Spelling suggestions: "subject:"apologetics"" "subject:"apologeticus""
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The protreptic-paraenetic purpose of Augustine's Confessions and its Manichean audienceKotze, Annemare 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation I attempt to open up new perspectives on the literary qualities and the
unity of Augustine's Confessions by reading the work in the light of the context within which it
first functioned. Part 1, Prolegomena, consists of a survey of secondary literature (in chapter
1) that focuses on research on the literary characteristics of the work, followed by a
theoretical exploration of the two aspects that constitute the focus of this study, the genre
and the audience of the Confessions. Chapter 2.1 examines how the literary practices and
generic conventions of late Antiquity should inform our reading of the work. This is achieved
through a discussion of the implications of genre analysis in general (2.1.1), followed by an
examination of the conventions of the ancient protreptic genre (2.1.2), a look at the parallels
between the Confessions and three of its literary antecedents and between the Confessions
and Augustine's Contra Academicos (2.1.3), and an evaluation of the perspectives offered on
the unity of the work by this procedure (2.1.4). Chapter 2.2 starts with a discussion of the
concept of intended audience (2.2.1) and proceeds to provide the background needed to
follow the arguments on the specific segment of Augustine's audience that I consider here,
the Manicheans (2.2.2).
Part 2 of the dissertation consists of the analyses of selected passages but attempts at the
same time to give an accurate account of how genre and intended audience are embodied in
the text as a whole. In chapter 3 I show that Augustine's meditation on Ps 4 in the central
section of the Confessions (9.4.8-11) is a protreptic that targets a Manichean audience (3.1)
through Augustine's identification with this audience (3.2) and the prevalent use of
Manichean terminology and categories (3.3). In chapter 4 I analyse in a more systematic way
the expression of protreptic purpose through various devices throughout the Confessions:
foreshadowing in the opening paragraph (4.1), the use of a shifting persona (4.2), allusion to
Matt 7:7 (4.3), and the theme of the protreptic power of reading and listening (4.5). I evaluate
how pervasive the expression of protreptic intent is (4.4) and end with an examination of the
protreptic-paraenetic purpose of the first section of the allegorical exposition of the creation
story in book 13 (4.6). Chapter 5 examines the degree to which the Manicheans are targeted
by the text as a whole as an important segment of its intended audience. I examine the use
of the theme of friendship to evoke Augustine's erstwhile Manichean friendships and the
history of failed communication with this group (5.1), the role Augustine intends curiositas to
play in coaxing the Manicheans into reading yet another attempt to convert them (5.2), and
once again how pervasive the concerns with a Manichean audience is (5.3). I conclude this
chapter, like the previous one, with an analysis of the last section of the allegory in book 13, where I discern towards the end an intensification of indications that Augustine is
preoccupied with his Manichean audience (5.4). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif probeer om nuwe perspektief te bied op die literêre eienskappe en die
eenheid van Augustinus se Confessiones deur die werk te lees in die lig van die konteks
waarbinne dit aanvanklik gefunksioneer het. Deel 1, Prolegomena, is In oorsig oor die
sekondêre literatuur (in hoofstuk 1) wat fokus op studies van die literêre tegnieke in die werk,
gevolg deur In teoretiese verkenning van die twee aspekte wat die fokuspunt van die studie
vorm, naamlik die genre en die gehoor van die Confessiones. Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek hoe
literêre praktyke en genre-verwante konvensies van die laat Antieke die lees van die werk
behoort te beïnvloed. Dit word gedoen aan die hand van In bespreking van die implikasies
van genre-analise in die algemeen (2.1.1), gevolg deur In oorsig oor die konvensies van die
antieke protreptiese genre (2.1.2), In bespreking van die paraIIele tussen die Confessiones
en drie literêre voorlopers daarvan asook tussen die Confessiones en Augustinus se Contra
Academicos (2.1.3) en In evaluering van die perspektiewe wat hierdie werkwyse bied op die
eenheid van die werk (2.1.4). Hoofstuk 2.2 behels In bespreking van die konsep
teikengehoor (2.2.1), gevolg deur In opsomming van die agtergrondinligting wat nodig is om
die argumente oor die spesifieke segment van Augustinus se gehoor wat hier oorweeg word
(die Manicheërs), te volg (2.2.2). Deel 2 van die proefskrif bestaan uit die analises van
geselekteerde passasies maar probeer terselfdertyd om In getroue weergawe te bied van
hoe genre en gehoor in die teks as geheel beliggaam word. Hoofstuk 3 toon dat Augustinus
se oordenking van Ps 4 in die sentrale gedeelte van die Confessiones (9.4.8-11) In
protreptiese werk gerig op In Manichese gehoor is (3.1). Augustinus vereenslewig hom met
sy teikengehoor (3.2) en gebruik deurgaans Manichese terminologie en kategorieë (3.3).
Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek hoe die protreptiese doelwit in die Confessiones uitgedruk word deur
die gebruik van verskeie tegnieke: voorafskaduing in die aanvangsparagraaf (4.1), die
gebruik van In verskuiwende persona (4.2), verwysing na Matt 7:7 (4.3) en die tema van die
protreptiese uitwerking van lees en luister (4.5). Ek evalueer hoe verteenwoordigend ten
opsigte van die geheel die uitdrukking van die protreptiese doelwit is (4.4) en sluit met In
analise van die protrepties-paranetiese funksie van die eerste deel van die allegoriese
interpretasie van die skeppingsverhaal in boek 13 (4.6). Hoofstuk 5 ondersoek die mate
waarin die teks as geheel die Manicheërs as die teikengehoor van die werk aandui. Dit toon hoe Augustinus die tema van vriendskap gebruik om sy vroeëre Manichese vriendskappe op
te roep en verwys na die geskiedenis van onsuksesvolle kommunikasie met hierdie groep
(5.1); dit toon hoe curiositas 'n rol speel om die Manicheërs oor te haalom nog 'n poging om
hulle te bekeer te lees (5.2) asook hoe verteenwoordigend ten opsigte van die geheel die
bemoeienis met 'n Manichese gehoor is (5.3). Die hoofstuk sluit af, soos die vorige een, met
'n analise (nou van die tweede deel) van die allegorie in boek 13, met klem op die sterker
wordende aanduidings dat Augustinus hier 'n Manichese gehoor in die oog het (5.4).
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O Diálogo com Trifão de São Justino mártir e a relação entre judeus e cristãos (século II) / The dialogue with trypho of São Justin Martir and the relationship between jews and christiansGiandoso, Daniel Marques 04 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho procura analisar a relação entre judeus e cristãos no segundo século a partir dos elementos apresentados por S. Justino no Diálogo com Trifão. Para tanto, julgamos necessário contextualizar a obra no conjunto de transformações ocorridas no interior do Império Romano e na atuação do Estado frente às duas religiões. Desta forma, as Guerras Judaicas na Palestina e as perseguições aos cristãos repercutiram na relação entre judeus e cristãos. Além disso, pensamos que o judeucristianismo e algumas características do cristianismo na cidade de Roma nos ajudam a compreender melhor as intenções de Justino com sua obra. Discutiremos as principais teorias a respeito dos destinatários do Diálogo. Acreditamos ser possível investigar pontos de encontro e de aproximação entre judeus e cristãos, a partir daquilo que Justino demonstra conhecer sobre o judaísmo de seu tempo. No entanto, também é possível perceber no texto as tensões e rivalidades entre os dois grupos de crentes gestadas em um ambiente polêmico. Ambos os casos requerem uma análise mais crítica das palavras do apologista. / The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between Jews and Christians in the second century from the evidence presented by S. Justin in the Dialogue with Trypho. For this, we deem necessary to contextualize the work in the set of changes within the Roman Empire and the state action against the two religions. Thus, the Jewish War in Palestine and the persecution of Christians affected the relationship between Jews and Christians. Furthermore, we believe that Judeo-Christianity and some features of Christianity in Rome help us better understand the intentions of Justin with his work. We will discuss the main theories about the recipients of the Dialogue. We believe it is possible to investigate points of contact and rapprochement between Jews and Christians from what Justin knows about the Judaism of his time. However, the text also reveals the tensions and rivalries between the two groups of believers, gestated in a controversial environment. Both cases require a more critical analysis of the apologist´s words.
