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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Encyclopaedism in the Mamluk Period: The Composition of Shihāb al-Dīn al-Nuwayrī’s (D. 1333) Nihāyat al-Arab fī Funūn al-Adab

Muhanna, Elias Ibrahim 03 August 2012 (has links)
This dissertation explores the emergence of a golden age of Arabic encyclopaedic literature in the scholarly centers of Egypt and Syria during the Mamluk Empire (1250-1517). At the heart of the project is a study of Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad b. ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Nuwayrī’s (d. 1333) Nihāyat al-arab fī funūn al-adab (‘The Ultimate Ambition in the Branches of Erudition’), a 31-volume encyclopaedic work composed at the beginning of the 14th century and divided into five parts: (i) heaven and earth; (ii) the human being; (iii) animals; (iv) plants; and (v) the history of the world. My study examines the formal arrangement, thematic contents, and codicological features of this seminal work, arguing that the rise of encyclopaedism in this period was emblematic of a certain intellectual ethos, a systematic approach to the classification of knowledge which emerged in the discursive context of a rapidly centralizing imperial state. I argue that the Nihāya grew out of an amalgam of several genres (including the adab anthology, the cosmographical compendium, the chancery scribe manual, the dynastic chronicle, and the commonplace book), developing into a new form and serving a different purpose from its literary predecessors. Such texts, long considered tokens of intellectual and cultural decadence, demonstrate the strategies used by Mamluk religious scholars, chancery scribes, and littérateurs to navigate an ever-growing corpus of accumulated knowledge / Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

Διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση μέσα από τα ανθολόγια κείμενα του δημοτικού σχολείου : ανάλυση περιεχομένου

