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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les relations entre les musées d'ethnographie et les marchés de l'art africain et océanien en France, en Suisse et en Belgique : construire la valeur et s'approprier l'altérité / Relations between ethnographic museums and African and Oceanic art markets in France, Switzerland and Belgium : building value(s) and appropriating otherness

Doyen, Audrey 29 November 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge le champ des objets ethnographiques au prisme de leur circulation entre deux médiateurs situés entre leur production et leur réception : les musées d’ethnographie et les marchés de l’art. Aucune recherche scientifique ne s’est jusqu’à maintenant penchée en profondeur sur les relations entretenues entre ces deux intermédiaires dans le champ de l’art africain et océanien, si ce n’est pour décrire ou critiquer le cas précis de la fondation du Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac.Mobilisant l’anthropologie et la muséologie, ma recherche est basée sur un travail de terrain intensif auprès des galeries, des maisons de ventes aux enchères et des musées en Suisse, en France et en Belgique entre 20013 et 2017. L’analyse, fondamentalement compréhensive, montre les enjeux territoriaux à l’œuvre et souligne l’impact d’une montée de l’événementiel tant du côté des musées que des marchés. Ma recherche dresse un portrait du marché, de son fonctionnement et de ses hiérarchies à l’heure actuelle et propose une typologie des différentes relations et acteurs afin de comprendre le processus de fixation de la valeur des objets. Sur un marché où domine la spéculation et une grande part d’arbitraire, je montre que cette valeur est intimement liée à la maîtrise de l’information. Finalement, l’analyse met en évidence les « prêts-à-penser » et processus développés par l’entier des acteurs du champ pour rationaliser une partie de ces pratiques spéculatives. J’espère souligner dans cette recherche les formes nouvelles de production, d’appropriation, de consommation et de valorisation de l’altérité par notre société aujourd’hui. / This PhD thesis presents the valuation of ethnographic object through the prism of their circulation between two stakeholders : art markets and ethnographic museums. No scientific research has so far looked in depth at the relation between this two actors in the tribal art’s field, except to describe or criticise the specific case of the Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac’s foundation.My research mobilising anthropology and museology is based on intensive fieldwork with galleries, auction houses and museums in Switzerland, France and Belgium between 2013 and 2017. The comprehensive analysis shows the territorial issues between this different stakeholders and highlights the increase in events both in museums and markets. My research also draws a portrait of the market, its functionning and its hierarchies and proposes a typology of the different relations and actors. The main objective was to understand the process of fixing an object’s value. In a market dominated by speculation and a lot of arbitrariness, I highlight that this value is intrinsically linked to the control of information. Finally, the analysis shows the « how-to-think » and processes developped by all the actors in the field to rationalise some of these speculative practices. I hope I have emphasised in this work the new forms of production, appropriation, consumption and the valorisation of otherness by our society today.

Rome et Naples, deux écoles de nature morte au XVIIe siècle et leurs échanges / Rome and Naples, two still-life schools in the Seventeenth Century and their exchanges

Litwinowicz, Michel 23 November 2017 (has links)
L’école romaine et l’école napolitaine de nature morte comptent au XVIIe siècle parmi les plus importantes dans la peinture européenne. Pendant tout le Seicento, elles sont restées étroitement liées, en multipliant les tableaux de fleurs, fruits, légumes, poissons, gibiers, sous-bois.... La thèse étudie l’évolution de ce genre à Rome et à Naples et les resitue dans le vaste tissu des échanges culturels et stylistiques entre ces deux capitales. Elle analyse la place de la nature morte dans le marché de l’art (circulation, marchands, prix, estimations) et dans les collections. Le goût de mécènes variés pour ces tableaux est étudié. Des comparaisons formelles entre les œuvres de différents peintres, comme Mario dei Fiori et Paolo Porpora, Michelangelo Cerquozzi et Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo ou Giovanni Battista Recco et Gian Domenico Valentino sont effectuées. On explique également le rôle d’Abraham Brueghel, Andrea Bonanni, Alessandro dei Pesci, et Andrea Belvedere. / The Roman and the Neapolitan school of still-life painting are in 17th Century among the most important in Europe. During the whole Seicento, these two schools are closely tied and produced a large amount of paintings of flowers, fruits, vegetables, fishes, game, woodland Scenes (sottoboschi)… This PhD analyses the evolution of still-life painting in Rome and in Naples and places it in the numerous stylistic and cultural exchanges between these two capitals. The place of still-life painting in the art market (circulation of works, merchants, prices, appraisals) and in the collections is studied. The Patrons’ taste for these pictures is examined. We carry out stylistics comparisons between works by Mario dei Fiori and Paolo Porpora, Michelangelo Cerquozzi and Giovanni Battista Ruoppolo or Giovanni Battista Recco and Gian Domenico Valentino. We also investigate the role of Abraham Brueghel, Andrea Bonanni, Alessandro dei Pesci and Andrea Belvedere.

