Spelling suggestions: "subject:"appraisal 1heory"" "subject:"appraisal btheory""
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Trädgårdsboken som text 1643–2005 / The Garden Book as Text 1643–2005Nord, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to shed light on the handbook as a multimodal resource from a reader perspective, with the material consisting of 32 Swedish handbooks on gardening from 1643 to 2005. The study draws theoretically on social semiotics and multimodal discourse analysis, as well as dialogism. There is an emphasis on the addressivity of the text, which is taken as a starting point for tracing signs of the intended text use in the design of the texts. The analysis is meaning-based, with the focus placed on functional features in the design of the texts. The first part of the study considers the reading goals afforded by the thematizations conveyed in titles, headings and text type patterns. The core function of these texts turns out to be action orientation, although the more recent books often include sections oriented towards other goals, like shaping individual aesthetic taste. The second part illustrates how the multimodal cohesive patterns in the books afford non-linear reading paths and make the texts searchable, which is enhanced by the presence of devices such as indices and tables of contents. Concentrating on six of the books, the third part of the study maps out the role of the reader that is naturalized by the design of the text, drawing on appraisal theory, and shows the strong, authoritative role taken by the authorial voice. The evaluative patterns naturalize a fact-seeking reading. However, the most recent book, from 1996, emphasizes emotions to a greater extent, naturalizing a parallel reading that invokes sensory experience. The conclusion drawn is that the core characteristics of the handbooks are action orientation, searchability and factuality. As different parallel functions in recent books are discerned, a tendency towards diversity and multifunctionality is described. The range of semiotic resources has also expanded, it is noted, and there is growing support for the view of a tendency towards the visualisation of written texts. Read more
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Estratégias discursivas de persuasão no discurso religioso da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus: uma análise sistêmico funcional / Strategies of persuasion in the religious discourse of the Universal church of the kingdom of God : a systemic functional analysisAna Paula Moreira 31 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar as estratégias persuasivas utilizadas pelos líderes religiosos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) para atrair e manter seus fiéis. O quadro teórico adotado é o da Linguística sistêmico-funcional, mais especificamente, o Sistema da Avaliatividade - com foco no subssistema do Engajamento. O corpus de pesquisa selecionado é composto por dez mensagens escritas e publicadas no jornal Folha Universal e nos sites associados à igreja, a partir de recorte de gênero. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, buscou-se caracterizar os textos do corpus do ponto de vista genérico, a partir de proposta de Brinton (1995 apud CIPRIANI, 2002) para a caracterização de sermões: foram identificados movimentos retóricos e outras marcas de sermão nas mensagens analisadas. Em seguida, foram identificadas e analisadas as estratégias persuasivas que são usadas nas referidas mensagens, assim como o tipo de imagem construída discursivamente pelo líder religioso, tanto para si próprio quanto para seu interlocutor o fiel/membro/futuro membro da IURD e como o subssistema do Engajamento contribui na construção dessas imagens. Nesta etapa da pesquisa, com apoio do quadro teórico, foram analisados os fenômenos linguísticos de contração e expansão dialógica. Percebe-se, nos textos da amostra, uma tensão constante entre a construção discursiva de uma figura de autoridade para o locutor (que é porta-voz de Deus) e, ao mesmo tempo, uma tentativa de aproximação desta figura com o seu interlocutor, o fiel ou fiel em potencial. No que diz respeito à figura de autoridade, há o apagamento do locutor, que atribui a Deus e aos profetas e apóstolos mencionados pela Bíblia seu discurso. O líder é o porta-voz de Deus e único autorizado a falar em nome dEle. Além disso, a mensagem publicada é uma voz institucional, e por isso é menos afetada por traços pessoais do pregador, que se propõe a falar em nome de todos. Isto se realiza lexicogramaticalmente, no corpus, como uma predominância de Atribuição, que vem sempre acompanhada do Endosso, e não acata novas linhas de pensamento a respeito do mesmo tema, como é de praxe no discurso religioso. Por outro lado, além de usar recursos para autorizar o seu discurso, há também uma tentativa do Bispo de aproximar-se do seu fiel, dos seus pontos de vista, de suas dificuldades no acesso à religião. Este movimento de aproximação materializa-se lexicogramaticalmente através das categorias da Expectativa Confirmada, da Negação e da Contra-expectativa, que dialogam com dizeres anteriores que podem ser entendidos como sendo parte do universo discursivo do fiel. Pretende-se que este trabalho sirva não apenas para o enriquecimento acadêmico de pesquisadores e estudiosos da área, mas também como ponto de partida para estudos futuros, uma vez que tanto o discurso religioso quanto o Sistema da Avaliatividade oferecem amplos horizontes no