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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Risk Assessment Of International Construction Projects Using The Analytic Network Process

Bu-qammaz, Amani 01 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis offers a comprehensive risk assessment methodology that provides a decision support tool, directed for Turkish construction organizations, which can be utilized through the bidding decisions for international construction projects. Within this context the analytic network process technique is implemented to develop a risk assessment model, which is used to derive the relative priorities of the risk factors associated with international construction projects. The findings of the risk assessment model have demonstrated that the most significant sources of risk are vagueness of contract conditions about risk allocation, client, and immaturity of legal system in the host country. Factors such as low % of advance payment, geographical distance, and bribery were found to be relatively insignificant. An international construction project risk rating software application is then developed. The application incorporates the derived priorities from the risk assessment model to calculate a risk rating for a given international construction project. To increase the credibility of the results a risk rating adjustment methodology was integrated into the application. Its purpose is to count for the potential influencing factors that may increase the risk level of a given project. The influencing factors which were considered are the company&rsquo / s experience, contract type, level of the available project data from the outset, and project delivery system. The application is also structured to enhance the organizational learning practices. It improves the process of the organizational memory formation with respect to postproject risk data by developing a database of risk information of the rated projects for future references. The reliability of the application was tested with post-projects risk data and was found to be satisfactory.

A Comparison Of Data Mining Methods For Prediction And Classification Types Of Quality Problems

Anakli, Zeynep 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, an Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Preference Ranking Organization MeTHod for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE) based approach is developed and used to compare overall performance of some commonly used classification and prediction data mining methods on quality improvement data, according to several decision criteria. Classification and prediction data mining (DM) methods are frequently used in many areas including quality improvement. Previous studies on comparison of performance of these methods are not valid for quality improvement data. Furthermore, these studies do not consider all relevant decision criteria in their comparison. All relevant criteria and interdependencies among criteria should be taken into consideration during the performance evaluation. In this study, classification DM methods namely / Decision Trees (DT), Neural Networks (NN), Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), Logistic Regression (LR), Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS), Fuzzy Classifier (FC) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) / prediction DM methods DT, NN, MARS, Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), Fuzzy Regression (FR) and Robust Regression (RR) are prioritized according to a comprehensive set of criteria using ANP and PROMETHEE. According to results of this study, MARS is found superior to the other methods for both classification and prediction. Moreover, sensitivity of the results to changes in weights and thresholds of the decision criteria is analyzed. These analyses show that resulting priorities are very insensitive to these parameters.

Understanding Knowledge Storage/Retrieval System Success: An Analytic Network Process Perspective

Taraszewski, Stephen A. 15 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Diseño de una propuesta para identificar, medir y cuantificar en qué medida la aplicación de diferentes elementos de Lean Production apoya la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos de una organización. Aplicación a una empresa industrial

