Spelling suggestions: "subject:"assimilate"" "subject:"assimilated""
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Unveiled: France’s Inability to Accept IslamJanuary 2017 (has links)
abstract: The thesis I have written aims to investigate the underlying reasons why France has considered Islam as unassimilable and why it has targeted Muslim women’s bodies to force assimilation. In the first section of the thesis, I examine the colonial relationship between France and Algeria. I conclude that Algeria’s independence from France significantly influenced the negative treatment towards immigrants in postcolonial France. I then study the racist discourse that dominated French politics in the 1980s; and clarify how this has laid the foundation for the first attempt to ban the headscarves in public schools during the 1980s. The final section explores the 2004 ban on conspicuous religious symbols, a ban that significantly targeted the headscarf. I conclude that the prohibition of the headscarf undermined the rights of Muslim women and symbolized France’s inability to accept Islam, since France feared Islam’s visibility weakened a dominant French identity. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Social Justice and Human Rights 2017
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Un modèle probabiliste de fleur de fertilité et facteurs influant sur la production de semences en colza d'hiverXiujuan, Wang 08 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le nombre de siliques par plante et le nombre de graines par silique sont les composantes du rendement du colza d'hiver qui présentent la plus grande variabilité. La production d'une graine résulte de la combinaison de plusieurs processus physiologiques, à savoir la formation des ovules et des grains de pollen, la fécondation des ovules et le développement de jeunes embryons. Un problème survenu à n'importe quelles des étapes peut entraîner l'avortement de graines ou de la silique. Le nombre potentiel d'ovules par silique et le nombre graines arrivant la maturité dépendraient de la position du dans l'architecture de plante et le temps de son apparition, mais le mode complexe de développement de colza rend difficile l'analyse des causes et effets. Dans cette étude, la variabilité des composantes du rendement suivantes est étudiée: (a) nombre d'ovules par silique, (b) nombre de graines par silique, et (c) nombre de siliques par axe en fonction d'une part, l'emplacement de la fleur dans l'inflorescence, et la position de cette dernière sur la tige, et l'autre part, le temps d'apparition de la silique, qui affectent la disponibilité d'assimilats. Basé sur les processus biologiques de la fertilité des fleurs, un modèle probabiliste est développé pour simuler le développement des graines. Le nombre de grains de pollen par fleur peut être déduit par le modèle et ainsi que les facteurs qui influent le rendement. Des expériences de terrain ont été menées en 2008 et 2009. Le nombre et la position des fleurs qui s'épanouissaient dans l'inflorescence ont été enregistrés sur la base des observations tous les deux à trois jours pendant la saison de floraison. Différents états trophiques ont été créés par tailler de la tige principale ou des ramifications à étudier l'effet de l'assimilation de la compétition. Les résultats montrent que la quantité d'assimilâtes disponibles a été le principal déterminant de la production de graines et de siliques. La répartition d'assimilâtes a été sensiblement affectée par l'emplacement de silique au sein d'une inflorescence et la location de l'inflorescence sur la tige colza. En outre, le paramètre de la distribution du nombre de pollen a indiqué que la production de graines pourrait être limitée par la pollinisation. La réduction de la viabilité des ovules pourrait entraîner la diminution du nombre de siliques et le nombre de graines par silique à l'extrémité de l'inflorescence. Le modèle proposé pourrait être un outil pour étudier la stratégie de l'amélioration du rendement des plantes à fleurs.