Le pari des enchères : le lancement de nouveaux marchés artistiques à Paris entre les années 1830 et 1939 / Betting by bidding : the launching of new artistic markets at auction in Paris (1830s-1939)

Saint-Raymond, Léa 26 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse explore les ventes aux enchères publiques parisiennes, en analysant le lancement de nouveaux marchés artistiques entre les années 1830 et 1939. Pour cela, une base de données de 2 126 catalogues a été constituée, soit 286 076 œuvres intégralement retranscrites, puis ce corpus a été associé aux procès-verbaux des ventes correspondantes, conservés aux archives de Paris. Ces documents fournissent des informations sur les prix d’adjudication des objets, les vendeurs et les adjudicataires, et permettent ainsi de retracer précisément la provenance des œuvres, tout en menant une analyse quantitative du marché et des collections. Les procès-verbaux ont été complétés par les archives des commissaires-priseurs parisiens, en particulier leurs quitus ou relevés de comptes individuels.L’ensemble de ces sources a été pris en compte pour identifier ces « nouveaux » marchés artistiques et les acteurs qui firent le pari des enchères, en s’interrogeant sur les dispositifs de mise en valeur qui permirent d’assurer – ou non – le succès de leur lancement dans l’arène des ventes publiques. Cette interrogation touche l’histoire de l’art de façon très intime puisqu’elle analyse, de façon diachronique, le regard que les prescripteurs et les collectionneurs portèrent sur certains objets, les érigeant ou non au rang d’« œuvres » d’art. De façon corollaire, il s’agira d’étudier les raisons du succès ou de l’échec de tel ou tel type d’objets, ou de certains artistes plutôt que d’autres. Pour répondre à ces questions, une méthodologie pluridisciplinaire a été développée en histoire de l’art, utilisant les outils de visualisation propres aux humanités numériques et empruntant des techniques et des concepts à l’économie et à la sociologie. / This research investigates the Parisian auction sales from the 1830 until the interwar period, with a particular focus on the launching of new artistic markets. To do so, 2,126 auction catalogues were collected and transcribed, then matched with the minutes of the sales, curated at the archives de Paris. This data gathering led to global yet accurate set of 286 076 artworks – paintings, drawings, sculptures, antiques, Asian, Oriental, pre-Columbian and “primitive” artefacts – mentioning the description of the works, their hammer prices and the identity of both sellers and purchasers. In addition of this corpus, the auctioneers’ archives were analyzed, with a particular focus on their individual quitus or account statements. Reconsidering the history of taste, these sources allow to identify the new artefacts which were sold at auction, the players who bet on these novelties, their incentives, and the market mechanisms they used in order to promote them – with success or not. A transdisciplinary methodology, based on art history, economics, sociology and digital humanities, enables to answer these issues.

