de decisões gerenciais internas às firmas que atuam na cadeia. Essas predições foram baseadas num indicador de competitividade fundamentado no conceito de quase-renda, o qual foi estimado por meio de um modelo lógite ordenado. No estudo dos aspectos relacionados à tecnologia, além das abordagens que privilegiam os sinais de mercados, utilizaram-se aquelas que reconhecem a importância do caráter sistêmico e interdependente dos fatores determinantes da decisão de inovar. Com base nos resultados, pode-se concluir que a cadeia ainda não está suficientemente capacitada e organizada para transformar as potencialidades identificadas em verdadeiras oportunidades de mercado. Têm concorrido para isso a trajetória tecnológica seguida e o desempenho econômico observado no segmento agrícola. Esse segmento apresentou-se marginalmente competitivo, ou seja, a quase-renda gerada não foi suficiente para remunerar os fatores de produção específicos, utilizados no processo de produção, pelo menos no nível do custo de oportunidade considerado. Os principais fatores e condicionantes que estão restringindo a competitividade relacionam-se aos aspectos do lado da demanda; a limitações tecnológicas, tanto do segmento agrícola como do de processamento e a fatores estruturais e sistêmicos. As possibilidades de melhorar a competitividade vinculam-se a ações do lado da receita, ou seja, aumentos na produtividade média e/ou nos preços. Embora a capacidade de os produtores intervirem, de forma isolada, na trajetória dos preços seja mais remota, os resultados alcançados sinalizam que a variável preço assuma maior relevância no processo. Portanto, as políticas que reduzem a instabilidade nos preços são as mais seguras como estratégia de intervenção. Nesse sentido, a adoção de relações mais harmoniosas, que valorizem a forte dependência entre os elos da cadeia, promoverá ganhos competitivos. Quanto aos determinantes da trajetória tecnológica, destacam-se: as características intrínsecas da cultura, que lhe conferem rusticidade e adaptabilidade a condições ambientais adversas; a possibilidade de utilizar fatores de produção de baixo custo de oportunidade; o grau de apropriabilidade dos retornos dos investimentos em geração de tecnologia; o fato de ser uma cultura sobre a qual a quantidade de pesquisa ainda é relativamente baixa; os limites impostos pelo paradigma tecnológico vigente; o nível de demanda interna por mandioca e derivados, que ainda vem sendo atendido por uma oferta praticamente associada aos sistemas de produção tradicionais e a inexistência de grupos de interesse vinculados ao setor mandioqueiro. / This study is aimed at determining the cassava starch agro-industrial production chain competitiveness with special attention to the raw material production segment and the factors leading to technological innovation processes. It is specifically intended to identify the main constraints on gains in the production chain competitiveness, to compute a competitiveness index which relates the product’s price and the production costs, as well as public and private policy strategies, to determine how investments in technology have influenced the agricultural segment competitiveness, and to identify which factors explain and determine the production chain technological background. In order to meet these objectives, we used tools that allow quantitative predictions to evaluate the effects of public policies and companies’ internal managerial decisions. Such predictions were based on a competitiveness index underpinned by the quasi-rent concept computed through an ordered logit model. In the study of the technological aspects, besides the approaches that are based mainly on market signals, we considered the systemic and interdependent importance of factors leading to the decision to innovate. Results show that the production chain is not sufficiently able and organized to change the identified potentialities into real market opportunities, and the technological trajectory and economic performance of the agricultural segment have contributed to such a panorama. The agricultural segment showed to be marginally competitive, that is, the quasi-rent generated did not offset specific production factors, at least at the opportunity cost level considered. The main factors and conditions restricting competitiveness are related to characteristics related to the demand side, to technological constraints, not only in the agricultural segment, but also in processing, and to structural and systemic factors. Potential improvements in competitiveness are linked to actions on the revenue side, that is, in average productivity and/or prices. Although the possibility of individual growers interfering in price trajectories is remote, results indicate that the variable price should have greater relevance in the process. Therefore, policies that reduce price instabilities are the safest intervention strategies. Consequently, the adoption of more harmonious relationships, which value a strong interdependence of the chain links, will generate gains in competitiveness. The technological trajectory determining factors that stand out are the crop’s intrinsic characteristics of rusticity and adaptability to adverse environmental conditions, the possibility of using production factors of low opportunity cost, the suitable payoff level of investments in technology, the relatively little research carried out on the crop, the limits imposed by the technological paradigm, the standard domestic demand for cassava and its by-products, which has been satisfied by a supply almost completely associated to traditional production systems, and the non-existence of interest groups linked to the cassava sector.

