Spelling suggestions: "subject:"assurance"" "subject:"issurance""
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Callcenter outsourcing : Krav och kvalitetssäkringBengtsson, Anna, Acs, Bernadette, Lejon, Erik January 2008 (has links)
Outsourcing och specifikt callcenter outsourcing diskuteras bland företag. Tyngden i diskussionen ligger på kvalitén, som är en aktuell aspekt av fenomenet callcenter outsourcing. Frågan berör flera parter; de företag som outsourcar, callcenter och konsumenter. Callcenters är organisationer som är specialiserade inom kundkontakt och har i uppgift att kommunicera med företags konsumenter, genom att svara på frågor eller bidra med övrig information och hjälp som konsumenten är i behov av. Teorier som ligger till grund för vår uppsats, rör callcenter outsourcing, kvalitet och kvalitetssystem. Vidare har vi diskuterat var forskningen står idag och utifrån det identifierat vårt valda forskningsområde, där vi ämnar besvara frågan gällande vilka olika kvalitetskrav som kunden ställer och hur dessa säkerställs hos den outsourcade callcenterfunktionen, det vill säga leverantören av tjänsten. Kvalitetsaspekten är av stor vikt, därför att dålig service direkt reflekteras på det företag som outsourcar tjänsten, trots att det inte själva utför den. Bristande kvalitet kostar stora summor för verksamheter, närmare bestämt 10 – 30 procent av dess omsättning och därav är det av vikt att företag som outsourcar tjänster och leverantörer som levererar tjänsterna, är införstådda i vikten av kvalitetsaspekten. Det slutsatser vi dragit i uppsatsen, är att kunderna ställer olika krav på leverantörerna beroende på den typ av tjänst som ska levereras. Kraven kan handla om bemötande, sekretess, tillgänglighet och att hålla en specifik standard. Dessutom har vi i uppsatsen kommit fram till att leverantörerna använder sig av olika kvalitetssystem för att säkra kvalitén på tjänsterna som outsourcas, allt från kvalitetssystemet ISO9000 och COPC till egenutformade kvalitetssystem och avtal. / Outsourcing, especially call centre outsourcing, is discussed in many companies. One topic in the discussion is the quality of the service provided. The quality is important for all involved parties, companies who outsource their call centre, the call centre and especially for the consumers. Call centres are companies specialized in customer contact, undertaking the communication between the consumer and the company, through answering questions, providing information or support. The theories that initiates this essay is based on call centre outsourcing, quality and quality systems. Through a discussion of previous research, we specify our main area of the study. We intend to answer the question of how the quality requirements set by the company is guaranteed by the call centre. Quality is an important topic since the company outsourcing is directly affected by bad service quality. Poor quality is a high cost driver for companies, and research has shown that deficient quality can reduce the company’s turnover by 10-30 percent. The conclusion in this essay is that companies set different demands on the call centre, depending on what type of service they agree on. The demands could be about behaviour, secrecy, availability or maintaining a specific level of standard and quality. To secure the level of quality, call centres use different quality systems, such as ISO9000, COPC, systems developed by the call centre it self or service level agreements.
