Spelling suggestions: "subject:"antioxidant (capacity)"" "subject:"antioxidant (apacity)""
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Fitohemijske i funkcionalne karakteristike praškastih formi klijanaca pšenice, ovsa i ječma / Phytochemical and functional properties of wheat, oats and barley powdered sproutsAborus Naji Elhadi Alsadeg 18 July 2017 (has links)
<p>U radu su ispitani fitohemijski profil, antioksida-tivna i in vitro biološka aktivnost ekstrakata klijanaca šest sorti žitarica: pšenica Spelt, Simonida, (WSSPE, WSSIM) ječam, hibrid “NS565” (Hordeum vulgare L. ssp distichum.) (BSNS) i ne-hibridni “Golozrni” (Hordeum vul-gare var nudum.) (BSG) i ovas Golozrni, Jadar (OSG, OSJ). U cilju poređenja šest istraživanih vrsta klijanaca ispitivanja su obuhvatila određivanje TPC, TFC, TChl, Chla, Chlb i TCX vrednosti i testiranje njihove biološke aktivnosti (antioksidativnog kapaciteta, redukcione sposobnosti, antiinflamatorne i antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti), kao i sposobnost oslobađanja fenolnih jedinjenja iz FDS tokom in vitro gastrointestinalnog varenja.<br />Spektrofotometrijskim metodama utvrđeno je da su fenolna jedinjenja najdominantnije fitohemikalije u svim ispitivanim klijancima žitarica. U uzorku BSNS utvrđen je najveći sadržaj (p ≤ 0,05) ukupnih fenolnih jedinjenja, hlorofila i karotenoida, a najveći sadržaj ukupnih flavonoida imali su BSNS i BSG. Najniži TFC je registrovan u uzorku OSJ (p ≤ 0,05). Antioksidativna aktivnost uzoraka FDS ispitana je primenom DPPH, ABTS testa i određivanjem redukcione sposobnosti (RP). Uzorak BSNS pokazao je najveći antioksidantni kapacitet u DPPH i ABTS testu, kao i najveću redukcionu sposobnost (IC50DPPH = 0,54 mg/ml; IC50ABTS = 0,79 mg/ml; IC0,5RP = 9.35 mg / ml). U svim uzorcima FDS sprovedena su in vitro određivanja: antihiperglikemijske aktivnosti dobijenih klijanaca (definisanje potencijala inhibicije en-zima α-glukozidaze); antiinflamatorne aktivnosti klijanaca i gastro-intestinalne digestije klijanaca pšenice, ovsa i ječma. OSG je pokazao značajno veći AHgA (p ≤ 0,05) u odnosu na druge FDS uzorke, zatim slede BSNS, OSJ i BSG. Svi uzorci FDS su ispoljili koncentracijski zavisnu inhibiciju denaturacije proteina (albumina) u celom opsegu ispitivanih koncentracija koncentracija, ali je ona manja od dejstva natrijumdiklofenaka (IC50AIA=0.79 mg/ml). Simulacija digestije u crevnim tečnostima (SIF) izazvalo je veće oslobađanje polifenola iz uzoraka FDS od želudačnog varenja, što ukazuje na dobru stabilnost uzoraka u crevnoj tečnosti. Može se zaključiti da antioksidativni kapacitet i redukciona sposobnost raste sa povećanjem koncentracije polifenola u FDS, a zavisi i od strukturnih karakteristika. Utvrđena je vrlo dobra pozitivna korelacija između TPC i antioksidativne aktivnosti i redukcione spo-sobnosti, kao i između TFC i antiinflamatorne aktivnosti.</p> / <p>This study was performed to evaluate the phytochemical com-position, and in vitro antioksidativnidant capacity, reducing power, antihyperglycemic, antiinflammatory activities, and simulated gastrointestinal digestion of seven-day old cereal sprouts (CS): Cultivars, barley NS565 (BSNS), barley Golozr-ni (BSG), wheat Spelta (WSSPE), wheat Simonida (WSSIM), oat Golozrni (OSG) and oat Jadar (OSJ). Phenolic compounds were the most dominant bioactives in all CS. BSNS expressed significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) content of total phenols, chlorophyll and carotenoids. The total flavonoids content (TFC) in CS showed that the BSNS and BSG had the higher value respectively. The lowest TFC was registered in OSJ (P ≤ 0.05). The FDS extracts were screened for possible antioxidant capacities using DPPH, ABTS, and reducing power (Rp) assays. The results indicated that the BSNS possessed higher antioxi-dant capacities in DPPH and ABTS assays, and reducing power (IC50DPPH = 0.54 mg/ ml; IC50ABTS = 0.79 mg/ml; IC0.5RP = 9.35 mg/ml) respectively. The inhibitory effect of FDS extracts on α-glucosidase activity was investigated. The BSNS extracts exhibited higher inhibitory activity (IC50AHgA = 1.43 mg/ml) against α-glucosidase (p ≤ 0.05). The antiinflammatory activity (Denaturation of protein in vitro) showed significantly different between the CS, and Diclofenac sodium (DS). The IC50AIA of DS and BSNS was 0.79 and 1.86 (mg/ml) respectively. The in vitro simulation of gastro-intestinal (GI) digestion showed TPC was a higher release (p ≤ 0.05) of phenolic compounds in intestinal fluid than in gastric fluid in all FDS. There was a strong positive correlation between TPC and antioxidant activities and reducing power, and also between TFC and antiinflammatory activity.</p>