tocante a futuros enfoques / The purpose of this dissertation is to identify persuasive strategies used by religious leaders of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (IURD, in Portuguese) to attract and maintain its members. The theory adopted is Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), more specifically, the system of Appraisal and its focus is on Engagement. The selected corpus is made up of 10 texts written and published in Folha Universal News and on web sites managed by the church. Our first aim was to classify the selected texts from a generic point of view, drawing on Brintons (1995) analytical categories for the characterization of sermons. Rhetorical movements and other features of the genre sermon were identified in the corpus. Our next step was to identify and classify, drawing on analytical categories from the Engagement sub-system, the persuasive strategies used in the corpus, by means of which the religious leader discursively constructs a representation of himself and of his interlocutor the member / future member. Our focus was on dialogistic positioning, more specifically on strategies of dialogic expansion and contraction. Analysis of the corpus suggests a constant tension between the construction of authority for the speaker (who mediates between God and members of the church) and an attempt, on the part of the religious leader, at building solidarity with members or prospective members of the church. This translates, in the corpus, as strategies of speaker deletion and a predominance of Attribution, whereby the religious leader authorizes his discourse, drawing on the voices of God, prophets and the Bible. Another characteristic of the corpus is that Attribution is always endorsed, and thus does not allow for alternative discursive positions to be entertained, as tends to be the case in discourses with a high degree of extravocalization. As far as solidarity is concerned, the religious leader tries to involve members or prospective members, acknowledging their points of view and their particular ways of understanding religious matters. These strategies of involvement are actualized, in the texts of the corpus, as instances of the categories of Concurrence, Negation and Counter-expectation, which interact with previous utterances that are part of the discursive universe of members or prospective members of the church. This dissertation is intended as a contribution not only to the System of Appraisal within SFL, but also to studies of religious discourse Read more
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Gays contanto suas histórias: uma análise organizacional, lexical e discursiva das narrativas de sair do armário / Gays telling their stories: an organizational, lexical and discursive analysis of Coming out storiesMichael Luiz de Freitas 24 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as histórias de sair do armário sob seu aspecto organizacional, lexical e discursivo. Busca-se apontar que padrões organizacionais prevalecem nas histórias, que léxicos significativos predominam e como os léxicos predominantes são avaliados em termos de Afeto, Julgamento e Apreciação. Para o exame organizacional, a análise se apropria do quadro analítico de Labov e colaboradores (1967; 1972), por ser pioneiro nos estudos sobre narrativas orais de experiência pessoal; em seguida, lança mão dos elementos do Padrão Problema-Solução (PPS), proposto por Hoey (1983; 2001), por iluminar o aspecto cíclico das referidas histórias. Para a análise lexical, esse estudo se ampara nos preceitos e técnicas da investigação eletrônica de textos da Linguística de Corpus (TOGNINI BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McENERY e HARDIE, 2011), conjugado ao conjunto de programas WordSmith Tool 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Já sobre o aspecto discursivo, em especial sobre a linguagem da avaliação, a análise privilegiou a metafunção interpessoal da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 2004) e lançou mão das categorias do subsistema da ATITUDE da Teoria da Avaliatividade, proposto por Martin (2000) e Martin e White (2005). O Corpus analisado consiste de sete narrativas, coletadas pelo método da Entrevista Narrativa, à qual se voluntariaram homossexuais do sexo masculino, entre (20) vinte a (30) anos de idade, oriundos da zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da análise da organização da narrativa mostraram que as histórias de sair do armário são episódicas, são contadas com muitos recursos avaliativos como descritos por Labov e se organizam por meio do Padrão Problema-Solução. Os resultados da análise lexical revelaram a predominância do item eu e mãe/ela nas sete histórias coletivamente. Por fim a análise discursiva, sob a ótica da linguagem atitudinal, aponta que os itens eu e mãe/ela, que apontam para o narrador e suas mães, são marcados por Afeto (emoções) e Julgamento (comportamento). A dissertação em seu final combina as três linhas de análise para fazer uma reflexão sobre o peso social do que significa sair do armário para o sujeito gay / This work aims to investigate organizational, lexical and discursive aspects of the so-called coming-out stories. It seeks to point out the stories organizational patterns and significant lexis and how this lexis may be evaluated in terms of Affect, Judgement and Appreciation. For the analysis of organization, the analysis resorts to Labov (1967, 1972) and collaborators analytical framework, because of their