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Crescimento e produtividade qualitativa de tomateiro submetido à enxertia / Growth and yield of tomato qualitative submitted to grafting.Pedó, Tiago 02 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-02 / The experiment was conducted in the period between December 2010 and June 2011, at the Capão do Leão Campus of Universidade Federal of Pelotas. The study aimed to analyze the growth and physiological characteristics of the qualitative production of tomato grafted and ungrafted under a protected environment. The seedlings were produced by the method of cutting terminal and ungrafted in polystyrene trays. After the period of budding, the seedlings were transplanted to the greenhouse and evaluated for growth, assimilate partitioning, yield and fruit quality and randomized blocks. From the comparative analysis of growth, the plants grafted on the hybrid Kaguemusha® showed a higher accumulation of dry matter at the end of the cycle and net assimilation rate (Ea) for more than 2/3 of the crop cycle. The relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and Ra peaked in the early phase of the cycle, and decreasing from then until the end of the cycle regardless of treatment. Grafting resulted in higher early, dry matter content of fruits, average fruit weight, shoot/root ratio, harvest index and total phenols, however the grafted plants were less productive than those of ungrafted. It was also that of ungrafted plants had soluble solids content and total yield than the grafted, however the distribution of these classes had a higher percentage of unmarketable fruits compared plants subjected to grafting. / O experimento foi realizado no periodo compreendido entre dezembro de 2010 a junho de 2011, no Campus Capão do Leão da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as características fisiológicas de crescimento e as qualitativas produtivas do tomateiro enxertado e pé-franco em ambiente protegido. As mudas foram produzidas pelo método de estaca terminal e o pé-franco em bandejas de poliestireno expandido. Após o periodo da enxertia as mudas foram transplantadas para casa de vegetação, sendo realizadas avaliações de crescimento, partição de assimilados, produtividade e qualidade dos frutos em blocos casualizados. A partir da análise comparativa dos dados de crescimento, as plantas enxertadas sobre o híbrido Kaguemusha® apresentaram maior acumulo de matéria seca ao final do ciclo e taxa assimilatória líquida (Ea) superior durante 2/3 do ciclo de cultivo. As taxas de crescimento relativo, assimilatória líquida e de crescimento relativo de área foliar atingiram o pico na fase inicial do ciclo, sendo decrescentes a partir de então até o final do ciclo independente do tratamento. A enxertia resultou em maior precocidade, teor de matéria seca de frutos, massa média de frutos, razão parte aérea/raiz, e teor de fenóis totais, entretanto as plantas enxertadas foram menos produtivas que as de pé-franco. Verificou-se ainda que plantas de pé-franco apresentaram teor de sólidos solúveis totais e produção total de frutos superior as enxertadas, entretanto na distribuição destes em classes apresentou maior percentual de frutos não comerciais quando comparadas as plantas submetidas à enxertia.
Palavras chave: Solanum lycopersicum, taxas, partição de assimilados, pós-colheita.
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Efeitos de MBTA [cloridrato de N,N-dietil-2-(4-metilbenziloxi) etilamina] na qualidade, produtividade e em características fisiológicas de três cultivares de citros / Effects of MBTA [N,N-diethyl-2-(4-metylbenzyloxy) ethylamine hydrochloride] on quality, yield and physiological characteristics of three citrus cultivarsSerciloto, Chryz Melinski 06 November 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do biorregulador MBTA [cloridrato de N,N-dietil-2-(4-metilbenziloxi) etilamina] aplicado em diferentes épocas e concentrações sobre a produtividade e qualidade dos frutos das laranjeiras 'Hamlin', 'Valência' e 'Pêra' e em características fisiológicas da laranjeira 'Hamlin'. Em duas safras consecutivas, o MBTA foi aplicado em três diferentes concentrações (8; 16 e 32 mg L-1) e em duas diferentes fases fenológicas (25% e 100% de flores abertas) em árvores cítricas adultas, utilizando um volume de 7 litros de solução por planta acompanhada do adjuvante Silwett L-77 0,05%. Foram amostrados 20 frutos por planta em quatro diferentes épocas para cada cultivar estudado para determinar o teor de sólidos solúveis totais; acidez; quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais em caixa industrial de 40,8 kg; pH; rendimento de suco; cor do suco, massa média e diâmetro médio dos frutos. Os efeitos do MBTA variaram de acordo com o cultivar, concentração aplicada e com a fase fenológica de aplicação. Na laranjeira 