Καρανικόλα, Ζωή 07 July 2010 (has links)
Βρισκόμαστε στον 21ο αι. και η εκπαίδευση εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί θέμα μείζονος σημασίας. Κι αυτό δεν είναι τυχαίο, αφού, όπως αναφέρει ο Σουμάχερ, η εκπαίδευση αποτελεί τη μεγαλύτερη πηγή ενός πολιτισμού ( Σουμάχερ, 1980) αλλά και δέκτης όλων των κοινωνικών αλλαγών. Η μετατροπή της Ελλάδας σε χώρα υποδοχής μεταναστών είχε ως φυσικό επακόλουθο, μεταξύ άλλων, την αλλαγή της σύστασης του μαθητικού πληθυσμού. Αποτελώντας οι μαθητές από ξένες χώρες το 6% του συνόλου των μαθητικού πληθυσμού, προέκυψε η ανάγκη ενσωμάτωσης κι ένταξής τους στα ελληνικά σχολεία. Οι πρώτες προσπάθειες στερούνταν «ευαισθησίας» απέναντι στα πραγματικά προβλήματα των μαθητών. Με τις τελευταίες, όμως, μεταρρυθμίσεις, τα νέα σχολικά εγχειρίδια και αναλυτικά προγράμματα αλλά και τη θέσπιση νόμων, γίνεται μια πιο συνειδητή προσπάθεια εφαρμογής της διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα. Στην παρούσα εργασία εξετάσαμε τη δυνατότητα εφαρμογής της μέσα από τα ανθολόγια κείμενα του δημοτικού σχολείου. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, μέσα από την ανάλυση περιεχομένου των κειμένων και των δραστηριοτήτων κι ακολουθώντας το παράδειγμα της συγκεφαλαίωσης, εξετάσαμε κατά πόσο η διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση περιορίζεται στην ύπαρξη κάποιων στοιχείων προσθετικής/ τουριστικής προσέγγισης ή στην προβολή ουσιαστικών στοιχείων διαπολιτισμικότητας. Παράλληλα, εξετάστηκε και η ύπαρξη κειμένων/ δραστηριοτήτων που προβάλλουν στοιχεία της ελληνικής ιστορίας και πολιτισμού. Από την έρευνα προέκυψε πως έχουν γίνει σημαντικά βήματα προς την κατεύθυνση της διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης και της μετασχηματιστικής προσέγγισης. Περισσότερο προβάλλονται στοιχεία υψηλής διαπολιτισμικότητας, στοιχεία οικουμενικά που αφορούν όλους τους ανθρώπους και λιγότερο στοιχεία προσθετικής προσέγγισης. Άλλωστε, όπως αναφέρουν και οι Bullivant (1997) και Triandis (1997) η προσθήκη στο Α.Π. τέτοιων επιφανειακών τουριστικών στοιχείων της κουλτούρας μιας γλωσσικά ή πολιτισμικά διαφορετικής ομάδας δε θα οδηγήσει τα παιδιά στην κατανόηση των πολιτισμικών διαφορών ούτε θα τα απαλλάξει από προκαταλήψεις και θα καταλήξει σε αρμονικές σχέσεις και στη βελτίωση της επικοινωνίας μεταξύ των μελών των διαφορετικών ομάδων (Αραπατζή, 2008). Σύμφωνα, δε, με τον ορισμό της UNESCO « πολιτισμός είναι το σύνολο των μοναδικών πνευματικών, υλικών, διανοητικών και συναισθηματικών πτυχών που χαρακτηρίζουν μια κοινωνία ή μια κοινωνική ομάδα. Αυτό δεν περιλαμβάνει μόνο την τέχνη και τη λογοτεχνία αλλά επίσης και μορφές ζωής, θεμελιώδη δικαιώματα του ανθρώπου, συστήματα αξιών, παραδόσεις και μορφές πίστης» ( Πανταζής, 2003β:68). Το περιεχόμενο των ελληνικών κειμένων είναι κυρίως ήπιο, ενώ οι αρνητικές αναφορές σε άλλους λαούς περιορίζονται σε μερικά κείμενα από την ελληνική ιστορία. Επίσης, σημαντικός αριθμός κειμένων με εθνικιστικό