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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The phenotypic correlates of individual vulnerability to angling

Klefoth, Thomas Heinfried 31 July 2017 (has links)
Das Potential evolutionärer Veränderungen von lebensgeschichtlichen Merkmalen durch kommerzielle Fischerei fand in den vergangenen Jahren große Beachtung, wohingegen das evolutionäre Potential selektiver anglerischer Fischentnahme kaum berücksichtigt wurde. Durch intensive Beschreibung individueller Merkmale wie Verhalten, Lebensgeschichte, Morphologie und Physiologie der Fische habe ich die phänotypischen Korrelate der individuellen Angelfangbarkeit entflechtet. Anhand benthivorer und piscivorer Modellarten konnte ich so die Stärke und die Richtung anglerischer Selektion bestimmen. Zudem habe ich die Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit und den Reproduktionserfolg dieser Fische gemessen, um das evolutionäre Potential anglerischer Fischereisterblichkeit abschätzen zu können. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Risikofreude im Zusammenhang mit der Nahrungsaufnahme bei benthivoren Fischen dem stärksten Selektionsdruck ausgesetzt ist, während bei piscivoren Arten Aggression die bestimmende Eigenschaft war. Zudem waren Risikofreude und Wachstum positiv korreliert. Die intrinsische Fraßaktivität- und Geschwindigkeit erklärte, warum risikofreudige Fische selbst in Gruppen die höchste Hakwahrscheinlichkeit aufwiesen. Diese besonders leicht fangbaren Individuen wurden zudem mit höherer Wahrscheinlichkeit von Räubern in Teichen und in einem 25 ha großen Natursee gefressen, sodass anglerisch induzierte und natürliche Selektion bei juvenilen Fischen in die gleiche Richtung wiesen. Bei adulten, nestbewachenden Fischen konnte ich zudem zeigen, dass Eigenschaften, die zu einer erhöhten Fangbarkeit führen, auch den Laicherfolg steigern, sodass anglerische Selektion negative Auswirkungen auf den Reproduktionserfolg haben kann. Folglich kann bei hohem Fischereidruck ein anglerisch-induziertes Schüchternheitssyndrom entstehen, wodurch die Fangraten von der Fischbestandsdichte entkoppelt werden. Meine Ergebnisse deuten auf eine hohe Schutzwürdigkeit individueller Verhaltensdiversität hin. / The potential for fishing-induced evolution has been intensively discussed in recent years, but most studies have focused on life-history traits that directly or indirectly determine body size in the context of commercial fisheries. Much less is known about potential evolutionary changes in the context of passive angling fisheries. Using comprehensive phenotypic descriptions covering several behavioral, life-history, morphological, and physiological traits, I disentangled the phenotypic correlates of individual vulnerability to angling gear. Using both, benthivorous and piscivorous model species I identified the strength and direction of selection. I then compared survival and reproductive fitness of vulnerable and invulnerable individuals to predict the evolutionary potential of angling-induced selection. My research showed that boldness in the context of foraging is the most important trait under selection in passive fisheries targeting benthivorous species whereas aggression determines selection in piscivorous species. In addition, growth and boldness were positively correlated. Intrinsically high foraging activity- and speed likely explained why explicitly bold fish were caught more often. These highly vulnerable individuals also faced higher natural mortality at the juvenile stage in ponds and within a 25 ha natural lake. Thus, angling-induced selection and natural selection point into the same direction at the juvenile stage. However, using adult, nest-guarding fish, I also showed that angling-induced selection can severely impact reproductive fitness when behavioral patterns that determine fitness also affect vulnerability to angling gear. As a consequence, an exploitation-induced timidity syndrome can be assumed in highly exploited fish stocks leading to increasing shyness and reduced vulnerability of individual fish. My findings call for a promotion of behavioral diversity within natural fish populations.

Analýza ichtyofauny České republiky se zaměřením na invazivní druhy / Analysis of ichtyofauna of the Czech Republic focused on alien species

Goldstein, David January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the ichthyofauna in Czech Republic in historical terms, i.e. how was the data on the occurrence of native species of fishes and lampreys collected. Particular attention is given to species alien to this territory - the following species are elaborated in more detail: Carassius auratus, Ameiurus nebulosus, Pseudorasbora parva, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Aristichthys nobilis, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Coregonus maraena,Coregonus peled, Acipeneser baerii, Acipeneser stellatus, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii. The history of the introductions, the current situation in the Czech Republic and the impact on native ichthyofauna are listed (a more detailed evaluation of invasiveness is included for Carassius auratus, Pseudorasbora parva). Finally, the efforts to enrich the local ichthyofauna by introducing new species are generally evaluated.

