Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aviation"" "subject:"eviation""
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Valuation of aviation externalities : a case study in Bangkok, ThailandCheramakara, Narudh January 2014 (has links)
Aircraft noise, for the first time in Thailand, has gained public attention as a significant environmental issue since Bangkok s Suvarnabhumi Airport opened in 2006. Residential areas around the airport are expanding rapidly while local residents are protesting about the noise from the new airport which suggests a tension between economic benefits and environmental problems at the airport. This thesis sets out to obtain valuation of aviation externalities at Suvarnabhumi airport using the stated choice method. It is the first study to obtain and compare valuations from perspectives of the polluters (Thai air passengers) and the polluted (residents) at the same airport. Furthermore, this is the first study to obtain a valuation of local impacts from aircraft operations and from air passengers. It starts by investigating perceptions and awareness of the benefits and costs of aviation activities among Suvarnabhumi s residents and passengers using focus groups and questionnaires. It then employs the stated choice method to elicit willingness-to-pay (WTP) and willingness-to-accept (WTA) values of aviation externalities. The results found that the perceived environmental problems at Suvarnabhumi airport are in line with the literature mainly involving aircraft noise and its effects. This study also found that the development of the airport and surrounding area, while creating business and employment opportunities, has also created traffic and flooding problems. In terms of air pollution from aircraft, residents concerns are confined to local impacts from aircraft. Thai air passengers were found to be more concerned with engine pollution than noise. These findings were reflected in the values obtained. Two stated choice designs were used to elicit values. The first rerouted the aircraft flight path away from residents homes thus reducing aircraft noise and pollution in the area. This design also included travel time to place of work or to the shops. The rerouting attribute was not statistically significant. However, the travel time attribute reveals that residents were willing to accept 14.23 baht a month to have their travel time to work or shopping increased by 1%. The second design was used to obtain and compare values between Suvarnabhumi s residents and air passengers. In this design, attributes for aircraft noise, local air pollution and carbon emissions were included. Residents willingness to pay to reduce aircraft noise by 1% is 104.76 baht/year whereas passengers are willing to pay less, at 70.63 baht per year. Air passengers place a higher value on local air pollution than the residents. Passengers are willing to pay 97.72 baht to reduce local pollution by 1% per year, whereas residents willingness to pay is 45.36 baht. Lastly, passengers WTP to offset carbon is 473.26 baht per flight, whereas residents carbon offset coefficient is not statistically significant. The obtained values are well within the range of existing studies on aircraft noise and carbon emission valuations. Findings from this study suggest that current mitigation measures at Suvarnabhumi airport are still inadequate. There are areas where the situation is likely to get worse given the rapid growth in aviation activities and urban development at the airport. The values from this study may be used to help form the basis of fairer and more transparent compensation system alongside an operational mitigation policy to address aviation impacts. On the passenger side, the stated willingness-to-pay to reduce the impact gives an opportunity for the Thai aviation industry to promote an environmentally friendly behaviour among the travelling public.
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The Phantom Menace: the F-4 in Air Combat in VietnamHankins, Michael W. 08 1900 (has links)
The F-4 Phantom II was the United States' primary air superiority fighter aircraft during the Vietnam War. This airplane epitomized American airpower doctrine during the early Cold War, which diminished the role of air-to-air combat and the air superiority mission. As a result, the F-4 struggled against the Soviet MiG fighters used by the North Vietnamese Air Force. By the end of the Rolling Thunder bombing campaign in 1968, the Phantom traded kills with MiGs at a nearly one-to-one ratio, the worst air combat performance in American history. The aircraft also regularly failed to protect American bombing formations from MiG attacks. A bombing halt from 1968 to 1972 provided a chance for American planners to evaluate their performance and make changes. The Navy began training pilots specifically for air combat, creating the Navy Fighter Weapons School known as "Top Gun" for this purpose. The Air Force instead focused on technological innovation and upgrades to their equipment. The resumption of bombing and air combat in the 1972 Linebacker campaigns proved that the Navy's training practices were effective, while the Air Force's technology changes were not, with kill ratios becoming worse. However, the last three months of the campaign introduced an American ground radar system that proved more effective than Top Gun in improving air-to-air combat performance. By the end of the Vietnam War, the Air Force and Navy overcame the inherent problems with the Phantom, which were mostly of their own making.
