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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Apport d'une approche protéomique dans l'étude des mécanismes d'activation de néoplasies lymphoïdes B / Proteomics approach to study B cell lymphoid neoplasms

Perrot, Aurore 01 December 2015 (has links)
La LLC est caractérisée par une forte hétérogénéité de présentation clinico-biologique avec description de formes indolentes (IGVH mutes, ZAP-70-) et de formes agressives (IGVH non mutes, ZAP-70+). Le BCR et les voies de signalisation en aval ont fait l’objet d'une étude transcriptionnelle de la réponse à une forte stimulation du BCR, que nous avons poursuivi par une approche protéomique. La MW est un syndrome lymphoprolifératif chronique dont la physiopathologie reste actuellement mal comprise même si une mutation récurrente a été récemment décrite. Nous avons pu montrer que l’analyse globale de 48 profils protéomiques permettait de distinguer les cellules de LLC M et UM avant toute stimulation. Parmi les protéines différentiellement exprimées, on peut citer notamment la protéine HCLS1, dont le rôle a déjà été explore dans la LLC. De plus, la stimulation du BCR induit une réponse protéomique spécifique dans les cellules de LLC agressives, correspondant a des variations d’expression de protéines impliquées dans la signalisation cellulaire, la régulation de la réponse immunologique, le métabolisme protéique, la croissance cellulaire et l’apoptose. La diminution d’expression de 2 protéines, RAD23B et PDCD4, après stimulation du BCR de cellules de LLC agressives a été confirmée par Western-Blot chez 19 patients. Cette technologie DIGE permettant également l’étude de différents isoformes protéiques (et notamment d’isoformes de phosphorylation), nous avons observe des modifications d’état de phosphorylation de plusieurs protéines impliquées dans le cytosquelette après stimulation du BCR (lamines, vimentine….). Une étude protéomique par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle E2D DIGE sur des cellules primaires de sang et de moelle issues de patients porteurs de MW non préalablement traités, en comparaison a d’autres syndromes lymphoprolifératifs tels les lymphomes de la zone marginale (LZM) ou la LLC, a permis de mettre en évidence un profil protéomique spécifique des cellules de MW. Parmi les spots polypeptidiques différentiellement exprimés, est à souligner la sous-expression de la protéine Ku70 chez les patients porteurs de MW par rapport aux autres lymphoproliférations. La confirmation de cette sous-expression de Ku70 a été validée au niveau transcriptionnel par PCR classique et au niveau protéique par Western-Blot dans une plus grande cohorte de patients. La mise en évidence de ces protéines d'intérêt dans l'agressivité et la physiopathologie de ces néoplasies lymphoïdes ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles études portant sur la régulation de ces molécules / CLL is characterized by a strong heterogeneity of clinical and biological presentation with indolent forms (mutated IgVH, ZAP-70-) and aggressive forms (unmutated IgVH, ZAP-70 +). BCR and the downstream signaling pathways have been the subject of a study of the transcriptional response to a strong stimulation of the BCR. We continued with a proteomic approach. WM is a chronic lymphoproliferative disorder whose pathophysiology remains poorly understood, although a recurrent mutation has recently been described. We have shown that the overall 48 proteomic profiles analysis allowed to distinguish between CLL cells M and UM before stimulation. Among the differentially expressed proteins include HCLS1 including protein, whose role has already been explored in CLL. Furthermore, stimulation of the BCR induces a specific response in proteomics aggressive LLC cells, corresponding to protein expression changes involved in cellular signaling, regulation of the immune response, protein metabolism, cell growth and apoptosis. The decrease in expression of two proteins, and RAD23B PDCD4 after stimulation aggressive cells was confirmed by Western blotting in 19 patients. This DIGE technology also allows the study of different protein isoforms (especially phosphorylation isoforms), we observed phosphorylation state changes more involved in the cytoskeleton after stimulation of RCC (rolled, vimentin ....). A proteomic study by two-dimensional