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Evaluation of the antioxidant and anti-diabesity potential of cyclopia maculata using in vitro non-cell based screening modelsMatrose, Albertina Neliswa January 2014 (has links)
Masters of Science / The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the antioxidant and anti-diabesity potential of a hot water extract of C. maculata in non-cell based assays and correlate the activities with phenolic composition. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was assessed in terms of free radical scavenging and iron reducing ability. The DPPH, ABTS, ORAC and FRAP assays were employed. Anti-diabesity potential was assessed in terms of the inhibition of the digestive enzymes, α-glucosidase and pancreatic lipase
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Teor de isoflavonas e capacidade antioxidante de bebidas à base de soja / Isoflavone contents and antioxidant capacity of soy beveragesKátia Rau de Almeida Callou 21 May 2009 (has links)
A soja é a principal fonte de isoflavonas, tendo sido associada a efeitos benéficos à saúde humana, incluindo a redução do risco de câncer, de doenças cardiovasculares, osteoporose e melhora dos sintomas da menopausa. A população brasileira não consome soja tão habitualmente quanto os países asiáticos e, nesse contexto, as bebidas de soja poderiam ser uma forma de incluir essas substâncias bioativas na dieta ocidental. Contudo, trabalhos que avaliem o teor de isoflavonas desses produtos são escassos na literatura, o que justifica o presente trabalho. Amostras de doze marcas comercialmente disponíveis de bebidas de soja (n = 65), incluindo os produtos elaborados com isolado protéico de soja ou extrato de soja e acrescidos de sucos de fruta e/ou ingredientes aromatizantes, foram analisadas quanto ao teor e perfil de isoflavonas, utilizando-se a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. A capacidade antioxidante foi mensurada pelo método de sequestro de radicais livres do DPPH e o teor de fenólicos totais pelo método do Folin-Ciocalteau. Os valores da concentração total de isoflavonas e o teor de fenólicos totais mostraram uma grande variação entre as diversas marcas de bebidas de soja, variando de 0,7 a 4,9 mg isoflavonas/200 mL e de 6 a 146 mg equivalentes de catequina/200 mL para as bebidas contendo sucos de fruta. Bebidas de soja de sabor original ou chocolate apresentaram variação do teor de isoflavona de 4 a 13 mg/200 mL e fenólicos totais variando de 38 a 155 mg equivalentes de catequina/200 mL. O teor protéico variou de 0,8 a 6 g/200 mL e mostrou-se positivamente correlacionado ao teor de isoflavonas das amostras. As formas predominantes de isoflavonas, nos produtos analisados, foram os β- glicosídeos. Os resultados mostraram que o teor e perfil de isoflavonas, assim como os valores de fenólicos totais das bebidas de soja dependem das condições de processamento e que a atividade antioxidante variou significantemente entre os produtos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o consumo de uma porção de 300 mL de bebida de soja sabor natural poderia resultar em uma ingestão de 20 mg de isoflavonas, o equivalente a ingestão diária Koreana, indicando que as bebidas de soja poderiam representar fontes importantes de isoflavonas para a nossa dieta. Além disso, o teor de isoflavonas solúveis das bebidas de soja diminui com o decorrer do armazenamento associado à redução da solubilidade da proteína de soja. O perfil de isoflavonas e a capacidade antioxidante das bebidas também são alterados. / Soybean is the most important source of isoflavones, which have been associated with beneficial effects in humans, including prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis and relief of menopausal symptoms. Soybean consumption in Brazil is not as significant as in Asian countries and in this context, soy beverages could be a way to include these bioactive substances in ocidental diet. However, studies