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Bröstcancerpatienters tillfredsställelse med den utredande vårdens kvalitetAndersson, Veronica January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka bröstcancerpatienters tillfredsställelse med vården under utredning av sin sjukdom samt att utforska vilka förbättringsbehov av vården patienterna uppgav. Metod: Samtliga patienter som rapporterades till Kvalitetsregistret för bröstcancer i Uppsala- Örebroregionen under 2007-2008 tillfrågades om deltagande i en enkätstudie. Undersökningsgruppen bestod av 165 kvinnor som i enkäten kommenterat den utredande vården. Enkätsvaren analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundmans metod. Resultat: Bröstcancerpatienternas kommentarer gällde kategorierna organisation, kompetens, bemötande, information och generellt. Angående organisation uppgav patienterna behov av bättre samordning, högre personalkontinuitet, tillgång till en kontaktperson inom vården samt utökad psykosocial vård. Hög tillfredsställelse med vårdens kompetens rapporterades men även misstag samt upplevd bristande professionalitet hos vårdpersonalen. Vårdpersonalens bemötande uppgavs mestadels som tillfredsställande. Lägre tillfredsställelse rapporterades då vårdpersonalen förbisett patienten som individ. Tillfredsställelsen med information under utredning var hög då information getts personligen med tid för frågor och återkoppling. Då information varit svårtillgänglig, bristande eller ej anpassad efter patientens behov var tillfredsställelsen lägre. De generella kommentarerna indikerade hög tillfredsställelse. Slutsats: Bröstcancerpatienterna uppgav hög tillfredsställelse med kompetens och bemötande under utredningen. Lägre tillfredsställelse uppgavs med vårdens organisation och information. Förbättringsbehov som tydligast framgick var av ökad samordning av utredningens faser samt utökad psykosocial vård. / Purpose: The purpose was to examine breast cancer patients’ satisfaction with care during diagnostic process and to investigate their identified needs for improvement. Method: Patients reported to the Quality register for breast cancer in Uppsala- Örebro during 2007-2008 were asked to participate in a questionnaire study. The study population was 165 women who commented on the diagnostic process. Answers were analyzed using qualitative content analysis by Graneheim and Lundman. Result: Patients commented diagnostic services regarding organization, competence, interpersonal skills, information and general. Concerning organization they reported needs for better coordination, better personnel continuity, a contact person and more psychosocial care. High satisfaction with health care competence was reported but also mistakes and lack of professionalism. Personnel’s interpersonal skills appeared mostly satisfactory. Lower satisfaction was reported when personnel overlooked the patient as an individual. Satisfaction with information was high when information was given in person with time for questions and feedback, and lower when information was hard to access, lacking or not adjusted to the patients’ needs. General comments indicated high satisfaction. Conclusions: Patient satisfaction with competence and interpersonal skills was high while satisfaction with organization and information was lower. Diagnostic services can be improved by coordination and more psychosocial care.
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Development of Quality Assurance Methods for Performance-Based Maintenance Contracts for Roadway AssetsShelton, Debora Brooke 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Performance-based Maintenance Contracts (PBMCs) are increasingly being used for
roadway maintenance as an alternative to method-based specifications. However, this
technique is still relatively new and several issues have not been adequately addressed in
the literature. The paper provides a systematic process for developing quality assurance
measures to be used within these contracts. The process addresses key issues, including
the development of performance standards and targets, a method for monitoring the
roadside performance, and a methodology for developing pay adjustment factors.
The developed performance standards presented in the paper are easily measured and
assigned grades of pass, fail, or not applicable. The required sample size is a function of
the project characteristics, including performance variability along the project, required
confidence level, and allowable tolerance. Finally, the pay adjustment curves are a
function of the initial project LOS, the target LOS, and the maintenance cost to achieve
the target LOS.
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Model Updating Of A Helicopter Structure Using A Newly Developed Correlation Improvement TechniqueAltunel, Fatih 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Numerical model usage has substantially increased in many industries. It is the aerospace industry that numerical models play possibly the most important role for development of optimum design. However, numerical models need experimental verification. This experimental verification is used not only for validation, but also updating numerical model parameters. Verified and updated models are used to analyze a vast amount of cases that structure is anticipated to face in real life.
In this thesis, structural finite element model updating of a utility helicopter fuselage was performed as a case study. Initially, experimental modal analyses were performed using modal shakers. Modal analysis of test results was carried out using LMS Test.lab software. At the same time, finite element analysis of the helicopter fuselage was performed by MSC.Patran & / Nastran software.
Initial updating was processed first for the whole helicopter fuselage then, tail of the helicopter was tried to be updated.
Furthermore, a new method was proposed for the optimum node removal location for getting better Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) matrix. This routine was tried on the helicopter case study and it showed better performance than the Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (coMAC) that is often used in such analyses.
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Examining Perceptions And Processes Of Quality Assurance In Preparatory English Language Programs In Turkish Higher Education InstitutionsBasaran, Oya 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is twofold: firstly, it aims to explore the perceptions of quality and quality assurance of key stakeholders in intensive English programs in higher education and examine how these perceptions reflect in what is being done to achieve and assure quality in their programs.
Secondly, the study intends to survey and describe the existing quality assurance processes and explore the impact of these processes on establishing a quality culture within the institution. Furthermore, the study aims to find out if and how these quality assurance processes contribute to the improvement of language education and to what extent they meet the expectations of managers, teachers and students.