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L’oeuvre italienne de Matteo Ricci : anatomie d’une rencontre chinoise / Matteo Ricci’s Italian Work : Anatomy of a Chinese EncounterAvarello, Vito 25 March 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet l’étude de la question de la rencontre dans l’œuvre italienne de Matteo Ricci, à partir d’une lecture biographique des Lettere et du Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina. Le propos entend ajouter à la figure de l’écrivain sino-chrétien, celle d’un Matteo Ricci auteur d’une œuvre italienne digne intérêt, tant d’un point de vue civilisationnel que littéraire. Notre démarche s’appuie sur une lecture de ses écrits comme anatomie de sa rencontre avec le Céleste Empire et comme biographie d’un voyage littéraire, ce corpus étant appréhendé comme phénoménologie littéraire de la rencontre. Une réflexion autour du concept d’altérité permet d’analyser les textes ricciens en tant que biographie d’un regard particulier sur la Chine et les Chinois, une vision qui promeut, à partir d’une interprétation humaniste et chrétienne, la rencontre sensible avec l’Autre lointain, portée par le désir. Nous avons voulu mettre en évidence la façon dont Matteo Ricci, au fil de son œuvre missionnaire et littéraire, élabore une nouvelle herméneutique du monde chinois, en rupture avec l’imagologie issue de l’Europe médiévale. Le dernier volet de notre analyse entend l’écriture de Ricci comme la biographie d’une parole et comme la proposition d’une mystique et d’une esthétique de la rencontre. Fidèle à la tradition chrétienne, il redéfinit néanmoins les rapports entre l’Occident et l’altérité païenne par la promotion d’un nouveau langage : l’inculturation. D’un point de vue littéraire, son écriture propose une démarche stylistique singulière qui mêle esthétique du divers, historiographie en tension vers l’épique et apologétique chrétienne. / This thesis aims at studying the question of the encounter in Matteo Ricci’s Italian work, starting from a biographical reading of Lettere and of Della entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina.This study supplements the figure of the Sino-Christian writer with that of Matteo Ricci as the author of an Italian work that is worthy of interest both from the point of view of civilisation and of literature. My approach relies on a reading of his writings as an anatomy of his encounter with the Celestial Empire and as a biography of a literary travel, the set of texts being apprehended as a literary phenomenology of the encounter.Reflecting on the concept of alterity allows one to analyse Ricci’s texts as the biography of a particular look on China and Chinese people — a vision which, from a Humanist and Christian interpretation, promotes the tangible encounter with a distant Other, born by desire. Throughout his missionary and literary work, Matteo Ricci constructs a new hermeneutics of the Chinese world that breaks away from the imagology produced by medieval Europe.The final section of the analysis envisages Ricci’s writing as the biography of a discourse, as putting forward a religious interpretation and an aesthetics of the encounter. Being faithful to the Christian tradition, he however redefines the relationships between the Western world and pagan otherness by promoting a new language — inculturation. From a literary point of view, his writing proposes a singular stylistic approach, one that mingles aesthetic diversity and historiography which gestures towards the epic and Christian apologetics.
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Justifying Christianity in the Islamic middle ages : the apologetic theology of ʻAbdīshōʻ bar Brīkhā (d. 1318)Rassi, Salam January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the theology of the late 13th- early 14th century churchman 'Abdisho' bar Brikha. Better known by modern scholars for his poetry and canon law, he is far less recognised as a religious controversialist who composed works in Arabic as well as Syriac to answer Muslim criticisms. My overall argument contends that 'Abdisho''s hitherto neglected theological works are critical to our understanding of how anti-Muslim apologetics had by his time become central to his Church's articulation of a distinct Christian identity in a largely non-Christian environment. 'Abdisho' wrote his apologetic theology at a time when Christians experienced increasing hardship under the rule of the Mongol Ilkhans, who had officially converted to Islam in 1295. While the gradual hardening of attitudes towards Christians may well have informed 'Abdisho''s defensive stance, this thesis also demonstrates that his theology is built on a genre of apologetics that emerged as early as the mid-8th century. Our author compiles and systematises earlier debates and authorities from this tradition while updating them for a current authorship. In doing so, he contributes to the formation of a theological canon that would remain authoritative for centuries to come. My analysis of 'Abdisho''s oeuvre extends to three doctrinal themes: the Trinity, the Incarnation, and devotional practices (viz. the veneration of the Cross and the striking of the church clapper). I situate his discussion of these topics in a period when Syriac Christian scholarship was marked by a familiarity with Arabo-Islamic theological and philosophical models. While our author does not engage with these models as closely as his better-known Syriac Christian contemporary Bar Hebraeus (d. 1286), he nevertheless appeals to a literary and theological idiom common to both Muslims and Christians in order to convince his coreligionists of their faith's reasonableness against centuries-long polemical attacks.
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Život a dílo arcibiskupa Fultona J. Sheena / The Life and Work of Archbishop Fulton J. SheenBRŮHA, Marek January 2016 (has links)
The work is focused on a life and work of archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and it is divided into three parts. The first part is concerned in bishop's life events and partly in bishop's charakter description. It is completed with american bishop's canonization process report. Second part is decribing literary legacy of bishop Sheen, trying to grasp main emphases in his work, referring on topical komplexity of Sheen's books, depicting author's apologetic writing style. The topic is accomplished with Appendix I. to submit complete Sheen's biography list. The third part is more profound insight into Sheen's christocentric theology which is particularly concerned in Cross, and it also includes further theological insights, biblical quotations and reflexions by several significant theologians. In fact, this part is theological interpretation of Sheen's book Life of Christ.
