Spelling suggestions: "subject:"animal cells"" "subject:"animal wells""
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Monitoramento e operação de cultivos de células animais em sistemas de perfusão. / Monitoring and operation of animal cell cultures in perfusion systems.Aldo Tonso 25 August 2000 (has links)
Os processos biotecnológicos com células animais tem despertado interesse crescente devido à sua capacidade de sintetizar moléculas complexas de altíssimo valor agregado, mesmo exigindo condições especiais de cultivo. Torna-se portanto fundamental o correto monitoramento de tais processos, para se manter seus parâmetros dentro de limites desejados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi efetuar cultivos de células animais em processo de perfusão, aos quais se acoplavam sistemas de monitoramento visando melhor controle, de modo a contribuir para o aumento da produtividade. Realizaram-se ensaios com células BHK e hibridoma em biorreator de 12L em alta densidade celular (20E6 cel/mL), para produção de fator de coagulação FVIII e anticorpo anti-TNF. O processo de perfusão foi analisado, buscando-se melhoria em seu controle através da correta estimativa da concentração celular. O sistema de transferência de oxigênio através de membranas de silicone foi estudado, tendo-se elaborado uma simplificação para a estimativa da velocidade de consumo de oxigênio, baseando-a na pressão média da membrana de silicone, e tendo-se determinado a influência da concentração de oxigênio no crescimento e na produção e seu valor limitante (entre 5 e 10%). Por fim, estudou-se o efeito da osmolalidade do meio no processo, tanto com relação ao crescimento e consumo de substratos, como na produtividade. Observou-se o aumento do tamanho da célula com o aumento da osmolalidade (até 470mmol/kg) e como este fato influencia o cálculo da velocidade específica de produção. Tentou-se sem sucesso fazer um monitoramento on-line deste aumento de tamanho, com o uso da sonda Lasentec FBRM. No entanto esta se mostrou capaz de estimar a concentração celular. O trabalho demonstra a importância de se efetuar um adequado monitoramento do processo para garantir a correta operação, em especial em cultivos com células animais em perfusão. / Animal cell culture technology has become apparent, due to its capacity to synthesize highly valuable complex molecules, even requiring special attention. In this scenario, adequate process monitoring becomes essential to keep its parameters well controlled. The aim of this work is to perform perfusion cultures with animal cells, and couple them to monitoring systems, in order to improve the efficiency of the control and consequently productivity. Runs were realized with BHK and hibridoma cells in a 12-L bioreactor at high cell density (20E6 cel/mL), to produce clotting factor FVIII and antibody anti-TNF. The perfusion process was analyzed, to enhance its control through reliable cell density estimate. Oxygen transfer system through silicone tubing was studied, resulting in a simple way to estimate oxygen uptake rate and establishing the influence of oxygen partial pressure in the growth and production. At last, medium osmolality effect was investigated related to growth, substrate consumption, and productivity. Cell enlargement was observed at higher osmolalities (till 470mmol/kg) and its results over the specific production rate were analyzed. The cell size change was measured off-line. Lasentec FBRM probe could not follow the size change, but showed capable to estimate cell density This work makes evident the importance in having adequate monitoring systems, in order to assure correct process operation, and specially cell culture perfusion processes.
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Developpement d'un modèle à compartiments d'un bioréacteur lit-fixe utilisé en culture de cellules animales, en vue d'en étudier le design et la montée en échelle / Development of a compartment model of a fixed-bed bioreactor using in animal cell culture, in order to study its design and its scaling-upGelbgras, Valérie 24 February 2011 (has links)
La production de protéines recombinantes, d’anticorps, de vaccins, … est de plus en plus réalisée par culture de cellules animales. Le bioréacteur classiquement utilisé en industrie pour réaliser ces cultures est le bioréacteur à cuve agitée. Ce bioréacteur présente un volume important ce qui rend difficile le développement d’un bioréacteur à usage unique dans l’optique de réduire les risques de contaminations entre deux cultures consécutives. L’intensification du procédé et le développement de bioréacteur à usage unique sont donc deux défis intéressants dans la réalisation de cultures cellulaires à l’échelle industrielle. Un bioréacteur particulièrement prometteur pour l’intensification de culture cellulaire est le bioréacteur lit-fixe. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions le bioréacteur lit-fixe à usage unique iCELLis développé par Artelis S.A.<p>Le lit-fixe du bioréacteur iCELLis est composé d’un empilement de porteurs maintenu entre deux grilles perforées. Ces porteurs sont utilisés comme support par les cellules au cours de la culture. Le bioréacteur est équipé d’un système de transfert gaz-liquide par film tombant afin d’oxygéner le milieu de culture en continu. Une pompe centrifuge plongée dans un bac d’immersion assure la circulation du milieu de culture à travers l’ensemble du bioréacteur. Les cultures se déroulent en trois phases :une phase d’adhérence des cellules aux porteurs du lit-fixe, une phase de croissance cellulaire et une phase de production.