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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architectural model of information for a Big Data platform for the tourism sector

Mérida, César, Ríos, Richer, Kobayashi, Alfred, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2017 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Resumen. Grandes vendedores tecnológicos ponen sus esfuerzos en crear nuevas tecnologías y plataformas para solucionar los problemas que poseen los principales sectores de la industria. En los últimos años, el turismo está desarrollando una mayor tendencia al crecimiento, aunque carece de tecnologías que hayan sido integradas para la explotación de la información de gran volumen que esta genera. Con el análisis de las herramientas de IBM y Oracle, se ha llegado a proponer una arquitectura que sea capaz de considerar las condiciones y particularidades propias del sector para la toma de decisiones en tiempo real. La plataforma propuesta tiene la finalidad de hacer uso de los procesos de negocio involucrados en el sector turismo, y tomar diversas fuentes de información especializadas en brindar información al turista y a los negocios. La arquitectura está conformada por tres capas. La primera describe la extracción y carga de datos de las diversas fuentes de información estructurada, no estructurada y sistemas de negocio. El procesamiento de los datos, segunda capa, permite realizar una limpieza y análisis de datos utilizando herramientas como MapReduce y tecnologías de stream computing para el procesamiento en tiempo real. Y la última capa, Entrega y Visualización, permite identificar la información relevante que son presentadas en diversas interfaces como web o plataformas móviles. Con esta propuesta se busca lograr la obtención de resultados en tiempo real sobre las necesidades del sector turismo. / Instytut Biologii Medycznej Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Estudo sobre a história dos modelos arquitetônicos na antigüidade: origens e características das primeiras maquetes de arquiteto / Study on the history of architectural models in antiquity: origins and characteristics of the first architects models.

Rozestraten, Artur Simões 15 August 2003 (has links)
Este estudo se propõe a identificar dentre os diversos exemplos de modelos arquitetônicos da Antigüidade atualmente conhecidos pela arqueologia e descritos na literatura aqueles que podem ser caracterizados como as primeiras maquetes de arquiteto, isto é, objetos diretamente relacionados ao conhecimento, planejamento e comunicação de conteúdos arquitetônicos. O recuo à Antigüidade se faz necessário na medida em que essa dissertação se propõe a estudar as origens da relação entre modelos tridimensionais e a atividade de arquitetos na cultura ocidental. Em termos cronológicos, este estudo inicia-se cerca de 6.000 anos antes de Cristo e encerra-se no Mundo Romano (séc. V d.C.). Em termos geográficos, este estudo aborda objetos produzidos por culturas do sudeste da Europa neolítica, conjuntos de objetos de culturas do Oriente-Próximo, objetos egípcios, egeanos (cretenses e cicládicos), cipriotas, gregos, villanovianos e romanos. Essa pesquisa conclui que as evidências materiais da existência de maquetes de arquiteto na Antigüidade Clássica são raras e pouco precisas. Alguns objetos no entanto se aproximam dessa caracterização e merecem estudos futuros mais aprofundados, são eles: o conjunto de tijolos miniatura de Tepe Gawra (c. 3500 a.C.); o modelo egípcio de Dashour (1990-1730 a.C.); o modelo minóico de Arkhanes (1.700-1.630 a.C.); os modelos romanos de Óstia (séc. I a.C.), o modelo de templo de Niha (séc. II d.C.), o modelo de teatro de Baalbek (séc. II d.C.), e o modelo de stadium de Villa Adriana (séc. II d.C.). / This study intends to identify the first architects models among the several architectural models already known and presented in literature. Architects models are third-dimensional objects directly related to knowledge, planning and communication of architectural matters. Recession to Antiquity seems necessary in order to study the origins of the relation between three-dimensional model and architects work in the western world. Chronologically this study begins at 6.000 b.C. and ends at the Roman world (c. 200 a.D.). In geographical terms this study focuses objects produced by Neolithic Southeastern European cultures, Near Eastern cultures, Egyptian culture, Aegean cultures (Cretan and Cycladic), Cypriot, Greek, Villanovian and Roman cultures. Material evidences for architects models are rare and inaccurate all over Antiquity. Nevertheless some few objects are very close to architects work deserving deeper future studies: the miniature brick ensemble from Tepe Gawra (c. 3.500 a.C.); the Egyptian Dahshours model (1.990-1.730 a.C.); the minoan model of Arkhanes (1.700-1.630 a.C.) and the Roman models of Ostia (I a.C.), Niha, Baalbek and Villa Adriana (II d.C.).

