Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attica"" "subject:"ottica""
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Surnommer Zeus : contribution à l'étude des structures et des dynamiques du polythéisme attique à travers ses épiclèses, de l'époque archaïque au Haut-Empire / Bynaming Zeus : contribution to the study of the structures and dynamics of Attic polytheism through his epikleseis, from the Archaic to the Early Imperial PeriodLebreton, Sylvain 27 September 2013 (has links)
La présente thèse a pour objectif d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur les conceptions que les anciens Athéniens se faisaient de leurs dieux, et notamment de Zeus. On tentera ainsi de dresser un tableau des qualités, fonctions et caractères attribués à ce dieu à travers l'étude exhaustive et systématique de ses, dans une perspective tant qualitative que quantitative. Ce tableau sera envisagé dans sa plasticité : on s’efforcera de prendre en compte ses évolutions à travers les époques (de l’archaïsme à l’époque impériale) et selon les contextes sociaux, dans une approche multi-scalaire (du domestique au politique). On replacera ensuite Zeus au sein du panthéon athénien, en déterminant ses positionnements, associations et distinctions par rapport aux autres divinités recevant un culte en Attique. On espère ainsi pouvoir contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du fonctionnement du polythéisme hellénique / This work aims to give a new enlightenment of the divine conceptions of the ancient Athenians, in particular through the case of Zeus. We shall attempt to draw a picture of the qualities, functions and characters attributed to this god by making acomprehensive and systematic survey of his epikleseis, in a quantitative and qualitative prospect. This picture will beconsidered in its plasticity : we shall try to take into account its evolutions through time (from the archaic to the imperialperiod) and according to the social contexts, in a multi-scalar approach (from the domestic to the civic scale). We shallthen replace Zeus within the Athenian pantheon, by determining its positionings, associations and distinctions towards theother divinities worshiped in Attica. We hope we can so contribute to a better understanding of the Greek polytheism
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Περιβαλλοντική γεωχημική μελέτη του Σαρωνικού ΚόλπουΣκληβάγκου, Ευγενία 07 July 2010 (has links)
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Korè-Perséphone en Attique : une divinité entre deux mondes / Kore-Persephone in Attica : a divinity between two worldsDimou, Alexandra 24 February 2012 (has links)
Le travail porte sur les aspects du mythe de Korè-Perséphone se référant à l’Attique, son culte et sa présence en dehors de la religion civique. La première partie examine le mythe de Korè et les étymologies du nom proposées par les Anciens. La deuxième partie porte sur les fêtes et les cultes d’Attique où Korè apparaît, seule ou aux côtés de Déméter : les Thesmophories, les Mystères d’Éleusis, les Petits Mystères d’Agra, les Skira et les Halôa, les cultes thesmophoriques et éleusiniens locaux, les sanctuaires et les emplacements sacrés relatifs à la déesse. La troisième partie est consacrée à la place de la déesse dans la magie, dans les associations religieuses dionysiaques ou orphiques (collège des Iobacchoi), et au manuel d’onirocritique d’Artémidore. La quatrième partie contient le corpus des textes cités au cours du travail : les sources littéraires, les documents épigraphiques et papyrologiques. Un appendice est consacré à l’image de Korè-Perséphone dans l’oeuvre de Porphyre. / The study focuses on aspects of the myth of Kore-Persephone referring to Attica, its worship and its presence outside the civic religion. The first part focuses on the myth of Kore and different suggestions for the etymologies of names proposed by the Elders. The second part focuses on festivals and cults of Attica where Kore appears alone or alongside of Demeter: the Thesmophoria, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the lesser mysteries of Agra, Skira and Haloa, local Thesmophoria and Eleusinian worships, shrines and sacred sites related to the goddess. The third part is dedicated to the place of the goddess in magic, in Dionysian or Orphic religious connections (Society of Iobacchoi) and Artemidorus’ treatise on oneirocriticism. The fourth part contains the corpus of texts referenced in the work (literary sources, inscriptions and papyrus). An appendix is devoted to the image of Kore-Persephone in the works of Porphyry.
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L’activité textile en Attique (Ve et IVe siècles avant notre ère) / The Textile Production in Attica (5th and 4th centuries B.C.)Spantidaki, Stella 25 February 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est basé sur une approche pluridisciplinaire des sources antiques ; les informations issues des sources écrites, de l’iconographie, des outils de tissage et des fragments textiles conservés, sont comparées pour créer une image aussi complète que possible de l’activité textile en Attique de l’époque classique. Cette étude révèle une activité textile très soutenue, divisée entre l’espace domestique et l’espace artisanal, occupant un grand nombre d’hommes et de femmes. Les Grecs anciens avaient hérité d’une grande tradition textile et d’un savoir-faire qui, comparé à la bonne connaissance du milieu naturel environnant, leur permettait de faire des choix (de matière première, de techniques de fabrication et de techniques d’ennoblissement) pour arriver chaque fois au résultat désiré. Des différences de qualité aux matières premières, aux techniques de fabrication et d’ennoblissement, évoquées dans la littérature de l’époque, indiquent l’existence de textiles de différentes qualités, qui répondaient aux besoins de toutes les couches sociales. / This study examines the textile production in classical Attica with an interdisciplinary method, which combines information from the written sources, the classical iconography, the textile production tools and the classical textile remains, in order to establish the most complete image possible of the textile activity in the classical period. The sources inform us of an elaborate textile industry and a high specialization of the professional technicians working in this domain. The Greeks have inherited a great textile tradition and technical knowledge, which, combined to their familiarity with the natural environment made them to be able to choose between raw materials, production and embellishment techniques in order to achieve the desired result. Differences in the quality of the raw materials, the production and embellishment techniques, as references in the literature, suggest the production of a great variety of textiles of different qualities in order to respond to the needs of all social classes.
