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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Élucidation des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’expression aberrante du récepteur au peptide insulinotropique glucose-dépendant (GIP) dans les tumeurs du cortex de la glande surrénale

Lampron, Antoine 10 1900 (has links)
Les tumeurs du cortex surrénalien sont variées et fréquentes dans la population. Bien que des mutations aient été identifiées dans certains syndromes familiaux, les causes génétiques menant à la formation de tumeur du cortex surrénalien ne sont encore que peu connues. Un sous-type de ces tumeurs incluent les hyperplasies macronodulaires et sont pressenties comme la voie d’entrée de la tumorigenèse du cortex surrénalien. L’événement génétique le plus fréquemment observé dans ces tumeurs est l’expression aberrante d’un ou plusieurs récepteurs couplés aux protéines G qui contrôle la production de stéroïdes ainsi que la prolifération cellulaire. L’événement génétique menant à l’expression aberrante de ces récepteurs est encore inconnu. En utilisant le récepteur au peptide insulinotropique dépendant du glucose (GIP) comme modèle, cette étude se propose d’identifier les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans l’expression aberrante du récepteur au GIP (GIPR) dans les tumeurs du cortex surrénalien. Une partie clinique de cette étude se penchera sur l’identification de nouveaux cas de tumeurs surrénaliennes exprimant le GIPR de façon aberrante. Les patients étudiés seront soumis à un protocole d’investigation in vivo complet et les tumeurs prélevées seront étudiées extensivement in vitro par RT-PCR en temps réel, culture primaire des tumeurs, immunohistochimie et biopuces. Le lien entre le GIP et la physiologie normal sera également étudiée de cette façon. Une autre partie de l’étude utilisera les nouvelles techniques d’investigation à grande échelle en identifiant le transcriptome de différents cas de tumeurs exprimant le GIPR de façon aberrante. L’importance fonctionnelle des gènes identifiée par ces techniques sera confirmée dans des modèles cellulaires. Cette étude présente pour la première des cas de tumeurs productrices d’aldostérone présentant des réponses aberrantes, auparavant confinées aux tumeurs productrice de cortisol ou d’androgènes surrénaliens. Le cas probant présenté avait une production d’aldostérone sensible au GIP, le GIPR était surexprimé au niveau de l’ARNm et un fort marquage a été identifié dans la tumeur spécifiquement. Dans les surrénales normales, cette étude démontre que le GIP est impliqué dans le contrôle de la production d’aldostérone. Ces résultats ont été confirmés in vitro. Finalement, le profilage à grande échelle des niveaux d’expression de tous les gènes du génome a permis d’isoler une liste de gènes spécifiquement liés à la présence du GIPR dans des hyperplasies du cortex surrénalien. Cette liste inclus la périlipine, une protéine de stockage des lipides dans les adipocytes et la glande surrénale, dont l’expression est fortement réprimée dans les cas GIP-dépendant. Des études dans un modèle cellulaire démontrent que la répression de ce gène par siRNA est suffisante pour induire l’expression du récepteur au GIP et que cette protéine est impliquée dans la stimulation de la stéroïdogénèse par le GIP. En alliant des méthodes d’investigation in vivo de pointe à des techniques in vitro avancée, cette étude offre de nouveaux regards sur les liens entre le GIP et la physiologie de la glande surrénale, que ce soit dans des conditions normales ou pathologiques. / Tumors of the adrenal cortex are varied and frequently found in the population. Aside from rare family cases in which mutations have been identified, the genetic events leading to the formation of adrenocortical tumors remain obscure. A subtype of these tumors includes macronodular hyperplasias, now percieved as the entry point of adrenocortical tumorigenesis. The most commonly observed molecular event in these cases is the presence of aberrantly expressed G-protein coupled receptor that drive steroid production and cellular proliferation. The genetic events leading to these aberrant levels of expression are unknown. This study will use the Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP) receptor as a model to identify the molecular mecanisms leading to the aberrant expression of the GIP receptor (GIPR) in adrenocortical tumors. The first part of the study will be a clinical investigation of new cases of adrenocortical tumors to screen for aberrant responses to GIP in various types of these tumors. The patients will be evaluated by a thorough clinical investigation protocol and the resected tumors will be extensively analysed in vitro, using real-time RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, microarray and primary cultures of the tumors. The link between GIP and the normal physiology of the adrenal cortex will also be assessed in normal subjects. The second part of the study will use novel large-scale investigation techniques to determine the transcriptome of different cases of adrenocortical tumors expressing aberrant levels of the GIPR. The functional importance of identified genes will be assessed in cellular models. This study presents the first cases of aldosterone-producing tumors with aberrant responses to hormones, previously confined to cortisol- or androgen producing tumors. The case presented showed an aldosterone production sensitive, among others, to GIP. The GIPR’s mRNA was strongly over expressed and a specific staining was observed in immunohistochemistry. The responses were confirmed in primary cultures of the tumor. In normal adrenals, a role for the control of aldosterone by GIP was also demonstrated. Finally, large-scale profiling of the transcriptome led to the identification of a list of genes with expression levels strictly related to the presence of the GIPR in adrenocortical hyperplasias. One of these genes, perilipin, was strongly repressed specifically in GIP-dependent cases. siRNA techniques were used in a cellular model and confirmed that the repression of perilipin is sufficient to induce the expression of GIPR and that this protein is implicated in the GIP induced steroidogenesis. Allying state-of-the-art in vivo investigation methods to advanced in vitro techniques, the present study identifies novel insights on the link between GIP and the normal adrenal physiology, in normal and pathological conditions.

