Spelling suggestions: "subject:"astronomi"" "subject:"astronomia""
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Machine learning and statistical methods in search of cosmic neutrino sourcesCapone, Luigino January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Black Holes and Scalar Fields : A study of a massive scalar field around a black holeGhazal, Abdulmasih January 2022 (has links)
Black holes are one of the most interesting objects in the universe, and studying these objects should give exciting results. This research will investigate the General Theory of Relativity, explaining the essence of the theory needed for deriving solutions for a Schwarzschild black hole. This knowledge leads to deriving the equations of motion of a bosonic scalar field around a Schwarzschild black hole. Computing the dynamical evolution of that scalar field, and taking the limit far away from the black hole, gives an approximation derivation of the Schrödinger equation. This study opens many doors to future research about black holes and scalar fields. / Svarta hål är ett av de mest intressanta objekten i universum, och därför, att studera dessa föremål bör ge spännande resultat.I detta arbete kommer den allmänna relativitetsteorin att studeras och förklaras med allt som behövs för att härledalösningar för en Schwarzschild svart hål. Denna kunskap leder till att härleda rörelseekvationerna för ett bosoniskt skalärfält runt ett Schwarzschild svart hål.Genom att beräkna den dynamiska utvecklingen av det skalära fältet och ta gränsen långt bort från svarta hålet,så kommer det at ge en approximativ härledning av Schrödinger ekvationen. Den här typen av studier öppnar många dörrar för framtida forskning om svarta hål och skalära fält.
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Improving the understanding of photoelectron currents on Solar Orbiter : Utilizing theory and empirical measurementsMarminge, Melker January 2023 (has links)
Spacecraft experience electric currents on conductive materials exposed to sunlight, which introduces noise in scientific data. These currents are mainly due to the photoelectric effect and should therefore be proportional to the inverse square heliocentric distance. However, measurements on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft suggests that these currents deviate from this proportionality, especially at perihelia. This paper aims to improve the understanding of how and why these induced currents vary by creating a model to describe the phenomenon. The investigation was based on thermal bending, thermionic emission, the photoelectric effect, outgassing, and a temperature dependence of the work function. Through numerical approximation, the thermal bending of the approximately 6m modeled antennas was estimated to be almost three meters at perihelion and the estimated outgassing fit the secular change in the data well. The direct impact of thermionic emissions was determined to be negligible. The final model was created utilizing a secular fit of the outgassing, the variation in the cross-section due to thermal bending, a yield proxy was created to model the impact of the work function temperature dependence, and the MgII index as a proxy for the solar EUV intensity. The final model was approximately accurate within 10%. Several future improvements are discussed, such as the inclusion of secondary emission or the empirical determination of the model deviation.
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Skrivet i stjärnorna : En undersökning av medicinskt innehåll i svenska almanackor mellan 1608-1731 / Written in the Stars : A Study About the Medical Content of Swedish Almanacs 1608-1731Paulsson Rokke, Hjalmar January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines the medical content of Early Modern Swedish almanacs between the years 1608-1731. The aim of the study is to uncover the understanding of health, illness and the human body that is prevalent within the almanacs. This has been found to be strongly related to the medical paradigm of humorism, or Galenic Medicine. The almanacs also reveal the connection between the intellectual fields of medicine and astrology during the Early Modern Era, which I argue to be largely overlooked within the history of medicine in Sweden. Another central aspect of the study has been to analyze how the medical content and medical understanding changed during the studied period. The part of the almanacs called elections, were found to change quite drastically, and disappeared from the almanacs around 1700. When analyzing medical texts in the almanacs however, this change was not evident, indicating, among other results, that the relation between medicine and astrology remained.
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The Inflationary UniverseCavcic, Benjamin January 2023 (has links)
Astrophysical observations of the cosmic microwave background point to inconsistencies in the standard model of cosmology, and a primordial accelerated expansion of the universe known as inflation has been suggested as a solution. Unfortunately, observational evidence of inflation is lacking, and there exists hundreds of models that populate the inflationary landscape. In this thesis, we explore three of these and see what constraints are set on them in order to account for observations. We find that two of the models have regimes of trans-planckian nature, while the third leads to a non-invertible equation. / Astronomiska observationer av den kosmiska bakgrundsstrålningen tyder på bristfälligheter i standardkosmologin, vilket har lett till förslaget om en accelererande expansion i de tidigaste skeden av universum känd som inflation. I avsaknaden av observationella bevis finns det numera hundratals inflationsmodeller, och i detta arbete kommer vi att rikta fokuset mot tre av dessa avvilka två visar sig överstiga transplanckianska värden medan den sista leder till en ekvation som inte är inverterbar.
