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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Promoting the social and emotional wellbeing of West Kimberley Aboriginal children and youth

Omari, Melinda Claire January 2008 (has links)
Aboriginal young people experience a high rate of family violence, alcohol and drug misuse, suicide, sexual abuse, and socioeconomic disadvantage (Gordon, Hallahan & Henry, 2002; Hunter, 1990, 1991c; Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council, 1999; Memmott, Stacy, Chambers & Keys, 2001; Swan & Raphael, 1995). Over the last decade a burgeoning array of policy, services and programs have been developed to combat the social and emotional problems in Aboriginal communities. Despite some successes, Aboriginal children and youth consistently demonstrate poorer outcomes than non-Aboriginal youngsters across most domains of living, including health, mental health, education and vocation (Zubrick et al., 2005). While the evidence-base related to problems in Aboriginal communities has expanded, there is a deficit in knowledge about practical and sustainable interventions to build strengths in remote young Aboriginal people and families, to promote youth and community wellbeing. Even less has been done on the ground to assist remote Aboriginal communities to take action in tackling the problems they face (Atkinson, Bridge & Gray, 1999; Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council & Westerman, 2002; National Aboriginal Health Strategy Working Party, 1989). / This qualitative participatory action research project conducted in the West Kimberley Western Australia from 2001 to 2004 was in collaboration with agencies based in Broome and the Bardi people of Ardyaloon Community, One Arm Point. The investigation aimed to (1) identify and explain the mental health and social and emotional problems affecting Aboriginal young people and families living in remote communities in the West Kimberley; and (2) identify and describe goals and methods for intervention to promote social and emotional wellbeing and build resilience in young people and communities. The third aim was to feed back and culturally validate the research findings. The overarching goal of this project was to work in partnership with Ardyaloon Community in prioritising community-based solutions to youth problems. An Aboriginal Project Advisory Group was formed to guide the research and several local project assistants were employed to assist with the field work. The project involved three studies. Overall, 32 Broome-based youth, parents and service providers, and 59 Elders, parents, youth and service providers from One Arm Point were involved in interviews and discussion groups. The findings were discussed and validated by 101 agency and community people. The results indicate a number of risk and resilience factors operating across the individual, family, community and socio-political sphere, including cultural and historical factors influencing youth wellbeing. From the findings, a model for community-based mental health promotion intervention was developed to address youth problems and build strengths prioritised by Ardyaloon Community.

Disentangling the Directions of Influence among Trauma Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, and Alcohol and Drug Problems

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: The present study utilized longitudinal data from a high-risk community sample (n= 377; 166 trauma-exposed; 54% males; 52% children of alcoholics; 73% non-Hispanic/Latino Caucasian; 22% Hispanic/Latino; 5% other ethnicity) to test a series of hypotheses that may help explain the risk pathways that link traumatic stress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology, and problematic alcohol and drug use. Specifically, this study examined whether pre-trauma substance use problems increase risk for trauma exposure (the high-risk hypothesis) or PTSD symptoms (the susceptibility hypothesis), whether PTSD symptoms increase risk for later alcohol/drug problems (the self-medication hypothesis), and whether the association between PTSD symptoms and alcohol/drug problems is due to shared risk factors (the shared vulnerability hypothesis). This study also examined the roles of gender and ethnicity in these pathways. A series of logistic and negative binomial regressions were performed in a path analysis framework. A composite pre-trauma family adversity variable was formed from measures of family conflict, family life stress, parental alcoholism, and other parent psychopathology. Results provided the strongest support for the self-medication hypothesis, such that PTSD symptoms predicted higher levels of later alcohol and drug problems among non-Hispanic/Latino Caucasian participants, over and above the influences of pre-trauma family adversity, pre-trauma substance use problems, trauma exposure, and demographic variables. Results partially supported the high-risk hypothesis, such that adolescent substance use problems had a marginally significant unique effect on risk for assaultive violence exposure but not on overall risk for trauma exposure. There was no support for the susceptibility hypothesis, as pre-trauma adolescent substance use problems did not significantly influence risk for PTSD diagnosis/symptoms over and above the influence of pre-trauma family adversity. Finally, there was little support for the shared vulnerability hypothesis. Neither trauma exposure nor preexisting family adversity accounted for the link between PTSD symptoms and later substance use problems. These results add to a growing body of literature in support of the self-medication hypothesis. Findings extend previous research by showing that PTSD symptoms may influence the development of alcohol and drug problems over and above the influence of trauma exposure itself, preexisting family risk factors, and baseline levels of substance use. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Psychology 2014