about isoflavone content in these products are scarce, which accounts for the present work. Samples of 12 different brands of commercially available soy milk drinks (n = 65), including products made from isolated soy protein and soymilk mixed with fruit juices and/or containing flavoring ingredients were analysed for their isoflavone content and profile using highperformance liquid chromatography. The antioxidant activity was measured using 2.2- diphenil-1-picryl-hydrazil (DPPH) free radical method and the total phenolics was determined by Folin-Ciocalteau method. There was a large variation in total isoflavone concentration and total phenolics content among the different brands of soy milks ranging from 0.7 to 4.9 mg isoflavones/200 mL and 6 to 146 mg equivalents of catechin/200 mL of soymilk mixed with fruit juice. For natural or chocolate soy beverages, the isoflavone content varied from 4 to13 mg/200 mL and the total phenolics ranged from 38 to155 mg equivalent of catequina/200 mL. Levels of protein ranged from 0.8 to 6.0 g/200 mL, these values were associated positively with isoflavone content from samples. The β-glycosides were the predominant form of the isoflavones in the products analyzed. The results showed that total isoflavone, phenolic contents and isoflavone profile of soy beverages depends on processing conditions. Also the antioxidant activity varied significantly among products. The results obtained show that the consumption of 300 mL of soy beverage natural flavor would result in an intake of around 20 mg isoflavone, very similar to the Korean daily intake, indicating that soy beverages could represent important sources of isoflavones in our diet. Furthermore, the soluble isoflavone content of soy beverage decreases with the storage time associated with a reduction of the solubility of soy protein. The profile of isoflavones and antioxidant capacity of beverages are also altered.
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Determinação de isoflavonas e capacidade antioxidante de alimentos industrializados à base de soja e/ou produtos derivados consumidos no Brasil / Determination of isoflavones content and antioxidant capacity of industrialized foods containing soy and soy products consumed in BrazilMarcela Roquim Alezandro 18 May 2009 (has links)
A soja contém alto conteúdo protéico e de lipídeos poliinsaturados e representa a principal fonte de isoflavonas. Por este grão não fazer parte da dieta brasileira, produtos contendo soja surgiram no mercado como fontes de isoflavonas, adaptados ao paladar da nossa população. Os condimentos também têm sido incorporados aos ditos \"alimentos funcionais\" pela sua relação com efeitos benéficos à saúde. Este trabalho objetivou determinar o teor de isoflavonas dos produtos contendo soja e/ou derivados, o teor de flavonóides de diferentes condimentos e marcas, e a capacidade antioxidante destas amostras. Os resultados mostram que o quibe vegetariano destaca-se como fonte de isoflavonas, e o chocolate pela capacidade antioxidante. Entre os condimentos, houve diferença significativa entre tipos e marcas. O orégano destacou-se quanto à capacidade antioxidante e a salsa quanto ao teor de flavonóides. Alimentos contendo soja ou derivados e os condimentos podem representar fontes de compostos bioativos para a população brasileira. / Soy contains high protein and polyunsaturated lipids content and represents the main source of isoflavones. This grain is not part of the Brazilian diet, so some products containing soy emerged as sources of isoflavones, adapted to the taste of our population. Spices have also been incorporated into \"functional foods\" by their relation to health benefits. This study aimed to determine the isoflavone content of products containing soy and/or derivatives, flavonoids content in different brands and condiments, and antioxidant capacity of these samples. The results showed that vegetarian \"quibe\" is a good source of isoflavones, and chocolate had the highest antioxidant capacity. Among spices, there were significant differences between the types and brands. Oregano had the highest antioxidant capacity and parsley had the highest flavonoids content. Foods containing soy or derivatives and condiments may represent sources of bioactive compounds for Brazilian population.