A tese na (da) caixa preta / The thesis in [of] the black box

Gedley Belchior Braga 13 May 2008 (has links)
A Tese na [da] Caixa Preta aborda o princípio de uma entidade exemplificadora de si mesma no dispositivo de arquivamento de uma escritura. Uma coleção de obras de arte contemporâneas brasileiras foi formada com o objetivo de lastrear a mediação e ação culturais tendo como base a realização de exposições e experiências envolvendo o sistema das artes entre seus aspectos formais e informais. Objetivos: Exemplificar a literalidade do papel dos sistemas artísticos formais e informais para obtenção de uma consistência entre a origem simbólica da linguagem e as variações surgidas na repetição [diferência termo de Derrida] conforme a lei do acontecimento [também de acordo com Jacques Derrida] e do poder retrospectivo de um dispositivo arquivante de uma escritura Métodos: Exercício de papéis diferentes e experimentais nesse sistema das artes: entre o pesquisador, colecionador, curador, artista, espectador, leitor e por último, o escritor [aquele que redige a própria experiência como o dispositivo que irá arquivar todos os resultados obtidos durante o processo]. Resultados: A coleção formada foi transformada em lastro conceitual para várias instalações e exposições artísticas. Os resultados da mediação e ação cultural entre os circuitos formal e informal do sistema das artes foram documentados, além da escritura de uma tese, em um DVD com o mesmo título: A Tese na [da] Caixa Preta que mostra [como matéria de prova], em três vídeos, as imagens das experiências citadas. / The thesis in [of] the black box is based on the principle of an entity that exemplifies itself in an archive scriptural system. Several Brazilian Contemporary Art pieces were acquired to form a collection which was used for cultural action and mediation purposes such as exhibitions and experiences involving the Brazilian art system in its formal and informal aspects. Objectives: To exemplify the literality role within the formal and informal art systems in order to have a consistency between the symbolic origin of language and the variations that appear in repetition [differance term used by Derrida] according the event law [in Jacques Derridas philosophy perspective] and the retrospective power of archival device of scripture. Results: The formal art collection was transformed into conceptual ballast for several artistic installations and exhibitions. The results of the cultural actions and mediation within the formal and informal circuits of the Brazilian art system were documented, beyond the thesis writing process [thesis scripture], in a DVD with the same title: The thesis in [of] the black box that shows [as a matter of proof], in three videos, the images of the above mentioned experiences.

SP-Arte: histórico e impacto percebido no mercado brasileiro de arte / SP-Arte: history and perceived impact on Brazilian art market

Hochleitner, Katya de Castro 17 September 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a examinar e contextualizar a SP-Arte no mercado brasileiro de arte, compreendendo seus efeitos em termos de circulação, produção, preços e promoção da arte, com o objetivo de avaliar o seu impacto no mercado brasileiro de arte. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, com adoção de levantamento teórico e documental e também de pesquisa qualitativa, com o uso da técnica de entrevistas em profundidade, para investigar a percepção dos diferentes agentes do sistema brasileiro de arte contemporânea, a saber: organizadores, artistas, galeristas, curadores e críticos de arte, compradores e colecionadores, conservadores e diretores de instituições de arte. Notamos que a SP-Arte tem se destacado no mercado de arte, com a realização de onze edições sucessivas, completadas em 2015. A SP-Arte tem apresentado sucesso crescente, tanto em volume e valor de vendas quanto no número de participantes, entre os quais galerias, artistas e visitantes. Os entrevistados destacaram como pontos favoráveis: organização, otimização do espaço de exposição, qualidade dos participantes (galerias, artistas, curadores, organizadores etc.), participação de expositores internacionais, qualidade das atividades paralelas, e, ainda, nível de vendas em relação a outras feiras brasileiras. Enfatizaram ainda a redução de tributos na aquisição de obras de arte durante a feira, possibilitada pela administração pública, que favorece a comercialização de arte, seja ela de origem nacional ou estrangeira, embora o público comprador que frequenta a SP-Arte ainda seja predominantemente local. Além disso, os entrevistados destacaram o fato da feira ter se tornado um evento importante na agenda cultural paulistana, atraindo turistas de negócios e lazer. Há alguns elementos que ainda podem ser aperfeiçoados, tais como: a infraestrutura no acesso (trânsito e falta de estacionamento); o fomento a parcerias com escolas e instituições no âmbito educacional; a reavaliação da política ou da comunicação de preços da feira, no sentido de atenuar a imagem de altos custos para galeristas (e potenciais expositores) e de preços demasiadamente elevados das obras de arte (em relação a outros canais de venda); e, finalmente, a eficiência da comunicação do evento no exterior para aumentar a visitação de compradores estrangeiros. Tais mudanças podem ajudar a colocar a SP-Arte no mesmo patamar das grandes feiras de arte internacionais consideradas como imperdíveis, principalmente por galerias e colecionadores. / This paper aims to examine and contextualize the art fair SP-Arte in the Brazilian art market, including its effects in terms of circulation, production, prices and promotion of art, in order to assess the impact of the fair on the Brazilian art market. It is an exploratory study, for which we chose, first, to perform secondary research of existing theories and data; followed by a qualitative research study, using the in-depth interview technique to investigate the perception of the different agents in the Brazilian Contemporary Art system, namely, organizers, artists, gallery owners, curators and art critics, buyers and collectors, museum conservators and directors of art institutions. We note that SP-Arte has excelled in the art market, with the completion of eleven successive editions, completed this year, 2015. SP-Arte has shown increasing success, both in volume and value sales, as well as in the number of participating galleries, artists and visitors. Respondents to our survey highlighted as positive points: organization, optimization of the exhibition space, quality of participants (galleries, artists, curators, organizers, etc.), participation of international exhibitors, quality of the complementary activities, and also the level of sales in relation to other Brazilian art fairs. They additionally stressed the reduction of taxes on the purchase of art works during the fair, made possible by the state government, which favors the sales of art, be it of domestic or foreign origin, although the people who attend SP-Arte are mainly local. In addition, respondents highlighted the fact that the fair has become an important event in Sao Paulos cultural calendar, attracting business and leisure travelers. There are some elements that can still be improved, such as infrastructure access (traffic and lack of parking); fostering partnerships with schools and other organizations in the education sector; a reassessment of the price policy or a more effective communication strategy concerning it, to mitigate the image of a high cost event for gallery owners (and potential exhibitors) and higher priced artworks, when compared to other art sales channels; and, finally an international communication strategy, to increase the number of foreign collectors visiting the fair. These changes could elevate SP-Arte to the same level of major international art fairs, which are considered not to be missed, especially for galleries and art collectors.