Participation and Non-Participation in Relation to Psychological Mood, Substance Use and Personality Among Offenders on Parole. A Drop-Out Analysis and a Description of the Research Data in the Research Project Automated Phone Follow-Up in Correctional Services

Vasiljevic, Zoran January 2012 (has links)
Föreliggande arbete utgör en delstudie i projektet Automatiserad telefonuppföljning inom Kriminalvården. Projektets övergripande syfte var att undersöka tillämpbarheten av Interactive Voice Response (IVR) som en modern metod för utvärdering, övervakning och påverkan av intagna som blivit villkorligt frigivna från ett fängelsestraff. IVR är en metodik baserat på automatiserade telefonintervjuer som bl. a innebär att en dator har programmerats för att ringa upp, ställa frågor, registrera svar och ge feedback till klienterna. I tidigare publikation från projektet undersöktes med hjälp av automatiserade telefonuppföljningar (IVR) hur stress och mående samt användande av alkohol och droger utvecklas under de trettio första dagarna efter avslutad anstaltsvistelse (Andersson et al, 2011). Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i psykiskt mående, alkohol- och drogvanor samt personlighet mellan intagna som medverkade vid åtminstone en telefonuppföljning efter den villkorliga frigivningen respektive intagna som inte medverkade vid någon telefonuppföljning efter den villkorliga frigivningen. Ytterligare ett syfte med arbetet var att beskriva den totala undersökningsgruppen i projektet med avseende på psykiskt mående, alkohol- och drogvanor samt personlighet. Den enda signifikanta skillnaden mellan deltagarna och icke-deltagarna i telefonuppföljningarna återfanns för personlighetsdraget skuld. Individer som genomförde åtminstone en telefonuppföljning var något mer benägna att känna skuld- och skamkänslor än de som inte deltog vid någon telefonuppföljning efter den villkorliga frigivningen. Den beskrivande analysen av den totala undersökningsgruppen i projektet fann att klienterna utgjorde en problembelastad grupp intagna med avseende på psykiskt mående, alkohol-och drogmissbruk och personlighet; en hög andel av klienterna hade en möjlig missbruksdiagnos och depressions och/eller ångestrelaterade symptom samt skattade höga värden på personlighetsdragen socialisation, impulsivitet och monotoniundvikande. / This study is a part of the research project Automated Phone Follow-Up inCorrectional Services. The overall aim of the research project was to investigate if Interactive Voice Response can be used as tool to investigate, monitor and influence levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and use as well as urge of alcohol and drugs among paroled offenders. IVR is a technology based on automated phone interviews, which means that a computer has been programed to call up, ask questions, record answers and provide a feedback to the paroled offenders. Previous publication from the research project explored if it is possible to use automated phone interviews (IVR) to follow-up the development of stress, psychological mood, and use of alcohol and drugs in paroled offenders during the first 30 days following probation (Andersson et al, 2011). The main aim of this study was to investigate if there were any differences in psychological mood, substance use and personality between paroled offenders that participated in at least one automated phone follow-up and paroled offenders that did not participate in any automated phone follow-up. Another aim of this study was to describe the psychological mood, substance use and personality in the total sample group of paroled offenders. The only significant difference between participants and non-participants in the phone follow-up´s was found for the personality trait guilt. The paroled offenders that participated in the phone follow-up scored significant higher on guilt, a scale measuring feelings of guilt and shame after wrongdoing, cheating, of having bad thoughts. The results of the descriptive analysis showed high levels of substance misuse, depression and anxiety symptoms in the total sample group of paroled offenders. The paroled offenders also scored high on personality scales socialization, impulsivity and monotony avoidance compared to healthy subjects.