pioneer work in the studies of oral narratives of personal experience, and then it makes use of elements of the Problem-Solution Patterns (PPS) , proposed by Hoey (1983, 2001), for illuminating the cyclic aspect of those stories . For the lexical analysis, this study resorts to the precepts and techniques of electronic research of texts in Corpus Linguistics (TOGNINI-BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McEnery&HARDIE, 2011), and the suite of programs WordSmith Tool 5.0 (Scott, 2010). On the discursive aspect, in particular in terms of the language of Appraisal, the analysis focuses on the interpersonal metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 2004) and makes use of subsystem of Attitude categories from Appraisal Theory, as proposed by Martin (2000) and Martin and White (2005) . The corpus analyzed consists of seven narratives collected by means of the Narrative Interview method. These were collected from seven volunteer gay males, between twenty to thirty years of age, born and living in Rio de Janeiro. The results of the analysis of the narrative organization suggests that Coming Out stories are episodic, are told with many evaluative resources as described by Labov and are organized by the Problem-Solution Pattern. The results of lexical analysis revealed the predominance of the item eu and mãe/ela in the seven stories collectively. Finally, the discourse analysis, from the perspective of attitudinal language, points out that the items eu and mãe/ela, the narrators and their mothers, are represented by Affect (emotions ) and Judgement (behavior). The dissertation in its final stages combines the three lines of analysis to make a reflection upon the social weight of coming out for the gay individual Read more
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Estratégias discursivas de persuasão no discurso religioso da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus: uma análise sistêmico funcional / Strategies of persuasion in the religious discourse of the Universal church of the kingdom of God : a systemic functional analysisAna Paula Moreira 31 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar as estratégias persuasivas utilizadas pelos líderes religiosos da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) para atrair e manter seus fiéis. O quadro teórico adotado é o da Linguística sistêmico-funcional, mais especificamente, o Sistema da Avaliatividade - com foco no subssistema do Engajamento. O corpus de pesquisa selecionado é composto por dez mensagens escritas e publicadas no jornal Folha Universal e nos sites associados à igreja, a partir de recorte de gênero. Na primeira etapa da pesquisa, buscou-se caracterizar os textos do corpus do ponto de vista genérico, a partir de proposta de Brinton (1995 apud CIPRIANI, 2002) para a caracterização de sermões: foram identificados movimentos retóricos e outras marcas de sermão nas mensagens analisadas. Em seguida, foram identificadas e analisadas as estratégias persuasivas que são usadas nas referidas mensagens, assim como o tipo de imagem construída discursivamente pelo líder religioso, tanto para si próprio quanto para seu interlocutor o fiel/membro/futuro membro da IURD e como o subssistema do Engajamento contribui na construção dessas imagens. Nesta etapa da pesquisa, com apoio do quadro teórico, foram analisados os fenômenos linguísticos de contração e expansão dialógica. Percebe-se, nos textos da amostra, uma tensão constante entre a construção discursiva de uma figura de autoridade para o locutor (que é porta-voz de Deus) e, ao mesmo tempo, uma tentativa de aproximação desta figura com o seu interlocutor, o fiel ou fiel em potencial. No que diz respeito à figura de autoridade, há o apagamento do locutor, que atribui a Deus e aos profetas e apóstolos mencionados pela Bíblia seu discurso. O líder é o porta-voz de Deus e único autorizado a falar em nome dEle. Além disso, a mensagem publicada é uma voz institucional, e por isso é menos afetada por traços pessoais do pregador, que se propõe a falar em nome de todos. Isto se realiza lexicogramaticalmente, no corpus, como uma predominância de Atribuição, que vem sempre acompanhada do Endosso, e não acata novas linhas de pensamento a respeito do mesmo tema, como é de praxe no discurso religioso. Por outro lado, além de usar recursos para autorizar o seu discurso, há também uma tentativa do Bispo de aproximar-se do seu fiel, dos seus pontos de vista, de suas dificuldades no acesso à religião. Este movimento de aproximação materializa-se lexicogramaticalmente através das categorias da Expectativa Confirmada, da Negação e da Contra-expectativa, que dialogam com dizeres anteriores que podem ser entendidos como sendo parte do universo discursivo do fiel. Pretende-se que este trabalho sirva não apenas para o enriquecimento acadêmico de pesquisadores e estudiosos da área, mas também como ponto de partida para estudos futuros, uma vez que tanto o discurso religioso quanto o Sistema da Avaliatividade oferecem amplos horizontes no tocante a futuros enfoques / The purpose of this dissertation is to identify persuasive strategies used by religious leaders of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (IURD, in Portuguese) to attract and maintain its members. The theory adopted is Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), more specifically, the system of Appraisal and its focus is on Engagement. The selected corpus is made up of 10 texts written and published in Folha Universal News and