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Ricerche sui contesti delle ceramiche attiche a figure nere in Italia (630-560/550 a.C.) / Researches into the Contexts of the Attic Black-Figured Pottery in Italy (630-560/550 B.C.)ANTONIUCCI, ALESSANDRA 04 April 2008 (has links)
Oggetto di studio è la ceramica Attica a figure nere inquadrabile fra il 630 e il 560/550 a.C. rinvenuta in Italia. Il materiale documentario è attinto dall'edito. Gli obiettivi della ricerca sono: aggiornare il campione di dati raccolto nei repertori editi da J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) e nella monografia a cura di R. Rosati (La ceramica attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); proporre una lettura della documentazione censita che tenga conto delle informazioni sui contesti di rinvenimento per comprendere funzione e significato della ceramica Attica nelle aree culturali individuabili nel territorio e nel periodo esaminati. Il lavoro di censimento dei materiali e dei contesti ha consentito di individuare più di 400 esemplari attici a figure nere, provenienti da cinquantanove siti che ricadono nell'area padana, nelle regioni adriatiche, nell'ambito ionico, in quello tirrenico, nelle aree della Sicilia e della Sardegna. L'esame delle forme e delle immagini attestate negli spazi funerari, sacri e abitativi offre spunti per riflettere sulle dinamiche che regolano l'acquisizione dei manufatti ateniesi nelle varie aree culturali e stimola ipotesi sul significato rivestito da tali oggetti nel periodo preso in esame. / The subject-matter of this study is the Attic black-figured pottery recovered in Italy, that can be set between 630 and 560/550 B.C. The documentary material is derived from the published one. The objectives of the research are: to update the data sample collected in the indexes published by J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) and in the monograph edited by R. Rosati (La ceramica Attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); to propose a reading of the classified documentation that takes into account information about the recovery contexts in order to understand function and meaning of the Attic pottery in the cultural areas that can be located in the territory and the period taken into consideration. The work of census of material and contexts has made it possible to identify more than 400 Attic black-figured patterns, coming from fifty-nine places that situated in the Po area, in the Adriatic regions, in the Ionian ambit, in the Tyrrhenian one, in the areas of Sicily and Sardinia. The examination of the forms and the images attested in the funeral, sacred and habitable spaces give an opportunity of reflecting upon the dynamics that regulate the acquisition of the Athenian manufactured articles in the various cultural areas and stimulates suppositions on the meaning of these objects in the period taken into consideration.
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La céramique du Bronze Ancien II en Attique / Pottery of early Bronze age II from Attica, GreeceNtouni, Kerasia 13 March 2015 (has links)
La région d'Attique, à cause de sa situation géographique privilégiée qui la rattache d'une part à la Grèce continentale et de l'autre aux Cyclades, a été longtemps considérée comme un carrefour important dans le bassin égéen, entre différente aires culturelles du BAII (IIIe millénaire). Des éléments aussi bien culturels qu'économiques propres aux communautés attiques ont été développés. Ce travail constitue un premier essai de reconstituer le cadre socio-économique et culturel de ces communautés, en étudiant la céramique provenant de cinq sites (Sud-Est d'Attique) : Koropi, Mérenda, Askitario, Raphina et Haghios Kosmas. Ces sites ont fourni un assemblage céramique très riche qui se caractérise d'une grande variabilité en formes et classes céramiques. Afin d'étudier cet assemblage, une approche techno-morphologique a été suivie, qui nécessite une étude macroscopique exhaustive. L'analyse macroscopique des traces de fabrication est indispensable pour reconstituer la chaîne opératoire de fabrication des récipients et procéder au regroupement du matériel en classes et groupes céramiques. Ces données ont été ensuite couplées avec des analyses pétrographiques et chimiques (NAA, SEM). L'étude morpho-stylistique est nécessaire pour la classification morphologique du matériel, indispensable pour la recherche d'éléments communs aux sites du corpus. Par ailleurs, cette étude a pour objectif d'approcher les modalités de production et de distribution dans la région, en identifiant l'existence d'une production céramique locale ainsi que des réseaux de circulation des vases auxquelles participent activement les communautés attiques et qui caractérisent le bassin égéen pendant le BAII. / The region of Attica has long been considered as an important crossroad between different regions of the EB II Aegean world (3rd millennium). Due to its location, specific features have been developed which are identified in different aspects of the prehistoric society. This work is an attempt to approach the socio-economic and cultural context of this society, by studying the pottery from five sites (SE Attica) : Koropi, Merenda, Askitario, Ratina and Ag. Kosmas. These sites have provided us with an exceptionally rich and well preserved pottery assemblage, which consists of a large number of vessels for various domestic or other uses, occurred in a great variety of fabrics and wares. In order to study this varied and rich assemblage, an integrated archaeological and scientific research was conducted. The archaeological research incorporates a technological analysis according to the concept of "chaîne opératoire" based on the macroscopic study of the surface features, as well as a detailed typological study. At the same time, analytical techniques have been applied such as petrographic analysis and chemical analysis by NAA and SEM. This study aims to shed light on aspects of pottery production and distribution in the region, by identifying the technological and typological characteristics of the "local" ceramic groups as opposed to the imported ones. In this way, significant social and cultural implications could be made about the society of these sites and their role in the exchange networks that largely characterized the EB II Aegean.