Consumer Participation in Identifying Barriers to Ohio's Adolescent Alcohol and Drug Treatment Services

Baughman, Margaret C. 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Too Cool for School : En kvantitativ studie om studierelaterad problematik bland gymnasieelever och deras inställning inför studierna - ur ett helhetsperspektiv

Andersson, Johanna, Landin Andersson, Jennifer January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka gymnasieelever i årskurs tre och deras motivation till att prioritera sina studier och prestera väl i skolan, samt undersöka vad som kan bidra till problematiken kring att vissa gymnasieelever inte är motiverade till att prioritera sina studier och prestera väl i skolan. Ett visst fokus riktas mot gymnasieelevers alkohol- och narkotikaanvändning, med syftet att undersöka huruvida detta samspelar med bristande studiemotivation. Studien utgår från tidigare forskning på området, vilken fastslår att det existerar ett samband mellan studierelaterad problematik och alkohol- och narkotikaanvändning, samt att andra omkringliggande aspekter i elevers liv kan vara avgörande för studierelaterad problematik och ungas användning av alkohol och narkotika. Tidigare forskning har, tillsammans med vårt teoretiska ramverk hjälpt oss att analysera och diskutera studiens resultat. Det teoretiska ramverket består av ett helhetsperspektiv och andra teoretiska begrepp som KASAM (känsla av sammanhang), gruppkultur, subkultur och avvikande beteende. För att uppnå studiens syfte har vi antagit en kvantitativ ansats och inhämtat vårt empiriska material via en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Vår data har genomgått sambandsanalyser med hjälp av Chi2-test, t-test och variansanalys (ANOVA). Studiens resultat visar att de flesta gymnasieelever sällan är motiverade att gå till skolan på morgonen och spenderar under 30 minuter om dagen på studier utöver skoltid. Samtidigt är det övervägande många som anser att det är av vikt att prestera väl i skolan. De flesta elever skolkar minst någon gång per termin och då på grund av en allmän skoltrötthet. Resultatet visar även att det finns ett samband mellan elevers omgivning och deras studiesituation. Vänners vanor kring skolk återspeglas exempelvis i hur ofta eleven själv skolkar. Detsamma gäller för elevens användning av alkohol och narkotika. Avslutningsvis visar också studiens resultat att det finns samband mellan alkoholanvändning (i vissa fall), cannabisanvändning (i de flesta fallen) och studierelaterad problematik.

Alkohol- och drogtester ombord : En undersökning av svenska sjömäns attityder till slumpmässiga alkohol- och drogtester ombord / Alcohol- and drug tests on board

