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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Imbroglio, Flawed Procedure or a State Scandal? : Untangling the Complexities of the 2020 Restitution of Human Remains from France to Algeria

Blache, Pauline January 2023 (has links)
In July 2020 France returned 24 human remains to Algeria, designating it as a ‘loan’ renewable every five years. These human remains, identified as skulls, by some considered as “war trophies”, were believed to belong to Algerian soldiers and tribal chiefs who fought against the French army’s invasion in the early 19th century. They are today buried in the Carré des Martyrs in Algiers, alongside other prominent figures from Algerian independence and politics. However, a New York Times investigation revealed in October 2022, that only 6 out of the 24 skulls had been clearly identified as belonging to resistance soldiers, while the rest were either of uncertain provenance or imprisoned thieves, and three were of soldiers of Algerian origin who had fought in the ranks of the French Army.  This thesis explores the intricate details, perspectives and interpretations that led to this contentious restitution. It argues that, while few people theoretically opposed the restitution, numerous complicated factors made the restitution multilayered and complex, and culminated in the oxymoronic notion of a permanent ‘loan’. The thesis analyses the various reasons behind the conclusions presented by The New York Times article. Three major groups significantly influenced the outcome of restitution: civil society, museums, and governments. The central argument revolves around the general taboo that has long existed regarding the crimes committed in the former French colonies, the reluctance of museums and the Ministry of Culture to accept restitutions, and the political exploitation of restitutions of cultural property and human remains for diplomatic, nationalistic and economic purposes.

A macroeconometric model for Algeria. A medium term macroeconometric model for Algeria 1963-1984, a policy simulation approach to Algerian development problems.

Laabas, Belkacem January 1989 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the development and use of a macroeconometric model for the Algerian economy between 1963 and 1984. The model was built because of a systematic lack of applied econometric studies pertaining to Algeria at both the macroeconomic and microeconomic level. It is hoped that the model will fill a gap in this area and will contribute to the much neglected field of applied econometric research with regard to Algeria. This lack of applied econometric studies for Algeria meant that the modelling exercise described here has had to rely on an extensive specification search based on evidence relating to Algeria's economic structure and policy, economic theory, and the experience of Less Developed Countries in the area of macroeconomic model-building. The lack of data was a major constraint in this area and part of this study consisted of collecting and compiling a large database. After the country's independence in 1962, Algerian macroeconomic policy aimed to create a strong industrial system and to satisfy the population's basic needs. It relied on heavy industrialisation to modernise the economy, oil revenues to finance development, and central planning as the major tool of macroeconomic regulation. The accumulation rate was high and the growth record was generally good. However high unemployment and inflation, considerable disequilibrium, low productivity, a vulnerable balance of payments and unsustainable external debt are the major macroeconomic problems that policy-makers have had to face. The model's equations were first estimated using the OLS method and were subjected to stringent statistical tests. The degree of test significance and parameter correspondence to a priori views on the economy was good. when the model was constructed, it was estimated using a 2SLS principal component method. The OLD results were found to be reasonably feasible. The equations were collected into a system of 63 equations and solved using dynamic simulation technique. The model was solved successfully and its tracking of historical data was reasonably good. Further tests were carried out to study its dynamic features. Having constructed the model, it was then used extensively to perform simulation analysis. The experiments ranged from those concerning the goverment's current expenditure to its monetary policy. In all, nine simulation exercises were carried out. These were revealing on the workings of the Algerian economy. The model was further used in scenario analysis. First the model was used to develop an ex ante forecast employing a linear trend model for the exogenous variables. The forecast database was used to generate multipliers. The policy analysis was constructed to coincide with the implementation of the Second Five Year Plan (1985-1989). The feasibility of the plan was examined by varying the price of oil according to three hypotheses. The aim of this test was to develop a realistic framework for applied macroeconomic analysis. / Algerian Ministry of Higher Education

Early-Middle Holocene Cultural and Climate Shifts in NW Africa: Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction Using Stable Isotopes of Land Snail Shells.

Padgett, Abbey E. 24 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond a Contest of Wills: A Theory of State Success and Failure in Insurgent Conflicts

Moore, Christopher D. 24 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Reflections of Revolution: Le Figaro, Le Monde, and Public Opinion in France during the Algerian Conflict (1954-1962)

Atkins, Michael 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of the printed media in France (1955-1963), as represented by two mainstream newspapers: Le Monde (left-centrist) and Le Figaro (right-centrist). Using these newspapers, as well as Gallup polls recorded at the time, this study explores correlations of what was reported in newspapers and how French public opinion evolved during the course of the war. These two major sources of information are shown to have given contradictory information, thus accounting for some of the paradoxes found in public opinion polls. Specifically, the paradoxes analyzed in the study concern the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) and the Pieds-Noirs (the European population of North Africa).

