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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sentidos de aprendizagem e estratégias para o governamento da população : o pacto de Novo Hamburgo/RS

Sikilero, Cláudia Tapia January 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propõe conhecer e analisar os sentidos de aprendizagem e as estratégias de governamento da população escolar utilizadas pelo Programa Pacto pela Aprendizagem: todos temos o direito de aprender. O Programa, desenvolvido no munícipio de Novo Hamburgo/RS, foi criado como consequência das dificuldades de aprendizagens apresentadas pelos estudantes e do aumento do número de retenções escolares. Foi pensado sob uma rede de proteção social e sob uma gestão democrática, que articulou uma ação intersetorial entre três Secretarias (Secretarias Municipais de Educação, de Saúde e de Desenvolvimento Social). A pesquisa é desenvolvida através da análise de documentos que descrevem/informam sobre esse Programa e também é pautada em outros textos e normativas de âmbito nacional e internacional, os quais servem de balizas para entender perspectivas que impulsionam a criação de programas voltados para a aprendizagem, tais como o Pacto. A pesquisa articula os Estudos Culturais com os Estudos Foucaultianos. Da caixa de ferramentas foucaultiana, foi utilizada a noção de governamento para operar as análises, além de ter sido útil a essa investigação a compreensão de Bauman sobre nosso tempo focalizada em suas noções e metáforas, a saber: ambivalência, Modernidade Sólida e Modernidade Líquida. Estas metáforas, em articulação com as ferramentas de Foucault, estabeleceram-se como potentes noções para entender os sentidos de aprendizagem e estratégias de governamento direcionadas à população na atualidade. Com a análise desenvolvida, foi possível perceber, nos discursos sobre a educação escolar, um deslocamento de ênfase do ensino para a aprendizagem, conforme o demonstrado por Biesta (2013) e Nogueira-Ramírez (2011). Em vista disso, ainda que o Programa Pacto pela Aprendizagem: todos temos o direito de aprender busque desenvolver suas estratégias resistindo à mercadorização da escola, os sentidos de aprendizagem tornam-se ambivalentes. Pois mesmo que haja essa resistência, existe também a valorização de atributos próprios dessa inteligibilidade contemporânea: aprendizagem permanente, para além dos muros da escola e a diversidade cultural. Tais características fazem com que o Programa busque aquilo que leva alunos a terem dificuldades em aprender em fatores que vão além do ensino institucional, isto é, fatores socioeconômicos ou relacionados à saúde. Classifica-se estas duas condições para a aprendizagem como a gestão do social e a gestão da saúde. Além disso, os documentos do Pacto indicam como estratégia de governamento, algo que denomina-se como a tríade: mobilização, participação e articulação. Através disso, outras ações estratégicas de governamento são assumidas, como a sedução direcionada para a participação, a formação docente continuada e a responsabilização da comunidade escolar pelas aprendizagens ou dificuldade dos estudantes em aprender. / This research aims to understand and analyze the senses of learning and the government strategies of scholar population used by the Program Pact for Learning: we all have the right o learn. More specificlly, the meaning of learning and the strategies of government operated by the Pact for the life of the school population are problematized. Developed in Novo Hamburgo/RS, the Program was create as a result of learning difficulties presented by students and by the increasing number of school failure. It was thought in a network social protection and under a democratic administration, which have articulated na intersectoral action from three Municipal Secretariats (Municipal Secretariats of Education, Health, and Social Development). The research is developed through the analysis of documents that describe/inform about this Program. Besides, this research is also based on other texts: national and international regulations, which serve as beacons to understand perspectives that drive the creation of programs for learning, such as the Pact. This research joins Cultural Studies with Foucault studies. From Foucault’s toolbox, it was used the notion of government to realize the analyzes. Besides, it was very useful for this investigation Bauman’s thought on our current time, which is focused on his notions and metaphors, namely ambivalence, Solid Modernity, and Liquid Modernity. Together Foucault’s tools, these metaphors have established themselves as powerful notions to understand the learning senses and government strategies, which are aimed at the population nowadays. After the analyses developed, in discourses about schooling, it was possibel to notice a shift emphasis from teaching to learning, as it is demonstrated by Biesta (2013) and Nogueira-Ramirez (2011). In this sense, although the Pact Program for Learning: we all have the right to learn seek to develop its strategies resisting the commodification school, the learning senses become ambivalent. Even if there is such resistence, there is also the valuation of own attributes of this contemporary intelligibility: lifelong learning beyond the school walls and cultural diversity. These features make the Program seek what leads students to have difficulty learning on factors that go beyond the institutional education, ie, socioeconomic factors or related to health. These two conditions for learning were classified as management of social and management of health. In addition, the Pact documents indicate as government strategy, which is called as the triad: mobilization, participation, and articulation. Through this, other strategic actions of government are assumed as seduction directed to participation, continued teacher training, and accountability of the school community, both for learning, as the difficulties of the students in learning.