<p>Les avantages d’un bioréacteur lit-fixe sont nombreux :une concentration cellulaire élevée impliquant une productivité élevée, un petit volume de bioréacteur, une faible exposition des cellules aux contraintes de cisaillement, Les bioréacteurs lits-fixes présentent cependant certains inconvénients qui freinent leur développement à l’échelle industrielle. Le lit-fixe se présente comme un réacteur piston ce qui implique l’apparition de gradients de concentrations de cellule et d’espèces extracellulaires (nutriments et produits) le long du lit-fixe. L’intérieur du lit-fixe est également difficilement accessible au cours de la culture. Le suivi des concentrations de cellules et d’espèces dans cette zone est donc problématique.<p>Une modélisation globale du bioréacteur lit-fixe nous permet de mieux comprendre les différents phénomènes qui prennent place dans le bioréacteur. Grâce à cette modélisation, nous sommes donc capables d’identifier les phénomènes clés contrôlant le procédé et ainsi fournir des pistes de travail pour l’optimisation et la montée en échelle du bioréacteur, ceci sur base de critères rationnels.<p>Nous choisissons de développer un modèle à compartiments du bioréacteur lit-fixe. Dans ce type de modèle, le bioréacteur est représenté par un réseau de compartiments interconnectés. Nous définissons trois compartiments :un premier pour la pompe, un deuxième pour les cellules et le lit-fixe, et un troisième pour le système de transfert gaz-liquide.<p>Pour le premier compartiment, nous souhaitons caractériser divers paramètres identifiés comme pertinents pour une sélection adéquate de la pompe. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthode pour caractériser ces paramètres pour une pompe de référence (celle du bioréacteur iCELLis) et pour une pompe en similitude géométrique à la pompe de référence (dans le but d’étudier la montée en échelle).<p>La pompe de référence est étudiée numériquement (grâce aux logiciels Gambit 2.4 et Fluent 6.3) et expérimentalement. Nous mettons en évidence les liens entre les paramètres de la pompe déterminés numériquement et ceux déterminés expérimentalement. Ces liens définissent notre modèle. En intégrant au modèle les résultats de la simulation numérique de l’écoulement du milieu de culture dans le bac d’immersion contenant la pompe en similitude géométrique à la pompe de référence, nous déterminons entièrement les paramètres recherchés de la seconde pompe sans avoir recours à un prototype. Ceci permet donc de tester différentes échelles avant de choisir la version finale de la seconde pompe.<p>Le deuxième compartiment du modèle caractérise les cellules et le lit-fixe. La sélection de certains paramètres opératoires dépend du métabolisme cellulaire. Nous souhaitons développer un outil de surveillance en ligne de l’évolution des concentrations de certaines espèces extracellulaires sur base de la connaissance de la concentration cellulaire dans le bioréacteur. Cet outil est développé sur base d’un modèle structuré du métabolisme des cellules animales. Dans un tel modèle, nous établissons des bilans de matière sur les espèces extra- et intracellulaires en considérant les voies métaboliques intracellulaires. Un paramètre requis pour l’emploi de cet outil est la connaissance de la concentration cellulaire au cours de la culture. Or, la surveillance de cette concentration est l’un d’un problème évoqué dans les bioréacteurs lits-fixes. Nous développons donc un modèle ségrégé de culture cellulaire en bioréacteur lit-fixe. Dans ce modèle, nous considérons l’entièreté du lit-fixe. Le modèle comprend différentes populations de cellules :les cellules en suspension dans le milieu au début de la culture et les cellules adhérentes au lit-fixe. Le modèle inclut une distribution spatiale de la concentration d’espèces extracellulaires dans le lit-fixe. Par conséquent, le modèle rapporte les gradients potentiels de concentration de cellules et d’espèces extracellulaires dans le lit-fixe.<p>Le troisième compartiment du modèle du bioréacteur caractérise le système de transfert gaz-liquide. L’oxygénation est très souvent un paramètre clé dans la conception d’un bioréacteur. Dans le bioréacteur iCELLis, le système de transfert gaz-liquide est un film liquide tombant turbulent. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthode pour caractériser le transfert d’oxygène à travers ce type de film tombant. Notre méthode, basée sur une approche numérique (grâce à Gambit 2.4 et Fluent 6.3), est scindée en deux parties. Premièrement, nous calculons la forme de l’interface gaz-liquide. Une simulation de l'écoulement est réalisée avec le modèle Volume of Fluid (VOF). A partir de cette simulation, la forme de l'interface est traquée. Deuxièmement, la forme de l'interface est générée dans un nouveau domaine de calcul afin de simuler le transfert d’oxygène. Grâce à cette seconde simulation, le coefficient de transfert d’oxygène de la phase gazeuse vers le milieu de culture est déterminé. Grâce à notre méthode, nous caractérisons ce coefficient pour différentes conditions opératoires. Nous étudions notamment l’influence du débit et de la température du milieu de culture sur le coefficient de transfert d’oxygène. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Modelling of shear sensitive cells in stirred tank reactor using computational fluid dynamicsSingh, Harminder January 2011 (has links)
