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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Le peptide natriurétique auriculaire induit la différenciation cardiaque dans les cellules souches embryonnaires carcinomateuses de souris P19

Fadainia, Christophe 07 1900 (has links)
Traditionnellement associée à la reproduction féminine, l'ocytocine (OT), une hormone peptidique synthétisée par les noyaux paraventriculaire et supraoptique de l'hypothalamus et sécrétée par l'hypophyse postérieure (neurohypophyse), a été récemment revue et a été démontrée avoir plusieurs nouveaux rôles dans le système cardio-vasculaire. En effet, notre laboratoire a montré que l’OT peut induire la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires (CSE) en cardiomyocytes (CM) fonctionnels. À l’aide du modèle cellulaire embryonnaire carcinomateux de souris P19, il a été démontré que ce processus survenait suite à la libération de la guanosine monophosphate cyclique (GMPc) dépendante du monoxyde d’azote. De même, il est connu que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP), un peptide produit, stocké et sécrété par les myocytes cardiaques, peut aussi induire la production du GMPc. De nombreuses études ont démontré que le cœur ayant subi un infarctus pouvait être régénéré à partir d’une population isolée de cellules souches et progénitrices transplantées. Une de ces populations de cellules, fréquemment isolées à partir d'organes provenant d'animaux aux stades de développement embryonnaire et adulte, appelée « Side Population » (SP), sont identifiées par cytométrie en flux (FACS) comme une population de cellules non marquées par le colorant fluorescent Hoechst 33342 (Ho). Les cellules SP expriment des protéines de transport spécifiques, de la famille ATP-binding cassette, qui ont pour rôle de transporter activement le colorant fluorescent Ho de leur cytoplasme. La sous-population de cellules SP isolée du cœur affiche un potentiel de différenciation cardiaque amélioré en réponse à un traitement avec l’OT. Récemment, l'hétérogénéité phénotypique et fonctionnelle des CSE a été mise en évidence, et cela a été corrélé avec la présence de sous-populations cellulaires ressemblant beaucoup aux cellules SP issues du cœur. Puisque l’ANP peut induire la production du GMPc et qu’il a été démontré que la différenciation cardiaque était médiée par la production du GMPc, alors nous émettons l'hypothèse selon laquelle l’ANP pourrait induire la différenciation cardiaque. Étant donné que les CSE sont composés d’un mélange de différents types cellulaires alors nous émettons aussi l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’utilisation d’une sous-population de CSE plus homogène renforcerait le potentiel de différenciation de l'ANP. Méthodes : Les SP ont été isolées des cellules P19 par FACS en utilisant la méthode d’exclusion du colorant fluorescent Ho. Puis, leur phénotype a été caractérisé par immunofluorescence (IF) pour les marqueurs de l’état indifférencié, d’auto-renouvellement et de pluripotence octamer-binding transcription factor 4 (OCT4) et stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA1). Ensuite, la dose pharmacologique optimale d’ANP a été déterminée via des tests de cytotoxicité sur des cellules P19 (MTT assay). Pour induire la différenciation en cardiomyocytes, des cellules à l’état de sphéroïdes ont été formées à l’aide de la technique du « Hanging-Drop » sous la stimulation de l’ANP pendant 5 jours. Puis, des cryosections ont été faites dans les sphéroïdes afin de mettre en évidence la présence de marqueurs de cellules cardiaques progénitrices tels que GATA4, Nkx2.5 et un marqueur mitochondrial spécifique Tom22. Ensuite, les cellules SP P19 ont été stimulées dans les sphéroïdes cellulaires par le traitement avec de l'ANP (10-7 M) ou de l’OT (10-7 M), de l’antagoniste spécifique du guanylate cyclase particulé (GCp) A71915 (10-6 M), ainsi que la combinaison des inducteurs OT+ANP, OT+A71915, ANP+A71915. Après la mise en culture, la différenciation en cardiomyocytes a été identifié par l’apparition de colonies de cellules battantes caractéristiques des cellules cardiaques, par la détermination du phénotype cellulaire par IF, et enfin par l’extraction d'ARN et de protéines qui ont été utilisés pour le dosage du GMPc par RIA, l’expression des ARNm par RT-PCR et l’expression des protéines par immunobuvardage de type western. Résultats : Les sphéroïdes obtenus à l’aide de la technique du « Hanging-Drop » ont montré une hausse modeste de l’expression des ARNm suivants : OTR, ANP et GATA4 comparativement aux cellules cultivées en monocouches. Les sphéroïdes induits par l’ANP ont présenté une augmentation significative des facteurs de transcription cardiaque GATA4 et Nkx2.5 ainsi qu’un plus grand nombre de mitochondries caractérisé par une plus grande présence de Tom22. De plus, L’ANP a induit l’apparition de colonies de cellules battantes du jour 7 (stade précoce) au jour 14 (stade mature) de façon presque similaire à l’OT. Cependant, la combinaison de l’ANP avec l’OT n’a pas induit de colonies de cellules battantes suggérant un effet opposé à celui de l’OT. Par IF, nous avons quantifié (nombre de cellules positives) et caractérisé, du jour 6 au jour 14 de différenciation, le phénotype cardiaque de nos cellules en utilisant les marqueurs suivants : Troponine T Cardiaque, ANP, Connexines 40 et 43, l’isoforme ventriculaire de la chaîne légère de myosine (MLC-2v), OTR. Les SP différenciées sous la stimulation de l’ANP ont montré une augmentation significative du GMPc intracellulaire comparé aux cellules non différenciées. À notre grande surprise, l’antagoniste A71915 a induit une plus grande apparition de colonies de cellules battantes comparativement à l’OT et l’ANP à un jour précoce de différenciation cardiaque et l’ajout de l’OT ou de l’ANP a potentialisé ses effets, augmentant encore plus la proportion de colonies de cellules battantes. De plus, la taille des colonies de cellules battantes était encore plus importante que sous la simple stimulation de l’OT ou de l’ANP. Les analyses radioimmunologiques dans les cellules SP P19 stimulés avec l’ANP, A71915 et la combinaison des deux pendant 15min, 30min et 60min a montré que l’ANP stimule significativement la production du GMPc, cependant A71915 n’abolit pas les effets de l’ANP et celui-ci au contraire stimule la production du GMPc via des effets agonistes partiels. Conclusion : Nos résultats démontrent d’une part que l’ANP induit la différenciation des cellules SP P19 en CM fonctionnels. D’autre part, il semblerait que la voie de signalisation NPRA-B/GCp/GMPc soit impliquée dans le mécanisme de différenciation cardiaque puisque l’abolition du GMPc médiée par le GCp potentialise la différenciation cardiaque et il semblerait que cette voie de signalisation soit additive de la voie de signalisation induite par l’OT, NO/GCs/GMPc, puisque l’ajout de l’OT à l’antagoniste A71915 stimule plus fortement la différenciation cardiaque que l’OT ou l’A71915 seuls. Cela suggère que l’effet thérapeutique des peptides natriurétiques observé dans la défaillance cardiaque ainsi que les