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O Diálogo com Trifão de São Justino mártir e a relação entre judeus e cristãos (século II) / The dialogue with trypho of São Justin Martir and the relationship between jews and christiansDaniel Marques Giandoso 04 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho procura analisar a relação entre judeus e cristãos no segundo século a partir dos elementos apresentados por S. Justino no Diálogo com Trifão. Para tanto, julgamos necessário contextualizar a obra no conjunto de transformações ocorridas no interior do Império Romano e na atuação do Estado frente às duas religiões. Desta forma, as Guerras Judaicas na Palestina e as perseguições aos cristãos repercutiram na relação entre judeus e cristãos. Além disso, pensamos que o judeucristianismo e algumas características do cristianismo na cidade de Roma nos ajudam a compreender melhor as intenções de Justino com sua obra. Discutiremos as principais teorias a respeito dos destinatários do Diálogo. Acreditamos ser possível investigar pontos de encontro e de aproximação entre judeus e cristãos, a partir daquilo que Justino demonstra conhecer sobre o judaísmo de seu tempo. No entanto, também é possível perceber no texto as tensões e rivalidades entre os dois grupos de crentes gestadas em um ambiente polêmico. Ambos os casos requerem uma análise mais crítica das palavras do apologista. / The aim of this essay is to analyze the relationship between Jews and Christians in the second century from the evidence presented by S. Justin in the Dialogue with Trypho. For this, we deem necessary to contextualize the work in the set of changes within the Roman Empire and the state action against the two religions. Thus, the Jewish War in Palestine and the persecution of Christians affected the relationship between Jews and Christians. Furthermore, we believe that Judeo-Christianity and some features of Christianity in Rome help us better understand the intentions of Justin with his work. We will discuss the main theories about the recipients of the Dialogue. We believe it is possible to investigate points of contact and rapprochement between Jews and Christians from what Justin knows about the Judaism of his time. However, the text also reveals the tensions and rivalries between the two groups of believers, gestated in a controversial environment. Both cases require a more critical analysis of the apologist´s words.
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Théodore Abu Qurrah : opuscules théologiques : introduction, édition critique, traduction et commentaire historique et doctrinal / Theodore Abū Qurrah : theological opuscula : introduction, Critical Edition, Translation, Historical and Doctrinal CommentaryD'Agostino, Pietro 04 November 2019 (has links)
Théodore Abū Qurra (8ème-9ème s.), évêque melkite de Ḥarrān, en Haute-Mésopotamie, a laissé une vaste production en arabe. On lui attribue, également, des opuscules en grec. Ceux-ci, sous forme de lettre, de dialogue, de question-réponse ou d’homélie, sont transmis par de nombreux manuscrits. Les sujets, très variés, touchent à la polémique théologique contre l’Islam d’un côté, et contre les chrétiens non-chalcédoniens (Monophysites et Nestoriens) de l’autre. L’édition de référence étant celle imprimée dans la Patrologia Graeca de Migne (1865), une étude véritablement scientifique s’impose. La production antimusulmane ayant déjà fait l’objet d’une édition, la thèse se propose d’étudier la tradition manuscrite des opuscules antihérétiques et de produire une édition critique des textes, auxquels s’ajoutent également plusieurs écrits jusqu’ici inédits. La thèse se compose de trois parties : dans la 1ère, nous traçons un profil biographique de l’auteur et nous discutons l’attribution des opuscules ; dans la 2ème, nous décrivons les manuscrits et étudions la tradition ; dans la 3ème, nous éditons le texte critique agrémenté d’une traduction française, texte précédé d’une introduction contextualisant les opuscules de Théodore dans la production théologique de son époque. / Theodore Abū Qurra, Melkite bishop of Ḥarrān (8th-9th c.), left a vast production of Arabic texts. Several Greek opuscula have been attributed to him as well. These are in the form of letters, dialogues, question-and-answer and homilies, and they are transmitted by many manuscripts. Their content is multifaceted: it concerns the theological polemics against Islam, on one side, and apologetics vis-à-vis non-Chalcedonian Christians (Monophysites and Nestorians), on the other. Considering that Migne’s Patrologia Graeca (1865) is the current reference edition, a new scientific study is highly valuable. Since the antimuslim production has already been edited, the present study focuses on the manuscript tradition of the antirrhetical opuscula and on their edition. In addition, the text edition of several unpublished writings is provided. This thesis consists of three parts: first, we outline the biography of the author and discuss the authorship of the works; second, we describe the manuscripts and study the tradition; in the third, we publish the critical text accompanied by a French translation. The last section is preceded by an introduction for the contextualization of Theodore’s opuscula in the scope of the theological production of that period.