Animal cells are often cultured in stirred tank reactors. Having no cell wall, these animal cells are very sensitive to the fluid mechanical stresses that result from agitation by the impeller and from the rising and bursting of bubbles, which are generated within the culture medium in the stirred tank to supply oxygen by mass transfer to the cells. If excessive, these fluid mechanical stresses can result in damage/death of animal cells. Stress due to the rising and bursting of bubbles can be avoided by using a gas-permeable membrane, in the form of a long coiled tube (with air passing through it) within the stirred tank, instead of air-bubbles to oxygenate the culture medium. Fluid mechanical stress due to impeller agitation can be controlled using appropriate impeller rotational speeds. The aim of this study was to lay the foundations for future work in which a correlation would be developed between cell damage/death and the fluid mechanical stresses that result from impeller agitation and bubbling. Such a correlation could be used to design stirred-tank reactors at any scale and to determine appropriate operating conditions that minimise cell damage/death due to fluid mechanical stresses.
Firstly, a validated CFD model of a baffled tank stirred with a Rushton turbine was developed to allow fluid mechanical stresses due to impeller agitation to be estimated. In these simulations, special attention was paid to the turbulence energy dissipation rate, which has been closely linked to cell damage/death in the literature. Different turbulence models, including the k-ε, SST, SSG-RSM and the SAS-SST models, were investigated.
All the turbulence models tested predicted the mean axial and tangential velocities reasonably well, but under-predicted the decay of mean radial velocity away from the impeller. The k-ε model predicted poorly the generation and dissipation of turbulence in the vicinity of the impeller. This contrasts with the SST model, which properly predicted the appearance of maxima in the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence energy dissipation rate just off the impeller blades. Curvature correction improved the SST model by allowing a more accurate prediction of the magnitude and location of these maxima. However, neither the k-ε nor the SST models were able to properly capture the chaotic and three-dimensional nature of the trailing vortices that form downstream of the blades of the impeller. In this sense, the SAS-SST model produced more physical predictions. However,this model has some drawbacks for modelling stirred tanks, such as the large number of modelled revolutions required to obtain good statistical averaging for calculating turbulence quantities. Taking into consideration both accuracy and solution time, the SSG-RSM model was the least satisfactory model tested for predicting turbulent flow in a baffled stirred tank with a Rushton turbine.
In the second part of the work, experiments to determine suitable oxygen transfer rates for culturing cells were carried out in a stirred tank oxygenated using either a sparger to bubble air through the culture medium or a gas-permeable membrane. Results showed that the oxygen transfer rates for both methods of oxygenation were always above the minimum oxygen requirements for culturing animal cells commonly produced in industry, although the oxygen transfer rate for air-bubbling was at-least 10 times higher compared with using a gas-permeable membrane. These results pave the way for future experiments, in which animal cells would be cultured in the stirred tank using bubbling and (separately) a gas-permeable membrane for oxygenation so that the effect of rising and bursting bubbles on cell damage/death rates can be quantified. The effect of impeller agitation on cell damage/death would be quantified by using the gas permeable membrane for oxygenation (to remove the detrimental effects of bubbling), and changing the impeller speed to observe the effect of agitation intensity.
In the third and final part of this work, the turbulent flow in the stirred tank used in the oxygenation experiments was simulated using CFD. The SST turbulence model with curvature correction was used in these simulations, since it was found to be the most accurate model for predicting turbulence energy dissipation rate in a stirred tank. The predicted local maximum turbulence energy dissipation rate of 8.9x10¹ m2/s3 at a rotational speed of 900 rpm was found to be substantially less than the value of 1.98x10⁵ m2/s3 quoted in the literature as a critical value above which cell damage/death becomes significant. However, the critical value for the turbulence energy dissipation rate quoted in the literature was determined in a single-pass flow device, whereas animal cells in a stirred tank experience frequent exposure to high turbulence energy dissipation rates (in the vicinity of the impeller) due to circulation within the stirred tank and long culture times. Future cell-culturing experiments carried out in the stirred tank of this work would aim to determine a more appropriate critical value for the turbulence energy dissipation rate in a stirred tank, above which cell damage/death becomes a problem.