propriétés vasodilatatrices de certains antagonistes des récepteurs peptidiques natriurétiques inclus la stimulation de la différenciation des cellules souches en cardiomyocytes. Cela laisse donc à penser que les peptides natriurétiques ou les antagonistes des récepteurs peptidiques natriurétiques pourraient être une alternative très intéressante dans la thérapie cellulaire visant à induire la régénération cardiovasculaire. / Traditionally associated with female reproduction, oxytocin (OT), a peptidic hormone synthesized in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus and secreted by the posterior pituitary (neurohypophysis), was revisited recently and was revealed to have several new roles in the cardiovascular system. Indeed, our laboratory has shown that OT can induce the differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESC) into functional cardiomyocytes (CM). On the model of embryonal carcinoma cell line P19, it has been shown that this process occurs following the release of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-dependent nitric oxide. Similarly, it is known that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a peptide produced, stored and secreted by cardiac myocytes, can also induce the release of cGMP. However, the cellular mechanisms involved in cardiac differentiation are still poorly understood. Numerous studies have shown that the injured heart can be regenerated from an isolated population of transplanted stem and progenitor cells. One of these cell populations, frequently isolated from embryonic and adult animal organs, called "Side Population" (SP), is characterized by active efflux of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 (Ho). SP cells express specific ATP-binding cassette transporter proteins which actively transport Ho out of their cytoplasm. The SP cell subpopulation isolated from the heart display enhanced differentiation potential into cardiac phenotype in response to OT treatment. Recently, the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of embryonic stem cells has been demonstrated, and this was correlated with the presence of cell subpopulations much like the SP cells from the heart and these cells can be identified by flow cytometry (FACS) as a population of unmarked cells by the Ho and which exhibit sensitivity to the inhibitor of the family of ATP-binding cassette ABC, verapamil. Thus, the SP from ESC could be a good candidate to induce cell differentiation more effectively to the cardiac phenotype. Since ANP can induce the release of cGMP and it has been shown that cardiac differentiation was mediated by the release of cGMP through the nitric oxide (NO), then we therefore formulate the hypothesis that ANP could also induce cardiac differentiation. Since ESC are composed of a mixture of different cell types so as we emit the hypothesis that the use of a subpopulation of more homogeneous ESC strengthen the differentiation potential of ANP. Methods: SP were isolated from P19 cells by FACS using the method of exclusion of fluorescent dye Hoechst and their phenotype was characterized by immunofluorescence (IF) for markers of the undifferentiated state, self-renewal and pluripotency OCT4 and SSEA1. Then, the optimal pharmacological dose of ANP was determined via cytotoxicity tests in P19 cells (MTT assay). For cardiac differentiation, cells in the form of spheroids were formed using the technique of "Hanging Drop" under the stimulation of ANP for 5 days. Then cuts were made in the spheroids via cryosection to highlight the presence of cardiac progenitor cell markers such as GATA4, Nkx2.5 and a specific mitochondrial marker Tom22. Next, the P19-SP cells were stimulated in cell spheroids by the treatment with ANP (10-7 M) or OT (10-7 M), the specific antagonist of particulate guanylate cyclase A71915 (10-6 M), and the combination of the inducers OT + ANP, OT + A71915, A71915 + ANP. After cell plating, the differentiation into cardiomyocytes has been identified by the appearance of beating cell colonies characteristics of contractile cardiac cells, by determining the cellular phenotype by IF, and finally by the extraction of RNA and proteins that were used for the determination of cGMP by RIA, the mRNA expression by RT-PCR and protein expression by western blotting. Results: The spheroids induced by ANP showed a significant increase in the presence of cardiac transcription factors GATA4 and Nkx2.5 as well as a greater number of mitochondria characterized by a greater presence of Tom22 compared with no induced cells suggesting a cardiomyogenic effect of ANP. In addition, ANP induced the appearance of beating cell colonies from day 7 (early stage) to day 14 (mature stage) similarly to OT. However, the combination of ANP with OT did not induce beating cell colonies suggesting a negative additive effect on cardiomyogenesis. The spheroids, obtained using the technique of "Hanging Drop", have shown a modest increase in mRNA expression as follows: OTR, ANP and GATA4 compared to cells grown in monolayers. By IF, we quantified (number of positive cells) and characterized, from day 6 to day 14 of differentiation, the cardiac phenotype of our cells using the following markers: Cardiac Troponin T, ANP, Connexines 40 and 43, Myosin Light Chain-2V, OTR. The SP differentiated under the stimulation of ANP showed a significant increase in intracellular cGMP compared with undifferentiated cells. Surprisingly, the antagonist A71915 induced a greater appearance of beating cell colonies compared to OT and ANP in early day of cardiac differentiation and the addition of OT or ANP potentiated its effects, further increasing the proportion of beating cells colonies. In addition, the size of beating cell colonies was even greater than under the simple stimulation of OT or ANP. Radioimmunoassay analysis in SP P19 cells stimulated with ANP, A71915 and the combination of both during 15min, 30min and 60min showed that ANP significantly stimulates the release of cGMP, however, A71915 does not abolish the effects of ANP and it rather stimulates the release of cGMP through partial agonist effects. Conclusion: Our results demonstrate firstly that ANP induces the differentiation of P19-SP cells into functional CM. Moreover, it appears that the signaling pathway NPRA-B/pGC/cGMP seems to be involved in the mechanism of cardiac differentiation since the abolition of cGMP mediated by the pGC potentiates cardiac differentiation and it appears that this signaling pathway is additive to the signaling pathway induced by OT, NO/sGC/cGMP, since the addition of OT to the antagonist A71915 stimulates cardiac differentiation more strongly than OT or A71915 alone. This suggests that the therapeutic effect of natriuretic peptides observed in heart failure and vasodilatory properties of certain natriuretic peptide receptor antagonists included the stimulation of stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes. This would therefore suggest that the natriuretic peptides or natriuretic peptide receptor antagonists could be an attractive alternative to cell therapy to induce heart regeneration.

