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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propagation environment modeling using scattered field chamber

Otterskog, Magnus January 2006 (has links)
This thesis covers the development of the Reverberation Chamber as a measurement tool for cell phone tests in electronic production. It also covers the development of the Scattered Field Chamber as a measurement tool for simulations of real propagation environments. The first part is a more ”general knowledge about Reverberation Chambers”-part that covers some important phenomena like unstirred power and position dependence that might occour in a small Reverberation Chamber used for cell phone tests. Knowing how to deal with these phenomenas, give the possibility to use the chamber as a measurement tool for production tests even though it is too complex for a simple test of the antenna function. The second part shows how to alter some important propagation parameters inside the chamber to fit some real world propagation environments. The 3D plane wave distribution, the polarization and the amplitude statistics of the plane waves are all altered with simple techniques that are implementable all together. A small, shielded anechoic box with apertures is used to control 3D plane wave distribution and polarization. Antennas that introduce unstirred power in the chamber are used to control the statistics.

Software Architecture for a Cyber-Physical Ecosystem in support of Open Innovation - : Balancing Open Innovation and Governance through Software Architecture

Platanias, Efthymios January 2017 (has links)
This is a qualitative exploratory study of Software Architecture in Cyber-Physical Ecosystems. Software Architecture plays a pivotal role to Software Ecosystems and, apart from Functional and non-Functional requirements, it is affected by factors of a different nature. The purpose of this paper is to identify these factors and describe their relationship with the ecosystem’s architecture. Several owners of Cyber-Physical systems are in the process of setting up new ecosystems by sharing functionalities of their proprietary platform with third-party developers. This makes Architecture that supports Open Innovation critical to this endeavor. We believe that the application of Software Ecosystem best practices  to the domain of Cyber-Physical Systems is an interesting subject. An exploratory literature study was conducted to create a conceptual model which describes the relationship of architecture with the factors presented above. This study resulted in a conceptual model which supports the decision making process of the platform owner during the various stages of the ecosystem’s lifecycle.

Vital Sign Radar Redesign : Further Development of a Compact, Highly integrated 60 GHz Radar for Human Vital Sign Monitoring

Dalati, Fares, Martinez Lopez, Pablo Enrique January 2017 (has links)
Nowadays, thanks to the modern technologies, the human being has been able todevelop new techniques to solve problems present in the past. Regarding the medicalfield, it is common to use several apparatus in order to measure the vital signs. Themain drawback about the traditional methods employed for this purpose is that theyare invasive towards the patient. However, in this thesis it has been developed afurther design of a radar system so as to be able to measure these vital signs in awireless way. Based on a 60 GHz frequency modulated continuous wave radar chip, it has been ableto increase the performance of the measurements by adding a second radar chip.Because of this new feature, the radar system is now having a better precision byprocessing greater data matrix to analyse the targets positions and theirmeasurements. In addition, an enhanced MCU has been incorporated in order toavoid performance bottlenecks because it is necessary to handle the processing of thedata received by the two radar chips. Lastly, reducing the sweeping time (periodbetween the lowest frequency broadcast to linearly reach the highest frequencybroadcast) from 20 ms the previous design to 1 ms, which requires higher samplingrate to cover the fast sweep and provide higher flow of information that leads to fasterdetection process. A 3D design of the prototype has been designed to show the physical appearance itwould have once entering in production. The result is a compact and highlyintegrated radar system which will be able to monitor the heart beating andrespiration frequency of a human being in a range of ten meters.

Control of a high temperature DLTS setup

Marklund, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with a DLTS-setup and how this can be controlled. The controlling program is constructed in LABVIEW, where a previous built program measuring transients at varying pulses been handled and tried to be implemented for this setup. Parts of the program was implemented successfully, other part needs more work. The heater in the setup has further been connected directly to the sample. This one has been tested to see that the setup can handle the heat and that the difference between the temperature at the sample and the setup did not differ too much. The result showed that the difference was not so big. Finally, DLTS tests was performed at samples of silicon carbide as well as on diamond, where transients could be measured up to 723 °C on the silicon carbide sample, while the tests of diamond only gave noise.

