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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of auditor rotation on audit quality : A qualitative study conducted with audit companies and public listed companies located in Sweden

Oberleitner, Sonja Oberleitner January 2017 (has links)
The collapse of Enron and several other companies, such as Global Crossing and the more recent scandal of Tesco, raised concerns worldwide about auditor independence and audit quality. The scandals have proven that particularly the joint-provision of auditing and nonaudit services (NAS) along with a long-term auditor-client relationship tend to adversely impact auditor independence thus audit quality, triggering the need for a new regulation. In order to solve this problem, the European Union implemented a new regulation requiring public listed entities (PIEs), which are defined as listed companies, credit institutions and insurance undertakings, to rotate their audit firm after a period of 10 financial years. The primary purpose of my master thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of audit firms’ and public listed firms’ perceptions of auditor rotation, meant in the sense of audit firm rotation, and its impact on audit quality. More specifically, I aim to investigate whether audit firm rotation enhances audit quality due to a fresh view brought to the company audited by a new auditor or lowers it because of a new auditor’s lack of knowledge about the client’s industry. Current literature regarding the new EU regulation, audit firm rotation and its impact on audit quality as well as the early stage of implementation of the new EU Directive in Sweden helped me to recognize a research gap. Existing studies similar to mine have not been concerned with getting a deeper understanding about the perception of this topic by audit companies and public listed companies located in Sweden. The research philosophy of my study is based on the constructivist ontological view and interpretivist epistemological perspective. In addition, the deductive approach is used to study the research question, while applying the qualitative research method by carrying out multiple semi-structured interviews with auditors and CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) and CFOs (Chief Financial Officers) of public listed companies based in Sweden. The final results are gained through the combination of primary data gathered from the interviews, and secondary data collected during my literature search. My findings demonstrate that the auditors asked are in favour of audit partner rotation since according to their opinion it positively impacts audit quality because of the prevention of a too close relationship between auditor and client. Nevertheless, they do not see an additional advantage from audit firm rotation as they believe that audit partner rotation has already fulfilled the same purpose. CEOs and CFOs of public listed companies have diverse views regarding this topic. Three from five perceive auditor rotation is increasing audit quality due to the fresh look brought by a new auditor and enhanced auditor independence, while the two others think that the new regulation is reducing audit quality caused by the new auditor´s lack of industry knowledge of the client. Other factors positive influencing audit quality are the separation of NAS and audit, joint-audits, expertise and experience of the auditor, a detailed audit plan, providing of full information by the client and the appointment of the auditor by the client itself. Keywords: auditor rotation, audit firm rotation, EU regulation 2016, audit quality, long-term auditor-client relationship, auditing in Sweden, International Standards on Auditing (ISA), role of auditor, audit firm size, non-audit services and auditor independence.

我國會計師輪調可行性之研究 / An Exploratory Study of the Implementation of Auditor Rotation in Taiwan

劉崢嶸, Liu, Jeng-Rong Unknown Date (has links)
財務報表能否公正表達企業的真實情況,將直接或間接影響到報表使用者的經濟決策及社會資源之分配。而會計師能否成功扮演公眾保護者的角色,並獨立而客觀的對於財務報表表示意見,將直接影響到財務報表之品質。會計專業評論者即提出強制會計師輪調是解決會計師因與客戶間的長期關係而導致失去獨立性與專業上懷疑的手段。 目前全世界已有部份國家(如:意大利、西班牙和以色列)實施會計師事務所間輪調(audit firm rotation )。而美國則自1977年起即由AICPA規定會計師事務所內合夥人須每七年輪調一次(即audit partner rotation)。在台灣,目前會計師的獨立性及審計品質日益受到重視,但會計師輪調的議題卻鮮少有人探討。所以,本論文以問卷調查的方式,徵詢會計師界、上市上櫃公司會計部門經理、主管機關證期會人員及證券業人士之意見,並參考過去有關會計師輪調及審計之文獻來探討會計師輪調在台灣實施之可行性。 問卷結果發現:(1)從整體的角度而言,不同受測群體對於會計師輪調能促使會計師更客觀衡量財務報表的功能大都持正面的看法。所以,會計師輪調就理論面而言是一項立意良善的制度。(2)就事務所間的會計師輪調之可行性而言,雖然主管機關及財務報表使用者都贊成實施,但是可以預見的,會引起大部份的事務所的反對。從本次研究發現,公司亦是持反對事務間輪調意見者居多。所以,未來若要實施事務所間的會計師輪調,可能會遭遇相當大的阻力。(3)事務所內會計師輪調則為事務所及公司較能接受的方式。 / An Exploratory Study of the Implementation of Auditor Rotation in Taiwan