影響都市更新事業實施之關鍵因素分析 : 以臺北市中正區某整建住宅都更案為例 / The analysis on the influential factors for an Urban renewal project in Taipei

李世雄, Lee, Shih-Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於都市地區建築物老舊衰敗、避免重大災害發生、區域環境逐漸惡化以及復甦都市機能,政府自民國87年發布實施都市更新條例以來,迄今已20載,惟事業實施速度緩慢成效堪慮;以台北市為例,35年屋齡之老舊住宅幾達住宅存量之55%以上,目前所能更新者僅11,388戶(包含違建戶),為總存量之1.12%而已,對於如何加快都更速度已廣為各方關注;然近年來若干都市更新事業之實施糾紛頻傳,以致各界議論紛紛,評論不斷;本研究之宗旨無意再行發掘更多潛藏問題與實施障礙,乃針對台北市所存11,219戶屋齡超過40餘年重建迫切之整建住宅,就20年來專家學者之評論、理論基礎、文獻回顧、實務案例等所生之影響因素,加以綜合整理,藉由邏輯性的統計分析,冀能釐清都更事業實施過程中住戶及專家所關切之關鍵影響因素之相對關係,俾便有助於供各界參考。 本研究以台北市中正區某整建住宅實施都市更新重建事業為實例,就文獻回顧之理論基礎、法律規範之要件及程序、透過實務訪談與問卷調查方式,探討影響『整建住宅自力更新』之評估準則與指標要素,歸納為「法規制度面」、「共識整合面」、「分配制度面」、「規劃設計面」、「財務金融面」等五項評估準則,並由實務訪談延伸「法規明確易行」等二十個影響要素,依此建置層級架構,運用「分析網絡程序法,ANP」進行定量定性分析,其間輔以專家決策分析軟體(Expert Choice 2000版)及運用微軟Excel軟體2010版,進行問卷調查統計分析。 問卷調查結果分析整宅自力更新首重評估準則為「分配制度面」、權重為24.60%,在五項準則中約占整體權重四分之一比例;而影響要素中指標整體優先排序最高為「公平公開的分配方式」8.23%,達平均權重值5%之1.65倍之多,無論專家或住戶咸認都市更新後所創造的再發展價值應以公平公開方式進行再分配為優先選項,其後另二優先指標為「第三部門介入輔導」及「信任關係」的建立,其要素權重分別為8.13%及6.33%,對於繁雜的都市更新重建事項,住戶顯示專業弱勢地位,亟需公正第三方部門進行介入輔導;而團體中住戶領導者的無私奉獻將有助於群體中產生信任、凝聚向心力,順利推動以再開發利潤為共同資源、社區重建為目標的集體行動-都市更新事業之開展。 研究建議在類屬整建住宅等相對弱勢居住族群區域中進行都市更新重建事業時,應優先考慮以公平公開方式進行分配更新後價值,藉由公辦都更抑或自組更新會方式實施皆屬之。由於相對經濟弱勢族群之都更相關專業知識欠缺,應藉由第三公正單位積極介入進行輔導,以導正部分錯誤訊息與觀念。而財務金融面之強化將有助於都更得以順利推動實施,主要在於融資貸款興建成本費用之廉價取得,並藉由信託機制以保障重建事業得以完成。關於後續之研究建議繼續進行後半部實施決策之選擇分析,以完整(整宅)都市更新實施方式決策之分析。對於統計操作之建議為:於各影響評估準則中,慎選具指標性之相同個數影響要素以進行問卷調查,以免優先權重遭遇稀釋之疑慮以致結果數據難以客觀相互比較;篩選指標要素亦不宜繁多,期評比者免於評斷疲累以致統計數據之信、效度頓減。 / In view of the old decay of buildings in urban areas, to avoid the occurrence of major disasters, the gradual deterioration of regional environment and the revival of urban functions, the fulfillment so far has been 20 years since the enforcement of the Urban Renewal Ordinance in 1998, but the slow pace of its implementation have been worried; in Taipei City, for example, the old building over 35 year-old scales housing stock 55% above, up to now which can be rebuilt amounts only 11,388 households including some of illegal’s, for the total stock of 1.12% only. How to accelerate the urban renewal has been widely concerned, but in recent years, several renewal implementation disputes emerged, making controversies constant; The purpose of this study intends no longer to explore more potential problems and obstacles of implementation, but aims the 11,219 resettled tenements in Taipei, aged more than 40 years old and being urgently reconstructed, Integrates the reviews of theories, literature and practices to find out the influential factors of the renewal implementation. Through logical statistical analysis, try to clarify the relative relationship between the key factors of concern to the residents and experts in the process of implementation, so as to facilitate the reference to the field of urban renewal. This study takes an project of the urban renewal and reconstruction in Zhong-zheng District of Taipei City as an example, based on the theories of literature review, the elements and procedures of the legal, and through practical interviews and questionnaires, this study explores the influential criteria and indicators of the "Urban Renewal", and concludes the five criteria of "legal institution", "consensus integration", "allocation system", "planning and design" and "financial support". Besides, from the practical interviews, it derives "clarity and feasibility of the regulations" and other 19 factors. According to these factors, it organizes the hierarchy, and using the "Analysis of Network Process, ANP" for quantitative and qualitative analysis, while supplemented by analysis software of Expert Choice 2000 and Microsoft Excel 2010, carries on statistical analysis of the questionnaire survey. According to analysis results, it appears the first priority criteria to be "allocation system" weighting 24.6%, about one-fourth proportion of the overall weight of five criteria, and it’s main factors "fair and open distribution method" weights 8.23% , priors to all the others, up to 1.65 times the average value of 5.0%. Ether experts or residents recognize the value of the redevelopment created by urban renewal should be redistributed in a fair and open manner. The subsequent two priorities show "intervention and guidance of third party" and "the erecting of trust relationship", the weight for each is 8.13% and 6.33% respectively. For complex urban renewal reconstruction matters, the residents acknowledge the professional deficiency, the urgent need for counseling of impartial third party, and the community leaders with the selfless dedication will help to generate trust, cohesion, and smoothly promote such a collective action with the redeveloping benefits for common resources and community reconstruction as the goal. This study suggests that in the case of urban renewal and redevelopment in areas of relatively disadvantaged living groups such as the Resettled Tenements, priority of the influential factors should be given to “fair and open distribution method”, with government implementation or self-renewal will be accomplished either. The lack of expertise for the disadvantaged residences could be guided by a third impartial organization to modify some of the error messages and inappropriate concepts. The enhanced financial measures will help smoothly implementing the project also, the main reason lies in the low cost of construction financing, and the guarantee of the reconstruction completion by trust mechanism. The follow up study should be suggested to continuously study the second half of the decision-making to carry out the choice of analysis of urban renewal as a whole. The suggestion for statistical operations is to carefully select the representative same number of influential factors in each criteria for conducting the survey, so as to avoid any weight dilution and cause difficulty for objective comparison with each other.