Ambivalence v Jungově vztahu ke křesťanství / Ambivalence in Jung's Relationship to Christianity

Dobrodenková, Monika January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to summarize and interpret Jung's relationship towards Christianity in its ambivalent manifestations. First, the very psychological concept of ambivalence is discussed, as it was relatively new in Jung's time. The starting points to the interpretation of Jung's relations toward Christianity are both his theoretical works and personal memories, most prominently from childhood, when his stance toward Christianity was formed. Presented material is then assessed on the psychological and theological-philosophical levels. It turns out that the psychological assessment cannot be, in Jung's case, clearly separated from his theoretical opinions, inasmuch some theorist conjecture that all the Jung's theory of the spiritual development is implicitly motivated by his psychological need to cope with his traumatic childhood. For this purpose, several distinct interpretations of Jung's memories from different psychological and religionistic-psychological stances are reviewed. Jung's ambivalent relationship toward Christianity appears to be based in his ambivalent relationship with his parents. On the theological-philosophical level, a tension between his high admirations of Christian tradition on one side, with simultaneous struggle to reform this tradition, often so radically that...

Creating Artificial Intelligence: An Inductive Study of How Creative Workers Forecast the Future and Manage Present Emotions

Hagtvedt, Lydia Paine January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Spencer H. Harrison / Thesis advisor: Michael G. Pratt / Through an inductive, qualitative study of individuals developing new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, this dissertation builds theory on how creative workers manage the emotions that arise from forecasting the outcomes of implementing their creations. I find that, in a context that illuminates the danger of implementing certain types of creative ideas, creative workers forecast both positive and negative outcomes arising from implementing their work, which elicits ambivalence. My work indicates that how creative workers respond to this ambivalence affects whether they impose constraints on their work as it unfolds. First, some individuals may proceed without constraints because they have resolved their ambivalence by amplifying their positive thoughts and feelings toward their work. Informants who exhibited this pattern created psychological distance (Lewin, 1951; Trope & Liberman, 2003) from the potential negative effects of their work by anchoring on the present moment and/or emphasizing potential positive outcomes. However, the majority of informants exhibited a novel “redistribution” response to ambivalence, whereby they committed to their work (Brickman et al., 1987; Pratt & Rosa, 2003; Pratt & Pradies, 2011) and shifted from a strengthening of negative thoughts and feelings toward a strengthening of positive thoughts and feelings through the use of self-imposed constraints. My work suggests that, although self-imposed constraints do not eliminate negative thoughts and feelings altogether, applying these self-determined boundaries enables individuals to reduce ambivalence and engage (Harter, Schmidt, & Hayes, 2002) more fully in their work. In addition to inducing a process model that encompasses these dynamics, I present the categories and types of self-imposed constraints that I have induced. These self-imposed constraints are not mutually exclusive, and each serves one of three broader purposes: developing a sense that one’s creation will have a positive moral valence, that one will be able to control his or her creation, or that one may trust in the quality of his or her creation. This dissertation extends theory on the role of prospective thought processes in creative work and shows how constraints, though often seen as impediments to creativity, can be used proactively by creative workers to manage the darker emotions and thought processes that have largely been overlooked in prior research. This work also contributes a novel response to ambivalence, redistribution, which entails approaching potentially harmful creative work in a heedful manner. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Carroll School of Management. / Discipline: Management and Organization.

