Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ssa"" "subject:"essa""
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Magnetism and Structure in Metallic MultilayersHolmström, Erik January 2003 (has links)
The interplay between magnetism and structure has been studied in magnetic multilayers by electronic structure calculations based on density functional theory and analyzed in terms of models. The main ideas behind the Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker Green’s function method are described and the implementation of the coherent potential approximation is outlined. A simple model for the bilinear magnetic interlayer coupling in metallic multilayers is derived that elucidates the main characteristics of the effect such as coupling period and origin of damping. An analysis of two exotic effects on the magnetic interlayer coupling, Fermi surface nesting and magnetic enhancement is also performed. The Fermi surface nesting in CuPd for the (110) direction is shown to induce a sharp peak in the magnetic interlayer coupling amplitude for a Fe/CuPd/Fe system when the Cu concentration is 60% in the CuPd alloy. The high magnetic susceptibility in Pd is shown to have strong influence on the magnetic interlayer coupling in a Fe/Pd/Fe (100) system where it changes the amplitude, phase and induces an offset. The relation between surface structure and magnetic properties in metallic multilayers is investigated in terms of a theory that is based on a symbiosis between experiment and theory. By calculating the total magnetic moment of a sample for a large range of possible interface structures and comparing to experimental results for equivalent samples a parameter that describes the interface structure is determined. This parameter is then shown to be universal for the particular combination of elements in the structure both as regards the calculated total magnetic moment as well as the magnetic interlayer coupling and the critical temperatures.
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Study of ASA AlgorithmsArdam, Nagaraju January 2010 (has links)
Hearing aid devices are used to help people with hearing impairment. The number of people that requires hearingaid devices are possibly constant over the years, however the number of people that now have access to hearing aiddevices increasing rapidly. The hearing aid devices must be small, consume very little power, and be fairly accurate.Even though it is normally more important for the user that hearing impairment look good (are discrete). Once thehearing aid device prescribed to the user, she/he needs to train and adjust the device to compensate for the individualimpairment.We are within the framework of this project researching on hearing aid devices that can be trained by the hearingimpaired person her-/himself. This project is about finding suitable noise cancellation algorithm for the hearing-aiddevice. We consider several types of algorithms like, microphone array signal processing, Independent ComponentAnalysis (ICA) based on double microphone called Blind Source Separation (BSS) and DRNPE algorithm.We run this current and most sophisticated and robust algorithms in certain noise backgrounds like Cocktail noise,street, public places, train, babble situations to test the efficiency. The BSS algorithm was well in some situation andgave average results in some situations. Where one microphone gave steady results in all situations. The output isgood enough to listen targeted audio.The functionality and performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated with different non-stationary noisebackgrounds. From the performance results it can be concluded that, by using the proposed algorithm we are able toreduce the noise to certain level. SNR, system delay, minimum error and audio perception are the vital parametersconsidered to evaluate the performance of algorithms. Based on these parameters an algorithm is suggested forheairng-aid. / Hearing-Aid
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Asa-konflikten 1934-35 : Medias fokusering på en lantarbetarstrid för föreningsrätten / Asa-Conflict 1934-1935 : Media Focusing Agricultural Swedish Workers Strike för Trade Union RightsJansson, Freddy January 2009 (has links)