περιεχόμενο προβάλλουν έντονα και στοιχεία υψηλής διαπολιτισμικότητας. Η παρουσίαση, συνεπώς, του πολιτιστικού παρελθόντος του ελληνικού πολιτισμού ενισχύει μεν την εθνική και πολιτιστική ταυτότητα, αποφεύγει όμως τα ακραία και σοβινιστικά στοιχεία που χωρίζουν τους λαούς. Συνεπώς, μπορούμε να πούμε πως τα νέα ανθολόγια παρουσιάζονται σαφώς βελτιωμένα. Επιτρέπουν στα παιδιά να αναγνωρίσουν ως θετικό κοινωνικό φαινόμενο τις αλληλεπιδράσεις μεταξύ των ανθρώπων, επισημαίνουν συμπεριφορές που αναπαραγάγουν στερεότυπα και προκαταλήψεις, επισημαίνουν την αρνητική στάση απέναντι στο διαφορετικό κι αντιπροτείνουν «ορθές» στάσεις και συμπεριφορές που προάγουν το σεβασμό στη διαφορετικότητα, την αλληλοκατανόηση, τη συνεργασία, την κοινωνική και παγκόσμια ειρήνη, την αγάπη σε διάφορες μορφές. Προάγουν αυτό που ο Hohmann ορίζει ως «παιδαγωγική της συνάντησης» και «παιδαγωγική των συγκρούσεων». Η παιδαγωγική της συνάντησης προάγει τη διαπολιτισμική ανταλλαγή και το διαπολιτισμικό εμπλουτισμό ανάμεσα στις εθνοπολιτισμικές ομάδες και η παιδαγωγική των συγκρούσεων χρησιμοποιεί μεθόδους για την εξάλειψη του εθνικιστικού και εθνοκεντρικού τρόπου σκέψης, του ρατσισμού, της εχθρότητας για τον άλλο (Δαμανάκης, 1997). Φυσικά, πάντα υπάρχει περιθώριο για βελτίωση. Ο νόμος 2413/96 περί της διαπολιτισμικής εκπαίδευσης και οι επίσημες διακρατικές συμφωνίες υπαγορεύουν την ισότιμη συμμετοχή όλων των πολιτισμικών και γλωσσικών ομάδων στα επίσημα αναλυτικά προγράμματα και στα εγχειρίδια των μαθητών. Επομένως, θα μπορούσε να αποφευχθεί η άνιση αντιπροσώπευση των λαών στα κείμενα. Θα μπορούσαν να υπάρχουν περισσότερα στοιχεία από πολιτισμούς και άλλων λαών και όχι κυρίως δυτικοευρωπαϊκών. / Faced with increasing and changing diversity as a result of immigration, Greek educational system has been called to respond to the needs of the entire student population, which is not characterized by homogeny. In this essay we examined the goals, principals, dimensions, policies and legislation concerning Greek intercultural education and its influence οn the writing of the new “anthologies” (literature books), which are used in Greek primary schools. How possible is it to apply intercultural education through these textbooks? What kind of intercultural references are prevailing? The contributions approach, the additive or the transformational approach? At the same time we examined the existence of Greek /national elements in these texts. What kind of “nationalism” is prevailing? mild or strong? To analyze our material we used the method of qualitative content analysis. Our results showed that the new textbooks have been certainly affected by the principles and the legislation of multiculturalism, as the references of “high interculturalism’’ are prevailing. There are not many references of additive or contributions approach, while the presence of “strong national elements” is not intense. The references of mild nationalism is more increased.