Elkvalitetsundersökning av solcellsanläggningarna på Sundsvalls sjukhus

Hallin, Mattias January 2017 (has links)
Landstinget Västernorrland har i dagsläget installerat cirka 2600 kvadratmeter solpaneler på sina sjukhus i länet. Planer finns att utöka detta ytterligare. Eftersom solenergin står för en växande andel av elförsörjningen på dessa sjukhus, så väcks frågan om detta kommer ha någon negativ påverkan på dessa sjukhus elkvalitet.   Syftet med arbetet är undersöka om elkvaliteten i inmatningspunkterna för solcellsanläggningarna ligger inom gränsvärdena specificerade enligt EIFS 2013:1 för allmän distribution, samt om någon negativ på-verkan kan påvisas från solcellernas elproduktion. Resultatet visade att samtliga punkter i föreskriften EIFS 2013:1 för elkvalitet uppfylldes.   Det gick inte att påvisa att produktionen från solcellerna hade någon direkt negativ påverkan på sjukhusets elkvalitet i mätpunkterna som undersöktes. Denna slutsats kunde stödjas av att de psykiatriska avdelningar visade god elkvalitet, trots att den installerade effekten solceller är ungefär dubbelt så stor där som på det centrala sjukhuset.   Montagevinkeln för solpanelerna undersöktes också, och enligt en simulering som utfördes i PVGIS, så visade det sig att den optimala vinkeln för en enskild solpanel på den aktuella breddgraden är 44 grader. Det behövs dock ytterligare undersökningar för att konstatera om denna vinkel är fördelaktig för samtliga anläggningar på sjukhus-området. Rapporten visar också att de 15:e och 8:e relativa övertonerna har mät-värden som ligger relativt nära gällande gränsvärden. För att upprätt-hålla elkvaliteten på sjukhuset under alla förhållanden, så bör en under-sökning genomföras för att lokalisera de största faktorerna till störningskällorna. / The County Council of Västernorrland has as of today, installed around 2600 square meters of solar panels on their hospitals. There are already plans in place to expand this even further in the future. With ever in-creasing share of their total energy usage being supplied from solar power, the question arises if this will have any negative impact on the electrical power quality at these hospitals.   The purpose of this study is to determine if the electrical power quality is currently within the limits defined by the Swedish regulation EIFS 2013:1, and if the production of electrical power from these smaller photovoltaic plants have any negative effect on the power quality at the measured grid feed-ins. The results showed that the power quality on all measured points passed the requirements for the regulation EIFS 2013:1.   Also, no clear evidence of any negative side effects on the power quality, caused by electrical power production from the solar panels could be determined. This was supported by the measured power quality being better at the psychiatric departments, despite the installed nameplate capacity being about twice as high as on the main hospital building.   The mounting angle of around 15 degrees was found not to be optimal for a single solar panel at the latitude where the installations are located. A simulation ran found the optimal angle to be 44 degrees. Despite this, more investigations are needed to determine if a higher angle is advantageous to all the installations on the investigated hospital area. Lastly, the report showed some reason to be concerned about the 15th and 8th relative harmonics, as they both had measured values being close to the regulation limits. In order to improve power quality in the future, and avoid exceeding regulation limits, it is therefore recommended that an investigation is performed to determine the largest sources of 15th and 8th relative harmonics.

Modelling extensive solar power production in urban and rural areas

Elfving, Gustav, Jansson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Renewable energy sources, in form of solar power, is a growing source of energy. Not only at an industry level but also at a commercial level. Grid-connected, building-applied solar power has increased rapidly and as the implementation of solar energy grows, so does the importance of being able to evaluate locations that are of interest of installations with respect to its potential production and its impact on the electrical grid. In this thesis the energy production for different future scenarios is modelled for BAPV (Building Applied Photovoltaics) in Uppsala and Herrljunga. This is done by using calculation and simulation programs called MATLAB and ArcGIS. The results regarding Uppsala, are used in a report by BEESG (Built Environment Energy Systems Group) at Uppsala University to the Swedish energy agency. The grid impact of installing extensive solar power as concentrated and dispersed in Herrljunga are simulated and evaluated. Both authors has during the process been equally involved in all parts of the thesis in order to get a thorough understanding of the project as a whole. This due to the fact that the different parts of the thesis were dependent of each other (the second part could not be finished until the first were completed etc).