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Participação da triiodotironina (T3) na regulação da expressão de genes em cardiomiócitos de ratos : estudos in vivo e in vitro. / The role of triiodothyronine (T3) on the regulation of rat cardiomyocyte genes expression: in vivo and in vitro studies.Ract, Erika Lia Brunetto 22 November 2011 (has links)
Os hormônios tireoidianos (HTs) promovem suas ações através de mecanismos genômicos, porém, há inúmeras evidências de que o HT também promove efeitos que ocorrem em curto espaço de tempo (poucos minutos), e que independem de, as quais são conhecidas como ações não genômicas ou extranucleares. É sabido que, na insuficiência cardíaca ocorre uma menor expressão dos receptores nucleares de T3, o que reduz em muito os efeitos cardioestimulantes deste hormônio, sendo muito vantajoso numa situação de contenção energética. Assim, o presente estudo visa avaliar o efeito agudo (não genômico) da administração de T3 sobre a translocação e expressão do GLUT4, e de proteínas-chave da atividade cardíaca, como GLUT1, Mb, SERCa2a, <font face=\"Symbol\">α e <font face=\"Symbol\">b miosina, em: (1) ratos submetidos ou não à insuficiência cardíaca através de cirurgia de estenose aórtica, bem como em (2) cultura primária de cardiomiócitos neonatos e adultos. Nos modelos in vivo, observamos que, após 30 min da administração do T3 no grupo portador de ICC, há um aumento da expressão do mRNA do GLUT1, GLUT4 e Mb e da proteina GLUT1 e GLUT4. Quanto aos genes relacionados à função cardíaca, Atp2a2, Myh6 e Myh7, o tratamento com T3 por 30 min nos ratos portadores de ICC promoveu redução do conteúdo de mRNA dos três genes, bem como da proteína da beta MHC. O conteúdo de SERCa2a e da alfa MHC não se alterou em 30 min, mas aumentou após o tratamento com T3 por 60 min. No modelo in vitro de cardiomiócitos de neonatos, tivemos evidências de modulação do conteúdo de mRNA e proteínas, após 30 e 45 min, após a adição de T3 em diferentes doses (10-9 a 10-6 M). Quando avaliamos o efeito do T3 sobre o conteúdo de mRNA nos cardiomiócitos de adultos em cultura, também observamos uma resposta aleatória, não dependente de dose. O conjunto desses resultados aponta para a existência de um controle pós-transcricional do T3 sobre a expressão dos genes alvo desse estudo, podendo induzir uma melhora na função cardíaca na vigência de uma ICC, uma vez que essas ações são rapidamente desencadeadas e são fugazes, impedindo que os efeitos cardioestimulantes persistam, o que poderia ser deletério. / Through nuclear actions, thyroid hormones (TH) control the expression of several cardiac genes, but there are several evidences that TH also promotes effects that occur in a short time (few minutes), and which are independent of its interaction with specific nuclear receptors attached to the TH-responsive elements, known as non-genomic or extranuclear actions. In heart failure, there are a lower expression of nuclear T3 receptors, which reduce the cardiostimulating effects of the hormone, which is extremely advantageous in an energy contention. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the acute (nongenomic) administration of T3 on the expression and translocation of GLUT4, and key proteins of the cardiac activity, such as GLUT1, Mb, SERCa2a, <font face=\"Symbol\">α and <font face=\"Symbol\">b myosin in: ( 1) rats with or without heart failure after aortic stenosis surgery, as well as (2) primary cultured cardiomyocytes neonates and adults. In the vivo model, after 30 min of the administration of T3 in the group with CHF, there is an increased in the mRNA expression in GLUT1, GLUT4 and Mb. Their proteins had an increase after 30 min (GLUT1 and GLUT4) and after 60 min (Mb). As for genes related to cardiac function, Atp2a2, Myh6 and MYH7, we observed that, the treatment with T3 for 30 min in rats with CHF promoted a decrease of the mRNA of three genes as well as the beta MHC protein. The content of alpha-MHC and SERCa2a did not change in 30 min, but increased after T3 treatment for 60 min. In the in vitro model of neonatal cardiomyocytes, we had evidence of modulation of mRNA and protein content after 30 and 45 min after the addition of T3 in different doses (from 10-9 to 10-6 M). When evaluating the effect of T3 on the mRNA content in adult cardiomyocytes in culture, we also observed a random response, not dependent on dose. All the data obtained so far points to the existence of a post-transcriptional control of T3 on the expression of target genes of this study, which could induce an improvement in cardiac function in the presence of an CHF, since these actions are elicited and fleeting, preventing cardiostimulating effects persist, which could be deleterious.