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Development of focal geometry with non-ideal samplesProkopiou, D. M. January 2015 (has links)
A novel geometry for powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), termed ‘focal construct geometry’ (FCG) is introduced and developed with both non-ideal samples and non-ideal sample conditions. FCG utilises an annular beam that has the unique feature of ‘focusing’ scattering maxima at single loci along a primary axis, hence offering diffraction data of enhanced intensity. This main advantage of FCG can be used within fields in need of rapid material identification, such as security screening in airports. A theoretical comparison between FCG and conventional transmission mode XRD showed that even though FCG suffers from broader diffraction peaks, an alternative approach to FCG data interpretation has the potential to provide narrower scattering maxima than conventional XRD. However, in order to employ this approach, discrimination between converging and diverging FCG scattering maxima is essential. Peak broadening was investigated by altering various aspects of FCG instrumentation components by either pencil beam XRD or FCG, indicating broad diffraction peaks independent of the beam geometry employed. Development of FCG resulted in the successful analysis of non-ideal samples, such as non-crystalline liquid samples, samples exhibiting preferred orientation and samples with large grain size, demonstrating advantages over conventional XRD. Furthermore, ideal samples (in terms of crystallinity, preferred orientation and grain size) were analysed by FCG under non-ideal conditions. This involved randomly orientating a single planar sample with respect to the primary axis, contrary to previous research that present FCG with a single planar sample normal to the primary axis. Sample rotation resulted in FCG scattering maxima with different xyz coordinates depending on the degree, axis and direction of rotation. Moreover, FCG analysis of multiple samples (normal to the primary axis) showed that as with all XRD arrangements, a priori knowledge of the samples’ position along the primary axis is required for effective data analysis. Investigation into the ability of FCG’s annular beam to act as a pre-sample coded aperture demonstrated an alternative method to interpret FCG images by recovering conventional XRD data. Additionally, two novel post-sample encoders (linear wire and Archimedean spiral) were considered. This enabled spatial discrimination of unknown samples along a primary axis and material identification for conventional XRD techniques. Combination of FCG with an absorbing edge post-sample encoder indicated discrimination between converging and diverging FCG scattering maxima. This ability can enable interpretation of single FCG images, as well as depth information of unknown samples within an inspection volume (e.g. airport luggage), hence enabling material identification.
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Analýza letecké činnosti Delta System Air a.s. / Analysis the activity of Delta Air Service SystemPlná, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Title of project: Analysis of Delta System Air service activity. Aim of project: The goal is to get acquainted with the work of the air ambulance in practice and it's use in the context of medical rescue service. Methods of project: The object of the study is to air rescue operation centers, which covers just firm Delta System Air for the period 2009 - 2013. For this type of work will be used the method of data collection, their study and followed will be used the method of graphical analysis. Results: From the resulting information will be given an overview of important information arising from the activities of the air ambulance service. Keywords: rescue, aviation, first aid
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The struggle for control of American military aviationLarson, Paul Harris January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of History / Donald J. Mrozek / The United States Army activated the Aeronautical Division, United States Signal Corps, on August 1, 1907. The men of the Aeronautical Division faced hardships and challenges from the very beginning as they tried to build the nation’s first air force prior to World War I. The U.S. Army, the War Department, Congress, and even the American people, really did not know what aircraft could do beyond simple flight. American airmen tried to demonstrate what air power was capable of, but the response to their achievements never met their expectations.
Using an abundance of primary and secondary sources on American air power, this dissertation demonstrates that airmen’s struggle for a separate service was not something that developed slowly over the course of decades. Instead, this dissertation shows that airmen wanted independence from the U.S. Army from the start. From their point of view, the U.S. Army, the War Department, and Congress never really appreciated or understood air power. As a result, airmen became more and more alienated with each passing year until they achieve want they wanted -- independence.