Escalada tarifária e exportações brasileiras da agroindústria do café e da soja / Tariff escalation and Brazilian exports of soybean and coffee products

Rodrigues, Francine Rossi 03 April 2009 (has links)
A escalada tarifária, isto é, o emprego de tarifas de importação crescentes conforme o grau de processamento de um produto estimula a importação de produtos primários em detrimento dos processados nos mercados importadores que a exercem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mensurar os ganhos ao Brasil da eliminação da escalada tarifária em produtos do café na UE, e da soja na China e na UE, e comparar com a redução da escalada proposta na Rodada Doha da OMC. Foram simuladas reduções tarifárias e quantificados os impactos comerciais através da modelagem de equilíbrio parcial segundo Laird e Yeats (1986). Pelos resultados, as negociações sob Doha podem reduzir a escalada tarifária incidente sobre os produtos analisados, no entanto, sem a eliminar, o que requereria maiores cortes nas tarifas de importação. Os impactos comerciais, que se mostraram mais expressivos na simulação de eliminação da escalada tarifária do que na de redução sob Doha, indicaram favorecimento das exportações brasileiras de produtos processados, relativamente às de primários. Na UE, o aumento no valor das importações dos produtos brasileiros processados do café e da soja seria 75,4% maior com a eliminação da escalada tarifária do que com a redução conforme Doha. Na China, a possibilidade de eliminação da escalada tarifária também acarretaria em resultados mais expressivos que os obtidos pela redução: 27,4% a mais de farelo, e cerca de 100% e 107% no caso do óleo de soja em bruto e refinado, respectivamente. O objetivo complementar desse trabalho foi verificar os impactos do Diferencial Tributário de Exportação como instrumento para compensar os desestímulos ao processamento doméstico de produtos da soja resultantes da escalada tarifária nos mercados importadores. Assim, foram construídos cenários nacionais de tributação combinados com a aplicação de escalada tarifária nos mercados da UE e da China para verificar os impactos em termos de variação na margem de esmagamento do setor. Pelos resultados, a margem de esmagamento da soja esteve ampliada nos mercados importadores devido às tarifas de importação em: US$ 4,89 por tonelada (ou em 13%) na UE e US$ 14,46 (ou em 37%) na China, em média, em 2007. Na simulação de manutenção da taxação nacional como antes da Lei Kandir, a margem de esmagamento no Brasil poderia ter sido elevada em média em US$ 5,74 (ou 15%) durante o período analisado. Esse aumento teria sido suficiente para contrapor os efeitos da escalada tarifária da UE, mas não da China. O DTE argentino também foi considerado. No período analisado, o aumento da margem interna de esmagamento não se mostrou suficiente para contrabalançar totalmente os efeitos da escalada tarifária da China e da UE. Ainda assim, o aumento de margem proporcionado pôde favorecer o exportador argentino de produtos processados em detrimento do brasileiro na situação corrente. Considerando que, no caso da soja, a Argentina consiste no principal concorrente do Brasil e mantém uma política tributária que favorece a indústria doméstica de processamento em detrimento dos competidores, cabe a defesa do disciplinamento do DTE internacionalmente, além da eliminação da escalada tarifária nos mercados importadores. / Tariff escalation, which is the use of import tariffs that grow according to the processing level of a product, stimulates the imports of primary commodities rather than processed products in importing markets that apply this tool. This papers goal was to measure the gains to Brazil of the elimination of the tariff escalation in coffee products in EU, and soybean products in China and EU. In addition, it aimed to compare these gains to those obtained from the reduction of the tariff escalation, which is being proposed under WTOs Doha Round. Tariff cuts were simulated and trade gains were quantified through Laird e Yeats (1986) modeling of partial equilibrium. The results indicated that Doha negotiations could reduce the tariff escalation currently applied over coffee and soybean chains in the selected markets. However, they are not enough to eliminate them, which would require larger tariff cuts. The increase in EU imports of coffee and soybean processed products from Brazil due to tariff escalation elimination could be 75.4% higher than considering only its reduction under Doha. In China, the tariff escalation elimination would