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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using mobile apps to facilitate English learning for college students in China

Liu, Qiaochu, He, Xuan January 2015 (has links)
With the popularization of mobile technology and the explosion of apps, Chinese college students can use mobile apps to improve their English ability. While there is considerable enthusiasm for using apps to support learning with their multimedia capabilities, portability, connectivity, and flexibility, there is a paucity of research evidence about whether such approach can facilitate English learning for college students and what students’ attitudes are towards the new approach. Besides, there is a lack of research about which apps are good and suitable for them in specific aspects of English studies, such as spoken English, reading comprehension, listening or writing.In order to figure out them, the semi-interview survey and experiment are used in our study. The interviewees were 5 college students studying at USST or SDTU, China. They talked about their attitudes towards using apps to study on their own. In the experiment, the subjects were 15 exchange students, now studying at the University of Borås. The experiment examined the effect that college students use mobile devices to learn English by themselves.The finding suggests that the new learning approach is effective and helpful for college students to improve English by using their mobile devices, as well as undergraduates are willing to use apps to learn English with self-regulated learning approach instead of traditional learning approach. Some apps well suited for college students are presented. Based on the findings, we provide useful instructional strategies for college students to learn English by themselves in the end.

Kartläggning och jämförelse av multiplattformsutvecklingsverktyg för smartphones / Survey and comparison of cross platform mobile application development tools for smartphones

Jonsson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Användningen av smartphones ökar med rasande fart och problemet som app-utvecklare har är att det finns flera olika plattformar. För att nå ut till så många användare som möjligt måste alltså en app tillverkas för varje plattform. Detta kräver dels kunskap i utveckling för respektive plattform men också mycket tid och därmed pengar eftersom varje enskild app måste utvecklas i flera versioner. En lösning på detta kan dock vara så kallade multiplattformsutvecklingsverktyg där utvecklaren kan använda samma kodbas för flera olika plattformar. Men håller dessa verktyg måttet? Denna studie undersöker dels vilka multiplattformsutvecklingsverktyg som finns att tillgå idag samt jämför hur mycket det skiljer i slutresultatet för en likvärdig app tillverkad i tre utav dessa multiplattformsutvecklingsverktyg. Resultatet visar att det skiljer en hel del. Studien avslutas med en diskussion om resultatet och dess trovärdighet samt ger förslag på hur studien skulle kunna vidareutvecklas.

Utveckling av mobilt köpstöd till skogsindustrin

Kuljanin, Emir January 2013 (has links)
Avdelningen Forestry på Consultants to Government and Industry (CGI) i Gävle utvecklar många olika programvaror som används i skogsindustrin. Med tiden har det uppstått ett behov av ett förenklat program som kan användas i mobiltelefoner. CGI ville att en prototyp tas fram för utvärdering, samt att en förenklad undersökning görs med avseende på vad som är lämpligast emellan en mobil applikation (s.k. ”app”) eller en mobilanpassad webbapplikation (webbapp). Vid projektets slut har en Windows 8 mobilapp utvecklats samt en mindre undersökning fullgjorts. Undersökningen visar att en webbapp är det ekonomiska alternativet, men att mobila appar utvecklade för sin specifika plattform uppnår högre kvalité.

How Transportation Network Companies Could Replace Public Transportation in the United States

Kessler, Matthew L. 01 November 2017 (has links)
The quantity of cell phone applications or mobile apps have seen an upsurge at an exponential rate in under a decade. Many have been created for a variety of industries, including transportation. The advent and subsequent commercialized implementation of near-instant transport by a middleman-type of app is now known as a Transportation Network Company or TNC. Examples of the more renowned TNCs are Uber, Lyft and Sidecar. In recent years, TNCs have cultivated a tremendous following, to the degree of taxicab desertion. Moreover, the massive success of TNCs led to expansion of its capacities into public transportation. The TNC’s expeditious popularity has garnered the attention of government and transit agencies. Without fail, TNCs can complement, supplement or compete with transit. However, sparsely has there been any deep discussion about a TNC potentially supplanting transit. The aim of this paper is to show how TNCs could replace public transportation in the United States if subsidized at the same level of transit agencies. Austin, Texas was analyzed as the case study city. A comparison of subsidization between Austin’s transit agency: Cap Metro, the local TNCs, and on a national aggregate level was conducted. The evidence herein clearly shows that TNCs are highly competitive when in revenue service operating at full capacity, potentially replacing public transportation.