Agro biodiversité et élaboration d'un modèle architectural du palmier dattier au Sahel : cas du Niger / Agro biodiversity and developing a architectural model of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in the Sahel : case of the southeast of Niger

Zango, Oumarou 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le Sahel est une zone aride aujourd’hui menacée par les changements climatiques qui entrainent une grande vulnérabilité sociale et environnementale. L’agriculture des pays sahéliens doit faire face à cette évolution pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire de leurs populations croissantes. L’utilisation d’espèces végétales de grande plasticité phénologique comme le palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.,), fait partie des réponses face à des conditions pédoclimatiques difficiles auxquelles peu de plantes sont adaptées. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’améliorer nos connaissances sur les pratiques culturales, les savoirs locaux autour du palmier dattier et la diversité génétique et morphologique de cette espèce afin de promouvoir le développement durable de l’agriculture oasienne au Sahel. Ainsi, nous avons conduit une enquête socio-économique auprès de 30 producteurs de palmier dattier dans 14 villages du Sud-Est du Niger. Parallèlement à cette enquête nous avons collecté 113 échantillons de jeunes folioles, prélevées sur 31 mâles et 82 femelles de palmier dattier dans 19 cuvettes oasiennes. Notre étude a permis d’identifier 19 variétés-populations de palmier dattier distinguées sur la base de la couleur du fruit. Le palmier dattier présente une particularité de double floraison associée à deux saisons de productions de dattes dans le Sahel. La période février-juillet est la plus productive mais l’arrivée précoce des pluies limite la qualité des fruits. L’évaluation des connaissances locales associées à la phœniciculture a permis d’établir que même si les pratiques culturales sont moins développées que dans le Nord du pays ou dans le Maghreb, les profits dégagés par la culture des dattes contribuent considérablement à la survie des ménages. Par ailleurs, l’analyse génétique des palmiers dattiers du Sud-est du Niger a montré qu’ils constituent un groupe original avec une grande diversité génétique. De plus, cette ressource appartient au pool génétique occidental et est l’une des moins introgressée par des contributions génétiques orientales. L'analyse génétique globale révèle un nouveau groupe au Sud-est Niger différent de celui d'Afrique du Nord et soulève la question de son origine. Enfin, nous avons mis en évidence l’existence de traits architecturaux discriminant les palmiers dattiers du Sahel. Nous avons ainsi élaboré un modèle architectural permettant le calcul de l’interception lumineuse et des espacements nécessaires pour une bonne cohabitation des palmiers et des cultures sous-jacentes afin d’optimiser la production agricole. Notre étude a montré que la culture du palmier dattier constitue un élément clé pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie des populations, la lutte contre la malnutrition et l’équilibre agro-écologique dans le Sahel. Elle constitue un préalable indispensable à la conservation, la valorisation et l’amélioration du patrimoine phoenicicole. Enfin, le modèle architectural fonctionnel permettra de mettre à disposition un outil opérationnel pour la gestion durable des cultures du palmier dattier au Sahel. / The Sahel is an arid area threatened by climate change that causes great social and environmental vulnerability. Agriculture in Sahel is facing this change to ensure food security for growing populations. The use of plant species with phenological plasticity such as the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), is one of the responses to hard soil and climate conditions to which few plants are adapted. The objective of this thesis is to improve our knowledge on cultural practices, local knowledge around the date palm and genetic and morphological diversity of this species in order to promote sustainable development of oasis agriculture in the Sahel. Thus, we conducted a socioeconomic survey of 30 date palm farmers in 14 villages in Southeastern Niger. Alongside this survey, we collected 113 samples of young leaflets taken from 31 males and 82 females in 19 date palm oasis basins. Our study identified 19 date palm population varieties distinguished on the basis of the fruit color. Date palm has a special double flowering associated with two fruit production seasons in the Sahel. The February-July period is the most productive but early rains limit fruit quality. The evaluation of local knowledge associated with date palm has shown that even if cultural practices are less developed than in the North of the country or in the Maghreb, the profits from the date cultivation significantly contribute to household survival. Furthermore, genetic analysis of date palms in Southeast of Niger has shown that they are a unique group with high genetic diversity. In addition, this germplasm belongs to the Western gene pool and is one of the least introgressed by oriental genetic contributions. The overall genetic analysis revealed a new group in Southern Niger different from that of North Africa and raises the question of its origin. Finally, we have demonstrated the existence of discriminating architectural features in Sahelian date palms. We have developed an architectural model for the calculation of the light interception and spaces necessary for good cohabitation between date palms and crops to optimize agricultural production. Our study showed that the date palm cultivation plays a key role in improving living conditions of the population, fight against hunger and agro-ecological balance in the Sahel. It is a prerequisite to the preservation, valorization and improvement of date palm genetic resources. Finally, the functional architectural model will enable to provide an operational tool for the sustainable management of date palm cultivation in the Sahel.