Seay, Emily Renee 01 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Audit committee members play a pivotal role in the audit process, specifically, when negotiating disputes between management and the external auditor concerning audit adjustments. According to Auditing Standard 16 (formerly AU Section 380.34-.44), the external auditors are required to discuss, with the audit committee, all significant findings resulting from the completion of the audit including: (i) qualitative aspects of estimates; (ii) uncorrected misstatements; and (iii) disagreements with management (PCAOB 2015). Prior literature suggests an audit committee’s propensity to support the external auditor when dealing with the issues described above (Knapp 1987; DeZoort and Salterio 2001; DeZoort et al. 2003b; DeZoort et al. 2003a). However, these studies do not address how behavioral factors such as a relationship between the external auditors and audit committee members can affect a member’s stance on a proposed audit adjustment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect that the relationship between audit committee members and external auditors has on a member’s recommendation for proposed audit adjustments during a management dispute with the external auditor (i.e., whether they side with the external auditors or management). Specifically, this experiment examines the effects of relationships and the mediating effect of external auditor tenure on an audit committee member's judgments through the application of several social cognitive theories: (i) attachment theory; (ii) social judgment theory; (iii) and internal working models. Results indicate that external auditor/audit committee member relationships and auditor tenure significantly influence an audit committee member’s decision making when faced with an auditor/management dispute. Also, auditor tenure (long) does not negatively affect audit quality.

The impact of extended audit tenure on auditor independence : Auditors perspective

Chia-ah, Etienne, Karlsson, Joel January 2010 (has links)
<p>With the wave of crises in the early 2000 notably Enron, auditor independence was put in the spotlight which has continually threatened the integrity of the entire auditing profession. Connected to these accounting scandals, it could be realized that most of the auditors involved in the audits of these corporations had long standing relationship with these clients. In other words, the auditors had extended audit tenures. This puts the issue of audit tenure into the open that is as to how long should auditors serve a client?</p><p>The general purpose of this study is to examine whether extended audit tenures can lead to the emergence of threats to auditor independence which may impair the auditor independence. Our study is quantitative, using a self-administered web-survey to collect our data. The study provides results from a cross sectional design to examine the impact of extended audit tenures on auditor independence. This impact is compared across short and extended (long) tenures on the basis of the threats to auditor independence. Using paired samples t-test in SPSS for our sample of authorized or approved Swedish auditors; we find that extended audit tenures impact self-interest, self-review and intimidation threats that affects auditor independence. Our findings did not reveal any relationship between the advocacy and familiarity threats and the impact extended audit tenures have on them, hence we rejected the hypotheses relating to these threats. However, though the relationship was still not strong, the results for self-interest, self-review and intimidation threats proved significant and this prompted us to accept the respective hypotheses. In conclusion, our results show that there is an association of auditor independence to extended audit tenures.</p>

The impact of extended audit tenure on auditor independence : Auditors perspective

Chia-ah, Etienne, Karlsson, Joel January 2010 (has links)
With the wave of crises in the early 2000 notably Enron, auditor independence was put in the spotlight which has continually threatened the integrity of the entire auditing profession. Connected to these accounting scandals, it could be realized that most of the auditors involved in the audits of these corporations had long standing relationship with these clients. In other words, the auditors had extended audit tenures. This puts the issue of audit tenure into the open that is as to how long should auditors serve a client? The general purpose of this study is to examine whether extended audit tenures can lead to the emergence of threats to auditor independence which may impair the auditor independence. Our study is quantitative, using a self-administered web-survey to collect our data. The study provides results from a cross sectional design to examine the impact of extended audit tenures on auditor independence. This impact is compared across short and extended (long) tenures on the basis of the threats to auditor independence. Using paired samples t-test in SPSS for our sample of authorized or approved Swedish auditors; we find that extended audit tenures impact self-interest, self-review and intimidation threats that affects auditor independence. Our findings did not reveal any relationship between the advocacy and familiarity threats and the impact extended audit tenures have on them, hence we rejected the hypotheses relating to these threats. However, though the relationship was still not strong, the results for self-interest, self-review and intimidation threats proved significant and this prompted us to accept the respective hypotheses. In conclusion, our results show that there is an association of auditor independence to extended audit tenures.