Use of a Game-Based App as a Learning Tool for Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities to Increase Fraction Knowledge/Skill

Simsek, Orhan 23 June 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a game-based app (Motion Math: Fraction) to help students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities (MLD) to gain fraction skills including comparison, estimation, and word problem solving in an after school program. The researcher used multiple baseline design by extending with follow-up phase to determine whether students retained the knowledge they learned while engaging with the app. Even though six students participated to the study, the researcher withdrew two of them and analyzed data came from four students. The result o the study showed that all of the students improved their fractions skills after engaging with Motion Math: Fraction and maintained the knowledge after no longer playing. The researcher presented recommendations for further studies, for implementation into classroom, and recommend for app developers to increase app efficiency for students who have different learning profiles, and needs variety learning materials while learning the content matters.

Sécrétion du précurseur de la protéine amyloïde par les plexus choroïdes : implications dans la neurogenèse adulte et la maladie d'Alzheimer / Secretion of the amyloid precursor protein by the choroid plexus : implications on adult neurogenesis and Alzheimer's disease

Arnaud, Karen 23 September 2016 (has links)
Le vieillissement et la dégénérescence du cerveau, associés à des déficits cognitifs, comportementaux et neurologiques, représentent aujourd'hui un problème majeur de santé publique. L'une des principales maladies liées à l'âge est la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). L'une des caractéristiques de la MA est l'apparition de plaques amyloïdes, résultant de l'agrégation du peptide ßA4. Physiologiquement, le précurseur de la protéine amyloïde (APP) est clivé par une alpha-sécrétase qui génère un fragment soluble de l'APP (sAPP), important pour la formation de nouvelles cellules nerveuses (neurogenèse). Ce clivage en prévient deux autres, par les béta- et gamma-sécrétases, impliqués dans la MA, et conduisant à la formation du ßA4 toxique. Une analyse du plexus choroïde (PCh) a mis en évidence la forte expression de l’APP par cette structure cérébrale. Le PCh est une structure facilement accessible et produisant le liquide cérébro-spinal : son impact peut donc être répercuté à l’ensemble du cerveau. Il pourrait être une source cérébrale importante d’APP, et contribuer fortement à la pathologie. Mon projet de thèse s'inscrivait dans la possibilité de réguler génétiquement l'expression des formes sauvages et mutées de l'APP au niveau de cette source, et suivre les conséquences sur la neurogenèse adulte et la formation des plaques amyloïdes, marqueur histopathologique de la MA. Par l’utilisation de la thérapie génique pour moduler l’expression de l’APP dans les PCh, nous avons confirmé l’importance de l’APP soluble provenant des PCh dans la neurogenèse adulte. Les PCh semble être une source importante d’APP dans le cerveau, et pourraient avoir un rôle clé dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. / Aging and degeneration of the brain with cognitive decline and neurologic symptoms are major individual and societal problems. The major age-related brain degeneration disease is Alzheimer’s disease (AD) with about 40 million people affected in 2015.Physiologically, the Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) is cleaved by an alpha-secretase, releasing soluble APP (sAPP) an important regulator of adult neurogenesis. This cleavage prevents two others in positions beta and gamma that generate the ßA4 toxic peptide, a hallmark of Alzheimer Disease.Next generation RNA-sequencing has revealed that APP is the 16th most expressed genes in the choroid plexus (CP), suggesting that it may be a major source of sAPP and ßA4 in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). If so, adult neurogenesis in the SVZ and hippocampus may be regulated by the choroid plexus and impeded in mutations favoring ßA4 production. My thesis project fell under the possibility to regulate App expression in the CP, and follow consequences on adult neurogenesis and plaques formation in AD. Using viral vectors to modulate App expression in the CP, we confirmed the importance of sAPP coming from CP in adult neurogenesis. With so, CP seems to be an important source of APPin the brain, and could have a key role in AD.

esTracer App : En digital lösning för att genomföra tentamen med koppling mot ett webbaserat e-learningsystem