Effect of Tulbaghia violacea on the blood pressure and heart rate in male spontaneously hypertensive wistar rats

Raji, Ismaila January 2011 (has links)
<p>Tulbaghia violacea Harv. (Alliaceae) is a small bulbous herb which belongs to the family, Alliaceae, most commonly associated with onions and garlic. In South Africa (SA), this&nbsp / herb has been traditionally used in the treatment of various ailments, including fever, colds, asthma, paralysis, hypertension (HTN) and stomach problems. The aim of this study&nbsp / was to evaluate the effect of methanol leaf extracts (MLE) of T. violacea on the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in anaesthetized male spontaneously hypertensive rats / &nbsp / and to find out the mechanism(s) by which it acts. The MLE of T. violacea (5 - 150 mg/kg), angiotensin I (ang I, 3.1 - 100 &mu / g/kg), captopril (10 mg/kg), angiotensin II (ang II, 3.1 - 50&nbsp / g/kg), losartan (30 mg/kg), phenylephrine (0.01 &ndash / 0.16 mg/kg), prazosin (1 mg/kg), dobutamine (0.2 &ndash / 10.0 &mu / g/kg), propranolol (0.1 - 12.8 mg/kg), muscarine (0.16 -10 &mu / g/kg),&nbsp / and atropine (0.02 - 20.48 mg/kg) were administered intravenously into male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) weighing between 300 g and 350 g and aged less than 5&nbsp / months. The MLE of T. violacea and/or the standard drugs were infused alone, simultaneously, or separately into each animal. The BP and HR were measured via a pressure&nbsp / transducer connecting the femoral artery and the Powerlab. The vehicle (0.2 mls of a mixture of dimethylsulfoxide and normal saline), T. violacea (60 mg/kg) and captopril (10&nbsp / mg/kg) were injected intraperitoneally into some SHR for 21 days to investigate the chronic effect of these agents on plasma levels of aldosterone. The mean change, the mean&nbsp / of the individual percentage changes and the percentage difference (in mean) observed with each intervention was calculated and statistically analyzed using the Student&rsquo / s t test&nbsp / for significant difference (p &lt / 0.05). The Microsoft Excel software was used for statistical analysis. T. violacea significantly (p &lt / 0.05) reduced the systolic, diastolic, and mean&nbsp / arterial BP / and HR dose-dependently. In a dose-dependent manner, ang I, ang II, phenylephrine significantly (p &lt / 0.05) increased the BP, while propranolol, muscarine and&nbsp / atropine reduced the BP. The increases in BP due to dobutamine were not dose-dependent. In a dose dependent manner, phenylephrine and propranolol reduced the HR, while dobutamine increased the HR. The effect of ang I, ang II, muscarine and atropine on HR were not dose-dependent / with both increases as well as decreases observed with ang&nbsp / I, and II and atropine, while decreases were seen with muscarine. Captopril produced&nbsp / significant (p &lt / 0.05) reduction in BP which were not associated with any change in HR. The co-infusion of ang I with the MLE produced significant (p &lt / 0.05) reduction in BP, which were not associated with significant changes in HR. The co-infusion of ang II with the&nbsp / MLE did not produce any significant changes in BP or HR when compared to the infusion of the standard drug alone. The co-infusion of phenylephrine with the MLE did not&nbsp / produce any significant change in BP or HR when compared to the values obtained with the infusion of the standard drug alone, in both the absence and presence of prazosin.&nbsp / The co-infusion of dobutamine with T. violacea produced siginificant (p &lt / 0.05) increases in DBP which were associated with significant (p &lt / 0.05) reductions in HR, when&nbsp / compared to the values obtained with the infusion of the standard drug alone. Theco-infusion of atropine with the MLE did not produce any significant change in BP or HR when&nbsp / compared to the values obtained with the infusion of atropine alone. However, the infusion of T. violacea, 20 minutes after pre-treating animals with atropine (5.12 mg/kg) lead to&nbsp / dose dependent significant (p &lt / 0.05) increases in BP, which were associated with dose-dependent increases in HR. The chronic treatment of animals with T. violacea or&nbsp / captropril produced (a) signicant (p &lt / 0.05) reductions in the plasma levels of aldosterone when compared to the values obtained in the vehicle-treated group, (b) produced&nbsp / signifiant (p &lt / 0.05) reduction in BP in the captopril treated group when compared to the vehicle-treated, (c) did not produce any signficant change in BP in the T. violacea-treated&nbsp / group when compared to the vehicle-treated group and (d) did not produce any signifiant change in HR or body weight in any of the groups. The result obtained in this study&nbsp / suggests that T. violacea reduced BP and HR in the SHR. Secondly, the BP and HR reducing effect of the MLE may involve a) the inhibition of the ACE, b) the inhibition of the &beta / 1&nbsp / adrenoceptors, c) the stimulation of the muscarinic receptors and d) the reduction of the levels of aldosternone in plasma. The results also&nbsp / suggest that the MLE may not act&nbsp / through the angiotensin II receptors or the &alpha / 1 adrenergic receptors.&nbsp / </p>

Implication de polymorphismes génétiques dans la prédisposition des humains à l'insuffisance cardiaque et leur réponse au traitement pharmacothérapeutique.

