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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplicativo de Taxi Colectivo "Habla, Vas" / Carpooling App “Habla, Vas”

Cárdenas Gamboa, Karol Ivette, Diestra Loayza, Diego Paolo, Falcon Romani, Dics Macs, Hidalgo Remigio, Kelly Gianela 15 July 2020 (has links)
El proyecto que presentamos en este trabajo, al cual decidimos llamar "Habla, Vas", consiste en un sistema de conexión mediante información relevante de demanda y oferta entre personas que necesiten movilizarse en un taxi colectivo a través de las principales rutas de la ciudad y colectiveros que necesiten generar mayores ingresos en estas rutas con mayor afluencia de tráfico en Lima. La idea de negocio parte de la necesidad de los autores por movilizarnos rápido, seguro y fácil por la ciudad, sin utilizar medios de transporte públicos que hacen que la experiencia de viajar sea incómoda, por la alta demanda del servicio y poca oferta. Esta situación, que se presenta a diario en miles de limeños, puede ser solucionado mediante una aplicación que simplifique el proceso de intercambio de información y nos evite caer en situaciones incómodas a las que los taxis colectivos tradicionales nos exponen. Asimismo, luego de la evaluación financiera preliminar del proyecto, notamos que el mismo tiene un potencial de rentabilidad altamente explotable, que constituye una oportunidad inmejorable para ser los primeros en este segmento, logrando lo que en su momento consiguió empresas como Uber o Globo. Además, se requiere una inversión relativamente pequeña frente a un negocio convencional y será totalmente accesible a través de las tiendas de Android y Apple. Finalmente, este proyecto será nuestra mejor carta de presentación e ingreso en el mundo de los negocios para nuestros futuros proyectos, ya que hemos recabado la información necesaria para entender la operación de ellos. / The project that we present in this document, which we decided to call "Habla, Vas", consists of a connection system through relevant information of demand and supply, between people who need to move in a group through the main routes of the city and groups who need to generate income on these routes with the highest traffic flow in Lima. The business idea stems from the authors' need to move quickly, safely and easily around the city, without using public means of transport that make traveling uncomfortable, due to the high demand for the service and low supply. This situation, which occurs daily in thousands of Lima, can be solved through by the application that simplifies the process of information exchange and prevents us from falling into uncomfortable situations to which traditional groups expose us. Likewise, after the preliminary financial evaluation of the project, we note that it has a highly exploitable profitability potential, which constitutes an unbeatable opportunity to be the first in the segment, achieving what companies such as Uber or Globo achieved at the time. Also, a relatively small investment is required compared to a conventional business and will be fully accessible through Android and Apple stores. Finally, this project will be our best letter of introduction and entry into the business world for our future projects, since we have collected the necessary information to understand their operation. / Trabajo de investigación

Sexshop “Join&Enjoy”

Araujo Guillén, Marcelo, Loza Mendoza, Leyla Gladys, Rivero Barzola, Gianella Yeseli, Torres Alama, Ernesto André 31 August 2020 (has links)
Al encontrarnos en entorno cuyos gustos y preferencias de las personas tienen a ser diversos, existe una amplia oferta de productos en el mercado que satisfacen necesidades específicas de los consumidores. Ante ello, los accesorios sexuales conforman productos con crecimiento en su demanda, ya que cada vez más personas se encuentran dispuestas a interactuar con artículos sexuales, los cuales permitan evitar la monotonía y que, a su vez, otorguen un mayor nivel de satisfacción. El objetivo de la presente investigación es atender la demanda de artículos sexuales en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana, a partir de una plataforma virtual que permita que los consumidores puedan acceder a diferentes productos de su agrado, de una forma interactiva y confiable, en la cual se puedan sentir libres de elegir y experimentar diversos productos existentes en el mercado. La propuesta de negocio de la presente investigación no solo se basa en la oferta de artículos sexuales para un segmento determinado, sino que busca como principal objetivo el poder crear una plataforma que, además de ofrecer productos de interés, logre también interactuar con el cliente, de modo que este pueda encontrar en nuestro negocio un espacio en el cual mantenerse informado acerca del uso de los productos, tips de ayuda y todo tipo de información que permita romper tabúes acerca del uso de ciertos artículos. A continuación, se presentan los detalles acerca de nuestro modelo de negocio aplicable en Lima Metropolitana. / Being in a society whose tastes and preferences of people have to be diverse, there is a wide range of products on the market that meet the specific needs of consumers. Given this, sexual accessories are products with growth in demand, as more and more people are willing to interact with sexual items, which avoid monotony and, in turn, provide a higher level of satisfaction. The aim of this research is to meet the demand for sexual items in the Metropolitan Lima market, based on a virtual platform that allows consumers to access different products of their liking, in an interactive and reliable way, in which They can feel free to choose and experience various products existing in the market. The business proposal of this research is not only based on the offer of sexual items for a specific segment, but seeks as the main objective to create a platform that, in addition to offering products of interest, also interact with the customer, so that he can find in our business a space in which to keep informed about the use of products, help tips and all kinds of information that allows breaking taboos about the use of certain items. Below, we present the details about our applicable business model in Metropolitan Lima. / Trabajo de investigación