The research study employed qualitative and descriptive methods of data collection and analysis. Managers, teachers and students of intensive English language programs in higher education institutions were the target informant groups in the study. It is hoped that the conclusions drawn from the findings of the research will allow the design of a quality assurance framework which will serve as a guide to intensive English programs in Turkish higher education institutions
to develop their own quality assurance processes. The suggested framework aims to provide guidelines for individual institutions to develop processes that are in congruent with the perceptions and expectations of the key stakeholders in their institutions and reflect the realities of their unique contexts.
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Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of ADSLBroadband Network¡GA Case Study of Chunghwa TelecomLeu, Wen-Jong 03 July 2002 (has links)
Title of Thesis¡GService Quality and Customer Satisfaction of ADSL
Broadband Network¡GA Case Study of Chunghwa Telecom
Total Pages¡G108
Name of Institute¡GGraduate Institute of Information Management
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Graduate date¡GJune,2002
Advisor¡GChin-fu Ho
Name of Student¡GWen-Jong Leu
The open telecom market causes the telecom business to be competitive and obvious and each telecom company invests an amount of cost to gain more customers. As a result of the increase in consumer consensus, most telecom companies are dedicated to create a variety of newer, faster and more stable telecom products and consistently lower the prices. Besides, in order to sustain loyal customers and attract new customers, providing high-quality service becomes the most important strategy. Even though Chunghwa Telecom today has taken a great part in ADSL market, it should think much of customers and make an effort to provide them with good ADSL broadband network products¡Bservice quality and satisfactory service to defend and enlarge the market.
This thesis discusses ADSL broadband network, service quality, customer satisfaction and the development of Chunghwa Telecom.
The structure of this study is constructed based on the concept to SERVQIAL submitted by three scholars like Parasuraman(PZB) and the research on the users of Chunghwa Telecom ADSL in Kaohsiung area with the analytic tool of SPSS software.The purpose of this study is to discuss the difference between customers expectations and recognition and examine the relevance between service quality factor and customer satisfaction.
The Conclusion of This Study:
1. Customers' expectations to ADSL are not compatible with their recognitions because ADSL service is not as good as what they expect. Customers also expressed that the performance of Chunghwa Telecom didn't reach their expectations.
2. The relationships between customers perceived degree of ADSL overall service quality, ADSL service quality factor perceived degree, and overall satisfaction are positively relevant. In other words, customers have more perceived degree of ADSL overall service quality or five factors perceived degree of ADSL service quality, including "Tangibility," "Reliability," "Responsiveness," "Assurance," and "Empathy," then customers are more satisfied with the ADSL overall satisfaction.
3. Based on the variable of population statistics on customers, different ages distinctively have diverse perceived degree of ADSL overall service quality. Furthermore, this result is reflected on the relationship between the ages and ADSL service quality five factors perceived degree. Customers at the age of under 20 and from 20 till 40 have much more different perceived degree of ADSL overall service quality and five factors.
4. Based on the variable of population statistics on customers, only sex difference causes different overall satisfaction with ADSL service. Male customers are more satisfied with the service than female ones. Therefore, telecom companies like Chunghwa Telecom should improve service quality, especially to female customers. Besides, customers with different sexes have different perceived degree of one factor on ADSL service quality, "Responsiveness," but the other four factors have no obvious difference.
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Qualitätssicherung dezentraler Ölmühlen - Umsetzung eines Qualitätssicherungssystems bei der Produktion, Herstellung und Anwendung von RapsölkraftstoffFerchau, Erik, Krüger, Torsten, Kiesewalter, Sophia, Kunzmann, Sabine, Martin, Mirko, Hetze, Matthias, Nürnberger, Karsten 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In zwei sächsischen Betrieben, die selbst erzeugte Rapssaat in einer Pflanzenölmühle zu Rapspresskuchen und Rapsöl verarbeiten, wurde ein Qualitätssicherungssystem (QSS) für Ölsaaten verarbeitende Betriebe in Sachsen erarbeitet. Der in den beiden Betrieben erzeugte Rapsölkraftstoff zeigt eine für dezentrale Anlagen gleichbleibend hohe Qualität. Die Betriebe zeichnen sich durch ein spezielles Reinigungsverfahren und eine umfassende Qualitätssicherung aus.