Estudo sobre a história dos modelos arquitetônicos na antigüidade: origens e características das primeiras maquetes de arquiteto / Study on the history of architectural models in antiquity: origins and characteristics of the first architects models.

Artur Simões Rozestraten 15 August 2003 (has links)
Este estudo se propõe a identificar dentre os diversos exemplos de modelos arquitetônicos da Antigüidade atualmente conhecidos pela arqueologia e descritos na literatura aqueles que podem ser caracterizados como as primeiras maquetes de arquiteto, isto é, objetos diretamente relacionados ao conhecimento, planejamento e comunicação de conteúdos arquitetônicos. O recuo à Antigüidade se faz necessário na medida em que essa dissertação se propõe a estudar as origens da relação entre modelos tridimensionais e a atividade de arquitetos na cultura ocidental. Em termos cronológicos, este estudo inicia-se cerca de 6.000 anos antes de Cristo e encerra-se no Mundo Romano (séc. V d.C.). Em termos geográficos, este estudo aborda objetos produzidos por culturas do sudeste da Europa neolítica, conjuntos de objetos de culturas do Oriente-Próximo, objetos egípcios, egeanos (cretenses e cicládicos), cipriotas, gregos, villanovianos e romanos. Essa pesquisa conclui que as evidências materiais da existência de maquetes de arquiteto na Antigüidade Clássica são raras e pouco precisas. Alguns objetos no entanto se aproximam dessa caracterização e merecem estudos futuros mais aprofundados, são eles: o conjunto de tijolos miniatura de Tepe Gawra (c. 3500 a.C.); o modelo egípcio de Dashour (1990-1730 a.C.); o modelo minóico de Arkhanes (1.700-1.630 a.C.); os modelos romanos de Óstia (séc. I a.C.), o modelo de templo de Niha (séc. II d.C.), o modelo de teatro de Baalbek (séc. II d.C.), e o modelo de stadium de Villa Adriana (séc. II d.C.). / This study intends to identify the first architects models among the several architectural models already known and presented in literature. Architects models are third-dimensional objects directly related to knowledge, planning and communication of architectural matters. Recession to Antiquity seems necessary in order to study the origins of the relation between three-dimensional model and architects work in the western world. Chronologically this study begins at 6.000 b.C. and ends at the Roman world (c. 200 a.D.). In geographical terms this study focuses objects produced by Neolithic Southeastern European cultures, Near Eastern cultures, Egyptian culture, Aegean cultures (Cretan and Cycladic), Cypriot, Greek, Villanovian and Roman cultures. Material evidences for architects models are rare and inaccurate all over Antiquity. Nevertheless some few objects are very close to architects work deserving deeper future studies: the miniature brick ensemble from Tepe Gawra (c. 3.500 a.C.); the Egyptian Dahshours model (1.990-1.730 a.C.); the minoan model of Arkhanes (1.700-1.630 a.C.) and the Roman models of Ostia (I a.C.), Niha, Baalbek and Villa Adriana (II d.C.).

