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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Austrálie a Nový Zéland: specifická pozice mezi asijským Tichomořím a Evropou / Australia and New Zealand: a special position between Asia-Pacific and Europe

Kozák, David January 2006 (has links)
Ústředním tématem diplomové práce je analýza role Austrálie a Nového Zélandu v rozvoji vztahů mezi regionem asijského Tichomoří a Evropskou unií. Výsledkem zkoumání dosavadního vývoje a rozvoje vztahů mezi Austrálií, Novým Zélandem a EU je posouzení možnosti využití těchto vztahů pro posílení pozice Evropské unie v asijském Tichomoří. Diplomová práce se dále zabývá integračními seskupeními regionu asijského Tichomoří (ASEAN, APEC, ASEM) a na pozici Austrálie, Nového Zélandu a EU v těchto uskupeních. Austrálie a Nový Zéland lze považovat za budoucí most spojující EU a asijské Tichomoří pouze v případě, že spolupráce mezi Austřálií, Novým Zélandem a EU bude posílena a bude pro ní stanoven hmotnější rámec. Pro toto posílení je nezbytná reforma společné zemědělské politiky EU, jelikož obchod zemědělskými produkty je podstatným tématem téměř všech jednání mezi EU a těmito zeměmi.

Východní a Jihovýchodní Asie na prahu 21. století

Pelikánová, Barbora January 2007 (has links)
Tématem práce je východní a jihovýchodní Asie a její postavení ve světové ekonomice na prahu 21. století. Práce si klade za cíl charakterizovat současný stav ekonomického rozvoje zemí regionu východní a jihovýchodní Asie, zachytit nejvýznamnější tendence a změny, převážně v ekonomické oblasti, kterými tento region za posledních šedesát let prošel a analyzovat dopad těchto změn na ekonomiky zemí regionu i na celkové postavení regionu východní a jihovýchodní Asie ve světové ekonomice na počátku 21. století. Výsledkem práce je stručný přehled vývoje jednotlivých zemí a skupin zemí východní a jihovýchodní Asie od 50. let minulého století až po současnost, charakteristika změn ve vzájemných vztazích těchto zemí a analýza jejich postavení ve světové ekonomice. Součástí práce je rovněž nástin předpokládaného budoucího vývoje zemí regionu východní a jihovýchodní Asie.


PRINCE, Peter January 1993 (has links)
Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore are of key strategic importance for Australia. These three nations form the geographic and arguably the political core of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The growing resilience of ASEAN over the last quarter of a century has been a major factor in Australia's secure strategic outlook. In addition, the Indonesia - Malaysia - Singapore triangle lies across the most feasible military approaches to Australia. Hence strategic cohesion in this triangle greatly reduces the prospect of any kind of military threat to Australia.

布希政府對東南亞國協政策之研究 / Bush Government's Foreign Policy Toward ASEAN

王雪虹, Wang, Hsueh Hong Unknown Date (has links)
布希政府執政期間(一九八九~一九九二),在國際上正逢冷戰結束、兩德統一、東歐巨變,蘇聯解體等極具轉折性的變化,過去兩極體系之下僵化的外交政策已不能適應新的局勢,再加上美國國內經濟不景氣,輿論對於振興經濟的要求也日益高漲,所以布希政府勢必調整以往過多的海外軍事承諾及經濟實力日益雄厚的東協各國加強經貿關係。   本論文的第一章旨在闡明研究動機、目的、研究的範圍、架構、方法,以及研究期間所遭遇的困難及限制;第二章則回顧過去美國針對東協在政治、經濟、安全各方面的政策,其中七○年代的越戰是美國參與東南亞事務的轉折點,在越戰之前,美國全力介入東南亞以圍者共產勢力的擴張,而越戰過後,東南亞地區曾經是美國不願碰觸的傷痛,直到雷根政府時期,美國才又致力與東協發展全面性的關係。   第三章由安全層面探討布希政府的東協政策,國防預算的撙節加上蘇聯威脅的降低,促使美國減少亞太前進部署兵力的時機成熟,加上菲律賓的民族主義高漲,使美國不得不撤出其在菲國的軍事基地。不過,儘管美國逐漸從東南亞地區撤出,但其仍是東協國家企盼留下來維持區域安定的一股力量,美國也不斷強調其身為一個太平洋國家,勢力繼續留在亞太地區的誓言絕不改變。   第四章則由經濟層面切入探討美國的經濟困境會促使布希政府對經貿政策做出何種改革,而這些改革又會給東協國家帶來怎樣的影響。美國強調APEC在亞太地區的作用,而且極力反對東協提倡EAEC將美摒除在外,看來雙方在加強經貿關係的同時,競爭與摩擦也會隨之增加,需要睿智的領導者共同努力化解。   第五章則探討東協未來的角色。東協各國在冷戰結束之後,掙脫兩極體系下的束縛,更能在經貿方面全力衝刺,逐漸發展出一股傲人的實力,也因此更增加了自信心在政治、人權方面選擇自己的判斷標準,美國在面臨這種新的轉變時,必須在舊的互動模式瓦解,新的規則又尚未完全建立之時,努力尋求彼此之間的共識,加強良性的互動。   第六章結論總結了本論文所探討之議題,釐清一條明確的布希政府對東協之政策走勢,並希望藉此能概略地指出柯林頓政府努力的方向。