'Hamlin', o MBTA na concentração de 16 mg L-1 aplicado com 25% de flores abertas incrementou o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, o rendimento de suco e a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa de 40,8 kg. Este mesmo tratamento também reduziu a massa média dos frutos e não alterou a acidez, o "ratio", a cor do suco, o diâmetro médio dos frutos e a produtividade final da laranjeira 'Hamlin'. O incremento médio foi de 0,45 a 0,56% na concentração de sólidos solúveis totais e de 0,16 a 0,18 kg na quantidade de sólidos solúveis por caixa padrão de 40,8 kg. Na laranjeira 'Pêra', o MBTA na concentração de 8 mg L-1 aplicado com 25% de flores abertas incrementou o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, a acidez, a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa de 40,8 kg e a produtividade. Este mesmo tratamento também reduziu a massa média dos frutos e não alterou o rendimento de suco, o ratio, a cor do suco e o diâmetro médio dos frutos. O incremento médio foi de 0,49 a 0,65% na concentração de sólidos solúveis totais, de 0,11 a 0,13 kg na quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa padrão de 40,8 kg e de 20,4 kg/planta na produtividade. Na laranjeira 'Valência', o MBTA na concentração de 16 mg L-1 aplicado com 25% ou 100% de flores abertas incrementou a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa de 40,8 kg. Estes tratamentos não promoveram alterações consistentes sobre o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, o rendimento de suco, a acidez, o ratio, a massa média dos frutos, o diâmetro médio dos frutos, a cor dos frutos e a produtividade. O incremento médio foi de 0,11 a 0,14 kg na quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa industrial padrão de 40,8 kg. Aumentos na assimilação de CO2 e uma diminuição no conteúdo foliar de carboidratos foram observados nas folhas tratadas com MBTA na concentração de 16 mg L-1. Os efeitos do MBTA sobre a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos estão possivelmente relacionados com a fotossíntese a com relações fonte-dreno. / The purpose of this research was to evaluate effects of MBTA [N,N-diethyl-2-(4- metylbenzyloxy) ethylamine hydrochloride] bioregulator applied on different times and concentrations on the yield and fruit quality of 'Hamlin', 'Pera' and 'Valencia' sweet orange and on physiological characteristics of 'Hamlin' sweet orange. In two consecutive harvest seasons, the MBTA was sprayed in three different concentrations (8; 16 and 32 mg L-1) and in two different phenological phases (25% and 100% open flowers) in citrus mature trees, using 7 L of spray per tree added with Silwett L-77 adjuvant at 0.05%. For each cultivar, twenty fruits per tree were sampled in four different times to determine the total soluble solids concentration, acidity, quantity of total soluble solids in 40.8 kg box, pH, juice concentration, juice color, fruit weight and diameter. The effects of MBTA varied according to the cultivar, concentration and phenological phase of application. In 'Hamlin' sweet orange, the MBTA at 16 mg L-1 concentration sprayed with 25% open flowers increased the total soluble solids concentration, juice concentration and the quantity of total soluble solids per 40,8 kg box. This same treatment decreased the fruit weight and didn´t affect the acidity, ratio, juice color, fruit diameter and yield. The average increase was from 0.45 to 0.56% on total soluble solids concentration and from 0.16 to 0.18 kg on the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box. In 'Pera' sweet orange, the MBTA at 8 mg L-1 concentration sprayed with 25% open flowers increased the total soluble solids concentration, acidity, the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box and the yield. This same treatment decreased the fruit weight and didn´t affect the juice concentration, ratio, juice color and fruit diameter. The average increase was from 0.49 to 0.65% on total soluble solids concentration, from 0.11 to 0.13 kg on the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box and 20.4 kg/tree on yield. In 'Valencia' sweet orange, the MBTA at 16 mg L-1 concentration sprayed with 25% or 100% open flowers increased the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box. These treatments didn't cause consistent changes in the total soluble solids concentration, acidity, fruit diameter, fruit weight, juice concentration, ratio, juice color and the yield. The average increase was from 0.11 to 0.14 kg on the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box. An increase on the CO2 assimilation and a decrease on foliar carbohydrate content were observed in the leaves sprayed with MBTA at 16 mg L-1 concentration. The MBTA effects on the yield and fruit quality are possibly related to the photosynthesis and source-sink relations.