Embate e debate de sentidos sobre o Brasil em antologias de ensaios : discurso, memoria e leitura / Opposition and discussion on the interpretation of Brazil in essay anthologies : discourse, memory and reading

Dias, Luciana Cristina Ferreira 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silvana Mabel Serrani / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T08:30:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dias_LucianaCristinaFerreira_D.pdf: 1303579 bytes, checksum: 09c3f6bb96d54d2fb22c53d247aeacaf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Considerando a problemática acerca da linguagem e da identidade nos estudos de perspectiva discursiva (Pêcheux, 1990; Orlandi 1999) e as reflexões produzidas a partir do Grupo de Pesquisa "Antologias, discurso e práticas letradas", este trabalho busca refletir sobre as representações construídas discursivamente sobre o Brasil em quatro antologias/coleções de ensaios, a saber: Nenhum Brasil existe (João Cezar Rocha), Intérpretes do Brasil (Silviano Santiago), Morte e progresso: cultura brasileira como apagamento de rastros (Francisco Foot Hardman) e Formas e mediações do trágico moderno: uma leitura de Brasil (Ettore Finazzi- Agrò e Roberto Vecchi). Na medida em que a antologia é um gênero que funciona como organizador de saberes sobre o Brasil, mostrou-se necessário enfatizar, no trabalho, a distinção entre memória (arquivo) e interdiscurso. Neste sentido, as antologias foram examinadas a partir de sua formulação (ordem do intradiscurso), tendo-se em vista as seções de ensaios que constituem a seleção de textos, os elementos paratextuais (títulos, prefácios, notas, orelhas, prólogos, dados autobiográficos de um autor) e os elementos metatextuais (ensaios críticos e ensaios-guias de leitura), o que coloca em cena a necessidade de compreender, sob um ponto de vista enunciativo-discursivo, os lugares de enunciação que se desdobram no interior da antologia: a posição-locutor organizador-editor, a posição- ensaísta convidado, a posição comentarista-especialista, o que coloca em cena imagens de leitores projetados no discurso: leitor estudante, leitor estudioso, leitor especialista. Dessa forma, a antologia, em termos de função autoria, é marcada pela tensão unidade e dispersão que se desenha no projeto antológico, seja em termos de diversas posições-sujeito, seja em termos de confrontos entre diferentes formações discursivas. Também, a partir da análise das condições de produção do discurso, da formulação da antologia, da constituição dos sentidos e de sua circulação, foi possível refletir sobre: (i) os conflitos de uma identidade brasileira vazia, lacunar, marcada pela falta que se completa no outro estrangeiro, (ii) a problemática da Comemoração dos 500 anos do Brasil como lugar de memória ou como acontecimento que produz uma tensão entre a narrativa coerente do Estado e a dispersão dos sentidos que retornam a partir da memória do dizer e (iii) as reflexões e movimentos de resistências de intelectuais que deslocam sentidos de ordem e progresso para morte e progresso ou a partir da posição de que o Brasil pode e deve ser lido a partir do trágico. / Abstract: Dealing with problems on language and identity in discourse studies and reflections produced from the Research Group "Antologias, discurso e práticas letradas", this current research analyzes discourse-constructed representations on Brazil in the following four anthologies / essay collections: João Cezar Rocha's Nenhum Brasil existe [No Brazil exists]; Silviano Santiago's Intérpretes do Brasil [Interpreters of Brazil]; Francisco Foot Hardman's Morte e progresso: cultura brasileira como apagamento de rastros [Death and cprogress: Brazilian culture as the erasure of clues] and Ettore Finazzi - Agrò and Roberto Vecchi's Formas e mediações do trágico moderno: uma leitura de Brasil [Forms and mediation of modern tragedy: an interpretation of Brazil]. Since an anthology is a literary genre that organizes knowledge on Brazil, the distinction between memory (archive) and interdiscourse are highlighted. Above-mentioned anthologies were analyzed with regard to their formulation (intradiscourse order) concerned with section of essays that constitute the tests selection, paratextual elements (titles, prefaces, notes, flaps, prologues, author's autobiographical data) and metatextual (critical essays and essays as reading guides) factors. From the enunciation and discursive point of view, these factors put in the limelight the need for understanding the enunciation places developed within the anthology, or rather, the position of the organizing interlocutor-editor, the position of the invited essayist and the position of the specialized commentator. These factors bring forth the reading projected in the discourse: student reader, scholar reader, specialized reader. In terms of authorship, the anthology is marked by the unity-dispersion tension constructed within the anthological project either in terms of several subject positions or in terms of conflicts between different discursive formations. Through an analysis of production conditions of discourse, anthology formulation, constitution of meanings and their circulation, the analyses developed on the conflicts with regard to zero degree Brazilian identity, characterized by gaps, marked by lacks that fulfill themselves in the foreign Other, the problematization of the commemoration of the 500 years of the discovery of Brazil as a memory site or happening that produced the different. Further, investigation are undertaken on the tension between the State's coherent narrative and the dispersion of meanings that come back when memory is provoked, the reflections and movements of resistance of the intellectual elite that displace meaning of order and progress towards death and progress, or rather, that Brazil may and should be interpreted in a tragic manner. / Doutorado / Lingua Materna / Doutor em Linguística Aplicada