on web sites managed by the church. Our first aim was to classify the selected texts from a generic point of view, drawing on Brintons (1995) analytical categories for the characterization of sermons. Rhetorical movements and other features of the genre sermon were identified in the corpus. Our next step was to identify and classify, drawing on analytical categories from the Engagement sub-system, the persuasive strategies used in the corpus, by means of which the religious leader discursively constructs a representation of himself and of his interlocutor the member / future member. Our focus was on dialogistic positioning, more specifically on strategies of dialogic expansion and contraction. Analysis of the corpus suggests a constant tension between the construction of authority for the speaker (who mediates between God and members of the church) and an attempt, on the part of the religious leader, at building solidarity with members or prospective members of the church. This translates, in the corpus, as strategies of speaker deletion and a predominance of Attribution, whereby the religious leader authorizes his discourse, drawing on the voices of God, prophets and the Bible. Another characteristic of the corpus is that Attribution is always endorsed, and thus does not allow for alternative discursive positions to be entertained, as tends to be the case in discourses with a high degree of extravocalization. As far as solidarity is concerned, the religious leader tries to involve members or prospective members, acknowledging their points of view and their particular ways of understanding religious matters. These strategies of involvement are actualized, in the texts of the corpus, as instances of the categories of Concurrence, Negation and Counter-expectation, which interact with previous utterances that are part of the discursive universe of members or prospective members of the church. This dissertation is intended as a contribution not only to the System of Appraisal within SFL, but also to studies of religious discourse Read more
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Literatura boa é que eu gosto; ruim a que eu não gosto: fóruns de discussão literária da rede social ORKUT e a Teoria da Valoração uma análise crítica / Representations about literary quality expressed by Internet users that interact in discussion foruns on Orkut and appraisal theroryGisele Oliveira de Abreu 18 April 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação se insere nos estudos de Linguística e é vinculada à Análise Crítica do Discurso (FAIRCLOUGH, 1989, 2003) e à Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1970, 1973), investigando o que é a qualidade literária para os internautas que interagem em fóruns de discussão do Orkut, à luz da Teoria da Valoração (MARTIN ; WHITE, 2005). De acordo com as categorias que abrangem o subsistema da Atitude da Teoria da Valoração (MARTIN ; WHITE, 2005), analisa-se como os leitores internautas se posicionam sobre a questão da qualidade literária e a ideologia que perpassa seus discursos. O conceito de ideologia adotado é o proposto por Thompson (2009), para quem o conceito deve ser compreendido a partir da noção de hegemonia e poder, ou seja, a ideologia necessariamente estabelece e sustenta relações de dominação, reproduzindo a ordem social que favorece indivíduos e grupos dominantes.O corpus desta pesquisa é composto de três amostras colhidas entre 15/07/2009 e 05/01/2010 correspondentes a uma discussão iniciada em comunidade relacionada a assuntos literários. A AMOSTRA 1 refere-se ao tópico Leitura difícil é sinal de qualidade?, da comunidade Literatura; a AMOSTRA 2, se refere ao tópico Qualidade do texto literário, da comunidade Discutindo... literatura e, por fim, a AMOSTRA 3 representa o tópico O que é um bom texto literário para você, também da comunidade Literatura. Cada discussão possui congruências e divergências quanto às representações sobre literatura e essas foram também analisadas. Não obstante, o que nos interessa é perceber como as ideologias perpassam seus discursos de acordo com os valores que os internautas atribuem a aspectos do texto literário. Foram escolhidos fóruns de discussão online do Orkut porque as interações em redes sociais constituem elemento novo das práticas sociais e, portanto, relevantes pontos de apoio para a investigação da criação de sentidos sobre o conceito de boa literatura. Investigar como a literatura, objeto de estudo acadêmico, é analisada em tais espaços cibernéticos é instigante, por não ser usual. Os resultados obtidos nessa pesquisa sugerem que o internauta reproduz o discurso acadêmico hegemônico acerca da qualidade literária ao debater a qualidade intrínseca do texto literário com a ressalva de manifestar seu contentamento ou descontentamento acerca de determinados textos literários e escritores, dado novo que revela uma característica deste espaço não institucional de discussão, em que os internautas se sentem à vontade para manifestar sua opinião / This dissertation, in the area of Linguistics, is developed within the theoretical frameworks of Critical Discourses Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH: 1989; 2003) AND Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1970;1973) and investigates representations about literally quality expressed by internet users that interact in discussion forums on Orkut. Adopting analytical categories within the subsystem of Attitude, from Appraisal Theory (MARTIN ; WHITE, 2005), we examine how