Les revues de galeries en France dans l’entre-deux-guerres (1918-1940) / The French periodicals published by galleries in the interwar years (1918-1940)

Gauthier, Ambre 09 June 2015 (has links)
La création artistique de l’entre-deux-guerres en France est transformée par l’internationalisation du marché de l’art, la vitalité des avant-gardes et la diffusion sans précédent des revues d’art. La galerie d’art, par l’action de galeristes engagés et professionnels, s’impose alors comme un lieu central du marché de l’art moderne. Vouée au commerce des œuvres, elle se dote d’une identité nouvelle en faisant de son espace un lieu de socialisation et de débats intellectuels. Cette conjoncture explique en partie la naissance d’un nouveau mode de communication de la galerie d’art : la revue de galerie. Cet outil de promotion a pour principale mission de diffuser l’actualité des expositions et des artistes liés à la galerie. Mais il cherche également à être une tribune ouverte, un lieu d’expression et de dialogues où se rencontrent théories artistiques et synthèses du marché de l’art contemporain, règlements de comptes et pamphlets, littérature et poésie. Au-delà de sa dimension promotionnelle, la revue de galerie, objet sociologique, tisse des liens entre les différents acteurs d’un même cercle socio-culturel. Les principales revues de galerie de l’entre-deux-guerres (Les Arts à Paris, 1918-1935 ; le Bulletin de la vie artistique, 1919-1926 ; le Bulletin de la galerie B. Weill, 1923-1935 ; le Bulletin de l’Effort moderne, 1924-1927) mettent ainsi en place des modèles éditoriaux durables, qui perdureront tout au long du XXe siècle. Il s’agit d’un phénomène culturel international, de sorte que le contexte parisien ne peut être compris que par comparaison, notamment avec celui des Etats-Unis (revue 291), de la Belgique (Le Centaure) ou de l’Allemagne (Der Querschnitt), qui développent leurs propres spécificités. / Art production in France is changed in the interwar years by the globalization of the art market, the vitality of the avant-gardes and the unprecedented diffusion of art periodicals. The art gallery, through the actions of socially and politically committed art dealers, is becoming a major place for the modern art market. Dedicated to the trade of artworks, it acquires a new identity by encouraging socialization and intellectual debates. This context creates new communication means for art galleries: the art gallery magazine. As a promotion tool, the main mission of the periodical is to spread news about exhibitions and artists related to the gallery. Sustained by the ideals of their editors, they offer an open platform, an utopian space of free speech and dialogue, where art theories and contemporary art market analysis, score settling and satirical tracts, literature and poetry meet. Beyond its promotional function, the art gallery magazine, as a sociological object, also establishes links between the various players of a social and cultural group. The main gallery magazines of the 20th Century (Les Arts à Paris, 1918-1935; le Bulletin de la vie artistique, 1919-1926; le Bulletin de la galerie B. Weill, 1923-1935; le Bulletin de l’Effort moderne, 1924-1927) invent lasting editorial references that will last throughout the 20th century. Operating in Paris, art gallery magazines fall within an international cultural context, as demonstrated by the presence of such magazines in the United States (291), Belgium (Le Centaure) or Germany (Der Querschnitt), all developing their own specificities.