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Densidade de plantio e poda da parte aérea na partição de massa seca de plantas de batata em hidroponia / Plant density and pruning in the dry matter partitioning of hydroponically cultivated potatoDellai, Jacso 02 March 2007 (has links)
Hydroponic system is an important improvement of the potato production process of tuber seeds. There is no enough information about management techniques of hydroponically cultivated potato. A main problem of this production system is the excessive shoot growth, which results in a low propagation rate. Planting density and pruning may change the relationship between shoot and tuber growth, affecting dry matter partitioning. The objective of this work was to study the effect of planting density and pruning in the dry matter partitioning of hydroponically cultivated potato plants to reduce shoot growth an increase tuber dry matter accumulation. One experiment was carried out to study the effect of planting density in the growth and dry matter partitioning of potato plants during spring 2004. Planting densities of 25, 44, 100 and 400 hills.m-2 were evaluated. Another experiment was carried out to study the effect of leaf area restriction with pruning in the dry matter partitioning during fall and spring 2005 growing seasons. The treatments were pruning aerial parts of plants at 10, 20, and 30 cm height
and control (with no pruning). Planting density and pruning affected dry matter partitioning of hydroponically cultivated potato plants. Planting density of 100 hills.m-2 results in the highest plant growth and tuber fraction production. This density should be used to the production of potato in hydroponic system. Increasing hill density improves tuber number yield without reducing tuber dry matter production. Pruning plants at 30 cm high is a management practice that can be used to restrict shoot growth of potato plants grown hydroponically, with small yield reduction during spring. / O sistema hidropônico mostra-se como um importante avanço no processo de produção de tubérculos-semente de batata. Existe carência de informações a respeito das técnicas de manejo a serem adotadas no cultivo hidropônico de batata,
principalmente por se tratar de uma técnica recente. Dentre os problemas apresentados por esse sistema, destaca-se o excessivo crescimento da parte aérea das plantas, o que afeta a eficiência do processo de multiplicação de tubérculos. A densidade de plantio e a poda da parte aérea interferem no equilíbrio entre o crescimento dos compartimentos vegetativo e generativo, modificando a distribuição dos assimilados na
planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito da densidade de plantio e da poda da parte aérea sobre a partição de massa seca de plantas de batata cultivadas em
hidroponia, visando reduzir o crescimento da parte aérea e aumentar a translocação de massa seca para os tubérculos. Foi conduzido um experimento para estudar o efeito da
densidade de plantio no crescimento e na partição de massa seca de plantas de batata durante a primavera de 2004. As densidades de plantio utilizadas foram 25, 44, 100 e 400 covas.m-2. Foi conduzido outro experimento para estudar o efeito de restrições no crescimento da área foliar, através da poda verde, na partição de massa seca no outono e primavera de 2005. Os tratamentos foram a poda da parte aérea sempre que as plantas atingiam a altura de 10, 20 e 30 cm e a testemunha sem poda. A densidade de plantio e a poda verde alteraram a partição de massa seca de plantas de batata cultivadas em hidroponia. O crescimento das plantas e a fração tubérculos atingiram a saturação a partir da densidade de 100 covas.m-2, a qual pode ser empregada para a produção de batata em sistema hidropônico. O incremento da densidade de plantio aumenta o número de tubérculos sem afetar a produção de massa seca de tubérculos. A poda verde a 30 cm de altura pode ser empregada para restringir o crescimento da parte aérea de plantas de batata cultivadas em hidroponia, porém com uma pequena redução de produtividade no cultivo de primavera.