Antologias de literatura negra brasileira e estadunidense e ensino de lígua(s) = lineamentos para formação intercultura/discursiva de professores de inglês do Brasil / Antologies of Black Brazilian and African-American Literature, biographics and language teaching : alignments to an intercultural/discursive professional development (pedagogical training) of Brazilian english teachers

Oliveira, Ênio de 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silvana Mabel Serrani / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudo da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T02:36:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_Eniode_D.pdf: 5320212 bytes, checksum: c28501e3cba0facfc81c87cd4c0013e9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Nesta tese, analisamos a relação entre os discursos biográfico e antológico em quatro antologias de literatura negra, e, a partir da compreensão de tal relação, e da constatação de que os livros didáticos de inglês silenciam, deliberadamente ou não, as histórias e legados de "culturas negras", esboçamos lineamentos para uma formação continuada de professores de inglês no Brasil, atentando, particularmente, para o estabelecimento de relações interculturais/discursivas. Temos como corpus de análise biografias presentes em duas antologias publicadas no Brasil - A Razão da Chama: Antologia de Poetas Negros Brasileiros (CAMARGO, 1986) e Poesia Negra Brasileira: Antologia (BERND, 1992); e em duas publicadas nos Estados Unidos - The NortonAnthology of African American Literature (GATES JR. e MCKAEY, 1997), Call and Response: The Riverside Anthology of the African American Literary Tradition (HILL, 1998). Atentos à multidisciplinaridade constitutiva da Linguística Aplicada, e inscrevendo nossa pesquisa na área de "Multiculturalismo, Plurilinguismo e Educação Bilíngue", sustentamo-nos, teoricamente, em diálogos com Estudos Culturais, Análise de Discurso, Semântica Histórica da Enunciação, e pesquisas voltadas especificamente para os gêneros antológico e biográfico. Por meio dessa complexa tessitura teórica, mobilizamos as noções de função-autor (FOUCAULT, 1969), intradiscurso e interdiscurso (PÊCHEUX, 1990), ressonâncias discursivas (SERRANI, 1997) e designação (GUIMARÃES, 2002), a fim de mostrar como a materialidade linguístico-textualdiscursiva das biografias - mesmo estas sendo, aparentemente, concebidas pelas antologias, como documentos factuais sem autoria - revela gestos de interpretação originados do trabalho daquilo que chamamos de função-autor-biográfico. As análises dos modos de enunciação descritivo e narrativo trabalhados na designação dos biografados permitiram elucidar os gestos interpretativos da função-autor-biográfico. Ademais, vimos que, esses modos não funcionam a partir do domínio da referenciação, ou seja, eles não simplesmente refletem algo já pronto e acabado, mas, ao contrário, constróem sentidos, e, por isso, quando a função-autor-biográfico designa os biografados, diz, e muito, sobre as filiações ideológicas assumidas pelo discurso antológico. Este último, por sua vez, coerentemente com o trabalho interpretativo da funçãoautor- biográfico, labora na construção de sentidos e de interpretações para os antologizados e suas obras e, por conseguinte, mostra-se como um artefato propício para a observação dasfiliações ideológico-discursivas nas antologias. Em sequência à compreensão da relação entre os discursos biográfico e antológico, desenvolvemos reflexões sobre possíveis formas de utilização das biografias presentes nas antologias como lineamentos para a formação continuada de professores de inglês. Para isso, submetemos os componentes interculturais/discursivos encontrados nas biografias a um olhar analítico baseado na Proposta Intercultural/Discursiva, elaborada por Serrani (2005). Defendemos a tese, portanto, de que as biografias presentes em antologias de literatura negra brasileira e estadunidense podem ser utilizadas como material propício tanto para a compreensão da relação entre os discursos biográfico e antológico, quanto para a sensibilização do professor de inglês para o estabelecimento de relações interculturais/discursivas a partir de legados de "culturas negras" / Abstract : In this study, we investigate how the relationship between the biographical and anthological discourses is manifested in anthologies of Black Brazilian and African-American literature and suggest directions for re-aligning the professional development (pedagogical training) of pre-and in-service Brazilian English teachers that embrace intercultural/discursive practices. We have as a corpus of analysis a set of biographies present in the following anthologies: A Razão da Chama: Antologia de Poetas Negros Brasileiros (CAMARGO, 1986); and Poesia Negra Brasileira: Antologia (BERND, 1992); published in Brazil, The Norton Anthology of African-American Literature (GATES JR. e MCKAEY, 1997), Call and Response: The Riverside Anthology of the African American Literary Tradition (HILL, 1998), published in the United States. To support the investigation, we base our study on the theoretical underpinnings of Discourse Analysis, Historical Semantics of Enunciation, and on a myriad of studies about the anthological and biographical discourses. Employing the analytical categories of author-function (FOUCAULT, 1969), intra-discourse and inter-discourse (PÊCHEUX, 1990), discursive resonances (SERRANI, 1997), and designation (GUIMARÃES, 2002), we study howthe discursive-textual-linguistic materiality of the biographies reveal the interpretation gestures originated from the biographical-author-function. We highlight these interpretation gestures through analyses of the descriptive and narrative modes of enunciation used in the designation of the biographees. However, these modes do not function as a simple referenciation act (that is, they do not simply refer to something that exists independently) but, on the contrary, they build meanings. When the biographical-author-function designates the biographees, it comments not only the biographees, but also reveals the ideological affiliation embraced by the anthological discourse. This last one, coherent with the interpretive work of the biographical-author-function, builds and develops meanings and interpretations of the anthologized and their literary productions. Consequently, it shows to be a proper discourse device of exposition of the ideological and discursive affiliations assumed by the anthologies. While comprehending the relationship between the biographical and anthological discourses, we turn our attention to reflect the possible ways of using the anthologies to suggest re-alignments to the professional development (pedagogical training) of pre/in-service Brazilian English teachers. In so doing, wesubmit the intercultural/discursive components found in the biographies to an analysis based on the Intercultural/Discursive Proposal, designed by Serrani (2005). Thus, we defend the idea that the biographies present in the anthologies may be used to comprehend the anthological discourseand to encourage teachers reflection on how the black/African cultural legacies can be brought to the English teaching via the consideration of the intercultural/discursive relationships / Doutorado / Multiculturalismo, Plurilinguismo e Educação Bilingue / Doutor em Linguística Aplicada

"När jag inte längre frågar varför, då är jag död" : Vuxenblivandets existentiella villkor utifrån två poesiantologier för unga

Erling, Klara January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study is to analyze the role of existential questions in two poetry anthologies for youth, Kärlek och uppror (published in 1989) and Berör och förstör (published in 2021). The study looks into which and in what way existential questions are described in the poetry, as well as if there are similarities or differences between the anthologies. By examining the role of existential questions in poetry for youth, the aim is furthermore to analyze how becoming an adult (vuxenblivande) is depicted in the selection of poetry that’s been chosen for the anthologies. To get an understanding for the process of becoming an adult, the study relates the depiction of emerging adulthood to research about youth and identity. The methodology used for analyzing the poetry is called a “livsåskådningsanalys”, which means that definitions of existential questions are at the center for how the analysis is constructed. The analysis of the anthologies shows that the existential questions that are described and discussed in the poetry for youth especially concern love and death. Existential questions about identity also play a big part in the poems, which is related to the themes of body as well as place and belonging. Poetry as an existential activity, both trough reading and writing, is also described in the poems. The depiction of becoming an adult in the anthologies can therefore be described as a process of constructing one’s identity where existential questions around love, death, body, place and belonging are central. Writing and reading poetry are described in the anthologies as ways of processing and handling the existential questions these themes evoke.