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Clonagem de serino proteases do veneno da cascavel Crotalus durissus terrificus e expressão da giroxina em célula de mamífero / Cloning of serine proteases from the venom of rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus and expression of a gyroxin in mammalian cellsYonamine, Camila Miyagui 05 December 2007 (has links)
As serino proteases participam de diversos processos fisiológicos (tal como o de coagulação) e patológicos. Essas enzimas estão amplamente distribuídas entre as espécies, são também toxinas dos venenos de serpentes, sendo denominadas SVSPs (snake venom serine proteases). Essas SVSPs são multifuncionais e contêm uma tríade catalítica formada pelos aminoácidos HDS. Algumas SVSPs são comercialmente disponíveis, sendo indicadas para o tratamento de infarto do miocárdio, tromboses e embolia pulmonar. No veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus estão descritas até o momento, apenas duas SVSPs sendo que a mais estudada é a giroxina que representa cerca de 2,5% do veneno total. No presente estudo foi reportado a clonagem de sete serino proteases amplificadas a partir de uma biblioteca de cDNA de glândula de veneno de um único espécime adulto de Crotalus durissus terrificus. Estes clones foram analisados com relação à organização do cDNA, estrutura e prováveis funções. A construção do modelo tridimensional da giroxina permitiu verificar as similaridades com tripsina, trombina e outras SVSPs. A glicosilação e a presença de muitas pontes dissulfetos dificultam a obtenção das SVSP recombinantes na forma solúvel e com atividade, por expressão em E.coli. Assim, neste trabalho foi abordada a expressão em células de mamífero (que realiza as modificações pós-traducionais) com resultados promissores. Para tanto, o peptídeo sinal de Igk, a seqüência madura e a região 3 UTR da giroxina foram clonados no vetor pED, originando um novo vetor (pED-Giro). Este vetor carrega o peptídeo sinal de Igk, o que possibilitou a secreção da giroxina para o meio de cultura. O vetor pED-Giro foi transfectado em células CHO DXB11 dhfr e COS-7. A giroxina foi detectada no extrato total das células COS-7 por western blot e, em seguida, purificada do meio de cultura com coluna de afinidade (Benzamidina Sepharose) e demonstrado sua integridade pelo ensaio de atividade esterásica. / The serine proteases affect several physiological processes (such as the coagulation cascade) and pathological ones. These enzymes are widely distributed beyond the species; they are also toxins from snake venoms and are called SVSPs (snake venom serine proteases). These SVSPs are multifunctional and have a catalytic triad formed by HDS amino acids. Some of them are commercially available for use in clinical treatment for heart attack, tromboses and pulmonary embolism. So far, in Crotalus durissus terrificus venom only two SVSPs are described and gyroxin is considered the most studied SVSP which represents about 2,5% of the total venom. In the present study was reported the cloning of seven serine proteases amplified from a cDNA library of a venomous gland of a single adult specimen from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. These clones have been analyzed in relation to the cDNA organization, structure and probable functions. The three-dimensional model of the gyroxin made possible the analysis of similarities with trypsin, thrombin and other SVSPs. The glycosylation and many disulfide bonds of the SVSPs make difficult the expression in E.coli to obtain the soluble recombinant toxin with activity. The expression in mammalian cells is very promising, because it is possible to make pos translation modification and to obtain the recombinant toxin secreted to the culture medium. The IgK signal peptide, the mature sequence and 3\'UTR region of gyroxin were cloned in the pED expression vector resulting in a new vector (pED-Giro). This vector carries the Igk signal peptide, which allows the secretion of the protein to the culture medium. The pED-Giro vector was transfected in CHO DXB11 dhfr and COS-7 cells. The gyroxin was detected in COS-7 total extract by western blot and after, purified from the medium culture and its integrity was confirmed by esterase activity assay.
