Spelling suggestions: "subject:"auto"" "subject:"duto""
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A auto-organização feminista como processo de aprendizagem coletiva: a experiência da Rede Xique-Xique / Feminist self-organization as a collective learning process: experiences from Xique-Xique Network, 2014Castro, Mariana Pereira de 13 March 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso cujo objetivo é descrever os saberes produzidos no processo de auto-organização de grupos de mulheres da Rede Xique-Xique de Comercialização Solidária, nos municípios de Mossoró, Upanema, Governador Dix-Sept Rosado, Baraúna, Grossos, Tibau e Apodi, no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Trata-se de uma análise sócio histórica e econômica das categorias discursivas de termos como \'mulheres\', \'trabalho, \'família\' e \'história\', assim como da capacidade de transformação social que estes saberes apresentam. A pesquisa de campo foi guiada essencialmente pelo método da observação participante, com procedimentos aplicados pelo método biográfico, mais especificamente pela história de vida. Sobre a coleta dos dados, foram realizadas 11 entrevistas individuais com as mulheres dos grupos auto-organizados; uma entrevista com a coordenadora do CF8 e uma entrevista coletiva, na qual estavam presentes mulheres participantes de seis grupos da região. Além das entrevistas, foram realizadas visitas aos grupos produtivos, participação em reuniões e seminários promovidos pela Rede Xique-Xique ou instituições parceiras. Para analisar todos os dados registrados, as entrevistas foram transcritas e categorizadas. A análise foi realizada a partir do objetivo apresentado e da referenciação das categorias supracitadas, com o auxílio do Software NVivo10. Nesse sentido, foi possível descrever e apreender que o processo de auto-organização dessas mulheres permite a construção de um ato comunicativo entre estas, que por sua vez possibilita a produção de saberes. Esse ato comunicativo torna-se emancipatório na medida em que se caracteriza como uma prática constante de autorreflexão a respeito dos efeitos da organização produtiva autogerida e contribui assim com a transformação de vida dessas mulheres. Sobre a estrutura textual do presente trabalho, a dissertação está dividida em três capítulos. O primeiro capítulo trata da descrição dos aspectos sócio históricos do estado do Rio Grande do Norte e sua relação constitutiva com a ação atual da Rede Xique-Xique. O capítulo dois descreve a estrutura de princípios ou pilares que sustentam a prática da Rede: agroecologia, economia solidária e feminismo. No capítulo três, com base nas categorias discursivas propostas, analiso as histórias de vidas das mulheres entrevistadas durante o trabalho de campo. Por fim, as considerações finais são apresentadas. / This research presents a case study which aims to describe the knowledge produced in the process of self-organizing groups of women Xique-Xique Network Marketing Partnership located in Mossoró, Upanema, Governador Dix-Sept Rosado, Baraúna, Grossos, Tibau e Apodi in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It is a historical and socioeconomic analysis of the discursive categories of terms such as \'women\', \'work\', \'family\' and \'history\', as well as the ability to social transformation this knowledge presents. The field research was guided essentially by the method of participant observation with procedures applied by the biographical method, more specifically the history of life. On data collection, 11 individual interviews with women of self-organized groups were conducted; interview with the coordinator of the CF8 and a press conference, in which women from six groups in the region were present. Besides the interviews, visits to productive groups, participation in meetings and seminars sponsored by Xique-Xique Network or partner institutions were conducted. To analyze all the recorded data, the interviews were transcribed and using NVivo10, categorized. The analysis was based on the discursive and historical referencing of the above categories. Thus, it was possible to describe and understand that the process of self-organization of these women allows the construction of a communicative act between them, which in turn enables the production of knowledge. This communicative act becomes emancipatory in that it is characterized as a constant practice of self-reflection about the effects of self-managed productive organization and thus contributes to the transformation of these women\'s lives. On the textual structure of the present paper, it is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents the description of the historical and social aspects of the state of Rio Grande do Norte and its constitutive relationship with the Xique-Xique Network current action. Chapter two describes the structure of principles that support the practice of the group: agroecology, economic solidarity and feminism. In chapter three, based on the discursive categories proposed, I analyze the life histories of the women interviewed during the field work. Finally, the concluding remarks are presented.
