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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multisensory Expert-Based Support System for the Firefighter’s Training Performance Evaluation

Bork-Ceszlak, Krzysztof, Żydanowicz, Tadeusz January 2018 (has links)
The primary purpose of this thesis work is to design and implement a system supporting the fire-fighter’straining evaluation. The solution presented in this report comprises a real-time locating system andInertial Measurement Unit that collect the training data and an application built with the Unity3D gameengine used for processing. Before the presented application can process any data, a training facility must be recreated, and atrainer or an expert must define training guidelines, such as zones that a trainee must visit, objectshe/she has to see, and the required execution time. After this preparation and completed trainingsession, collected data is processed and the visualization together with evaluation process begins. Theprogram visualizes trainee’s position and his/her field of view and evaluates his performance. For thelatter, it uses the Unity3D collision detection feature. After the evaluation, the trainer can see detailedresults with recorded time stamps, and using them, he/she can fast forward to specific, important points,reducing the time to analyze trainee’s performance throughout the whole training. Tests which the authors conducted confirm that the built system meets requirements and is useful forevaluation of the trainee’s performance.

Physically Based Modelling for Knock Prediction in SI Engines

Thornberg, Nils, Eriksson Kraft, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
The high demand for an increase in performance and at the same time loweringthe emissions is forcing the automotive industry to increase the efficiency of thevehicles. This demand lead to a problem called knock, which often is the limitingfactor when increasing the efficiency of the engine. Knock occurs when theunburned gases inside the combustion chamber self-ignites due to the increasingpressure and temperature.This thesis investigates if it is possible to predict knock with a physicallybased knock model. The model consist of several sub-models such as pressuremodel, temperature model and knock model. The models are built by using measureddata and the goal is to get an independent knock prediction model that canfind the limited ignition angle that will cause knock.The results shows that an analytic pressure model can simulate a measuredpressure curve. But when it comes to predicting knock, there is an uncertaintywhich can be improved by changing the modelling strategy and making the modelsmore accurate.

Hemautomation : Automatiska persienner för nedkylning

Olovsson, Jens January 2018 (has links)
Hur mycket värme strålar in genom fönster? Det beror på vilket håll de är vända mot och deras storlek. I den här rapporten jämförs två metoder för att hindra en temperaturhöjning. Den ena metoden är med luftvärmepump som jämförs kostnadsmässigt med den andra metoden som är automatiska persienner. Beräkningen av vad det kostar att kyla bort värmen med värmepump sker i MATLAB. Styrningen av persiennerna sker i det här fallet med hjälp av KNX. Kommunikationen sker via en buss. För att programmera styrningen används ETS5. Beräkningarna grundas på antagen att byggnaden har 8 m² fönster i sydlig riktning, 5 m² i östlig riktning och 4 m² i västlig riktning. Den tillförda värmen över hela året antas vara 10 000 kWh. Beräkningen tar inte hänsyn till yttertemperatur och är därför lite missvisande. Mätdata för antal soltimmar hämtas från SMHI för att beräkna solinstrålningen genom alla fönster. Med hjälp av denna information beräknas kostnaden att kyla bort solinstrålningen till 460 kr per år. Inköpspriset för luftvärmepumpen är 20 350 kronor. Priset för en persienn är 10 000 kronor. Författaren rekommenderar luftvärmepumpen för nedkylning av byggnaden i detta fall. / How much heat radiates in through windows? It depends on their direction and the size of them. Two methods to prevent a temperature increase are compared in this report. The first method is by removing the heat with a heat pump, which is compared to the second method that involves automatic blinds. The cost to run the heat pump to remove the heat is calculated in MATLAB. The control of the blinds in this case is with KNX. The communication is done through a bus. ETS5 was used to program the blinds. The calculations assume that the size of the southern windows are 8 m², the east-facing windows are 5 m², and the west-facing windows are 4 m². The added heat is assumed to be 10 000 kWh throughout the year. The calculations does not take outside temperature into account. Data for the amount of sunshine is taken from SMHI. With the help of this information the cost of cooling the radiated heat is calculated to 460 swedish crowns per year. The cost of buying the heat pump is 20 350 swedish crowns. One blind costs 10 000 swedish crowns to buy. The author recommends the heat pump to cool the building in this case.

Analysis of angular accuracy in the IFF Monopulse receiver

Bengtsson, Filip, Sköld, David January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis investigates how certain components error margin may affect the accuracy of a IFF monopulse receiver. The IFF monopulse receiver measures the angle of arrival of the incident signal by comparing sum and difference signals created in the receiver. The components of interest are phase shifters and attenuators, where both can give individual and different errors depending on the antenna steering angle. The project is conducted at Saab Aeronautics, based on a receiver in development for the Gripen E aircraft. The results of the thesis generated results showing that the angular accuracy decreases with the increase of steering angle. The angular deviation can for some cases be seen as sufficiently small for the receiver to work properly in the ideal case.