Zakrzewski-Jakubiak, Marcin 11 1900 (has links)
Le système cardiovasculaire est composé d'un cœur qui pompe régulièrement le sang à travers des artères afin d'alimenter tous les tissus corporels en oxygène et nutriments qui leur sont nécessaires. Une caractéristique particulière de ce système est son aspect fermé, où le sang fait un cycle constant commençant par le ventricule gauche, allant vers tous les tissus corporels, revenant vers le cœur et le ventricule droit, étant propulsé vers la circulation pulmonaire en retournant au ventricule gauche. L'insuffisance cardiaque est alors une incapacité du cœur à effectuer sa tâche de pomper le sang efficacement. Une série d'ajustements sont alors enclenchés pour rétablir un débit sanguin adéquat; cette réponse systémique est principalement menée par le système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone ainsi que par le système adrénergique. À court terme, le flot sanguin est rétabli et le métabolisme corporel continue comme si rien n'était, de telle sorte que, souvent ce stade passe inaperçu et les individus qui en sont affectés sont asymptomatiques. Cependant, le cœur doit alors fournir un effort constant supérieur et si la cause n'est pas résolue, la condition cardiaque se dégradera encore plus. Si tel est le cas, pour s'ajuster à cette nouvelle réalité, le cœur, comme tout muscle, deviendra plus massif et changera de conformation afin de répondre à sa nouvelle charge de travail. Cette transformation cardiaque est communément connue sous le terme de remodelage. Par contre, le remodelage cardiaque est délétère à long terme et entrave encore plus le cœur à bien effectuer sa tâche. Au fur et à mesure que la fonction cardiaque décline, les systèmes compensatoires persistent et s'intensifient; il y a alors établissement d'un cercle vicieux destructeur qui ne peut être renversé que par une transplantation cardiaque. Entre temps, des thérapies inhibant le système rénine-angiotensine-aldostérone et le système adrénergique se sont avérés très efficaces pour prolonger la survie, diminuer la mortalité, réduire les hospitalisations ainsi que soulager la symptomatologie associée à l'insuffisance cardiaque. Par contre, ces régimes thérapeutiques ne semblent pas induire une réponse positive chez tous les patients, de sorte que certains n'en retirent pas de bénéfices tangibles, tandis que d'autres éprouvent plusieurs difficultés à les tolérer. Suite à des analyses rétrospectives, surtout en comparant la réponse thérapeutique entre des populations de diverses ethnies, les variations génétiques, particulièrement les polymorphismes ayant le potentiel de moduler le mécanisme d'action de la pharmacothérapie, furent proposés comme responsables de cette variabilité dans la réponse aux médicaments. Certains ont aussi proposé que certains polymorphismes pourraient être considérés comme des facteurs de risque prédisposant à l'insuffisance cardiaque ou coupables de moduler sa progression en tant que facteurs aggravants ou atténuants. Avec de telles hypothèses proposées, plusieurs associations génétiques furent étudiées en commençant par des gènes directement impliqués dans la pathogénèse de cette maladie. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous allons revoir les diverses données disponibles dans la littérature au sujet de l'influence que peuvent avoir les divers polymorphismes impliqués dans la prédisposition, la progression et la pharmacogénétique de l'insuffisance cardiaque. / The cardiovascular system is composed of a heart that regularly pumps blood through the arteries in order to meet the peripheral tissues' demand for oxygen and nutrients. One particularity of this system is its closed aspect where the blood constantly travels in a circular fashion: starting from the left ventricle it is thrusted towards the body tissues, returns to the right side of the heart, is propelled through the pulmonary circulation by the right ventricle and returns again to its starting point, the left ventricle. Heart failure is then the incapacity of the heart to perform its task of appropriately pumping blood. A series of adjustments are then put in place in order to restore an adequate blood flow; this systemic response is mainly lead by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and the adrenergic systems. In the short term, the proper blood flow is re-established and the body's metabolism is mainly not affected. This initial stage goes frequently unnoticed and the affected individuals are essentially asymptomatic. However, the heart now needs to deliver a constantly elevated effort and if the precipitating cause is not resolved, the cardiac condition will degrade even further. If this is the case, to adjust itself to this new state, as would any muscle, the heart will become more massive and change its conformation in order to respond to this new workload. This transformation of the heart is commonly referred to as remodelling. However, in the long run, this cardiac remodelling is detrimental and hinders even further the ability of the heart to effectively perform its task. As the cardiac function declines, the compensatory systems persist and intensify; a destructive vicious cycle is then established which will ultimately lead to a heart transplantation or death. In the meantime, therapies inhibiting the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone and the adrenergic systems were found to be very effective in prolonging lifespan, diminishing mortality, reducing hospitalisations and relieving some of the symptomatology associated with heart failure. However, these therapeutic strategies do not seem to induce a positive response in all, thus some patients do not derive any tangible benefits, whereas others experience many difficulties in tolerating them. Following retrospective analysis, especially when comparing the therapeutic response between different ethnic populations, the genetic variations, particularly polymorphisms having the potential to modulate the mechanism of action of pharmacotherapy, were put forward as culprits of this variability in response to medications. Furthermore, some researchers have also suggested that certain polymorphisms might be considered as risk factors predisposing towards heart failure or capable of modulating its progression, whether they act as aggravating or attenuation factors. With such hypothesis, many genetic associations were studied, many starting with genes directly implicated in the pathogenesis of this disease. Within the framework of this thesis, we will review the current data available in the literature as it pertains to the influence that various polymorphisms can have on the predisposition, the progression and the pharmacogenetics of heart failure.

Le rôle de l’aldostérone sur le remodelage structurel pulmonaire et la fonction ventriculaire droite en insuffisance cardiaque congestive