readers express their ideas on, or representations about, the concept of literary quality and investigate the ideology behind such representations. The concept of ideology in this research is from Thompson (2009), who argues that it must be understood in association with the notions of hegemony and power, ie, ideology necessarily establishes and maintains relationships of domination, by reproducing a social order that favors individuals and dominant groups. The corpus of this research is made up of three samples collected between 07.15.2009 and 01.05.2010 corresponding to a discussion started in a community organized around discussions of literature. . SAMPLE 1 introduces the topic Leitura difícil é sinal de qualidade? from the community Literature; SAMPLE 2 takes, as a starting point, the topic Qualidade do texto literário, from the community Discutindo... literatura, and, finally, SAMPLE 3 introduces the topic O que é um 'bom' texto literário para você, from the community Literatura. Each sample has consistencies and differences in the representations expressed by the participants and these were analyzed. Our focus is on how ideologies permeate participants discourses, according to the values they assign to aspects of the literary text. Online discussion forums on Orkut were chosen because the interactions in social networks represent a new element of social practices and therefore are considered relevant sites of investigation. Probing into how literature, the object of academic study, is discussed in cyber space is justified on the grounds that there are hardly any studies of how literature is represented outside institutional spaces. Results obtained in this study suggest that internet users articulate hegemonic academic discourse in their discussions of literature, but they also express specific attitudes towards particular texts and writers (codified as feelings of pleasure or displeasure in discussions of reading practices). These results suggest that in online discussions of literature readers feel free to express their personal reactions to text, given the characteristics of this discussion forum Read more
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Gays contanto suas histórias: uma análise organizacional, lexical e discursiva das narrativas de sair do armário / Gays telling their stories: an organizational, lexical and discursive analysis of Coming out storiesMichael Luiz de Freitas 24 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar as histórias de sair do armário sob seu aspecto organizacional, lexical e discursivo. Busca-se apontar que padrões organizacionais prevalecem nas histórias, que léxicos significativos predominam e como os léxicos predominantes são avaliados em termos de Afeto, Julgamento e Apreciação. Para o exame organizacional, a análise se apropria do quadro analítico de Labov e colaboradores (1967; 1972), por ser pioneiro nos estudos sobre narrativas orais de experiência pessoal; em seguida, lança mão dos elementos do Padrão Problema-Solução (PPS), proposto por Hoey (1983; 2001), por iluminar o aspecto cíclico das referidas histórias. Para a análise lexical, esse estudo se ampara nos preceitos e técnicas da investigação eletrônica de textos da Linguística de Corpus (TOGNINI BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McENERY e HARDIE, 2011), conjugado ao conjunto de programas WordSmith Tool 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Já sobre o aspecto discursivo, em especial sobre a linguagem da avaliação, a análise privilegiou a metafunção interpessoal da Linguística Sistêmico Funcional (Halliday, 2004) e lançou mão das categorias do subsistema da ATITUDE da Teoria da Avaliatividade, proposto por Martin (2000) e Martin e White (2005). O Corpus analisado consiste de sete narrativas, coletadas pelo método da Entrevista Narrativa, à qual se voluntariaram homossexuais do sexo masculino, entre (20) vinte a (30) anos de idade, oriundos da zona norte do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da análise da organização da narrativa mostraram que as histórias de sair do armário são episódicas, são contadas com muitos recursos avaliativos como descritos por Labov e se organizam por meio do Padrão Problema-Solução. Os resultados da análise lexical revelaram a predominância do item eu e mãe/ela nas sete histórias coletivamente. Por fim a análise discursiva, sob a ótica da linguagem atitudinal, aponta que os itens eu e mãe/ela, que apontam para o narrador e suas mães, são marcados por Afeto (emoções) e Julgamento (comportamento). A dissertação em seu final combina as três linhas de análise para fazer uma reflexão sobre o peso social do que significa sair do armário para o sujeito gay / This work aims to investigate organizational, lexical and discursive aspects of the so-called coming-out stories. It seeks to point out the stories organizational patterns and significant lexis and how this lexis may be evaluated in terms of Affect, Judgement and Appreciation. For the analysis of organization, the analysis resorts to Labov (1967, 1972) and collaborators analytical framework, because of their pioneer work in the studies of oral narratives of personal experience, and then it makes use of elements of the Problem-Solution Patterns (PPS) , proposed by Hoey (1983, 2001), for illuminating the cyclic aspect of those stories . For the lexical analysis, this study resorts to the precepts and techniques of electronic research of texts in Corpus Linguistics (TOGNINI-BONELILI, 2001; SINCLAIR, 