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A trinitarian modal-spherical method of apologetics : an attempt to combine the vantilian method of apologetics with reformational philosophy / Guilherme BraunBraun, Guilherme January 2014 (has links)
The task of a reformed apologetics is the application of both theology and philosophy in the confrontation with unbelievers, bridging the gap between the natural man and the Gospel of Christ and trying to do justice to the multi-aspectual, existential and constitutive sides of created reality. In the Festschrift of Cornelius Van Til, two well-known reformational philosophers, Herman Dooyeweerd of the Netherlands and Hendrik Stoker of South Africa, among others, discussed with Van Til the methodology of Christian apologetics (Jerusalem and Athens 1971: viii).
The investigation focus on the reflections of Dooyeweerd and Stoker on Van Til’s method, which attempted to break away from classical methods and to reform apologetics biblically. Thence, constructive criticisms, methodological integration of reformational insights and the opening up of new avenues of apologetic discourse follows after a structural evaluation of the dialogue between the three thinkers, leading to a Trinitarian, Modal-spherical method (TMSA) of apologetics, while still presupposing the biblical and triune essence of Van Til’s pressuppositional apologetics. After absorbing and integrating inter-related elements in its Trinitarian framework, the new method of apologetics will be introduced to broader Christianity via two integralist accounts of traditional Christian philosophy, both inspired by an interpretation Neo-Thomism, which in many respects correspond to the Neo-Calvinist vision. So that after non-dualistically expanding TMSA’s methodological foundation and scope of interaction non-, it can be briefly introduced to other nuances of apologetics at the final step of the thesis, in the hope of contributing for the ongoing reformation of the Church and its apologetic endevour. / MA (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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A trinitarian modal-spherical method of apologetics : an attempt to combine the vantilian method of apologetics with reformational philosophy / Guilherme BraunBraun, Guilherme January 2014 (has links)
The task of a reformed apologetics is the application of both theology and philosophy in the confrontation with unbelievers, bridging the gap between the natural man and the Gospel of Christ and trying to do justice to the multi-aspectual, existential and constitutive sides of created reality. In the Festschrift of Cornelius Van Til, two well-known reformational philosophers, Herman Dooyeweerd of the Netherlands and Hendrik Stoker of South Africa, among others, discussed with Van Til the methodology of Christian apologetics (Jerusalem and Athens 1971: viii).
The investigation focus on the reflections of Dooyeweerd and Stoker on Van Til’s method, which attempted to break away from classical methods and to reform apologetics biblically. Thence, constructive criticisms, methodological integration of reformational insights and the opening up of new avenues of apologetic discourse follows after a structural evaluation of the dialogue between the three thinkers, leading to a Trinitarian, Modal-spherical method (TMSA) of apologetics, while still presupposing the biblical and triune essence of Van Til’s pressuppositional apologetics. After absorbing and integrating inter-related elements in its Trinitarian framework, the new method of apologetics will be introduced to broader Christianity via two integralist accounts of traditional Christian philosophy, both inspired by an interpretation Neo-Thomism, which in many respects correspond to the Neo-Calvinist vision. So that after non-dualistically expanding TMSA’s methodological foundation and scope of interaction non-, it can be briefly introduced to other nuances of apologetics at the final step of the thesis, in the hope of contributing for the ongoing reformation of the Church and its apologetic endevour. / MA (Missiology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The sacred and the secular with special reference to Francis Schaeffer's thinkingPotgieter, Raymond Michiel 11 1900 (has links)
Francis Schaeffer presented a Christian world and life-view encompassing the totality of
reality as an alternative to a fragmented view of reality. Refinements of dualism are
examined from within a theological context giving substance to his understanding of
modern world and life-view trends. Dualisms may be traced from the dawn of history of
religion. It was Thomas Aquinas who profoundly influenced Western thought into a
secular compartment through a synthesis of Christian dogma with Aristotelian
presuppositions. The reign of the sacred diminished and a predominantly secular
pathway may be traced through disciplines such as philosophy, arts, science and
theology. This dissertation suggests that a dualistic analysis of reality is limited in its
application. A model is suggested which traces all of reality to its ultimate source, God.
The Fall brought about a dialectic which is found within the totality of a Christian world
and life-view. / Philosophy, Practical & Sytematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology.
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