Bejarano Nicho, Thalia Genoveva, Marcos Mendoza, Dante, Pezo Mallcco, Ellen Daniela, Villanueva Enrique, Anays 14 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación está basado en la necesidad que tienen las personas por adquirir materiales y útiles escolares para sus diversos trabajos. Se vio que las personas invertían mucho tiempo en ubicar tiendas que ofrecieran variedad de productos, que atiendan en un horario conveniente y que no esté muy lejos de sus hogares o lugares de estudios. Así mismo, debido a los recientes eventos en el país se ha restringido la libertad de movimiento y de comercialización. Es por ello que Milista.com plantea introducir al mercado un servicio de delivery a través de un aplicativo móvil (para Android y iOS) en el cual te permite cotizar los materiales universitarios y útiles escolares que requieren los estudiantes de la carrera de Arquitectura, Ingeniería, Diseño y Arte, además puedes obtenerlos en un plazo máximo de 3 horas. Por otro lado, la creciente demanda del servicio de delivery ha tenido un crecimiento en el mercado limeño debido al ingreso de las app Glovo y Rappi y es una oportunidad que se tiene a favor para garantizar nuestro posicionamiento en el mercado limeño. Tendremos presencia tanto en redes sociales, página web y en el aplicativo móvil para que el usuario se sienta cómodo y tenga toda la información necesaria en el momento que lo requiera. Además, nuestra propuesta de negocio buscara brindar la mejor experiencia en el servicio de delivery con una excelente atención personalizada y cumpliendo con todas las medidas de bioseguridad. / This research work is based on the need that people have to acquire materials and school supplies for their various jobs. People were found to spend a lot of time locating stores that offer a variety of products, serve at convenient hours, and are not too far from their homes or places of study. Likewise, due to recent events in the country, freedom of movement and commercialization has been restricted. That is why Milista.com plans to introduce a delivery service to the market through a mobile application (for Android and iOS) in which it allows you to quote the university materials and school supplies required by the students of the Architecture, Engineering, Design and Art courses, you can also get them within a maximum period of 3 hours. On the other hand, the growing demand for the delivery service has had growth in the Lima market due to the entry of the Glovo and Rappi apps and it is an opportunity in favor of guaranteeing our position in the Lima market. We will have a presence both on social networks, website and in the mobile application so that the user feels comfortable and has all the necessary information at the time they require it. In addition, our business proposal will seek to provide the best delivery service experience with excellent personalized attention and complying with all biosecurity measures. / Trabajo de investigación

Progressive Web Apps and other mobile developing techniques: a comparison

Kvist, Jonathan, Mathiasson, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Developing an app for Android and iOS traditionally requires you to build two different versions. This is both costly and time consuming, which has led to the creation of many Cross-platform alternatives. One such alternative is to use a Progressive Web App (PWA). They are built like regular Web apps and include features previously unique to Native apps. Our focus is to compare PWAs to other Cross-platform solutions by measuring the performance of a PWA, Web app and Cordova app. Terms in the ecosystem are clarified due to inconsistencies, and the process of converting a Web app into a PWA is described. The measurements showed that the PWA and Cordova app had almost equal overall performance, and they were both faster than the Web app. This indicates that PWAs are a viable Cross-platform alternative, but more quantitative studies with performance in focus needs to be conducted due to the small scale of this work. Other aspects of PWAs also needs to be evaluated, such as app size and ease of development.

