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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Approximation Method For Performance Measurement In Base-stock Controlled Assembly Systems

Rodoplu, Umut 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to develop a tractable method for approximating the steady-state behavior of continuous-review base-stock controlled assembly systems with Poisson demand arrivals and manufacturing and assembly facilities modeled as Jackson networks. One class of systems studied is to produce a single type of finished product assembling a number of components and another class is to produce two types of finished products allowing component commonality. The performance measures evaluated are the expected backorders, fill rate and the stockout probability for finished product(s). A partially aggregated but exact model is approximated assuming that the state-dependent transition rates arising as a result of the partial aggregation are constant. This approximation leads to the derivation of a closed-form steady-state probability distribution, which is of product-form. Adequacy of the proposed model in approximating the steady-state performance measures is tested against simulation experiments over a large range of parameters and the approximation turns out to be quite accurate with absolute errors of 10% at most for fill rate and stockout probability, and of less than 1.37 (&amp / #8776 / 2) requests for expected backorders. A greedy heuristic which is proposed to be employed using approximate steady-state probabilities is devised to optimize base-stock levels while aiming at an overall service level for finished product(s).

An Approximate Model For Kanban Controlled Assembly Systems

Topan, Engin 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, an approximation is proposed to evaluate the steady-state performance of kanban controlled assembly systems. The approximation is developed for the systems with two components making up an assembly. Then, it is extended to systems with more than two components. A continuous-time Markov model is aggregated keeping the model exact, and this aggregate model is approximated replacing some state-dependent transition rates with constant rates. Decomposition of the approximate aggregate model into submodels guarantees product-form steady-state distribution for each subsystem. Finally, submodels are combined in such a way that the size of the problem becomes independent of the number of kanbans. This brings about the computational advantage in solving the combined model using numerical matrix-geometric solution algorithms. Based on the numerical comparisons with simulation, the exact model, an approximate aggregate model and another approximation in a previous study in the literature, the approximation is observed to be good in terms of accuracy with respect to computational burden and has the potential to be a building block for the analysis of systems that are more complex but closer to real-life applications.

Control of the feeder for a reconfigurable assembly system

Kruger, Karel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis documents the research conducted into the control of the feeder subsystem of a Reconfigurable Assembly System (RAS). The research was motivated by a new set of modern manufacturing requirements associated with an aggressive and dynamic global market. The motivation can be more specifically attributed to the need for selective automation, through the installation of reconfigurable systems, in the South African manufacturing industry. The objective of the research was to implement and evaluate Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) and IEC 61499 function block systems as potential control strategies for reconfigurable systems. The control strategies were implemented for the control of the feeder subsystem of an experimental RAS at Stellenbosch University. The subsystem's hardware consisted of a singulation unit with a machine vision camera, part magazines and a six DOF pick-'n-place robot. The structure of the control strategies is based on the ADACOR holonic reference architecture. The mapping of the subsystem holons to the structures of the control strategies is explained. The development and implementation of the control strategies, along with the accompanying lower level software, is described in detail. A system reconfigurability assessment was performed and the results are discussed. The assessment was performed at two levels – the Higher Level Control (HLC) (where the control strategies were implemented) and the low level control and hardware. The assessment was done through four reconfiguration experiments. The evaluation of the HLC was done through both quantitative and qualitative performance measures. The implications of the reconfiguration, involved in each of the respective experiments, on the low level software and hardware are discussed. The experimental results show that agent-based control adds more reconfigurability to the feeder subsystem than IEC 61499 function block control, and that agents have more advantages regarding customizability, convertibility and scalability than IEC 61499 function blocks. Also, the ability of agent-based control to implement reconfiguration changes during subsystem operation makes it more suitable to the case study application. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis dokumenteer die navorsing gedoen in die beheer van die voerder sub-stelsel vir 'n herkonfigureerbare monteringstelsel. Die navorsing was gemotiveer deur „n nuwe stel vereistes vir moderne vervaardiging wat met 'n aggresiewe en dinamiese globale mark geassosieer word. Die motivering kan meer spesifiek toegeskryf word aan die behoefte tot selektiewe outomatisasie, deur middel van die implimentering van herkonfigureerbare stelsels, in the Suid-Afrikaanse vervaardigingsnywerheid. Die doel van die navorsing is om multi-agent stelsels en IEC 61499 funksie-blok stelsels, as potensiële beheerstrategiëe vir herkonfigureerbare stelsels, te implementer en evalueer. Die beheerstrategiëe was geïmplementeer vir die voerder sub-stelsel van „n eksperimentele herkonfigureerbare monteringstelsel by Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die hardeware behels „n skeier-eenheid (singulation unit) met „n masjienvisie kamera, onderdeelmagasyne en „n ses-vryheidsgraad gearktikuleerde optel-en-plaas robot. Die struktuur van die beheerstrategiëe is gebaseer op die ADACOR holoniese verwysingsargitektuur. Die afbeelding van die sub-stelsel holons na die struktuur van die beheerstrategiëe word verduidelik. Die ontwikkeling en implementering van die beheerstrategiëe, asook die gepaardgaande laer-vlak programmatuur, word in detail beskryf. Die stelsel se herkonfigureerbaarheid was geassesseer en die resultate daarvan word bespreek. Die assessering was op twee vlakke gedoen – die hoër-vlak beheer (waar die beheerstrategiëe geimplementeer was) en die lae-vlak beheer en hardeware. Die assessering was gedoen deur middel van vier herkonfigurasie eksperimente. Die hoër-vlak beheer was geëvalueer deur beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metings. Die implikasies van die herkonfigurasie, betrokke by die onderskeie eksperimente, op die lae-vlak beheer en hardeware word beskryf. Die eksperimentele resultate wys dat agent-baseerde beheer meer herkonfigureerbaarheid tot die voerder sub-stelsel toevoeg as IEC 61499 funksie-blok beheer. Dit is geïdentifiseer dat agente meer voordele inhou ten opsigte van aanpasbaarheid, skakelbaarheid en skaalbaarheid as IEC funksie-blokke. Agent-baseerde beheer laat ook toe dat herkonfigurasieveranderinge tydens sub-stelsel werking geïmplimenteer kan word – dus is dit meer geskik vir aanwending in die gevallestudie.