also imply in larger volume of imports than those obtained from the tariff reduction under Doha: 27.4% more of meal, and nearly 100% and 107% of soybean oil, crude and refined, respectively. This paper additional goal was to identify the impacts of the Differential Exports Taxes DTE as a tool to counterbalance the negative impacts over soybean exporting countries of the tariff escalation applied by importing markets. To achieve this goal, national scenarios of export taxes were built up and added to the tariff escalation in the EU and China in order to obtain the impacts in terms of variation of the sectors processing margin. According to the results, due to the import tariffs, the processing margin in the importing markets has been expanded as follows: in US$ 4.89 per tonne (or 13%) in the EU and in US$ 14.46 (or 37%) in China, along of 2007 in average. Simulating the national taxation such as before Kandir law, the soybeans processing margin in Brasil could have been raised by US$ 5.74 (or 15%) in average along of the analyzed period. That expansion would have been enough to compensate the effects of the tariff escalation of the EU, but not the one applied by China. The DTE for soybeans in Argentina was also considered. For the analyzed period, the increase in the internal processing margin was not enough to totally offset China and EU tariff escalation effects. Nevertheless, the raise in the domestic processing margin contributed to benefit the exporters of processed products in Argentina in detriment of the Brazilians in the current situation. Considering that, in the soybean case, Argentina is Brazils main competitor and the country keeps a national taxation structure that favors the domestic processing industry in prejudice of Brazilian industry, it is important to consider the defense of DTE stricter rules internationally, besides the elimination of the tariff escalation in the importing markets.

Modelo locacional dinâmico para a cadeia agroindustrial da carne bovina brasileira / Dynamic locational model applied to the Brazilian beef supply chain

Juliana Domingues Zucchi 17 June 2010 (has links)
O referencial da Teoria da Localização embasa o modelo matemático de otimização dinâmico desenvolvido a fim de se determinar os melhores locais dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores no Brasil visando à minimização dos custos associados ao transporte, bem como os custos associados à instalação de novas unidades industriais de abate, resultando, assim, em aumento de competitividade para a cadeia. Este trabalho visa responder a três questões: (i) localizações das unidades industriais de abate; (ii) tamanho e número ótimos de cada unidade industrial de abate e (iii) fluxos mensais da matéria-prima necessários para atender a demanda dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores, bem como os fluxos ofertados mensalmente por eles a fim de se satisfazer a demanda dos países importadores da carne bovina brasileira. Desse modo, foram simulados quatro cenários alternativos. Os dois primeiros disseram respeito sobre a determinação da localização dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores e respectivos fluxos de produtos num contexto ideal, ou seja, o modelo determinou onde os mesmos deveriam ser instalados. Enquanto o primeiro cenário considerou na modelagem os dez principais estados exportadores da carne bovina desossada congelada brasileira, o segundo considerou os seis principais estados, excluindo, assim, os estados que fazem parte da Amazônia Legal. No primeiro cenário, dos dez estados considerados, em cinco deveriam ser instalados ao menos um frigoríficoabatedouro exportador, enquanto no segundo cenário dos seis estados considerados em três deveriam ser instalados ao menos um frigorífico-abatedouro exportador. Ambos os cenários indicaram São Paulo como estado candidato à instalação de maior número de frigoríficosabatedouros exportadores. Além disso, em ambos os cenários a decomposição dos custos logísticos revelou que a maior parte do custo total mínimo obtido nos processamentos dos modelos decorreu da instalação dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores,76,3% do custo total mínimo obtido no cenário 1 e 79,4% do custo total mínimo obtido no cenário 2, seguidos pelo custo de transporte da carne bovina aos mercados externos (14,9% e 14,1%) e custo de transporte da carne bovina aos portos exportadores (5,7% e 3,6%). O custo de transporte da matéria-prima aos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores foi 1,9% e 1,2% do custo