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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Copper adsorption/desorption characteristics on copper amended soils

Reed, Stewart T. 06 June 2008 (has links)
Laboratory tests were conducted to determine Cu availability of three Virginia soils amended with Cu as either Cu-rich pig manure or CuSO₄ with the same Cu content as that in manure. The study also assessed the capability of Mehlich-3 to estimate deficient and toxic Cu levels in soil. Application of Cu as manure or CuSO₄ did not affect grain yield or grain Cu concentration in corn grown at each site. Young corn plant height was reduced by CuSO₄ application on the Bertie sandy loam, an indication of greater toxicity from inorganic than organic Cu. Very little exchangeable or solution Cu was present in any of the three soils. The vast majority of Cu was distributed between the organic and soil oxide fractions. The ratio of soil oxide to organic matter determines the relative distribution of Cu among these fractions. Most organically bound Cu was held by specific adsorption mechanisms and Mehlich-3 strongly extracts this fraction. Mehlich-3 extraction patterns were indicative of Cu binding strength in the different soils. Since Mehlich-3 strongly extracts specifically bound Cu and only poorly removes oxide Cu, this test may underestimate Cu availability on sandy soils with low organic matter content. However, Mehlich-3 provides an acceptable test for soil Cu. Soil sorption characteristics were studied for Cu, Pb, and Zn added, both alone and simultaneously. Copper sorption energy was higher than both Pb or Zn, however, sorption capacity followed the order Pb > Zn > Cu. High Pb and Zn sorption was in part due to precipitation reactions especially at high initial solution concentrations. Zinc was bound to soil mostly by weak electrostatic forces. Copper and Pb were bound at specific sorption sites and by complex multi-site bonding mechanisms possibly involving organic substances. These specific and multi-site mechanisms account for metal ions removed from solution at low concentration. Even at low metal concentration, Cu and Pb sorption results in concurrent release of H⁺ and Ca²⁺ at a greater than one to one charge basis. Soils adjusted to various pH levels were equilibrated with Cu solution and then extracted with a series of dilute acid extractions to determine Cu adsorption and fixation capacities. Copper adsorption and more importantly Cu fixation increased with an increase in soil pH. Soil with a high organic matter content as a result of manure applications adsorbed and fixed more Cu at all pH levels than the control and CuSO₄ soil. The presence of organic matter may have a greater effect on metal sorption characteristics than maintenance of pH ≥ 6.5. Heavy metal sorption was accompanied by concurrent release of H⁺ and Ca²⁺ which represents exchangeable and specifically bound cation nutrients. Soils which receive heavy metal applications from sewage sludge or animal manure would have a short-term increase in plant available nutrients at the expense of long-term reserve capacity. Soil tests for cation nutrient availability on soils receiving heavy metal applications should be adopted to account for these responses. / Ph. D.

Soil organic matter decomposition : effects of organic matter addition on phosphorus dynamics in lateritic soils

Yusran, Fadly Hairannoor January 2005 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Relationships between the persistence of organic matter added to soil, the dynamics of soil organic carbon (C) and phosphorus (P) were examined in four experiments on lateritic soils of Western Australia. The main objective was to quantify the release of P following organic matter application in soils which have high P adsorbing capacity. Another objective was to confirm that due to its recalcitrant materials, the effect of peat lasted longer in soil than other sources of organic matter in terms of increasing plant-available P fractions. Three experiments were conducted under glasshouse conditions for various lengths of time, with nine- to twelve-month incubations to investigate these hypotheses. As expected, organic matter with lower C:N ratios than peat (lucerne hay) decomposed more rapidly compared with peat, and the most active mineralisation took place within the first three months of incubation. Soil organic-C (extracted by 0.5 M K2SO4) had a significant positive correlation with P extracted with 0.5 M NaHCO pH 8.53. For a higher application rate (120 ton ha-1), peat was better than wheat straw and lucerne hay in increasing extractable bicarbonate-P concentrations in soil, especially at incubation times up to 12 months. Throughout the experiment, peat was associated with a steady increase in all parameters measured. In contrast to peat, nutrient release from lucerne hay and wheat straw was rapid and diminished over time. There was a tendency for organic-C (either in the form of total extractable organic-C or microbial biomass-C) to steadily increase in soil with added peat throughout the experiment. Unlike wheat straw and lucerne hay, extractable organic-C from peat remained in soil and there was less C loss in the form of respiration. Therefore, peat persisted and sequestered C to the soil system for a longer time than the other source of organic matter. Freshly added organic matter was expected to have a greater influence on P transformation from adsorbed forms in lateritic soils than existing soil organic matter. By removing the existing soil organic matter, the effect of freshly applied organic matter can be determine separately from that of the existing soil organic matter for a similar organic-C content. In order to do this, some soil samples were combusted up to 450° C to eliminate inherent soil organic matter. The release of P was greater when organic-C from fresh organic matter was applied to combusted soils than in uncombusted soils that contained the existing soil organic matter. The exception only applied for parameters related to soil micro-organisms such as biomass-C and phosphatase. For such parameters, new soil organic matter did not create conditions favourable for organisms to increase in activity despite the abundance of organic matter available. More non-extractable-P was formed in combusted soils compared to bicarbonate-P and it contributed to more than 50% of total-P. As for the first experiment, peat also showed a constant effect in increasing bicarbonate extractable-P in the soil