Chabot, Andréanne 08 1900 (has links)
INTRODUCTION : L’insuffisance cardiaque congestive (ICC) induit remodelage pulmonaire et dysfonction ventriculaire droite (VD) qui contribuent de façon importante à la morbidité/mortalité. Malgré l’efficacité prouvée, l’antagonisme des récepteurs minéralocorticoïdes est sous-utilisé en ICC et ses mécanismes d’actions demeurent incompris. Nous avons évalué si l’Aldostérone contribue au remodelage pulmonaire et à la dysfonction VD en stimulant la prolifération des myofibroblastes (MYFs) pulmonaires. MÉTHODE ET RÉSULTATS : L’étude a été réalisée chez des rats avec infarctus du myocarde (IM) de taille modérée à grande permettant le développement de l’ICC. Deux semaines après l’IM, les rats ont été traités avec 100mg/kg/jour d’Aldactone ou non, pendant trois semaines et comparé à un groupe témoin (N=21;24;8). Comparativement au groupe témoin, les rats IM ont développé une ICC caractérisée par une réduction de la fraction de raccourcissement du VG (53±1%vs.16±2%, moyenne±ESM, P<0.0001), une hypertension pulmonaire (PSVD:27±1vs.40±3mmHg, P<0.01) et une hypertrophie VD (VD/(VG+Septum):24±1%vs.38±3%, P<0.05). L’Aldactone n’a eu aucun effet sur ces paramètres. Les rats IM ont développé un syndrome pulmonaire caractérisé par un abaissement de la courbe respiratoire pression-volume, un remodelage structurel pulmonaire avec doublement du poids poumon sec (P<0.01) et de la fibrose pulmonaire avec augmentation du taux de collagène dans les poumons (P<0.05). L’Aldactone n’a pas restauré la fonction pulmonaire. Enfin, les MYFs pulmonaires isolés n’ont pas proliféré avec l’exposition de 48h aux deux traitements d’Aldostérone (10-7M, 10-6M). CONCLUSION : L’Aldostérone ne contribue pas au remodelage pulmonaire et à la dysfonction VD associés à l’ICC. D’autres mécanismes d’actions sont responsables des effets bénéfiques de l’Aldactone. / BACKGROUND: Congestive heart failure (CHF) can induce pulmonary remodeling and RV dysfunction, which importantly contribute to morbidity and mortality. Despite proven efficacy, antagonism of mineralocorticoid receptors is underused in CHF and the mechanisms of its benefits still debated. We hypothesized that Aldosterone contributes to pulmonary remodeling and RV dysfunction by stimulating lung myofibroblasts (MYFs) proliferation. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied rats with moderate to large myocardial infarcts (MI) to allow CHF development. Two weeks after MI, rats were treated with Aldactone 100mg/kg/day (N=21) or untreated (N=24) for three weeks and compared to a sham group (N=8). Five weeks after MI, infarct size was similar in the two MI groups, both by ultrasound and pathologic measures. Compared to sham, the MI-untreated group developed CHF with reduced LV fractional shortening (53±1%vs.16±2%; mean±SEM, P<0.0001), pulmonary hypertension (RVSP:27±1vs.40±3mmHg, P<0.01) and RV hypertrophy (RV/(LV+septum):24±1%vs.38±3%, P<0.05). Aldactone treatment had no effect on these parameters and did not improve LV or RV performance. CHF induced a restrictive respiratory syndrome characterized by a downward shift of the respiratory pressure-volume loop, important lung remodeling with nearly doubling of dry lung weight (P<0.01) and evidence of lung fibrosis demonstrated by histological lung collagen fractional area (P<0.05). The Aldactone therapy could not restore pulmonary function. Finally, isolated lung MYFs did not proliferate after 48hr exposure to aldosterone (10-7M and 10-6M). CONCLUSION: Aldosterone does not contribute to pulmonary remodeling and RV dysfunction associated with CHF. Other mechanisms of action must be responsible for the beneficial effects of Aldactone in CHF.

Implication de polymorphismes génétiques dans la prédisposition des humains à l'insuffisance cardiaque et leur réponse au traitement pharmacothérapeutique

Zakrzewski-Jakubiak, Marcin 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A N-acetilcisteína atenua a progressão da doença renal crônica / N-acetylcysteine attenuates the progression of chronic kidney disease