2004; BERBER-SARDINHA, 2004; McEnery&HARDIE, 2011), and the suite of programs WordSmith Tool 5.0 (Scott, 2010). On the discursive aspect, in particular in terms of the language of Appraisal, the analysis focuses on the interpersonal metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 2004) and makes use of subsystem of Attitude categories from Appraisal Theory, as proposed by Martin (2000) and Martin and White (2005) . The corpus analyzed consists of seven narratives collected by means of the Narrative Interview method. These were collected from seven volunteer gay males, between twenty to thirty years of age, born and living in Rio de Janeiro. The results of the analysis of the narrative organization suggests that Coming Out stories are episodic, are told with many evaluative resources as described by Labov and are organized by the Problem-Solution Pattern. The results of lexical analysis revealed the predominance of the item eu and mãe/ela in the seven stories collectively. Finally, the discourse analysis, from the perspective of attitudinal language, points out that the items eu and mãe/ela, the narrators and their mothers, are represented by Affect (emotions ) and Judgement (behavior). The dissertation in its final stages combines the three lines of analysis to make a reflection upon the social weight of coming out for the gay individual Read more
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Toward an integrated process model of consumer grudgeholding : does gender make any difference?Ghanam, Boushra January 2016 (has links)
As consumers or customers, when we go into a shop and buy a product or, these days, when we buy something online, we expect not only the product itself to be fit for purpose but we also expect that we, the customers, get good customer service. If we get good or excellent customer service, we leave the shop feeling satisfied and positive in some way. How do shops, online or otherwise, or any other organisations, such as banks, hospitals or universities help to ensure that their employees deliver the appropriate customer service? It is still the main challenge. Thus, there are instances when a customer does not get the service that they deserve, or believe that they deserve. A happy, satisfied customer may perhaps tell others and thus encourage others to buy or go to that particular shop or organisation thus benefiting the business (new customers, who will spend money). However, there is evidence that an angry, upset dissatisfied customer will almost certainly tell five, or perhaps more, people of their bad experience. This is, clearly, bad for the business in question. No wonder, then, that businesses want, and need, to ensure that they have happy, satisfied customers and not dissatisfied or grudgeholders. Given the importance of customer satisfaction to businesses/organisations, the literature in this area demonstrates that there is still much to further understand about not only customer satisfaction but, importantly, customer dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction can be short and easily forgotten and it might be argued that this might not negatively affect a business/organisation too much in terms of future business. However, if a customer experiences or believes that they have suffered a great deal of negative emotions such as anger, fear, disappointment, betrayal and/or disgust, as well as perhaps telling many people, potential future customers about their bad experience they may well, also, take more direct action in the form of either making a formal complaint to the business/organisation, or perhaps retaliating in some way either immediately or at the nearest opportunity. Such a customer may hold a grudge against the business/organisation which is not only bad for the customer for their mental health (holding a grudge is negative) but is also bad for the business/organisation, too. Unfortunately, despite vital advances in dissatisfaction and complaining behaviour research, the psychological cognitive-emotive process underlying consumers’ coping behaviour have been neglected in the literature, as major work on this issue did not take into account the different negative emotions responsible for grudge and their impact on the grudgeholding coping responses. Dealing with those customers who are more than dissatisfied is time consuming for a business/organisation. Time is money. It is therefore important that, if businesses/organisations are to better understand their customers’ feeling and thinking to be able to predict their behaviours in order to make them happy returners instead of angry revengers. Therefore, it is essential to understand the experiences of grudgeholding customers through a process model and to look closely at issues related to grudgeholding, including the wide range of retaliatory behaviours. These might well vary according to factors such as the cost of the product (dissatisfaction might be greater for a goods or service costing a lot of money compared to something costing very little) but it may also vary according to individual characteristics of the customers themselves. Gender also plays its part, perhaps, that is, men and women may possibly think, feel and behave differently when it comes to holding grudge or retaliating as always controversial disputes exist in terms of gender differences. For example, females complain and spread the word more aligning with their communal stereotypical nature, and males like bargains and shop to win according to their agentic