electrophoresis E2D DIGE on primary cells of blood and marrow from carriers MW previously untreated patients, in comparison to other lymphoproliferative disorders such as marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) or CLL, helped to highlight a specific proteomic profile of cell MW. Among the spots differentially expressed polypeptide is to highlight the under-expression of Ku70 protein in patients MW compared with other lymphoproliferative disorders. The confirmation of this under-expression of Ku70 was confirmed at the transcriptional level by conventional PCR and at the protein level by Western blotting in a larger cohort of patients. We were able to highlight specific proteomic profiles aggressive forms and identification of differently expressed proteins allowed to identify new proteins involved in aggressiveness and pathophysiology of diseases, opening the way for new studies will focus on the regulation of these molecules of interest

Dysbalanced BCR signaling in B cells of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Fleischer, Sarah Jessica 16 September 2015 (has links)
Die systemische Autoimmunerkrankung Systemischer Lupus Erythematodes (SLE) ist durch die Produktion von autoreaktiven Antikörpern charakterisiert. In wie weit veränderte B-Zellrezeptor (BZR) Signalwege oder Co-Rezeptoren in diesem Prozess involviert sind, ist noch nicht ausreichend im humanen SLE untersucht worden. Aus diesem Grund wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine detaillierte Analyse des inhibitorischen Co-Rezeptors CD22, der Kinase Syk und Akt in B-Zellen des peripheren Blutes von SLE Patienten durchgeführt. SLE Patienten zeigten eine Dysbalance in BZR abhängigen Signalwegen, welche eine B-Zellsubpopulationen unabhängige Reduktion der p-Syk/p-Akt Ratio versursacht. Diese Verschiebung könnte zu einer defekten negativen Selektion und somit zur Bildung von autoreaktiven Zellen führen, die wiederum durch Überlebensvorteile persistieren könnten. Zusätzlich wurde im peripheren Blut von SLE Patienten eine bislang nicht bekannte CD27 Syk++ B-Zellpopulation nachgewiesen. Diese wies, trotz des fehlenden Gedächtnismarkers CD27, Gedächtnismerkmale auf und könnte für die bekannte erhöhte Plasmazell-induktion in SLE Patienten verantwortlich sein. Somit konnte Syk als intrazellulärer Marker einer Gedächtnispopulation identifiziert werden. Des Weiterem stellt die Wiederherstellung der Balance von Syk- und Akt Phosphorylierung nach BZR Aktivierung einen erfolgsversprechenden Therapieansatz bei SLE Patienten dar, um die Entstehung und das Überleben von autoreaktiven B- und Plasmazellen besser kontrollieren zu können. / Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a severe systemic autoimmune disease in which loss of tolerance to nucleic acids results into the production of autoreactive antibodies (Ab) Therefore, B cells might play a key role in the pathogenesis of this disease. However, abnormalities of BCR associated co receptors and downstream kinases with potential implications in selection processes are rare for human SLE. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of the inhibitory BCR co-receptor CD22, the spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) and the pro-survival serine kinase Akt has been undertaken to gain new insights into potential BCR signaling disturbances in this autoimmune disease. This data indicate that B cells from SLE patients display an intrinsically disturbed balance of BCR related signaling pathways, resulting in a B cell subset independent reduced p-Syk/p-Akt ratio. This may lead to a diminished BCR dependent negative selection and enhanced survival of SLE B cells, permitting the emergence of autoreactive B and plasma cells. Furthermore, SLE patients exhibit an increased frequency of a novel CD27-Syk++ B cell subset with memory features, enhanced tonic BCR signaling and the capacity to differentiate in auto-Ab secreting cells. The current study provides evidence that the use of intracellular markers, such as Syk, could permit a more precise delineation of CD27- memory B cell subsets in autoimmune diseases since the conventional used memory marker CD27 has some limitations. In addition, the balance between the BCR associated kinases Syk and Akt might be a promising therapeutic target to reduce the occurrence of autoreactive B and plasma cells.