Löfvendahl, Martin, Klemmensen, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Forskningen pekar på en konflikt mellan de krav vissa arbetsgivare har på att alkohol- och drogtesta sina anställda, respektive den eventuella ovilja arbetstagare av integritetsskäl kan ha att bli testade. I detta sammanhang råder det en oklarhet om vilka attityder svenska sjömän har till att bli alkohol- och drogtestade ombord på arbetsplatsen. Syftet med denna uppsats blev därför att undersöka svenska sjömäns attityder till att genomgå slumpmässiga alkohol- och drogtester ombord. Genom intervjuer av fjorton testerfarna och testoerfarna sjömän genomfördes en kvalitativ tematisk innehållsanalys av sjömännens attityder till testerna. Resultatet visade att sjömännen till skillnad från tidigare forskning hade positiva eller neutrala attityder till testerna. De upplevde inte obehag eller en känsla av att vara övervakade eller kränkta. Stämningen på arbetsplatsen blev inte märkbart sämre och tilltron till arbetsgivaren var oförändrad. Sjömännen var väl medvetna om reglerna och rutinerna för alkohol- och drogtesterna och deltog samarbetsvilligt i testerna utan protester. Attityderna mellan de testerfarna och testoerfarna sjömännen var mycket snarlika, med den mindre skillnaden att de testoerfarna sjömännen hade mindre kunskaper om reglerna kring testerna samt antog felaktigt att stämningen på arbetsplatsen skulle bli sämre om tester skulle införas. / This thesis focuses on the relationship between the requirements that some employers have involving alcohol and drug testing of employees, and the potential resistance that employees may have to such tests as regards integrity issues. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate Swedish seafarers’ attitudes to undergoing random alcohol and drug testing on board. Through interviews with fourteen both test-experienced and non-test-experienced seafarers a qualitative thematic content analysis of seafarers’ attitudes to the tests was conducted. The results show that contrary to previous research, the seafarers had positive or neutral attitudes to the tests. The seafarers did not experience any feeling of discomfort or of being monitored and the atmosphere of the workplace and trust for the employer remained unchanged. The seafarers cooperated in the tests without protests. The attitudes of the test-experienced and the non-test-experienced seafarers were similar. One difference however was found in that the non-test-experienced seafarers had less knowledge of rules and procedures regarding the tests and believed that the atmosphere of the workplace would be negatively affected if the tests were to be introduced.

Užívání a nadužívání drog v jednotlivých typech střeních škol na Teplicku a jejich vzájemná komparace / Using and overusing of drugs in individual types of high schools in the region of Teplice and their mutual comparison

VÁCLAVOVÁ, Petra January 2009 (has links)
The thesis addresses the issue of use and abuse of drugs in individual types of secondary schools in the district of Teplice and their mutual comparison. The theoretical part describes the issue of drug and other than drug addictions and their impacts on the target population of the secondary-school youth. It also describes individual drugs in respect of their effects and risks of intoxication, protective factors and risk situations. The research was conducted in secondary schools in the district of Teplice. The comparison involved a secondary vocational school, a secondary technical school ended with the final school-leaving examination and a grammar school. The first hypothesis assumes that most of students attending secondary schools have experience in respect of drugs. The second hypothesis assumes that drugs are taken for the first time before reaching the fifteenth year of age. The third hypothesis assumes that the drug most widespread among students is marihuana. The last hypothesis assumes that the minimum of three per cent of students have experience in sniffing of volatile substances.

A content analysis of the National Drug Master Plan 2006-2011 from a social development perspective

Geyer, Stephan 05 December 2012 (has links)
The goal of this study was to analyse and describe the content of the National Drug Master Plan 2006-2011 (NDMP2) from a social development perspective. In order to achieve this goal, a quantitative research approach was adopted to determine objectively whether indicators of social development are encapsulated in the manifest content of the NDMP2. To this end a cross-sectional survey research design guided the study. A checklist, as a data collection instrument, was developed and utilised to collect data. The validity, that is face and content validity, and reliability (r = 0.98) of the checklist, was confirmed. From the raw data, descriptive statistics, specifically frequencies and percentages, were calculated. Three different genres of policy analysis were undertaken to answer the following research question: “Is the content of the NDMP2 in accordance with a social development perspective?” The key finding of the study was that, holistically interpreted, the NDMP2 is in accordance with a social development perspective because all ten the identified dimensions of a social development theoretical framework, i.e. capital development, innovation, integrated service delivery strategy, intervention by social service professionals, levels of service delivery, mandate, partnerships, principles, a rights-based approach and target groups, are captured in the content of the policy, albeit with different prominence. In addition, it was found that the NDMP2 has specific limitations due to the exclusion of several indicators of social development. It was concluded that the content of the NDMP2 has both strengths and limitations, when interpreted from a social development perspective. Amongst the strengths of the NDMP2 are the following: a multi-sectoral approach; bridging of the micro-macro divide; and provision for vulnerable groups, with the emphasis on the youth and children. The limitations of the NDMP2 are that its strategic framework fails to give equal weight to harm reduction strategies, alongside demand and supply reduction strategies; economic capital development is totally omitted; clear indicators for the monitoring and evaluating of policy are absent; treatment, as a level of service delivery, receives the most attention at the expense of prevention, early intervention and aftercare and reintegration services; a human-rights approach towards service delivery is not adequately emphasised; and, lastly, the NDMP2 does not make provision for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people as a vulnerable group. To align future National Drug Master Plans (i.e. NDMP 2012-2016) with a social development approach, the recommendations are, amongst others, to ensure equal attention is given to demand, supply and harm reduction strategies; to include economic capital development in the service delivery framework; to illuminate clear indicators for policy evaluation purposes; to provide equal weight to all levels of service delivery; and to ensure a human-rights approach to service delivery is clearly delineated. Future research could compare the content of all the National Drug Master Plans in South Africa as valuable insights could be obtained about the development of such policies and the alignment of these plans with a social development approach. Copyright / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Problematika užívání návykových látek a školní prostředí / Issue of substance abuse and school environment