Le peptide natriurétique auriculaire induit la différenciation cardiaque dans les cellules souches embryonnaires carcinomateuses de souris P19

Fadainia, Christophe 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Aplicación del ANP y el ARS a la evaluación participativa de la sostenibilidad del pastoreo en las áreas naturales protegidas. Caso de estudio: Parque nacional Cotopaxi.

Jácome Enríquez, Wilson Oswaldo 05 July 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las áreas naturales protegidas del Ecuador enfrentan varias amenazas ambientales, de entre las cuales, el pastoreo es una de las más graves en varios Parques Nacionales (PN), incluyendo el Parque Nacional Cotopaxi (PNC). Desde la gestión de algunos parques nacionales se están proponiendo alternativas de acción para compaginar los objetivos de conservación ambiental de los PN con el pastoreo, al mismo tiempo que se promueve el desarrollo social y económico de los ganaderos del lugar y de otros actores sociales que dependen de los recursos naturales del PNC. En este contexto se enmarca la propuesta de esta tesis para la evaluación participativa de la sostenibilidad del pastoreo en los PN. Para elaborar la metodología de trabajo, que se aplica al PNC pero se propone extenderla a otros PN comparables, se han utilizado tres conocidas herramientas: el Análisis de Redes Sociales (ARS), el Análisis de Poder (AP) y el Proceso Analítico de Red (Analytic Network Process, ANP). El ARS fue aplicado para obtener la red social que modela el pastoreo en el PNC. Esta técnica permitió identificar hasta 169 actores relacionados con la sostenibilidad del pastoreo en el PNC. De estos, 39 pudieron ser entrevistados y el resto hubo que descartarlos por diversos motivos. El ARS permitió evaluar la importancia el intercambio de información sobre el pastoreo entre los diferentes actores, así como también sus vínculos y flujos de información. El AP fue desarrollado para completar la estimación de la importancia de los actores evaluados. Se analizaron los poderes visible, oculto e invisible para conocer el poder real de los actores. Esto permitirá elegir a los actores más influyentes para la participación en la evaluación de la sostenibilidad del pastoreo en el PNC. Y por otro lado, el AP permite estudiar qué pasaría si el poder de estos actores se incluyera en el modelo de evaluación participativa desarrollado con ANP. El ANP permite modelar un problema de evaluación como un problema de decisión, incluyendo las diversas variables o criterios que determinan la sostenibilidad del pastoreo. También permite incluir a los actores sociales en la evaluación de las alternativas de solución. En la metodología presentada, un panel de expertos en manejo de áreas naturales determinó el modelo de evaluación, esto es, la red de criterios de valoración y las alternativas de solución agrupadas en clústeres. Y un panel con los actores elegidos tras la aplicación del ARS y el AP evaluó la importancia de los criterios y la sostenibilidad de las alternativas. Los resultados de la investigación confirman que los actores sociales tienen diferentes intereses, sensibilidades y formas de comprender la sostenibilidad. Además se pudo identificar estos intereses y estimar su importancia. Gracias a la aplicación del modelo ANP, los actores que participaron comprenden mejor sus juicios y los de los otros actores. Así, una participación mejor fundada fue obtenida y el consenso, o al menos acuerdos generales, son más probables. También, se consiguió un mayor compromiso hacia el objetivo general de conservación del PNC, ya que el modelo de decisión facilita el diseño de alternativas de solución para disminuir el posible perjuicio para algunos actores, o para el ambiente. Finalmente, en relación a los resultados, para el caso de la sostenibilidad del pastoreo en el PNC, los principales criterios que deben ser tenidos en cuenta son: Contaminación atmosférica debido a la quema de pajonales, y Contaminación de aguas superficiales, y entre las estrategias para llevar a cabo un pastoreo más sostenible son: Desarrollo de alternativas productivas al pastoreo y Control de ingreso del ganado/Delimitación física del parque. / [CA] Les àrees naturals protegides de l'Equador, enfronten diverses amenaces ambientals, d'entre les quals, el pasturatge és una de les més greus en diversos Parcs Nacionals (PN), incloent el Parc Nacional Cotopaxi (PNC). Des de la gestió d'alguns parcs nacionals s'estan proposant alternatives d'acció per compaginar els objectius de conservació ambiental dels PN amb la pastura, al mateix temps que es promou el desenvolupament social i econòmic dels ramaders del lloc i d'altres actors socials que depenen dels recursos naturals del PNC. En aquest context s'emmarca la proposta d'aquesta tesi per a l'avaluació participativa de la sostenibilitat del pasturatge en els PN. Per elaborar la metodologia de treball, que s'aplica a l'PNC però es proposa estendre-la a altres PN comparables, s'han utilitzat tres cnocidas eines: de l'anàlisi de xarxes socials (ARS), l'Anàlisi de Poder (AP) i Procés Analític de Xarxa (Analytic Network Process, ANP). El ARS va ser aplicat per obtenir la xarxa social que modela el pasturatge en el PNC. Aquesta tècnica va permetre identificar fins a 169 actors relacionats amb la sotenibilitat del pasturatge en el PNC. D'aquests, 39 van poder ser entrevistats i la resta va caldre descartar-los per diversos motius. El ARS va permetre avaluar la importància dels actors per a la comunicaió sobre el pasturatge, així com també els seus vincles i fluxos d'informació. El AP va ser desenvolupat per completar l'estimació de la importància dels actors avaluats. Es van analitzar, els poders visible, ocult i invisible per conèixer el poder real dels actors. Això permetrà elegir els actors més influents per a la participació en l'avaluació de la sostenibilitat del pasturatge en el PNC. I d'altra banda, permet estudiar què passaria si el poder d'aquests actors s'inclogués en