stereotypical nature. There is a need to further explore the consumer grudgeholding behaviour and why emotion is an important factor when talking about grudgeholding, the behaviours undertaken by those who hold a grudge and the impact of grudges on businesses/organisations if businesses/organisations are to better deal with their customers. Therefore, a cognitive-emotive process model is developed based mainly on cognitive appraisal theory to better understand consumers grudgeholding through deeper insight on their cognitions and emotions. The model is designed due to the lack of attention to the role of emotion in the dissatisfying marketplace experience. The model presents cognitive appraisal as the key element in the evaluation of grudgeholding consumer stress and aggression. Stressful appraisal outcomes are posited to elicit emotive reactions that, in combination with cognitive appraisal, impact the type of coping strategy used by the grudgeholder. Two coping strategies (problem focused and emotion focused) are recognized and discussed. Key propositions are presented to answer some questions about consumer grudgeholding behaviours such as (causes of grudge, product or service involved, the cost, the emotions generated, the coping behaviours like complaining and word-of-mouth, the corrective actions, the current emotions, the purchase intentions and future behaviours). To achieve the aims of this study, the research described in this thesis adopts the positivist research, quantitative research approach. According to the exploratory nature of this research, self-administered questionnaires are used for data generation. Closed and open-ended questions (specifically propping questions) were both used in the research as a way of motivating the respondent’s memory to retrieve a previous experience and recall actions and behaviours. Using both closed and open-ended questions provides the research with expected and unexpected answers. The research used non-probability sampling; namely, convenience sampling consisted of 786 responses to undergraduates and postgraduates British students whose age groups range from 18 to 39.The survey data were subsequently edited, coded and entered in SPSS 20 for analysis. The ultimate contribution of this study stems from explaining the consumer grudgeholding phenomenon by designing a cognitive-emotive process model that takes the role of consumer’s emotion into account. The findings revealed that emotion made a critical difference, especially anger. Gender gap was relatively small between the young British males and females. Angry females shared their negative experiences with others more than angry males. Besides, females shop to love and males shop to win. Read more
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Custodians of Memory: A History of American Archival Science with Suggestions for Future Digital Preservation EffortsThompson, Courtney 01 March 2020 (has links) (PDF)
The archive and the historian are symbiotically dependent on one another. The archive relies on the historian to make use of the records it houses, and the historian looks to the archive to reconstruct history. But can a historian responsibly reconstruct history when the archive is fraught with relativity and bias? This thesis serves two purposes; one, pulling from seminal archival science and collections management texts, it chronicles the monumental, intellectual changes to American archival sciences, theories, and institutions, and two, it shows how these early conversations pertaining to archival theories are both not far removed from digital preservation efforts and at times incompatible with the unique non-analogous problems created by web-born sources. But as this thesis argues, theoretical offerings are not always the most implementable for archives; the crux of archival science has historically and contemporarily been responsibility versus practicality, particularly in regard to appraisal theory. These problems exacerbate in the digital realm where the sheer amount of records and material produced by the second warrants extremely narrow but careful collecting. To not add to the overwhelming problem of digital appraisal theory, this thesis offers tangible solutions to help mitigate irresponsible collecting practices. Read more
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A Comparative Analysis of Digital and Paper Restaurant Menus Based on Customer Perception and Nutritional LabelingMoody, Bailey M. 12 1900 (has links)
The restaurant industry is a highly customer-driven field. Therefore, it is imperative that restaurateurs consider customer expectations with regard to restaurant menus. The purpose of this experimental study is to examine the effects of menu format (i.e., paper or digital) and amount of nutritional information (i.e., extensive, brief, or none) on customer perceptions of the effectiveness, perceived ease of use, and information quality of the menu. Furthermore, this research intends to test the effect of these three menu attributes on the outcomes of value and satisfaction in order to assess the competitive advantage of one format over the other. The Cognitive Appraisal and Information Processing Theories provide structure to the proposed conceptual framework and give credence to the findings. This study also fills gaps in the present research by not only ameliorating weaknesses of extant studies, but also by examining several different aspects of restaurant menus simultaneously within a single study.