Šmejkalová, Jaroslava January 2016 (has links)
The thesis investigates the theoretical knowledge about the issue of addictive substances and personal experience with their use for pupils 6. and 8. classes of primary school and for students 2. and 4. year of the grammar school. In the first part of my work, I focused on the definition of basic concepts, the outline of the characters and the possible causes that lead to addiction to drugs, I presented the most commonly used drugs and identified the possibilities of drug prevention. The second part is devoted to a survey in the form of a questionnaire, which directly examines the knowledge and experience with the drug specific age groups of pupils and students. This work could be material for teachers who want to participate in the drug prevention.

Acolhimento como pr?tica psicol?gica no contexto de um Centro de Aten??o Psicossocial em ?lcool e Drogas / Welcoming as a psychological practice in the context of a Psychosocial Care Center on Alcohol and Drugs

Zini, Renato Luis 05 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RENATO LUIS ZINI.pdf: 1427658 bytes, checksum: 7c80a7801d1d0faac14eae07f351aaac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-05 / This phenomenological research aimed to apprehend the experience of persons who have been attended in a Psychosocial Care Center on Alcohol and Drugs - CAPS - located in a medium size town in S?o Paulo state in the context of the practice of welcoming made effective by a psychologist. This practice has been regarded as one of the facilitator contrivance for the consolidation of the National Health Humanization Program, implemented by the Ministry of Health since 2004. Although, the act of welcoming is recommended as interdisciplinary and inserted into the routine of all professionals and services related to Brazilian Public Health, the purpose was to analyze it from the perspective of a humanistic oriented psychologist. This is a qualitative phenomenological research based on the encounters of the researcher and the participants on the context of a duty care routine service. Thirty-six adults of both sexes were interviewed including those who attended the service for the first time and those who returned to treatment after a period of neglect during the period of September 2011 and August 2012. From these thirty-six people, fifteen were selected to participate in the research. As a strategy for the analysis of the encounters with the participants, there were constructed written narratives that enabled the researcher to approach with elements of the experience of these people from his own impressions on meeting them in a dialogic relationship. The results showed significant elements that emerged from these clinical encounters: 1) self-image: the participants refer to themselves as people who can undertake changes in the way of living towards the physical and psychological health; feel hopeful about the possibility of recovery from treatment adherence; 2) relationship with the body: the experience revealed a split between the physical body and its symbolization leading them to neglect the information transmitted to them by service technicians as to be carriers of serious physical ailments and other health problems; 3 ) selfperception: they preserve the condition of narrating their own life story, relating facts and relevant events that impelled them to be in the present condition; 4) affective relationships: the beginning of the use of chemicals is associated with emotionally relevant people, but it is also, the decision to seek help to get rid of addiction, 5) suffering because of the manner they are living as a trigger for seeking professional help, 6) relationship with drugs consumption: independent of the substance(s) sed, most of the time, consumption was reported by participants as something that they had already stopped when they took the initiative to seek help from