Challenges in software development of mobile apps in e-health

Forsman, Robin, Sisak, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Throughout the development process within organizations, various complications can appear that can reduce the quality of a software or contribute to immense costs to organizations. This is especially true for organizations that operate in fields such as the health industry where stern rules and requirements are often a fact. This paper explores challenges that can arise during the development process of health applications as well as what effects these can have on the applications and organizations. The paper then examines how these difficulties can be prevented or mitigated. The intention is that this thesis should help organizations and developers to be able to go through a development process effectively without being overwhelmed by difficulties that can arise during the development process of health applications.

Diseño interactivo como medio de prevención a la sarcopenia en personas de la tercera edad del Centro del adulto mayor de Chorrillos / Interactive design as a means of prevention of sarcopenia in elderly people of the Elderly Center of Chorrillos

Corales Gutierrez, Kevin Bryan 03 July 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación pretende abordar el diseño interactivo como medio de prevención a la sarcopenia, entendida como la pérdida de masa y potencia muscular en personas de la tercera edad. En la actualidad, se ha observado un bajo índice de actividad física en personas de 65 a 80 años. Según un artículo médico de la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, el porcentaje de adultos mayores con sobrepeso u obesidad en el Perú es de 21,4% y 11,9%, respectivamente (Penny, 2017). El desgaste en la capacidad de los órganos sensoriales son indicios considerables del avance en la adultez mayor. Una de las principales patologías que afecta al adulto mayor, es la disminución de músculo esquelético, el cual es causante de caídas, distensiones, distrofia muscular y enfermedades musculares. Estos factores generan la limitación funcional, pérdida de autonomía e incluso la muerte en el adulto mayor. Igualmente, la presente investigación busca brindar un aporte sólido al rol que desempeña el diseño interactivo en relación a la sarcopenia con el objetivo de prevenir o atenuar dicha patología. En paralelo a esta problemática, existen aplicaciones móviles interactivas enfocadas al diagnóstico de enfermedades primarias, mantener la mente activa y en general, preservar la salud del adulto mayor. Así pues, tras entender la relación de los factores claves en esta investigación, las conclusiones de este proyecto y la investigación del trabajo de campo que analizó a la población objeto de estudio, se propone desarrollar una aplicación móvil llamada Activos. Una solución planteada para promover la actividad física en el adulto mayor y atenuar la sarcopenia. En conclusión, las personas de la tercera edad que utilizaron el aplicativo móvil que se les presentó, argumentaron que es necesario ya que pueden realizar las rutinas de actividad física desde la comodidad de su hogar hasta en el parque. De este modo se beneficiarán, cuidarán su salud y además podrán acceder a posibles descuentos para sus consultas. / The present research aims to address interactive design as a means of prevention of sarcopenia, understood as the loss of muscle mass and power in the elderly. Currently, a low level of physical activity has been observed in people aged 65 to 80 years. According to a medical article from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, the percentage of older adults who are overweight or obese in Peru is 21.4% and 11.9%, respectively (Penny, 2017). The wear on the capacity of the sensory organs are considerable indications of the advance in adulthood. One of the main pathologies that affects the elderly is the reduction of skeletal muscle, which is responsible for falls, strains, muscular dystrophy and muscle diseases. These factors generate functional limitation, loss of autonomy and even death in the elderly. Likewise, this research seeks to provide a solid contribution to the role played by interactive design in relation to sarcopenia with the aim of preventing or attenuating this pathology. In parallel to this problem, there are interactive mobile applications focused on the diagnosis of primary diseases, keeping the mind active and, in general, preserving the health of the elderly. Thus, after understanding the relationship of the key factors in this research, the conclusions of this project and the fieldwork research that analyzed the population under study, it is proposed to develop a mobile application called Assets. A solution proposed to promote physical activity in the elderly and attenuate sarcopenia. In conclusion, the elderly people who used the mobile application presented to them, argued that it is necessary since they can perform physical activity routines from the comfort of their home to the park. In this way they will benefit, take care of their health and also have access to possible discounts for their consultations. / Trabajo de investigación

Utilizing ACT Daily as a Self-Guided Mobile App Intervention for Depression and Anxiety in a College Counseling Center