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Características químicas e nutricionais de arroz-preto, vermelho e selvagem e comparação por análise estatística multivariada / Chemical and nutritional characterization of black, red and wild rice and comparison by multivariate analysisIsabel Louro Massaretto 17 December 2013 (has links)
O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é consumido predominantemente na forma polida, porém há uma tendência na procura por grãos integrais não pigmentados e pigmentados, como o preto e o vermelho, e também pelo arroz selvagem, que pertence ao gênero Zizania. Além da composição nutricional e propriedades sensoriais distintas, os tipos pigmentados possuem compostos bioativos, que atribuem cor aos grãos e que têm sido relacionados a efeitos benéficos à saúde. Contudo, uma comparação em termos nutricionais e de bioativos entre esses grãos ainda inexiste. Este projeto visou comparar a composição química, incluindo os compostos fenólicos totais (CFT), os polifenóis majoritários e a capacidade antioxidante de três amostras de arroz-preto produzido no Estado de São Paulo, duas de arroz-preto produzido no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e 11 de arroz-preto produzido no Estado de Santa Catarina, 9 de arroz-vermelho, produzido nos estados mencionados e, 6 amostras de arroz selvagem, importadas do Canadá e comercializadas em São Paulo; todas as amostras foram produzidas e/ou comercializadas no período de 2009 a 2011. A comparação das variáveis foi feita pelo uso de análise estatística uni- e multivariada. Fez parte do escopo do projeto avaliar o efeito do cozimento sobre a estabilidade dos CFT e a atividade antioxidante. Também foi conduzida uma comparação preliminar dos teores de fitoquímicos lipossolúveis, γ-orizanol, tocoferóis e tocotrienóis, entre 7 amostras de arroz-preto e 4 de arroz-vermelho, todas da safra de 2013. Com base nas análises químicas e na análise estatística multivariada, foi possível agrupar os vários tipos de arroz em quatro grupos, significativamente diferentes entre si: arroz selvagem, arroz-preto de grãos longos, arroz-preto de grãos médios e arroz-vermelho. O grupo que mais se diferenciou dos demais foi o arroz selvagem, por apresentar os maiores teores proteicos (12,9 g/100g) e de ácido α-linolênico (0,12 g/100g) e os menores teores de lipídeos (0,9 g/100g), de compostos fenólicos e atividade antioxidante, entre os grupos estudados. Outro grupo com características distintas foi o arroz-preto de grãos longos que se destacou principalmente pelo elevado teor de compostos fenólicos, representados pelas antocianinas, e elevada atividade antioxidante. A cianidina-3-O-glicosídeo foi identificada por CLAE-DAD-MS/MS, como sendo a antocianina majoritária. Os teores de proteínas e de lipídeos, da ordem de 9,8 e 3,6 g/100g, respectivamente, foram maiores do que dos outros dois grupos estudados. O arroz-preto de grãos médios e o vermelho foram similares em termos de composição de nutrientes e CFT. Os teores proteicos em ambos os grupos foi, em média, de 8,8 g/100g. Porém, enquanto no arroz-preto predominam antocianinas, a coloração do arroz-vermelho é conferida por proantocianidinas, com diferenças na sua atividade antioxidante. O arroz-preto de grãos médios apresentou atividade antioxidante mais do que o dobro do arroz-vermelho, no entanto próxima ao do arroz-preto de grãos longos. Este resultado indica que o elevado teor de antocianinas, independente do formato do grão, é responsável pela alta capacidade antioxidante no arroz-preto. A análise multivariada demonstrou que o formato do grão é determinante na diferenciação dos dois grupos de arroz-preto em termos de composição de nutrientes, como proteínas e lipídeos, mas não de fitoquímicos e de atividade antioxidante. O método ORAC foi mais apropriado para avaliar a atividade antioxidante do arroz-preto, por ser mais sensível à presença de antocianinas do que o método de DPPH·. Nos outros dois grupos, vermelho e selvagem o método de DPPH· também pode ser utilizado. O cozimento do arroz provocou perda significativa nos teores de CFT e na atividade antioxidante do arroz-preto e vermelho. No arroz-preto, a perda de CFT foi de 26%, em média, enquanto a perda das antocianinas foi de 50%. A explicação pode ser que durante o cozimento uma parte das antocianinas seja convertida em ácido protocatecóico, que é dosado como CFT. No arroz-vermelho, a redução de CFT foi de 60%, possivelmente devido a uma insolubilização de parte das proantocianidinas. No arroz selvagem, o cozimento não causou perdas significativas. A capacidade antioxidante dos vários grupos de arroz após o cozimento depende do método empregado, sendo fortemente correlacionada