total mínimo obtido no cenário 1 e 2, respectivamente, ao passo que o custo de transporte da carne bovina aos mercados internos foi de 1,2% e 1,7% do respectivo custo total mínimo. O terceiro e quarto cenários disseram respeito sobre quais frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores já instalados deveriam ser responsáveis pelo abastecimento dos mercados externos demandantes de carne bovina desossada congelada brasileira. Ambos consideraram na modelagem as localizações atuais dos frigoríficos abatedouros exportadores existentes nos seis principais estados exportadores do produto. No entanto, o último cenário refere-se a projeção de aumento de demanda externa futura por carne bovina. Nesses cenários, como não há custo de intalação dos frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores a ser incorridos, a maior parcela dos custos logísticos decorreu da distribuição da carne bovina aos mercados externos. Os resultados do terceiro cenário revelaram que 12 frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores seriam suficientes para atender plenamente os mercados externos, ao passo que o aumento da demanda externa futura exigirá 14 frigoríficos-abatedouros exportadores. / The theoretical framework of the Location Theory supports the dynamic optimization mathematical model developed in order to determine the potential sites for the installation of exporter slaughterhouses in Brazil, minimizing the costs associated with transportation and the costs associated with the installation of new slaughter industrial units, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the chain. The following three questions were addressed: (i) at what locations should slaughter industrial units be installed; (ii) what is the optimal-size and number of each slaughter industrial, and (iii) what are the flows of raw material required monthly to meet the exporter slaughterhouses demand and the monthly supplied amount by them in order to meet the importing countries demands? Thus, four alternative scenarios were simulated. The first two scenarios are related to determine the exporter slaughterhousess locations and the products flows in an ideal environment, i.e., the model determines where they should be installed. The difference between these scenarios is that the former considers in the modeling the Brazilian top ten exporter states of frozen boneless beef, while the second considers the six major states, excluding, thus, the states that belong to the Amazon region. In the first scenario, at least one exporter slaughterhouse should be installed in five out of ten states considered, while in the second scenario at least one exporter slaughterhouse should be installed in three out of six states considered. Both scenarios indicated that most of the exporter slaughterhouses should be installed in São Paulo. Moreover, in both scenarios the decomposition of logistics costs has shown that most of the minimum total cost obtained in the models processing was due to the installation of the exporter slaughterhouses, 76.3% of the minimum total cost obtained in the scenario 1 and 79, 4% of the minimum total cost obtained in the scenario 2, followed by the cost of transporting beef up to the foreign markets (14.9% and 14.1%) and by the cost of transporting beef up to the exporter ports (5.7% and 3 , 6%). The cost of transporting the raw material up to the exporter slaughterhouses was 1.9% and 1.2% of the minimum total cost obtained in scenario 1 and 2, respectively, while the cost of transporting beef up to the domestic markets was 1.2% and 1.7% of the minimum total cost, respectively. The third and fourth scenarios concerned about which exporter slaughterhouses already installed should be responsible for fulfilling the demands of the external markets for the Brazilian frozen boneless beef. Both scenarios considered in the modeling the actual locations of the existing exporter slaughterhouses in the six main exporter states of the product. However, the latter scenario considers an increase in the beef future demand of the external markets. Since there is no cost related to the installation of the exporter slaughterhouses to be incurred in these scenarios, the largest share of logistics costs was related to the distribution of beef up to the foreign markets. The results of the third scenario indicates that 12 exporter slaughterhouses would be enough to fully meet the demands of the foreign markets for frozen boneless beef, while the increase in the external demands will require 14 exporter slaughterhouses.