Objets : Projet et Maquette dans l'oeuvre de Le Corbusier / Objects : The Project and the model in the work of Le Corbusier

De la Cova Morillo Velarde, MiguelAngel 11 January 2016 (has links)
Thèse doctorale en cotutelle entre l’Université de Seville (Espagne) et l’Université Paris-Est (École Doctorale): "Objets: projet et maquette dans l’œuvre de Le Corbusier". Directeurs: Amadeo Ramos Carranza (Universidad de Sevilla) et Caroline Maniaque-Benton (Université Paris-Est). Doctorant: Miguel A. de la Cova Morillo-Velarde.Le projet architectonique et sa représentation sont inséparables, de même que les instruments utilisés le sont de son propre processus de création.C’est là que réside l’intérêt de l’étude présente. Dans les maquettes réalisées sous la supervision de Le Corbusier, des aspects tels que les matériaux et les échelles utilisés, leur présentation, leur objectif, etc. atteignent une autre dimension, car elles sont le travail non seulement d’un architecte, mais d’un artiste plastique.Tel que le signale Jean Louis Cohen, la maquette possède une double condition, expriméeen français grâce aux termes "œuvre" et "ouvrage", difficiles à traduire dans d’autres langues: la maquette est bien plus que l’objet fruit d’une représentation à l’échelle d’un édifice, elle est aussi un travail intellectuel, une présence de cette architecture. ChezLe Corbusier, l’identification d’objets de différentes tailles (pierres, bouteilles, boites d’allumettes, coquillages, cellules, accidents géologiques…) avec son architecture, peinture et sculpture souligne cette métamorphose d’échelle qui caractérise ses processus créatifs. La maquette surgit comme un agent intermédiaire entre les valeurs poétiques de ces objets inspirateurs et l’architecture à venir.La formation artistique et artisanale de Le Corbusier et de ses collaborateurs fait en sorte que les maquettes soient réalisées au travers de systèmes et de techniques des Beaux-Arts ou des Arts et Métiers. Ceci supposera certains transferts de ces méthodes d’élaboration vers les architectures en gestation, étroitement liées aux dessins. La maquette favorise une première expérience tridimensionnelle, un fait d’une importance particulière étant donné la condition picturale de l’espace dans l’œuvre de Le Corbusier. Au-delà d’illustrer les temps d’exécution de l’édifice projeté, le montage ou démontage de ces anatomies, représentées par le biais de photographies ou de films, mettent en évidence les relations entreleur construction et la dématérialisation du corps à travers la cinétique, propre à l’art du 20ème siècle. Et, par conséquent, à l’architecture représentée.À travers l’étude comparée des maquettes et des planimétries, plusieurs relations entre les deux instruments ont été déduites, lesquelles prouvent largement le rôle actif du modèle architectonique dans la manière de projeter de Le Corbusier. Afin de contraster les différentes informations recueillies (planimétries, lettres, agendas, bibliographies, photographies, etc.) une base de donnée des plus de deux cents maquettes localisées a été créée. Une compilation des plus signalées dans l’étude présente se trouve en annexe du document de thèse doctorale.La thèse est organisée en une série de chapitres nommés selon des méthodes artistiques ou artisanales, mettant en évidence le caractère manuel de ces travaux, réunis en deux parties -"Plastique" y "Texturique"- en fonction de leur capacité à représenter l’intérieur de l’objet-architecture. Au caractère actuel, correctement révisée, de l’héritage de Le Corbusier, il faut ajouter la pertinence de reprendre les relations entre forme et manualité, présente dans les lectures de l’architecte-artiste, parmi lesquelles est ravivée la figure deHenri Focillon, dont "Vie des formes. Eloge de la main" suit la ligne de penseurs actuels comme Richard Sennett. Une main tendue à l’ère du numérique / The architectural project and its representation are indivisible, as are the tools used at the beginning of the creation process; hence the interest in their study. In the models made under the supervision of Le Corbusier, aspects such as materials, scales, presentation and objectives reach another dimension, since this worknot onlycomes from an architect but also from a plastic artist.As Jean Louis Cohenpointed out, models can be seen as having two forms, which in French are calledœuvre and ouvrage. In this sense,a model is more than the resulting object of a scaled representation of a building; it is also an intellectual work, like another state of that architecture. In Le Corbusier's case, the identification of objects of different sizes (stones, bottles, matchboxes, shells, cells, landforms, etc.) with his architecture, painting and sculpture maintains the scaling metamorphosis that characterises his creative process. Models appear as intermediaries between the poetic values of those inspiring objects and the future architecture.As Le Corbusier and his collaborators were trained in Arts and Crafts, models are created with methods and techniques used in Fine Arts and Arts and Crafts. As a result, those creation methods are transferred to the architectural works in process, as well as to the drawings. Models favour an initial three-dimensional experience, which is especially relevant taking into account the pictorial condition of space in Le Corbusier's work. Beyond illustrating execution times for the designed building, the assembly or disassembly of those anatomies—represented by photographs or films—show the relations of its construction with the dematerialisation of the object through filming, typical in the art of the 20th century and, therefore, with the represented architecture.Through the comparative study of models and drawings, several relations between both tools have been established which prove the active role of the architectural model in the projecting process of Le Corbusier. In order to compare the used data (planes, letters, agendas, bibliographies, photographs, etc.), a database was created containing the over two hundred identified models. A compilation of the most significant models can be found attached to the document of the doctoral thesis.This thesis is organised in chapters titled by different artistic or craft methods, as a testimony to the manual nature of these works. The chapters are organised in two parts —Plastique and Texturique—depending on the ability to represent the inside of the object-architecture. In addition tothe proper review of Le Corbusier's important legacy, it is relevant to reconsider the relationship between form and craft, which was dealt with in works read by this artist and architect. Among those works,Henri Focillon's "Vie des formes. Eloge de la main" outstands and links with current thinkers such as Richard Sennett. A hand reaching out to the digital time