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O uso de concerns conflitantes em projeto de design para emoção na experiência de economizar recursos financeirosGrigoletto, Tania Mara 13 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-08-09T16:17:38Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-13 / Nenhuma / O equilíbrio financeiro é a busca de muitos brasileiros que se acostumaram a viver em um país com constantes crises econômicas e grandes diferenças de renda. Essa questão, que pode impactar na qualidade de vida, envolve objetivos, atitudes e padrões de comportamento pessoais. A compreensão do comportamento humano, por sua vez, vem sendo uma das áreas de interesse do design. Diante desse panorama, o objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como o design pode contribuir para despertar emoções, melhorando a experiência entre poupadores, a partir da identificação de concerns conflitantes e o seu uso como insumo projetual. Concerns, na teoria dos Appraisals, é o termo utilizado para descrever interesses, objetivos, demandas, padrões e atitudes individuais os quais nem sempre, estão alinhados, podendo conflitar entre si. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa direta com usuários (dois grupos focais com poupadores e não poupadores) objetivando identificar os concerns e conflitos envolvidos nessa temática. A partir dos resultados construiu-se um perfil de concern em que 17 foram identificados como conflitantes e seis como significativos. Também foi possível gerar cinco personas. Esses dados foram organizados de forma visual e levados para um workshop, no qual quatro grupos de projetistas (designers e não designers) criaram conceitos para melhorar a experiência de poupar. Na primeira atividade foi solicitado que os grupos definissem, eles próprios, o seu conflito/problema. Posteriormente, criaram cinco conceitos: i) um aplicativo que determina um limite diário para gastos, ii) uma plataforma que conecta, estimula e auxilia as pessoas a pouparem, iii) um produto de investimento vinculado ao cartão de crédito para destinar um percentual da fatura à poupança, iv) uma forma de aconselhamento para as pessoas identificarem seus propósitos de economizar e, v) um aplicativo para a gestão financeira familiar. Algumas ideias focaram diretamente na melhoria da experiência de poupar, enquanto outras objetivaram tornar possível o ato de economizar. As atividades desenvolvidas ao longo da pesquisa geraram aprendizados sobre o uso de concerns conflitantes em projetos, os quais são explicitados nas considerações finais deste texto. / Financial balance is pursued by many Brazilians who became accustomed to living in a country with constant economic crises and astonishing income discrepancies. It is a subject that involves goals, postures and patterns of personal behavior and can have impact on life quality. The understanding of human behavior, in turn, became one of the areas that the Design grows interest in. Considering such context, this work aims at understanding how Design can contribute to arousing emotions, enhancing money savers’ experience, starting from the identification of conflicting concerns and their use as project input. In Appraisal Theory, concern is the term used for describing interests, goals, demands, patterns and individual postures which are frequently out of alignment and even conflicting with one another. First, a direct research was carried out among users (two focus groups, money savers and no money savers) in order to identify their concerns and conflicts. Based on the results, a concerns profile was built, 17 of them were qualified as conflicting and six as meaningful. It was also possible to generate five personas. These data were visually displayed and taken to a workshop, in which four groups of designers and no designers developed concepts that could enhance the experience of saving money. Along the first activity, the groups were asked to define, by themselves, the conflict/problem. Later, the groups created five concepts: i) an app that determines the amount of money one can spend a day; ii) a platform that connects, encourages and help people save money; iii) an investment product associated with one’s credit card bill (a percentage is saved); iv) counseling, so that people could set their money goals, establish the amount of money they want to save; and v) an app that would help families manage their own finances. Some of the ideas directly focused on the enhancement of the experience of saving money, others intended to make the whole act of saving money possible. The activities developed during the research generated learning about the use of conflicting concerns in projects, which are explained in the final considerations of this text. Read more
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