com os teores de CFT remanescentes. Assim, o arroz-preto, mesmo depois de cozido, apresentou a maior capacidade antioxidante, seguido do arroz-vermelho e do selvagem. Numa avaliação inicial, os teores dos fitoquímicos lipossolúveis, γ-orizanol e homólogos da vitamina E, foram semelhantes em arroz-preto e vermelho, indicando que independem da coloração do pericarpo. / Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is mostly consumed in its milled form; however there is an increasing demand for whole non-pigmented and pigmented rice, such as black, red, and wild rice, which the latter belongs to the genus Zizania. Pigmented rice has particular nutritional composition and sensory characteristics, and in addition high amounts of phenolic compounds, which not only confer color but also has been linked to beneficial effects on human health. To date, little is known about the nutritional and bioactive contents of these grains. The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition, including the total phenolic compounds (TPC), the majoritarian polyphenols and the antioxidant radical efficiency of the following accessions: three black rice from the state of São Paulo, two black rice from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, eleven black rice genotypes from Santa Catarina state, nine red rice from those states and six wild rice, imported from Canada and marketed in São Paulo. All samples were cultivated and/or marketed from 2009 to 2011. Data were evaluated by uni- and multivariate statistical analysis. The effect of cooking on the stability of TPC and antioxidant capacity was also evaluated. In addition, a preliminary comparison of γ- oryzanol, tocopherols and tocotrienols was carried out between two groups: seven black rice and four red rice samples, all of them cultivated in 2013. Based on chemical results and multivariate statistical analysis it was possible to cluster the various types of rice in four groups, significantly different among themselves: wild rice, black long grain rice, black medium grain rice, and red rice. Wild rice was the most dissimilar group due to its highest contents of protein (12.9 g/100g) and α-linolenic acid (0.12 g/100g), and the lowest amounts of lipids (0.9 g/100g), TPC, and antioxidant capacity. Black long grain rice was characterized mainly by its high contents of TPC, especially anthocyanins and by its elevated antioxidant capacity. Cyanidin-3-O-glycoside was identified by HPLC-DAD-MS/MS as being the main anthocyanin. The protein and lipid mean contents in these groups were respectively, 9.8 and 3.6 g/100g and were higher than the amounts in the other next two types of rice. The black medium grain rice and red rice were similar in terms of nutrient composition and TPC. The average amount of protein in both groups was about 8.8 g/100g. However, in black rice prevails anthocyanins, while in red rice coloration is provided by proanthocyanidins, which results in differences in antioxidant activity. Medium and long black grain rice showed a 2-fold higher antioxidant activity than red rice. These findings indicate that the high content of anthocyanins, independent of the grain shape, is responsible for the high antioxidant capacity in black rice. The multivariate analysis demonstrated that the grain shape is fundamental to differentiate black rice in terms of nutrient composition, like protein and lipids, but not in relation to amounts of phytochemicals and antioxidant capacity. ORAC was more suitable than DPPH· methodology to evaluate the antioxidant activity of black rice, due to its high correlation to anthocyanin contents. Conversely, DPPH· can be a consistent method to evaluate antioxidant capacity of red and wild rice. Cooking resulted in significant loss on TPC contents and on the antioxidant capacity of black and red rice. In black rice, 26% of TPC was reduced on average, while the loss of anthocyanins was 50%. The reason may be that during cooking, part of the anthocyanins is converted into protocatechuic acid, which is quantified as TPC. The reduction in TPC in red rice was 60%, possibly due to a partial insolubilization of proanthocyanidins. In wild rice, cooking caused no significant loss of TPC. The antioxidant capacity of different types of cooked rice was dependent on the method used, being strongly correlated with the remaining levels of TPC. Thus, black rice even after cooking showed the highest antioxidant capacity, followed by red and wild rice. From a preliminary evaluation, the contents of lipophilic phytochemicals, γ-orizanol and vitamin E homologues were similar in black and red rice, which indicates that the contents of these compounds are not dependent of the pericarp color.