Investigations into Ergasilus sieboldi (Nordmann 1832) (Copepoda: Poecilostomatoida), in a large reservoir rainbow trout fishery in the UK

Tildesley, Andrew Saul January 2008 (has links)
Ergasilus sieboldi has been reported from a number of trout fisheries in England and Wales. The population dynamics of this parasitic copepod in Rutland Water, a large reservoir in Central England was studied from 2003 to 2005. A combination of angler and net caught fish were examined to record numbers of adult females and egg production throughout each year. The parasite overwintered in large numbers on trout and commenced egg production in April which then continued until October/November. The prevalence of infection and the abundance of the parasite were very high in overwintered rainbow trout but these parameters then decreased in March as large numbers of uninfected fish were stocked into the reservoir. The parasite population then increased until October. Infection levels in 2004 and 2005 were significantly lower than in 2003. Infections of cage-held rainbow trout showed that E.sieboldi could become ovigerous within two weeks of attachment to trout in July and August. New infections occurred from June until November. Several species of coarse fish examined were also shown to be infected by the parasite. Cage trials showed that triploid rainbow trout were infected by significantly higher numbers of the parasite than diploid rainbow, brown trout or “blue” rainbow trout. Observations of infected fish in experimental tanks showed that overwintering parasites were stimulated to commence oviposition by increasing water temperatures. Photoperiod had no noticeable effect on the parasite. Egg viability and rate of development was studied using tank held infected fish and in vitro incubation techniques. Viability of eggs in sacs detached from the adult parasite was greater than those remaining attached. The rate of egg development was modelled and was shown to be predicted by temperature. Development of eggs was estimated to commence at 3.6ºC. Eggs developed more rapidly at higher temperatures and at peak production, inter-clutch interval was between 0 and 0.5 days. Egg production models estimated that an overwintered parasite could produce up to 19 clutches of eggs between April and October under normal temperature regimes measured at the reservoir. Ovarian development during the winter was confirmed using classifications of ovary size and shape based on parameters measured using image analysis techniques. The life span of E.sieboldi was estimated at 10-12 months. Nauplii culturing techniques were compared, and nauplii to stage V were successfully developed. Nauplii hatched from the eggs of adult parasites occurring in the spring were larger and conditioned to develop at lower temperatures than those hatched later in the year. Nauplii were fed on 4 different types of algae held in monocultures but development occurred only in algal polycultures. A comparison was made of nauplii feeding preferences and development with algae recorded in Rutland Water in 2003 and 2005 but no correlations were found. Fish stock assessment was carried out using models of angler catch, effort and stocking figures from the fishery. Parasite numbers on the overwintered fish were estimated at 12 million parasites in April 2003, 8.3 million in April 2004 and 1.2 million in April 2005. Stock assessments suggested a reduction in number of overwintering trout and effects of stocking policy to be at least partially responsible for the decline in the parasite population. The results of this study formed a management strategy for the operation of the trout fishery.

Écologie politique d'ensemencements de dorés jaunes au réservoir Baskatong, Québec

Calvé-Genest, Alexis 25 April 2013 (has links)
Résumé: La dégradation environnementale s'explique de diverses façons selon les théories anthropologiques. L'approche structuraliste récente pose les schèmes mentaux des ontologies humaine comme facteur responsable possible. L'approche expériencielle pose l'éloignement entre l'être humain et la nature comme cause potentielle. L'approche proposant l'imposition d'une idéologie hautement technologique et moderne sur des savoirs locaux en est une autre. Ces trois approches sont utilisées pour analyser les données d'une recherche de terrain centrée sur des ensemencements de doré jaunes au réservoir Baskatong. Les caractéristiques d'un texte d'écologie politiques sous-tendent l'analyse. La compétitivité entre groupes humains ressort comme caractéristique incontournable d'une analyse de la situation, mieux représentée par la troisième approche et un texte en écologie politique. /// Abstract: Environmental degradation is explained through approaches varying according to anthropological theories. The recent structuralist approach poses different mental schemes of human ontologies as potentially responsible. The experiential approach poses a gap between humans and nature as a potential cause. Another approach proposes the imposition of a highly modernistic and technological ideology over local knowledges as explanation. These three approaches are used to analyze field data focussed on walleye stocking at the Baskatong reservoir. The characteristics of a political ecology text overarch the analysis. Results show competition between human groups as an unavoidable characteristic of the analysis, better represented in the third approach and political ecology.