Les enjeux socioéconomiques et politiques de l’agriculture familiale paysanne en Algérie : cas de la région jijelienne / Socio-economic and political issues of family farming in Algeria : case of the jijelian region

Bouatrous, Noureddine 29 June 2017 (has links)
L’agriculture familiale apparait comme une alternative pour lutter contre la dépendance aux transnationales et au flux des marchés mondiaux de produits agricoles. Aujourd’hui, de nombreuses études montrent l’efficacité économique de l’agriculture familiale, de son dynamisme et de sa capacité à innover et à s’adapter sans oublier bien sûr, sa capacité à fournir des emplois à plus d’un milliard d’habitants dans les pays du Sud et à contribuer au PIB de ces pays.Ce travail analyse la place qu’occupe l’agriculture familiale rurale au sein d’une économie locale et son rapport avec les acteurs économiques, la population et le marché mais il va aussi essayer de faire ressortir l’influence de cette activité sur les rapports sociaux et sur l’évolution de l’agriculture elle-même. Ajoutons à cela les nouveaux défis qu’elle a à relever : tels que son nouveau cadre juridique, la question foncière, la gestion de l’eau, la pluriactivité, la polyculture, les flux migratoires et leur impact sur les communautés paysannes. L’objet de cette recherche porte sur la région de Jijel que nous connaissons pour l’avoir étudiée pendant nos études de graduation. L’importance de l’agriculture familiale dans cette région a attiré notre attention autant par la population concernée que par le type d’agriculture, sa variété en cultures maraichères, son arboriculture, son apiculture et son élevage. Le problème du dépaysannement du monde rural local, ces dernières années, généré par plusieurs facteurs va prendre aussi une place importante dans notre travail. / Family farming appears to be an alternative to tackling dependence on transnational companies and the flow of global markets for agricultural products. Today, many studies show the economic efficiency of family farming, its dynamism and its ability to innovate and adapt. Without forgetting, of course, its capacity to provide employment to more than a billion people in the southern countries, and its contribution to the P.I.B of these countries.This work will demonstrate the role of rural family farming in a local economy, and its relation with the economic actors, population, and the market. But also, on one hand the influence of this activity on social relations. And the influence exerted by societal changes on family farming, on the other hand. Adding to this, the new challenges it must free; such as: the new legal framework, the land issue, water management, pluriactivity, polyculture, migratory flows and their impact on peasant communities.The Jijel area will be our ground for this study. This field we know well, thanks to the work that we carried out during our graduation studies. The importance of family farming in the region has attracted our attention, through the existence of different vegetable crops, arboriculture, olive growing, beekeeping and various livestock farms. The problem of disorientation of local rural areas in recent years driven by several factors will also take an important place in our work.

Les Italiens à Bône : migrations méditerranéennes et colonisation de peuplement en Algérie (1865-1940) / The Italians in Bône : mediterranean migration and settlement colonization in Algeria (1865-1940) / Gli Italiani a Bona : flussi migratori mediterranei e colonizzazione insediamento in Algeria (1865-1940)

Vermeren, Hugo 18 May 2015 (has links)
À la croisée de l’histoire coloniale et de l’histoire de l’immigration en France, cette thèse se propose d’aborder sous un angle neuf le rôle des Italiens dans la colonisation et le peuplement des villes du littoral oriental de l’Algérie à travers le cas de Bône (Annaba). Elle s’appuie sur un corpus de sources récoltées en France (Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Toulon, Marseille), en Italie (Rome, Pouilles, Sardaigne) et en Algérie (Annaba, Constantine). Un premier axe est consacré à l’étude des politiques migratoires mises en place des deux côtés de la Méditerranée au cours du XIXe siècle pour réguler et contrôler les circulations croissantes entre l’Italie et l’Algérie. Un second s’articule autour des modalités d’installation des Italiens à Bône. Par le biais d’une étude socio-quantitative, les spécificités de l’installation et de l’intégration des étrangers sont étudiées dans un cadre urbain et colonial. Le troisième volet porte sur la place des Italiens dans la société coloniale algérienne de l’entre-deux-guerres. Il permet de resituer l’Algérie dans la politique africaine de l’Italie libérale et fasciste, et plus largement dans les rapports franco-italiens au Maghreb. / At the cross-road of the colonial history and immigration history in France, this PHD thesis proposes to address under a new angle the role of the Italians in the colonisation and settlement of the cities of Algerian western coastline, through the case of Annaba. It is based on a corpus of sources gathered in France (Paris, Aix-en-Provence, Toulon, Marseille), Italy (Rome, Puglia, Sardinia) and Algeria (Annaba, Constantine). A first axis is dedicated to the study of migration policies adopted in both sides of the Mediterranean Sea during the 19th century, which aimed at regulating and controlling the growing circulation between Italy and Algeria. The second axis deals with the modalities of settlement of Italians in Annaba. Through a socio-quantitative study, the specificities of the settlement and integration of foreigners are studied from an urban and colonial perspective. The third axis addresses the status of the Italians in the Algerian colonial society of the inter-war period. It enables to place back Algeria in the African policy of the liberal and fascist Italy, and furthermore in the relationships between Italy and France in Maghreb.