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Från Ilions fält till Nilens stränder : En studie rörande identifieringen mellan teukrerna och sjöfolket ṯ-k-(k)-r / From the fields of Ilion to the shores of the Nile : A study regarding the identification between the Teukroi and the Sea People Ṯ-k-(k)-rHenningsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis treats the identification between the Teucrians and the Ṯ-k-(k)-r, one of the so-called Sea Peoples. The hypothesis that the Teucrians and the Ṯ-k-(k)-r would be one and the same was proposed by the Egyptologist Lauth in 1867 and has since become the standard identification for this Sea People. The hypothesis is to-day up-hold by almost all scholars, regarding of discipline, devoted to the research of the Sea Peoples. The author has limited himself to the geographical links between these two peoples. Regarding the Teucrians, the ancient authors suggested three different areas of origin, Crete, Attica, and the Troad. Besides this, the Cypriot Salamis as well as the Cilician Olba have also been linked to this people. By studying the ancient texts relating to these five geographical areas and their respective connections to the Teucrians, the author has set out to test the historicity of the geographical connections. He has gone through the ancient texts and tried to find out the sources for their statements, the background and origin of these connections and their historical value. This has then been compared to the primary sources regarding the Ṯ-k-(k)-r, all of which originate from Egypt and the 20th Dynasty. The results of this survey is that none of the ancient accounts can be verified, with certainty, with information received from sources contemporary with the Sea Peoples. Furthermore, it is also impossible to prove that the Teucrians were an historical people and thusly their identification with the Ṯ-k-(k)-r is very problematic. Of the geographical areas, it is only Cyprus that with certainty can be linked to the Sea Peoples, but probably not with the Ṯ-k-(k)-r but with the D-n-n.
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Příprava realizace Universitního centra ve Zlíně / Realization preparation University Centre in ZlínRokosová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the preparation of the implementation of the University Centre in Zlín. The work includes building technology study and subsequent construction technology project. In this thesis, the aim was to determine the time, financial and material demands of the project, choose the optimum process of construction, ensure BOZP, make the proposal buildingsite for the individual stages, the calculation of costs of site preparation and select adequate mechanical the assembly. It was drafted fire assessments of buildings.
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Renewing Athens : the ideology of the past in Roman GreeceMcHugh, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we explore the period of renewal that Athens experienced during the second century AD. This century saw Athens at the peak of her cultural prominence in the Roman Empire: the city was the centre of the League of the Panhellenion and hosted a vibrant sophistic scene that attracted orators from across the Greek world, developments which were ideologically fuelled by contemporary conceptions of Classical Athens. While this Athenian 'golden age' is a standard feature of scholarship on Greek culture under Rome, my thesis delves further to explore the renewal of the urban and rural landscapes at this time and the relationship between that process and constructions of Athenian identity. We approach the renewal of second-century Athens through four lenses: past and present in the Ilissos area; the rhetoric of the Panhellenion; elite conflict and competition; and the character of the Attic countryside. My central conclusions are as follows: 1. The renewal of Athens was effected chiefly by Hadrian and the Athenian elite and was modelled on an ideal Athenian past, strategically manipulated to suit present purpose; the attractions of the fifth-century golden age for this programme of renewal meant that politically contentious history of radical democracy and aggressive imperialism had to be safely rewritten. 2. Athens and Attica retained their uniquely integrated character in the second century. Rural Attica was the subject of a powerful sacro-idyllic ideology and played a vital role in concepts of Athenian identity, while simultaneously serving as a functional landscape of production and inhabitation. 3. The true socio-economic importance of the Attic countryside as a settled and productive landscape should be investigated without unduly privileging the limited evidence from survey, and by combining all available sources, both literary and documentary, with attention to their content, cultural context and ideological relevance.
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