Diversifying in the Integrated Markets of ASEAN+3 : A Quantitative Study of Stock Market Correlation

Stark, Caroline, Nordell, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
<p>There is evidence that globalization, economic assimilation and integration among countries and their financial markets have increased correlation among stock markets and the correlation may in turn impact investors’ allocation of their assets and economic policies. We have conducted a quantitative study with daily stock index quotes for the period January 2000 and December 2009 in order to measure the eventual correlation between the markets of ASEAN+3. This economic integration consists of; Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan and South Korea. Our problem formulation is:Are the stock markets of ASEAN+3 correlated?Does the eventual correlation change under turbulent market conditions?In terms of the eventual correlation, discuss: is it possible to diversify an investment portfolio within this area?The purpose of the study is to conduct a research that will provide investors with information about stock market correlation within the chosen market. We have conducted the study with a positivistic view and a deductive approach with some theories as our starting point. The main theories discussed are; market efficiency, risk and return, Modern Portfolio Theory, correlation and international investments. By using the financial datatbase, DataStream, we have been able to collect the necessary data for our study. The data has been processed in the statistical program SPSS by using Pearson correlation.From the empirical findings and our analysis we were able to draw some main conclusions about our study. We found that most of the ASEAN+3 countries were strongly correlated with each other. Japan showed lower correlation with all of the other countries. Based on this we concluded that economic integration seems to increase correlation between stock markets. When looking at the economic downturn in 2007-2009, we found that the correlation between ASEAN+3 became stronger and positive for all of the countries. The results also showed that the correlation varies over time. We concluded that it is, to a small extent, possible to diversify an investment portfolio across these markets.</p>

Future of Thai Electronic Component Industry under ACFTA

Boonumpaichaikul, Tossapon, Mongkoltada, Unnada January 2010 (has links)
Explore factors that influence investors interested in investing in the electronic components sector in Thailand, with a focus on the consequences of Thailand‟s membership in the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement.

