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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reaktionszeitvariabilität als Indikator von Konzentrationsleistungen

Flehmig, Hagen C. 14 July 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit enthält fünf Studien, die einen Beitrag zur Aufklärung der Determinanten individueller Differenzen beim konzentrierten Arbeiten leisten sollten. Im Unterschied zu bisherigen Arbeiten lag der Schwerpunkt hier nicht allein auf der Frage nach dem Zusammenhang handelsüblicher Konzentrationstests mit entsprechenden Zielkriterien (z. B. selbstberichtete Konzentration im Alltag) sondern auf Aufgabenvariablen, welche experimentell manipuliert wurden. Studie 1 untersuchte, ob sich für alternative Kennwerte der Leistung in Konzentrationstests ausreichende psychometrische Gütekriterien zeigen lassen. Von den untersuchten Kennwerten zeigte sich der Variationskoeffizient der Reaktionszeit (RTCV) als ausreichend retestreliabel und unabhängig von klassischen Kennwerten konzentrierten Arbeitens (Tempo und Fehlerneigung). RTCV erwies sich als Maß der Temposchwankung als brauchbarer Indikator für eine Leistungsdimension konzentrierten Arbeitens, die Informationen über die klassischen Konzentrationsfacetten hinaus liefert. In Studie 2 ging es um selbstberichtete Konzentration im Alltag, insbesondere um Zusammenhänge mit klassischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen. Der oft berichtete positive Zusammenhang zwischen Neurotizismus und selbstberichteter Fehlerneigung im Alltag konnte nicht nur repliziert werden, sondern auf der Ebene von Subfacetten differenziert werden. Neurotizismus war hauptsächlich mit einer speziellen Form kognitiver Fehlleistungen assoziiert, nämlich mit spontan auftretenden Intrusionen aus dem Langzeitgedächtnis, welche das Arbeitsgedächtnis zeitweilig präokkupieren und zu temporärer Leistungsminderung im Alltagsleben führen können. Die Studien 3 bis 5 hatten das Ziel, eine Reihe von experimentellen Aufgabenvariablen in Konzentrationstests hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für die Retestreliabilität und die Validität zu untersuchen. Es ging unter anderem um Zusammenhänge zwischen Aspekten der Leistung im Test und Aspekten der Persönlichkeit und Fehlerneigung im Alltag. Die experimentelle Anordnung erlaubte eine Prüfung der Annahme von M. W. Eysenck et al. (2007), dass hoher Neurotizismus mit einer Leistungsminderung in auf Wahlreaktionen basierenden Aufgabenformen einhergeht, welche mit zunehmender Itemschwierigkeit größer werden sollte. Diese Annahme wurde geprüft für den Fall eines großen Itemsets (Studie 3: viele Items sollten das Lernen von S-R Verbindungen verhindern, so dass