Competitividade e inovação tecnológica na cadeia agroindustrial de fécula de mandioca no Brasil. / Competitiveness and technological innovation in the cassava starch agro-industrial chain in Brazil.

Carlos Estevão Leite Cardôso 28 August 2003 (has links)
O estudo tem como objetivo diagnosticar a competitividade da cadeia de produção agroindustrial de fécula de mandioca, enfatizando o segmento de produção de matéria-prima e os determinantes do processo de inovação tecnológica. Especificamente, pretende-se identificar quais as principais restrições para melhorar a competitividade da cadeia; calcular um indicador de competitividade que relacione as variações de preços do produto e dos insumos, assim como as decisões estratégicas de políticas públicas e privadas; determinar como os investimentos em tecnologia têm influenciado os níveis de competitividade do segmento agrícola e identificar quais fatores explicam e determinam a trajetória tecnológica implementada na cadeia. Para atingir esses objetivos, utilizou-se um instrumental que permite realizar predições quantitativas dos efeitos da adoção de políticas públicas e de decisões gerenciais internas às firmas que atuam na cadeia. Essas predições foram baseadas num indicador de competitividade fundamentado no conceito de quase-renda, o qual foi estimado por meio de um modelo lógite ordenado. No estudo dos aspectos relacionados à tecnologia, além das abordagens que privilegiam os sinais de mercados, utilizaram-se aquelas que reconhecem a importância do caráter sistêmico e interdependente dos fatores determinantes da decisão de inovar. Com base nos resultados, pode-se concluir que a cadeia ainda não está suficientemente capacitada e organizada para transformar as potencialidades identificadas em verdadeiras oportunidades de mercado. Têm concorrido para isso a trajetória tecnológica seguida e o desempenho econômico observado no segmento agrícola. Esse segmento apresentou-se marginalmente competitivo, ou seja, a quase-renda gerada não foi suficiente para remunerar os fatores de produção específicos, utilizados no processo de produção, pelo menos no nível do custo de oportunidade considerado. Os principais fatores e condicionantes que estão restringindo a competitividade relacionam-se aos aspectos do lado da demanda; a limitações tecnológicas, tanto do segmento agrícola como do de processamento e a fatores estruturais e sistêmicos. As possibilidades de melhorar a competitividade vinculam-se a ações do lado da receita, ou seja, aumentos na produtividade média e/ou nos preços. Embora a capacidade de os produtores intervirem, de forma isolada, na trajetória dos preços seja mais remota, os resultados alcançados sinalizam que a variável preço assuma maior relevância no processo. Portanto, as políticas que reduzem a instabilidade nos preços são as mais seguras como estratégia de intervenção. Nesse sentido, a adoção de relações mais harmoniosas, que valorizem a forte dependência entre os elos da cadeia, promoverá ganhos competitivos. Quanto aos determinantes da trajetória tecnológica, destacam-se: as características intrínsecas da cultura, que lhe conferem rusticidade e adaptabilidade a condições ambientais adversas; a possibilidade de utilizar fatores de produção de baixo custo de oportunidade; o grau de apropriabilidade dos retornos dos investimentos em geração de tecnologia; o fato de ser uma cultura sobre a qual a quantidade de pesquisa ainda é relativamente baixa; os limites impostos pelo paradigma tecnológico vigente; o nível de demanda interna por mandioca e derivados, que ainda vem sendo atendido por uma oferta praticamente associada aos sistemas de produção tradicionais e a inexistência de grupos de interesse vinculados ao setor mandioqueiro. / This study is aimed at determining the cassava starch agro-industrial production chain competitiveness with special attention to the raw material production segment and the factors leading to technological innovation processes. It is specifically intended to identify the main constraints on gains in the production chain competitiveness, to compute a competitiveness index which relates the product’s price and the production costs, as well as public and private policy strategies, to determine how investments in technology have influenced the agricultural segment competitiveness, and to identify which factors explain and determine the production chain technological background. In order to meet these objectives, we used