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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of cognitive, psychosocial, and adaptive behavior profiles among gifted children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder

Doobay, Alissa F. 01 December 2010 (has links)
The diagnostic category of autism has been extensively investigated over the past 65 years since the condition was first described by Dr. Leo Kanner (1943), making it one of the most validated psychological disorders. Research has examined the characteristics of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) across a variety of domains, including diagnostic symptomology, intellectual profiles, adaptive behavior, and psychosocial functioning. However, there exists a paucity of empirical research on intellectually gifted children with ASD. The goal of the current study was to compare the psychometric profiles of gifted youth with and without ASD across the domains of intellectual functioning, psychosocial/behavioral functioning, social skills, and adaptive behavior using an empirical, group study design. It was hypothesized that, in comparison to the group of youth without ASD, the group of youth with ASD would demonstrate equally strong verbal and nonverbal intellectual abilities with relatively poorer processing speed, poorer adaptive functioning skills, more psychosocial/behavior concerns, and poorer social skills. Data from 81 school-age youth who had been identified as intellectually gifted were included in the present study. Forty of the participants in this study met DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for ASD; the remaining 41 participants did not meet diagnostic criteria for an Axis I or Axis II psychological disorder. Statistical analyses included independent-samples t tests and split-plot analyses. Results of the current study demonstrate that statistically significant differences exist between gifted youth with and without ASD in the areas of processing speed, adaptive functioning, psychosocial/behavioral functioning, and social skills, despite equivalent verbal and nonverbal intellectual functioning. The current study is unique in that it is the first to examine these domains of functioning and make empirical comparisons of characteristics among gifted individuals with ASD using a group study design. Importantly, this study has significant implications for diagnosis of ASD and will provide an empirical foundation upon which to develop effective classroom interventions to best meet the unique needs of this twice-exceptional population.

Social Skills Intervention for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Survey of School Psychologists

Day, Amanda S. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Social skills interventions for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are needed as the number of students with ASD are increasing in educational settings. The purpose of this study was to investigate school psychologists ' perceptions on the effectiveness and generalization of social skills interventions for students with ASD. Training and confidence of providing services to students with ASD was also examined in the study. A survey was administered to a sample of school psychologists from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). In total, 221 responses were received and 136 of those responders indicated that they have implemented or organized a social skills intervention for a student(s) with ASD. It was found that the majority of school psychologists were implementing, organizing or recommending Social Stories and Pivotal Response Training /Direct Instruction interventions. It was also discovered that Pivotal Response Training / Direct Instruction was perceived as one of the most effective social skills interventions. Peer mediated interventions were perceived to be better at generalizing social skills interactions outside of training. School psychologists rated their confidence in providing direct/indirect social skills interventions as moderate.

Association of the Major Histocompatibility Complex with Autism

Daniels, Wayne W. 01 May 1996 (has links)
The pathogenesis of autism has proven difficult to characterize. However, in many recent studies, it is suggested that the onset of this disorder is the result of multiple etiological factors, which include genetic, immunologic, and viral elements. Possible immunological influences found in subpopulations of patients with autism include decreased lymphocyte responsiveness, reduced natural killer cell activity, abnormal response to rubella vaccine, abnormal immune response to brain tissue, and decreased plasma levels of the fourth component of complement(C4). These aberrations and others imply a possible autoimmune mechanism in some cases for the development of autism. C4 deficiencies have been found in subjects with established autoimmune disorders, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and chronic active hepatitis, in recent investigations. There is also evidence that the major histocompatibility genes play an intimate role in autoimmune processes. Therefore, in knowing that the C4 genes are closely linked to the major histocompatibility genes, this study determined and analyzed the human leukocyte antigen profile of autistic patients, their siblings, and parents. In this study, it was found that the C4B complement null allele occurred in autistic patients at nearly twice the frequency compared to normals. However, the C4A complement null allele frequency was not found to be significantly altered. Several extended haplotypes were represented within the patients studied. However, the extended haplotype B44- SC30-DR4 was the only one found at a significantly increased frequency. Further investigations are needed to better understand the significance of these findings.