el model d'avaluació participativa desenvolupat amb ANP. El ANP permet modelar un problema d'avaluació com un problema de decisió, incloent les diverses variables o criteris que determinen la sostenibilitat del pasturatge, i incloure als actors socials en l'avaluació de les alternatives de solució. En la metodologia presentada, un panell d'experts en maneig d'àrees naturals va determinar el model d'avaluació, això és la xarxa de criteris de valoració i les alternatives de solució agrupades en clústers. I un panell amb els actors triats després de l'aplicació de l'ARS i el AP va avaluar la importància dels criteris i la sostenibilitat de les alternatives. Els resultats de la investigació confirmen que els actors socials tenen diferents interessos, sensibilitats i formes de comprendre la sostenibilitat. A més es va poder identificar aquests interessos i estimar la seva importància. Gràcies a l'aplicació del model ANP, els actors que van participar comprenen millor els seus interessos i els dels altres actors. Així, una participació millor fundada va ser obtinguda i el consens, o almenys acords generals, són més probables. També, s'aconsegueix un major compromís cap a l'objectiu general de conservació ja que el model de decisió facilita la millora del disseny d'alternatives de solució per disminuir el possible perjudici per a alguns actors, o per l'ambient. Finalment, en relació als resultats, per al cas de la sostenibilitat del pasturatge en el PNC, els principals criteris que s'han de tenir en compte són: Contaminació atmosfèrica causa de la crema de pastiales, i Contaminació d'aigües superficials. Entre les estratègies per dur a terme un pasturatge més sostenible són: Desenvolupament d'alternatives productives al pasturatge i Control d'ingrés de bestiar / Delimitació física del parc. / [EN] The natural protected areas of Ecuador face several environmental threats, among which grazing is one of the most serious in several National Parks (PN), including Cotopaxi National Park (PNC). From the management of some national parks, alternatives for action are being proposed to reconcile PN's environmental conservation objectives with grazing, while promoting the social and economic development of local livestock farmers and other social actors that depend of the PNC's natural resources. In this context, the proposal of this thesis for the participatory evaluation of the sustainability of grazing in NPs is framed. In order to elaborate the work methodology, which is applied to the PNC but is proposed to be extended to other comparable PNs, three tools have been used: Social Network Analysis (SNA), Power Analysis (AP) and Analytical Network Process (ANP). The ARS was applied to obtain the social network that models grazing in the PNC. This technique allowed the identification of up to 169 stakeholders related to the sustainability of grazing in the PNC. Of these, 39 could be interviewed and the rest had to be discarded for various reasons. The SNA allowed evaluating the importance of the actors for communication about grazing, as well as their links and flows of information. The AP was developed to complete the estimation of the importance of the actors evaluated. They visible, hidden and invisible powers were analyzed to know the real power of the actors. This will allow choosing the most influential actors for participation in the evaluation of the sustainability of grazing in the PNC. In addition, on the other hand, it allows studying what would happen if the power of these actors were included in the participatory evaluation model developed with ANP. The ANP can model an evaluation problem as a decision problem, including the various variables or criteria that determine the sustainability of grazing, and including social actors in the evaluation of alternative solutions. In the methodology presented, a panel of experts in natural area management determined the evaluation model, i.e. the network of valuation criteria and solution alternatives sorted in clusters. Following, a panel with the chosen actors after the application of the ARS and the AP evaluated the importance of the criteria and the sustainability of the alternatives. The research results confirm that social actors have different interests, sensitivities and ways of understanding sustainability. Furthermore, these interests could be identified and their importance assessed. Thanks to the application of the ANP model, the actors who participated understand better their interests and those of the other actors. Thus, a better founded participation was obtained and consensus, or at least general agreements, are more likely. Besides, a greater commitment towards the general objective of conservation is achieved since the decision model facilitates the improvement of the design of alternative solutions for reducing the possible harm to some actors, or to the environment. Finally, in relation to the results, in the case of sustainability of grazing in the PNC, the main criteria that should be taken into account are: Atmospheric pollution due to burning of grasslands, and Contamination of surface waters. Among strategies to carry out a more sustainable grazing, most preferred are: Development of productive alternatives to grazing and Control of cattle entry / Physical delimitation of the park. / A la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, a través del Centro de Cooperación al Desarrollo (programa ADSIDEO 2011) y al Departamento de Proyectos de Ingeniería. Finalmente, a la Universidad de la Fuerzas Armadas – ESPE, a través del Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y la Construcción, por haberme brindado la colaboración necesaria para el desarrollo de ésta investigación. / Jácome Enríquez, WO. (2021). Aplicación del ANP y el ARS a la evaluación participativa de la sostenibilidad del pastoreo en las áreas naturales protegidas. Caso de estudio: Parque nacional Cotopaxi [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168769