Ruano Pérez, José Luis 21 July 2020 (has links)
[ES] En el actual entorno empresarial, donde la competitividad es global, las empresas/organizaciones deben hacer frente a los nuevos retos, creando valor para los clientes/consumidores y aprovechando las oportunidades que se presentan, con el fin de mantener su ventaja competitiva. Es por ello por lo que deben conocer de forma tan exacta como sea posible cómo y hasta qué punto sus principales inversiones y procesos ayudan a conseguir sus objetivos de rendimiento. En este sentido, son muchas las organizaciones que aplican técnicas de "Lean Production" en la actualidad. Aunque a nivel operativo las consecuencias en términos de rendimiento de aplicar dichas técnicas pueden ser relativamente fácil de medir, por ejemplo, si se logra un tiempo de ciclo menor o una reducción en el nivel de inventario, no es fácil llevar dicho análisis hasta los niveles más estratégicos de la organización. La vinculación entre la aplicación de técnicas de "Lean Production" y su impacto sobre la consecución de objetivos estratégicos de la organización, aun siendo recomendable dada la información adicional que aportaría, no está suficientemente trabajada. De esta forma, el objetivo principal de la presente Tesis Doctoral es diseñar una propuesta para identificar, medir y cuantificar en qué medida la aplicación de diferentes elementos de Lean Producción apoya la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos de una organización. Una vez definida la propuesta se aplicará a una empresa industrial para validar su eficacia, así como para mejorar la definición inicial. El principal resultado de esta Tesis Doctoral es, por tanto, una herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones empresariales que aportará información adicional a la hora de tomar decisiones corporativas. Así, por ejemplo, con la aplicación de la propuesta es posible que una organización determine cuál de las técnicas de "Lean Production" que está aplicando es la que más influye en su rendimiento estratégico financiero o qué técnica debería dejar de aplicar o qué conjunto de técnicas son las que más valor aportan. Para ello, en primer lugar se ha realizado un análisis de la literatura científica existente en este contexto, donde se detectan huecos en el campo de investigación de ""Lean Production" combinado con el Cuadro de Mando Integral, como el enfoque representativo de cómo identificar el impacto de la aplicación de técnicas de ""Lean Production" sobre los objetivos estratégicos definidos en el contexto del Sistema de Medición del Rendimiento más extendido. Después de haber justificado el hueco investigador, se procede a desarrollar una propuesta metodológica que consta de las siguientes fases: - Fase 1.- Definición e implementación de un Cuadro de Mando Integral. - Fase 2.- Construcción del mapa conceptual de la propuesta para identificar, medir y cuantificar en qué medida la aplicación de diferentes elementos de "Lean Production" apoya la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos de una organización - Fase 3.- Formación del grupo de expertos pertenecientes a todas las áreas relacionadas - Fase 4.- Validación de las metas - Fase 5.- Aplicación del método multicriterio ANP - Fase 6.- Análisis de resultados - Fase 7.- Análisis de sensibilidad Seguidamente, se aplica esa propuesta metodológica a una empresa industrial del sector de la alimentación, obteniendo una valiosa información adicional para apoyar la toma de decisiones. Finalmente, se establecen una serie de conclusiones generales y de líneas futuras de investigación. / [EN] Currently, under the global competition market, companies must face new challenges, creating value for customers and profiting from the opportunities that may arise. To this end, organizations must know how and to what extent their main investments and processes help to reach their performance objectives. In this sense, there are many organizations that implement Lean Production practices. Although at the operative level it can be considered as easy to measure the consequences of applying such techniques, at the strategic levels it is not that easy. The link between the application of Lean Production and the impact such an application makes on the level of consecution of the organizational strategic objectives has not been clearly established yet. Therefore, the main objective of this PhD Thesis is to design a proposal for identifying, measuring and quantifying to what extent the application of different Lean Production techniques is supporting the consecution of the organizational strategic objectives. Once the proposal has been defined, it will be applied in an industrial company in order not only to validate its efficacy but also to improve it. The main result of this work is, then, a tool for supporting decision-making processes, which will present additional information to make corporate decisions. Then, for example, it will be possible to determine which Lean Production techniques is the one that more influences on the financial performance. Then, the PhD Thesis starts with a literature review in order to justify the existing research gap. It then develops a methodology the counts with the following phases: ¿ Phase 1. Definition and implementation of a BSC. ¿ Phase 2. Construction of the conceptual map to identify, measure and quantify to what extent the application of different Lean Production techniques is supporting the consecution of the organizational strategic objectives. ¿ Phase 3. Formation of the expert group. ¿ Phase 4. Validation of the targets. ¿ Phase 5. Application of the multi-criteria method ANP. ¿ Phase 6. Analysis of results. ¿ Phase 7. Analysis of sensibility. Then, the methodology is applied in and industrial company, obtaining valuable additional information to support decision-making processes. Finally, some general conclusions and future research lines are highlighted. / [CA] En l'actual entorn empresarial, on la competitivitat és global, les empreses/organitzacions han de fer front als nous reptes, creant valor per als clients/consumidors i aprofitant les oportunitats que es presenten per tal de mantindre el seu avantatge competitiu. És per això que han de conèixer de forma tan exacta com sigui possible com i fins a quin punt els seus principals inversions i processos ajuden a aconseguir els seus objectius de rendiment. En aquest sentit, són moltes les organitzacions que apliquen tècniques de ""Lean Production"" a l'actualitat. Encara que a nivell operatiu les conseqüències en termes de rendiment d'aplicar aquestes tècniques pot ser relativament fàcil de mesurar, per exemple si s'aconsegueix un temps de cicle menor o una reducció en el nivell d'inventari, no és fàcil portar aquest anàlisi fins als nivells més estratègics de l'organització. La vinculació entre l'aplicació de tècniques de ""Lean Production"" i el seu impacte sobre consecució d'objectius estratègics de l'organització, tot i ser recomanable donada la informació adicional que aportaria, no està prou treballada. D'aquesta manera, l'objectiu principal de la present tesi doctoral és dissenyar una proposta per identificar, mesurar i quantificar en quina mesura l'aplicació de diferents elements de "Lean Production" dóna suport a la consecució dels objectius estratègics d'una organització. Un cop definida la proposta s'aplicarà a una empresa industrial per validar la seva eficàcia així com per millorar la definició inicial. El principal resultat d'aquesta Tesi Doctoral és, per tant, una eina de suport a la presa de decisions empresarials que aportarà informació addicional a l'hora de prendre decisions corporatives. Així, per exemple, amb l'aplicació de la proposta és possible que una organització determini quina de les tècniques de ""Lean Production"" que està aplicant és la que més influeix en el seu rendiment estratègic financer o quina tècnica hauria de deixar d'aplicar o quin conjunt de tècniques són les que més valor aporten. Per això, en primer lloc s'ha realitzat una anàlisi de la literatura científica existent en aquest context, on es detecten buits en el camp d'investigació de ""Lean Production"" combinat amb el "Balance Scorecard", com l'enfocament representatiu de com identificar l'impacte de l'aplicació de tècniques de ""Lean Production"" sobre els objectius estratègics definits en el context del Sistema de Mesura de l'Rendiment més estès. Després d'haver justificat el buit investigador, es procedeix a desenvolupar una proposta metodològica que consta de les següents fases: ¿ Fase 1.- Definició i implementació d'un BSC ¿ Fase 2.- Construcció de mapa conceptual de la proposta per identificar, mesurar i quantificar en quina mesura l'aplicació de diferents elements de ""Lean Production"" dóna suport a la consecució dels objectius estratègics d'una organització ¿ Fase 3.- Formació del grup d'experts pertanyents a totes les àrees relacionades ¿ Fase 4.- Validació de les metes ¿ Fase 5.- Aplicació del mètode multicriteri ANP ¿ Fase 6.- Anàlisi de resultats ¿ Fase 7.- Anàlisi de sensibilitat Seguidament, s'aplica aquesta proposta metodològica a una empresa industrial del sector de l'alimentació, obtenint una valuosa informació addicional per donar suport a la presa de decisions. Finalment, s'estableixen una sèrie de conclusions generals i de línies futures de recerca. / Ruano Pérez, JL. (2020). Diseño de una propuesta para identificar, medir y cuantificar en qué medida la aplicación de diferentes elementos de Lean Production apoya la consecución de los objetivos estratégicos de una organización. Aplicación a una empresa industrial [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/148369