Das bereits vorhandene QSS des Technologie- und Förderzentrums Straubing (TFZ) bildete die Grundlage für die Entwicklung des universell anwendbaren QSS. Es wurde um Fragen zum Anbau, Einsatz des Rapsölkraftstoffs, Umrüstung der Fahrzeuge, Wartung der Fahrzeuge inkl. BHKW und Einsatz des Presskuchens in der Tierfütterung erweitert und in den beiden Betrieben erprobt.
Das entwickelte QSS besteht aus Modulen und ist leicht an die betrieblichen Gegebenheiten vor Ort anzupassen.
Das QSS inklusive Handbuch und Kalkulationsmodul zur Berechnung der Wirtschaftlichkeit aller Stufen der Verwertungskette steht im Internet unter http://www.landwirtschaft.sachsen.de/landwirtschaft/7211.htm zur Verfügung.
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Callcenter outsourcing : Krav och kvalitetssäkringBengtsson, Anna, Acs, Bernadette, Lejon, Erik January 2008 (has links)
<p>Outsourcing och specifikt callcenter outsourcing diskuteras bland företag. Tyngden i diskussionen ligger på kvalitén, som är en aktuell aspekt av fenomenet callcenter outsourcing. Frågan berör flera parter; de företag som outsourcar, callcenter och konsumenter. Callcenters är organisationer som är specialiserade inom kundkontakt och har i uppgift att kommunicera med företags konsumenter, genom att svara på frågor eller bidra med övrig information och hjälp som konsumenten är i behov av.</p><p>Teorier som ligger till grund för vår uppsats, rör callcenter outsourcing, kvalitet och kvalitetssystem. Vidare har vi diskuterat var forskningen står idag och utifrån det identifierat vårt valda forskningsområde, där vi ämnar besvara frågan gällande vilka olika kvalitetskrav som kunden ställer och hur dessa säkerställs hos den outsourcade callcenterfunktionen, det vill säga leverantören av tjänsten. Kvalitetsaspekten är av stor vikt, därför att dålig service direkt reflekteras på det företag som outsourcar tjänsten, trots att det inte själva utför den. Bristande kvalitet kostar stora summor för verksamheter, närmare bestämt 10 – 30 procent av dess omsättning och därav är det av vikt att företag som outsourcar tjänster och leverantörer som levererar tjänsterna, är införstådda i vikten av kvalitetsaspekten.</p><p>Det slutsatser vi dragit i uppsatsen, är att kunderna ställer olika krav på leverantörerna beroende på den typ av tjänst som ska levereras. Kraven kan handla om bemötande, sekretess, tillgänglighet och att hålla en specifik standard. Dessutom har vi i uppsatsen kommit fram till att leverantörerna använder sig av olika kvalitetssystem för att säkra kvalitén på tjänsterna som outsourcas, allt från kvalitetssystemet ISO9000 och COPC till egenutformade kvalitetssystem och avtal.</p> / <p>Outsourcing, especially call centre outsourcing, is discussed in many companies. One topic in the discussion is the quality of the service provided. The quality is important for all involved parties, companies who outsource their call centre, the call centre and especially for the consumers. Call centres are companies specialized in customer contact, undertaking the communication between the consumer and the company, through answering questions, providing information or support.</p><p>The theories that initiates this essay is based on call centre outsourcing, quality and quality systems. Through a discussion of previous research, we specify our main area of the study. We intend to answer the question of how the quality requirements set by the company is guaranteed by the call centre. Quality is an important topic since the company outsourcing is directly affected by bad service quality. Poor quality is a high cost driver for companies, and research has shown that deficient quality can reduce the company’s turnover by 10-30 percent.</p><p>The conclusion in this essay is that companies set different demands on the call centre, depending on what type of service they agree on. The demands could be about behaviour, secrecy, availability or maintaining a specific level of standard and quality. To secure the level of quality, call centres use different quality systems, such as ISO9000, COPC, systems developed by the call centre it self or service level agreements.</p>
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An analytical study of saving faith among Korean church members in San Diego, California a diagnosis of the situation and a prescription for improvement /Ahn, Kukwhan, January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (D. Miss.)--Western Seminary, Portland, OR, 2002. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 180-189).
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Science and practice of balanced scorecard in a hospital in Pakistan feasibility, context, design and implementation /Rabbani, Fauziah, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2010.
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