Je změna podstatných náležitostí demokratického právního státu nepřípustná? / Does the change of the substantive provisions of the democratic, law-abinding State is impermissible?

Preuss, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Thesis "Does the change of the substantive requisites of the democratic, law-abiding State is really impermissible or unimaginable?" aims to answer the question if it is not really acceptable to change or modify the substantive requisites of the democratic, law-abiding State or their understanding. The main outcome of the work should be practical reflection of these issues. Paper is divided into seven parts. The first part defines the democratic, law-abiding (rule of law) State, Second part deals with the threats to the democratic, law-abiding (rule of law) State - these are the people (populous), elite and international community. Next part deals with the opposite - the system of protection. Fourth part presents comparison of approaches to the question of constitutional amendments and its limitations on examples of several states. Parts five and six are based on the approach of the Czech Constitutional Court to the change or modification of the substantive provisions of the democratic, law- abiding State and their understanding, from both, national and international perspective. The last section is based on past previous sections and tries to answer a title question in a practical and abstract ways; therefore this part is the highlight of the work.

Emendas ao orçamento e conexão eleitoral na Câmara dos Deputados / Amendments on budget and electoral connection in brazilian chamber of deputies

Mesquita, Lara 13 March 2009 (has links)
Esse trabalho aborda a questão da conexão eleitoral no Brasi l, sendo o objetivo principal a avaliação do impacto que a execução das emendas individuais que os deputados federais apresentam ao orçamento da União exercem sobre as suas chances de reeleição. As emendas são tradicionalmente associadas à manutenção de uma estrutura arcaica de relação entre políticos e eleitores, baseada em políticas distributivistas que buscariam levar benefícios concentrados à base eleitoral de cada deputado. Para essa pesquisa foram analisadas a execução das emendas individuais nas 50ª, 51ª e 52ª legislaturas, e o desempenho dos deputados que concorreram à reeleição nos pleitos subseqüentes, a saber, 1998, 2002 e 2006. O que o esforço analítico empreendido nesta dissertação indica é que não se pode afirmar que a execução das emendas individuais ao orçamento produza o retorno eleitoral apregoado. Mais do que isso, não foi possível identificar um padrão claro na alocação das mesmas , o que reforça a hipótese de que são múltiplas as estratégias para a alocação das emendas, e variam conforme a ambição de cada parlamentar. / This thesis considers the electoral connection in Brazil. Its main goal is to evaluate the impact of the individual budget amendments proposed by federal deputies on their chances of reelection. These amendments are traditionally associated to the maintenance of an archaic structure of relationship between politicians and their electorate, based on distributivist politics that seek to deliver concentrated benefits to the particular constituency of each deputy (pork barrel). This research analyzes the implementation of individual amendments during the 50ª, 51ª and 52ª legislatures, as well as the performance of the deputies that ran for the subsequent elections of 1998, 2002 and 2006. The conclusions of this thesis reveal that the implementation of individual budget amendments does not produce the expected positive electoral return. Moreover, the research did not identify any clear pattern for the allocation of the budget amendments, which strengthens the hypothesis that there are multiple strategies for the allocation of these amendments and that they vary according to the ambitions of each member of the parliament.