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Intercomparison of a Dynamic Ocean for Earth-like Aqua-planetsPlane, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
I present herein an ensemble of ROCKE-3D aqua-planet simulations which I compare with the simulations presented in the work of Yang et al. (2019) and other similar works. The focus was on contrasting differences in the greenhouse effect between the models. In contrast to their work, I examined simulations with a dynamic ocean instead of a slab ocean, as well as the inclusion of dynamic sea ice for 2 out of 4 of them. A subset of the simulations examined prevented the formation of sea ice to make them more comparable to Yang et al. (2019), but they never reached radiative equilibrium and this made it difficult to utilize their results. When contrasting the sea ice simulations of ROCKE-3D with the CAM4_Wolf/ExoCAM simulation of Komacek & Abbot(2019), I found that the inclusion of ocean heat transport through a dynamic ocean increases the ice-free region around the sub-tropics for the rapidly rotating aqua-planet around a G-star, thus, resulting in a lower Bond albedo and more surface warming. Supporting previous intercomparisons (Sergeevet al. 2021), ROCKE-3D produces less low- to midlevel clouds toward the equator/substellar point, compared to other models. Consequently, this leads to less cooling through the shortwave cloud radiative forcing. Lastly, I looked at the specific humidity. ROCKE-3D produced the highest stratospheric water vapor content in the M-star scenario, which suggests that ROCKE-3D is closer to the moist greenhouse limit of Kasting et al. (1993); although, the model is still far off. / I detta arbete så presenterar jag vattenplanet simulationer producerade med hjälp av ROCKE-3D, som jag sedan jämför med simulationerna som presenteras i Yang et al. (2019). Fokuset för jämförelsen låg på att jämföra skillnader gällande den producerade växthuseffekten. Alla simulationer utnyttjade ett dynamiskt hav i stället för ett enklare "platt hav", varav 2 utav 4 av dom simulationer som presenteras tillåter havsis att formas. De simulationer som inte tillät is uppnådde aldrig termisk jämvikt vilket gjorde det svårt att antyda något utifrån dom. Vid jämförelse av is-simulationerna som producerades av ROCKE-3D med de is-simulationer producerade med hjälp av CAM4/ExoCAM i Komacek & Abbot (2019), så visades det sig att den is-fria regionen runtomkring de subtropiska områderna vart större för den snabbt roterande vattenplaneten runt en G-klassad stjärna om man inkluderar ett dynamiskt hav i stället för ett "platt hav". Vidare, så stödjer detta arbete dom resultat presenterade i Sergeev et al. (2021), där ROCKE-3D producerar mindre låg- och medelhöga molnformationer runtom ekvatorn/substellära regionen, jämfört med andra modeller. Vidare, så leder detta till en mindre kylningseffekt genom molnens reflektion av kortvågsstrålning. Sist, så undersökte jag den specifika fuktigheten, där ROCKE-3D visar på ett högre värde av stratosfärisk vattenånga i fallet av en tidsvattenlåst havsplanet runt en M-stjärna. Detta tyder på att ROCKE-3D är närmare den fuktiga växthusgränsen som presenteras i Kasting et al. (1993). Dock, så är den fortfarande långt ifrån att uppnås.
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Intelligent Trigger System for RNO-G and IceCube-Gen2Liland, Lukas January 2022 (has links)
Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning have made a full impact on society the last decades, including the realm of particle physics. This thesis explores whether a neural network, a deep learning program mimicking the biological brain, can be used to reject noise in real time at the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G). RNO-G aims to detect radio waves in the ice cape of Greenland, induced by ultra high energy neutrinos ($>10^{18}$ eV). Due to the low flux of neutrinos at these energies, it is desired to increase the sensititivty of RNO-G by lowering the trigger threshold as much as possible. However, lowering the threshold is currently limited by unavoidable thermal noise fluctuations that would otherwise saturate the detector. Previous research has shown that a neural network could be used on a similar neutrino detector, ARIANNA, to reject thermal noise in real time, thus making it possible to lower the trigger threshold below the noise floor. This thesis aims to do the same for RNO-G.