tools that allow quantitative predictions to evaluate the effects of public policies and companies’ internal managerial decisions. Such predictions were based on a competitiveness index underpinned by the quasi-rent concept computed through an ordered logit model. In the study of the technological aspects, besides the approaches that are based mainly on market signals, we considered the systemic and interdependent importance of factors leading to the decision to innovate. Results show that the production chain is not sufficiently able and organized to change the identified potentialities into real market opportunities, and the technological trajectory and economic performance of the agricultural segment have contributed to such a panorama. The agricultural segment showed to be marginally competitive, that is, the quasi-rent generated did not offset specific production factors, at least at the opportunity cost level considered. The main factors and conditions restricting competitiveness are related to characteristics related to the demand side, to technological constraints, not only in the agricultural segment, but also in processing, and to structural and systemic factors. Potential improvements in competitiveness are linked to actions on the revenue side, that is, in average productivity and/or prices. Although the possibility of individual growers interfering in price trajectories is remote, results indicate that the variable price should have greater relevance in the process. Therefore, policies that reduce price instabilities are the safest intervention strategies. Consequently, the adoption of more harmonious relationships, which value a strong interdependence of the chain links, will generate gains in competitiveness. The technological trajectory determining factors that stand out are the crop’s intrinsic characteristics of rusticity and adaptability to adverse environmental conditions, the possibility of using production factors of low opportunity cost, the suitable payoff level of investments in technology, the relatively little research carried out on the crop, the limits imposed by the technological paradigm, the standard domestic demand for cassava and its by-products, which has been satisfied by a supply almost completely associated to traditional production systems, and the non-existence of interest groups linked to the cassava sector.

Escalada tarifária e exportações brasileiras da agroindústria do café e da soja / Tariff escalation and Brazilian exports of soybean and coffee products

Francine Rossi Rodrigues 03 April 2009 (has links)
A escalada tarifária, isto é, o emprego de tarifas de importação crescentes conforme o grau de processamento de um produto estimula a importação de produtos primários em detrimento dos processados nos mercados importadores que a exercem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mensurar os ganhos ao Brasil da eliminação da escalada tarifária em produtos do café na UE, e da soja na China e na UE, e comparar com a redução da escalada proposta na Rodada Doha da OMC. Foram simuladas reduções tarifárias e quantificados os impactos comerciais através da modelagem de equilíbrio parcial segundo Laird e Yeats (1986). Pelos resultados, as negociações sob Doha podem reduzir a escalada tarifária incidente sobre os produtos analisados, no entanto, sem a eliminar, o que requereria maiores cortes nas tarifas de importação. Os impactos comerciais, que se mostraram mais expressivos na simulação de eliminação da escalada tarifária do que na de redução sob Doha, indicaram favorecimento das exportações brasileiras de produtos processados, relativamente às de primários. Na UE, o aumento no valor das importações dos produtos brasileiros processados do café e da soja seria 75,4% maior com a eliminação da escalada tarifária do que com a redução conforme Doha. Na China, a possibilidade de eliminação da escalada tarifária também acarretaria em resultados mais expressivos que os obtidos pela redução: 27,4% a mais de farelo, e cerca de 100% e 107% no caso do óleo de soja em bruto e refinado, respectivamente. O objetivo complementar desse trabalho foi verificar os impactos do Diferencial Tributário de Exportação como instrumento para compensar os desestímulos ao processamento doméstico de produtos da soja resultantes da escalada tarifária nos mercados importadores. Assim, foram construídos cenários nacionais de tributação combinados com a aplicação de escalada tarifária