Governadores estaduais e partidos políticos na reforma administrativa do governo FHC: negociação e análise da votação / State governors and political parties in theadministrative reform of the FHC´s government : negociation and voting analysis

Yoshida, Ivo Fernando 28 April 2006 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa a reforma administrativa elaborada e proposta pelo governo Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) em seu primeiro mandato (1995-1998). Para tanto, o trabalho analisou, especialmente, os argumentos da literatura a respeito da participação dos governadores estaduais no processo da reforma. A pesquisa se baseou principalmente em dados coletados sobre a votação nominal da reforma administrativa do governo FHC na Câmara de Deputados em 1997 e em informações coletadas a respeito do apoio dos governadores estaduais à reforma. A conclusão do estudo é de que, de um lado, o apoio ativo dos governadores estaduais à reforma não pode ser explicado apenas pela situação fiscal e financeira dos estados e, de outro lado, que a participação efetiva dos governadores estaduais na votação somente pode ser entendida através da mediação dos partidos políticos. / The present study analyze the administrative reform elaborated and proposed by the president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC), during his first term (1995-1998). In this way, it presents a review of the literature arguments, especially, about the state governors influence in the reform outcomes. The resarch was based on data about nominal voting at the House of Representantives in 1997 and on collected information about state governors support to this reform. The conclusion of the study is, in one hand, that active state governors support can\'t be explicated only by fiscal and financial situation of the states and, on the other hand, that efective participation of state governors on voting only can be understood through the mediation of political parties.

Indução de supressividade a Phytophthora nicotianae em mudas de limão cravo com lodo de esgoto. / Suppressiviness induction to phytophthora nicotianae on rangpuor lime with sewage sludge.

Leoni Velazco, Carolina 03 April 2002 (has links)
Uma alternativa de manejo das doenças de citros causadas por Phytophthora spp. é o uso de matéria orgânica. Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da incorporação de lodo de esgoto ao solo na indução de supressividade a Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan (1896) em plântulas de limão cravo (Citrus lemonia (L.) Osbeck), foram realizados diversos experimentos em laboratório, casa de vegetação e campo. O aumento nas doses de lodo de esgoto, nos experimentos em laboratório, em casa de vegetação e em campo, resultou na redução do pH e aumento da condutividade elétrica do solo; aumento da atividade microbiana do solo (avaliada pela hidrólise de diacetato de fluoresceina - FDA e pela respiração microbiana); além de uma redução na recuperação de P. nicotianae, tanto do substrato e do solo como das raízes de plântulas e mudas. Em alguns experimentos, a recuperação do patógeno correlacionou-se significativa e negativamente com a atividade microbiana do solo(FDA) e com a condutividade elétrica. Um melhor desenvolvimento de plântulas e mudas foi observado com a incorporação de lodo até 20%. Esses resultados indicam um efeito supressivo do lodo de esgoto a P. nicotianae, nas condições avaliadas, explicado por fatores químicos e biológicos. Dentre os fatores químicos destacam-se o aumento da condutividade elétrica e a inibição do crescimento das colônias do patógeno em meio de cultura com extratos ácidos de lodo. Os fatores biológicos envolveram o aumento da atividade microbiana do solo e a presença de fungos (Aspergillus sp. e Trichoderma sp.) e actinomicetos antagonistas a P. nicotianae. / Soil organic matter amendments may provide an alternative for the management of citrus soil diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. The effects of incorporating residential sewage sludge into the soil in order to induce suppressiviness to Phytophthora nicotianae Breda de Haan (1896) in seedlings and plantlets of rangpuor lime (Citrus limonia (L.) Osbeck) were evaluated. For this, several experiments under laboratory, greenhouse and field conditions were conducted. In almost all experiments, while sewage sludge doses enlarged, soil pH values decreased and soil electrical conductivity increased; soil microbial activity (evaluated by the fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis - FDA and microbial respiration) increased, and P. nicotianae recovery from soil and roots tended to decreased. In some experiments, significantly and negative correlations were observed between P. nicotianae recuperation and microbial activity (FDA), and between P. nicotianae recuperation and soil electrical conductivity. Seedlings and plantlets development improved at a maximum of 20% v/v sewage sludge soil incorporation. These results suggest a sewage sludge suppressive effect on P. nicotianae, explained by chemical and biological factors, under the experimental conditions of the tests performed. Among chemical factors, the increase of the soil electrical conductivity and colony growth inhibition of P. nicotianae on culture media amended with an acid sewage sludge extract, were indicated. The biological factors involved in suppressiviness were the increase of soil microbial activity and the presence of fungi (Aspergillus sp. and Trichoderma sp.) and actinomyces antagonistic to P. nicotianae.