Planification des réapprovisionnements sous incertitudes pour les systèmes d’assemblage à plusieurs niveaux / Replenishment planning under uncertainty for multi-level assembly systems

Ben Ammar, Oussama 09 October 2014 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel marqué par l’instabilité des marchés, les clients sont de plus en plus exigeants. un client qui n’est pas approvisionné à une date souhaitée peut soit remettre son achat à plus tard, soit aller chercher le produit chez un concurrent. de plus, l’entreprise doit faire face à de multiples imprévisibilités internes, de la concurrence ou d’événements extérieurs. ces aléas induisent de l'incertitude dans la planification de la production et génèrent des sources nombreuses de retard, de désynchronisation et de pertes de productivité. ce travail de thèse s’intègre dans la problématique de la planification de la production dans un environnement incertain. nous étudions des problèmes de la planification des réapprovisionnements pour un système d’assemblage à plusieurs niveaux, quand les délais d’approvisionnement sont incertains. nous avons choisi comme indicateur de performance l’espérance du coût total moyen qui est égal à la somme du coût de stockage des composants, le coût de rupture du produit fini et le coût de stockage du produit fini. des propriétés théoriques, des modèles analytiques ainsi que des méthodes d’optimisation ont été proposés. nous avons montré que la résolution du problème ne dépend pas seulement de la méthode de résolution et du nombre de niveaux, mais aussi du coût de rupture en produit fini et de la structure du système d’assemblage. / In the current industrial context, the offer is largely higher than the demand. Therefore, the customers are more and more exigent. To distance themselves, companies need to offer to their customers the best quality products, the best costs, and with controlled lead times as short as possible. Last years, the struggle for reducing costs was accentuated within companies. However, stocks represent an important financial asset, and therefore, it is essential to control them. In addition, a bad management of stocks led either to delays in delivery, which generate additional production costs, either to the unnecessary inventory. The latter one can occur at different levels (from components at the last level to finished product), it costs money and immobilize funds. That is why, planners have to look for efficient methods of production and supply planning, to know exactly for each component, and when to order and in which quantity.The aim of this doctoral thesis is to investigate the supply planning in an uncertain environment. We are interested in a replenishment planning for multi-level assembly systems under a fixed demand and uncertainty of components lead times.We consider that each component has a fixed unit inventory cost; the finished product has an inventory cost and a backlogging cost per unit of time. Then, a general mathematical model for replenishment planning of multi-level assembly systems, genetic algorithm and branch and bound method are presented to calculate and to optimize the expected value of the total cost which equals to the sum of the inventory holding costs for the components, the backlogging and the inventory holding costs for the finished product. We can state by the different results that the convergence of the GA doesn't depend only on the number of components in the last level but also on the number of levels, the type of the BOM and the backlogging cost for the finished product.