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Auto-organização interfacial durante a eletrodeposição de ligas Cu-Sn em regime oscilatório / Interfacial self-organization during electrodeposition of Cu-Sn alloys under oscillatory conditionJoanni, Edson 10 January 2007 (has links)
A emergência de estruturas espaço-temporais auto-organizadas em sistemas químicos abertos e afastados do estado de equilíbrio termodinâmico resulta da cooperação entre os processos de reação e transporte de espécies ativas e tem se tornado uma área de intensa atividade nos últimos anos. Auto-organização dinâmica na interface sólido/líquido durante a eletrodeposição de Cu-Sn em regime oscilatório é o tema central do presente trabalho. O sistema estudado consistiu da co-eletrodeposição de cobre e estanho sobre eletrodo de ouro policristalino na presença do surfactante Triton X-100. Instabilidades temporais na forma de oscilações de corrente sob controle potenciostático resultantes da presença de uma região de resistência diferencial negativa no perfil voltamétrico têm sido experimentalmente observadas nesse sistema. Acompanhando essas oscilações de corrente há uma deposição intercalada em multicamadas de diferentes composições (basicamente Cu e CuSn), espessuras e morfologias. Especificamente foram estudadas neste trabalho a variedade dinâmica (i.e., o formato e escala de tempo das oscilações de corrente) e a estrutura e composição dos eletrodepósitos formados. Esse estudo tomou como base o mapeamento das regiões de instabilidade no plano (resistência externa, Rext) x (voltagem aplicada, U) sob diferentes concentrações das espécies eletroativas. Curvas de polarização foram obtidas por meio de experimentos quasi-estacionários de varredura catódica a baixas velocidades. De posse do conhecimento da localização das regiões nas quais oscilações de corrente foram observadas, experimentos estacionários foram realizados, e a morfologia e composição dos depósitos foram investigadas ex-situ por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e EDX, respectivamente. / The study of the dynamics self-organization on the solid/liquid interface during the co-electro deposition of copper and tin in the presence of adsorbed surfactant was carried out. Temporal instabilities in form of current oscillations under potentiostatic control resulted from the presence of a negative differential resistance in the voltametric profile has been reported in this system. The electro deposits obtained by this oscillatory regimen exhibit layer-by-layer structure with different compositions of Cu-Sn alloys. In the present work current density (j) versus potential(U) curves and j versus time (t) curves were recorded for the co-electro depositions under a series of external resistances (Rext) and polarization potentials. The characterization of the films were carried out by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray (EDX) analysis. The results confirm that for different values of external resistance and polarization potentials different compositions of the electro deposited Cu-Sn alloys were obtained.
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Análise do comportamento de escolha por etanol e efeitos do tratamento com Ondansetrona de ratos criados em ambiente enriquecido e isolados / Analysis of ethanol choice behavior and effects of ondansetron treatment on rats reared in enriched environment and isolationBernardes, Ana Martins Torres 30 June 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visou a estudar a relação entre o ambiente em que ratos se desenvolvem e a auto-administração de etanol (ET) na idade adulta. Usualmente, a pesquisa comportamental com animais em laboratório utiliza sujeitos mantidos isolados em caixas (I). Uma das espécies mais usadas é o rato, um animal social que em habitat natural vive em colônias. Tem sido proposto que a baixa disponibilidade de reforçadores alternativos é um dos fatores determinantes no abuso de drogas. O presente estudo visou comparar tratamentos comportamentais, i.e,. Reforçadores concorrentes, e tratamentos farmacológicos, i.e., ondansetrona, no consumo de ET nos ratos criados nos diferentes ambientes. Para tal, ratos Wistar machos foram criados em I ou em ambiente enriquecido (AE) e o comportamento de auto-administração do ET foi medido pelo desempenho sob um esquema concorrente VR-VR no qual uma alternativa dispensava uma solução de ET e a outra uma solução isocalórica ao ET. No primeiro experimento, a influência de reforçadores concorrentes no consumo de ET foi avaliada utilizando um delineamento experimental do tipo ABAB, com água ou solução isocalórica (maltodextrina- MALTO 14,8%) como concorrentes ao consumo de ET, alternadamente. A fim de estimar se diferenças nos níveis de ansiedade incondicionada eram responsáveis por diferenças no consumo de ET foi realizado um teste no labirinto em cruz elevada. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos. A fim de estudar os efeitos da ondansetrona, um bloqueador dos receptores de 5-HT3, que vem sendo relatado na literatura como eficaz em reduzir o consumo de ET em dependentes, mas apenas no subgrupo de início precoce, os animais criados em diferentes ambientes foram submetidos a um modelo concorrente de consumo. Primeiramente a introdução do ET foi realizada ao final da adolescência dos sujeitos, e a escolha por ET ou o concorrente foram avaliados em diferentes fases: concorrente isocalórico ou água reproduzindo o primeiro experimento, e houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Solução de MALTO 1% foi utilizada como concorrente ao ET para o teste da droga. Foram testadas duas doses da droga: 0,1mg/kg e 0,4 mg/kg. Foram conduzidos testes sem o uso de restrição alimentar e em abstinência de ET, em que apenas a sacarina 0,25% era apresentada. Paralelamente, foram realizadas coletas de fezes dos animais, durante as diversas fases do experimento a fim de estimar os níveis fecais do hormônio associado ao estresse corticosterona. Os sujeitos do grupo I consumiram e responderam significativamente mais pelo ET. A ondasetrona alterou o consumo de ET dos sujeitos apenas quando concorrente à MALTO 1%, de maneiras diferentes para os diversos sujeitos. A criação nos diferentes ambientes influencia a excreção de metabolitos fecais de corticosterona em função das fases experimentais / The aim of the present work was to study the relation between the environment in which rats develop and the self-administration of ethanol (ET) during their adult life. Usually, behavior research using animals in laboratory is done with subjects kept in isolated (I) boxes. Rats are one of the most commonly used species and are social animals when in their natural habitat, living in colonies. It is proposed that low availability of alternative reinforcers is one of the key factors for drug abuse. The present work compared the effects of behavior treatments (i.e. concurrent reinforcers) and pharmacological treatments (i.e. ondansteron) in ET consumption by rats raised in two different types of environment. Male Wistar rats were reared in I or enriched environments (EE) and the behavior of ET self-administration was measured on a operant self-administration procedure using a VR-VR concurring schedule in which an alternative delivered an ET solution and the other, an isocaloric solution (maltodextrin - MALTO 14,8%). In the first experiment, the influence of concurrent reinforcers over the consumption of ET was measured using an ABAB design, with water or the isocaloric solution as alternative reinforcers each at a time. With the purpose of estimating if different levels of unconditioned anxiety were responsible for different levels of ET consumption, tests were conduced in an elevated plus maze. There were no significant differences between groups EE and I. On Experiment 2 the effects of ondasantron, an antagonist of 5-HT3 receptor that has been shown to reduce ET consumption on dependent human subjects, but only for early onset dependents, was evaluated. ET was introduced when subjects were in their late teens. The ET consumption and choice behavior of rats reared in EE or I were evaluated in a concurrent schedule. Isocaloric solution or water were delivered, reproducing Experiment 1 and significant differences emerged between groups. MALTO1% solution or water were then used as concurrents reinforcers to ET for the test using the drug. Two drug doses were tested: 0,1mg/kg and 0,4 mg/kg. Also, there were assessments made without alimentary restrictions and in ET abstinence: with sacarin 0,25% (VEI)as a reinforcer instead of ET solution. Feces samples were collected during the various phases of the experiment in order to estimate the fecal metabolites of the stress related hormone corticosteron. Subjects from group I consumed and responded significantly more for ET. Ondansetron altered ET consumption and choice behavior among subjects only when ET was delivered concurrently to MALTO 1%. Rearing in different environments influences the excretion of corticosteron fecal metabolites depending on the experimental phase. The presence of a concurrent reiforcer altered ET driven behavior and rearing in different environments (EE and I)influences ET consumption, ET choice behavior and corticosterone excretion
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Avaliação da resistência de ligações com parafusos auto-atarraxantes do tipo torx solicitados por tração axial, em peças de madeira / Evaluation of timber strengt of connections with torx lag screws requested by axial withdrawal in wooden piecesCorreia, Ricardo Rizzo 07 June 2002 (has links)