“[T]he subtle but powerful cement of a patriotic literature”: English-Canadian Literary Anthologies, National Identity, and the Canon

Hughes, Bonnie K. 24 April 2012 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the correlations among the development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, the Canadian canon, and visions of national identity. While literature anthologies are widely used in university classrooms, the influential role of the anthology in the critical study of literature has been largely overlooked, particularly in Canada. The dissertation begins with an analysis of the stages of development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, demonstrating that there are important links between dominant critical trends and the guiding interests of the various phases of anthology development and that anthologies both reflect and participate in moulding views of the nation and its literature. Focusing then upon five eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Canadian authors, the dissertation traces their treatment in anthologies and analyzes in detail the impact of stages of anthology development upon authors’ inclusion and presentation. The reception of Frances Brooke, John Richardson, William Kirby, Susanna Moodie, and Emily Pauline Johnson over a span of nearly 90 years is examined, and points of inclusion and exclusion are scrutinized to determine links with prevailing critical interests as well as canonical status. These case studies reveal the functions of anthologies, which include recovering overlooked authors, amending past oversights, reflecting new areas of critical inquiry, and preserving the national literary tradition. Their treatment also reveals the effect of larger critical concerns, such as alignment with dominant visions of the nation, considerations of genre, and reassessments of past views. The dissertation shows that the anthology is a carefully constructed, culturally valuable work that plays an important role in literary criticism and canon formation and is a genre worthy of careful scrutiny.

“[T]he subtle but powerful cement of a patriotic literature”: English-Canadian Literary Anthologies, National Identity, and the Canon

Hughes, Bonnie K. 24 April 2012 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the correlations among the development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, the Canadian canon, and visions of national identity. While literature anthologies are widely used in university classrooms, the influential role of the anthology in the critical study of literature has been largely overlooked, particularly in Canada. The dissertation begins with an analysis of the stages of development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, demonstrating that there are important links between dominant critical trends and the guiding interests of the various phases of anthology development and that anthologies both reflect and participate in moulding views of the nation and its literature. Focusing then upon five eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Canadian authors, the dissertation traces their treatment in anthologies and analyzes in detail the impact of stages of anthology development upon authors’ inclusion and presentation. The reception of Frances Brooke, John Richardson, William Kirby, Susanna Moodie, and Emily Pauline Johnson over a span of nearly 90 years is examined, and points of inclusion and exclusion are scrutinized to determine links with prevailing critical interests as well as canonical status. These case studies reveal the functions of anthologies, which include recovering overlooked authors, amending past oversights, reflecting new areas of critical inquiry, and preserving the national literary tradition. Their treatment also reveals the effect of larger critical concerns, such as alignment with dominant visions of the nation, considerations of genre, and reassessments of past views. The dissertation shows that the anthology is a carefully constructed, culturally valuable work that plays an important role in literary criticism and canon formation and is a genre worthy of careful scrutiny.

“[T]he subtle but powerful cement of a patriotic literature”: English-Canadian Literary Anthologies, National Identity, and the Canon

Hughes, Bonnie K. January 2012 (has links)
The dissertation investigates the correlations among the development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, the Canadian canon, and visions of national identity. While literature anthologies are widely used in university classrooms, the influential role of the anthology in the critical study of literature has been largely overlooked, particularly in Canada. The dissertation begins with an analysis of the stages of development of general anthologies of Canadian literature, demonstrating that there are important links between dominant critical trends and the guiding interests of the various phases of anthology development and that anthologies both reflect and participate in moulding views of the nation and its literature. Focusing then upon five eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Canadian authors, the dissertation traces their treatment in anthologies and analyzes in detail the impact of stages of anthology development upon authors’ inclusion and presentation. The reception of Frances Brooke, John Richardson, William Kirby, Susanna Moodie, and Emily Pauline Johnson over a span of nearly 90 years is examined, and points of inclusion and exclusion are scrutinized to determine links with prevailing critical interests as well as canonical status. These case studies reveal the functions of anthologies, which include recovering overlooked authors, amending past oversights, reflecting new areas of critical inquiry, and preserving the national literary tradition. Their treatment also reveals the effect of larger critical concerns, such as alignment with dominant visions of the nation, considerations of genre, and reassessments of past views. The dissertation shows that the anthology is a carefully constructed, culturally valuable work that plays an important role in literary criticism and canon formation and is a genre worthy of careful scrutiny.