Madrona movers; a sociological analysis of a work group as a process of harmony and dissent

Cannucci, John Vance 01 May 1970 (has links)
The research problem discussed in the thesis is generally concerned with the investigation of a group of men who work as furniture movers. The problem is focused on the dynamic interplay of status equality and status differentiation as contradictions that render harmony and dissension as common group denominators. Three questions were asked. First, are there consistent ways of behaving while working as a furniture mover? Second, if consistent ways of behavior do exist, how are they related to the notions of status equality and status differentiation? Third, if this latter relationship should exist, can harmony and dissent be conceptualized as common occurrences? Four categories of behavior were found to be quite consistent from job to job. They can be described as 'acts.' The acts that were found are coordination, seriousness, humor and advice. With skill or technique of furniture moving being underlying and related criteria for professionalism, the acts are considered by the movers as being appropriate professional behavior while on a moving job. These acts have both a rigid and a flexible quality. At first glance this statement sounds contradictory; however, it was found that the rigidity of acts arises out of the expectations the movers have while working on a given job, while the flexibility of acts is a result of variations between jobs. These qualities have two important consequences: First, the workers perceive these acts as important in raising their occupational status with customers. In turn, by working together in establishing these acts (some of which have originated with management and others which have originated from the work group itself), they are defining boundaries for all of them to act within. By acting toward these acts, the workers are compromising formal distinctions which management has imposed, and consequently are nearing status equality. Second, due to variations in structural characteristics of different types of moving jobs,individual moods, team moods, and customers, the job or situation in which the job is taking place changes. The acts still remain, but the kinds of things that a mover may do with an act changes. This maneuverability with an act offers the worker a chance to do something different from job to job, or at moments, during a job. In other words, he may be able to experience status differentiation. The contradictions of status equality and status differentiation presented in this thesis are discussed in terms of observed alternative lines of action that a mover may choose' to initiate. Harmony appears if the worker chooses to stay with the professional acts while working, and, in turn, attempts to realize both status equality and status differentiation through the acts and succeeds. The acts themselves strain toward status equality and away from status differentiation. Unless a mover was exceptionally brilliant during a job (with both skill and acts), he had a more difficult time experiencing status differentiation than status equality. Hence, a mover dissenting from the professional acts was not an uncommon sight. The worker may feel confined and stifled by not being himself and therefore act too idiosyncratically in relation to what other workers consider to be professional behavior. Another mode of dissent was observed that arose from the neglect of acts. When this neglect or blockage of the act was apparent, the dissent involved a larger number of movers. The movers would dissent from the acts but for purposes of establishing or re-establishing them. The movers do not; view dissent as being right or wrong, good or bad. Instead, the workers view dissent as both good and bad, right and wrong; it depends upon the context in which the dissent is occurring. At moments, dissent may appear quite natural; at other times, dissent may give rise to fighting, antagonism and sanctioning. Whatever the type of dissent, it is a part of a composite picture of men working together at being furniture movers. Dissent itself is not considered deviant.

Influences of Attitudinal Ambivalence on Attitude Clarity

Patton, Kathleen Mary 11 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Attitudinal Ambivalence: How Consumers Manage the Associated Discomfort?