A aplicação da madeira como material estrutural na construção civil é amplamente difundida em coberturas residenciais e comerciais, construção de residências ou em obras de grande porte como pontes. Freqüentemente ocorre a necessidade de ligações entre peças estruturais. Uma das possibilidades de ligação é a utilização de parafusos auto-atarraxantes solicitados por esforços de tração, diferente da maioria dos casos de ligações, nas quais pinos estão solicitados por forças laterais. Um tipo particular de parafuso auto-atarraxante é o torx, que possui rosca em toda a sua extensão, possibilitando uma outra forma de arranjo de ligação que facilita a execução das ligações entre as peças estruturais. Este parafuso possui uma grande resistência que traz à industrialização das estruturas de madeiras. O objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar, de maneira experimental, a resistência de ligações utilizando parafusos torx auto-atarraxantes submetidos a esforços axiais de tração, em peças de madeira, avaliando a influência de diversos fatores, tais como: direção de fixação dos parafusos em relação às fibras, efeito de grupo teor de umidade, massa específica da madeira e espaçamentos entre parafusos. Foram utilizadas as espécies: Pinus Taeda (Pinus taeda L.), Eucalipto Grandis (Eucalyptus grandis) e Cupiúba (Goupia glabra). / Timber as a structural material civil in construction is widely used in framework, construction of houses or larger construction as bridges. The use of connections among structural members is frequently required. One of the connection possibilities is the use of lag screws in axial withdrawal load, differently from most cases of connections in which they are laterally loaded. A peculiar type of lag screw is the torx, which possesses thread along its extension, making possible another form of connection arrangement that facilitates the execution of the connections among the structural pieces. This lag screw has a high strength and facilitates the industrialization of timber structures. The aim of this research is to determine, in an experimental way, the strength of connections using torx lag screws in withdrawal loads, evaluating the influence of several factors, such as direction of the lag screws in relation to grain, group effect, moisture content, density of wood and spacings among screws. The species used were: Pinus Taeda (Pinus taeda L.), Eucalipto Grandis (Eucalyptus grandis) and Cupiúba (Goupia glabra).
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Self-assembled smart filtration membranes from block copolymers and inorganic nanoparticles / Membranes intelligentes de filtration à partir d'auto-assemblages de copolymères à blocs et de nanoparticules inorganiquesUpadhyaya, Lakshmeesha 04 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose une nouvelle approche pour la préparation de membranes à matrice mixte basée sur l’utilisation de copolymères à blocs et de nanoparticules inorganiques disposant de propriétés magnétiques. Des aggrégats de copolymères ont été préparés avec une morphologie variée (sphères, cylindres et vésicules) à partir du copolymère poly(acide méthacrylique)-b-poly(méthacrylate de méthyle). Ce dernier a été synthétisé par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée par transfert de chaîne réversible par addition-fragmentation (RAFT) dans l’éthanol à 70°C. Des particules d’oxyde de fer ont, quant à elles, été préparées en présence de différents stabilisants à température variée pour permettre d’atteindre la charge de surface et les propriétés magnétiques recherchées. La structure des copolymères à bloc a permis d’obtenir à la fois des membranes hydrophobes via le procédé de séparation de phase induite par un non-solvant, ainsi que des membranes hydrophiles lorsque que la technique de spin-coating était appliquée aux aggrégats formés par auto-assemblage induit lors de la polymérisation. Grâce à l’étude détaillée des propriétés de filtration des membranes obtenues, la relation structure-propriété a été discutée sous l’action d’un champ magnétique externe. Enfin, la sensibilité au colmatage a été vérifiée via la filtration de solutions de protéines. Il a ainsi été démontré une diminution notable du colmatage sous champ magnétique, ouvrant de belles perspectives pour ces nouvelles membranes. / This thesis presents a new approach to produce mix matrix membranes using block copolymers and inorganic nanoparticles having magnetic properties. The polymeric nanoparticle with different morphologies (linear, Spheres, worms, and vesicles), from poly (methacrylic acid)-b-(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer, were synthesized using Reversible addition−fragmentation chain transfer polymerization (RAFT) in ethanol at 70 ֠C. The inorganic counterpart, iron oxide nanoparticles were prepared using different stabilizers at various temperatures to acquire the necessary surface charge and magnetic properties. The chemistry of the particles leads to form both hydrophobic membranes using non-solvent induced phase separation as well as a hydrophilic membrane by using the simple spin coating technique with the particles from polymerization induced self-assembly. By a detailed experimental study of the membrane filtration, the influence of different parameters on the process performance has been investigated with and without magnetic field. Finally, membrane fouling has been studied using protein solution. Also, the membrane performance was examined under magnetic field revealing the successful reduction in the fouling phenomenon making them new performant membranes in the area of membrane technology.