CAPS.Participants felt welcomed during the encounters due to the empathic attitude and acceptance of the psychologist. The practice of welcoming performed in this study regarded the well-known institutional practice of psychology on duty care as proposed by Brazilian psychologists as an intervention made effective by the means of some specific attitudes held by the psychologists in order to receive clients psychological emergency demand. Thus, it was possible to realize the importance of a dialogic relationship to engage an experiential process that provides the client with a rescue of his/her subjectivity. / A pesquisa objetivou apreender fenomenologicamente a experi?ncia de pessoas atendidas em um Centro de Aten??o Psicossocial em ?lcool e Drogas, situado em um munic?pio do interior do estado de S?o Paulo, a partir da pr?tica de acolhimento efetivada por um psic?logo. Esta pr?tica tem sido considerada como um dos dispositivos facilitadores para a consolida??o do Programa Nacional de Humaniza??o em Sa?de, implementado a partir de 2004 pelo Minist?rio da Sa?de. Embora o ato do acolhimento seja preconizado como interdisciplinar e inserido na rotina de todos os profissionais e servi?os de sa?de p?blica brasileiros, procurou-se analis?-lo sob a perspectiva da pr?tica de um psic?logo de orienta??o humanista. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de inspira??o fenomenol?gica e o contexto escolhido para os encontros do pesquisador com os participantes foi o atendimento rotineiro de plant?o. Foram entrevistadas trinta e seis pessoas adultas de ambos os sexos que compareceram ao servi?o pela primeira vez ou retornaram ao tratamento ap?s um per?odo de abandono, entre os meses de setembro de 2011 e agosto de 2012. Destas, foram selecionadas quinze para participarem da pesquisa. Como estrat?gia para a an?lise dos encontros com os participantes foram constru?das narrativas que possibilitaram ao pesquisador uma aproxima??o com elementos da experi?ncia dessas pessoas a partir de suas pr?prias impress?es ao estar com elas numa rela??o dial?gica. Os resultados evidenciaram elementos significativos que emergiram dos atendimentos: 1) autoimagem: os participantes referem-se a si mesmos como pessoas capazes de empreender mudan?as na forma de viver em dire??o ? sa?de f?sica e psicol?gica; sentemse esperan?osos em rela??o ? possibilidade de recupera??o a partir da ades?o ao tratamento; 2) rela??o com o corpo: revelou-se a experi?ncia de uma cis?o entre o corpo f?sico e sua simboliza??o, levando-os a negligenciarem as informa??es que lhes eram transmitidas pelos t?cnicos do servi?o quanto a serem portadores de mol?stias f?sicas graves e outros agravos ? sa?de; 3) percep??o de si: preservam a condi??o de narrarem sua pr?pria hist?ria de vida, relacionando fatos e eventos relevantes que os impeliram a estar na condi??o atual; 4) rela??es afetivas: o in?cio do uso de subst?ncias qu?micas est? associado a pessoas afetivamente relevantes; da mesma forma em rela??o ? decis?o de procurar por ajuda para livrar-se da depend?ncia; 5) sofrimento face a maneira como se est? vivendo como elemento desencadeador da busca por ajuda profissional; 6) rela??o com o consumo de drogas: independente da(s) subst?ncia(s) usada(s), o consumo era referido pelos participantes na maioria das vezes como algo que j? haviam deixado, assim que tomaram a iniciativa de procurar pelo CAPS. Os participantes sentiram-se acolhidos durante os atendimentos em fun??o da postura emp?tica e aceitadora do psic?logo. Os atendimentos realizados assemelham-se ao plant?o psicol?gico como pr?tica de interven??o cl?nica em institui??es quanto ?s atitudes do plantonista e a sua forma de acolher a demanda do cliente. Foi poss?vel constatar a import?ncia de uma rela??o dial?gica para o desencadear de um processo experiencial que disponibiliza ao cliente um resgate de sua subjetividade.

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