Phänotypische und funktionelle Charakterisierung peripherer B-Zellen während Wespengiftimmuntherapie

Röver, Anne Constanze 25 May 2001 (has links)
Die Wespengiftallergie stellt eine typische allergische Sofortreaktion dar. Für diese IgE-vermittelten, pathologischen Immunreaktionen ist die spezifische Immuntherapie (IT) die einzige zur Zeit zur Verfügung stehende kausale Therapie. Die Wirkmechanismen sind trotz intensiver Bemühungen weiterhin nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Als wichtigste These wird zur Zeit eine Verlagerung des pathologischen, TH2-dominierten Zytokinmilieus in Richtung "normales" TH1-Milieu diskutiert. Es wurde auch eine reduzierte Mediatorfreisetzung von Effektorzellen, eine verminderte Leukozytenproliferation, eine verminderte Endorganantwort und charakteristische Ig-Titer-Veränderungen mit initialem Anstieg und längerfristigem Abfall des sIgE und Anstieg des sIgG4 beschrieben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluß der IT auf periphere B-Zellen hinsichtlich ihrer Ig-Produktion und ihres Phänotyps untersucht. 15 Patienten mit systemischen Reaktionen nach Wespenstich, Nachweis von spezifischem IgE und positivem Hauttest, bei denen eine Schnell-Immuntherapie eingeleitet wurde, wurden vor Beginn der Therapie (Tag 1), am Tag ihrer Entlassung (Tag 6), also einen Tag, nachdem die Erhaltungsdosis von 100 µg erreicht wurde, und vor der 2. ambulanten Allergeninjektion am 26. Tag untersucht. Die Expression von CD5, CD23, CD32, CD40, CD54, CD86, CD95, HLA-I-ABC und HLA-II-DR wurde auf peripheren mononukleären Blutzellen durchflußzytometrisch bestimmt. Anti-CD19 FITC wurde als spezifischer B-Zellmarker benutzt. Die Serum-Titer des Gesamt-IgE, Wespengift-spezifischen IgE und Wespengift-spezifischen IgG4 wurden mittels ELISA bestimmt. Zur statistischen Auswertung wurde der Wilcoxontest für nicht-parametrische, verbundene Daten benutzt. Die Expression von CD54, CD5, CD32 und HLA-II-DR wurde durch die IT signifikant und die von CD23 tendentiell modifiziert. So war die Expression dieser Moleküle auf der Oberfläche peripherer B-Zellen am Tag 6 im Vergleich zum Ausgangswert vom Tag 1 reduziert. Am 26. Tag wurden wieder Werte auf der Höhe der Ausgangswerte vom Tag 1 gemessen. Dagegen veränderte sich die Expression von CD40, CD86, CD95 und HLA-I-ABC während der untersuchten Zeitpunkte nicht. Die Ig-Titer veränderten sich in der für die IT charakteristischen Weise. So stieg nach 3 Wochen der Gesamt-IgE-, sIgE- und sIgG4-Titer hochsignifikant an. Die Expression der untersuchten Oberflächenmoleküle ist als Indikator für Veränderungen der Aktivationslage und des funktionellen Status der Zellen während der IT zu interpretieren. So spricht die Reduktion der Expression von CD32, CD54 und HLA-II für eine verminderte Aktivierungslage der peripheren B-Zellen. Ferner deutet die Reduktion von CD5 und CD32 auf eine Anergie der B-Zellen hin. Durch die reduzierte Expression von CD23 und CD54 könnte die T-B-Zell-Interaktion verschlechtert werden, die für die Effektorfunktionen beider Zellen bedeutsam ist.Einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Wirksamkeit der IT könnte auch die verminderte Expression des HLA-II leisten, da HLA-II für die Ag-Präsentation essentiell ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, daß die spezifische Immuntherapie einen Einfluß nicht nur auf die Ig-Produktion der B-Zellen hat, sondern auch auf deren Phänotyp. Dies könnte Hinweise auf bisher nicht bekannte Mechanismen bieten, die an der Wirksamkeit der IT beteiligt sind. / Wasp-venom allergy is a typical IgE-mediated allergic reaction. Specific immunotherapy (IT) is the only currently available causal therapy for IgE-mediated allergies. The mechanisms responsible for the efficacy of IT are still not fully understood. So far, the main focus of research has been on changes of T-helper cell (TH) cytokine production with a shift from TH2 to TH1 cytokines. Reduced mediator secretion from effector cells of allergic reactions, decreased leukocyte proliferation, lowered responsiveness of end organs and changes in immunoglobulin levels have been reported as well. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of IT on phenotype and Ig-production of B-lymphocytes. 15 venom allergic patients with a history of systemic reactions after a wasp sting and venom-specific skin test reactivity as well as serum IgE were investigated before VIT (day 1), one day after reaching maintenance dose of 100 µg (day 6) during inpatient rush VIT, and again on day 26 during continued outpatient maintenance therapy. Changes in the serum levels of total IgE, allergen-specific IgE (sIgE) and sIgG4 were measured by ELISA. Expression of CD5, CD23, CD32, CD40, CD54, CD86, CD95, HLA-I-ABC and HLA-II-DR on double labeled B cells was studied by flow cytometry of peripheral blood mononuclear cells. On day 6, cell surface expression of CD54, CD5, CD32 and HLA-II-DR was decreased significantly in intensity and numbers of positive cells, compared to day 1, while on day 26, expression of these molecules approached again baseline levels. Furthermore, a trend to decreased CD23 was noted on day 6. No changes were observed for CD40, CD86, CD95 and HLA-I-ABC. Levels of total IgE, sIgE and sIgG4 showed a significant increase after 26 days of VIT. These data show that initiation of rush VIT has profound effects on B-cell phenotype and Ig-production. Reduced expression of surface molecules can be interpreted as a reduction of activation status of B-cells as well as reduced ability to present antigen and to costimulate other leukocytes. B cells may thus be additional direct or indirect targets of high dose antigen therapy and contribute to the efficacy of IT.