der Einsatz von zusätzlichen Verarbeitungsressourcen auch tatsächlich zu mehr Fehlern führen sollte), für den Fall der Testverlängerung (Studie 4: andauernde Informationsverarbeitung sollte einen differentiellen Ermüdungseffekt evozieren) und auch für den Fall einer vergleichsweise erhöhten Belastung des Arbeitsgedächtnisses (Studie 5). Entgegen der Annahme von M. W. Eysenck et al. (2007) führte ein großes Itemset zu schnelleren Reaktionen im Konzentrationstest bei Personen mit hohem Neurotizismus; hingegen konsistent mit der Annahme von M. W. Eysenck et al. (2007) führte ein großes Itemset zu mehr Fehlern im Konzentrationstest bei Personen mit hohem Neurotizismus. Eine Testverlängerung führte nicht zu persönlichkeitsbezogenen Unterschieden in der Leistung. Eine Erhöhung der Itemschwierigkeit jedoch evozierte einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen Neurotizismus und Reaktionszeitvariabilität. Wenn man hohe Reaktionszeitvariabilität ebenfalls als einen Marker für ineffizientes Arbeiten ansieht, dann kann das Modell von M. W. Eysenck et al. (2007) als partiell unterstützt angesehen werden. Außerdem stand die Frage nach der konvergenten Validität zwischen selbstberichteter Konzentration im Alltag und objektiv getesteter Konzentrationsleistung im Vordergrund. Da subjektive und objektive Konzentration das gleiche Konstrukt beanspruchen, jedoch oft keine entsprechenden Zusammenhänge gefunden wurden, stellte sich die Frage, welche experimentellen Aufgabenfaktoren für den Zusammenhang kritisch sind. Die Frage konnte zum Teil beantwortet werden, denn es zeigte sich konsistent über alle Studien hinweg ein moderater positiver Zusammenhang zwischen den Werten des Cognitve Failures Questionnaire (CFQ) und RTCV, nicht jedoch zwischen CFQ und den traditionellen Kennwerten Tempo und Fehlerneigung. Eine Erhöhung der Itemschwierigkeit im Konzentrationstest ließ diese Korrelationen besonders hervortreten (Studie 5). Dies hat Implikationen für die Frage, mit welchem Aufgabenmaterial das Konstrukt Konzentration am besten erfasst werden kann. Einige Autoren argumentieren für den Einsatz von komplexem Material (da die diagnostische Breite größer ist); andere Autoren jedoch argumentieren für besonders einfache Aufgabenformen (da komplexere Aufgabenformen nicht die reine Konzentration messen und die Korrelationen zu anderen Konstrukten wie Intelligenz immer größer werden). Die wiederholt gezeigten Zusammenhänge zwischen Reaktionszeitvariabilität und CFQ leisten entsprechend einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Konstruktvalidität von Konzentrationstests, da konventionelle Testverfahren bisher nur die traditionellen Kennwerte Tempo und Fehlerneigung verwendeten.