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Organização do fuso mitótico em células normais e tumorais: associação de drogas que atuam sobre os microtúbulos e a agressividade tumoral. / Mitotic spindle organization in normal and tumoral cells: interation of drug effects on microtubules and tumoral agressiveness.Lima, Beatriz Brandão Vaz de 26 November 2008 (has links)
Muitas evidências indicam que a tumorigênese em humanos é um processo com várias etapas. A progressão de um tumor em direção a malignidade ocorre de maneiras muito distintas entre os diferentes tipos de câncer. Entender os processos celulares que levam a tumorigênese é importante para se delinear tratamentos mais adequados contra os diversos tipos de câncer. Drogas antimitóticas (ou venenos de fuso) são utilizadas no tratamento de alguns cânceres, e entre eles está o câncer de mama. A ação dessas drogas reside sobre a mitose, e têm como alvo os fusos mitóticos, estruturas essenciais que dirigem o ciclo celular na divisão das células. Recentemente, pesquisadores têm delineado possíveis respostas da célula aos venenos de fuso, e essas respostas são dependentes da concentração da droga. Baixas concentrações de venenos de fuso provocam o aparecimento de populações celulares aneuplóides, que ocorrem quando a célula sai do bloqueio mitótico. O presente trabalho utilizou as drogas vincristina e paclitaxel sobre linhagens celulares de mama humana (células normais e tumorais) para pesquisar se as drogas são capazes de induzir células aneuplóides. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho indicam que baixa concentração de vincristina e paclitaxel pode induzir o aparecimento de população aneuplóide através de mitoses aberrantes. Os venenos de fuso induzem a formação de mitoses contendo múltiplos fusos mitóticos, e essas mitoses não ficam bloqueadas, dando origem a células aneuplóides. O papel da aneuploidia na tumorigênese não foi ainda estabelecido, mas indiferente da sua importância no desenvolvimento do tumor, encontrar maneiras de inibir sua formação ou de super induzir seu aparecimento podem ter implicações significativas para as terapias contra o câncer. / Several lines of evidence indicate that tumorigenesis in humans is a multistep process and that these steps reflect genetic alterations that drive the progressive transformation of normal cells into highly malignant derivatives. Understanding the cellular processes that lead to tumorigenesis is important to devise more appropriate treatments against various types of cancer. Antimitotic drugs are used in the treatment of some cancers, and among them is breast cancer. The action of these drugs lies on the mitotic spindles, essential structures that drive the cell cycle in the division of cells. Recently, researchers have outlined possible responses to the antimitotic drugs on cells, and these responses are dependent on the concentration of the drug. Low concentrations of drugs can cause the appearance of aneuploid population, which occur when a cell leaves the mitotic block. This study used the drug vincristine and paclitaxel on human breast cancer cell lines (normal and tumoral cells) to find if the drugs are capable of inducing cell aneuploidy. The results of this study indicate that low concentration of vincristine and paclitaxel can induce the emergence of aneuploidy population through aberrant mitosis. The drugs induce the formation of mitosis containing multiple mitotic spindles, resulting in aneuploidy population of cells. The role of aneuploidy in tumorigenesis has not yet been established, but indifferent to this is important find ways to inhibit its formation or the super-induce their appearance. These questions may have significant implications for therapies against cancer.
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Clonagem de serino proteases do veneno da cascavel Crotalus durissus terrificus e expressão da giroxina em célula de mamífero / Cloning of serine proteases from the venom of rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus and expression of a gyroxin in mammalian cellsCamila Miyagui Yonamine 05 December 2007 (has links)
As serino proteases participam de diversos processos fisiológicos (tal como o de coagulação) e patológicos. Essas enzimas estão amplamente distribuídas entre as espécies, são também toxinas dos venenos de serpentes, sendo denominadas SVSPs (snake venom serine proteases). Essas SVSPs são multifuncionais e contêm uma tríade catalítica formada pelos aminoácidos HDS. Algumas SVSPs são comercialmente disponíveis, sendo indicadas para o tratamento de infarto do miocárdio, tromboses e embolia pulmonar. No veneno de Crotalus durissus terrificus estão descritas até o momento, apenas duas SVSPs sendo que a mais estudada é a giroxina que representa cerca de 2,5% do veneno total. No presente estudo foi reportado a clonagem de sete serino proteases amplificadas a partir de uma biblioteca de cDNA de glândula de veneno de um único espécime adulto de Crotalus durissus terrificus. Estes clones foram analisados com relação à organização do cDNA, estrutura e prováveis funções. A construção do modelo tridimensional da giroxina permitiu verificar as similaridades com tripsina, trombina e outras SVSPs. A glicosilação e a presença de muitas pontes dissulfetos dificultam a obtenção das SVSP recombinantes na forma