Lågaffektivt bemötande av elever med autism : Ett nytt sätt att förstå och hantera problemskapande beteende

Rundcrantz, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund Det finns stora risker att personer med autism och utvecklingsstörning har ett problemskapande beteende. Omgivningen behöver tydliga rutiner och ett genomtänkt bemötande i kritiska och våldsamma situationer. Personalen spelar en avgörande roll för händelseutvecklingen. Ett lågaffektivt bemötande erbjuder metoder att förebygga och hantera problemskapande beteende på ett icke-kränkande och icke-våldsamt sätt genom flexibel kravanpassning.</p><p>Metod Tre fokusgruppsamtal med sammanlagt 12 pedagoger på tre olika särskolor för elever med autism. Samtliga pedagoger har det senaste året gått en tredagarskurs i lågaffektivt bemötande. Intervjuerna var semi-strukturerade. Deltagarna uppmuntrades bland annat att samtala om problemskapande beteende, konflikter, självförtroende att hantera problemskapande beteende och trygghet på arbetsplatsen.</p><p>Resultat Kursen i lågaffektivt bemötande tycks ge olika utfall på de tre skolorna. Resultatet tyder på att kursen påverkar pedagogernas självförtroende och trygghet på olika sätt. Studien visar olika sätt att se på problemskapande beteende. Studien visar även att kursen i lågaffektivt bemötande verkar kunna leda till en minskning av problemskapande beteende. Ingen grupp berättar att de använder nedläggningar.</p><p>Diskussion Studien visar faktorer som kan påverka genomslaget av kursen i lågaffektivt bemötande. En faktor är hur personalen ser på elever med det problemskapande beteendet, om eleverna anses vara medvetna och i kontroll över sitt problemskapande beteende. En annan faktor är graden av flexibilitet i den pedagogiska strukturen. Studien diskuterar hur den pedagogiska ambitionsnivån och de långsiktiga målsättningarna eventuellt kan påverka genomslaget. En avgörande faktor verkar vara kursledarens erfarenhet.</p>

Tonårsflickor med Asperger Syndrom : – copingstrategier

Nilsson, Anna C January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Teenagegirls with Asperger syndrome – copingstrategies</p><p>The aim of the study has been to describe how teenagegirls with Asperger syndrome (an inside-out perspective) experience their possibilities to social interaction in the society.</p><p>The specific questions for this study are:</p><p>• How do the participants apply copingstrategies?</p><p>• Experiencies of getting the diagnose Asperger.</p><p>• Experiencies from living with the dissorder Asperger.</p><p>• The Participants life situation</p><p>In this study I use a qualitative attempt where I interview five teenagegirls. Then the interviews were analysed with a phenomenological attempt with the intention to create at picture of the girls’ world. The result of the interviews presents from the interviwguides area and interpret towards the background of earlier research that present in this study. The result shows that the girls use copingstrategies, some got conscious of the fact that they do during the interview. The study shows that the girls exposed to a large mentally pressure and suffered before they got the dianoses. When they got adapted studies and a place in a small class/special educationgroup the life become easier thanks to the pedagogical personal who could help the girls to understand them selfs, accept their personality and start training to see the world and imitate it. The situation for the girls today is full of light if they get the help taht is right for them.</p><p>Key words: Asperger syndrome, autism, impaired function, remedial pedagogics</p>

Forskningsöversikt över resultaten av pedagogiska insatser för skolbarn med autism : ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv

Nilsson, Inger January 2008 (has links)
<p>Forskning på resultat av pedagogiska insatser för skolbarn med diagnos inom autismspektrum (ASD) insatt i ett multifaktoriellt helhetssammanhang är inte vanligt förekommande. Det över gripande syftet är att ge en översikt över pedagogisk forskning som innefattar redovisning av resultat av pedagogiska insatser för skolbarn med diagnos inom autismspektrum och att koppla denna forskning till systemteori och ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, WHO, (www.socialstyrelsen.se, ICF- CY, (www.who). Forskningsfrågorna är vilka pedagogiska strategier är relaterade till vilket utfall för personer med diagnos inom autismspektrum (ASD) i åldrarna 6-20 år, i<strong> </strong>vilken utsträckning forskningen om elever inom autismspektrum är grundad på ett generellt systemteoretiskt tänkande och/eller ICF och hur man forskningsmässigt bygger upp evidens och vilka är delaktiga i denna process.</p><p>Studien är en systematisk forskningsöversikt i vilken 875 abstracts granskats. 36 studier har inkluderats. Skäl till exkludering har varit att studierna saknat beskrivning av pedagogiska insatser, resultatredovisning och/eller utfallsmått. Studier med otydliga diagnoskriterier, endast en deltagare med ASD och studier publicerade före 1999 har exkluderats. Resultaten visar att det saknas forskning om de långsiktiga effekterna av pedagogiska insatser i skolåldern för den aktuella elevgruppen. Forskarna inom området har i allmänhet inte arbetat utifrån en systemteoretisk grundtanke även om det förekommer sådana inslag. Delaktighetsbegreppet och ICF har inte varit utgångspunkt för någon av de inkluderade studierna men någon form av delaktighetsaspekter för individen eller familjen fanns i några studier. Det var vanligast att rapportera resultat på aktivitetsnivå men i några studier rapporterades ökad delaktighet. Forskningsprojekt med ett empowerment perspektiv saknades. Huvudslutsatserna är att det behövs mer preciserade sätt att ställa forskningsfrågorna, kanske i form av komponentstudier, fler långsiktiga helhetsprojekt och ett utvidgat evidensbegrepp. En tankemodell som ICF är särskilt motiverad runt ASD eftersom det krävs stora pedagogiska insatser för att lära dem användbara kunskaper och färdigheter i ett livssammanhang.</p>

Tydliggörande pedagogik i vuxenlivet

Hjelmer, Magdalena January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med min studie var att undersöka om och hur personal arbetar efter tydliggörande pedagogik kring två elever i deras vuxenliv. Det är en man och en kvinna som har diagnosen autism och utvecklingsstörning. När dessa två elever gick i gymnasiesärskolan arbetade pedagogerna med tydliggörande pedagogik. Jag har utgått från en kvalitativ fallstudie och gjort mina intervjuer med personal som arbetar med dessa två elever i deras boende och på daglig verksamhet. Studien visade att personalen har fortsatt att arbeta med tydliggörande pedagogik. De gör det för att personer med autism har svårt att få en struktur på sin dag. Genom att arbeta med schema som består av bilder får personen en struktur på sin dag. De tycker att tydliggörande pedagogik är ett enkelt sätt för personen att förstå sin dag och det går hela tiden att utveckla.Personalen tycker att med tydliggörande pedagogik har autistiska personer fått en möjlighet till kommunikation</p>

Initiativ - handling - samverkan : Hur Funktionsinriktad musikterapi kan vara ett medel för barn med autism

Uneback, Frida January 2009 (has links)
<p>Att kommunicera och utifrån det ta initiativ och utföra en handling är för många barn svårt.  Tillkommer det dessutom en funktionsnedsättning försvårar det oftast situationen. Förmågan till samspel, initiativ och handling kan då behöva medvetandesgöras med hjälp av olika medel.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att beskriva FMT-metoden, samt att nå en djupare kunskap kring ämnet autism. I mitt arbete har jag valt att med FMT-metoden (Funktionsinriktad musikterapi) förmedla och beskriva hur man kan nå samverkan med barn med autism och autismliknande drag.</p><p>Litteraturstudie har genomförts i ämnena musikterapi, FMT-metoden, autism och autismliknande drag samt utvecklingsstörning. En sammanfattning har gjorts av dokumenterad information, i form av videoinspelningar och fallbeskrivningar av två barn som jag följt under utbildningens gång.</p><p>I min slutsats kom jag fram till att jag observerat en stor utveckling hos barnen vad gäller förmågan till samverkan, initiativtagande och utförandet av en egen bestämd handling med FMT-metoden som medel.</p>