Applying Fuzzy Analytic Network Process for Evaluating High-Tech Firms Technology Innovation Performances

Wang, Chun-hsien 11 December 2006 (has links)
Due to increase global competitive pressure, shortened product life cycles and ease of imitation, firms must continue to innovate to maintain their competitiveness. Technological innovation has become the primary basis of productivity improvements, sales volume growth, and competitiveness of firms, especially for the high-tech companies. Thus, identification and evaluation of technologies from a variety of perspectives now play important roles in the effective technological sources management. Traditionally, technological innovation studies stressed single model or variable having effects on firm productivity and performance. However, the challenge for business environment is continually changing; single model or variable is not good enough to explain the overall impact of technological innovation. The most difficult aspect of technological innovation performance measurement is the identification of appropriate metrics and approaches that provide information concerning these facets. In this study, the researcher tried to develop a technological innovation performance measurement model and determine tangible and intangible factors from the systematical perspective. That is, technological innovation in its nature is multi-dimensional and multi-criteria. Furthermore, technology innovation performance measurement can be conceptualized as multi-criteria a complex problem which involves the simultaneous consideration of multiple quantitative and qualitative requirements. In this empirical study, the researcher firstly utilizes the Delphi technique to build a hierarchical network structure model for evaluating the technological innovation performance measurement of high tech firms. Secondly, analytic network process (ANP) was applied to determine the importance weights of each dimension and criterion while exists interdependencies among criteria within the same dimension. Thirdly, Non-additive fuzzy integral method was then applied for information fusion and calculates the synthetic performance on a hierarchical network model structure for which criteria are interdependent and interactive. This study applied fuzzy measure and non-additive fuzzy integral method to derive the synthetic performance values of each dimension and firm. Through the technological innovation performance evaluation model can provide firms with an overview of their strengths and weaknesses with regards to technological innovation management. Furthermore, R&D managers and senior managers can apply this model to evaluate and determine the technological innovation capabilities of a firm to improve its technological innovation performance. Finally, this model may provide the useful information for managers and to reduce the overall technological innovation uncertainty.

