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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suelos de Fundación de la Ciudad de Punta Arenas, Región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena

Vásquez Díaz, Ana Durley January 2012 (has links)
Punta Arenas, ubicada a orillas del Estrecho de Magallanes, se encuentra sobre suelos depositados en ambientes glaciares y post-glaciares. La densificación urbana ha llevado a construir sobre suelos casi siempre saturados que, por su baja capacidad de soporte y alta compresibilidad, representan condiciones desfavorables para el diseño de fundaciones. Durante la Ultima Máxima Glaciación se formó un gran lago que generó gran cantidad de sedimentos glaciolacustres. Por la acción cíclica de avance-retroceso del Lóbulo Magallánico se acumularon cordones de morrenas laterales así como un conjunto de tills de distinta composición. Posteriormente, una compleja red fluvial modeló y depositó sedimentos granulares al igual que materiales finos propios de plataformas de inundación. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta preliminar de zonificación, con inclusión de propiedades geotécnicas propuestas para los distintos depósitos que comprenden tills y materiales glaciolacustres y de inundación observados en el área urbana y suburbana de la ciudad. Muestras inalteradas obtenidas en excavaciones y calicatas fueron ensayadas para determinar sus propiedades índice, así como de resistencia y compresibilidad. Se realizaron también ensayos de difracción de rayos x. Para la zonificación se empleó la metodología de mapas compuestos, técnica que integra las características topográficas, sedimentarias y parámetros geotécnicos complementados con resultados de numerosos sondajes con determinaciones de SPT. Se estableció que los suelos de baja capacidad se localizan principalmente en las depresiones moldeadas durante la acción glaciar y en las zonas de inundación, rellenadas respectivamente por arcillas normalmente consolidadas y turbas.

Arenas públicas, participação e mediação social

Bracagioli Neto, Alberto January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as arenas públicas compostas pelos Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural, a ação de mediação da EMATER-RS entre outros atores e a influência das políticas públicas de incentivo à participação social. Através deste objetivo são destacadas as categorias centrais de análise: arenas públicas, participação e mediação social. Como recurso metodológico foi utilizado um estudo exploratório em nível estadual, grupos focais em determinadas regiões e entrevistas não diretivas com os atores envolvidos nos Conselhos de Arroio do Meio, Montenegro e Osório. A arquitetura da participação em nível federal e estadual promoveu uma série de arranjos institucionais para participação dos cidadãos. A EMATER-RS atua em diversas arenas públicas, com destaque para os Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural e os Conselhos Municipais de Assistência Social. No contexto do rural, os Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural-CMDR tiveram ênfase por parte da extensão rural e de determinadas políticas públicas. As informações obtidas indicam que atualmente apenas um pequeno percentual dos CMDR tem funcionamento efetivo, porém os existentes apontam algumas possibilidades para à construção democrática. The existing demodiversity indicates a series of procedures and practices to create greater symmetry among the actors, autonomy, increased participation, and representation of the farmers. Participatory methods have not had widespread use, but where the use of these tools has been internalized by technicians and farmers, an impact on group processes was observed. Social mediations have demonstrated strong influence on the dynamics of the Councils, and the relationship established has allowed the emergence of relations of empowerment, guardianship or autonomy, which result from interventions and dynamic interactions between the actors. To continue and deepen this study, we have perceived the theoretical contribution of social networks, which allow the understanding of the relationships among mediation, foreclosure, weak and strong ties, and the potential of each of these configurations in the performance of public arenas. / This work aimed to study public arenas composed of the Municipal Councils of Rural Development, the mediation action of EMATER-RS among other actors, and the influence of public policies to encourage social participation. Through this objective the central categories of analysis are highlighted: public arenas, participation, and social mediation. An exploratory study at the state level, focus groups in certain regions, and non-directive interviews with actors involved in the Councils of Arroio do Meio, Montenegro and Osorio were used as methodological resources. The architecture of participation in federal and state levels has promoted a series of institutional arrangements for citizen participation. EMATER-RS operates in various public arenas, especially in the Municipal Rural Development Councils and Municipal Councils of Social Welfare. In the rural context, the Municipal Councils of Rural Development (CMDR) had an emphasis on rural extension and certain public policies. The information obtained indicates that currently only a small percentage of the CMDR has effective functioning, but the existing ones point out some possibilities for the democratic construction.