Algoritmer i en digital beredningsplattform för elnät

Wirén, Karl January 2018 (has links)
En digitalisering av elnätsberedning har lett till möjligheter att i en digital beredningsplattform undersöka möjligheterna för algoritmer vilka syftar till att effektivisera, kvalitetssäkra samt reducera miljöpåverkan. Rapporten behandlar en behovsundersökning av ett antal algoritmer i en beredningsplattform. Rapporten beskriver med grafiska metoder hur dessa algoritmer kan konstrueras, men även en metod för att tyda och transformera beredningsplattformens rådata till algoritmernas indata presenteras. De framtagna algoritmerna kan användas för underlag vid beslut, vilket kan leda till faktorer som minskad miljöpåverkan, ökad kvalitet och hållbarare samt effektivare arbetsprocesser. Ytterligare föreslås en framtida struktur med algebraisk grafteori för beräkningsalgoritmer i plattformen. / Digitization of working methods has led to the possibility of investigating the possibilities for algorithms in a processing platform for power grids. This report presents a needs assessment for a number of algorithms in a processing platform for power grids. The report describes through graphical methods how such algorithms can be constructed, and presents a methodology for interpreting and transforming the raw data from the platform into input data for such algorithms. The algorithms can be used as a basis for decision-making, potentially leading to reduced environmental impact, improved quality, and more sustainable and efficient work processes. Further, a future structure with algebraic graph theory is suggested for the platform.

Size Reducing the Conventional CT-scanner

Muir, Cameron January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this project is to perform a pre-study for taking a step toward implementing CT-scanners into medical transportation, and to answer the following questions. Can a miniaturized CT-scanner be created from lower end hardware without compromising image quality? Which image filters are optimal to obtain the clearest, least noisy images from the created CT-scanner? To answer these questions, a literature study is performed and the study shows that a highpass filter combined with flat field correction and a contrast enhancing filter is the most efficient way to increase the image detail in an X-ray image. The image filter is created in MATLAB and the CT-scanner software is created with Python. This project concludes that it is possible with the right hardware and software implementations, to create a miniature CT-scanner as images of both organic and inorganic objects are taken, filtered and their internal structure displayed.

Adaptive Backprojection : Developing a simple reconstruction algorithm

Vernersson, Ante January 2018 (has links)
This group project aims to investigate the possibility ofconstructing a prototype micro-CT-scanner, hopefullyfurthering the advancement in the field of small CT-scanners,with the ultimate goal to provide a structure useable in anambulance, to scan and send images to the hospital, so thattreatment can commence directly upon arrival.This report deals with the matter of reconstructing the takenimages to construct a three-dimensional model of thescanned object. An algorithm is developed in a mannerunderstandable to those not familiar with traditionalreconstruction techniques, simplifying the understanding ofCT backprojection while also providing a useful algorithm touse along with the scanner setup. The working principles ofthe reconstruction algorithm are explained along with itsdevelopment process, and the project ends with clear resultsin the form of an “Adaptive Backprojection” algorithm.

Smarta Elnät – En utredning : En utredning kring hur ett mindre energibolag kan utveckla sitt elnät till det smartare.

Ekström, Rasmus January 2018 (has links)
The electricity network is in many places facing an eventful future where much will happen in a short period of time. Many network owners today have a network that is somewhat outdated and in short in need of upgrading and modernization, a modernization towards a smarter network. As the government sets new demands on the electricity meter of the future, Sweden's network owners are faced with a lot of other demands and challenges to be addressed. In this work, the definition of smart grids is investigated and how a small electricity grid should prioritize its investments and developments in its grid in a near future.Elnätsbranschen står på många punkter inför en händelserik framtid där mycket kommer att hända på kort tid. Många nätägare står idag med ett nät som är något föråldrat och inom kort i behov av en upprustning och modernisering, en modernisering mot ett smartare elnät. I takt med att regeringen ställer nya krav på framtidens elmätare så ställs Sveriges nätägare inför en hel del andra krav och utmaningar man måste ta itu med. I Detta arbete så undersöks definitionen av smarta elnät och hur en mindre elnätsägare bör prioritera sina investeringar och utvecklingar i sitt elnät i den närmaste framtiden. / Elnätsbranschen står på många punkter inför en händelserik framtid där mycket kommer att hända på kort tid. Många nätägare står idag med ett nät som är något föråldrat och inom kort i behov av en upprustning och modernisering, en modernisering mot ett smartare elnät. I takt med att regeringen ställer nya krav på framtidens elmätare så ställs Sveriges nätägare inför en hel del andra krav och utmaningar man måste ta itu med. I Detta arbete så undersöks definitionen av smarta elnät och hur en mindre elnätsägare bör prioritera sina investeringar och utvecklingar i sitt elnät i den närmaste framtiden.

ColoroPhone : Design and implementaion of a distance measurement system for object detection

Ward, Jon Åge January 2018 (has links)
In this project, I have developed and built a new prototype of the ColoroPhone visual aid. This new prototype has sensors to measure the distance to objects in front of the wearer, which then communicates with a mobile application that generates sounds depending on the distance to the object. The user will hear this sound through bone-conducting headphones This addition to the ColoroPhone is intended to further enhance the assistance the device can offer. The current prototype is a functioning version and will be used in further research done by a group of psychologists, which will study how such devices affect users both on a biological and social level. They will also evaluate how to approach user training. The prototype in its current state have several segments that have considerable room for improvement in further development of the platform. Some of these improvements can be in form of better Bluetooth implementation, better or more sensors, or improvements in the current set of sensors regarding noise handling and data processing. This type of device can have large impact on the daily life for a large and growing amount of people across the world, as independence is a large factor in a persons feel of self-worth and long term psychological health.

Design and construction of a photoplotter : Building a device for rapid prototyping of PCBs

Hajjar, Gabriel January 2018 (has links)
The goal was to build a machine that could rapidly prototype PCBs using a moving light source and photoresist. The project failed, as the UV light did not make it through the lenses used to concentrate it. Better lenses and a laser would allow it to function better.

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