Veränderungen von B-Zellantigenen unter Rituximab-Therapie

Jordanova, Maya 28 June 2004 (has links)
Das FMC7-Antigen, eine unbekannte B-Zell-Membranstruktur, dient als eines der immunphänotypischen Grundkriterien zur Diagnose der typischen B-CLL. Die unterschiedliche CD20-Expressionsintensität ist auch ein charakteristisches Merkmal bei der Subtypisierung der Lymphomentitäten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Modulation des CD20- und des FMC7-Antigens während einer Therapie mit CD20-Antikörper (Rituximab) bei Patienten mit indolenten B-Zell-Lymphomen untersucht. Bei der durchflusszytometrischen Untersuchung quantitativer und qualitativer Charakteristika der monoklonalen B-Zell-Population bei CLL- (n=12) und Non-CLL-Patienten (n=10) unmittelbar nach der Antikörperinfusion und bis zur 8. Woche nach der Therapie wurden parallele Veränderungen von FMC7 und CD20 festgestellt. Die Anzahl und die Fluoreszenzintensitäten der für die beiden Antigene positiven Zellen korrelierten signifikant sowohl bei der malignen Zell-Population (Kurzzeitbeobachtung: n=89; r=0,9; p / The FMC7, although being an unknown structure of the B-cell membrane, represents one of the basic immunophenotypic criteria for the diagnosis of the typical B-CLL. A different CD20 expression is a characteristic sign for the sub-typing of lymphomas also. The underlying study investigated the qualitative and quantitative modulation of the CD20 and FMC7 antigens in patients with indolent B-cell lymphomas (CLL, n=12 and non-CLL, n=10) during the therapy with a CD20 antibody (rituximab). Concomitant changes of FMC7 and CD20 expression were found immediately after rituximab infusion and up to 8 weeks thereafter. A correlation was seen for the number of positive malignant cells and for the corresponding fluorescence intensity (short-time observation n=89; r=0.9; p

Etude par génomique fonctionnelle des conséquences de la surexpression de TRIB1 et FKBP11 dans les lymphocytes B au cours du lupus érythémateux systémique / Study by functional genomics of TRIB1 and FKBP11 overexpression in B cells during systemic

Simoni, Léa 23 October 2015 (has links)
Le lupus érythémateux systémique est une maladie autoimmune systémique caractérisée par des lésions multiviscérales et la production d’autoanticorps (ex : anticorps anti-ADN double brin (db)) par les lymphocytes B (LB), qui jouent un rôle central dans la physiopathologie lupique. L’étiologie du lupus est à la fois environnementale et génétique. Dans le but d’identifier des anomalies génétiques intrinsèques aux LB, le laboratoire a réalisé une analyse transcriptomique sur les LB de patients lupiques en phase quiescente et a montré une surexpression des gènes TRIB1 et FKBP11 comparé aux sujets sains.Afin d’étudier les conséquences de la surexpression de ces gènes sur la fonction des LB et le développement d’une autoimmunité, nous avons généré une lignée murine conditionnelle spécifique, surexprimant Trib1 dans les LB à partir du stade précoce pro-préB et une lignée murine transgénique surexprimant Fkbp11 de façon ubiquitaire. La surexpression de Trib1 ne modifie pas l’homéostasie lymphocytaire mais induit une diminution de la production de certaines Ig : 1) les IgG1 dans le sérum à l’état basal et après une stimulation de LB in vitro ; 2) les IgM anti-OVA (Ovalbumine) après immunisation in vivo avec de l’OVA ; 3) les IgM anti-ADNdb dans le cas d’une immunisation par le LPS. Cette anomalie de la production des Ig semble provenir d’un défaut de sécrétion. De plus nous avons généré une lignée cellulaire B surexprimant Trib1 qui nous a permis de confirmer le phénotype et d’identifier des partenaires potentiels de Trib1 par technique de protéomique. La surexpression du gène Fkbp11, est, quant à elle, suffisante à induire des signes de la maladie lupique chez la souris âgée de 8 mois, tels qu’une rupture de tolérance (caractérisée par la production d’autoanticorps) et une initiation de la différenciation plasmocytaire. En conclusion, Trib1 pourrait exercer un rôle d’immunosupresseur et sa surexpression dans les LB lupiques pourrait constituer un nouveau mécanisme de régulation des LB pendant la phase de rémission du lupus, alors que Fkbp11 semble contribuer à la pathologie lupique. La description de ces deux nouvelles voies biologiques pourrait mener à une meilleure compréhension de la maladie et conduire à de potentielles applications thérapeutiques. / Systemic Lupus Erythematosous (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by an inflammation of various