El castillo de Perth: una lectura del sueño gótico de Braulio Arenas

Hernández Arriagada, Javiera January 2014 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciada en Lengua y Literatura Hispánica / Las aproximaciones de Arenas con el surrealismo son en su obra evidentes: revitalización del sueño y de la imaginación, de las capas inferiores del inconsciente, riqueza de imágenes y la poesía como elemento separado de la moral y la lógica. Sin embargo, el carácter revolucionario de los surrealistas franceses y que en algún momento los hizo militar políticamente en las filas del Partido Comunista (1925), no está presente en el autor chileno. Su posición literaria no es políticamente activa, no busca a través de sus imágenes la adhesión del lector al cambio político, lo hace cuestionarse, pero no en este sentido. Es por eso que señalamos que El castillo de Perth es una obra que toma elementos del surrealismo, pero sólo estéticamente, pues no pretende incitar al cambio social, que fue una de las premisas fundamentales de Bretón, a razón de la crítica a una sociedad de orientación burguesa y capitalista que por sus intereses materiales había originado la Primera Guerra Mundial. Sin ir más lejos, un antecedente que no podemos olvidar son las muestras de simpatía del autor por el golpe de Estado de Augusto Pinochet en 1973. Es decir, cinco años después de la publicación de la novela que hasta aquí nos ha convocado, de corte surrealista, su autor, legitima un régimen con los valores opuestos. Un régimen bajo la arbitrariedad más absoluta, dónde la búsqueda de libertad, de expresividad y la instauración del yo quedan completamente postergadas.

Arenas públicas, participação e mediação social

Bracagioli Neto, Alberto January 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as arenas públicas compostas pelos Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural, a ação de mediação da EMATER-RS entre outros atores e a influência das políticas públicas de incentivo à participação social. Através deste objetivo são destacadas as categorias centrais de análise: arenas públicas, participação e mediação social. Como recurso metodológico foi utilizado um estudo exploratório em nível estadual, grupos focais em determinadas regiões e entrevistas não diretivas com os atores envolvidos nos Conselhos de Arroio do Meio, Montenegro e Osório. A arquitetura da participação em nível federal e estadual promoveu uma série de arranjos institucionais para participação dos cidadãos. A EMATER-RS atua em diversas arenas públicas, com destaque para os Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural e os Conselhos Municipais de Assistência Social. No contexto do rural, os Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural-CMDR tiveram ênfase por parte da extensão rural e de determinadas políticas públicas. As informações obtidas indicam que atualmente apenas um pequeno percentual dos CMDR tem funcionamento efetivo, porém os existentes apontam algumas possibilidades para à construção democrática. The existing demodiversity indicates a series of procedures and practices to create greater symmetry among the actors, autonomy, increased participation, and representation of the farmers. Participatory methods have not had widespread use, but where the use of these tools has been internalized by technicians and farmers, an impact on group processes was observed. Social mediations have demonstrated strong influence on the dynamics of the Councils, and the relationship established has allowed the emergence of relations of empowerment, guardianship or autonomy, which result from interventions and dynamic interactions between the actors. To continue and deepen this study, we have perceived the theoretical contribution of social networks, which allow the understanding of the relationships among mediation, foreclosure, weak and strong ties, and the potential of each of these configurations in the performance of public arenas. / This work aimed to study public arenas composed of the Municipal Councils of Rural Development, the mediation action of EMATER-RS among other actors, and the influence of public policies to encourage social participation. Through this objective the central categories of analysis are highlighted: public arenas, participation, and social mediation. An exploratory study at the state level, focus groups in certain regions, and non-directive interviews with actors involved in the Councils of Arroio do Meio, Montenegro and Osorio were used as methodological resources. The architecture of participation in federal and state levels has promoted a series of institutional arrangements for citizen participation. EMATER-RS operates in various public arenas, especially in the Municipal Rural Development Councils and Municipal Councils of Social Welfare. In the rural context, the Municipal Councils of Rural Development (CMDR) had an emphasis on rural extension and certain public policies. The information obtained indicates that currently only a small percentage of the CMDR has effective functioning, but the existing ones point out some possibilities for the democratic construction.