Sammanfattning Asa-konflikten utspelades i Småland under åren 1934 och 1935. Den ansågs vara en betydelsefull milstolpe i arbetarrörelsens historia i Kronobergs län men verkar nu vara relativt bortglömd. Det var en långdragen facklig och juridisk strid om föreningsrätten och rätten att verka som en fackförening mellan lantarbetarna, företrädda av Svenska Lantarbetareförbundet, och de tyska ägarna – Stinnes, företrädd av svensken (och nazisten) Söderström som var gift med en av finansmagnaten Hugo Stinnes döttrar. Det var även en kamp som utspelades i det offentliga rummet med rapportering och opinionsbildning i pressen bland annat från den år 1934 nystartade socialdemokratiska tidningen Kronobergaren. Asa-konflikten utkämpades mellan de anställda lantarbetarna på Asa herrgård, som ligger 4 mil norr om Växjö, och gårdens ägare och förvaltare. Antalet arbetare som direkt berördes av denna fackliga konflikt var ett knappt trettiotal personer varav flertalet var familjeförsörjare. Indirekt berördes därmed ett 70-tal personer. Strejken och blockaden varade i nästan ett år. Konflikten väckte uppmärksamhet även utanför Kronobergs län då den i första hand rörde den viktiga föreningsrätten och rätten för lantarbetarna att teckna ett kollektivavtal. Konflikten har inte varit föremål för mer omfattande akademisk forskning. Gunnar Sträng, då nybliven facklig ombudsman för ett offensivt lantarbetarfack, var med och hjälpte till att arbetarna vann konflikten och fick sitt kollektivavtal. Asa-konflikten är betydelsefull då den blev landets sista vräkningskonflikt. Gunnar Sträng ansåg att denna konflikt bidrog till att lagstiftning mot denna stridsåtgärd sedan infördes. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Asa-konfliktens förlopp framställdes i vissa utvalda tidningar och vad som bidrog till att strejken lyckades nå sitt huvudmål att teckna ett kollektivavtal för lantarbetarna. Den arbetarvänliga pressen rapporterade flitigt och ställde sig på de strejkandes sida. Borgerlig press var antingen tyst eller negativ. Vidare analyseras hur lantarbetarnas fackliga organisering i Småland påverkades av strejken. Det framkommer i uppsatsen att under de tre åren efter den lyckade strejken, från 1935 till 1938, mer än tredubblades antalet fackanslutna lantarbetare i Småland.
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Design of Reconfigurable Annular Slot Antenna (ASA) for Wireless Communications / WLAN ApplicationsNikolaou, Symeon 22 November 2005 (has links)
This Thesis presents the design and development of a reconfigurable both in frequency and radiation pattern Annular Slot Antenna (ASA). The antenna is fabricated on Duroid with dielectric constant 6.15. The ASA operates in three different frequencies: 5.2, 5.8 and 6.4 GHz. The matching at those frequencies is achieved using linear stubs. PIN diodes are used as switches to connect/disconnect the stubs to the microstip feed line. The use of PIN diodes along the slot allows the steering of the radiation pattern and therefore the position of a radiation pattern null is directed in three pre-selected directions.
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Pharmakokinetik von Olsalazin beim PferdStrauhs, Peter 14 June 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Pharmakokinetische Grundlagenuntersuchung nach oraler Applikation des Prodrugs Olsalazin im Hinblick auf dessen mögliche therapeutische Anwendung bei unspezifischen entzündlichen Dickdarmerkrankungen des Pferdes (z.B.Typhlokolitis). / Basic studies of the pharmakokinetics of olsalazine following oral administration to horses in order to prepare a possible therapeutic use of this drug for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases of horses (e.g. typhlocolitis).
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Asa-konflikten 1934-35 : Medias fokusering på en lantarbetarstrid för föreningsrätten / Asa-Conflict 1934-1935 : Media Focusing Agricultural Swedish Workers Strike för Trade Union RightsJansson, Freddy January 2009 (has links)
<h1>Sammanfattning</h1><p>Asa-konflikten utspelades i Småland under åren 1934 och 1935. Den ansågs vara en betydelsefull milstolpe i arbetarrörelsens historia i Kronobergs län men verkar nu vara relativt bortglömd. Det var en långdragen facklig och juridisk strid om föreningsrätten och rätten att verka som en fackförening mellan lantarbetarna, företrädda av Svenska Lantarbetareförbundet, och de tyska ägarna – Stinnes, företrädd av svensken (och nazisten) Söderström som var gift med en av finansmagnaten Hugo Stinnes döttrar. Det var även en kamp som utspelades i det offentliga rummet med rapportering och opinionsbildning i pressen bland annat från den år 1934 nystartade socialdemokratiska tidningen <em>Kronobergaren</em>.</p><p> </p><p>Asa-konflikten utkämpades mellan de anställda lantarbetarna på Asa herrgård, som ligger 4 mil norr om Växjö, och gårdens ägare och förvaltare. Antalet arbetare som direkt berördes av denna fackliga konflikt var ett knappt trettiotal personer varav flertalet var familjeförsörjare. Indirekt berördes därmed ett 70-tal personer. Strejken och blockaden varade i nästan ett år. Konflikten väckte uppmärksamhet även utanför Kronobergs län då den i första hand rörde den viktiga föreningsrätten och rätten för lantarbetarna att teckna ett kollektivavtal.<strong><em></em></strong></p><p> </p><p>Konflikten har inte varit föremål för mer omfattande akademisk forskning. Gunnar Sträng, då nybliven facklig ombudsman för ett offensivt lantarbetarfack, var med och hjälpte till att arbetarna vann konflikten och fick sitt kollektivavtal. Asa-konflikten är betydelsefull då den blev landets sista vräkningskonflikt. Gunnar Sträng ansåg att denna konflikt bidrog till att lagstiftning mot denna stridsåtgärd sedan infördes.