tissues and a high production of autoantibodies (autoAb) (for example: anti-double-stranded(ds)DNA) by B cells, central actors in the physiopathology of lupus. The etiology of SLE includes both genetics and environmental factors. Looking for B cell genetic abnormalities during lupus, our B cell microarray analysis in quiescent SLE patients pointed to the overexpression of TRIB1 and FKBP11 compared to B cells from healthy controls.In order to study the consequences of these expression deregulations on B cell function and autoimmunity development, we generated a B-cell specific Trib1-KI mouse line, overexpressing Trib1 in B cells, starting from a very immature stage (pro-pre B) and a transgenic mouse overexpressing Fkbp11 ubiquitously. Trib1 overexpression induces a normal B cell homeostasis but a decrease in the production of some immunoglobulins (Ig): 1) IgG1 subclass in the serum, at a basal level and after an in vitro stimulation of splenic B cells; 2) Anti-OVA (Ovalbumine) IgM after immunization in vivo with OVA; 3) Anti-dsDNA IgM after immunization with LPS. This abnormal production of Ig seems to be linked to a defect in Ig secretion process. In addition, we developed a murine B cell line overexpressing Trib1 that let us to confirm the Ig production deficiency and to identify potential Trib1’s partners in B cells. In contrast, Fkbp11 overexpression, leads to some features of lupus disease in 8-month-aged-mice, including a tolerance breakdown (characterized by autoantibody production) and the initiation of plasma cell differentiation. In conclusion, Trib1 could exert an immunosuppressive role and its overexpression in SLE could constitute a new mechanism of B cell regulation during remission phases, whereas Fkbp11 seems rather to contribute to lupus physiopathology. Thus, the description of these two biological pathways could bring new insights into the comprehension of lupus disease and could also potentially lead to the development of new therapeutic applications.

Immunopathology of primary Sjögren’s syndrome (role of B lymphocyte, FLT3 ligand and BAFF) and the clinical consequences / Immuno-pathologie du syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren (rôle du lymphocyte B, FLT3-L et BAFF) et les conséquences cliniques

Tobon, Gabriel J. 04 June 2012 (has links)
Le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren (SGS) est une épithélite auto-immune caractérisée par des lésions des glandes exocrines et manifestations systémiques. Une des complications majeures est la survenue chez 5% des malades, d’un lymphome non-hodgkininen (NHL). La contribution majeure des lymphocytes B (LB) a récemment été démontrée. Dans ce travail, nous avons voulu aborder des sujets cliniques et fondamentaux concernant le rôle des LB dans le SGS. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que des LB mémoires sont visibles dans des infiltrats des échantillons de la peau et sa présence peut aider au diagnostic. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons démontré que la cytokine FLT3-L augmentée (une cytokine impliquée dans l’ontogenèse des LB et lympho-prolifération) est associée à une distribution anormale des LB dans les malades. En plus, le rôle prolifératif de FLT3-L sur les LB pourrait expliquer l’évolution vers le NHL. Dans un troisième temps, nous avons étudié une autre cytokine dérégulée dans le SGS (la cytokine BAFF) et nous avons confirmé le rôle d’un nouveau variant de BAFF produit par l’épissage alternatif de l’exon 4 (∆4BAFF) comme un facteur de transcription de son propre gène. Ce nouveau variant est beaucoup plus exprimé au cours des maladies autoimmunes, et son expression est contrôlée par l’interferon gamma et la protéine SC35. Tous ces données montrent pour la première fois, un nouveau concept à savoir la possibilité pour une cytokine d’être régulée par un variant provenant de l’épissage alternatif de son propre gène. Ensemble, ces résultats montrent le rôle des cytokines impliquées dans l’ontogenèse et la survie des LB, dans la physiopathologie du SGS. / Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) is a systemic autoimmune disease characterized by sicca symptoms and a broad variety of systemic manifestations. The most severe complication of the disease is the development of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) in 5% of patients. Recent evidence indicates a major contribution of B cells. In this work, we developed clinical and basic research subjects, related to the role of B-cell in the pathogenesis of