Diseño básico del layout de una terminal interior de contenedores con mercancías peligrosas a través de la priorización de alternativas aplicando la teoría de decisión multicriteria (métodos AHP y ANP)

Santarremigia Rosaleny, Francisco Enrique 21 March 2016 (has links)
[EN] In an inland terminal of containers with dangerous goods, operational, safety & security and environmental criteria are usually in conflict in the decision making process of the layout's design. But this conflict can be only a result of a partial analysis where not all involved criteria are being considered. If we really consider all criteria that should affect a decision perhaps the conflict between operational, safety & security and environmental aspects disappears. Decisions about machines and the layout in an inland terminal with dangerous goods must consider aspects as hazards of products, reliability, evacuation time, etc., jointly with other economical and operational criteria. Through this research, we are going to develop a holistic analysis based on the multicriteria theory (AHP - Analytic hierarchic process / ANP - Analytic network process) to provide terminals' decision makers with a methodology in order to design the layout of an inland terminal in a more productivity, safety, environment-friendly and efficient way. This methodology is addressed to decision makers of existent inland terminals for the management of change or to design new parts of the business, and also to freight forwarding companies' decision makers that see inland terminals of containers as a strategic business. Outputs of this methodology are optimal solutions not only from the point of view of productivity and operational efficiency, but also environment-friend and safety terminals. We think that this principle can be fulfilled with actual technology and this is the core of this research. Other way, a sensitive analysis using the methodology will be followed up to analyze what is the influence of the environmental and safety criteria in the decision process outputs. / [ES] En una terminal de contenedores con mercancías peligrosas, los criterios operacionales, de seguridad y protección y los medioambientales suelen ser contrapuestos en un proceso de toma de decisión en relación con el diseño del layout. Sin embargo esta contraposición se debe únicamente a un análisis parcial en el que no se han considerado todos los criterios que pueden influir. Si realmente consideramos todos los criterios que influyen en la toma de decisión, ese conflicto entre aspectos operacionales, seguridad y protección y medioambientales puede desaparecer. Las decisiones sobre máquinas y el layout en una terminal interior con mercancías peligrosas deben considerar aspectos como la peligrosidad de las sustancias, la fiabilidad de los equipos, el tiempo de evacuación, etc., juntamente con otros criterios de carácter económico y operacional. En esta investigación vamos a desarrollar un análisis holístico basado en la teoría de decisión multicriteria (AHP - Analytic hierarchic process /ANP - Analytic network process) para proveer a las personas que toman decisiones sobre el layout en una terminal interior con mercancías peligrosas de una metodología para diseñar el layout de forma más productiva, segura, medioambiental y eficiente. Esta metodología va dirigida a gestionar adecuadamente el cambio en terminales interiores ya existentes o diseñar nuevas áreas de la terminal, así como a operadores logísticos que vean en las terminales interiores de contenedores una oportunidad de negocio. Los resultados de aplicar esta metodología son soluciones eficientes tanto desde el punto de vista productivo y operacional, como desde el punto de vista de la seguridad y el medio ambiente. Entendemos que puede hacerse realidad con la tecnología actual y ese es el corazón de esta investigación. En cualquier caso, se seguirá un análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar el grado de influencia de los criterios medioambientales y seguridad en los resultados del proceso de toma de decisión. / [CA] En una terminal de contenidors amb mercaderies perilloses, els criteris operacionals, de seguretat i protecció i els mediambientals solen ser contraposats en un procés de presa de decisió en relació amb el disseny del layout. No obstant aquesta contraposició es deu únicament a un anàlisis parcial en el qual no s'han considerat tots els criteris que poden influir. Si realment considem tots els criteris que influeixen en la presa de decisió, aquest conflicte entre aspectes operacionals, seguretat i protecció i mediambientals pot desaparèixer. Les decisions sobre màquines i el layout en una terminal interior amb mercaderies perilloses han de considerar aspectes com la perillositat de les substàncies, la fiabilitat dels equips, el temps d'evacuació, etc., juntament amb altres criteris de caràcter econòmic i operacional. En aquesta investigació desenvoluparem una anàlisis holístic basat en la teoria de decisió multicriteria (AHP - Analytic hierarchic process / ANP - Analytic network process) per proveir a les persones que prenen decisions sobre el layout en una terminal interior amb mercaderies perilloses d'una metodologia per dissenyar el layout de forma mes productiva segura, mediambiental i eficient Aquesta metodologia va dirigida a gestionar adequadament el canvi en terminals interiors ja existents o dissenyar noves àrees de la terminal, així com a operadors logístics que vegin en les terminals interiors de contenidors una oportunitat de negoci. Els resultats d'aplicar aquesta metodologia son solucions eficients tant des del punt de vista productiu i operacional, com des del punt de vista de la seguretat i el mediambient. Entenem que pot fer-se realitat amb la tecnologia actual i aquest és el cor d'aquesta investigació. En qualsevol cas, es seguirà un anàlisis de sensibilitat per avaluar el grau d'influència dels criteris mediambientals i seguretat en els resultats del procès de presa de decisió. / Santarremigia Rosaleny, FE. (2016). Diseño básico del layout de una terminal interior de contenedores con mercancías peligrosas a través de la priorización de alternativas aplicando la teoría de decisión multicriteria (métodos AHP y ANP) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61961

Um modelo de leilões com conteúdo local: análise e modelagem dos leilões de concessão de blocos exploratórios de petróleo e gás promovidos pela ANP no Brasil

Francisco, Bruno Mattiello 29 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Bruno Francisco (brmatt@gmail.com) on 2015-07-09T21:10:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 20140627_Dissertacao vf4 rev2 imp.pdf: 1323767 bytes, checksum: b0f103e4c50e3d2754d2882b5015e8c5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by GILSON ROCHA MIRANDA (gilson.miranda@fgv.br) on 2015-09-09T13:11:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 20140627_Dissertacao vf4 rev2 imp.pdf: 1323767 bytes, checksum: b0f103e4c50e3d2754d2882b5015e8c5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-09-11T12:07:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 20140627_Dissertacao vf4 rev2 imp.pdf: 1323767 bytes, checksum: b0f103e4c50e3d2754d2882b5015e8c5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-11T12:07:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 20140627_Dissertacao vf4 rev2 imp.pdf: 1323767 bytes, checksum: b0f103e4c50e3d2754d2882b5015e8c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-29 / Brazil’s oil auctions use an equation to form a score that defines the winner. Each company or consortium interested in the oil block must bid in three attributes: Signature Bonus (BA), Minimum Exploration Program (PEM) and Local Content (CL). Each of these attributes receives a weight in the equation and bidder’s final score also depends on the others companies bid. Although oil auctions have being widely studied in the economy the multi-attribute score auction is still poorly analyzed specially as a mechanism of mining rights allocation. The present work highlights the insertion of the local content as an attribute which transforms the auction structure from what could be a first price auction to a multi-attribute score auction. Through the project’s costs curve is demonstrated how the local content is related to another important score attribute that is the signature bonus. To better understand the insertion of the local content attribute we have created three cases of hypothetical auctions. We also have fixed the minimum exploration program and made some simplifications in order to build those cases. In the first scenario (Sem CL), the structure comes down to a first-price auction, where only the BA attribute defines the auction winner. In the second scenario (CLO=CLR), where the local content does impact the final score, the bidder is obligated to realize the local content as was bid. The last scenario is the complete case (Com Multa) which allows the bidder to failure the local content bid when paying the penalty represents an economic gain to the company. Taking those cases into consideration we have verified that, although the company’s revenue and the allocation efficiency don’t vary, the government revenue drops significantly when the local content is introduced as an attribute of score auctions. / Os leilões para concessão de blocos de petróleo no Brasil utilizam uma equação para formar a pontuação que define o vencedor. Cada participante deve submeter ao leiloeiro um lance composto por três atributos: Bônus de Assinatura (BA), Programa Exploratório Mínimo (PEM) e Conteúdo Local (CL). Cada atributo possui um peso na equação e a nota final de cada participante também depende dos lances ofertados pelos outros participantes. Apesar de leilões de petróleo serem muito estudados na economia, o leilão multi-atributos, do tipo máxima pontuação, ainda é pouco analisado, principalmente como mecanismo de alocação de direitos minerários. Este trabalho destaca a inserção do CL como atributo que transforma a estrutura, do que poderia ser um leilão simples de primeiro preço, em um leilão multi-atributos de máxima pontuação. Demonstra-se como o CL, através da curva de custos do projeto, está relacionado também ao Bônus de Assinatura, outro importante atributo da equação. Para compreender o impacto do fenômeno da inserção do CL, foram criados três casos de leilões hipotéticos, onde, dentre outras simplificações, o programa exploratório mínimo foi fixado para todas as empresas envolvidas. No caso base (Sem CL), simula-se a estrutura de um leilão de primeiro preço, onde apenas o BA define o vencedor do leilão. Já no caso forçado (CLO=CLR), há inserção do atributo CL, sendo o participante obrigado a cumprir o CL ofertado. Por fim, o caso completo (Com Multa) permite que o participante preveja a aplicação de multa por descumprimento do CL ofertado e, caso haja benefício econômico, descumpra efetivamente o CL ofertado. Considerando estes casos, argumenta-se que, apesar do o lucro das empresas e a eficiência do leilão não serem alterados, a inclusão do conteúdo local na estrutura do leilão pode ter reflexos consideráveis na receita do governo.