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Varmhållning av flygplan - en ny tillämpning av fjärrvärme : Produktutveckling av klimataggregat för flygplan vid markservice. / Heating of airplanes – a new application of district heating : Product development of an air climate unit used for airplanes during ground service.Sahl, Fredrik January 2015 (has links)
Flygbranschen står idag för 2 % av de globala utsläppen av fossil koldioxid och har som första världsomspännande industri enats om gemensamma globala miljömål för att minska sin klimatpåverkan. Fjärrvärmebranschen står inför tuffa utmaningar då fjärrvärmeunderlaget förutspås minska på sikt. Smart Climate Scandinavian AB:s idé att värma flygplan med fjärrvärme när de står parkerade på backen är världsunik och möter de behov som både fjärrvärme- och flygbranschen har, att hitta nya affärsområden respektive minska sina utsläpp. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att ta fram underlag för utveckling av nästa generations styrsystem för Smart Climates klimataggregat samt undersöka konsekvensen av byte från ett traditionellt aggregat till ett från Smart Climate med hänsyn till energieffektivitet, miljöbelastning och driftkostnad. Mätningar av de termiska egenskaperna hos ett flygplan av typen ATR72-500 genomfördes. Det genomsnittliga U-värdet beräknades till 2,0 W/(m2·K) och värmekapaciteten till 3,421 MJ/kg. Med Excel VBA programmerades en applikation som har använts och kan fortsätta användas som ett verktyg för produktutveckling. Denna applikation beräknar energibehovet för ett flygplan baserat på inställda parametrar, som till exempel utetemperatur och flygplanets termiska egenskaper. Med Excelapplikationen beräknades den potentiella energibesparingen vid införande av nattsänkning, det vill säga tillfälligt sänk temperatur i flygplanet, till ca 30 % av ursprungligt energibehov. En konsekvensanalys av byte från elbaserade aggregat till ett fjärrvärmebaserat aggregat med föreslagen nattsänkning genomfördes. Analysen avgränsar sig till flygplanet som systemgräns och saknar därför en jämförelse av skillnad i förluster som vartdera systemet har. Beräkningarna visar att nattsänkningen innebär en reduktion av det årliga behovet från 25000 kWh till 15500 kWh för en ATR72-500. Traditionella aggregat tillämpar inte denna reglerteknik. Byte av energikälla från el till fjärrvärme innebär en minskning av de globala CO2e-utsläppen med mellan 9000 och 22000 kg per år. Hur stor besparingen i driftkostnad blir beror på rådande energipriser. Vid utveckling av nästa generation styrsystem rekommenderas att nattsänkning införs för Smart Climates aggregat då det visat sig ge stora energibesparingar. Dessutom föreslås styrsystemet vara uppkopplat mot internet för att underlätta framtida reglerjusteringar, datainsamling och produktutveckling. Att styra tillförd effekt på kabintemperaturen har visat sig mer pålitligt än vid styrning med hänsyn endast till utetemperaturen. Framtida studier föreslås fokusera på att utvidga systemgränsen från flygplanet till att ta med energitransportförluster i beräkningarna. Förslagsvis utses en specifik flygplats och systemgränsen sätts vid flygplatsens energimätare för el respektive fjärrvärme. Optimering av glykol/vattenflöde och dimensionering av ledningar, strypventiler och pumpar är intressanta frågeställningar. Frigörande av kapacitet i flygplatsens transformatorstation kan i sig vara en orsak till att välja varmhållning av flygplan med fjärrvärme. Den kanske viktigaste konsekvensen av att ersätta el med fjärrvärme är att högvärdig energi kan användas där den behövs. / The aviation industry today is responsible for 2 % of the fossil carbon dioxide emissions and has, as the first global industry, united around common goals for reducing its effect on climate change. The district heating industry faces tough challenges ahead considering the demand of its primary product is predicted to decrease in the longer run. Smart Climate Scandinavian AB’s idea of heating airplanes parked on ground with district heating unites the needs for both the aviation and district heating industry of reducing emissions and finding new areas of application respectively. The purpose of this thesis is to provide information for development of the next generation Smart Climate air climate unit control system and to study the consequences of changing from a traditional air climate unit to one from Smart Climate, with regard to energy efficiency, environmental impact, and operation cost. The thermal properties of an airplane of the type ATR72-500 where measured. The U-value was calculated to 2,0 W/(m2·K) and the heat capacity to 3,421 MJ/kg. An Excel application was programmed in Excel VBA to be used for product development. The application calculates the energy demand of an airplane based on settings such as outside temperature and the airplane’s thermal properties. The potential energy savings of introducing night time reduction, which is temporarily reducing the temperature in the airplane, is calculated to about 30 % of the initial energy demand. A consequence analysis of changing from a traditional electricity based air climate unit to one based on district heating with the proposed night time reduction was performed. The analysis was limited to the airplane as the system boundary and hence does not include energy losses which both systems have. The night time reduction is not implemented in traditional air climate units and hence the demand in energy is calculated to decrease from 25000 kWh to 15500 kWh per year for an ATR72-500. Changing energy source from electricity to district heating results in a reduced emission of CO2e of somewhere between 9000 and 22000 kg per year. How big the saving in operation cost will be depends on the energy prices for electricity and district heating. An introduction of night time reduction is recommended in the next generation control system of Smart Climate’s air climate unit since it evidently comes with great energy savings. It is also proposed that the next generation is wired up online on the internet. This will facilitate future setting adjustments, data gathering and product development. Also validated during the study is that the technique of regulating the temperature of inlet air by measuring the cabin temperature is more reliable than the traditional technique of using the outside temperature. It is suggested for future studies to include energy transport losses and hence should focus on one airport with well-defined system boundaries. A suggestion is using the same boundary as the energy meters of the airport. Optimizing glycol/water flow and dimensioning of pipes, valves and pumps are interesting issues to investigate. A reduced electricity demand will decrease the needed capacity of the transformer station and could give reason for considering heating airplanes with district heating. Perhaps the most important consequence of replacing electricity with district heating is that primary energy can be used where it is needed.