Maria Heloisa Massola Shimizu 01 December 2005 (has links)
Os biomarcadores do estresse oxidativo encontram-se elevados na urina e no plasma dos pacientes renais crônicos. A aldosterona (ALD) contribui para a lesão renal no modelo de rins remanescentes. Objetivos: 1- Determinar o efeito do antioxidante N-acetilcisteína (NAC) sobre a função renal e a aldosterona plasmática de animais com IRC. 2- Avaliar o efeito da NAC sobre a evolução da IRC, mesmo quando administrada tardiamente. 3- Avaliar os efeitos da NAC associada a Espironolactona (Spi). Material e Métodos: Ratos adultos Wistar machos foram submetidos a nefrectomia de 5/6 (Nx). No estudo 1: Animais foram tratados ou não com NAC na dose de (600mg/l na água de beber) iniciado 7dias após nefrectomia (Nx). Estudos de clearance foram realizados em todos os grupos, 21, 60 e 120 dias após Nx. No estudo 2: 6 animais foram tratados com NAC após 60 dias de Nx e estudados 120 dias após NX. No estudo 3: Os ratos foram tratados com Spi (1.5g/kg de dieta) associados ou não com NAC, ambos iniciados a partir do 7º dia da nefrectomia e estudados 60 dias após a Nx. Em todos os grupos foram avaliados: clearance de inulina (RFG, ml/min/100g peso); proteinúria (Uvpr., mg/24h); aldosterona plasmática (ng/dl); relação potássio/sódio urinário (UK/UNa), pressão arterial (mmHg), TBARS urinário (nmoles/24h) e o índice de glomeruloesclerose (%). Resultados: A ingestão média de NAC foi similar nos respectivos grupos tratados. Significante diminuição de TBARS (marcador de peroxidação lipídica), foi observada nos ratos Nx tratados com NAC (mesmo quando administrado tardiamente). O principal resultado deste estudo foi que a administração de NAC nos animais com nefrectomia de 5/6, protegeu a filtração glomerular (GFR) significativamente, com uma média de clearance de inulina de 0.45 ml/min (50% dos valores normais), mantendose estável 120 dias após a nefrectomia (0,51 ± 0,03). Ao contrário, GFR diminuiu progressivamente nos animais não tratados (0,16 ± 0,03). Nos animais Nx+NAC, a proteinúria, o índice de glomeruloesclerose e a pressão arterial, apresentaram diminuição após 120 dias de Nx e hipertrofia dos corações e das adrenais foram atenuadas. Estes efeitos benéficos estão associados com uma significante redução da aldosterona plasmática e da razão UK/UNa (marcador indireto da ação tubular da aldosterona) e foram observados mesmo com a administração tardia de NAC (60 dias após Nx). A mortalidade foi de 33% no grupo de Nx120, 25% no grupo Nx120+NAC e 10% nos animais Nx120+60NAC. No estudo 3: A espironolactona isoladamente diminuiu a proteinúria dos animais Nx, entretanto, quando associada a NAC promoveu maior proteção da filtração glomerular (Nx60 + NAC+Spi = 0,59±0,04 vs.Nx + 60 + NAC = 0,47 ± 0,05, p < 0,001) e menor pressão arterial (136±2mmHg) do que nos animais tratados apenas com NAC (154 ± 2 mmHg). Conclusões: 1. O antioxidante NAC exerceu efeito protetor sobre a filtração glomerular de ratos com insuficiência renal crônica, mesmo quando administrado tardiamente, além de diminuir as concentrações de aldosterona e TBARS, marcador de peroxidação lipídica. 2. A associação de NAC e espironolactona proporcionou efeito benéfico aditivo sobre a filtração glomerular, acompanhado de uma maior queda da pressão arterial. / Oxidative stress biomarkers are increased in urine and plasma from renal chronic patients. Aldosterone (ALD) contributes to the kidney lesion in the remnant kidney model. Objectives: This studies was carried out to: 1- Determine the effect of antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on kidney function and plasma aldosterone on animals with chronic renal failure (CRF); 2- Evaluate the effect of NAC on the CRF evolution, even when administered at a later stage; 3- Evaluate the effects of NAC associated with spironolactone (SPI). Material and Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were submitted to 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx). In study 1: Animals were treated or not with NAC (600 mg/l in drinking water), started 7 days after Nx. Clearance studies were performed on all rats at 21, 60 and 120 days after Nx. In study 2: 6 rats were treated with NAC initiated 60 days after Nx and studied 120 days after Nx. In study 3: rats were treated with Spi (1.5 g/Kg diet) associated or not to NAC, both initiated 7 days after Nx-treated rats and studied 60 days after Nx. In all experiments the following were measured: inulin clearance (GRF, ml/min/100g body weight); proteinuria (Uvpr, mg/24h); plasma aldosterone (ng/dl); urinary potassium/sodium ratio (UK/UNa); blood pressure (mmHg); urinary TBARS (nmoles/24h) and glomerulosclerosis index (%). Results: Mean daily NAC ingestion was similar in respective treated groups. A significant decrease in urinary TBARS (an index of lipid peroxidation) was observed in the NAC treated rats even when administered at a later stage. The main new finding of this study is that NAC administration to 5/6-Nx rats protects the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) significantly, with a mean inulin clearance of 0.45 (50% of the normal values), remaining stable 120 days following nephrectomy (0.51±0.03). Conversely, GFR fell progressively in untreated rats (0.16±0.03). In Nx+NAC rats, proteinuria, glomerulosclerosis index and blood pressure all decreased by day 120, and heart and adrenal hypertrophy were attenuated. These beneficial effects were associated with a significant reduction in plasma aldosterone and urinary sodium/potassium (UK/UNa) ratio (indirect marker of aldosterone tubular action) and were observed even when NAC was administered later (60 days after Nx). Mortality was 33% in the Nx 120 group, 25% in the Nx120+NAC group and 14.3% in the Nx120 (Nx60+60NAC). In study 3: Spironolactone isolatedly decreased proteinuria in the Nx animals, however when associated with NAC it caused more protection of GFR (Nx60+NAC+Spi = 0.59±0.04 vs Nx60+NAC = 0.47 ± 0.05, p < 0.001) and lower blood pressure (136±2 mmHg) than in the animals treated only with NAC (154±2 mmHg). The combination of Spi and NAC lowered blood pressure and improve GFR protection. Conclusion: 1. In the remnant kidney model, NAC has a protective effect attributable to decreased plasma aldosterone and lower of lipid peroxidation indicative of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) lower levels, even in the later stages. 2. Combination of NAC and Spi showed an extra beneficial effect over glomerular filtration, and a higher decrease of blood pressure.

Especificidade do apetite ao sódio: uma possível contribuição hormonal. / Sodium appetite specificity: a possible hormonal contribution.

