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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Over the counter care| Service provider perspectives on the application of harm reduction in a syringe exchange program

Blalock-Wiker, Chloe Peru 07 July 2015 (has links)
<p>"Harm reduction," or services aimed at reducing the negative effects of high-risk behavior, like drug use, is a fledgling social movement and relatively new type of service provision in the United States. Although it contains guiding principles, it also has many different manifestations. The varying ways in which harm reduction can be implemented reflect the numerous ways in which it can be defined, and this has been a major point of critique in recent literature. Although many sources speak about its definition, very few explore how harm reduction workers actually define their work, and I would argue that harm reduction is actually defined on a daily basis by those performing it. This study explores how service providers both define and practice harm reduction in their everyday activities at a syringe exchange program facility. </p>

Etnografia da crise e da duração ferroviária em Pelotas/RS : um estudo antropológico de memória coletiva

Gomez, Guillermo Stefano Rosa January 2018 (has links)
Esta é uma pesquisa antropológica sobre a memória coletiva do trabalho ferroviário, realizada na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A etnografia se fundamentou na interlocução com trabalhadores/as ferroviários/as aposentados/as e suas famílias e tem como enfoque interpretativo as “narrativas de si” destes sujeitos. A investigação integra o campo temático da Antropologia Urbana e da Antropologia do Trabalho, tendo como principal problemática a crise do transporte ferroviário no Brasil, que tem como ápice a privatização da Rede Ferroviária Federal, ao longo da década de 1990. Tendo a memória como principal chave para entender esta drástica transformação, interessou-me as maneiras pelas quais os sujeitos fazem durar no tempo a relação de pertencimento com o mundo do trabalho. Atentei, também, para como lidavam narrativa e cotidianamente com a crise, que significou o desmantelamento de uma comunidade afetiva. Por fim, ressalto os diferentes projetos exercidos pelos aposentados, visando a manutenção da memória coletiva ferroviária. / This is an anthropological research about collective memory of railroadwork, who took place in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. The ethnography is based upon the interlocution with retired railroadmen and railroadwomans and is focused on the “narrative of itself” of them. This investigation integrate the thematic field of Urban Anthropology and Anthropology of Work and Labour, having as it lead inquiry the crisis of the railroad transportation in Brazil, which had as his peak the privatization of the “Rede Ferroviária Federal”, along the 1990s. Having the memory as the primary key to understand this drastic transformation, interested me the manners with the persons make endure in time their relation with the world of labour. I observed, also, how the retirees take control of they own narrative about the crisis on their everyday life. In the end, I emphasize different projects held by the retirees, on their way to maintain the railroad collective memory.

Etnografia da crise e da duração ferroviária em Pelotas/RS : um estudo antropológico de memória coletiva

Gomez, Guillermo Stefano Rosa January 2018 (has links)
Esta é uma pesquisa antropológica sobre a memória coletiva do trabalho ferroviário, realizada na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A etnografia se fundamentou na interlocução com trabalhadores/as ferroviários/as aposentados/as e suas famílias e tem como enfoque interpretativo as “narrativas de si” destes sujeitos. A investigação integra o campo temático da Antropologia Urbana e da Antropologia do Trabalho, tendo como principal problemática a crise do transporte ferroviário no Brasil, que tem como ápice a privatização da Rede Ferroviária Federal, ao longo da década de 1990. Tendo a memória como principal chave para entender esta drástica transformação, interessou-me as maneiras pelas quais os sujeitos fazem durar no tempo a relação de pertencimento com o mundo do trabalho. Atentei, também, para como lidavam narrativa e cotidianamente com a crise, que significou o desmantelamento de uma comunidade afetiva. Por fim, ressalto os diferentes projetos exercidos pelos aposentados, visando a manutenção da memória coletiva ferroviária. / This is an anthropological research about collective memory of railroadwork, who took place in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. The ethnography is based upon the interlocution with retired railroadmen and railroadwomans and is focused on the “narrative of itself” of them. This investigation integrate the thematic field of Urban Anthropology and Anthropology of Work and Labour, having as it lead inquiry the crisis of the railroad transportation in Brazil, which had as his peak the privatization of the “Rede Ferroviária Federal”, along the 1990s. Having the memory as the primary key to understand this drastic transformation, interested me the manners with the persons make endure in time their relation with the world of labour. I observed, also, how the retirees take control of they own narrative about the crisis on their everyday life. In the end, I emphasize different projects held by the retirees, on their way to maintain the railroad collective memory.