solúvel e com atividade, por expressão em E.coli. Assim, neste trabalho foi abordada a expressão em células de mamífero (que realiza as modificações pós-traducionais) com resultados promissores. Para tanto, o peptídeo sinal de Igk, a seqüência madura e a região 3 UTR da giroxina foram clonados no vetor pED, originando um novo vetor (pED-Giro). Este vetor carrega o peptídeo sinal de Igk, o que possibilitou a secreção da giroxina para o meio de cultura. O vetor pED-Giro foi transfectado em células CHO DXB11 dhfr e COS-7. A giroxina foi detectada no extrato total das células COS-7 por western blot e, em seguida, purificada do meio de cultura com coluna de afinidade (Benzamidina Sepharose) e demonstrado sua integridade pelo ensaio de atividade esterásica. / The serine proteases affect several physiological processes (such as the coagulation cascade) and pathological ones. These enzymes are widely distributed beyond the species; they are also toxins from snake venoms and are called SVSPs (snake venom serine proteases). These SVSPs are multifunctional and have a catalytic triad formed by HDS amino acids. Some of them are commercially available for use in clinical treatment for heart attack, tromboses and pulmonary embolism. So far, in Crotalus durissus terrificus venom only two SVSPs are described and gyroxin is considered the most studied SVSP which represents about 2,5% of the total venom. In the present study was reported the cloning of seven serine proteases amplified from a cDNA library of a venomous gland of a single adult specimen from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. These clones have been analyzed in relation to the cDNA organization, structure and probable functions. The three-dimensional model of the gyroxin made possible the analysis of similarities with trypsin, thrombin and other SVSPs. The glycosylation and many disulfide bonds of the SVSPs make difficult the expression in E.coli to obtain the soluble recombinant toxin with activity. The expression in mammalian cells is very promising, because it is possible to make pos translation modification and to obtain the recombinant toxin secreted to the culture medium. The IgK signal peptide, the mature sequence and 3\'UTR region of gyroxin were cloned in the pED expression vector resulting in a new vector (pED-Giro). This vector carries the Igk signal peptide, which allows the secretion of the protein to the culture medium. The pED-Giro vector was transfected in CHO DXB11 dhfr and COS-7 cells. The gyroxin was detected in COS-7 total extract by western blot and after, purified from the medium culture and its integrity was confirmed by esterase activity assay.
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Secreção de hormônio de crescimento de camundongo por queratinócitos humanos primários: perspectivas para um modelo animal de terapia gênica cutânea / Secretion of mouse growth hormone by transduced primary human keratinocytes: prospects for an animal model of cutaneous gene therapyClaudia Regina Cecchi 05 September 2008 (has links)
Queratinócitos são um veículo bastante atrativo para a transferência gênica ex vivo e liberação sistêmica uma vez que as proteínas secretadas por estas células podem atingir a circulação via um mecanismo similar ao processo natural. Um eficiente vetor retroviral (LXSN) contendo o gene do hormônio de crescimento de camundongo (mGH) foi utilizado para transduzir queratinócitos humanos primários. Os queratinócitos transduzidos apresentaram um nível de secreção in vitro alto e estável atingindo até 11 g mGH/106 células/dia. Os epitélios formados por estes queratinócitos geneticamente modificados apresentaram, porém, uma queda na taxa de secreção > 80 % quando foram retirados da placa de cultura utilizando um procedimento clássico. A substituição desta metodologia clássica por uma cultura organotípica resolveu completamente este problema. Camundongos anões imunodeficientes (lit/scid) implantados com estes enxertos organotípicos foram acompanhados durante 4 meses, e apresentaram um aumento de peso significativo (P<0,05) nos primeiros 40 dias. Níveis circulatórios de mGH atingiram um pico de 21 ng/mL 1 h após o implante, mas estes níveis rapidamente atingiram níveis basais (~2 ng/mL). Os queratinócitos humanos primários apresentaram portanto altos níveis de expressão in vitro e os maiores níveis circulatórios, porém por um breve período de tempo, reportados até o momento para GH neste tipo de células. Em conjunto com resultados que mostraram uma recuperação considerável da eficiência de secreção de mGH em cultura por enxertos organotípicos retirados dos animais, foram discutidos os fatores que ainda impedem a utilização clínica deste modelo promissor de terapia gênica cutânea. / Keratinocytes are a very attractive vehicle for ex vivo gene transfer and systemic delivery, since proteins secreted by these cells may reach the circulation via a mechanism which mimics the natural process. An efficient retroviral vector (LXSN) encoding the mouse growth hormone gene (mGH) was used to transduce primary human keratinocytes. Organotypic raft cultures were prepared with these genetically modified keratinocytes and were grafted onto immunodeficient dwarf mice (lit/scid). Transduced keratinocytes presented a high and stable in vitro secretion level of up to 11 g mGH/106cells/day. Conventional