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Térarylènes photo réactifs : synthèse et études par microscopie à effet tunnel / Highly sensitive terarylenes : synthesis, switching, and STM investigationsCalupitan, Jan Patrick Dela Cruz 25 January 2018 (has links)
Les diaryléthènes et leurs dérivés terrylènes sont prometteurs pour la prochaine génération de dispositifs optoélectroniques en raison de leurs excellentes propriétés photochimiques. Pour les rendre viables pour les appareils électroniques miniaturisés, il est nécessaire d'étudier cette classe de molécules au niveau unimoléculaire avec le microscope à tunnel sous vide ultra-élevé (UHV STM). Cette thèse comporte trois parties: 1) développement de terarylènes hautement sensibles à la commutation; (2) leur modification pour les études STM; et 3) les résultats de ces études STM. Pour être étudié à l'échelle de la molécule unique par STM, des terarylènes ayant une sensibilité de commutation élevée ont été sélectionnés. Ces composés présentent des rendements quantiques élevés allant jusqu'à 100%. Cependant, la réaction de cycloréversion reste faible, de sorte qu'une voie alternative, grâce à un mécanisme oxydatif à réaction en chaîne, a été recherchée. Dans une première partie, nous montrons que l'efficacité et la vitesse de cette réaction peuvent être contrôlées par la fixation de groupes aromatiques sur les carbones réactifs. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons fonctionnalisé ces molécules afin de les étudier par STM en introduisant des groupes tert-butyle et chlorure. Tout en préservant leurs excellentes propriétés photochimiques, les groupes tert-butyle présentent un excellent contraste lumineux dans les images STM, ils minimisent aussi l'agrégation de ces molécules sur la surface et découplent légèrement les molécules de la surface. Les atomes de chlore permettent de contrôler les assemblages moléculaires sur des substrats isolants de type bicouche de NaCl cristalline précédemment déposés sur un substrat métallique. Dans la troisième partie, les résultats de STM sont présentés. Nous avons développé une nouvelle approche ascendante pour la formation reproductible de nano-assemblages du terarylène non modifié à 77 K. Quant au terarylène modifié par les groupes tert-butyle, il présente à 5 K sur une surface d'Ag (111) différentes formes qui, grâce à la position des groupes tertbutyles à contraste élevé et à l'aide de calculs DFT, ont pu être assignées comme étant différentes conformations de surface de la molécule. Sur NaCl / Ag (111), il a été possible de visualiser les états occupés et inoccupés de la molécule. Cela illustre que, pour ces applications, des molécules avec des propriétés appropriées peuvent être des candidates intéressantes pour des études STM afin d'obtenir des informations sur leurs propriétés à l'échelle de la molécule unique. De telles molécules peuvent être optimisées pour tenir compte de la surface, car sa simple présence peut induire un comportement bien différent de celui obtenu en solution. Cette thèse ouvre les terarylènes à des applications futures nécessitant une surface solide. / Photoswitching diarylethenes, and their terarylene derivatives, are promising for the next generation optoelectronic devices because of their excellent photochemical properties. To make them viable for miniaturized electronic devices, it is necessary to study this class of molecules at the single molecular level by scanning tunneling microscopy under ultra-high vacuum (UHV STM). This thesis has three parts: 1) development of terarylenes highly sensitive to switching; (2) their modification for STM studies; and 3) results of STM investigations. To be studied at the single molecular level by STM, terarylenes with high switching sensitivity have been selected. These compounds display high quantum yields of up to 100 %. However, the cycloreversion reaction remains low so an alternative route, through a chain-reaction oxidative mechanism, has been sought. In the first part, we show that the efficiency and speed of this reaction may be controlled by attachment of aromatic groups on the reactive carbons. In the second part, we functionalized these molecules for STM studies by attaching tert-butyl and chloride groups. These substituents preserve their excellent photochemical and switching properties while tert-butyl groups show bright contrast in STM images, minimize