Revisorns icke finansiella beroende : en experimentell undersökning av klientidentifikation

Kuchak, Barwin, Petrovic, Vanja January 2013 (has links)
Studiens syfte har varit att förklara i vilken utsträckning icke-finansiellt beroende hos revisorer kan uppstå genom revisorernas identifikation med klienter samt undersöka dess effekter på revisorns oberoende och objektivitet. Vidare har vi försökt undersöka hur klientidentifikationen kan påverkas av professionell identifiering och revisorsrotation. Således har vår problemformulering varit ”Hur identifierar revisorerna sig med sina klienter hur detta påverkar revisorns objektivitet? Hur påverkas klientidentifikationen av revisorns profession? Hur kan revisorsrotationen bidra till en minskning av identifikationen med klienten? ”.Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom en elektronisk enkätundersökning som skickades ut till 1200 godkända och auktoriserade revisorer i Sverige. Bortfallet blev 87 %, den bakomliggande anledningen kan vara att enkäten skickades ut i samband med alla deklarationer. Vidare har den insamlade materialet bearbetats och analyserats i statistikprogrammet (SPSS) med hjälp av olika analysmodeller.Studiens resultat visar att svenska revisorer identifierar sig med sina klienter och att denna identifikation uppstår på grund av den sociala relationen mellan revisorn och klienten. Det icke-finansiella beroendet som uppstår genom identifikationen med klienter visar dock ingen påverkan på revisorns objektiva bedömning, vilket tyder på att revisorn oavsett klientens önskemål gör en korrekt bedömning vid en redovisningstvist. Vidare visar denna studie att48identifikationen med professionen leder till ökad identifikation med klienten. Detta har sin grund i den sociala identitetsteori som antyder att individer kan identifiera sig med olika sociala grupper samtidigt och att den ena identifikationen inte behöver utesluta den andra. Slutligen har vi visat att revisorsrotationen inte kan bidra till en minskning av identifikationen med klienten. Tidigare forskning visar nackdelar med revisorsrotationen, så som merkostnader och förlorad förkunskap, vilket indikerar i att rotera revisorn var sjunde år är ingen korrekt lösning som kan gynna både parterna. / The purpose of this study was to explain the extent to which non-financial dependence of auditors may arise from auditors' identification with clients and examine its effects on the auditor's independence and objectivity. Furthermore, we have attempted to examine how the client identifier can be influenced by professional identification and auditor rotation. Thus, our problem was "how auditors identify themselves with their clients how this affects the auditor's objectivity? How is the client identifier of the auditor's profession? How can the auditor rotation contribute to a decrease in identification with the client? ".The empirical data were collected through an electronic survey sent to 1200 approved and certified public accountants in Sweden. The loss was 87%, the underlying reason may be that the questionnaire was sent out in all declarations. Furthermore, the collected material processed and analyzed in the statistical program (SPSS) using various analytical models.Our results demonstrate that Swedish auditors identify with their clients and that this identification occurs due to the social relationship between the auditor and the client. The non-financial dependency arising from identification with clients, however, shows no effect on the auditor's objective assessment, which indicates that the auditor whether the client wishes make an accurate assessment of an accounting dispute. Furthermore, this study shows that the identification with profession leads to increased identification with the client. This is due to the social identity theory suggests that individuals may identify with different social groups at the same time and that one identification need not exclude the other. Finally, we have shown that auditor rotation can‟t contribute to a decrease in identification with the client. Previous research shows the disadvantages of auditor rotation, so that additional costs and loss of entry, indicating that rotate auditors every seven years is not a proper solution that can benefit both parties.