Pozornost na prvním stupni a její pravidelný nácvik / Practice of attention skills in primary schooling

Haladová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
This Master's thesis aims to introduce attention-improving games in primary schooling and record its effect on pupils. The theoretical part considers the definition of attention of primary school pupils. The empirical part analyzes the results of group exercises in early primary school age. It covers 24 pupils over 4 months. They are split into two groups to better monitor the performances in detail. The observations were done by the class teacher and her assistant. The research was conducted in a primary school in Prague 5 district. The data collection process involved observations and teacher's research notes. The measurements were conducted at the beginning and at the end of the observation period to statistically determine the effect of training. The thesis explores the means for a teacher to improve pupils' attention with a structured training and exercises. The results suggest that attention of pupils can be improved with specific training methods.

Sports, physical activity and academic performance : promoting physical activity among adolescents

Bush, Paula Louise January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

"Alteração cognitiva e o tratamento da dor oncológica" / Cognitive impairment and oncologic pain treatment.

Kurita, Geana Paula 20 February 2006 (has links)
Avaliou-se, três vezes, ao longo de um mês, a função cognitiva de doentes em tratamento da dor oncológica e comparou-se o desempenho dos que recebiam opióides (Grupo Recebendo Opóides – GRO, n=14) ao dos que não os recebiam (Grupo Sem Opióides – GSO, n=12); analisaram-se também as relações entre função cognitiva, intensidade da dor e dose do opióide. A função cognitiva foi avaliada por meio do Teste de Trilhas, Mini-exame do Estado Mental, Teste de Extensão de Dígitos, Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo e Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Para a identificação de diferenças, o nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%. A análise longitudinal para o GSO mostrou melhora da memória incidental (P=0,005) e do aprendizado (P=0,016); entretanto, piora das habilidades construtivas e vísuo-perceptivas (P=0,039). Para o GRO observou-se melhora da memória incidental (P=0,038). Em ambos os grupos não houve modificação no Teste de Trilhas, Mini-exame do Estado Mental, Teste de Extensão de Dígitos e demais testes da Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo. A comparação entre os grupos mostrou que o GSO teve melhor desempenho na atenção/concentração e memória operacional (2ª avaliação, P=0,029) e funções executivas (1ª avaliação, P=0,023). A análise de correlações no GRO demonstrou que à dor menos intensa corresponderam escores maiores no Mini-exame do Estado Mental (P =0,001), na memória incidental (P =0,030 e 0,014), na memória imediata (P=0,042) e na memória tardia (P =0,037), avaliados pela Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo. Não se observaram correlações no GSO. Não houve correlação entre a dose do opióide e o desempenho nos testes. O GSO teve melhor desempenho que o GRO em alguns testes, na análise comparativa entre grupos e na análise longitudinal. No entanto, essa superioridade não se expressou nas três avaliações e nem na maioria dos testes. A correlação negativa entre intensidade da dor e função cognitiva no Grupo Recebendo Opióides indicou que a intensidade da dor influenciou o desempenho cognitivo. Há necessidade de outros estudos que ampliem o conhecimento sobre o tema. / The cognitive functions of patients in oncologic pain treatment were assessed three times, over the period of a month. The performance of patients in treatment with opioids (Group Receiving Opioids – GRO, n=14) was compared with that of a group of patients receiving treatment without the administration of opioids (Group Without Opioids – GWO, n=12). Relations between cognitive function, pain intensity and opioid dose were also analysed. The cognitive function was assessed by the Trail Making Test, Mini-mental State Examination, Digit Span Test, Brief Cognitive Screening Battery and Beck Depression Inventory. In order to identify statistical differences, the significance level was established in 5%. The longitudinal analysis to the GWO showed improvement in incidental recall (P=0,005) and learning (P=0,016); however, deterioration in the constructional and visuoperceptual abilities was noticed (P=0,039). Improvement was observed in the incidental recall (P=0,038) of the GRO. In both groups there were no changes in the Trail Making Test, Mini-mental State Examination, Digit Span Test, Beck Depression Inventory and other tests from Brief Cognitive Screening Battery. The comparison between groups showed that GWO had better performance in attention/concentration, working memory (P=0,029) and also in executive functions (P=0,023). The analyses of the correlations in GRO demonstrated that less intense pain corresponds to higher scores in Mini-mental State Examination (P =0,001), in incidental recall (P=0,030 e P =0,014), in immediate recall (P=0,042) and in delayed recall (P=0,037) assessed by the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery. No correlations were observed in GWO. There was no correlation between opioid dose and performance in the results. In the longitudinal tests and comparative analyses between the groups, GWO had better performance than GRO. However, this superiority was not verified in the three assessments, as well as in the case of the majority of the tests results. The negative correlation between pain intensity and cognitive function on the group receiving opioids indicated that pain intensity had an influence on cognitive performance. Further research is necessary to broaden the knowledge about this issue.

"Alteração cognitiva e o tratamento da dor oncológica" / Cognitive impairment and oncologic pain treatment.