Mikroproduktion med solceller : Användandet av acceptansgränser

Hanhisalo, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete har med hjälp av acceptansgränser uppskattat hur mycket mikroproduktion som kan installeras i ett lågspänningsnät och resultatet presenteras som en karta över ett referensområde. Arbetet visar att det trots ett mycket starkt elnät i huvudsak är acceptansgränsen för spänningshöjning som kommer att vara begränsande. Det läggs fram tre förslag på åtgärder som underlättar införandet mikroproduktion. Mätning för att uppskatta återstående marginal till acceptansgränsen, vilket sedan kan fungera som ett beslutsunderlag för att tillåta mer installerbar effekt. Justering av transformatorns nominella spänning, vilket frigör utrymme för mer produktion. Möjligheten till begränsning av produktion under kritiska timmar medför att mer installerbar effekt kan tillåtas och det finns mer tid för genomtänkta investeringar. / This work has estimated the amount of microgeneration that may be installed in a low voltage grid based on hosting capacity limits and presents an overview of a reference area. The work shows that despite a very strong power grid, it is essentially the hosting capacity for voltage increase that will limit microgeneration production. Three proposals are given for measures that facilitate the introduction of microgeneration. Measurements to estimate the remaining margin to the hosting capacity limit, which serves as a decision base to allow more installable effect. Adjustment of the transformer's rated voltage, which increases the hosting capacity and allows more production. Production curtailment during critical hours means that more installable power can be allowed and there is more time for thoughtful investments.

Arduinobaserad hundpejl

Larsson, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
En hundpejl är idag något absolut nödvändigt vid löshundsjakt. Anledningen är att jägaren måste veta vart hunden är och helst också vad som sker. Idag när trafiken ökar allt mer är det av vikt att i tid kunna avgöra om hunden är på väg mot en trafikerad väg. Om hunden blir still har man möjlighet att i tid avgöra om den fastnat eller har gått i vatten och har möjlighet att hinna fram i tid för att hjälpa. Och då hundpejlar ofta kostar mer än 2000 kronor så finns det ett önskemål om att ta fram billigare varianter av hundpejlar. Målet i detta projekt är därför att konstruera, montera och programmera en pejl av Arduino UNO och Adafruit FONA 808 som uppfyller de krav, såsom en batteritid på minst 8 timmar och ett precisionsfel på max 5 meter, som en jägare ställer på en pejl som samtidigt är billigare en kommersiell produkt med liknande prestanda. Tillgångavägssättet var sådant att först studerades relevant litteratur såsom Adafruits produktbeskrivning och testkod, sedan testades de olika enskilt funktionerna, skicka, ta bort och läsa SMS samt hämta GPS-koordinater. När det var klart att funktionerna fungerade programmerades en kod som erhåller de egenskaper som en användare önskar sig.  Därefter utvärderades pejlen för att se om den uppfyller de ställda kraven. Det som testades var pejlens vikt, batteritid och positionsnoggrannhet. Vikten mättes på en köksvåg, batteritiden mättes genom att testa batteriladdningen en gång i timmen över tre timmar och positionsnoggrannheten mättes på sådant sätt att pejlens koordinater jämfördes med resultatet från Google Maps och Eniro. Det visade sig att pejlen inte helt uppfyller alla krav, då positionsnoggrannheten inte direkt uppfyller de kraven som är ställda. Dock är enheten fortfarande användningsbar för spårning då den ger en tillräcklig generell area för att kunna hitta en hund på. Pejlen kan även användas i andra syften, till exempel placera den i en bil utifall stöld. Den ger även en bas att vidareutveckla en hundpejl ifrån till exempel skicka ljud till en telefon vilket även intresserar jägare. / A dog tracker is something that is essential when hunting with a dog. The reason is because the hunter needs to know where the dog is always, while preferably as well knowing what happens with the dog. Today, when the traffic is increasing and more, it is of importance to be able to determine whether the dog is heading for a busy road. The tracker also gives the hunter the possibility to rescue the dog if it gets stuck or fall in water. Dog trackers are of importance to the hunter, but they are also expensive, most costs more than 2000 SEK/230 USD, so there is a desire for a cheaper dog tracker that still fulfil the demands that hunters or dog owners require. The goal of this project is to design, build and program a dog tracker from Arduino UNO and Adafruit FONA 808, that meets the requirements stated by a user and at the same time are cheaper than the commercial equivalents. The method used are such that first relevant documents, such as Adafruit product description and testcode, are studied to gain an understanding of the units used. The units were then tested by the testcode to ensure that all parts are working correctly, this was done by testing read, delete and send SMS and get GPS-coordinates. When it was sure that all parts worked correctly a code was programmed that fulfilled all the requirements requested by a user. Then the finished dog tracker was evaluated to ensure that it fulfilled the requirements. Weight, battery time and positioning accuracy was tested, where weight was tested by a kitchen scale, battery time was tested by measuring the loss of charge once an hour over a period of three hours. From what was measured in those three hours a battery time was calculated by extrapolating loss of battery power/hour. The positioning accuracy was measured by using the dog trackers coordinates and comparing them to Google Maps and Eniro coordinates. The conclusion of the project is that the dog tracker didn’t fulfil all the requirements, its positioning accuracy didn’t reach the requirement of max 5-meter error. Though the dog tracker is still usable for tracking because it still gives a good enough positioning for finding a dog. The dog tracker can also be used for other purposes such as placing in a car to track it in event of a theft. The dog tracker also acts as a base for future developments, like using it to send sound which is also of interest for a hunter.