Wilhelmsson, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
Idag används fortfarande papper och penna oftast för att genomföra tentamen. Digitaliseringen i vårtsamhälle har öppnat upp för många nya möjligheter, och akademin kan bli bättre på att utnyttja dessa. Digital tentamen är något som kan förenkla både genomförande och administration. Det finns både tekniska möjligheter och svårigheter kring digital tentamen. esTracer är ett webbaserat e-learningsystem som är utvecklat av Entergate AB. Entergate önskar nukunna erbjuda högskolor och universitet en möjlighet för digital salstentamen. För att göra detta skallen applikation för Android och iOS utvecklas som kan användas på surfplattor för att genomföra salstentamen. Applikationen skall integreras med esTracer genom ett Web API. Skapande och administration av tentor, frågor och deltagare skall ske med befintlig funktionalitet i esTracer. Genomförandet av tentamen skall kunna göras i applikationen för Android och iOS på ett säkert sätt, och användarna skall kunna använda sina egna enheter. Resultat skall sedan kunna ses i esTracer av administratör. Rapporten handlar om utvecklingen av applikationen, samt vidareutveckling av esTracer Web API och integreringen mellan applikationen och esTracer. I rapporten redogörs för relevant bakgrund och teorier, de metoder som valdes för att lösa uppgiften, samt resultatet och analysen av detta. Resultatet är en applikation som kan användas på surfplattor för både Android och iOS. Applikationen kan användas för att genomföra tentor på ett säkert sätt och den har integrerats med esTracer genom vidareutveckling av ett Web API. Projektet visar således en teknisk lösning för digital salstentamen. / Today paper and pen is most often used to conduct an exam. The digitalisation in our society has opened up for many new opportunities, and universities can be better at utilizing these. Digital examination is something that can simplify both for the students that are taking the exam, and also for the people that manages administration. There are both technical opportunities and difficulties regarding digital examination. esTracer is a web-based e-learning system that has been developed by Entergate AB. Entergate now wishes to offer colleges and universities an opportunity for digital examination. To do this, an application shall be developed for Android and iOS that can be used on tablets to conduct exams. The application shall be integrated with esTracer through a Web API. Creation and administration of exams, questions and participants shall be done with existing functionality in esTracer. The exam shall be possible to do in the application for Android and iOS in a safe way, and the users should be able to use their own devices. The results from an exam shall be possible to view in esTracer by an administrator. This report is about the development of the application, and also the further development of esTracer Web API, and the integration between the application and esTracer. The report describes relevant background and theories, which methods that was chosen to complete the task, and also the result and the analysis of this. The result is an application that can be used on tablets with Android or iOS. The application can be used to conduct exams in a safe way, and it has been integrated with esTracer through further development of a Web API. The project shows a technical solution for digital examination.

Analýza trhu mobilních vzdělávacích aplikací zaměřených na děti předškolního věku / Market Analysis of Mobile Educational Applications for Preschool Children

Blahušová, Anežka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the topic of mobile applications focusing on educational applications for preschoolers. The introductory part deals with the theory of application ecosystem, purchase decision-making process, and marketing of mobile applications. The following chapters are focused on primary and secondary research. The aim of thesis is to analyze the situation on mobile application market worldwide and in the Czech Republic with a focus on educational applications for children. More importantly, it intends to reveal parent's attitudes toward downloading applications for their children up to age six. The conclusion is a summary of acquired knowledge and the proposal of possible measures resulting from the research.

Analýza mezinárodního trhu mobilních digitálních distibučních platforem / An analysis of the international mobile digital distribution platforms market

Štěpánek, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is the mobile digital distribution market. The first chapter defines important terms and describes the area comprehensively. The second chapter lists examples of some platforms, shows statistical data and introduces common business models. The third chapter compares the Apple App Store and Google Play based on selected criteria. The fourth chapter deals with conducted survey data in order to test the hypothesis that czech consumers in general do not show a difference in attitude towards mobile distribution storefronts compared to their foreign peers. The fifth and last chapter tries to analyze technical backgrounds of varying content availability across different countries. Also, it deals with selected legal issues.

Development of a Multi Sensor Android Application

Maddala, Sasanka, Velugubantla, Veerababu January 2020 (has links)
There has been an enormous growth in the usage of smartphones in recent times. Smartphones are not limited to communication purposes. It has various applications designed as per the daily requirements of humans such as web-searching, online shopping, bank transactions, games, etc. With the increase in the usage of the smartphone, the more useful information is captured and stored by it, which raises the question of security. The goal of this research is to develop two android applications. One is a sensor detector application and the second is a screen lock application. The first application will help the user to identify all the hidden sensors and working sensors on the mobile phone. This application even describes the features and usage of every sensor in detail. Using a graphical description of each sensor which depicts the behaviour of each sensor as per environment/movement. The second application is designed using a combination of two sensors. Screen lock applications contain two main factors. One is to work properly in all cases and efficiently do the functions that are required to do. The second is to maintain a smooth inner system interaction because in addition to locking the screen this application should make sure to hide the display of all the other applications without closing the process of these applications. With the increase in the usage of the smartphone, it becomes difficult for older generations to memorize the security pattern techniques and use them. This thesis develops a simple technique in the mobile authentication android application. The thesis is developed on the Android studio platform. The background functionality of the app is coded in java using android SDK tool and frontend of the application is designed using XML files. The GENYMOTION emulator and a mobile phone are used to test the output.

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