pSS. In the first section, we showed that memory B-cell infiltrates are present in pSS and may be used as an additional diagnostic and follow-up tool. In the second section, we showed that high serum levels of the cytokine called FLT3-L (a cytokine implicated in B-cell ontogenesis and lymphoproliferation) are associated with abnormal B-cell distribution, characteristic of pSS; and disease clinical activity. In addition, this cytokine may explain the development of lymphoma. In the third section, we demonstrated that ∆4BAFF (a new variant of BAFF, due to the alternative splicing of exon 4) is a transcription factor of its own gene. Interestingly, this new variant is mainly detected in autoimmune diseases and its expression is regulated by IFN-y and SC35 protein (one of the proteins implicated in the splicing machinery). This finding provides an expanded conceptual view of BAFF gene regulation in autoimmune diseases, and contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in BAFF up-regulation in autoimmunity. Collectively, these results are of clinical and fundamental basic interest in pSS, in the diagnostic, physiopathology and therapeutic contexts.

Epigenetic identification of paired box gene 5 as a functional tumor suppressor associated with poor prognosis in patients with gastric cancer. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2010 (has links)
Background & aims. DNA methylation induced tumor suppressor gene silencing plays an important role in carcinogenesis. By using methylation-sensitive representational difference analysis, we identified paired box gene 5 (PAX5) being methylated in human cancer. PAX5 locates at human chromosome 9p13.2 and encodes a 391 amino acids transcription factor. However, the role of PAX5 in gastric cancer is still unclear. Hence, we analyzed its epigenetic inactivation, biological functions, and clinical implications in gastric cancer. / Conclusions. Our results demonstrated that PAX5 promoter methylation directly mediates its transcriptional silence and commonly occurs in gastric cancer. PAX5 gene can act as a functional tumor suppressor in gastric carcinogenesis by playing an important role in suppression of cell proliferation, migration, invasion, and induction of cell apoptosis. Detection of methylated PAX5 may be utilized as a biomarker for the prognosis of gastric cancer patients. / Methods. Methylation status of PAX5 promoter in gastric cancer cell lines and clinical samples was evaluated by methylation specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) and bisulfite genomic sequencing (BGS). The effects of PAX5 re-expression in cancer cell lines were determined in proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, migration and invasion assays. Its in vivo tumorigenicity was investigated by injecting cancer cells with PAX5 expression vector subcutaneously into the dorsal flank of nude mice. Chromosome Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and cDNA expression array were performed to reveal the molecular mechanism of the biological function of PAX5. / Results. PAX5 was silenced or down-regulated in seven out of eight of gastric cancer cell lines examined. A significant down-regulation was also detected in paired gastric tumors compared with their adjacent non-cancer tissues (n = 18, P = 0.0196). In contrast, PAX5 is broadly expressed in all kinds of normal adult and fetal tissues. The gene expression of PAX5 in the gastric cancer cell line is closely linked to the promoter hypermethylation status. In addition, the expression levels could be restored by exposure to demethylating agents 5-aza-21-deoxycytidine. Re-expression of PAX5 in AGS, BGC823 and HCT116 cancer cells reduced colony formation (P < 0.01) and cell viability (P < 0.05), arrested cell cycle in G0/G1 phase (P = 0.0055), induced cell apoptosis (P < 0.05), repressed cell migration and invasion (P = 0.0218) in vitro. It also inhibited tumor growth in nude mice (P < 0.05). The molecular basis of its function were investigated by cDNA expression array and demonstrated that ectopic expression of PAX5 up-regulated tumor suppressor gene P53, anti-proliferation gene P21, pro-apoptosis gene BAX, anti-invasion gene MTSS1 and TIMP1; and down-regulated anti-apoptosis gene BCL2, cell cycle regulator cyclinD1, migration related gene MET and MMP1. ChIP assay indicated that P53 and MET are direct transcriptional target of PAX5. Moreover, PAX5 hypermethylation was detected in 90% (145 of 161) of primary gastric cancers compared with 16% (3 of 19) of non-cancer tissues (P < 0.0001). After a median follow-up period of 15.4 months, multivariate analysis revealed that gastric cancer patients with PAX5 methylation had a significant poor overall survival compared with the unmethylated cases (P = 0.0201). / Li, Xiaoxing. / Advisers: Hsiang Fu Kung; Jun Yu. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-04, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 134-159). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Identifikation molekularer Regulatoren der anti-IgM induzierten B-Zell Apoptose