A case study of how Industry 4.0 will impact on a manual assembly process in an existing production system : Interpretation, enablers and benefits

Nessle Åsbrink, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
The term Industry 4.0, sometimes referred to as a buzzword, is today on everyone’s tongue and the benefits undeniably seem to be promising and have potential to revolutionize the manufacturing industry. But what does it really mean? From a high-level business perspective, the concept of Industry 4.0 most often demonstrates operational efficiency and promising business models but studies show that many companies either lack understanding for the concept and how it should be implemented or are dissatisfied with progress of already implemented solutions. Further, there is a perception that it is difficult to implement the concept without interference with the current production system.The purpose of this study is to interpret and outline the main characteristics and key components of the concept Industry 4.0 and further break down and conclude the potential benefits and enablers for a manufacturing company within the heavy automotive industry. In order to succeed, a case study has been performed at a manual final assembly production unit within the heavy automotive industry. Accordingly, the study intends to give a deeper understanding of the concept and specifically how manual assembly within an already existing manual production system will be affected. Thus outline the crucial enablers in order to successfully implement the concept of Industry 4.0 and be prepared to adapt to the future challenges of the industry. The case study, performed through observations and interviews, attacks the issue from two perspectives; current state and desired state. A theoretical framework is then used as a basis for analysis of the result in order to be able to further present the findings and conclusion of the study. Lastly, two proof of concept are performed to exemplify and support the findings. The study shows that succeeding with implementation of Industry 4.0 is not only about the related technology itself. Equally important parts to be considered and understood are the integration into the existing production system and design and purpose of the manual assembly process. Lastly the study shows that creating understanding and commitment in the organization by strategy, leadership, culture and competence is of greatest importance to succeed. / Begreppet Industri 4.0, ibland benämnt som modeord, är idag på allas tungor och fördelarna verkar onekligen lovande och tros ha potential att revolutionera tillverkningsindustrin. Men vad betyder det egentligen? Ur ett affärsperspektiv påvisar begreppet Industri 4.0 oftast ökad operativ effektivitet och lovande affärsmodeller men flera studier visar att många företag antingen saknar förståelse för konceptet och hur det ska implementeras eller är missnöjda med framstegen med redan implementerade lösningar. Vidare finns det en uppfattning att det är svårt att implementera konceptet utan störningar i det nuvarande produktionssystemet. Syftet med denna studie är att tolka och beskriva huvudegenskaperna och nyckelkomponenterna i konceptet Industri 4.0 och ytterligare bryta ner och konkludera de potentiella fördelarna och möjliggörarna för ett tillverkande företag inom den tunga bilindustrin. För att lyckas har en fallstudie utförts vid en manuell slutmonteringsenhet inom den tunga lastbilsindustrin. Studien avser på så sätt att ge en djupare förståelse för konceptet och specifikt hur manuell montering inom ett redan existerande manuellt produktionssystem kommer att påverkas. Alltså att kartlägga viktiga möjliggörare för att framgångsrikt kunna implementera konceptet Industri 4.0 och på så sätt vara beredd att ta sig an industrins framtida utmaningar. Fallstudien, utförd genom observationer och intervjuer, angriper frågan från två perspektiv; nuläge och önskat läge. Ett teoretiskt ramverk används sedan som underlag för analys av resultatet för att vidare kunna presentera rön och slutsats från studien. Slutligen utförs två experiment för att exemplifiera och stödja resultatet. Studien visar att en framgångsrik implementering av Industri 4.0 troligtvis inte bara handlar om den relaterade tekniken i sig. Lika viktiga delar som ska beaktas och förstås är integrationen i det befintliga produktionssystemet och utformningen och syftet med den manuella monteringsprocessen. Slutligen visar studien att det är av största vikt att skapa förståelse och engagemang i organisationen genom strategi, ledarskap, kultur och kompetens.

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