Reglerna om revisorsrotation och inverkan på revisionskvalitet : För-och nackdelar med revisorsrotation / Auditor rotation and the impact of the rotation rules on the audit quality : Pros and cons of auditor rotation

Muhamed Ismail, Aydin, Ramazani, Mahdi January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett obegränsat revisionsuppdrag förmodas ha en negativ inverkan på revisionskvaliteten. I syfte att stärka revisionskvaliteten infördes reglerna om revisorsrotation. Genom att begränsa uppdragstiden förmodas revisorsrotation stärka revisorns oberoende vilket i sin tur har en positiv inverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Tidigare studier menar att revisionskvaliteten utgörs av revisorns oberoende och kompetens. Medan en del studier hävdar att revisorsrotation stärker revisorns oberoende och därmed ökar revisionskvaliteten, hävdar andra studier att revisorsrotation försämrar revisorns kompetens vilket har en negativ inverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Mot denna bakgrund är det intressant att studera hur revisorerna själva upplever att reglerna om revisorsrotation inverkar på deras oberoende, kompetens och revisionskvalitet.  Problemformulering: Hur upplever revisorer att de obligatoriska reglerna om revisorsrotation inverkar på revisionskvaliteten? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för revisorsrotationens konsekvenser på revisionskvalitet utifrån revisorers uppfattningar. Denna studie bidrar således till att öka kunskap om revisorsrotationens inverkan på revisorns oberoende och revisorns kompetens utifrån revisorernas egna uppfattningar. Metod: Studien har genomförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod och datainsamlingen har skett genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuade respondenter är auktoriserade revisorer som har relevant kunskap om revisorsrotation. Resultat och slutsats: Denna studie visar att revisorer upplever att revisorsrotation stärker revisorns oberoende och kan därför ha en positiv inverkan på revisionskvaliteten. Revisorsrotation upplevs även ha en positiv inverkan på revisorns kompetens då revisorsrotation ger revisorn ett nytt perspektiv på revisionsuppdraget vilket förbättrar hens förmåga att upptäcka oegentligheter i finansiella rapporter. Studien visar samtidigt på att revisorer upplever en negativ inverkan på revisorns kompetens som i sin tur har en negativ inverkan på revisionskvaliteten eftersom den insamlade kunskapen om klienten förloras vid en rotation. Studien har verifierat resultaten i många tidigare studier dessutom har funnit att klientens storlek har en inverkan på revisorns oberoende och längden på uppdraget. / Background: An unlimited audit tenure is assumed to have a negative impact on the audit quality. The auditor rotation rules were introduced in order to improve the audit quality. By limiting the assignment time, auditor rotation is assumed to strengthen the auditor's independence, which in turn has a positive impact on the audit quality. Previous studies believe that the audit quality consists of the auditor's independence and competence. While some studies claim that auditor rotation strengthens the auditor's independence and thus increases the audit quality, other studies claim that auditor rotation impairs the auditor's competence and that has a negative impact on the audit quality. Against this background, it is interesting to study how the auditors themselves feel that the auditor rotation rules affect their independence, competence and audit quality. Questions: How do auditors feel that the mandatory auditor rotation rules affect the audit quality? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how the auditor rotation rules affect the audit quality based on auditors' perceptions. This study thus contributes to increased knowledge about the impact of auditor rotation on the auditor's independence and the auditor's competence based on the auditors' own perceptions. Method: The study was conducted using a qualitative method and the data collection took place through six semi-structured interviews. The interviewed respondents were authorized auditors who had appropriate knowledge about the auditor rotation.  Results and conclusion: This study shows that auditors feel that auditor rotation rules strengthen the auditor's independence and can therefore have a positive impact on audit quality. Auditor rotation is also perceived to have a positive impact on the auditor's competence as auditor rotation gives the auditor a new perspective on the audit tenure, which improves her ability to detect irregularities in the financial reports. At the same time, the study shows that auditors also experience a negative impact on the auditor's competence, which in turn has a negative impact on the audit quality. Because the auditor rotation leads to the auditor losing client-specific information. This study verifies the previous studies' conclusions but also shows that the client size has also an impact on the auditor’s independence and the length of the tenure.

Korta vs. långa revisionsuppdrag : Hur ser skillnader ut i termer av revisionsprocesser, oberoende och revisionskvalitet?