David, Richard Boarato 24 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:22:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissRBD.pdf: 921826 bytes, checksum: 40bd9588528375b232a2fdf78d110ff9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-24 / The hypothesis of a synergy between two hormones responsible for sodium conservation, aldosterone and angiotensin II (ANG II), explains the expression of a characteristic of sodium appetite, hypertonic NaCl intake, in a hypovolemic animal. Hypertonic NaCl intake can be induced in normovolemic rats that received a combined treatment of mineralocorticoid and ANG II at individual doses not sufficient to induce sodium intake (paradigmatic synergy test). Considering the motivation to specific sodium intake another characteristic of sodium appetite, the objective of the present dissertation was to find out a role for the interaction between mineralocorticoid and ANG II on the specificity of sodium appetite. Sprague-Dawley Holtzman rats (&#8773; 300 g b.w.) were housed with access to water and one or more palatable (0.01 M KCl, 0.05 mM CaCl2, 0.15 M NaHCO3, 0.15 M NaCl) or hypertonic (0.50 M NaCl) mineral solutions for ingestion. In two-bottle tests, a bottle contained water and another bottle contained either 0.01 M KCl, 0.15 M NaHCO3, 0.15 M NaCl or 0.50 M NaCl. In five-bottle tests, a bottle contained water and each one of the remaining four bottles contained either 0.01 M KCl, 0.05 mM CaCl2, 0.15 M NaHCO3 or 0.15 M NaCl, respectively. In sodium depletion tests, intact rats received each a 10 mg sc. injection of furosemide or vehicle followed by 24 h access to sodium deficient food and water. Then, food was removed and mineral solutions and water were offered for recording their intake (sodium appetite test). In the paradigmatic synergy test, the animals received daily single sc injection of 2.5 mg of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) or sunflower oil (vehicle) for three days and a left lateral cerebroventricular injection of 50 ng of ANG II four hours after the last DOCA or oil injection. Fluid intake record began immediately after ANG II injection and food removal. The daily intake record showed no preference for any solution or water when animals had access to five bottles. Sodium depletion induced a preferential sodium intake, with higher NaCl than NaHCO3 intake, in either two- or five-bottle sodium appetite tests. DOCA alone enhanced the daily 0.15 M NaCl and NaHCO3 intake, but did not alter KCl or 0.50 M NaCl intake in two-bottle tests. In the paradigmatic tests with normovolemic animals, ANG II combined to oil induced the ingestion of all three palatable mineral solutions (KCl, NaHCO3, NaCl) and water, in two-bottle tests, and preference for NaHCO3 in five-bottle tests. DOCA pretreatment enhanced only sodium solution intake, particularly NaCl intake, induced by ANG II in two-bottle tests (0.15 M NaCl: DOCA/ANG II = 24.5 ± 6.7 ml/120 min. vs. OIL/ANG II = 9.2 ± 1.8 ml/120 min.; 0.15 M NaHCO3: DOCA/ANG II = 17.0 ± 1.8 ml/120 min. vs. OIL/ANG II = 14.6 ± 2.1 ml/120 min.; 0.01 M KCl: DOCA/ANG II = 9.8 ± 1.9 ml/120 min. vs. 11.9 ± 1.2 ml/120 min.), and enhanced by 80 % the total sodium solution intake in the beginning of the five-bottle test. The combined effect of DOCA with ANG II on the induction of 0.50 M NaCl intake in a two-bottle test was replicated in our animals. The results from the paradigmatic synergy test are coherent with results from sodium appetite tests, suggesting that the mineralocorticoid may turn the effect of ANG II on mineral intake more selective to sodium intake. Thus, the combined ANG II and mineralocorticoid action could contribute to the expression of two characteristics of sodium appetite, not only the acceptance of hypertonic sodium solutions, but also the selective sodium intake. / A hipótese do sinergismo entre dois hormônios responsáveis pela conservação de sódio, a aldosterona e a ANG II, explica uma característica do apetite ao sódio, a ingestão de NaCl hipertônico em um animal hipovolêmico. Ingestão de NaCl hipertônico pode ser induzida em ratos normovolêmicos que receberam um tratamento combinado de mineralocorticóide e ANG II, em doses individuais insuficientes para induzir a ingestão de sódio (teste paradigmático do sinergismo). Sendo a motivação para uma ingestão específica de sódio uma outra característica do apetite ao sódio, o objetivo desta dissertação foi o de procurar um papel para a interação entre mineralocorticóide e ANG II na especificidade do apetite ao sódio. Foram utilizados ratos Sprague-Dawley Holtzman (&#8773; 300 g p.c.) ambientados com livre acesso a bebedouros com água e uma ou mais soluções minerais palatáveis (KCl 0,01 M, CaCl2 0,05 mM, NaHCO3 0,15 M, NaCl 0,15 M) ou hipertônica (NaCl 0,50 M). Em testes de dois bebedouros, um dos bebedouros continha água e o outro, solução de KCl 0,01 M, NaHCO3 0,15 M, NaCl 0,15 M ou NaCl 0,50 M. Em testes de cinco bebedouros, um dos bebedouros continha água e cada um dos demais uma solução de KCl 0,01 M, CaCl2 0,05 mM, NaHCO3 0,15 M ou NaCl 0,15 M. Testes com dois ou cinco bebedouros foram empregados em animais depletados de sódio e no teste paradigmático do sinergismo. Nos testes de depleção de sódio, os animais receberam injeção sc de 10 mg de furosemida ou veículo, seguida de acesso a uma dieta hipossódica e água por vinte e quatro horas. Em seguida, o alimento foi removido e foram oferecidas soluções minerais para registro da ingestão das mesmas e de água (teste do apetite ao sódio). No teste paradigmático do sinergismo, os animais receberam injeção sc de 2,5 mg de acetato de desoxicorticosterona (DOCA) ou óleo de girassol (veículo) uma vez ao dia, durante três dias, e uma injeção de 50 ng de ANG II (ou salina) no ventrículo lateral esquerdo, quatro horas após a última injeção de DOCA ou óleo. Passou-se a registrar a ingestão de líquidos imediatamente após a injeção de ANG II e remoção da ração. O registro da ingestão diária mostrou que não houve preferência por nenhuma solução ou água durante o período de ambientação com cinco bebedouros. A depleção de sódio induziu ingestão preferencial de sódio no teste do apetite ao sódio, sendo a ingestão de NaCl 0,15 M maior do que a de NaHCO3 tanto nos testes de dois como de cinco bebedouros. O tratamento com apenas DOCA aumentou a ingestão diária de NaCl 0,15 M e de NaHCO3 sem alterar a ingestão diária de KCl e de NaCl 0,50 M, em testes de dois bebedouros. No teste paradigmático com ratos normovolêmicos, a ANG II combinada ao óleo promoveu ingestão das três soluções minerais palatáveis (KCl, NaHCO3, NaCl) e de água em testes de dupla escolha, e preferência ao NaHCO3 no teste com cinco bebedouros. O pré-tratamento com DOCA potenciou o efeito da ANG II apenas sobre a ingestão das soluções sódicas, mais evidente para NaCl, no teste com dois bebedouros (NaCl 0,15 M: DOCA/ANG II = 24,5 ± 6,7 ml/120 min. vs. ÓLEO/ANG II = 9,2 ± 1,8 ml/120 min.; NaHCO3 0,15 M: DOCA/ANG II = 17,0 ± 1,8 ml/120 min. vs. ÓLEO/ANG II = 14,6 ± 2,1 ml/120 min.; KCl 0,01 M: DOCA/ANG II = 9,8 ± 1,9 ml/120 min. vs. 11,9 ± 1,2 ml/120 min.), além de aumentar em 80 % a ingestão total de soluções sódicas no início do teste com cinco bebedouros. O efeito da indução de ingestão de NaCl 0,50 M pela combinação de DOCA com ANG II em testes de dois bebedouros foi replicado nos nossos animais. Os resultados do teste paradigmático do sinergismo são coerentes com os testes do apetite ao sódio, sugerindo que o mineralocorticóide possa tornar mais seletivo o efeito da ANG II sobre a ingestão mineral. Assim, uma interação entre ANG II e mineralocorticóide poderia contribuir para a expressão de duas características do apetite ao sódio, não apenas a aceitação de soluções hipertônicas de NaCl, mas também a ingestão seletiva de sódio.