Etnografia da crise e da duração ferroviária em Pelotas/RS : um estudo antropológico de memória coletiva

Gomez, Guillermo Stefano Rosa January 2018 (has links)
Esta é uma pesquisa antropológica sobre a memória coletiva do trabalho ferroviário, realizada na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A etnografia se fundamentou na interlocução com trabalhadores/as ferroviários/as aposentados/as e suas famílias e tem como enfoque interpretativo as “narrativas de si” destes sujeitos. A investigação integra o campo temático da Antropologia Urbana e da Antropologia do Trabalho, tendo como principal problemática a crise do transporte ferroviário no Brasil, que tem como ápice a privatização da Rede Ferroviária Federal, ao longo da década de 1990. Tendo a memória como principal chave para entender esta drástica transformação, interessou-me as maneiras pelas quais os sujeitos fazem durar no tempo a relação de pertencimento com o mundo do trabalho. Atentei, também, para como lidavam narrativa e cotidianamente com a crise, que significou o desmantelamento de uma comunidade afetiva. Por fim, ressalto os diferentes projetos exercidos pelos aposentados, visando a manutenção da memória coletiva ferroviária. / This is an anthropological research about collective memory of railroadwork, who took place in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. The ethnography is based upon the interlocution with retired railroadmen and railroadwomans and is focused on the “narrative of itself” of them. This investigation integrate the thematic field of Urban Anthropology and Anthropology of Work and Labour, having as it lead inquiry the crisis of the railroad transportation in Brazil, which had as his peak the privatization of the “Rede Ferroviária Federal”, along the 1990s. Having the memory as the primary key to understand this drastic transformation, interested me the manners with the persons make endure in time their relation with the world of labour. I observed, also, how the retirees take control of they own narrative about the crisis on their everyday life. In the end, I emphasize different projects held by the retirees, on their way to maintain the railroad collective memory.

Créer ou produire un jeu vidéo? Étude ethnographique d’un milieu de production vidéoludique montréalais

Pineault, Yann 08 1900 (has links)
Le jeu vidéo est un produit qui ne cesse de gagner en popularité alors que les expériences ludiques tendent de plus en plus à se diversifier. Les recherches académiques sur l’objet vidéoludique se sont multipliées dans les dernières années afin de comprendre les particularités du nouveau média, surtout en ce qui concerne l’analyse du produit lui-même et sa réception, mais laissant peu de place à sa créa-tion et sa production. Montréal est un lieu idéal pour étudier le médium : en peu de temps, l’industrie du jeu vidéo est devenue l’un des fleurons industriels québécois. La présente étude s’est intéressée aux développeurs de Montréal, ville où se situe la plus grande partie des studios au Québec, afin de connaître leur perception du produit vidéoludique et de l’industrie. Au travers d’une perspective phénoménologique, un séjour ethno-graphique a été effectué dans un studio de production vidéoludique où plusieurs développeurs ont été observés et interviewés. Ce travail s’inscrit dans une anthropologie du travail et rend compte de la com-plexité qui émerge lorsqu’un travail essentiellement créatif vient se heurter à des motifs de production strictes. Plus encore, il rend compte d’un paradigme opposant directement la création et la production dans un milieu qui se présente comme une avenue prometteuse pour une jeunesse désirant vivre d’un travail créatif. Cette condition est attribuable à la nature du jeu vidéo lui-même qui se situe, selon Kline, Dyer-Witheford et De Peuter (2003), à mi-chemin entre la culture, la technologie et les visées commerciales (marketing). Les développeurs se trouvent donc entre deux eaux : d’un côté ils sont influencés par la culture du jeu, relevant de leurs pratiques, leurs préférences et des commu-nautés de développeurs et, de l’autre côté, par l’industrie qui dicte les façons de faire et viennent selon eux minimiser leur potentiel créatif. / The video game is increasing in popularity as the ludic experience is diversi-fying. Within the last few years, it became the research field of many academics trying to understand the new media either by studying the game itself or its recep-tion. However, they put aside its creation or production which is an important part of the cultural product. Montreal is an ideal place to study the video game since it rapidly became one of the most valued sectors in Quebec’s industry, and because most of the studios are in Montreal. This research focus on Montreal’s game developers and their vision of the product and the industry by using a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through an ethnographical fieldwork where many developers were ob-served and interviewed. This study inserts in an anthropology of work and focus on the complexity that emerges when creative work encounters productive work. We elaborate a paradigm opposing creativity and productivity in a workplace that is seen to be essentially creative for a youth wanting to be creative. The video game’s nature can explain this situation since it is directly influenced, as Kline, Dyer-Witheford et De Peuter (2003) argued, by culture, technology and marketing. Developers occupy a space that is primarily influenced, on the one hand, by their culture, practices, and the developers’ community but, on the other hand, they need to subscribe to the industry’s constraints and way to do a game that dimin-ishes their creative potential.