aggregation of these molecules on the surface, and slightly decouple the molecule from the surface. The chlorine group has been introduced to direct their surface assembly on insulating substrates composed of crystalline NaCl bilayer previously grown over a metallic substrate. In the third part, results of STM are presented. We developed a new bottom-up approach for forming reproducible nanoassemblies of the unmodified terarylene at 77 K. Meanwhile, at 5 K, the terarylene functionalized with tert-butyl groups present different forms on the Ag(111) surface. From the positioning of the high-contrast tert-butyl groups and with the aid of DFT calculations, we assign different conformations of the molecule on the surface. On NaCl/Ag(111), direct visualization of the occupied and unoccupied states could be achieved. This illustrates that for these applications, molecules with appropriate properties can be interesting candidates for STM studies to obtain information at the single molecular level. Such molecules may be redesigned with a consideration of the surface as its mere presence may induce behavior previously unobserved or neglected if they were studied in solution. This thesis opens terarylenes to future applications which require a solid surface.
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Pensée sociale de l'alcoolisme féminin : enjeux psychothérapeutiques et stratégies de prévention. / Social thinking on female alcoholism : psychotherapeutic issues and prevention strategiesTaschini, Elsa 01 April 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous avons examiné la pensée sociale de l’alcoolisme féminin (N=726). En effet, il nous semble qu’elle puisse être impliquée dans le maintien de représentations négatives de l’alcoolisme, allant de pair avec une dépréciation de la femme alcoolique (N=80). De plus, il nous semble que cette pensée sociale implique de prendre en compte les images et les émotions utilisées dans les messages de santé portants sur la consommation d’alcool chez les jeunes femmes (N=80). Enfin, sur le plan de la prise en charge, cette pensée sociale nous a amené à nous interroger sur les difficultés à être abstinent, particulièrement lorsque les attentes vis-à-vis de l’alcool sont positives chez les patients alcooliques. Aussi, nous sommes-nous intéressés à un autre objectif thérapeutique plus contesté, celui de la consommation contrôlée (N=15) en le comparant à celui de l’abstinence (N=15).Premièrement, les résultats ont mis en évidence que l’alcoolisme féminin apparait comme jugé plus négativement que l’alcoolisme masculin. Deuxièmement, on a observé que les femmes alcooliques tendent à être plus « sensibles » à ressentir de la honte. Ces résultats semblent attester d’un travail thérapeutique indispensable sur cet affect dans la prise en charge de l’alcoolisme féminin. Troisièmement, nos résultats sur les techniques de prévention dans le cadre de la TCP ont mis en évidence le rôle essentiel que joue le cadrage des messages de santé auprès d’une population spécifique comme celle des jeunes femmes. Enfin, les résultats nous ont offert des perspectives intéressantes sur les bénéfices cognitifs et comportementaux liés au processus d’abstinence. / This thesis has four main objectives in the study of public health issue represented byfemale alcoholism: (1) to explore the representational and attributional specificities of femalealcoholism in general population (Women = 492; Men = 234) and the influence of alcoholconsumption practices on its construction as a “social” object by comparing it to malealcoholism, (2) to evaluate, from a clinical point of view, the predisposition to shame andguilt in a group of patients with an Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD; criteria DSM-5) (Women =20; Men = 20) compared to a control group (Women = 20; Men = 20), (3) to devise, withinthe model of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB), a primary prevention technique foroccasional heavy alcohol use or binge drinking and drunkenness amongst students between 18and 25 years old (Women = 80) by testing the effect of images and texts, positive vs.negative, and finally, (4) to assess, from a therapeutic point of view, amongst women with anAUD (Women: n = 16 and Men: n = 14), on the one hand, cognitive changes through thedevelopment of addictive beliefs regarding alcohol, and on the other hand, behaviouralchanges