Modelling differences in angler choice behaviour with advanced discrete choice models

Beville, S. T. January 2009 (has links)
New Zealand is internationally renowned for having some of the finest and most challenging trout fishing in the world. However, due to continuing development and angling pressure many fishing sites are showing signs of environmental degradation and over fishing. This trend is almost certain to continue into the future given continued population and economic growth. Understanding the determinants of site choice, preference heterogeneity and anglers’ substitution patterns is fundamentally important to fishery managers who have the difficult task of maintaining quality angling experiences on a number of fishing sites, managing angling pressure and maintaining license sales. Recent advances in simulation techniques and computational power have improved the capability of discrete choice models to reveal preference heterogeneity and complex substitution patterns among individuals. This thesis applies and evaluates a number of state-of-the-art discrete choice models to study angler site choice in New Zealand. Recreation specialisation theory is integrated into the analysis to enhance the behavioural representation of the statistical models. A suite of models is presented throughout the empirical portion of this thesis. These models demonstrate different ways and degrees of explaining preference heterogeneity as well as identifying anglers’ substitution patterns. The results show that North Canterbury anglers’ preferences vary considerably. Resource disturbances such as riparian margin erosion, reduced water visibility and declines in catch rates can cause significant declines in angler use of affected sites, and at the same time non-proportional increases in the use of unaffected sites. Recreation specialisation is found to be closely related to the types of fishing site conditions, experiences and regulations preferred by anglers. Anglers’ preference intensities for fishing site attributes, such as catch rates, vary across different types of fishing sites. This location specific preference heterogeneity is found to be related to specialisation. Overall, the empirical findings indicate that conventional approaches to modelling angler site choice which do not incorporate a strong understanding of angler preference heterogeneity can lead to poorly representative models and suboptimal management and policy outcomes.

Analýza návštěvnosti revírů Českého rybářského svazu v rámci celosvazového rybolovu / Analysis of fishing pressure at sport fisheries managed by Czech Angling Union under the united fishing system.

ŠMÍD, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The goal of the thesis was to analyse the fishing pressure, number of visits and number of catches in sport fisheries managed by Czech Angling Union (CAU). The selected data, mainly concerning the sport fisheries managed by South Bohemian Board of CAU, were graphically presented. At the trophy fishery Vltava 24, daily data were evaluated and the behaviour of fishermen was compared during the first two years of the new management (2010 and 2011). The second part of the thesis is aimed at the analysis of the united system of fishing management within the whole CAU and suggests a new system of financial flow. CAU is composed by 7 regional boards; however, it is possible to buy united fishing permit valid in all the fisheries of CAU. The financial budget coming from these permits is redistributed only according to the weight of killed and recorded fish. This system is advantageous mainly for regional boards with a big amount of fishermen and high fishing pressure at their fisheries; it is less advantageous for regional boards managing large areas. Within the thesis, a new model for redistribution of the financial budget was created. Except for the weight of killed fish, it includes other expenses connected with the management (fishing guards, lease of fishing waters, etc.) and the number of fishing visits. The model was provided to CAU for future negotiation.

The value of non-native fish species : a study of recreational angling in the Amathole district

Kinghorn, James Wolmarans January 2013 (has links)
Experience has shown that effective fisheries governance requires a sound understanding of fisheries as systems incorporating both ecological and human dimensions. The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries requires that the human components of these systems be considered when developing management and governance frameworks. While the potential for inland fisheries to contribute towards societal welfare and the development of rural livelihoods is becoming increasingly apparent, developing South African inland fisheries requires a careful consideration of both their positive and negative impacts, given that they revolve mainly around five of the world‟s top 100 invasive species. This thesis aimed to explore the value of inland recreational fisheries to rural livelihoods in the Amathole District of South Africa, to the regional economy, and to anglers themselves. Three methods were used to isolate this value. Economic impact analysis was used to estimate the combined total economic impact of the 2011 Divisional Tournament (n=31) and the 2012 Amatola Bass Classic (n=100) on the regional economy of the Amathole District, estimated to be R106 625. The travel cost method was applied to data from the 2012 Amatola Bass Classic in order to estimate the social welfare generated by this tournament. The Negative Binomial model, corrected for truncation and endogenous stratification, estimated this value at R 1 960 090. The sustainable livelihoods framework was used to conduct a broad-based analysis of the value of Amatola Wild Trout, the firm which constitutes the fishery surrounding the rural village of Cata. It was found that the fishery had been responsible for a modest pecuniary impact on the community of Cata within its first two years of establishment, although significant improvements in human capital were found to have resulted from the development of the fishery. These results provide insights into the economic dimension of fisheries in the Amathole District, and will prove useful when weighing up the positive and negative impacts of non-native fish species, particularly when informing decisions regarding their potential eradication.