PEC do orçamento impositivo: um sonho que virou realidade? / PEC do Orçamento Impositivo: did the dream come true?

Diniz, Vítor 25 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o processo de aprovação da PEC do Orçamento Impositivo. A proposta aprovada pelo Congresso institui a obrigatoriedade de pagamento de uma parcela das emendas individuais. Esse era um pleito antigo dos congressistas, mas só em 2015 a Emenda Constitucional foi promulgada. O intuito aqui foi mostrar as estratégias utilizadas pelos atores e o contexto institucional em que a aprovação ocorreu. Além disso, apresentamos os primeiros resultados sob a vigência do orçamento impositivo para as emendas individuais. A expectativa dos parlamentares ainda não se confirmou e as taxas de pagamento continuam baixas. / This thesis focuses on the approval of PEC do Orçamento Impositivo, which changed the rules for budgetary amendments. Congress decided to stipulate a minimum mandatory amount allocated through amendments, even without the support of the Executiv branch, which tried to avoid the success of the Constitutional Amendment. Moreover, this dissertation introduces data about payment rates. The expectation of high payment rates has not been confirmed. Rates remained low.


Silva, Raimunda Vieira Santos da 19 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:40:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RAIMUNDA VIEIRA SANTOS DA SILVA.pdf: 968808 bytes, checksum: 4085e6c6bcd3e4d7a87e0bc635163dde (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-19 / The public work execution has great importance for the country´s development, either in economic or socio-political terms. However, according to the information provided by the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU), there are innumerous irregularities in this king of execution in the country and among them, contract amendments. Contract amendments, whether of value or time, cause losses both for society and for public administration. In this work, we seek to analyze the events that contribute to changes in the construction planning time of the Federal Institutes of Education of Goiás and Tocantins, using statistical models and data mining techniques. The use of quantitative methods in this analysis shows that there are relationships or associations between the characteristics of the works and their amendments. / A execução de obras públicas possui grande importância para o desenvolvimento de um país, seja em termos econômicos ou político-sociais. Entretanto, de acordo constatações realizadas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), são inúmeras as irregularidades verificadas na execução das obras públicas no país e dentre elas, os aditivos contratuais. Os aditivos contratuais, sejam de valor ou de tempo, ocasionam prejuízos tanto para a sociedade quanto para a administração pública. Neste trabalho, procura-se analisar as situações que contribuem para as alterações no cronograma das obras públicas dos Institutos Federais de Ensino de Goiás e Tocantins, utilizando-se de modelos estatísticos e de técnicas de mineração de dados. A utilização destes métodos quantitativos na análise da execução das obras públicas mostra que existem relações ou associações entre as características das obras e seus aditivos.

Sensoriamento remoto laboratorial na detecção de alterações químicas no solo pela aplicação de corretivos / Laboratory remote sensing on soil chemical alteration by lime application