nos mercados da UE e da China para verificar os impactos em termos de variação na margem de esmagamento do setor. Pelos resultados, a margem de esmagamento da soja esteve ampliada nos mercados importadores devido às tarifas de importação em: US$ 4,89 por tonelada (ou em 13%) na UE e US$ 14,46 (ou em 37%) na China, em média, em 2007. Na simulação de manutenção da taxação nacional como antes da Lei Kandir, a margem de esmagamento no Brasil poderia ter sido elevada em média em US$ 5,74 (ou 15%) durante o período analisado. Esse aumento teria sido suficiente para contrapor os efeitos da escalada tarifária da UE, mas não da China. O DTE argentino também foi considerado. No período analisado, o aumento da margem interna de esmagamento não se mostrou suficiente para contrabalançar totalmente os efeitos da escalada tarifária da China e da UE. Ainda assim, o aumento de margem proporcionado pôde favorecer o exportador argentino de produtos processados em detrimento do brasileiro na situação corrente. Considerando que, no caso da soja, a Argentina consiste no principal concorrente do Brasil e mantém uma política tributária que favorece a indústria doméstica de processamento em detrimento dos competidores, cabe a defesa do disciplinamento do DTE internacionalmente, além da eliminação da escalada tarifária nos mercados importadores. / Tariff escalation, which is the use of import tariffs that grow according to the processing level of a product, stimulates the imports of primary commodities rather than processed products in importing markets that apply this tool. This papers goal was to measure the gains to Brazil of the elimination of the tariff escalation in coffee products in EU, and soybean products in China and EU. In addition, it aimed to compare these gains to those obtained from the reduction of the tariff escalation, which is being proposed under WTOs Doha Round. Tariff cuts were simulated and trade gains were quantified through Laird e Yeats (1986) modeling of partial equilibrium. The results indicated that Doha negotiations could reduce the tariff escalation currently applied over coffee and soybean chains in the selected markets. However, they are not enough to eliminate them, which would require larger tariff cuts. The increase in EU imports of coffee and soybean processed products from Brazil due to tariff escalation elimination could be 75.4% higher than considering only its reduction under Doha. In China, the tariff escalation elimination would also imply in larger volume of imports than those obtained from the tariff reduction under Doha: 27.4% more of meal, and nearly 100% and 107% of soybean oil, crude and refined, respectively. This paper additional goal was to identify the impacts of the Differential Exports Taxes DTE as a tool to counterbalance the negative impacts over soybean exporting countries of the tariff escalation applied by importing markets. To achieve this goal, national scenarios of export taxes were built up and added to the tariff escalation in the EU and China in order to obtain the impacts in terms of variation of the sectors processing margin. According to the results, due to the import tariffs, the processing margin in the importing markets has been expanded as follows: in US$ 4.89 per tonne (or 13%) in the EU and in US$ 14.46 (or 37%) in China, along of 2007 in average. Simulating the national taxation such as before Kandir law, the soybeans processing margin in Brasil could have been raised by US$ 5.74 (or 15%) in average along of the analyzed period. That expansion would have been enough to compensate the effects of the tariff escalation of the EU, but not the one applied by China. The DTE for soybeans in Argentina was also considered. For the analyzed period, the increase in the internal processing margin was not enough to totally offset China and EU tariff escalation effects. Nevertheless, the raise in the domestic processing margin contributed to benefit the exporters of processed products in Argentina in detriment of the Brazilians in the current situation. Considering that, in the soybean case, Argentina is Brazils main competitor and the country keeps a national taxation structure that favors the domestic processing industry in prejudice of Brazilian industry, it is important to consider the defense of DTE stricter rules internationally, besides the elimination of the tariff escalation in the importing markets.

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