Performance Budgeting System In Turkey: Problems And Solution Proposals

Catak, Sevil 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Effective and efficient use of public resources has a vital importance for Turkey, as for all countries. To serve this purpose, public financial management was reformed and performance budgeting system was begun to be implemented in Turkey. In order performance budgeting system to be properly put into practice, the system should have been well designed, regulations should have been adequately prepared and necessary information, guidance and support should be provided to the implementers. In this study, the implementation of performance budgeting system in Turkey was investigated from the perspective of public administrations under general budget and problems in the system were identified. Comments, experiences and suggestions of administrations were obtained via questionnaires and interviews, and analyzed. Additionally, regulatory legal documents and reports of administrations prepared within the performance budgeting concept were also investigated. In order to provide constitution of a more properly designed system and more easy and smooth implementation, to obtain a well adopted system by the implementers and to get results of better quality, proposals were put forward corresponding to the identified problems. Integrated analytic network process with a strategic resource allocation model proposal is presented to be used in update of performance programs in the aim of minimizing the deviations from targeted performance within budget constraints. The proposed model is implemented for the Strategy Development Unit of the Undersecretariat of Treasury.

An Integrated Multi-Agent Framework for Optimizing Time, Cost and Environmental Impact of Construction Processes

Ozcan-Deniz, Gulbin 15 July 2011 (has links)
Environmentally conscious construction has received a significant amount of research attention during the last decades. Even though construction literature is rich in studies that emphasize the importance of environmental impact during the construction phase, most of the previous studies failed to combine environmental analysis with other project performance criteria in construction. This is mainly because most of the studies have overlooked the multi-objective nature of construction projects. In order to achieve environmentally conscious construction, multi-objectives and their relationships need to be successfully analyzed in the complex construction environment. The complex construction system is composed of changing project conditions that have an impact on the relationship between time, cost and environmental impact (TCEI) of construction operations. Yet, this impact is still unknown by construction professionals. Studying this impact is vital to fulfill multiple project objectives and achieve environmentally conscious construction. This research proposes an analytical framework to analyze the impact of changing project conditions on the relationship of TCEI. This study includes green house gas (GHG) emissions as an environmental impact category. The methodology utilizes multi-agent systems, multi-objective optimization, analytical network process, and system dynamics tools to study the relationships of TCEI and support decision-making under the influence of project conditions. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is applied to the evaluation of environmental impact in terms of GHG. The mixed method approach allowed for the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Structured interviews of professionals in the highway construction field were conducted to gain their perspectives in decision-making under the influence of certain project conditions, while the quantitative data were collected from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for highway resurfacing projects. The data collected were used to test the framework. The framework yielded statistically significant results in simulating project conditions and optimizing TCEI. The results showed that the change in project conditions had a significant impact on the TCEI optimal solutions. The correlation between TCEI suggested that they affected each other positively, but in different strengths. The findings of the study will assist contractors to visualize the impact of their decision on the relationship of TCEI.

Aplicación de las metodologias DPSIR, ANP y ARS en el manejo y conservacion del Parque Nacional Waraira Repano, Venezuela

Díaz Martín, Diego 14 April 2015 (has links)
A pesar de la importancia de los parques nacionales para la conservación de la biodiversidad y de paisajes únicos y representativos de la biosfera, la gestión de muchas de estas áreas enfrentan serias dificultades, determinadas por una variedad de deficiencias, entre las cuales destacan sistemas de monitoreo que no abordan de manera integral sus principales problemas de gestión. La presente investigación examina los factores influyentes dentro de la efectividad de manejo de estas áreas, utilizando las metodologías DPSIR, ANP y ARS, con miras a proponer nuevos enfoques metodológicos que contribuyan a incrementar la eficiencia en pro del cumplimiento de sus objetivos de conservación. El enfoque DPSIR permitirá organizar un conjunto de factores influyentes a considerar en el sistema de gestión y aclara las relaciones de causa-efecto hacia una gestión más eficaz y eficiente, mediante la identificación de las fuerzas motrices, presiones, estado, impactos y respuestas en el sistema de gestión. El Proceso Analítico de Redes (ANP) se utiliza para modelar el problema de decisión y la red de criterios y alternativas estructuradas en grupos, a fin de priorizar su importancia en función de los objetivos de manejo. Este enfoque proporciona un lenguaje común de gestión para una mejor integración del sistema de gestión en los otros sistemas de la administración pública, con la activa participación de los principales actores, incluyendo las comunidades locales. El Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS) servirá para describir las relaciones existentes entre todos los actores vinculados entre sí en forma significativa con el manejo y conservación del área protegida, documentando los patrones estructurales que surgen entre ellos dentro de la compleja red de interacciones del Parque Nacional, con influencia o autoridad en su manejo. / Díaz Martín, D. (2015). Aplicación de las metodologias DPSIR, ANP y ARS en el manejo y conservacion del Parque Nacional Waraira Repano, Venezuela [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48804

Uma proposta de modelo para priorização de melhorias intangíveis em um ambiente produtivo