Metabolické a strukturální rozdíly u primárního hyperaldosteronismu a esenciální hypertenze / Metabolic and structural differences in primary aldosteronism and essential hypertension

Šomlóová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, and patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) - the most common endocrine cause of hypertension - have a higher incidence of CV complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of metabolic differences and organ complications - kidney, heart and blood vessels damage in patients with essential hypertension (EH), PA and its most common forms - idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) and aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA). We found a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome and a higher incidence of metabolic abnormalities in IHA compared to APA - higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, higher levels of triglycerides and lower levels of HDL cholesterol and thereby a higher cardiometabolic risk. Metabolic profile of patients with IHA is similar to EH in contrast to APA. Arterial stiffness was expressed as pulse wave velocity (PWV), in central arteries as carotid-femoral PWV and at peripheral level as femoral-ankle PWV. Patients with PA with comparable levels of blood pressure (BP) have higher stiffness of central elastic and peripheral muscular arteries than patients with EH. The main predictor of impaired peripheral arterial stiffness is the plasma aldosterone level. Patients with IHA have higher central arterial...

Bloqueio do receptor mineralocorticoide em hipertensos com síndrome metabólica: estudo da vasodilatação fluxo-mediada

Lovisi, Julio Cesar Moraes 09 September 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-04-08T11:21:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 juliocesarmoraeslovisi.pdf: 3660990 bytes, checksum: 9bfd65df440e1a934d906a3918e427d5 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: verificar resumo e abstract on 2016-06-02T14:19:41Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-06-02T14:38:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 juliocesarmoraeslovisi.pdf: 3660990 bytes, checksum: 9bfd65df440e1a934d906a3918e427d5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-07-02T13:11:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 juliocesarmoraeslovisi.pdf: 3660990 bytes, checksum: 9bfd65df440e1a934d906a3918e427d5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-02T13:11:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 juliocesarmoraeslovisi.pdf: 3660990 bytes, checksum: 9bfd65df440e1a934d906a3918e427d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-09 / INTRODUÇÃO: A epidemia de obesidade e de síndrome metabólica (SM) observada nos últimos anos se associa a uma série de agravos clínicos como neoplasias, diabetes mellitus e doenças cardiovasculares, notadamente a hipertensão arterial (HA). Diversos mecanismos etiopatogênicos têm sido descritos na HA associada à SM entre os quais citam-se a participação da aldosterona (ALDO) e da disfunção endotelial. OBJETIVOS: avaliar os efeitos do bloqueio do receptor mineralocorticoide (RMC) na função endotelial, na pressão arterial (PA) e em parâmetros inflamatórios e renais de indivíduos com SM. PACIENTES E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 42 pacientes elegíveis para o protocolo. Todos os voluntários foram submetidos a exame clínico, avaliação laboratorial com dosagens de mediadores inflamatórios e de excreção urinária de albumina, além de avaliação cardiológica, com monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA), ecocardiograma e estudo da vasodilatação fluxo-mediada (VDFM), antes e após o tratamento. Destes, 28 indivíduos foram tratados com espironolactona (ESPIRO) na dose de 25-50 mg/dia e 14 com amlodipina (AMLO) na dose 5-10 mg/dia por 16 semanas (Resultados 1). Após essa avaliação, com objetivo de homogeneizar os grupos para melhor comparação dos parâmetros de VDFM, inflamatórios e renais, foram selecionados 27 indivíduos alocados em dois grupos por meio da aplicação da técnica do Propensity Score (PS). Deste modo foram constituídos dois grupos homogêneos, a saber: 16 pacientes em um grupo tratado com ESPIRO e 11 no grupo controle, tratados com AMLO, por um período de 16 semanas (Resultados 2). Resultados 1: Os dados iniciais mostraram que o tratamento da HA com ESPIRO e com AMLO resultou em redução significante da PA em ambos os grupos. No grupo ESPIRO foi observado aumento da VDFM, enquanto no grupo AMLO houve redução significativa desse parâmetro. Observamos ainda redução significativa da microalbuminúria e de mediadores inflamatórios no grupo ESPIRO, o que não ocorreu no grupo AMLO. Finalmente, observou- se aumento significativo do colesterol HDL no grupo ESPIRO o que não foi observado no grupo AMLO. Resultados 2: com a aplicação do PS e consequente maior homogeneidade entre os grupos houve a confirmação desses achados nos 2 grupos (ESPIRO e AMLO) e, adicionalmente, permitiu a subdivisão destes em inflamados (PCR>3,0 mg/dL) e não inflamados (PCR < 3,0 mg/dL). Quando se avaliaram a VDFM, o comportamento pressórico e de parâmetros metabólicos e renais observou-se aumento da VDFM, maior redução da PA, aumento do colesterol HDL e redução da albuminúria que foram significativas no grupo ESPIRO, notadamente no subgrupo não inflamado em comparação ao grupo inflamado. CONCLUSÃO: O bloqueio dos RMC em hipertensos com SM melhorou a função endotelial e reduziu a pressão arterial, com impacto favorável sobre marcadores metabólicos, inflamatórios e na excreção urinária de albumina. Estes achados apontam para efeitos benéficos adicionais à redução pressórica em pacientes portadores de SM tratados com bloqueadores dos RMC. / INTRODUCTION: The epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome (MS) described in recent years is associated with a series of clinical conditions such as malignancy, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases, chiefly systemic arterial hypertension (AH). There are several mechanisms proposed to explain the development of MS-associated AH, among which the role of aldosterone and endothelial dysfunction are noteworthy. OBJECTIVES: assess the effects of mineralocorticoid receptor blockade (MRB) on endothelial function, blood pressure (BP) and inflammatory and renal parameters of individuals with the MS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-two eligible patients were selected. All volunteers underwent clinical examination, laboratory determination of inflammatory mediators and urinary albumin excretion, and cardiologic examination with 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (24-h ABPM), echocardiography and assessment of the flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) at baseline and after treatment. Twenty-eight individuals received spironolactone (SPIRO), 25-50mg/day, and 14 individuals received amlodipine (AMLO), 5-10mg/day, for 16 weeks (Results 1). In order to homogenize the groups and better compare the FMD and the inflammatory and renal parameters, 27 individuals were selected and allocated to two groups according to the propensity score (PS) technique: 16 individuals treated with SPIRO and 11 controls, treated with AMLO, for 16 weeks (Results 2). Results 1: Both SPIRO-treated and AMLO-treated groups had significant BP reductions. While the SPIRO-treated group had increased FMD, the AMLO-treated group had a significant reduction of this parameter. There was also a significant reduction of microalbuminuria and inflammatory mediators in the SPIRO-treated group, but not in the AMLO one. There was a significant increase of HDL-cholesterol in the SPIRO group, but not in the AMLO one. Results 2: With the PS technique, and consequent better homogenization of the groups, we confirmed these findings in the two groups (SPIRO and AMLO) and further subdivided them into those with inflammation (CRP>3.0mg/dl) and those without inflammation (CRP<3.0mg/dl). There were significantly increased FMV, greater BP reduction, increased HDL-cholesterol, and significant reduction of albuminuria in the SPIRO group, notably in the subgroup without inflammation, as compared with that with inflammation. CONCLUSION: MRB in hypertensive subjects with the MS improved endothelial function and reduced blood pressure, with a favorable impact on metabolic and inflammatory markers and on the urinary albumin excretion. These findings point to MRB as a new option for treatment of AH in individuals with the MS.