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Efeitos de MBTA [cloridrato de N,N-dietil-2-(4-metilbenziloxi) etilamina] na qualidade, produtividade e em características fisiológicas de três cultivares de citros / Effects of MBTA [N,N-diethyl-2-(4-metylbenzyloxy) ethylamine hydrochloride] on quality, yield and physiological characteristics of three citrus cultivarsChryz Melinski Serciloto 06 November 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do biorregulador MBTA [cloridrato de N,N-dietil-2-(4-metilbenziloxi) etilamina] aplicado em diferentes épocas e concentrações sobre a produtividade e qualidade dos frutos das laranjeiras 'Hamlin', 'Valência' e 'Pêra' e em características fisiológicas da laranjeira 'Hamlin'. Em duas safras consecutivas, o MBTA foi aplicado em três diferentes concentrações (8; 16 e 32 mg L-1) e em duas diferentes fases fenológicas (25% e 100% de flores abertas) em árvores cítricas adultas, utilizando um volume de 7 litros de solução por planta acompanhada do adjuvante Silwett L-77 0,05%. Foram amostrados 20 frutos por planta em quatro diferentes épocas para cada cultivar estudado para determinar o teor de sólidos solúveis totais; acidez; quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais em caixa industrial de 40,8 kg; pH; rendimento de suco; cor do suco, massa média e diâmetro médio dos frutos. Os efeitos do MBTA variaram de acordo com o cultivar, concentração aplicada e com a fase fenológica de aplicação. Na laranjeira 'Hamlin', o MBTA na concentração de 16 mg L-1 aplicado com 25% de flores abertas incrementou o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, o rendimento de suco e a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa de 40,8 kg. Este mesmo tratamento também reduziu a massa média dos frutos e não alterou a acidez, o "ratio", a cor do suco, o diâmetro médio dos frutos e a produtividade final da laranjeira 'Hamlin'. O incremento médio foi de 0,45 a 0,56% na concentração de sólidos solúveis totais e de 0,16 a 0,18 kg na quantidade de sólidos solúveis por caixa padrão de 40,8 kg. Na laranjeira 'Pêra', o MBTA na concentração de 8 mg L-1 aplicado com 25% de flores abertas incrementou o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, a acidez, a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa de 40,8 kg e a produtividade. Este mesmo tratamento também reduziu a massa média dos frutos e não alterou o rendimento de suco, o ratio, a cor do suco e o diâmetro médio dos frutos. O incremento médio foi de 0,49 a 0,65% na concentração de sólidos solúveis totais, de 0,11 a 0,13 kg na quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa padrão de 40,8 kg e de 20,4 kg/planta na produtividade. Na laranjeira 'Valência', o MBTA na concentração de 16 mg L-1 aplicado com 25% ou 100% de flores abertas incrementou a quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa de 40,8 kg. Estes tratamentos não promoveram alterações consistentes sobre o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, o rendimento de suco, a acidez, o ratio, a massa média dos frutos, o diâmetro médio dos frutos, a cor dos frutos e a produtividade. O incremento médio foi de 0,11 a 0,14 kg na quantidade de sólidos solúveis totais por caixa industrial padrão de 40,8 kg. Aumentos na assimilação de CO2 e uma diminuição no conteúdo foliar de carboidratos foram observados nas folhas tratadas com MBTA na concentração de 16 mg L-1. Os efeitos do MBTA sobre a produtividade e a qualidade dos frutos estão possivelmente relacionados com a fotossíntese a com relações fonte-dreno. / The purpose of this research was to evaluate effects of MBTA [N,N-diethyl-2-(4- metylbenzyloxy) ethylamine hydrochloride] bioregulator applied on different times and concentrations on the yield and fruit quality of 'Hamlin', 'Pera' and 'Valencia' sweet orange and on physiological characteristics of 'Hamlin' sweet orange. In two consecutive harvest seasons, the MBTA was sprayed in three different concentrations (8; 16 and 32 mg L-1) and in two different phenological phases (25% and 100% open flowers) in citrus mature trees, using 7 L of spray per tree added with Silwett L-77 adjuvant at 0.05%. For each cultivar, twenty fruits per tree were sampled in four different times to determine the total soluble solids