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Zhodnocení antioxidačního působení za použití různých analytických metod / Evaluation of antioxidant effect using different analytical methodsKristinová, Věra January 2008 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit antioxidační účinky pěti různých sloučenin s potenciálním využitím jako antioxidanty v potravinách (propylgalát, kávová kyselina, ferulová kyselina, p-kumarová kyselina a L(+)-askorbová kyselina), a to prostřednictvím čtyř běžně používaných testů antioxidační kapacity (FC, FRAP, DPPH, ABTS) a v modelovém systému liposomů za použití volného železa (Fe2+, Fe3+) a hovězího hemoglobinu jako prooxidantů se zvláštním zaměřením na různé koncentrace testovaných sloučenin v systému. K nepřetržitému monitorování oxidace lipidů při pH 5,5 a teplotě 30 °C je použita spotřeba kyslíku. Výsledky této práce mají přispět k lepšímu pochopení základních pro- a antioxidačních mechanismů a faktorů ovlivňující oxidaci buněčných membrán, liposomálních roztoků a emulzí typu olej-ve-vodě stabilizovaných fosfolipidy.
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Aplikace vybraných metod k analýze oxidačního stresu / Application of Selected Methods for Oxidative Stress AnalysisLízalová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
Chronic pancreatitis (CP) is a heterogeneous disease defined as chronic inflammatory changes of the pancreatic tissue caused by variety of aetiologies. Oxidative stress accompanying the inflammatory processes has been suggested as an important factor contributing to CP development. The aim of this study was to determine levels of lipid peroxidation products malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE), together with nitrites, the total antioxidant capacity, cytokines, biochemical and haematological parameters in the plasma of patients with CP and control subjects. Levels of MDA and 4-HNE were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography. The total antioxidant capacity of plasma against peroxyl radicals was evaluated using chemiluminescence determination. Nitrites were determined using Griess reaction. Cytokines - TNF-alfa; TNF RI; PDGF-AB; TGF-beta, together with myeloperoxidase and hyaluronan were determined using ELISA Kits. Biochemical and haematological parameters were measured by standard methods.
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Fitohemijska analiza i antioksidantni kapacitet plodova trešnje inficiranih gljivom Monilinia laxa Aderh. i Ruhl / Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant capacity of sweet cherry fruits infected with Monilinia laxa Aderh. and Ruhl. LanguageBorković Boško 25 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Mrka trulež, čiji je prouzrokovač Monilinia laxa, spada u najčešče i najznačajnije bolesti ploda koštičavih voćaka, naročito trešnje. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se utvrde razlike u reakciji devet sorti plodova trešnje (različitih pomoloških osobina) prema mrkoj truleži, uzorkovanih sa oglednog dobra Departmana za voćarstvo i vinogradarstvo, Poljoprivredni fakultet Novi Sad na Rimskim Šančevima (koordinate: 45°20´N, 19°51´E). S obzirom da se u prirodnim uslovima plod trešnje može zaraziti od strane više patogena, biohemijski parametri su analizirani i na veštački inokulisanim plodovima. Ispitivane sorte su pokazale značajne razlike u pojavi oboljenja na plodu, kako u uslovima veštačke inokulacije, tako i u prirodnoj infekciji. U oba slučaja kod sorti su zabeležene različite ocene intenziteta zaraze, zavisno od sortimenta. Biohemijskom analizom plodova zabeležene su značajne razlike u sadržaju rastvorljivih proteina (SP), aktivnosti supereksid dismutaze (SOD), aktivnosti gvajakol peroksidaze (GPx), aktivnost pirogalol peroksidaze (PPx), lipidnoj peroksidaciji (LP). Utvrđene su značajne razlike u sadržaju šećera, organskih kiselinih i sekundarnih metabolita (fenoli, tanini, proantocijanidini, flavonoidi, antocijanini). Takođe rezultati su pokazali razlike u antioksidantnoj aktivnost (DPPH, FRAP, ABTS i TRC testovi). Na sadržaj sekundarnih biomolekula kao i na antioksidantnu aktivnost uticali su sorta, intenzitet zaraze ploda, kao i interakcija između ova dva faktora. Većina ispitivanih sorti je pokazala visok sadržaj polifenolnih komponenti, dok je u uslovima infekcije,<br />Fitohemijska analiza i antioksidantni kapacitet plodova trešnje inficiranih gljivom Monilinia laxa Aderh i Ruhl, B. Borković<br /><br /><br />sadržaj ovih parametara bio značajno niži. Na osnovu dobijenih razultata, sadržaj sekundarnih metabolita se može koristiti kao jedan od parametara u oceni otpornosti sorti trešnje prema mrkoj truleži. Datum</p>