Haeger, Jack A. 01 May 2016 (has links)
College counseling centers (CCCs) have experienced funding and staffing setbacks in recent years, resulting in higher caseloads, counselor burnout, and bloated waitlists. Mobile Health (mHealth) interventions may offer a cost-effective and innovative solution. The authors developed ACT Daily, a prototype mHealth app based in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This study examined the feasibility and possible efficacy of ACT Daily as a brief intervention for individuals placed on CCC waitlists. A sample of 11 depressed/anxious clients waitlisted at a local CCC enrolled in the study, which followed a pre-post, open trial design. Participants received a brief online training that covered the basics of ACT and introduced the app’s functions and features. For the following 2 weeks, participants were asked to use ACT Daily every day. Results displayed high acceptability, usability, and satisfaction ratings across users. Significant improvements were observed on most ACT process measures, including overall psychological inflexibility. Findings from app usage and self-report measures supported ACT Daily’s ability to promote skill use in the moment. Analyses of in-app data indicated that ACT Daily’s skills were potentially effective in the moment and increased in strength over time. Furthermore, ACT Daily appeared to serve as a helpful pre-therapy tool due to significant reductions in depression and anxiety symptoms, as well as improvements in emotional self-awareness. Finally, the online training appeared to equip users with a sufficient comprehension of core ACT components and app training. While this pilot study suffered from a low sample size, this pattern of results encourages the application and dissemination of ACT mHealth apps as an added support for waitlisted CCC clients suffering from depression or anxiety. Moreover, it appears that ACT Daily may have enabled users to acquire, strengthen, and potentially generalize useful ACT skills. It is theorized that the app facilitated in-the-moment learning of skills that could then be applied directly to real-world contexts. Future research is advised to target larger, more diverse samples, implement a randomized controlled trial design, add objective behavioral and physiological measures, incorporate all six ACT processes, and integrate client feedback into future iterations of ACT Daily.

A Corpus-driven Approach toward Teaching Vocabulary and Reading to English Language Learners in U.S.-based K-12 Context through a Mobile App

Ehsanzadehsorati, Seyedjafar 08 November 2018 (has links)
In order to decrease teachers’ decisions of which vocabulary the focus of the instruction should be upon, a recent line of research argues that pedagogically-prepared word lists may offer the most efficient order of learning vocabulary with an optimized context for instruction in each of four K-12 content areas (math, science, social studies, and language arts) through providing English Language Learners (ELLs) with the most frequent words in each area. Educators and school experts have acknowledged the need for developing new materials, including computerized enhanced texts and effective strategies aimed at improving ELLs’ mastery of academic and STEM-related lexicon. Not all words in a language are equal in their role in comprehending the language and expressing ideas or thoughts. For this study, I used a corpus-driven approach which is operationalized by applying a text analysis method. For the purpose of this research study, I made two corpora, Teacher’s U.S. Corpus (TUSC) and Science and Math Academic Corpus for Kids (SMACK) with a focus on word lemma rather than inflectional and derivational variants of word families. To create the corpora, I collected and analyzed a total of 122 textbooks used commonly in the states of Florida and California. Recruiting, scanning and converting of textbooks had been carried out over a period of more than two years from October 2014 to March 2017. In total, this school corpus contains 10,519,639 running words and 16,344 lemmas saved in 16,315 word document pages. From the corpora, I developed six word lists, namely three frequency-based word lists (high-, mid-, and low-frequency), academic and STEM-related word lists, and essential word list (EWL). I then applied the word lists as the database and developed a mobile app, Vocabulary in Reading Study – VIRS, (available on App Store, Android and Google Play) alongside a website (www.myvirs.com). Also, I developed a new K-12 dictionary which targets the vocabulary needs of ELLs in K-12 context. This is a frequency-based dictionary which categorizes words into three groups of high, medium and low frequency words as well as two separate sections for academic and STEM words. The dictionary has 16,500 lemmas with derivational and inflectional forms.