A construção do projeto didático de antologias escolares do Império Brasileiro e da Primeira República: uma abordagem dialógica / The construction of an education project of school anthologies from Brazilian Empire and First Republic: a dialogic approach

Oliveira, Agildo Santos Silva de 13 June 2019 (has links)
Nesta tese, investiga-se a construção do projeto didático de duas antologias escolares do Império Brasileiro e da Primeira República, analisando as concepções de língua nacional que, aí materializadas, nortearam o ensino de português nesses contextos de construção da identidade nacional brasileira. Para constituição dos corpora estabeleceram-se quatro critérios: a) nível escolar: ensino secundário; b) épocas: Segundo Reinado e Primeira República; c) gêneros da emoldura: textos que contextualizam as obras; e d) subjetividade autoral: obras assinadas por autores. Assim, selecionamos Iris Classico (1873), do conselheiro português José Castilho, e Autores Contemporaneos (1917), do Acadêmico João Ribeiro. A fundamentação teórico-metodológica concentrou-se na abordagem dialógica da linguagem de Bakhtin e o Círculo, nos conceitos de gênero discursivo, dupla orientação do gênero na realidade, discurso do outro e emoldura. Assim, nesta tese, depreendeu-se as antologias escolares como gêneros discursivos, compostas por coletâneas de excertos que configuram modelos linguístico-ideológicos da língua nacional. Sendo a abordagem das orientações dialógicas do gênero correspondente à articulação dos seus elementos exteriores (interlocutores previstos e especificidades das condições de realização e percepção do gênero) e interiores (conteúdo temático), então compreendeu-se que esse seria um modo apropriado de apreensão dos projetos didáticos das obras. Orientada para determinados interlocutores (D. Pedro II; mestres e amiguinhos estudiosos; opositores intelectuais) em uma polêmica atmosfera axiológica em torno da representação da língua nacional, Iris Classico (1873) compõe-se de 181 excertos, a maioria do cânone português dos séculos XVII e XVIII, período vinculado às ascensões da nação e literatura portuguesas. Aqui, predominaram quatro temas: i) exaltação à língua portuguesa; ii) exploração de países, povos e costumes ultramarinos; iii) firmação de princípios cristãos e morais; iv) representação de homens históricos, sobressaindo quatro elementos ideológicos da história da nação portuguesa: i) língua literária nacional clássica; ii) passado histórico glorioso; iii) religião cristã; iv) homens históricos. Assim, a obra representa um projeto de firmação da língua nacional clássica, pelo prisma da identidade nacional portuguesa, ou seja, um projeto linguístico-ideológico europeu. Também orientada para destinatários específicos (professores e alunos do Ginásio Nacional, candidatos aos exames de preparatórios; opositores do autor) em um tenso contexto axiológico em torno da representação da língua nacional, Autores Contemporaneos (1917) constitui-se de 71 fragmentos de autores, maiormente brasileiros, do século XIX, época atrelada à construção da identidade nacional brasileira. Na coletânea, predominaram dois temas: i) prosa literária; ii) crítica histórica; homens históricos e fatos históricos, destacando-se dois elementos ideológicos da construção da nacionalidade brasileira: língua literária nacional contemporânea e história do Brasil. Portanto, a obra constitui-se em um projeto de firmação da língua nacional contemporânea, sob a ótica da identidade nacional brasileira, isto é, um projeto linguístico-ideológico nacional. / In this dissertation, it\'s researched the construction of an education project of two anthologies from the Brazilian Empire and First Republic, analyzing the national language conceptions that, materialized on this, guided the Portuguese teaching in these contexts of Brazilian national identities\' construction. For the corpora compilation, it was established four criteria: a) school level: secondary school; b) periods: Second Empire and First Republic; c) frame genres: texts which contextualize the works; and d) author\'s subjectivity: works signed by authors. Thus, we selected Iris Classico (1873), of the Portuguese adviser José Castilho, and Autores Contemporaneos (1917), of the Academic João Ribeiro. The theoretical and methodological foundation was based in Bakhtin and his Circle\'s language dialogic approach, in the conceptions of discourse genre, double genre orientation in the reality, the discourse of the other and frame. Therefore, in this dissertation, it was considered the school anthologies as discourse genres, composed by collections of excerpts that appears as linguistic and ideological models of national language. Regarding the dialogic orientations of genre approach related to the articulation of its external elements (predicted interlocutors and specificities of the the performing conditions and genre perception) and internal (thematic content), so it was understood that this would be an appropriate way of grasping the works\' education projects. Recommended for certain interlocutors (D. Pedro II; teachers and \"studious little friends\"; intelectual opponents) in a polemic axiologic atmosphere around the national language representation, Iris Classico (1873) is formed by 181 excerpts, in which the most part is from the Portuguese canon of the 16th and 17th centuries, period related to the nation rising and Portuguese literature. Here, four themes are prevailing: a) exaltation to the Portuguese language; b) countries, peoples and overseas habits exploration; c) christian and moral principles establishing; c) representation of historical men, highlighting four ideological elements of the Portuguese nation\'s history: 1) classical national literary language; 2) glorious historical past; 3) christian religion; 4) historical men. Thus, the work represents an establishing project of classical national language, by the Portuguese national identity perspective, in other words, an European linguistic and ideological project. It is also oriented by specific recipientes (Ginásio Nacional\'s teachers and students, candidates to the preparatory exams; author\'s opponent) in a tense axiologic context in relation to the national language representation, Autores Contemporaneos (1917) is constituted by 71 excerpts of 19th century authors, mainly Brazilian ones, moment related to the construction of the Brazilian national identity. In this collection, two themes were prevailing: a) literary prose; b) historical criticismo; c) historical facts; and historical men, emphasizing two ideological elements of the Brazilian nationality construction: contemporary national literary language and Brazil\'s history. Therefore, the work constitutes an establishing of the contemporary national language project, under the perspective of the Brazilian national identity, i.e., a national linguistic and ideological project.