Gonçalves, Marcelo 19 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-04-29T13:34:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Gonçalves_.pdf: 7823321 bytes, checksum: ae0eb62f4bd23f6f3fe8277e01b01afd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:34:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Gonçalves_.pdf: 7823321 bytes, checksum: ae0eb62f4bd23f6f3fe8277e01b01afd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-19 / Nenhuma / A falta de uma relação quantitativa direta com o resultado da organização torna difícil a decisão sobre qual melhoria deve primeiro receber os recursos disponíveis. Por esta decisão ser uma tarefa difícil e dependente da experiência do gestor, o uso de métodos quantitativos como apoio a tomada de decisão pode torná-la mais assertiva. Este trabalho tem como objetivo explorar a metodologia de análise multicritério para priorização de melhorias intangíveis do processo produtivo, de forma alinhada com o posicionamento estratégico da organização. Para atender este objetivo, esta pesquisa propõe um modelo para priorização de melhorias intangíveis do processo produtivo, empregando a ferramenta estratégica SWOT para agrupar os fatores relevantes, em um cenário de melhoria de processo, para uma empresa do setor ceramista. Esses fatores foram agrupados em clusters e utilizados para construção de uma rede para representar as suas relações de dependência. Em virtude da dependência existente entre os fatores, foi aplicado o método multicritério Analytic Network Process (ANP) o qual analisa, conjuntamente, a influência dos fatores para a priorização de alternativas representadas por melhorias intangíveis em um ambiente produtivo. Tanto os fatores quanto a rede do problema foram definidos por uma equipe de análise composta por gestores e especialistas. Como resultado, apresenta a priorização das melhorias intangíveis, resultado da construção das matrizes não ponderada, ponderada e aplicação da propriedade de matriz limite. Através da realização de uma análise de sensibilidade aos pesos dos clusters, foi verificada a robustez da priorização obtida. / The lack of a direct quantitative relation with the result of the organization makes it difficult to decide which improvements must first receive the resources available. For this decision to be a difficult task and dependent on manager’s experience, the use of methods to support quantitative decision-making can make it more assertive. This study aims to explore the multi-criteria analysis methodology for prioritization of intangible improvements in the production process, in alignment with the strategic positioning of the organization. In order to achieve this objective, this research proposes a model for prioritization of intangible improvements in the production process, using the SWOT analysis tool for clustering the relevant factors in a process improvement scenario for a company of ceramist sector. These factors were clustered and used to build a network to represent their dependency relationships. Due to the interdependence of the factors, the multi-criteria method Analytic Network Process (ANP) was applied to analyze together, the influence of the factors for prioritizing alternative represented by intangible improvements in a productive environment. Both factors and problem network were defined by a team composed of managers and specialists. As a result, this research presents the prioritization of intangible improvements, as the result of the construction of unweighted and weighted matrices followed by the application of the limit process of the weighted matrix. By performing a sensitivity analysis to the weights of the clusters, the robustness of the obtained prioritization has been verified.

教育學門系所評鑑指標體系建構之研究 / Research on the evaluation indicators of educational departments and graduate schools of educational discipline

林筠諺, Lin, Yun Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教育學門系所評鑑的理論和執行相關課題,並建構教育學門系所評鑑指標權重體系,提供執行教育學門系所評鑑之參考。經由文獻分析,初擬教育學門系所評鑑指標,選取系所評鑑委員和系所主管共計16人為研究對象,使用模糊德懷術建構教育學門系所評鑑指標體系架構,再以網絡分析法建立評鑑指標的相對權重體系。研究結果指出,教育學門系所評鑑指標體系包含行政管理、環境設備、課程規劃、教師教學、學生學習、專業表現、經營成效等七個向度和17個次向度與65項評鑑指標。最後,本研究針對主管教育行政機關、辦理教育學門系所評鑑單位、教育學門系所及後續研究者提出具體建議。 / The study explored the relevant theoretical foundation and practical issues about the evaluation for educational departments and graduate schools. The study also proposed an evaluation indicator weighting system for educational departments and graduate schools in higher education. By reviewing relevant academic literature, the preliminary evaluative indicators were proposed. Sixteen experts who are university program evaluators or chairpersons of departments and graduate schools were the testing samples. This study adopted the Fuzzy Delphi method to build a framework of the evaluation indicator system. In addition, the relative weight of each evaluation indicator was assessed by the Analysis Network Process. The results showed that the conceptual framework of the evaluation indicator system containing 7 dimensions, 17 sub-dimensions, and 65 indicators. The seven dimensions are administrative management, environment and equipments, curriculum planning, faculty’s teaching, student’s learning, professional performance, and operative outcomes. Finally, suggestions were proposed to educational authority, institutions of program evaluation, educational departments and graduate schools, and further researchers.

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