Être médecin diplômé à l’étranger au Québec : des parcours contrastés d’intégration professionnelle

Blain, Marie-Jeanne 12 1900 (has links)
En 2015, il y aurait au Québec plus de 5 000 médecins diplômés à l’étranger, dont près de 2 500 travaillent comme médecins et possiblement autant qui ont emprunté d’autres voies professionnelles, momentanément ou durablement. Les migrants très qualifiés sont réputés faire face à de multiples barrières sur le marché du travail, particulièrement ceux membres de professions réglementées. Le cas des médecins est exemplaire compte tenu de sa complexité et de la multiplicité des acteurs impliqués au cours du processus de reconnaissance professionnelle. Ayant comme principal objectif de documenter les trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle de diplômés internationaux en médecine (DIM) et leurs expériences sur le marché du travail québécois, cette thèse s’attache à comprendre ce qui pourrait distinguer les trajectoires d’intégration en emploi pour un même groupe professionnel. En observant notamment les stratégies d’intégration et les ressources mobilisées, nous cherchons à mieux saisir les parcours des DIM qui se requalifient et qui exercent au Québec et ceux qui se réorientent vers d’autres secteurs d’activités. La démarche méthodologique est qualitative (terrain 2009 à 2012), le cœur des analyses étant basé sur 31 récits de vie professionnelle de DIM ayant migré au Québec principalement dans les années 2000. Les données secondaires incluent 22 entretiens non dirigés auprès d’acteurs clés de milieux institutionnels, communautaires ou associatifs ainsi qu’auprès de DIM très récemment immigrés ou ayant le projet d’immigrer. S’y ajoute l’observation ethnographique ponctuelle, telle que des activités associatives. La forme retenue pour cette thèse en est une par articles. Le fil directeur est l’exploration de l’interface entre les politiques, les pratiques et les individus au cœur des trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle. Les trois articles (chapitres 4 à 6) visent des focales complémentaires avec le même objectif : l’exploration de la complexité des trajectoires d’intégration professionnelle et la dialectique entre les niveaux micro, méso et macrosociaux. Ces derniers renvoient respectivement à la puissance d’agir des individus et leurs contraintes d’action, les relations sociales, les institutions et les pratiques organisationnelles et plus largement les structures sociopolitiques. Les résultats de cette thèse mettent en lumière des aspects complémentaires de l’intégration professionnelle et en interaction dynamique : 1) dimension macrosociale et politique; 2) dimensions institutionnelles et relations sociales; 3) identité professionnelle. Suite à l’introduction, la problématique (chap. 1) et la méthodologie (chap.2), le chapitre 3 expose les types des trajectoires d’intégration des DIM, leur hétérogénéité, et met en relief leurs récits de vie professionnelle. Le chapitre 4 soulève le paradoxe entre les politiques d’attraction de l’immigration déployés par les gouvernements canadien et québécois et les mécanismes de régulation opérant sur le marché du travail. Le chapitre 5 explore les stratégies et ressources mobilisées par les DIM et met en lumière l’effet positif des ressources symboliques. Les ressources institutionnelles de soutien, quoique élémentaires dans le processus de reconnaissance professionnelle, ne sont subjectivement pas considérées comme un élément central. Ce sont plutôt les ressources informelles qui jouent ce rôle d’appui significatif, en particulier les pairs DIM. Le chapitre 6 adopte une perspective microsociale et explore le caractère dynamique et relationnel de l’identité professionnelle, mais surtout, la puissance des conditions d’appartenance qui obligent à une flexibilité professionnelle et parfois au retrait de la profession ou du pays. Le chapitre 7 discute au plan théorique de l’intérêt d’une combinaison d’échelles analytiques et d’une ouverture disciplinaire afin de souligner les tensions et angles morts en ce qui concerne les