Geana Paula Kurita 20 February 2006 (has links)
Avaliou-se, três vezes, ao longo de um mês, a função cognitiva de doentes em tratamento da dor oncológica e comparou-se o desempenho dos que recebiam opióides (Grupo Recebendo Opóides – GRO, n=14) ao dos que não os recebiam (Grupo Sem Opióides – GSO, n=12); analisaram-se também as relações entre função cognitiva, intensidade da dor e dose do opióide. A função cognitiva foi avaliada por meio do Teste de Trilhas, Mini-exame do Estado Mental, Teste de Extensão de Dígitos, Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo e Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Para a identificação de diferenças, o nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%. A análise longitudinal para o GSO mostrou melhora da memória incidental (P=0,005) e do aprendizado (P=0,016); entretanto, piora das habilidades construtivas e vísuo-perceptivas (P=0,039). Para o GRO observou-se melhora da memória incidental (P=0,038). Em ambos os grupos não houve modificação no Teste de Trilhas, Mini-exame do Estado Mental, Teste de Extensão de Dígitos e demais testes da Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo. A comparação entre os grupos mostrou que o GSO teve melhor desempenho na atenção/concentração e memória operacional (2ª avaliação, P=0,029) e funções executivas (1ª avaliação, P=0,023). A análise de correlações no GRO demonstrou que à dor menos intensa corresponderam escores maiores no Mini-exame do Estado Mental (P =0,001), na memória incidental (P =0,030 e 0,014), na memória imediata (P=0,042) e na memória tardia (P =0,037), avaliados pela Bateria Breve de Rastreio Cognitivo. Não se observaram correlações no GSO. Não houve correlação entre a dose do opióide e o desempenho nos testes. O GSO teve melhor desempenho que o GRO em alguns testes, na análise comparativa entre grupos e na análise longitudinal. No entanto, essa superioridade não se expressou nas três avaliações e nem na maioria dos testes. A correlação negativa entre intensidade da dor e função cognitiva no Grupo Recebendo Opióides indicou que a intensidade da dor influenciou o desempenho cognitivo. Há necessidade de outros estudos que ampliem o conhecimento sobre o tema. / The cognitive functions of patients in oncologic pain treatment were assessed three times, over the period of a month. The performance of patients in treatment with opioids (Group Receiving Opioids – GRO, n=14) was compared with that of a group of patients receiving treatment without the administration of opioids (Group Without Opioids – GWO, n=12). Relations between cognitive function, pain intensity and opioid dose were also analysed. The cognitive function was assessed by the Trail Making Test, Mini-mental State Examination, Digit Span Test, Brief Cognitive Screening Battery and Beck Depression Inventory. In order to identify statistical differences, the significance level was established in 5%. The longitudinal analysis to the GWO showed improvement in incidental recall (P=0,005) and learning (P=0,016); however, deterioration in the constructional and visuoperceptual abilities was noticed (P=0,039). Improvement was observed in the incidental recall (P=0,038) of the GRO. In both groups there were no changes in the Trail Making Test, Mini-mental State Examination, Digit Span Test, Beck Depression Inventory and other tests from Brief Cognitive Screening Battery. The comparison between groups showed that GWO had better performance in attention/concentration, working memory (P=0,029) and also in executive functions (P=0,023). The analyses of the correlations in GRO demonstrated that less intense pain corresponds to higher scores in Mini-mental State Examination (P =0,001), in incidental recall (P=0,030 e P =0,014), in immediate recall (P=0,042) and in delayed recall (P=0,037) assessed by the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery. No correlations were observed in GWO. There was no correlation between opioid dose and performance in the results. In the longitudinal tests and comparative analyses between the groups, GWO had better performance than GRO. However, this superiority was not verified in the three assessments, as well as in the case of the majority of the tests results. The negative correlation between pain intensity and cognitive function on the group receiving opioids indicated that pain intensity had an influence on cognitive performance. Further research is necessary to broaden the knowledge about this issue.

Vliv jógy na pozornost dětí předškolního věku / Influence of yoga on the attention of preschool children

Volfová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Influence of yoga on the attention of preschool children AUTHOR: Bc. Veronika Volfová DEPARTMENT: Department of Physical Education SUPERVISOR: Mgr. et. Mgr. Zdeňka Engelthalerová ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to determine whether regular yoga exercises of preschool children influence the progress of their attention positively. The thesis is divided in two parts. The theoretical part starts with the definition of preschool age and the introduction of the principles, effects, and meaning of yoga exercises. Further, it explains the term attention and states options of its influencing and outcomes of already performed research in this area. The practical part offers the results of quantitative research that observed the relationship between yoga exercises and children's attention. The research had the form of an experiment, i.e. with the collaboration of an experimental group, which participated in yoga exercises, and a control group with no yoga exercises. The attention level of children from both groups was determined by means of two attention tests both before the exercise set and afterwards. Although the attention level has improved with both groups, the research results show a more distinctive improvement with the experimental group. KEYWORDS: Yoga - Preschool child - Attention - Concentration -...

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