Rickers, Anke 16 February 1999 (has links)
Apoptose spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Generierung eines funktionellen Lymphozytenrepertoirs. Während der anti-IgM induzierten B-Zell Apoptose werden potentiell autoreaktive Zellen eliminiert. Da die molekularen Mechanismen der B-Zell Apoptose weitgehend unbekannt sind, sollten in dieser Arbeit assoziierte Proteine und Gene identifiziert werden. Durch Subklonierung wurde eine Burkitt Lymphom B Zellinie BL60-2 generiert, die sensitiv auf den anti-IgM Stimulus ist. Für den Vergleich apoptotischer und nicht apoptotischer Zellen wurde eine Methode entwickelt in der apoptotische, Phosphatidylserin (PS) positive Zellen, über eine magnetische Separation mit einer Reinheit von bis zu 95 Prozent von nicht apoptotischen Zellen angereichert werden konnten. Mittels der hochauflösenden 2D-Gelelektrophorese wurden die aufgereinigten Fraktionen apoptotischer und nicht apoptotischer Zellen analysiert und die Proteinmuster verglichen. Anhand massenspektrometrischer Analysen und Edman Abbau konnten bisher folgende differentiell erscheinende Proteinspots identifiziert werden: Lamin B1, b-Aktin, neutrales Calponin, Nucleolin, D4-GDI, hnRNP A1, hnRNP C1/C2, hnRNP K, LSP1, HHR23B, das FUSE-binding Protein, dUTPase, P0, HP1 a. Die Proteine D4-GDI, hnRNPA1 und der Transkriptionsfaktor SP1 werden spezifisch während der anti-IgM induzierten Apoptose gespalten. Der zeitliche Verlauf wurde in einer eindimensionalen Western Blot Analyse bestimmt. Das diese Spaltungen ein Resultat der Aktivierung der Proteasen der Caspase 3 Familie sind, konnte durch Inhibitor Studien mit dem Tetrapeptid z-DEVD-fmk bewiesen werden. Die Spaltung des Transkriptionsfaktors SP1 wurde ebenfalls in in vitro untersucht. Rekombinante Caspase 3 und 7 generieren die gleichen Spaltprodukte, die zuvor in vivo nach anti-IgM induzierter Apoptose detektiert wurden, Caspase 6 hingegen generiert nur ein Fragment. Die spezifische Spaltung des Transkriptionsfaktors beinflußt die DNA Bindungsaktivität, was in einem elektro mobility shift assay gezeigt werden konnte. Die Intensität des SP1/DNA-Komplexes nimmt nach Apoptose-Induktion stark ab, hingegen nimmt die Intensität eines kleineren Komplexes stark zu, was auf die Bindung eines der Spaltprodukte schließen ließ, das möglicherweise transkriptionell inaktiv ist und damit einen wichtigen Apoptose Effektor darstellt. Die Proteasen der Caspase 3 Familie konnten erstmalig als zentrale Regulatoren während der anti-IgM induzierten Apoptose identifiziert werden. Durch die Hemmung mit dem Inhibitor z-DEVD-fmk konnte die Apoptose, sowie charakteristische morphologische Veränderungen, wie die Kernfragmentierung und PS auf die Zelloberfläche gehemmt werden und als Caspase 3 abhängige Veränderungen bestimmt werden. Über verschiedene Methoden der differentiellen Hybridisierung von neu hergestellten l-Zap cDNA-Phagenbanken von nicht stimulierten und anti-IgM stimulierten Burkitt Lymphom Zellen sowie der subtraktiven Klonierung sollten Gene identifiziert werden, die während der anti-IgM induzierten Apoptose differentiell exprimiert werden. Apoptose spezifische Sequenzen wurden angereichert, kloniert und sequenziert. / Apoptosis or programmed cell death is essential in the process controlling lymphocyte growth and selection. During anti-IgM induced B cell apoptosis autoreactive cells are eliminated. Since the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of B cell apoptosis are still not well understood the goal of this study was to identify proteins and genes in apoptosis. Subcloning lead to the selection of a human Burkitt lymphoma B cell line clone (BL60-2) which is highly sensitive towards the anti-IgM stimulus. In order to compare apoptotic and non apoptotic cells a novel method was established, which allows separation of apoptotic, Phosphatidylserine (PS) positive cells from non apoptotic, PS negative cells by magnetic cell sorting. This method generates fractions of apoptotic