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Atomic Structure Calculations Using Configuration-Interaction And Many-Body Perturbation Theory For Spectral Modelling Of Neutron Star Mergers : Example Of Ce I - IvPlane, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
The binary neutron star merger of 2017 and its corresponding electromagnetic signature resembling that of a kilonova has been one of the most groundbreaking astrophysical occurrences in the last decade. Indications of r-process nucleosynthesis in this event presents new opportunities for learning about the astrophysical origin of heavy elements. This has been a long-standing mystery in our understanding of the chemical evolution of the universe. This leads to the requirement of developing more accurate calculations of the corresponding atomic properties. In this work, I have studied the potential of utilizing a combined configuration-interaction and many-body perturbation theory approach.The goal is to study if a generalized and computationally efficient method is possible with this approach, so that it can be used to develop accurate and complete atomic structures applicable to any ion of any element in the periodic table. Focusing on the lanthanide group of elements, and in Ce in particular, the method in this work builds on including the bulk of strong correlation contributions in the configuration-interaction model, complemented with perturbation theory corrections in subsequent many-body perturbation theory calculations. For all Ce ions, this was however not possible without having to compromise the completeness condition. In conclusion, in the scope of this project, we find that it is challenging to generalize a procedure for near-neutral systems due to the amount of correlation needed to be treated with configuration-interaction. / <p>Project made as part of the course: "Project in physics and astronomy - 1FA195, 15 ECTS" at Uppsala University</p>
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High-Redshift Gamma-ray Bursts as seen by SVOM/ECLAIRsLlamas Lanza, Miguel January 2021 (has links)
Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) are very bright cosmological explosions signalling the catastrophic formation of a black hole. Therefore, they act like real light beacons that could be detected through-out the Universe and be used as probes to study the contents and phases of the early Universe. However, only a handful sample is known so far. This is for two reasons: instrumental biases that may prevent their detection and the difficulty to find a near Infrared counterpart preventing their redshift measurements. The wide-field trigger camera ECLAIRs to-fly on-board the Space-based multi-band Variable Object Monitor (SVOM) mission will detect γ-/X-ray transients down to energies of 4 keV, as well as creating an alert for multi-wavelength/messenger follow-ups. My study focuses on analysing how ECLAIRs will detect GRBs, and more particularly high-redshift GRBs, based on a well-selected sample of GRBs with redshift measurement associated (see Section 2). Studying how ECLAIRs will see them may help identifying possible instrument biases as well as common observational characteristics for such GRBs that may be used in turn to recognise such special GRBs once SVOM will be launched. Using software tools developed within the ECLAIRs collaboration, I built an end-to-end simulator which I used to simulate the detection by ECLAIRs of the GRBs in the sample at their original redshift and higher redshifts (up to z = 15). I implemented a suited version of the count-rate trigger on-board ECLAIRs to assess the detectability of these bursts, and I retrieved their duration over the background when detected (see Section 2). The analysis shows good performance for detecting high-redshift GRBs in the centre of the Field of View (fully-coded), but significantly reduced, in comparison to other GRBs, for partially-coded detection. 5 of the GRBs with z > 3.83 present a successful detection up to at least z = 15 (see Section 3). The retrieved rest-frame duration of a GRB remains constant for several redshifts in the simulations if the detected burst did not present a low-flux emission in their lightcurve, which is common for high redshift GRBs. On the other hand, if the original lightcurve of a burst presents this low-flux emission, it becomes buried in noise when simulating it at higher redshifts. This confirms the tip-of-the-iceberg detection bias which depends on the lightcurve burst morphology, and it may explain why the current sample seems to present lower burst durations at higher redshifts.
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'Oumuamua : An analysis of the the debate regarding the first interstellar visitorWestergren, Erik January 2022 (has links)
In the year of 2017 in October a strange object with a hyperbolic trajectory was observed in our solar system. There were several hypotheses that scientists used to try to explain what kind of an object it was, but no one could, according to the scientific community as a whole, perpetuate any of these explanations as accepted consensus. One of the scientists who had an interest in this object is Professor Avi Loeb at Harvard University. He wrote and published a popular scientific book called “Extraterrestrial”. In this book Loeb make quite a few arguments that are backing up his hypothesis that this object is no ordinary asteroid or comet, it is in fact a relic from an advanced, technological, alien civilization which originates from a solar system far away from our own. Many people in the scientific community have not accepted these views by Loeb and one of them is Jonathan I. Katz who challenges Loeb’s hypothesis directly. Loeb on the other hand believes that the general resistance to his views is founded in the usual conservatism and that many scientists are afraid to advocate for something like this and risk their credibility and careers. / I oktober 2017 blev ett intressant objekt observerat i vårt solsystem. Det presenterades flera olika hypoteser av forskare som försökte förklara vad för typ av objekt detta var men ingen av dessa kunde ena hela den vetenskapliga gemenskapen och ingen konsensus kunde således uppnås. En av vetenskapsmännen som uppvisade ett intresse för detta objekt är en professor från Harvard University vid namn Avi Loeb. Han skrev en populärvetenskaplig bok som heter ”Utomjordiskt”. I denna bok presenterar Loeb flera argument som har som syfte att stärka hypotesen att detta inte är någon vanlig asteroid eller komet, det är en kvarleva från en avancerad, teknologisk, utomjordisk civilisation, som härstammar från ett solsystem långt ifrån vårt eget. Den här ståndpunkten som Loeb uppvisar har blivit utmanad av flera fysiker inom vetenskapsvärlden inte minst av astrofysikern Jonathan. I Katz. Själv menar Loeb att detta generella motstånd beror på gammal konservatism hos flera vetenskapsmän som inte vågar sticka ut hakan och således riskera att skada anseende såväl som karriär.
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