Garefelt, Linus, Persson, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Revision är ett än mer aktuellt ämne nu än på flera decennier då det debatteras vitt och brett kring vad en revisor skall eller bör göra. I och med de tidigare införda byrårotationskraven begränsar det företag av allmänt intresse att inte under mer än maximalt tio år använda samma revisionsbyrå, med chans till förlängning. Vi har därför valt att undersöka hur längden på revisionsuppdragen kan inverka på stora onoterade bolag i en mindre geografisk zon, i vårt fall Umeå kommun med omnejd genom att intervjua tre revisorer och deras klienter.   Baserat på problemdiskussionen har vi bestämt följande problemformulering för studien.      Hur upplever revisionsbyråerna och deras klienter att oberoendet samt revisionskvalitet samspelar med revisionsprocessen vid korta respektive långa revisionsuppdrag?   Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur förhållandet mellan klient och revisor upplevs ha en samverkan med kvaliteten i revisionen samt på revisorernas oberoende till deras klienter över tid. Detta kan ligga till grund för framtida diskussioner gällande byrårotation för huruvida oberoende och revisionskvalitet utvecklas över tid under revisionsuppdraget.   Med en kvalitativ ansats har vi genomfört nio intervjuer med tre revisorer samt sex klienter. Klientförhållandena till respektive revisor är ett långvarigt revisionsuppdrag (fler än fem år) och ett kortvarigt revisionsuppdrag (mindre än 5 år sedan övertagandet). Denna unika inblick i revisor-klientförhållandet kopplas till flertalet faktorer samt teorier vilka kan ha en samverkan och förklaring till förändringen i oberoendet samt revisionskvaliteten.    Vi kommer i vår studie fram till att revisionsprocessen ser väldigt lik ut vid korta samt långa revisionsuppdrag där första året är speciellt omfattande, men år 2 och framåt vanligtvis är lika omfattande år efter år. Vad gäller oberoende finner vi att desto längre relation som skapas mellan klient och revisionsbyrå desto mer omfattande blir rådgivningen till klienten vilket kan påverka revisionsbyråns oberoende mot klienten rent finansiellt. Vidare är revisionskvalitet en term som definieras olika, men i teorin hävdar flertalet att detta kan speglas av oberoendet till klienten. I vår studie har definitionen uppfattats olika mellan revisor och klient vilket visar på ett förväntningsgap mellan de båda. Enligt respondenterna är revisionskvalitet något som skulle kunna förbättras av byrårotation när flera anser att långa revisionsuppdrag kan bli för rutinmässiga och att det skulle vara bra om nya individer kommer in och tittar på uppdraget från ett nytt perspektiv.   Förslag till vidare forskning skulle till exempel vara en enkätundersökning med ett mer omfattande geografiskt område där fler företag av större storlek innefattas av populationen för att kunna jämställa dessa med de företag som redan omfattas av reglerna om obligatorisk byrårotation.   Nyckelord: Audit, big four, big seven, audit quality, audit independence, audit firm rotation, auditor rotation, expectation gap, evidential matter, audit procedures och audit tenure.

Obligatorisk byrårotation : Påverkan på revisionskvaliteten och revisionens legitimitet / Mandatory audit firm rotation : Impact on the audit quality and audit legitimacy