concentration, acidity, quantity of total soluble solids in 40.8 kg box, pH, juice concentration, juice color, fruit weight and diameter. The effects of MBTA varied according to the cultivar, concentration and phenological phase of application. In 'Hamlin' sweet orange, the MBTA at 16 mg L-1 concentration sprayed with 25% open flowers increased the total soluble solids concentration, juice concentration and the quantity of total soluble solids per 40,8 kg box. This same treatment decreased the fruit weight and didn´t affect the acidity, ratio, juice color, fruit diameter and yield. The average increase was from 0.45 to 0.56% on total soluble solids concentration and from 0.16 to 0.18 kg on the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box. In 'Pera' sweet orange, the MBTA at 8 mg L-1 concentration sprayed with 25% open flowers increased the total soluble solids concentration, acidity, the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box and the yield. This same treatment decreased the fruit weight and didn´t affect the juice concentration, ratio, juice color and fruit diameter. The average increase was from 0.49 to 0.65% on total soluble solids concentration, from 0.11 to 0.13 kg on the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box and 20.4 kg/tree on yield. In 'Valencia' sweet orange, the MBTA at 16 mg L-1 concentration sprayed with 25% or 100% open flowers increased the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box. These treatments didn't cause consistent changes in the total soluble solids concentration, acidity, fruit diameter, fruit weight, juice concentration, ratio, juice color and the yield. The average increase was from 0.11 to 0.14 kg on the quantity of total soluble solids per 40.8 kg box. An increase on the CO2 assimilation and a decrease on foliar carbohydrate content were observed in the leaves sprayed with MBTA at 16 mg L-1 concentration. The MBTA effects on the yield and fruit quality are possibly related to the photosynthesis and source-sink relations.
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Response of potato to paclobutrazol and manipulation of reproductive growth under tropical conditionsTsegaw, Tekalign 08 February 2006 (has links)
High temperature limit successful potato cultivation in the lowlands of tropical regions. One effect of high temperature may be an increase in gibberellin activity that is inhibitory to tuberization. Paclobutrazol blocks gibberellin biosynthesis and reduces its level in the plant. The effect of paclobutrazol on potato was examined under non-inductive conditions in a greenhouse and under field conditions in the hot tropical lowlands of eastern Ethiopia. Paclobutrazol was applied as a foliar spray or soil drench at rates equivalent to 0, 2, 3, and 4 kg a. i. per ha. Paclobutrazol increased chlorophyll a and b content, and photosynthetic efficiency, enhanced early tuber initiation, delayed physiological maturity, and increased tuber fresh mass, dry matter content, specific gravity and crude protein content. It reduced the number of tubers per plant and extended the tuber dormancy period. Paclobutrazol reduced shoot growth, and plant height, and increased the partitioning of assimilates to the tubers while reducing assimilate supply to the leaves, stems, roots and stolons. Stomatal conductance and the rate of transpiration were reduced. In addition, paclobutrazol treatment increased tuber N, Ca and Fe content while reducing P, K and Mg content. Growth analyses indicated that paclobutrazol decreased leaf area index, crop growth rate, and total biomass production. It increased specific leaf weight, tuber growth rate, net assimilation rate, and partitioning coefficient (harvest index). Microscopic observations showed that leaves of treated plants developed thicker epicuticular wax layers. The epidermal, palisade and spongy mesophyll cells were larger. It increased the thickness of the cortex and the size of vascular bundles and pith cells of the stem. It also increased the width of the cortex and favoured the formation of more secondary xylem vessels, resulting in thicker roots. Deposition of starch grains in the stem pith cells, and cortical cells of the stem and root, were stimulated in response to paclobutrazol