mobilités de professionnels de la santé et leur intégration professionnelle. Cette thèse explore l’interrelation complexe entre les ressources économiques, sociales et symboliques, dans un contexte de fragmentation des ressources institutionnelles et de corporatisme. / Of the estimated 5000 immigrant physicians in Quebec in 2015, close to 2500 are employed as doctors while the rest work in other professions, either temporarily or permanently. Highly qualified immigrants are known to experience many barriers to employment, especially those who belong to regulated professions. This is especially true for medical doctors due to the complexity of the professional recognition process and the variety of institutional players involved. The main objective of this thesis is to document the professional integration trajectories of international medical graduates (IMG) and their experiences on the Quebec labour market. My aim is to better understand the wide variety of professional integration trajectories within this professional group. Paying close attention to the strategies and the resources mobilized by the participants IMGs, I document the situation between those who enter the medical profession and those who change careers. Using a qualitative methodology, I carried out 31 semi-structured interviews with IMGs focusing on their professional life stories pre- and post- immigration. Most of them immigrated to Quebec in the 2000s. The secondary data includes 22 non-directive interviews with different key social actors (11), as well as with IMGs (11) who had either immigrated very recently (less than two years) or were planning to. We also engaged in ethnographic observation; e.g. of associative activities. The common thread linking the three articles that comprise the thesis is the interface between policies, practices and individuals in the process of professional integration. The varying focal points of the articles have the same objective: the exploration of the complexity of professional integration trajectories and the dialectic that exists between the micro, mezzo and macro levels. In other words, what an individual can and cannot do professionally, taking into account the influence of social relationships, institutions, organizational practices, as well as sociopolitical structures. The results shed light on the complementary and dynamic interplay that affects professional integration on several levels: 1) the macrosocial and political dimension; 2) the institutional dimension and social relationships; 3) professional identity. Following the introduction, I present the research problem (chap.1) and the methodology (chap.2). Chapter 3 outlines the different types of integration paths of the IMGs, and presents their professional life stories. In Chapter 4 I examine the paradox that exists between immigration policies that aim to attract highly qualified migrants and regulatory mechanisms in the labour market that place limitations on many migrants. Chapter 5 presents the strategies and resources used by the IMGs and highlights the positive effect of symbolic resources. Institutional support resources, although basic to the professional recognition process, were not considered to be central by the IMGs. Instead, the informal resources were identified as playing a key role, especially IMG peers. Chapter 6 adopts a microsocial perspective and explores the dynamic character of the professional identity. It explores the importance of the conditions of belonging that may force an individual to be professionally flexible and sometimes to leave the medical profession or the country. Chapter 7 discusses the theoretical interest of a combination of analytical scales and disciplinary openness to highlight the tensions and blind spots in regard to the mobility of health professionals and their professional integration. Finally, this thesis explores the complex interplay of economic, social and symbolic resources in a context of highly fragmented institutional resources and corporate protectionism.

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