Amnell, Carl, Knutsson, Adam January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: År 2016 infördes lagen om tidsbestämd obligatorisk byrårotation för företag av allmänt intresse in i svensk lagstiftning. Definitionen "företag av allmänt intresse" innefattar börsnoterade företag och vissa finansiella företag. Regeln om obligatorisk byrårotation ingick i EU:s så kallade revisionspaket. Tanken med EU:s revisionspaket var att förbättra revisionskvaliteten och stärka reviorns oberoende för medlemsländerna. Det fanns även ett behov av att stärka förtroendet för revisionen efter alla revisionsskandaler som inträffat. Tidigare forskning anser att det finns både för- och nackdelar med obligatorisk byrårotation. Vissa forskare menar att revisionskvaliteten ökar av obligatorisk byrårotation medan andra menar att revisionskvaliteten minskar. Således är det intressant att studera vilken påverkan obligatorisk byrårotation har på revisionskvaliteten samt revisionens legitimitet. Problemformulering: Hur påverkas revisionskvaliteten och revisionens legitimitet av obligatorisk byrårotation? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utifrån ett revisorsperspektiv undersöka hur obligatorisk byrårotation påverkar revisionskvaliteten samt allmänhetens förtroende för revisionen. Studien syftar således till att skapa en ökad förståelse kring hur revisionskvaliteten och revisionens legitimitet påverkas av obligatorisk byrårotation. Metod: Studiens tillvägagångssätt var kvalitativt och datainsamlingen bestod av sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer. Alla informanter har revisorsbakgrund. Resultat och slutsats: Studien visar att obligatorisk byrårotation har en övervägande positiv påverkan på såväl revisionskvaliteten som revisionens legitimitet. Detta gäller för både börsnoterade företag och finansiella företag. Obligatorisk byrårotation motverkar långvariga relationer mellan revisor och klient. Samtidigt går kunskap om ett företag förlorad när det genomförs en byrårotation. / Backgrounds: In 2016, mandatory audit firm rotation was confirmed as a new law for public interest entities into Swedish legislation. The definition of "public interest entities" include listed companies and certain financial undertakings. The mandatory audit firm rotation rule was included in the EU audit package. The idea with the audit package was to improve the audit quality and increase the auditor independence for the member states of EU. There was also a need to improve the legitimacy confidence in the audit after all the scandals that occurred. Previous research finds that there are both advantages and disadvantages with mandatory audit firm rotation. Some research shows that the audit quality increase by mandatory audit firm rotation, while some shows that the audit quality decrease. Thus, it is interesting to study the impact of mandatory audit firm rotation on audit quality and audit legitimacy. Questions: How does the audit quality and the audit legitimacy affect by mandatory audit firm rotation? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate, form an auditor's perspective, how mandatory audit firm rotation affects audit quality and public confidence in the audit. The study thus aims to create an increased understanding about how audit quality and audit legitimacy are affected by mandatory audit firm rotation. Method: The study's approach was qualitative and the data was collected by six semi-structured interviews. All informants have background in the audit profession. Result and conclusion: The study shows that mandatory auditor rotation has a predominantly positive impact at the quality of the audit and the audit legitimacy. This applies to both financial undertakings and listed companies. Mandatory auditor rotation decreases the risk of counteracts long-standing relationships between the auditor and tha client. At the same time, knowledge of a company is lost when an audit firm rotation is implemented.

Auditor client relationship and audit Quality : The effects of long-term auditor client relationship on audit quality in SMEs

Aamir, Suhaib, Farooq, Umar January 2011 (has links)
Different scandals around the globe during the past, in specific during the last decade, have intrigued the stakeholders to question the roles of both auditors and management. But most of the fingers since then have been raised on the role of auditors, because it is the auditors who are entrusted with the responsibility to detect any errors or frauds in the financial reports of the client-firm. Apart from this, the long-term auditor client relationship has been the center of attention in most of the discussions and debates as well. Numerous studies have been conducted by the academic researchers, financial and professional analysts, regulatory authorities and governing bodies, and in some cases by the auditors and the firms as well regarding the effects of long-term auditor-client relationship on audit quality, equity risk premium, financial reports quality, audit pricing etc. These studies provide us with different results, both with the positive and negative associations and effects of long-term auditor-client relationship on the basis of different factors and contexts. For long, auditing has been discussed in different studies and research areas but mostly in association with publicly listed companies. Less attention has been paid to the relationship of auditors and clients as far as clients in SMEs are concerned. In any country around the globe, SMEs are of major contribution in terms of backing the economy, giving it both the boost and the stability, as they collectively form the major chunk of the economy. If we specify our study to the SMEs in Sweden, then 99% of the enterprises in Sweden represent the SME sector; in addition they employ around 60% of the manpower. Based on these facts, and due to less attention given to auditor-client relationship in terms of SMEs, instead of; we have directed our concerns towards the study of effects of auditor-client relationship on audit quality in SMEs in this particular research study. In this study, we have opted for qualitative research with semi-structured interviews to be used as the tool for data collection. Interviews were conducted with two different groups of interviewees, one group representing the auditors and the other group representing the client-firms (SMEs). A total of seven interviews were conducted in order to strengthen and validate the results for our research question. Due to the limitations of this study, mostly in terms of cost and time, samples were selected from Umeå, Sweden. The data interview structure, data analysis and discussion, and conclusions were all made based on existing theories summarized in the theoretical review of this study. The results of this study suggests that (1) long-term audit tenure is beneficial for the audit quality if certain risk factors like risk of auditor independence and risk of developing complacency are controlled; and (2) factors such as NAS, industry specialization, knowledge and experience of the auditor, internal control in the client-firm, professional ethics, proper audit plan, providence of unbiased information by the client, and appointment of the auditor by the client-firm itself enhances the audit quality.

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