A Study on the Change of Chinese Oil Painting in Art Market

Yeh, Wei-lih 10 September 2009 (has links)
The purposes of this thesis are probing into the change of Chinese Oil Painting in art market. By means of this study, we will able to understand the development processes of the art markets in China, on the other hand, to gather the data from the auction market of different age artists and analysis them. Furthermore, it¡¦s the way to clarify how strong the art market in China is, or just the strategy to sensationalize the whole market to get high attention. But, it¡¦s obvious to find out that the environment affects the artists¡¦ creation a lot, but the works in the art market will go by chance. Therefore, to conclude that the Chinese art market is immature because the position of Chinese oil paintings is not fixed by Chinese government, Chinese artists and Chinese art market, but the art market in the world. Consequently, the Chinese art market needs to connect with the international art market.

Les artistes romantiques et la commercialisation de l'art : la transformation du mécénat d'État et le début du système marchand

Fortin, Marie-Christine January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Internetiniai aukcionai plėtojant tarptautinę prekybą dailės kūriniais / Online auctions in the development of international trade by the art works

Rudauskaitė, Ina 01 February 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjamos internetinių aukcionų pritaikymo galimybės tarptautinei prekybai dailės kūriniais. Nagrinėjami pagrindiniai teoriniai principai, kuriais remiantis nustatomos internetinių aukcionų pritaikymo galimybės tarptautinei prekybai dailės kūriniais: dailės kūrinių specifika, teikiama nauda, rinkos dalyviai, internetinių aukcionų sistemos ypatumai, interneto tinklalapio elementų ir kultūrinių skirtumų įtaka tarptautinei prekybai. Pateiktas internetinių aukcionų efektyvumo ir pritaikymo tarptautinei rinkai vertinimo klausimynas, atlikta lyginamoji analizė Lietuvoje ir užsienyje plėtojamų internetinių aukcionų bei internetinių aukcionų pritaikymo tarptautinei prekybai dailės kūriniais perspektyvų analizė. Atsižvelgiant į literatūros šaltinių, statistikos analizę ir atliktus tyrimus, parengiami strateginiai sprendimai, skirti internetiniams aukcionams pritaikyti tarptautinei prekybai dailės kūriniais. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos apibendrinamos išvados ir pasiūlymai. / The final master thesis deals with online auction application possibilities of international trade in art works. To the main theoretical principles used to define online auctions range of possibilities of international trade in art works: the specificity of works of art, benefits, market participants, on-line auction system features, web site elements and cultural differences on international trade. There is submitted on-line auction efficiency and adaptation to international market assessment questionnaire, performed a comparative analysis of Lithuania and abroad evolving online auctions and a prospective analysis of online auctions for the international trade in art works. Then, using literary sources, statistical analysis and studies, strategic solutions is being presented, which would improve the online auctions possibilities and orientation of the international trade in art works. Finally the conclusions and suggestions are proposed.

Making a market for art : Agnews and the National Gallery, 1855-1928

Pezzini, Barbara January 2018 (has links)
The thesis investigates the interaction that developed between a major art dealer, Thos. Agnew and Sons (Agnews), and a principal public collection, the London National Gallery, from 1855 to 1928. Agnews played a crucial role in the life of the National Gallery and greatly facilitated the museum accession of important paintings, such as the Madonna Ansidei by Raphael, the Rokeby Venus by Velazquez, the Portrait of Doge Vincenzo Morosini by Tintoretto, and many others. In turn, collaborating with the National Gallery allowed Agnews to penetrate the international Old Masters market and reach for higher social standing. Through the analysis of ten case studies of acquisitions, which are supported by new archival evidence and are contextualised within a broader historical and theoretical framework, this thesis charts the emergence, development and decline of the rapport between the two organisations. It analyses how Agnews and the National Gallery began as two unconnected entities in the mid-nineteenth century, explores how their distinct trajectories turned into a close, collaborative rapport during the 1880s, and finally examines how in the third decade of the twentieth century they separated and initiated a newly detached professional relationship. Appropriating sociological theories by Pierre Bourdieu, Bruno Latour, Viviana Zelizer and others, this study investigates museum acquisitions as resulting from complex interplays of cultural and commercial forces within the field of cultural production. Acquisitions are further enlightened by the analysis of the networks that underpin them, which provide additional evidence on how economic factors are embedded within broader social constructs. By detailing and locating these processes and relationships within the historical context of a broad shift towards commercialisation, yet demonstrating that cultural elements are part of the dealers activities and that commercial values are an intrinsic component of the museum, this study provides an insight into the historical origins of modern-day relationships between museums and art dealers.

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