An approach to facilitating the training of mobile agent programmers and encouraging the progression to an agent-oriented paradigm

Schoeman, Martha Anna 31 December 2005 (has links)
Mobile agents hold significant benefits for the rapid expansion of Internet applications and current trends in computing. Despite continued interest, the promised deployment has not taken place, indicating a need for a programming model to introduce novice mobile agent programmers to this environment/paradigm. Accordingly the research question asked was, ”Since novice mobile agent programmers1 require a paradigm shift to construct successful systems, how can they be equipped to grasp the contextual issues and gain the necessary skills within reasonable time limits?” To answer the question, a complete reference providing contextual information and knowledge of mobile agent system development was compiled. Simultaneously novices are introduced to agent orientation. A generic mobile agent system architectural model, incorporating guidelines for programming mobile agents, further provides a framework that can be used to design a mobile agent system. These two structures are presented in a knowledge base that serves as a referencing tool to unlock concepts and knowledge units to novices while developing mobile agent systems. / Computing / (M.Sc. (Computer Science))

An approach to facilitating the training of mobile agent programmers and encouraging the progression to an agent-oriented paradigm

Schoeman, Martha Anna 31 December 2005 (has links)
Mobile agents hold significant benefits for the rapid expansion of Internet applications and current trends in computing. Despite continued interest, the promised deployment has not taken place, indicating a need for a programming model to introduce novice mobile agent programmers to this environment/paradigm. Accordingly the research question asked was, ”Since novice mobile agent programmers1 require a paradigm shift to construct successful systems, how can they be equipped to grasp the contextual issues and gain the necessary skills within reasonable time limits?” To answer the question, a complete reference providing contextual information and knowledge of mobile agent system development was compiled. Simultaneously novices are introduced to agent orientation. A generic mobile agent system architectural model, incorporating guidelines for programming mobile agents, further provides a framework that can be used to design a mobile agent system. These two structures are presented in a knowledge base that serves as a referencing tool to unlock concepts and knowledge units to novices while developing mobile agent systems. / Computing / (M.Sc. (Computer Science))

Dinâmica de população de Tapirira guianensis AUBL. (Anacardiaceae), em áreas de restinga e cerradão do Estado de São Paulo