“Brigas de beleza”: a construção de consensos no fórum de comunidades de política pública do território rural Vale do Rio Pardo – RS / "Beauty fights": the build-up of consensus in the communities public policy forum of the Vale do Rio Pardo rural territory - RS

Silva, Taciane Laís da 23 February 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to study the Vale do Rio Pardo Rural Territory (TRVRP), here characterized as a community public policy forum, which was recognized as a Rural Territory integrated into the National Program for Sustainable Development of Rural Territories (PRONAT)by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) in 2013, defining it with a geographical delimitation that was not demanded by the social actors. The TRVRP unites two distinct macro regions, the South region of the Territory (referring to the Pardo River Valley) and the North (referring to the upper Serra do Botucaraí region, included in the new territorial delimitation made by MDA). In view of the above, the main objective of this study was to analyze the relationships that were built between the agents that defined a certain conformation, territorial management and the public policy community forum. Specifically, it was sought to identify the main social actors that lead to the PRONAT social concertation in the TRVRP; to find out what are the main tensions and to analyze the characteristics of this social protagonism assumed by these actors. For this, it has been used as reference a study conducted by Paulo Niederle and Cátia Grisa in the year of 2013, in which the authors identified some guiding questions to carry out these case studies. Thus, the focus of the analysis was centered in the intersections between what, from the native point of view, is conceptualized as politics, using as a method of cognitive analysis t approach This analysis has as its main merit the perception built by Bruno Jobert and Ève Fouilleux, which is based on the manner in which disputes and negotiations are related to the production of public policy references, highlighting where they occur in forums / arenas, as well as the form of decoding the different actors create and the representations that maintain these references. To this end, six social actors were identified and characterized as spokespersons, who were the protagonists in the TRVRP tensions negotiations. During the research, three critical moments were analyzed, which refer to the main stresses brought for reflection: the lack of cohesion and territorial identity and the need to divide the Territory, the Multi-territorial Conference on Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER), and the Discussions and tensions in the disputes of the investment proposals of the Infrastructure Program (PROINF). This process of immersion with the object of study occurred due to the fact that the author of this dissertation is part of the team of the Extension and Territorial Development Center (NEDET) that advises the Territorial Board of TRVRP. Therefore, the instruments used in the TRVRP ideas production forum served to weaken the traditional forms of domination perpetuated in the Territory. In addition, it succeeded in favoring the empowerment of social actors who were previously submissive to the will of the State. However, it is necessary to continue this process and identify the changes of spokespersons over time. Certainly, the emergence of new ideas will be linked to struggles of legitimizing new actors who will replace the former spokespersons of the TRVRP public policy community forum. / A presente dissertação tem por objeto de estudo o Território Rural Vale do Rio Pardo (TRVRP) aqui caracterizado como fórum de comunidade de política pública, que em 2013 foi reconhecido pelo Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA) como Território Rural integrado ao Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (PRONAT), e demarcado com uma delimitação geográfica que não era a demandada pelos atores sociais. O TRVRP uniu duas macrorregiões distintas, a região Sul do Território (referente ao Vale do Rio Pardo propriamente dito) e a região Norte (referente à região do Alto da Serra do Botucaraí, incluída na nova delimitação territorial feita pela MDA). Diante do exposto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar quais as relações que se constroem entre os agentes que definiram uma determinada conformação, gestão do Território e fórum de comunidade de política pública. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar os principais atores sociais que protagonizam a concertação social do PRONAT no TRVRP; averiguar quais os principais tensionamentos e analisar quais as características desse protagonismo social assumidas por esses atores. Para isso, nos baseamos em um estudo realizado por Paulo Niederle e Cátia Grisa no ano de 2013, no qual os autores identificaram algumas questões orientadoras para realização de estudos de casos. Dessa forma, o foco da análise ficou centrado nas interseções entre o que, do ponto de vista dos atores, é conceitualizado como política, usando como método de análise a abordagem cognitiva. A analise possui como principal método a concepção construída por Bruno Jobert e Ève Fouilleux, que baseia-se na forma como pautam as disputas e negociações que são relacionadas à produção de referenciais de políticas públicas, dando destaque para onde elas ocorrem, nos fóruns/arenas, bem como, a forma de decodificação que os diferentes atores criam e as representações que mantêm esses referenciais. A análise identificou seis atores sociais caracterizados como porta-vozes, que protagonizaram as negociações dos tensionamentos no TRVRP. Durante a pesquisa foram analisados três momentos críticos, que se referem aos principais tensionamentos trazidos para reflexão: a falta de coesão e identidade territorial e necessidade de divisão do Território, a Conferência Multiterritorial de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (ATER), e as discussões e tensionamentos nas disputas das propostas de investimento do Programa de Infraestrutura (PROINF). Esse processo de imersão junto ao objeto de estudo se deu pelo fato da autora dessa dissertação integrar a equipe do Núcleo de Extensão e Desenvolvimento Territorial (NEDET) que assessora o Colegiado Territorial do TRVRP. Os instrumentos utilizados no fórum de comunidades de política pública do TRVRP serviram para enfraquecer as formas tradicionais de dominação perenizadas no Território. Além disso, conseguiu favorecer o empoderamento dos atores sociais que antes eram submissos a vontade do Estado. Contudo, precisa-se dar continuidade a esse processo e ao longo do tempo ir identificando as alterações de porta-vozes. Certamente o surgimento de novas ideias estará ligado a lutas por legitimação de novos atores que virão a ocupar o lugar dos antigos porta-vozes do fórum de comunidades de política pública do TRVRP.