Vorgianitis, Georgios January 2017 (has links)
With the significant advancementstaking place in the last three decades in the field ofInformation Technology (IT), we are witnesses of an era unprecedented to the standards that mankind was used to, for centuries. Having access to a huge amount of dataalmost instantly,entails certainadvantages. One of which is the ability to observe in which segments of their expertise do scientists focus their research. That kind of knowledge, if properly appraised could hold the key to explaining what the new directions of the applied sciences will be and thus could help to constructing a “map” of the future developments from the Research and Development labs of the industries worldwide.Though the above statement may be considered too “futuristic”, already there have been documented attempts in the literature that have been fruitful into using vast amount of scientific data in an attempt to outline future scientific trends and thus scientific discoveries.The purpose of this research is to try to use a pioneeringmethodof modeling text corpora that already hasbeen used previously to the task of mapping the history of scientific discovery, that of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)and try to evaluate itsusability into detecting emerging research trends by the mere use of only the “Abstracts” from a collectionof scientific articles.To do that an experimental set is being utilized and the process is repeated over three experimental runs.The results, although not the ones that would validate the hypothesis, are showing that with certain improvements in the processing the hypothesis could be confirmed.

Spårning av rotorblad på UAV / Rotor blade tracking on UAV

Drougge, Max January 2016 (has links)
Arbetet gick ut på att utvärdera befintliga spårningsmetoder, utforma en procedur för spårning, ge förslag på lämplig utrustning och om tid fanns, testa konceptet. Arbetet skulle också dokumenteras så att krav, design och beslut kan förstås av någon som inte varit delaktig i arbetet. För att minska vibrationerna i UAV behöver rotorbladen spåras, det vill säga, rotorbladen ska befinna sig på samma höjd vid samma position i rotationen. Om spårningen inte är korrekt kan detta leda till oönskade vibrationer som kan vara farliga för UAV:er. I dagsläget används en metod som är väldigt tidskrävande. Metoden har heller inte speciellt god precision i mätningarna. För att komma fram med en ny spårningsmetod jämfördes olika metoder som används idag. Vilka krav som fanns på metoden, även kostnad och tid togs med vid utformandet. Spårningsmetoden som tagits fram innefattar en avståndsmätare som använder sig av ljus. Mätning sker på respektive rotorblad, därefter skickas data för behandling till en mikrokontroller. Resultatet blev ett nytt spårningskoncept med stor potential. Med mer utvecklingsarbete och testning skulle det kunna bli en egen produkt som kan till exepel säljas tillsammans med UAV eller helt separat. Examensarbetet har utförts hos företaget CybAero AB.

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