CAFTA and Response Method of Taiwan

Xie, Yan-Tang 21 July 2010 (has links)
Economic globalization at post-Cold War era brings new opportunities and challenges for economic development in each country. Regionalism is the main feature of multipolar international systems and globalization and regionalization are two main powers to push current international politics and economy development forward. Since China reformed and opened the policy in 1978, fast economic growth has made China become the regional leader to obtain regional politics and economy advantages through good-neighborly diplomacy. Moreover, ASEAN consists of medium and small countries and has to build up the safety for the Nationals and regions as so to strengthen the integration of politics and economy. Due to the painful lessons of Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, the turning point contributes both parties to establish ¡§China-ASEAN FTA¡¨ in 2010. Taiwan is located at the center of west Pacific which is the major juncture of North East Asia and Southeast Asia and has the superiority of geographical conditions. Taiwan is a trade-oriented country and Taiwan, China and ASEAN have close economic and trade relations. Taiwan depends deeply on China¡¦s economy and trade and the establishment of ¡§China-ASEAN FTA¡¨ will cause crowding effect to Taiwan¡¦s economy and trade. Due to international blockaded by China¡¦s ¡§one China¡¨ policy, ASEAN maintains separation strategy of economy and trade to Taiwan. During the economic globalization, advancing Regional Trade Agreement or allying with bilateral trade has become the strategy for each country to boost global competitiveness through regional economic integration. Therefore, stable domestic political environment is one of the main elements to affect national diplomacy and security policy. Cross-Strait relations in politics are full of complex confrontation and contradiction. After Ma Ying-jeou exercised the power, both sides opened the negotiation way and economic issues have become the most important focus. Both sides started with theory of neofunctionalism and the precondition is to put the controversy about both sides¡¦ sovereignty aside but normalize the economic and trade relations. Both sides reopened the negotiation which is the foundation to build up mutual trust and reciprocity and mutual benefit is the ultimate goal. Opposite ideology shall be put aside and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement shall be signed to ensure the economic safety and cooperation between both sides in response to the impact of establishing ¡§China-ASEAN FTA¡¨ to settle a stable economic relation to both sides.

The Trade and Security Interactions Between EU and ASEAN

Lin, Yen-Chun 01 July 2011 (has links)
After the Cold war, the economic and political cooperations between the regions has gradually replaced the relations between individual countries. European Union and ASEAN are the two regional orginazations in Eurasia which interacte and cooperate through these three organizations: Asia-Europe Meeting, ASEAN Regional Forum, and EU-ASEAN Ministerial Meetings. This thesis is based on neo-functionalism to analyze the cooperation between EU and ASEAN, and study the process of the ramification effects on the sectors of natural resources of EU and ASEAN, and the possible ¡§spill-over¡¨ effect to political and security cooperations. The result of this thesis could be provided as the suggessions for the government of Taiwan making decisions on the foreign policy.

Studies on economic cooperation and security regime in East Asia

Hsu, Shao-Jui 03 January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this research is the relationship between economic cooperation and security regime in the East Asia based on the theory of neo-functionalism. After the Cold War, the economic cooperation in the East Asia become deeper, meanwhile, the North Korea's nuclear problem is still the hotspot in the East Asia. In the process of cooperation in the East Asia, the relationship between economic cooperation and security regime is complementary, which could solve the North Korea's nuclear problem. The process and frame of the relationship between economic cooperation and security regime in the East Asia, will be analyzed in this thesis for offering the government¡¦s decision-making about the possibility of Taiwan¡¦s engagement in the regional cooperation in East Asia.

The study of China's Rising and America's Asia-Pacific safety strategy:Viewpoint of Geopolitics

Wang, Fan-Keng 26 August 2005 (has links)
Abstract With the rapid growth of economy, the People's Republic of China plays an important role in the global community since the reform and opening up in 1978. With the rising of China, China changes its view of the world. Under the concept of ¡§Five Principles¡¨, China changes its policy from ¡§tao guang yang hui¡¨ to peaceful rise and peaceful development. The study uses the approach of geopolitics to discuss the relationship between geography and strategy, geography is the foundation of national safety strategy, existence and development. Napoleon Bonaparte has said when you understand the geography of one nation, you can understand its foreign policy. The study uses the concept of China¡¦s peaceful rising to discuss the influences to other nations in Asia Pacific region including south and north Korea, Russia, Japan, Taiwan and ASEAN. By the way, after 911 Terrorist Attack, America changes its China policy and cooperates with China, China also improves it relationship with America at the same time. China¡¦s peaceful rising no doubt would influence the interests of America in Asia Pacific region, therefore, the study focuses on how would America face the situation of China¡¦s peaceful rising. On the early days of cold war, because of Taiwan¡¦s special geographical position, Taiwan became the foundation of America¡¦s deterrence theory. After the cold war, with the change of America¡¦s global strategy and the end of Vietnam war, Taiwan became less important. Besides, the hegemony of America is weaken in the end of cold war, China tries to become the superpower of Asia Pacific region with the concept of peaceful raising. To Taiwan, the rise of China will limit the development of Taiwan, Taiwan needs to consider the growth and decline of America and China in the future.

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