En jämförande studie om Chile och Peru : Orsaker kring den rådande demokratiseringsskillnaden / A Comparative Study on Chile And Peru : Reasons for the prevailing difference in democratization

Alvear Bello, Ivan January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to demonstrate the reasons why there is a prevailing difference in democratization between the south American countries Chile and Peru. By applying democratization researchers, Juan Linz, and Alfred Stepans framework: The Five Arenas of a Consolidated Democracy, and a causal mechanism. I discover an institutional and civil pattern which when functional, contributes to democratization. In the case of Chile, the results show that a strong rule of law and states apparatus, institutionally makes democracy the only game in town in Chile. However, in the case of Peru, the weak state apparatus and rule of law allows undemocratic forms of action which in part, can explain the difference in democratization. The results that emanate from the civil society, show that both countries suffer from weak connection to the political arena which in turn affects the economical arena. This also gives implications to the remaining democratizing challenges for Chile and Peru. The results however are affected by the strengths and shortcomings of Linz & Stepans framework which is also discussed in this study.

Usability of sport arenas. A multiple case study of Olympia and Helsingborg Arena.

Ömer, Güncel January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the usability phenomena of sport arenas and what values it brings to different stakeholders. The thesis is a multiple case study of Olympia and Helsingborg Arena in Helsingborg city. Both arenas are built and owned by the municipality and are used for sports and entertainment purposes of various themes. The main stakeholders that have been part of the thesis are the Helsingborg municipality administration of School and Leisure administration (responsible of green surfaces at the arenas), HASAB (a municipally owned corporation that manages Helsingborg Arena), HISO (organization of local sport clubs in Helsingborg) and FC Helsingborg (an elite floorball club playing and training at Helsingborg Arena). For this study, a stakeholder model has been applied together with theoretical concepts of utilization, localization and efficiency & productivity to create a theoretical framework. This case study is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with key informants. Moreover, secondary data in reports and on websites connected to the different stakeholders have been analyzed and presented. Representatives have been interviewed from each organization and stakeholder in order to understand their view and perspective on usability with regard to Helsingborg Arena and Olympia. The results of this study presents an understanding that modern and new arenas create opportunities for more clubs to use advanced and better equipped venues for their activities and offers usability for other purposes than just sport-related activities. However, the results in this study shows us also that building new, modern sport arenas does not necessarily result in satisfactory usability for all actors. According to the results, the local clubs and schools tend to look for other sport venues due to the fact that they have to reschedule and change the venue for their activities when larger events occupy the arena. This leads to lower attractiveness for some stakeholders, which affects the usability of the arena. However, arenas of a high level increase attractiveness for producers and organizations to use the arenas for their products and competitions. Localization plays a decisive role for the accessibility of the sport arenas and creates a large sports oasis in the central of Helsingborg offering more than five sport halls at the same area. Keywords: usability, sport arenas, stakeholders, activity, accessibility, priority

American Foreign Policy : A Study of American Policy Decisions in Iraq to Promote Democracy

Samuelsson, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
The essay aims to analyze and understand the policy decisions taken by the Americans during their tenure as occupying force from 2003-2004. By understanding what policy was enacted it is possible to judge how it impacted things down the line. Using democratization theory, it becomes possible to categorize a large amount of policy during that time. Meaning there can be a large-scale analysis of the policies and judge if they pushed democracy forward in Iraq. The two research questions are how the US planned to turn Iraq into a democracy and if the policy covered all the five arenas of democratization. After analyzing the material through the five arenas, the two research questions are answered. The US planned for the wrong things and only in Iraq did their plan crystalize. It involved focusing on changes in society that benefitted democracy, but with a top down approach. The policies covered all five arenas of democratisation meaning they were widely applied and pushed democracy in Iraq. The US intended to turn Iraq into a democracy and the policy employed during their tenure supports that goal.

Fringing Visibility: Otherness, Marginality and the Question of Subaltern Truth in <i>Antes Que Anochezca</i>, <i>La Virgen De Los Sicarios</i> and <i>Cidade De Deus</i>

de Barros, Sandro Rodrigo January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

El mundo alucinante vis-à-vis Guzmán de Alfarache and El buscón

Willis, Angela Lynn 11 April 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

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