treatment. In most instances the method of application did not affect the efficiency of paclobutrazol. The effect of cultivar and reproductive growth on growth, photosynthetic efficiency, water relations, dry matter production, tuber yield and quality of potato was also the subject of investigation. Non-flowering, flowering and fruiting plants of cultivars Al-624, Al-436, CIP-388453-3(A) and CIP-388453-3(B) were evaluated under field conditions of a sub-humid tropical highland of eastern Ethiopia. Cultivars exhibited differences with respect to leaf stomatal conductance, rate of transpiration, net photosynthesis, biomass production and allocation, tuber yield, tuber size distribution, specific gravity, dry matter content and nutrient composition. Fruiting plants had higher leaf stomatal conductance, and higher rates of transpiration and photosynthesis rates. The leaf area index, tuber growth rate, and partitioning coefficient (harvest index) of the fruiting plants were reduced, but crop growth rates and net assimilation rates were higher. Without affecting total dry matter production, fruit development reduced the amount partitioned to the leaves, stems, roots, and tubers. Fruit development reduced total and marketable tuber mass and tuber numbers. The effect of MCPA and paclobutrazol were studied under greenhouse and field conditions. Single foliar sprays were applied during the early and full bud development stages at rates of 0, 250, 500, and 750 g a.i. ha-1. Both MCPA and paclobutrazol greatly reduced the number of flowers and completely inhibited berry set. MCPA did not affect the number, yield, dry matter content and specific gravity of tubers. Without affecting the number of tubers, paclobutrazol increased tuber yield, dry matter content and specific gravity. / Thesis (DPhil (Horticultural Science))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted
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Biologisk reducering av nitrat och nitrit i vatten / Biologic reduce of nitrate and nitrite in waterSohlberg, Thomas January 2007 (has links)
<p>During the summer 2007 was a scrubber tested at Gruvön papper mill in Grums. The scrubber reduced NO<sub>x</sub> with 90 % in flue gas. NO<sub>x</sub> was transferred from the flue gas to a scrubber liquid as nitrate and nitrite. The scrubber liquid needs to be purified from nitrate and nitrite.</p><p> </p><p>One possible solution is to clean the scrubber liquid in Gruvön biologic cleaning construction.</p><p>Microorganisms in the biologic cleaning construction need to assimilate nitrogen. There are environments free from oxygen in the cleaning construction. Microorganisms can reduce nitrate in environments free from oxygen. </p><p> </p><p>At the implementation was a labmodel built of the two first steps from Gruvön papper mill. Wastewater was collected from Gruvön papper mill. The wastewater was dosed with salts of nitrate and nitrite and pumped into the labmodel.</p><p>The results showed that nitrate and nitrite can be reduced in content with help of the biological cleaning construction.</p>
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Biologisk reducering av nitrat och nitrit i vatten / Biologic reduce of nitrate and nitrite in waterSohlberg, Thomas January 2007 (has links)
During the summer 2007 was a scrubber tested at Gruvön papper mill in Grums. The scrubber reduced NOx with 90 % in flue gas. NOx was transferred from the flue gas to a scrubber liquid as nitrate and nitrite. The scrubber liquid needs to be purified from nitrate and nitrite. One possible solution is to clean the scrubber liquid in Gruvön biologic cleaning construction. Microorganisms in the biologic cleaning construction need to assimilate nitrogen. There are environments free from oxygen in the cleaning construction. Microorganisms can reduce nitrate in environments free from oxygen. At the implementation was a labmodel built of the two first steps from Gruvön papper mill. Wastewater was collected from Gruvön papper mill. The wastewater was dosed with salts of nitrate and nitrite and pumped into the labmodel. The results showed that nitrate and nitrite can be reduced in content with help of the biological cleaning construction.
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