A Theoretically Informed mHealth Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence by Adults with Chronic Conditions: Technology Acceptance Model-Based Smartphone Medication Reminder App Training Session

Park, Daniel Youngjoon 10 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Medication nonadherence among middle-aged to older adults with chronic conditions often stems from forgetting to take or fill medications as prescribed. A pilot study indicated the feasibility of technology acceptance model (TAM)-based smartphone medication reminder app (SMRA) training as a way to promote their app use and medication adherence. This dissertation assesses the viability and effect size of the modified TAM-based SMRA training in promoting app use and medication adherence, as well as its delivery design in preparation for a larger efficacy study. A two-group pretest-posttest design was employed. Twenty-nine adults aged over 40 years and taking medications for chronic condition management were recruited from Midwestern university and community sites. The training group (n = 15) received the modified TAM-based SMRA training; whereas the non-training group (n = 14) self-navigated app features. The training group reported significantly higher levels of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, positive subjective norm, and intention to use the app. In addition, the training group reported a higher proportion of active app use than the non-training group. Modified TAM-based SMRA training was not viable in increasing the levels of medication adherence variables. Effect sizes suggested at least 52 participants as a sample size for a larger efficacy study. Participants suggested that training could be improved by scheduling separate group training for iPhone and Android phone users, providing a live online training option, providing small group training with peer helper, tailoring training length to participant preference, and working with family members and healthcare providers as co-trainees and co-trainers.

Designing a solution for automating the management of a capture the flag network

Benu, Dalvie January 2023 (has links)
Everyday one hears about another cyber attack against a company or state. In 2023 the cost of cyber crime reached 8 trillion USD and is expected to reach 10 trillion in 2025 [1]. It is becoming increasingly clear that cyber security is important in modern society and especially in the IT industry. Practical cyber security courses, like ethical hacking, are important to teach students about how attacks are performed and how to identify vulnerabilities. One such course is ethical hacking (EN2720) at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This practical course allows students to practice hacking techniques on a simulated corporate network much like in a capture the flag type event. However, as these networks are being used in unintended ways, as is the nature of the course, it is common for hosts in the network to break. When this happens students will email teaching assistants (TA) to restart the instance. This wastes both students time as they much wait for TAs to read their email and it wastes TAs time as they most issues they deal with are these requests for restarts. This thesis aims to research, design and implement a solution to this problem. In the research phase it is decided that the best solution would be a web application where students can authenticate themselves using existing credentials and request a restart of an instance. The design phase outlines the steps of exactly how this web app will work. The web app is implemented in python as a proof of concept and tests are written to ensure it operated as intended. It is found that the web app successfully solves the outlined problem but there could be some improvements made. Students use provided public key certificates to authenticate themselves, although appropriate in practice, it theory public keys are not secure and can be held by anyone. / Varje dag hör man om en annan cyberattack mot ett företag eller en stat. År 2023 nådde kostnaden för cyberbrottslighet 8 biljoner USD och förväntas uppgå till 10 biljoner år 2025 [1]. Det blir allt tydligare att cybersäkerhet är viktigt i det moderna samhället och särskilt inom IT-branschen. Praktiska cybersäkerhetskurser, som etisk hacking, är viktiga för att lära eleverna om hur attacker utförs och hur man identifierar sårbarheter. En sådan kurs är etisk hacking (EN2720) vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan. Denna praktiska kurs låter eleverna öva hackingtekniker på ett simulerat företagsnätverk ungefär som i en capture the flag type-händelse. Men eftersom dessa nätverk används på oavsiktliga sätt, vilket är kursens natur, är det vanligt att värdar i nätverket går sönder. När detta händer kommer eleverna att skicka e-post till lärarassistenter (TA) för att starta om instansen. Detta slösar både elevernas tid eftersom de väntar mycket på att TAs ska läsa deras e-post och det slösar TAs tid eftersom de flesta problem de hanterar är dessa förfrågningar om omstarter. Denna avhandling syftar till att undersöka, designa och implementera en lösning på detta problem. I forskningsfasen beslutas att den bästa lösningen skulle vara en webbapplikation där studenter kan autentisera sig med befintliga referenser och begära omstart av en instans. Designfasen beskriver stegen för exakt hur denna webbapp kommer att fungera. Webbappen är implementerad i python som ett proof of concept och tester skrivs för att säkerställa att den fungerar som avsett. Det har visat sig att webbappen framgångsrikt löser det skisserade problemet men det kan göras några förbättringar. Studenter använder tillhandahållna offentliga nyckelcertifikat för att autentisera sig själva, även om det är lämpligt i praktiken, är offentliga nycklar enligt teorin inte säkra och kan innehas av vem som helst.

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