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Rates of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Collegiate AviatorsJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of this research was to determine if students who are enrolled in a professional flight program exhibit significantly higher rates of depression, stress, and anxiety. This study compared professional flight students to non-professional flight students to determine whether professional flight students have higher rates of depression and anxiety. In addition, this study sought to determine if there were higher depression, anxiety, and stress levels in upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) than in lowerclassmen (freshman and sophomore). Finally, upperclassmen and underclassmen within professional flight programs were compared to test if upperclassmen professional flight students exhibit higher rates for depression, anxiety and stress. These groups were compared to each other by using a survey that measures depression, anxiety, and stress. There were no statistically significant results. No singular group is more or less prone to depression, anxiety, or stress. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Engineering 2019
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The Relationship Between Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms and Nicotine Habits in PilotsJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Nicotine and tobacco use, whether it be through cigarette smoking or other devices, creates negative health conditions in pilots. The literature that was reviewed pertained to nicotine withdrawal symptoms and their negative impact on pilot performance. There have been studies conducted in order to explore how these symptoms impact pilot performance using cigarettes as the only nicotine device and does not specify the nicotine levels or the frequency of use. This thesis extends this work to examine the relationship between the nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the nicotine behaviors of pilots. It was hypothesized that the extent of withdrawal symptoms may differ by device and by nicotine levels and frequency of use, with higher levels and more frequent use being associated with more severe withdrawal symptoms. These behaviors included the device they use to take nicotine whether it be cigarettes, vaporizers, e-cigarettes, or smokeless tobacco. The behaviors also included exploration of how nicotine levels relate to withdrawal symptoms whether the nicotine level is as low as 3mg or high as 36mg. The last relationship that was explored was that between the withdrawal symptoms presented in pilots and how often they used nicotine, whether it be often as every day or less frequent as 1-2 times a year. It was found that there is no statistical relationship between nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the nicotine habits such as device used, nicotine level used, and frequency of use. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Engineering 2019
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Development of a synthetic vision system for general aviationWenger, Jason Christopher 01 January 2007 (has links)
Synthetic Vision is an aviation technology that uses databases and position estimation to establish a view of the database which provides an intuitive view that corresponds to the features of the outside world. The Synthetic Flight Bag is a low cost, portable system which implements synthetic vision, moving map, and route planning in a single software and hardware package.
Human factors analysis was performed to identify appropriate functional requirements for the development of the system. Preliminary simulator testing identified requirements on screen size and mounting location with a mind to the cramped general aviation cockpit. Hardware survey identified appropriate computing platform targets.
Hardware selected was a compact motherboard intended for embedded systems applications and graphics support. It was packaged into a custom-built avionics case, along with supporting power and I/O hardware. An LCD display with touch screen was designed and built, and represents the smallest, yet highest resolution display commercially available at this time. Software development led to a complete system with a primary flight display, multi function display, vertical profile display, and a menu and information system allowing for flight plan editing.
A flight test aircraft was instrumented and outfitted with the Synthetic Flight Bag system. A ground simulator was also created for the purpose of training prior to flight test. VFR and IFR pilots participated in the study, and were evaluated on flight technical errors, workload, and eye movement.
A flight test was performed, and results indicated that while the Synthetic Flight Bag system improves terrain awareness, it is not in its tested version a complete solution to the problem. The system was found to significantly improve the accuracy of flight, but was also found to increase workload in pilots not yet familiar with its operation. Several future improvements were identified, but the system as designed meets the project needs.
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A state machine representation of pilot eye movementsHarris, Artistee Shayna 01 July 2009 (has links)
With the development of these new interfaces, such as Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), and the evolution of the United States National Air System (NAS) from a ground-based system of Air Traffic Control (ATC) to a satellite-based system of air traffic management (FAA, 2009), new evaluations for efficiency and safety are required. Therefore, these tasks require visual behaviors such as search, fixation, tracking, and grouping. Therefore, designing and implementing a virtual eye movement application that generates gaze and action visualizations could provide detailed data on the allocation of visual attention across interface entities.The goal is to develop state-machine representations of straight-and-level flight, turns, climbs and descents within the Pilot Eye Flight Deck Application to simulate pilots' eye movement.
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