Araújo, Suzana Romeiro 29 January 2009 (has links)
O conhecimento detalhado da distribuição espacial dos solos e principalmente seus atributos torna-se essencial com a implantação da Agricultura de Precisão. Neste sentido, há a demanda por um grande número de análises químicas de solos. Porém, o custo destas análises é elevado, sendo um dos principais entraves para a avaliação da variabilidade espacial dos solos, tanto na área de manejo químico como em levantamentos pedológicos. Logo, o sensoriamento remoto surge como uma técnica alternativa e eficaz na obtenção de informações sobre a variabilidade espacial dos solos e de seus atributos químicos, físicos e mineralógicos nos diferentes tipos de aquisição de dados, mostrando-se promissor não só pela sua rapidez, mas também por ser uma técnica não destrutiva das amostras e livre de qualquer reagente químico. Desta forma, este trabalho tem por objetivos avaliar através de métodos convencionais de análise de terra e de sensoriamento remoto, as variações químicas ocorrentes em dois tipos de solos cultivados com milho, pela aplicação de corretivos com diferentes graus de reatividade. Além disso, este trabalho visa identificar bandas espectrais relacionadas com as mudanças químicas ocorridas no solo devido à aplicação de calcário, assim como calibrar e avaliar modelos de estimativa de atributos do solo, além de quantificar os valores de corretivos necessários numa amostra de terra. Para tal, dados químicos foram obtidos em laboratório através de métodos já consagrados e permitiram avaliar três calcários com diferentes reatividades. Já os dados radiométricos foram obtidos através do sensor FieldSpec Pro em laboratório na faixa de 350 2500 nm, para amostras de solos coletadas durante quatro ciclos de cultivo do milho. Os dados obtidos através da espectrorradiometria permitiram identificar possíveis bandas relacionadas com alguns atributos químicos dos solos; determinar os teores de atributos químicos dos solos a partir da metodologia utilizada; obter modelos de estimativa específicos para cada atributo químico dos dois solos estudados, assim como estimar a necessidade de calagem destes através de técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, havendo a possibilidade de redução das numerosas e demoradas análises químicas tradicionais, contribuindo desta forma para viabilização da prática da agricultura de precisão. / The detailed knowledge of spatial distribution of soils and mainly its attributes became essential with the Precision Agriculture implementation. Therefore, there is the demand for a high number of soil chemical analyses. However, these analyses cost is high, being one of the main impediments to evaluate the soil spatial variability, as in chemical management as in pedologycal surveys. However, the remote sensing rises as an alternative and efficient technique to obtain information about the soil spatial variability and its chemical, physical and mineralogical attributes in different kinds of data acquisition. Showing itself promising not just by its speed, but also because it is a non-destructive technique for the samples and do not uses any chemical reagents. In this way, the objectives of this work are to evaluate through conventional methods of soil analyses and remote sensing, the chemical modifications occurred in two soils cultivated with corn, by the lime application with products of different reaction degrees. Besides, this work seeks to identify spectral bands related to the chemical changes occurred in soil due to the lime application, as to calibrate and to evaluate the soil attributes estimation models, beyond to quantify the lime rate needed in a soil sample. For that, chemical data were obtained in lab through methods already consecrated and allowed to evaluate three lime products with different degrees of reaction. The radiometric data were obtained with the FieldSpec Pro sensor in lab in the range of 350 2500 nm, for soil samples collected during four corn cycles. The data obtained by spectroradiometry allowed to identify possible bands related with some soil chemical attributes; to determine the content of chemical attributes from the used methodology; to obtain specific estimative models for each chemical attribute of both studied soils, as to estimate the need of lime application using remote sensing techniques, with the possibility to reduce the amount of conventional chemical analyses, beyond to contribute to development of the practice of precision agriculture.

Emendas ao orçamento e conexão eleitoral na Câmara dos Deputados / Amendments on budget and electoral connection in brazilian chamber of deputies

Lara Mesquita 13 March 2009 (has links)
Esse trabalho aborda a questão da conexão eleitoral no Brasi l, sendo o objetivo principal a avaliação do impacto que a execução das emendas individuais que os deputados federais apresentam ao orçamento da União exercem sobre as suas chances de reeleição. As emendas são tradicionalmente associadas à manutenção de uma estrutura arcaica de relação entre políticos e eleitores, baseada em políticas distributivistas que buscariam levar benefícios concentrados à base eleitoral de cada deputado. Para essa pesquisa foram analisadas a execução das emendas individuais nas 50ª, 51ª e 52ª legislaturas, e o desempenho dos deputados que concorreram à reeleição nos pleitos subseqüentes, a saber, 1998, 2002 e 2006. O que o esforço analítico empreendido nesta dissertação indica é que não se pode afirmar que a execução das emendas individuais ao orçamento produza o retorno eleitoral apregoado. Mais do que isso, não foi possível identificar um padrão claro na alocação das mesmas , o que reforça a hipótese de que são múltiplas as estratégias para a alocação das emendas, e variam conforme a ambição de cada parlamentar. / This thesis considers the electoral connection in Brazil. Its main goal is to evaluate the impact of the individual budget amendments proposed by federal deputies on their chances of reelection. These amendments are traditionally associated to the maintenance of an archaic structure of relationship between politicians and their electorate, based on distributivist politics that seek to deliver concentrated benefits to the particular constituency of each deputy (pork barrel). This research analyzes the implementation of individual amendments during the 50ª, 51ª and 52ª legislatures, as well as the performance of the deputies that ran for the subsequent elections of 1998, 2002 and 2006. The conclusions of this thesis reveal that the implementation of individual budget amendments does not produce the expected positive electoral return. Moreover, the research did not identify any clear pattern for the allocation of the budget amendments, which strengthens the hypothesis that there are multiple strategies for the allocation of these amendments and that they vary according to the ambitions of each member of the parliament.

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