Baldoni, Raquel Negrão 03 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:31:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3006.pdf: 1341440 bytes, checksum: fae98217cd72e30df97045d459945022 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-03 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The situation of a population can only be assessed through demographic studies, considering its dynamics in terms of changes on fecundity, recruitment and mortality of individuals. Considering the peculiarities of the vegetation in State of Sao Paulo and the ability that some plant species have to occupy some of these different ecosystems, this study aims to assess the ecology of two populations of Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae), in the restinga located at the Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso and in the cerrado at the Estação Ecológica de Assis. This project was carried out within the permanent plots of the project funded by Biota. There, were randomly allocated 50 plots of 20m x 20m (total area of 2 ha/environment) and all individuals of Tapirira guianensis found within these plots were identified and measured. Individuals were classified into ontogenetic stages in accordance with the Troll´s Model. We found allometric differences between the populations that might be related to the phenotypic plasticity to environmental variations. The population structure of T. guianensis was significantly different between restinga and cerrado (t-test, p <0.001). In the restinga, the structure shows the form of "j" reverse while in the cerrado, the population does not present this form of distribution. The difference between the populations is mainly due to the absence of seedlings in the cerrado. We found no differences between plant density and soil types, which suggest that T. guianensis is indifferent to soil caracteristics. The population growth rate indicated that both populations from restinga (&#955; = 0.96) and from cerrado (&#955; = 0.91) are close to 1.0, so these two populations seems to be in equilíbrium. However, we verified differences on demographic parameters between these populations. We suggest that variation between populations is related to phytogeographic conditions in restinga and cerrado, and to the interaction between various environmental factors. / A ecologia de uma população pode ser avaliada substancialmente por meio de um estudo demográfico, principalmente quando são realizados estudos da sua dinâmica, incluindo o acompanhamento da fecundidade dos indivíduos, recrutamento e taxa de mortalidade. Diante da peculiaridade das formações vegetais no Estado de São Paulo e do interessante ponto de vista de distribuição de ochloespecies, este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a ecologia de duas populações de Tapirira guianensis Aubl. (Anacardiaceae), uma ocorrente em área de restinga, no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso e outra em área de cerradão, na Estação Ecológica de Assis. Este projeto foi desenvolvido dentro das parcelas do projeto temático Parcelas Permanentes - BIOTA/FAPESP. Foram sorteadas 50 parcelas de 20m x 20m (totalizando uma área de 2 ha/ambiente), dentro das quais todos os indivíduos foram individualizados e medidos trimestralmente. Estabelecemos a estrutura da população por estádios ontogenéticos de acordo com o Modelo de Troll. Encontramos diferenças nas relações alométricas das populações, relacionadas com plasticidade fenotípica nos diferentes ambientes. Encontramos diferenças para a estrutura de população de T. guianensis na restinga e cerradão (t-test, p<0.001). A população de T. guianensis da restinga apresenta forma de j invertido , diferentemente da população de cerradão, que não apresenta esta distribuição na forma de j invertido . A diferença entre as populações está principalmente na ausência de plântulas no cerradão. A taxa de crescimento populacional indicou que tanto as populações da restinga (&#955; = 0.96) quanto as do cerradão (&#955; =0.91) apresentam valores próximos de 1, portanto, estando as duas populações em estase. A dinâmica das populações de T. guianensis apresenta diferenças na restinga e cerradão estudados. Embora as taxas de crescimento populacionais sejam similares para as duas populações, as estratégias de crescimento são diferentes nos dois ambientes. Enquanto a população de T. guianensis que ocorre na restinga prioriza a sobrevivência, a população de T. guianensis no cerradão investe mais em crescimento. Portanto, podemos reconhecer diferenças nos parâmetros demográficos que compõem a dinâmica das populações de T. guianensis em diferentes ambientes. Este resultado, assim, pode demostrar a ocorrencia de plasticidade fenotipica em nível populacional para esta espécie, á partir do uso de estratégias diferenciadas de crescimento em ambientes diferentes de forma a alcançar estabilidade.