Effect of Tulbaghia violacea on the blood pressure and heart rate in male spontaneously hypertensive wistar rats

Raji, Ismaila January 2011 (has links)
Doctor Pharmaceuticae - DPharm / Tulbaghia violacea Harv. (Alliaceae) is a small bulbous herb which belongs to the family, Alliaceae, most commonly associated with onions and garlic. In South Africa (SA), this herb has been traditionally used in the treatment of various ailments, including fever, colds, asthma, paralysis, hypertension (HTN) and stomach problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of methanol leaf extracts (MLE) of T. violacea on the blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in anaesthetized male spontaneously hypertensive rats and to find out the mechanism(s) by which it acts. The MLE of T. violacea (5 - 150 mg/kg), angiotensin I (ang I, 3.1 - 100 mg/kg), captopril (10 mg/kg), angiotensin II (ang II, 3.1 - 50 g/kg), losartan (30 mg/kg), phenylephrine (0.01 ; 0.16 mg/kg), prazosin (1 mg/kg), dobutamine (0.2 ; 10.0mg/kg), propranolol (0.1 - 12.8 mg/kg), muscarine (0.16 -10 mg/kg), and atropine (0.02 - 20.48 mg/kg) were administered intravenously into male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) weighing between 300 g and 350 g and aged less than 5; months. The MLE of T. violacea and/or the standard drugs were infused alone, simultaneously, or separately into each animal. The BP and HR were measured via a pressure transducer connecting the femoral artery and the Powerlab. The vehicle (0.2 mls of a mixture of dimethylsulfoxide and normal saline), T. violacea (60 mg/kg) and captopril (10 mg/kg) were injected intraperitoneally into some SHR for 21 days to investigate the chronic effect of these agents on plasma levels of aldosterone. The mean change, the mean of the individual percentage changes and the percentage difference (in mean) observed with each intervention was calculated and statistically analyzed using the Student t test for significant difference (p < 0.05). The Microsoft Excel software was used for statistical analysis. T. violacea significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial BP; and HR dose-dependently. In a dose-dependent manner, ang I, ang II, phenylephrine significantly (p < 0.05) increased the BP, while propranolol, muscarine and atropine reduced the BP. The increases in BP due to dobutamine were not dose-dependent. In a dose dependent manner, phenylephrine and propranolol reduced the HR, while dobutamine increased the HR. The effect of ang I, ang II, muscarine and atropine on HR were not dose-dependent; with both increases as well as decreases observed with ang I, and II and atropine, while decreases were seen with muscarine. Captopril produced significant (p < 0.05) reduction in BP which were not associated with any change in HR. The co-infusion of ang I with the MLE produced significant (p < 0.05) reduction in BP, which were not associated with significant changes in HR. The co-infusion of ang II with the MLE did not produce any significant changes in BP or HR when compared to the infusion of the standard drug alone. The co-infusion of phenylephrine with the MLE did not produce any significant change in BP or HR when compared to the values obtained with the infusion of the standard drug alone, in both the absence and presence of prazosin. The co-infusion of dobutamine with T. violacea produced siginificant (p < 0.05) increases in DBP which were associated with significant (p < 0.05) reductions in HR, when compared to the values obtained with the infusion of the standard drug alone. Theco-infusion of atropine with the MLE did not produce any significant change in BP or HR when compared to the values obtained with the infusion of atropine alone. However, the infusion of T. violacea, 20 minutes after pre-treating animals with atropine (5.12 mg/kg) lead to dose dependent significant (p< 0.05) increases in BP, which were associated with dose-dependent increases in HR. The chronic treatment of animals with T. violacea or captropril produced (a) signicant (p < 0.05) reductions in the plasma levels of aldosterone when compared to the values obtained in the vehicle-treated group, (b) produced signifiant (p< 0.05) reduction in BP in the captopril treated group when compared to the vehicle-treated, (c) did not produce any signficant change in BP in the T. violacea-treated group when compared to the vehicle-treated group and (d) did not produce any signifiant change in HR or body weight in any of the groups. The result obtained in this study suggests that T. violacea reduced BP and HR in the SHR. Secondly, the BP and HR reducing effect of the MLE may involve a) the inhibition of the ACE, b) the inhibition of the beta; adrenoceptors, c) the stimulation of the muscarinic receptors and d) the reduction of the levels of aldosternone in plasma. The results also suggest that the MLE may not act through the angiotensin II receptors or the alpha adrenergic receptors. / South Africa

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