CARLOS EDUARDO SILVA DA LUZ 20 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] A abordagem Quality Function Deployment (QFD) integrada a métodos multicritério de apoio à decisão vem sendo amplamente aplicada a projetos de novos produtos, particularmente quando integrada à lógica fuzzy. O objetivo da dissertação é propor um modelo conceitual baseado na abordagem fuzzy ANP-QFD para definir e priorizar requisitos de projeto de novos produtos de defesa à luz de requisitos dos clientes. A pesquisa pode ser considerada descritiva, metodológica e aplicada. A partir dos resultados da revisão bibliográfica e documental sobre os temas centrais da pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um modelo conceitual para definição e priorização de requisitos técnicos de novos produtos de defesa, buscando-se preencher lacunas identificadas na literatura especializada no período 1987-2017. A aplicabilidade do modelo foi demonstrada mediante um estudo empírico no âmbito do Projeto COBRA 2020, uma iniciativa estratégica do Exército brasileiro. Para este estudo, selecionou-se um dos produtos do referido Projeto – um monóculo de visão térmica. Destacam-se como principais contribuições da pesquisa um modelo para definir e priorizar requisitos de projeto de novos produtos de defesa, que considera a complexidade, subjetividade e incerteza como características inerentes a projetos de novos produtos de defesa. Os resultados desta pesquisa poderão ser replicados em outros projetos de novos produtos de defesa – no Centro Tecnológico do Exército – CTEx – e em outras instituições militares envolvidas com atividades de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (PDeI) no Brasil e no exterior. / [en] The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach integrated with multicriteria decision-support methods has been widely applied to development of new product, particularly with the support of fuzzy logic. The objective of this dissertation is to propose a conceptual model based on the fuzzy ANP-QFD approach to define and prioritize project requirements of new defense products. The research can be considered descriptive, applied, and methodological. Based on the results of the bibliographic and documentary review on the central themes of the research, a conceptual model was developed to determine and prioritize project requirements of new defense products, seeking to fill gaps identified during the literature review covering the period of 1987-2017. The applicability of the model was demonstrated by an empirical case study having as experimental context the Project COBRA 2020, a strategic initiative of the Brazilian Army. For this study, one of new products to be developed within this Project was selected – a monocle of thermal vision. The main contribution of the research is a model for determining and prioritizing project requirements of new defense products, which considers the complexity, subjectivity, and uncertainty as inherent characteristics to the design of new defense products. The research findings could be replicated in other projects of new defense products - at the Army Technological Center - CTEx - and other military institutions dealing with research, development and innovation (RDandI) activities in Brazil and abroad.

汽車貨運業者車輛資源不足之車輛途程規劃及業務委外評選模式 / Vehicle routing problem and the selection of outsourcing forwarder when transport vehicles are insufficient

謝宛汝 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以單一汽車貨運業者的角度,評估當運輸需求大於自有車輛服務能力時,考量車種、時窗、貨物量等因素,以最小化成本為目標進行途程規劃,利用運輸水平整合、協同合作的概念,將未能滿足之需求任務委外給其他同業進行。 本研究主要分為兩階段,第一階段先確認是否需要委外,以禁忌搜尋法找出最節省成本之配送途程以及委外任務,解決業者選擇以自有車輛運送或委外給其他運輸業者服務的問題;而第二階段則是在確定委外的任務後,決定委外的對象,不僅考量對方出價,也評估對方的營運能力、商譽、風險管理、服務品質等因素,建構一多準則決策模式,透過網路程序分析法(ANP)決定評選準則權重,再利用VIKOR排序法決定各個方案之排序,希望能在不遺失客戶訂單及信任的期許下,決定最適合的委外對象。 / From the perspective of trucking carriers, concerning transport horizontal integration and collaboration, when the vehicles are insufficient to meet the demand of transport, carrier could seek for other carrier’s help. In this study, we consider vehicle types, capacity, time windows, and the objective of minimum cost, to do vehicle route planning, and also decide which tasks should be outsoursed. There are two phases in this study. First, after checking the insufficiency of own trucks, we use Tabu search to solve Vehicle Routing Problem with a Private fleet and a Common carrier (VRPPC) in order to find out the route of own vehicles and the tasks to be outsourced. In second phase, we will select the carrier to do those tasks. We not only consider the price of outsourcing, but also evaluate the capacity, service quality, risk management, and the goodwill of the company. We use Analytic Network Process (ANP) to decide the weight of each criterion, and VIKOR to rank each case and select the best one.