Écologie politique d'ensemencements de dorés jaunes au réservoir Baskatong, Québec

Calvé-Genest, Alexis January 2013 (has links)
Résumé: La dégradation environnementale s'explique de diverses façons selon les théories anthropologiques. L'approche structuraliste récente pose les schèmes mentaux des ontologies humaine comme facteur responsable possible. L'approche expériencielle pose l'éloignement entre l'être humain et la nature comme cause potentielle. L'approche proposant l'imposition d'une idéologie hautement technologique et moderne sur des savoirs locaux en est une autre. Ces trois approches sont utilisées pour analyser les données d'une recherche de terrain centrée sur des ensemencements de doré jaunes au réservoir Baskatong. Les caractéristiques d'un texte d'écologie politiques sous-tendent l'analyse. La compétitivité entre groupes humains ressort comme caractéristique incontournable d'une analyse de la situation, mieux représentée par la troisième approche et un texte en écologie politique. /// Abstract: Environmental degradation is explained through approaches varying according to anthropological theories. The recent structuralist approach poses different mental schemes of human ontologies as potentially responsible. The experiential approach poses a gap between humans and nature as a potential cause. Another approach proposes the imposition of a highly modernistic and technological ideology over local knowledges as explanation. These three approaches are used to analyze field data focussed on walleye stocking at the Baskatong reservoir. The characteristics of a political ecology text overarch the analysis. Results show competition between human groups as an unavoidable characteristic of the analysis, better represented in the third approach and political ecology.

A critical review of the South African freshwater angling legislative framework / Morné Viljoen.

Viljoen, Morné January 2010 (has links)
Prior to 1993, freshwater angling in South Africa had been governed by the respective nature conservation legislation of the four South African provinces, the four “independent homelands" and the six so-called Bantustans. In 1993 a South Africa with nine provinces was created, of which only Limpopo and Mpumalanga promulgated its own laws governing freshwater angling. From 2008 angling for listed threatened and protected freshwater fish species has been regulated by the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, supplemented by the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations. In addition, it is anticipated that the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, which will regulate angling for listed alien and invasive freshwater fish, will be promulgated in the near future. The result is that freshwater angling is currently being governed by a plethora of pre-1993 provincial, homeland and Bantustan legislation, two post-1993 provincial acts, as well as post-1993 national legislation. In this dissertation the South African freshwater angling legislative framework was critically analysed. It was found that the multitude of fragmented and complex laws, created 15 “angling provinces” which leads to confusion amongst anglers and government officials alike. In the process legal certainty and reasonableness, cornerstones of a sound legal system, are being compromised, indigenous freshwater fish are not adequately protected and alien or invasive freshwater fish are not properly managed. In the light of the above, and after taking comments by anglers and enforcement officials into account, recommendations are made for an improved legislative framework for freshwater in South Africa. It is recommended that all freshwater fish species be managed and/or protected on a catchment basis, as opposed to the current provincial basis. This will ensure legal certainty and reasonableness and that all indigenous freshwater fish which are subject to the similar threats are protected adequately and uniformly. / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

A critical review of the South African freshwater angling legislative framework / Morné Viljoen.

Viljoen, Morné January 2010 (has links)
Prior to 1993, freshwater angling in South Africa had been governed by the respective nature conservation legislation of the four South African provinces, the four “independent homelands" and the six so-called Bantustans. In 1993 a South Africa with nine provinces was created, of which only Limpopo and Mpumalanga promulgated its own laws governing freshwater angling. From 2008 angling for listed threatened and protected freshwater fish species has been regulated by the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, supplemented by the Threatened or Protected Species Regulations. In addition, it is anticipated that the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, which will regulate angling for listed alien and invasive freshwater fish, will be promulgated in the near future. The result is that freshwater angling is currently being governed by a plethora of pre-1993 provincial, homeland and Bantustan legislation, two post-1993 provincial acts, as well as post-1993 national legislation. In this dissertation the South African freshwater angling legislative framework was critically analysed. It was found that the multitude of fragmented and complex laws, created 15 “angling provinces” which leads to confusion amongst anglers and government officials alike. In the process legal certainty and reasonableness, cornerstones of a sound legal system, are being compromised, indigenous freshwater fish are not adequately protected and alien or invasive freshwater fish are not properly managed. In the light of the above, and after taking comments by anglers and enforcement officials into account, recommendations are made for an improved legislative framework for freshwater in South Africa. It is recommended that all freshwater fish species be managed and/or protected on a catchment basis, as opposed to the current provincial basis. This will ensure legal certainty and reasonableness and that all indigenous freshwater fish which are subject to the similar threats are protected adequately and uniformly. / Thesis (M. Environmental Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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