N2 and Response Inhibition in Children with High-Functioning Autism

Mohapatra, Leena 01 January 2008 (has links)
Discrepant findings on whether children with autism display response inhibition deficits may be partially due to the wide variety of behavioral tasks used to assess inhibition. A more useful way of understanding early cognitive/attentional processes that influence response inhibition may be to look at neurophysiological measures. Specifically, the event related potential N2, a measurement of cognitive control or the effortful decision to inhibit a prepotent behavioral response, may be useful in understanding the discrepancy in response inhibition. In the current study we measured the N2 as high-functioning autistic children and age, IQ-matched control children performed a modified Flanker task. We further examined the associations between N2 amplitude and latency and variations in social communication within the HFA sample. Behavioral and electrophysiological data from a modified Flanker task were collected from 27 HFA (1 female) and 24 typically developing controls (1 female) ranging in age from 8- to 16-years. Symptom severity was measured using the ASSQ, ADI, and SCQ. Regarding behavioral performance, HFA children committed more errors than control children when controlling for age and verbal IQ. Electrophysiological performance indicated marginal group differences in N2 amplitude when controlling for age. Typical age-related decline in N2 amplitude was observed in the control group but not in the HFA group. There were no significant group differences found for N2 latency. In addition, greater N2 amplitude was correlated with lower scores on the SCQ for the HFA children. Behavioral performance does not conclude that the HFA children show deficits in inhibition, but deficits regarding impulsivity. Electrophysiological data suggest developmental change in N2 amplitude differentiates the HFA and control groups. Finally, the relationship between larger N2 amplitude and lower scores on the SCQ, within the HFA children, indicate that social communication deficits are less when greater cognitive effort is utilized.

Developmental Trajectories of Attention and Their Impact on Language and Severity in the Infant Siblings of Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder

Ibanez, Lisa V. 17 May 2010 (has links)
Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), and their infant siblings (ASD-siblings), exhibit deficits in their ability to shift visual attention, and to initiate and respond to joint attention. The current study examined early associations between visual attention and joint attention, and between these types of attention and later language ability and ASD severity in ASD-siblings (n = 31). This study investigated the possibility that ASD-siblings, who are at-risk for atypical development, differed from infants who have an older sibling(s) with no evidence of an ASD (Comparison-siblings; n = 23) on the following: 1) means of visual and joint attention, 2) the associations between these constructs, and 3) developmental trajectories of joint attention. Early visual attention was measured using infants' gazes at and away their parents' faces during the Face-to-Face Still-Face Protocol at 6 months. Initiating joint attention (IJA) and responding to joint attention (RJA) were measured during the Early Social Communication Scales at 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 months. Language ability was measured with the Mullen Scales of Early Learning language at 24 and 36 months. ASD severity was measured on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule at 30 months. Results indicated that ASD-siblings and Comparison-siblings were comparable in their gaze shifting and mean durations of gazes away from their parents' faces. These two components of visual attention were associated with parent behaviors, and the type of chair infants sat in. There were group differences in IJA at 10 months and RJA at 8, 15, 18 months, with ASD-siblings performing fewer behaviors than Comparison-siblings. There were developmental associations between visual and joint attention, and joint attention and later language and ASD severity. ASD-siblings differed from Comparison-siblings in their RJA development. ASD-siblings also had lower language ability and greater ASD severity than Comparison-siblings. The current study's limitations included low statistical power, and a difficulty inherent to prospective studies, which are at a disadvantage because a high proportion ASD-siblings may not develop an ASD. Nevertheless, the findings have clinical implications for the development of interventions targeting RJA behaviors within the first year of life.

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