Model / Model

Hládeková, Katarína Unknown Date (has links)
The dissertation thesis studies the extension of the context of the term model as a means of interpretation for Czech and Slovak post-conceptual works of art. Based on result of a historical excursion into the history of painting, sculpture and architecture, the thesis offers a new typology of a model which is exemplified on particular work of art of Czech and Slovak post-conceptual era in the first two decades of the 21st century. The historical part of the thesis concludes the following: model in the art is an emancipated form originating from different academic as well as layman discourse; emancipated model has a methaphorical layer and thus it reflects wide historical, cultural and social relations. The categories proposed include: a linear model, a physical model, a cognitive model and an immersive model. The linear model encompases the sketch themes and so-called visualization metaphors (graphs, charts, schemes, etc) and originates as a reaction to information saturation and complicated networks. The physical model is a form to architecture and hobby modelling, it is characterised by a simple, „sketchy“ structure reacting to social themes and individual and collective memory. The cognitive model points to the cognitive turn of the society, it evaluates the materialisation of mental space and explains the emancipated model as an open category. Finally, the immersive model interprets the medium of exhibition as a model form which is articulated by and artisitic manifesto or an architectural interference. Another form of immersion that is being discussed in the chapter about immersive models, is a photographic or 3 D computer illusion as a reaction to society‘s virtualisation. Simultaneously to theoretical-historical research, an artistic research was taking place which became the basis for the creation of different categories and typologies of model. Each proposed category thus includes a so-called author‘s note reflecting the practical part of the dissertation thesis.

The way-finding journey within a large public building : a user centred study of the holistic way-finding experience across a range of visual ability

McIntyre, Lesley January 2011 (has links)
This PhD Thesis has been immersed in investigating the holistic experience of way-finding in buildings by people who have a range of visual ability. Previous research studies, spanning across a broad spectrum of disciplines, have focused on various characteristics of human way-finding (Arthur and Passini, 1992;Lynch, 1960;Downs and Stea, 1973). It is specifically recognised that the built environment is failing people with visual loss (Barker et al., 1995) and the strategic task and skill of way-finding within a building is a particular problem (Arthur and Passini, 1992). Under the social model of disability (Oliver, 1990) this is recognised as a form of architectural disablement (Goldsmith, 1997). There are few evidence-based studies of way-finding in a building. Furthermore, there are no studies of real-life experiences of way-finding undertaken by real-life participants who have a range of visual ability within the context of a real-life building. This leads to a research question: What are the design issues revealed by participants who have a range of visual ability as they way-find in a large public building? This doctoral research, based within the discipline of architecture, focuses on the holistic experiential components of a Journey (Myerson, 2001;Harper and Green, 2000). It coins and defines the term Way-finding Hot-spot as it explores the events [positive and negative] which are experienced and therefore impact on a Way-finding Journey around a building. To fill an important gap in the current knowledge a research enquiry, based on a user-centred design approach, was implemented. Exploratory in nature, the methodology was inductive and it evolved throughout the study. A series of Research Principles, borrowed from the established methodologies of Grounded Theory (Glaser, 1968) and Case Study (Yin, 2003a;Yin, 2003b), guided this study. Ten participants [with varying degrees of visual ability, different ages and other forms of disability] undertook a Way-finding Scenario designed to evaluate both existing memories of way-finding and present way-finding experience. This was composed of a Purposeful Conversation (Burgess, 1982) and a context specific Way-finding Task. The study has produced a large amount of data based on user experience in a real-world way-finding context – this has not been done before. Participant data contributed to a new Theory of Way-finding – The Experiential Charting of a Way-finding Journey – which derived from experiential data, was found to be composed of three elements: Journey Stages, Tasks Components and Communication Requirements. This thesis presents detailed findings which generate dialogue in the design of way-finding systems suitable for a diverse range of way-finders. It provides a research-based foundation to open the problem area and provide an insight into the issues people with different visual abilities encounter as they undertake a Way-finding Journey around a building. It generates a greater understanding of the problems and joys of way-finding in a building which will be of use in professional practice across disciplines of architecture and design as well as in areas of rehabilitation, policy-making and academia. This research is a start, but it is not the end. Future research questions have been revealed and these, combined with further reviews of literature and creative use of method, will further explore the phenomenon of way-finding within the context of buildings.

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