Anthologists and the literary market : a comparative study of al-Tha'ālibī's Yatīmat al-dahr and 'Awfī's Lubāb al-albāb

White, James January 2018 (has links)
This thesis offers the first detailed study of publishing culture in the medieval eastern Islamic world by examining how two influential anthologists active in Central Asia mediated between authors and their audiences. It analyses the contents of al-Tha'ālibī's (d. 429/1037-8) Yatīmat al-dahr, a biographical anthology of Arabic poetry and prose concerned with the literature of the 4th/10th and the early 5th/11th centuries, comparing them with the material found in 'Awfī's (d. 640/1242 or before) Lubāb al-albāb, a biographical anthology of Persian poetry focused on verse produced between the late 3rd/9th and the early 7th/13th centuries. Yatīmat al-dahr and Lubāb al-albāb are approached as ventures which aimed to render the high culture of Arabic and Persian literature accessible to readers by presenting hitherto unpublished texts in a pedagogical fashion. The thesis contributes to a current wave of research that is concerned with the history of the book in the Islamic world, but it moves the focus of such scholarship onto literary texts and their manipulation. Its principal findings can be summarised as follows: Firstly, it revises the prevalent idea that literary culture was entirely dependent on patronage, by demonstrating how market demand influenced the kinds of writing produced in the different regions of the Arabic- and Persian-speaking worlds. Patronage emerges as a force that was intertwined with the book trade, which had already begun to define conceptions of authorship. Secondly, it shows that anthologies are more than collections of exemplary texts, by uncovering how al-Tha'ālibī and 'Awfī pursue the study of society, literary history and literary theory. The anthologists did not simply reproduce extracts, but edited them in accordance with their broader intellectual projects. Lastly, it reconstructs the cosmopolitan literary culture which existed in Khurasan and Transoxiana between the 4th/10th and 7th/13th centuries, showing that many authors worked in bilingual Arabic-Persian environments, moved between Arabic and Persian spheres, and read books in both languages. The thesis is accompanied by an index of circa eight thousand poems catalogued by genre, and by an appendix which lists the material that the anthologists drew from their sources.

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