through the development of coping strategies, in relation to the two main treatmentgoals offered in Substance Abuse Departments in France: abstinence (n = 15) and controlleddrinking (n = 15).First, we observed the duality of alcohol consumption for the two objects of femaleand male alcoholism and the major influence on these results exercised by the participants’drinking habits. Second, we noted a greater predisposition to shame and guilt amongst womenwith an AUD. Therefore, on the one hand, female alcoholism appears to be judged morenegatively than male alcoholism and on the other hand, female alcoholics tend to be moresusceptible to suffering this negative affect. These results seem to attest a necessarytherapeutic work on the affect of shame in the treatment of female alcoholism. Third, ourfindings on prevention techniques within the model of the TPB highlighted the essential roleof the framing of health messages and the positive or negative emotions they arouse amongsta specific population considered "at risk" of developing pathologies due to alcoholconsumption, even though young women consume less than men. Last, our results offeredinteresting perspectives on the cognitive benefits related to the abstinence process and thedecision to abstain, compared to controlled consumption, as well as on the motivationsassociated with alcohol consumption and its relinquishment.
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Medidas de autocuidado para la prevención de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II que realizan los adultos que asisten a consulta externa en un centro de salud. 2017Suarez Roncal, Zoila Tatiana January 2018 (has links)
Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / Determina las medidas de autocuidado para la prevención de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II que realizan los adultos que asisten a consulta externa en el Centro de Salud Materno Infantil Tablada de Lurín durante el mes de diciembre del 201. El estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, nivel aplicativo, método descriptivo y transversal. La población estuvo conformada por 100 adultos varones y mujeres de 30 a 59 años de edad que respondieron a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó como técnica la entrevista e instrumento el cuestionario. Encuentra que de un total 100 (100%) adultos encuestados, 60 (60%) realizan medidas de autocuidado inadecuadas, y un 40 (40%) realizan medidas de autocuidado adecuadas para la prevención de la Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II. Concluye que las medidas de autocuidado que realizan los adultos que asisten a consulta externa en el Centro de Salud Tablada de Lurín son inadecuadas para la prevención de Diabetes Mellitus Tipo II según los requisitos de autocuidado. / Tesis
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Analýza informačního systému pro podporu rozhodování ve vybraném podniku.Dusbaba, Milan Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce seznamuje s technologií Digitální továrny, analyzuje produkt Delmia. Popisuje implementaci produktu ve společnosti Škoda auto a.s.. V závěru předkládá přínos pro rozhodování managerů a návrhy na změny systému před zavedením v pobočných závodech společnosti.
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Market Analysis of Škoda Auto in China / Global Marketing Strategy of Škoda Auto Inc.Šlégl, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis -- "Market Analysis of Škoda Auto in China" is to analyze Škoda Auto Group in The People's Republic of China. Enjoying more than 100 years of history, Škoda Auto, based in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic, is one of the world's oldest automobile manufacturer and is a part of Volkswagen Group -- one of the world's largest auto concerns. Škoda Auto is a global brand presented in all major markets including emerging markets of Russia, India and most importantly China. Even though Škoda Auto has entered the Chinese automotive market very recently -- in 2007 with Octavia - in the first half of 2011 sold there 112 000 vehicles. Moreover, since 2010 Chinese market is the largest one for Škoda Auto followed by German and Czech markets. This thesis analyzes Škoda Auto in China as well as describes the main differences in model lines from European versions.
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