<em></em></p><p> </p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur Asa-konfliktens förlopp framställdes i vissa utvalda tidningar och vad som bidrog till att strejken lyckades nå sitt huvudmål att teckna ett kollektivavtal för lantarbetarna. Den arbetarvänliga pressen rapporterade flitigt och ställde sig på de strejkandes sida. Borgerlig press var antingen tyst eller negativ. Vidare analyseras hur lantarbetarnas fackliga organisering i Småland påverkades av strejken. Det framkommer i uppsatsen att under de tre åren efter den lyckade strejken, från 1935 till 1938, mer än tredubblades antalet fackanslutna lantarbetare i Småland.</p>
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Finding Patterns in Nature: Asa Gray's Plant Geography and Collecting Networks (1830s-1860s)Hung, Kuang-Chi 18 October 2013 (has links)
It is well known that American botanist Asa Gray's 1859 paper on the floristic similarities between Japan and the United States was among the earliest applications of Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory in plant geography. Commonly known as Gray's "disjunction thesis," Gray's diagnosis of that previously inexplicable pattern not only provoked his famous debate with Louis Agassiz but also secured his role as the foremost advocate of Darwin and Darwinism in the United States. Making use of previously unknown archival materials, this dissertation examines the making of Gray's disjunction thesis and its relation to his collecting networks. I first point out that, as far back as the 1840s, Gray had identified remarkable "analogies" between the flora of East Asia and that of North America. By analyzing Gray and his contemporaries' "free and liberal exchange of specimens," I argue that Gray at the time was convinced that "a particular plan" existed in nature, and he considered that the floristic similarities between Japan and eastern North America manifested this plan. In the 1850s, when Gray applied himself to enumerating collections brought back by professional collectors supported by the subscription system and appointed in governmental surveying expeditions, his view of nature was then replaced by one that regarded the flora as merely "a catalogue of species." I argue that it was by undertaking the manual labor of cataloging species and by charging subscription fees for catalogued species that Gray established his status as a metropolitan botanist and as the "mint" that produced species as a currency for transactions in botanical communities. Finally, I examine the Gray-Darwin correspondence in the 1850s and the expedition that brought Gray's collector to Japan. I argue that Gray's thesis cannot be considered Darwinian as historians of science have long understood the term, and that its conception was part of the United States' scientific imperialism in East Asia. In light of recent studies focusing on the history of field sciences, this dissertation urges that a close examination of a biogeographical discovery like Gray's thesis is impossible without considering the institutional, cultural, and material aspects that tie the closets of naturalists to the field destinations of collectors. / History of Science
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To be African or Not to Be: An Autoethnographic Content Analysis of the Works of Dr. Asa Grant Hilliard, III (Nana Baffour Amankwatia, II)Cutts, Qiana M 17 August 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to explore the work of Dr. Asa Grant Hilliard, III (Nana Baffour Amankwatia, II) in three areas: (1) traditional African education and socialization, (2) responsibilities of African teachers, and (3) the need for inter/multicultural teacher education programs. It was also the purpose of this research to explore my African identity development and transformation as I interacted with, studied, and read works by Dr. Hilliard. Data used in the study include a selection of works by Dr. Hilliard, fieldnotes, fieldletters, original poetry and essays, and memory data (St. Pierre, 1997). Qualitative content analysis and autoethnography were combined to present an autoethnographic content analysis (ACA) of Dr. Hilliard’s work. The ACA method is unique to this study and provided a reflexive analysis of documents (Altheide, 1987) complimented by recognition of the events that contributed to my African identification. Findings from the study revealed several major themes in Dr. Hilliard’s work: (a) African socialization to challenge the MAAFA, (b) traditional African education for all children, (c) African teachers as responsible teachers, and (d) teacher education for inter/multicultural perspectives. The final product is an amalgamation of academic and literary writing, and includes poems, vignettes, and autobiographical narratives.