從市場的角度探討區域房屋貸款風險之研究-以台北縣、市為例 / The market view study on the regional housing loans and collateral risk analysis

楊衛中, Yang, Wei Chung Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統銀行放款的觀念中認為,借款人主導了還款的來源,關於貸款風險的研究大多集中在借款人行為因素的探討,但是房屋貸款的風險,除了借款人本身的特質外,應該還需要不同角度的探討,尤其是在擔保品方面。銀行在辦理放款時,對擔保品價值的評估僅以當時的市場價值作直接的判斷,並依判斷結果來決定貸款的成數,這樣的決策並未考慮擔保品本身所處的區域條件及其未來的發展性,因而產生了風險判斷的偏誤。 本研究將透過不動產的供需價量的關係,嘗試找出影響房屋貸款擔保品風險的因子,並對房屋貸款的風險因子給予適當的權重及評分,再運用劃分等級的模型,將研究區域依房屋貸款風險的大小劃分風險等級。最後利用不同的角度或方法檢驗各種模型對區域風險分類之異同及功能,以建立模型提供銀行於承做房屋貸款或制定放款政策時,作為決定貸款成數(LTV)的參考依據,避免銀行貸款日後遭受擔保品價格下跌所產生的風險。 本研究以分析層級程序法(AHP)及分析網路程序法(ANP)設計不同的問卷,在取得各風險因子的權重後,對各項風險因子時間序列的數據進行分析,最終取得台北縣市各區域的風險等級。實證結果AHP及ANP皆通過一致性分析,AHP與未權重化ANP間不具顯著差異;權重化ANP與極限化ANP間不具顯著差異。AHP權重與ANP未權重化矩陣兩種模型在區域房屋貸款風險等級的區分標準上較為寬鬆。ANP權重化矩陣及ANP極限化矩陣對區域房屋貸款風險等級的劃分較為嚴格。這兩類不同等級劃分標準的模型提供金融業者在制定房屋貸款政策時可以有多樣的選擇。 / People with traditional concept of bank lending believe that borrowers dominate the sources of repayment. Researches regarding to the credit risk of loan mainly focus on the behaviors of borrowers. Nevertheless, the risk of mortgage loan should be deliberated with different points of view, especially the collateral, besides considering the characteristics of borrowers. During the process of loan, banks evaluate the collateral with directly determine according to the prevailing market value and decide the proportion of loan. The decision is not considered with the regional factors and the future development of the collateral. A bias of risk determination therefore exists during the process. The research tries to find the factors that influence the collateral risk of mortgage loan through supply, demand, price and quantity of real estate. Also, it allocates the weight and evaluation of every risk factor of mortgage loan. The research then distinguishes the investigated areas into different risk levels according to the mortgage loan risk by applying appropriate model. The research stands at various points of view and utilizes different methods to determine whether the classification of area risk is appropriate or not and offering a banks model to be the reference basis of determining the loan to value(LTV) when executing mortgage loan or drawing up loan policy. Banks can avoid the risk of collateral depreciation in the future. The research designed various questionnaires with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP). After obtained the weights of different risk factors, an analysis was processed on time sequence data of every risk factor and results the risk level of every subarea of Taipei. The empirical results in consistency analysis by AHP and ANP are passed. The difference between AHP and un-weighted ANP is not significant. The difference between weighted ANP and limited ANP is also not significant. Both weighted AHP and un-weighted ANP matrix models are lenient on the classify criteria of area mortgage risk levels. In opposition, weighted ANP matrix models and ANP limited matrix are strict on the same criteria. The two models with different criteria offer financial corporations different choices when drawing up policies of mortgage loan

Aplicação de método de tomada de decisão multicritério para priorização de projetos Lean Six Sigma / Application of multi-criteria decision-making method for Lean Six Sigma projects prioritization

Rolando, Daniel Augusto Rainha [UNESP] 16 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by DANIEL AUGUSTO RAINHA ROLANDO null (danielrolando@gmail.com) on 2018-04-05T16:00:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Rolando-DAR.pdf: 3156622 bytes, checksum: ac92904a2c656de7add0c53bd32f6e49 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2018-04-06T18:54:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rolando_dar_me_guara.pdf: 3156622 bytes, checksum: ac92904a2c656de7add0c53bd32f6e49 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-06T18:54:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rolando_dar_me_guara.pdf: 3156622 bytes, checksum: ac92904a2c656de7add0c53bd32f6e49 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-16 / Para a delimitação de um processo de tomada de decisão na escolha de projetos Lean Six Sigma, é necessário definir os fatores críticos, tanto de sucesso (como por exemplo: envolvimento e comprometimento da gestão, entendimento das ferramentas e técnicas do Lean Six Sigma, ligação do projeto com a estratégia de negócios) quanto de fracasso (como por exemplo a falta do envolvimento da gestão, resistência à mudança cultural, inexistência de gestão de projetos). Desta forma, este trabalho foi conduzido por meio de modelagem com validação de dados reais, com o objetivo de propor uma adaptação de métodos de auxílio à tomada a decisão para seleção de projetos Lean Six Sigma baseado nos fatores críticos de sucesso e fracasso. Para tanto, com base na revisão da literatura, foram identificados os fatores críticos de sucesso e fracasso para seleção de projetos Lean Six Sigma. Em seguida, uma análise de dois métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério, PROMETHEE e ANP, foi realizada por meio da aplicação dos modelos em um portfólio de projetos de uma empresa multinacional de grande porte. Como resultado, houve assertividade de 95% na seleção dos melhores projetos do portfólio, comparado aos projetos executados pela empresa mostrando-se que os dois modelos são aderentes ao problema. Como resultado, é possível constatar que o PROMETHEE se mostrou mais assertivo, principalmente nas comparações quantitativas, tendo aplicabilidade tanto para decisões individuais quanto em grupos. O ANP, por fazer a análise de preferência dos critérios de forma pareada (utilizando a escala comparativa de Saaty) torna mais fácil seu em grupos grandes de decisores, porém a comparação utilizando a escala de Saaty dificulta a análise de critérios quantitativos, bem como para pequenos grupos ou em decisões individuais. / To define a decision-making process in the Lean Six Sigma projects’ choice, it is necessary to define the critical success factors (e. g., management involvement and commitment, understanding the tools and techniques of Lean Six Sigma methodologies), and critical failure factors (e. g., lack of management involvement, cultural change resistance, project management weakness, etc.). In this way, this work was conducted through the modeling method with the objective of proposing an adaptation of decision-making aid methods process to select Lean Six Sigma projects based on the critical success and critical failure factors. Therefore, based on the literature review, the critical success and critical failure factors for the selection of Lean Six Sigma projects were identified. An analysis of two multi-criteria decision-making methods, PROMETHEE and ANP, was performed through the application of the models in a project portfolio of a large multinational company, presenting 95% assertiveness in the selection of the best portfolio projects compared to the executed projects by the company, showing that the two models are adherent to the problem. In addition, PROMETHEE has been more assertive, mainly in quantitative comparisons, and the use of the method are applied for both individual and group decisions; the ANP, by doing the preference analysis of the criteria in pair-to-pair way, using the Saaty’s comparative scale, makes it easier in large groups of decision makers. However, the comparison using the Saaty scale makes it difficult to analyze quantitative criteria as well as small groups or in individual decisions

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