Revolutionary allies : Sino-Egyptian and Sino-Algerian relations in the Bandung decade

Haddad-Fonda, Kyle January 2013 (has links)
In the decade following the Asian-African Conference of 1955, the communist government of the People’s Republic of China took unprecedented interest in its relations with countries in the Middle East. China’s leaders formed particularly strong ties first with Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Egypt, then, beginning in 1958, with the Algerian Front de Libération Nationale (FLN), which at that time was engaged in a bitter struggle for independence from France. The bonds that developed between China and Egypt and between China and Algeria were strengthened by a shared commitment of the governments of these countries to carry out “revolutions” that would challenge Western preeminence in global affairs and establish their own societies as independent voices on the world stage. The common ideological heritage of these three revolutionary countries allowed their leaders to forge connections that went beyond mere expressions of mutual support. Sino-Arab relations in the 1950s and 1960s cannot be explained by a realist narrative of attempts to exert power or influence through high-level diplomacy; rather, the evolving relationships between China and its Arab allies demonstrate how three countries could co-opt one another’s experiences to define and articulate their own nationalist identities on behalf of domestic audiences. This thesis pays particular attention to two constituencies that played a central role in mediating the development of Sino-Arab relations: Chinese Muslims and Arab leftists. Focusing on publications about Sino-Arab relations written by or intended for members of these two groups makes clear the manners in which domestic ideological concerns shaped the development of international relationships. Sino-Egyptian and Sino-Algerian relations between 1955 and 1965 were primarily symbolic. The perception of international amity gave journalists, policymakers, intellectuals, and religious figures free rein to expound their own distorted interpretations of Chinese and Arab society in order to promote their own ideological causes. These causes, which varied over the course of the decade, included the incorporation of Chinese Muslims into Chinese politics, the conferral of revolutionary legitimacy on Nasser’s government, the celebration of China as a champion of global revolution, the legitimization of the FLN, and the presentation of China as a fully anti-imperialist country in contrast to the Soviet Union. Each of these projects had in common the enduring goal of transforming how citizens of China, Egypt, and Algeria perceived their own national identity.

Beyond melancholia : Algeria and its spectres

Brisley, Lucy Anne January 2013 (has links)
This thesis problematizes the recent transdisciplinary turn to melancholia by grounding the concept within the literature of three contemporary Algerian authors: Assia Djebar, Yasmina Khadra, and Boualem Sansal. If Freud figured melancholia as a pathological response to loss, much recent scholarship has reconceptualized it as an ethico-political model of remembrance that safeguards the memory of the lost or marginalized other. Yet the recent and ubiquitous depathologization of melancholia is only possible insofar as theorists overlook its more insidious elements. By analyzing how melancholia emerges within the postcolonial novels of Djebar, Khadra, and Sansal, this thesis reveals how melancholia in fact undermines an ethico-politics of remembrance, further displacing those lost others that theorists of melancholia would recuperate. Divided into two sections, the first part of the thesis thus challenges the ethico-political viability of melancholia as a mnemonic model. Through close readings of the texts, the first four chapters reveal postcolonial melancholia in Algeria to be imbricated in amnesia, immobility, repetition, victimhood, apolitical retrospection, and the unethical appropriation of the lost object. Part II investigates how the authors imagine different models of remembrance that move beyond the limits of the mourning and melancholia dyad. If melancholia has been depathologized, it nonetheless remains ensnared within a binary system in which the subject either forgets (mourns) or engages in a putative act of hyper-remembrance (melancholia). Building upon the recent theory of Dominick LaCapra, Mireille Rosello, and Judith Butler, the final two chapters explore the critical potential of ‘working upon’ the past. As an on-going and conscious model of remembrance, ‘working upon’ actively resists the closure inherent to mourning but it also circumvents the melancholic (re)appropriation of the past and its lost others. Ultimately, then, this thesis signals the need for emergent models of memorialization that move beyond the restrictions of the Freudian binary of mourning and melancholia.

L'expertise judiciaire en matière pénale en Algérie / Algerian judicial expertise in penal matters

Ouabri, Layali 11 January 2013 (has links)
Le 21ème siècle est marqué par une évolution technologique et scientifique de très haut niveau qui permet d'accomplir toutes les investigations techniques et scientifiques pour tous les domaines de la science. Les Magistrats ont recours, dans le cadre des investigations nécessaires à la manifestation de la vérité, à des hommes de l'art. L'expert judiciaire algérien, comme toute autre expert, obéit aux principes universels inhérents à la protection et sauvegarde des libertés fondamentales et surtout à l'éthique. L'expertise, quant à elle, doit impérativement obéir aux lois et règlements qui nous gouvernent dont le résultat obtenu ne doit souffrir d'aucune irrégularité et doit être opposable aux tiers pour emporter la conviction des juges. / The 21st century is marked by a very high level of technological improvements and scientific, allowing to perform all technical and scientific investigations in all science's areas. The judges are used, in the context of investigations necessary for the truth's manifestation to art's men. Algérian judicial expert, like any other expert, obeys universal principles inherent in the protection and safeguarding of fundamental freedoms and especially ethics. Expertise, about it, must imperatively obey the laws and regulations who govern us that the result should not suffer any irregularity and shall be binding on third parties to carry conviction of judges.

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