Singh, Amitkumar Surendra 09 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A Love-Hate Relationship: CEO Emotivity and its Implications for CEOs and Their Firms

Ajay, Bina 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Marriage postponed: the transformation of intimacy in contemporary Iran

Babadi, Mehrdad 26 March 2024 (has links)
The institution of marriage has historically functioned as the foundation of both the Iranian family and society. This study examines the significant changes that have occurred during the rule of the Islamic Republic that have delayed marriage formation. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Iran between 2017 and 2020 and in-depth interviews with more than one hundred university-educated young Iranians, this dissertation explores new patterns of youth intimacy, the evolution of young people’s perspectives on premarital relationships, and explores the reasons behind the widespread delay in marriage. Since the Revolution of 1979 that led to the fall of the Shah’s modernizing regime, Iranian society has experienced many changes in the realm of marriage and premarital intimacies despite the Islamic Republic’s imposition of conservative religious values designed to reinforce traditional marriage practices. These have included a decline in marriage rates and an increased rate of divorce, as well a rise in the ages of first marriages accompanied by alternative lifestyles that reject marriage as an institution. While economic difficulties, increases at the level of education, and the existence of discriminatory family laws in Iran have often been cited as reasons for these changes, this dissertation argues that it is a dialectical interaction among sociocultural, psychological, moral, and legal factors that better explains this change. Interviews revealed that conflicting attitudes of idealism, cynicism, and moral ambivalence play a significant role in marriage postponement. This was most apparent in the young peoples’ dissatisfaction with khāstegāri, a traditional method of marital partner-evaluation by a young person’s family, which was rejected because it conflicted with a more personal and intimate model of partner selection. That model, however, suffered from excessive idealism that set the standards for a suitable partner so high they could not be easily met. Classical Persian poetry, with its ideals of unconsummated love, reinforced such romantic idealism. In response, a growing number of educated middle-class young Iranians chose to enter into intimate relationships outside of marriage facilitated by the emergence of new social spaces that allowed these new intimacies to flourish in spite of government attempts to discourage them. The research concluded that as a result of marriage postponement and the rise of premarital and non-marriage practices and lifestyles such as dating and cohabitation, intimacy has been transformed in contemporary Iran and as a result, significant changes are recognizable in gender relations and family structure. Young women and men demand a more egalitarian relationship, mutual emotional support and intellectual compatibility, a satisfying sex life, and someone with whom they can share their interests. / 2026-03-25T00:00:00Z

The Effect of Consumer Attitudinal Disposition in Online Review Knowledge Transfer

Akgul, Mehmet January 2023 (has links)
Online reviews, which are consumer-generated messages, play a vital role in the consumer decision making process especially prior to their purchase adoption (i.e., pre-usage). The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of two-sided online reviews’ contents affecting the consumers' attitudes at the pre-usage stage of a focal experience service. Contrary to one-sided reviews (i.e., only positive or negative information), two-sided reviews contain both positive and negative information about a product/service: Two-sided reviews are considered more informative. Extant studies make an important assumption that there is no information asymmetry between writer/source of two-sided reviews and consumers that read/receive it. Their implicit assumption is that the attitude of the writer/source of the two-sided review is completely transferred to the reader/receiver of the review. Given the subjective nature of two-sided online reviews for experience goods, we contend that such an assumption is flawed because transfer of personal experience in form of attitude towards a focal object/service to others is fraught with ambiguity and uncertainty that can mitigate the transfer. Drawing on ambivalence and prospect theories, our hypothesis states that: the anticipatory ambivalence of the receiver/reader based on a two-sided review content for a focal service is higher than the ambivalent attitude of the source/writer of the review who has already experienced the focal service. Our empirical study, consisting of 1492 subjects from Canada and the United States, supports our stated hypothesis. The implication of our finding is profound. It shows that the extant literature had underestimated the negative attitude of the receiver/reader of the online reviews in their investigation, which confound their findings. To that end, we provide future research direction and implications of our findings in practice. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The Paradox of Choice in Emerging Adulthood: Anxiety and Ambivalence

McMillin, Jennifer 03 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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