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Determination of Sensory Characteristics and Antioxidant Capacity of Pawpaw Pulp During Frozen StorageSalabak, Dane E. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Изучение влияния матричного эффекта на результаты исследования антиоксидантов : магистерская диссертация / Study of influence of the matrix effect on the antioxidants research resultsЕлтышева, Е. А., Eltysheva, E. A. January 2021 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются некоторые классы индивидуальных антиоксидантов: SH- содержащие, полифенолы и имеющие в своей структуре фурановый цикл, а также водные экстракты лекарственных трав, которые содержат описанные классы соединений, восполняющих в организме дефицит соединений, борющихся со свободнорадикальным окислением. Цель работы - изучение влияния матричного эффекта на определение антиоксидантной емкости индивидуальных антиоксидантов и экстрактов трав. Изучение литературных данных выявило, что среди прочих достаточно простым и информативным является потенциометрический метод определения антиоксидантной емкости. В рамках работы были применены и сравнены два способа реализации данного метода: с использованием одной формы K3[Fe(CN)6] и системы K3[Fe(CN)6]/ K4[Fe(CN)6], определено значение АОЕ объектов исследования с учетом и без учета матрицы, изучено влияние концентрации антиоксиданта на результаты эксперимента. По результатам измерений и расчетов было сделано заключение, что на результаты потенциометрического определения антиоксидантной емкости оказывает влияние матрица в той или иной степени в зависимости от объекта, отклоняя угол электродной функции. Данный эффект увеличивается с возрастанием концентрации исследуемого объекта. Результаты, полученные двумя способами несколько разнятся ввиду специфики каждого из них. Помимо этого, были выявлены соединения-лидеры по оказанию антиоксидантного действия среди проанализированных экстрактов трав. / The object of the study is some classes of individual antioxidants: SH-containing, polyphenols and having a furan cycle in their structure, and water extracts of medicinal herbs that contain the described classes of compounds that replenish the deficiency of compounds in the body that fight free radical oxidation. The aim of the work is to study the influence of the matrix effect on the determination of the antioxidant capacity of individual antioxidants and herbal extracts. The study of literature data revealed that, among others, a potentiometric method for determining the antioxidant capacity is quite simple and informative. two ways of implementing this method were applied and compared: using one form of K3[Fe(CN)6] and the system K3[Fe(CN)6]/ K4[Fe(CN)6], the value of the antioxidant capacity of the research objects was determined taking into account and without taking into account the matrix, the effect of the antioxidant concentration on the experimental results was studied. Based on the results of measurements and calculations, it was concluded that the matrix of the object influences the results of potentiometric determination of antioxidant capacity, deviating the angle of the electrode function. This effect increases with increasing concentration of the investigated object. The results obtained by the two methods are somewhat different due to the specifics of each of them. In addition, the leading compounds were identified in providing antioxidant action among the analyzed herbal extracts.
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