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Stenålderns schamaner : En studie om gudars ursprung och världens fornkulturella troPetersson, Cedrik January 2015 (has links)
In this work, you get drawn into a different and distant world than the one we are usedto. You get to know what shamanism is, in a basic and understandable way, easy to lookupon for a newcomer to this gigantic subject. The world of raging spirits and meddlingshamans with the belief of three worlds where spirits roam will be compared toreligions that we might know better, with big focus on the Aesir Faith. Oden and otherwell-known characters from this belief are in a historical way looked upon and relatedto beliefs, storys and findings.The archaic belief of the humans are intriguing and exciting, and I hope you find outthat yourself, when you dig in to this essay
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Cirurgia da mão ou do punho na vigência de antitrombóticos orais Revisão sistemática e metanálise /Deienno, Francisco Simões January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antônio José Maria Cataneo / Resumo: Introdução: O risco de sangramento em cirurgias realizadas na vigência de antitrombóticos preocupa o cirurgião, em contrapartida, a suspensão do agente antitrombótico aumenta o risco de trombose. Esse dilema levou a realização desta revisão. Objetivo: avaliar, por meio de revisão sistemática e metanálise, se há ou não necessidade de suspender medicamentos antitrombóticos orais (varfarina, fluindiona, acenocumarol, AAS e clopidogrel) para a realização de procedimentos eletivos de cirurgia do punho e da mão. Métodos: revisão sistemática de estudos experimentais ou observacionais que tenham avaliado cirurgias de mão e punho na vigência do agente antitrombótico. Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados LILACS, Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane e Scopus, sendo selecionados series com cinco ou mais cirurgias . Os desfechos avaliados foram: complicações graves (necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico) e leves (sem necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico). Resultados : foram selecionados 10 estudos observacionais para análise qualitativa envolvendo 2971 cirurgias. Seis desses estudos foram selecionados para análise quantitativa, envolvendo 319 cirurgias do punho e da mão realizadas na vigência de varfarina, fluindiona, acenocumarol, AAS e clopidogrel e 629 cirurgias realizadas em pacientes sem uso dos antitrombóticos. O risco de complicações leves foi maior nos pacientes que estavam recebendo antitrombóticos ( RR 1,55, IC 95% 1,02 a 2,35; I 2 = 23%, 948 cirurgias), e o risco de complicações graves foi sem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Introduction : The risks of bleeding in surgeries performed during the antithrombotic period are of concern to the surgeon, and on the other hand, the suspension of the antithrombotic agent increases the risk of thrombosis. This dilemma led to this review. Objective: to evaluate, through a systematic review, whether or not there is a need to suspend antithrombotic drugs (warfarin, fluindione, acenocumarol, ASA and clopidogrel) to perform elective procedures for wrist and hand surgery. Methods: systematic review of experimental or observational studies that have evaluated hand and wrist surgeries during the antithrombotic agent. The databases LILACS, Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane and Scopus were searched, being selected series with five or more surgeries. The outcomes evaluated were: severe complications (need for surgical treatment) and mild complications (no need for surgical treatment). Results: 10 observational studies were selected for qualitative analysis involving 2971 surgeries. Six of these studies were selected for quantitative analysis, involving 319 wrist and hand surgeries performed during warfarin, fluindione, acenocumarol, ASA and clopidogrel and 629 surgeries performed in patients without antithrombotic drugs. The risk of mild complications was greater in patients receiving antithrombotic drugs (RR 1.55, 95% CI 1.02 to 2.35, I 2 = 23%, 948 surgeries), and the risk of severe complications was similar in both groups (RR 1.83, 95% CI 0.32 to 10.29, I 2 = 0%, 948 surger... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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