epidermal sheets made with these genetically modified keratinocytes, however, showed a drop in secretion rates of > 80% simply due to detachment of the epithelium from its substratum. Substitution of conventional grafting methodologies with organotypic raft cultures completely overcame this problem. The stable long-term grafting of such cultures onto immunodeficient dwarf (lit/scid) mice could be followed for more than 4 months, and a significant weight increase (P<0.05) over the control group was observed in the first 40 days. Circulating mGH levels revealed a peak of 21 ng/mL just 1h after grafting, but unfortunately these levels rapidly fell to baseline values (~ 2 ng/mL). mGH-secreting primary human keratinocytes presented the highest in vitro expression and peak circulatory levels reported to date for a form of GH with this type of cells. Together with data showing that excised implants can recover in culture a remarkable fraction of their original in vitro mGH secretion efficiency, the factors that might still hamper the success of this promising model of cutaneous gene therapy are discussed. SUMÁRIO
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Secreção de hormônio de crescimento de camundongo por queratinócitos humanos primários: perspectivas para um modelo animal de terapia gênica cutânea / Secretion of mouse growth hormone by transduced primary human keratinocytes: prospects for an animal model of cutaneous gene therapyCecchi, Claudia Regina 05 September 2008 (has links)
Queratinócitos são um veículo bastante atrativo para a transferência gênica ex vivo e liberação sistêmica uma vez que as proteínas secretadas por estas células podem atingir a circulação via um mecanismo similar ao processo natural. Um eficiente vetor retroviral (LXSN) contendo o gene do hormônio de crescimento de camundongo (mGH) foi utilizado para transduzir queratinócitos humanos primários. Os queratinócitos transduzidos apresentaram um nível de secreção in vitro alto e estável atingindo até 11 g mGH/106 células/dia. Os epitélios formados por estes queratinócitos geneticamente modificados apresentaram, porém, uma queda na taxa de secreção > 80 % quando foram retirados da placa de cultura utilizando um procedimento clássico. A substituição desta metodologia clássica por uma cultura organotípica resolveu completamente este problema. Camundongos anões imunodeficientes (lit/scid) implantados com estes enxertos organotípicos foram acompanhados durante 4 meses, e apresentaram um aumento de peso significativo (P<0,05) nos primeiros 40 dias. Níveis circulatórios de mGH atingiram um pico de 21 ng/mL 1 h após o implante, mas estes níveis rapidamente atingiram níveis basais (~2 ng/mL). Os queratinócitos humanos primários apresentaram portanto altos níveis de expressão in vitro e os maiores níveis circulatórios, porém por um breve período de tempo, reportados até o momento para GH neste tipo de células. Em conjunto com resultados que mostraram uma recuperação considerável da eficiência de secreção de mGH em cultura por enxertos organotípicos retirados dos animais, foram discutidos os fatores que ainda impedem a utilização clínica deste modelo promissor de terapia gênica cutânea. / Keratinocytes are a very attractive vehicle for ex vivo gene transfer and systemic delivery, since proteins secreted by these cells may reach the circulation via a mechanism which mimics the natural process. An efficient retroviral vector (LXSN) encoding the mouse growth hormone gene (mGH) was used to transduce primary human keratinocytes. Organotypic raft cultures were prepared with these genetically modified keratinocytes and were grafted onto immunodeficient dwarf mice (lit/scid). Transduced keratinocytes presented a high and stable in vitro secretion level of up to 11 g mGH/106cells/day. Conventional epidermal sheets made with these genetically modified keratinocytes, however, showed a drop in secretion rates of > 80% simply due to detachment of the epithelium from its substratum. Substitution of conventional grafting methodologies with organotypic raft cultures completely overcame this problem. The stable long-term grafting of such cultures onto immunodeficient dwarf (lit/scid) mice could be followed for more than 4 months, and a significant weight increase (P<0.05) over the control group was observed in the first 40 days. Circulating mGH levels revealed a peak of 21 ng/mL just 1h after grafting, but unfortunately these levels rapidly fell to baseline values (~ 2 ng/mL). mGH-secreting primary human keratinocytes presented the highest in vitro expression and peak circulatory levels reported to date for a form of GH with this type of cells. Together with data showing that excised implants can recover in culture a remarkable fraction of their original in vitro mGH secretion efficiency, the factors that might still hamper the success of this promising model of cutaneous gene therapy are discussed. SUMÁRIO
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Efeitos da Terapia Fotodinâmica mediada por laser de emissão vermelha e azul de metileno em vaginite induzida por Candida albicans / Effects of photodynamic therapy mediated by red laser and methylene blue aplied in induced vaginitis by Candida albicansSENA, ROSA M.M. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
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