and non apoptotic cells with a purity of up to 95 %. Cell lysates from those fractions were analyzed using high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and the protein patterns were compared. Using mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing the following differentially appearing proteins were identified: Lamin B1, b-Actin, neutral Calponin, Nucleolin, D4-GDI, hnRNP A1, hnRNP C1/C2, hnRNP K, LSP1, HHR23B, FUSE-binding protein, dUTPase, P0, HP1 a. The specific cleavage of the D4-GDI, hnRNPA1 and the transcription factor SP1 which occurs after anti-IgM induced apoptosis was detected by western blot analysis. It was determined by inhibition studies with the tetrapeptide inhibitor z-DEVD-fmk that the cleavage is a result of the Caspase 3 family. Cleavage of the transcription factor SP1 was also investigated by in vitro cleavage assays. The activity of recombinant caspase 3 and 7 generate the same cleavage products as observed in vivo after anti-IgM induction. The specific cleavage of the transcription factor influences it´s DNA binding activity as observed by the decrease of the full lenght protein-DNA complex. The increase of a smaller protein-DNA complex was apparent, which may represent the binding of at least one cleavage product. In this work proteases of the Caspase 3 family could be identified as central regulators during anti-IgM induced apoptosis. Anti-IgM induced apoptosis can be completly inhibited by inhibition of Caspase 3 proteases. Characteristic morphological changes, nuclear fragmentation and PS translocation to the outer membrane leaflet of the cells could be determined as a consequence of the Caspase 3 activation during the process of apoptosis. By differential hybridisation of newly generated l-Zap c-DNA librarys from unstimulated and anti-IgM stimulated B cells as well as with subtractive cDNA librays, it should be feasable to identify newly transcribed genes. Apoptosis specific sequences were enriched, cloned and sequenced.

Analysis of Immunoglobulin Genes and Telomeres in B cell Lymphomas and Leukemias

Walsh, Sarah January 2005 (has links)
<p>B cell lymphomas and leukemias are heterogeneous tumors with different cellular origins. Analysis of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes enables insight into the B cell progenitor, as Ig somatic hypermutation correlates with antigen-related B cell transit through the germinal center (GC). Also, restricted Ig variable heavy chain (V<sub>H</sub>) gene repertoires in B cell malignancies could imply antigen selection during tumorigenesis. The length of telomeres has been shown to differ between GC B cells and pre/post-GC B cells, possibly representing an alternative angle to investigate B cell tumor origin. </p><p>Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), previously postulated to derive from a naïve, pre-GC B cell, was shown to have an Ig-mutated subset (18/110 MCLs, 16%), suggestive of divergent cellular origin and GC exposure. Another subset of MCL (16/110, 15%), characterized by V<sub>H</sub>3-21/V<sub>λ</sub>3-19 gene usage, alludes to a role for antigen(s) in pathogenesis, also possible for hairy cell leukemia (HCL) in which the V<sub>H</sub>3-30 gene (6/32, 19%) was overused. HCL consisted mainly of Ig-mutated cases (27/32, 84%) with low level intraclonal heterogeneity, contrasting with the proposed post-GC origin, for both Ig-mutated and Ig-unmutated HCLs. For MCL and HCL, derivation from naïve or memory marginal zone B cells which may acquire mutations without GC transit are tempting speculations, but currently little is known about this alternative immunological pathway. Heavily mutated Ig genes without intraclonal heterogeneity were demonstrated in lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma/Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (13/14, 93%), confirming that the precursor cell was transformed after GC affinity maturation. Telomere length analysis within 304 B cell tumors revealed variable lengths; shortest in the Ig-unmutated subset of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, longest in the GC-like subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, and homogeneous in MCL regardless of Ig mutation status. However, telomere length is complex with regard to GC-related origin.</p><p>In summary, this thesis has provided grounds for speculation that antigens play a role in MCL and HCL pathogenesis, although the potential antigens involved are currently unknown. It has also enabled a more informed postulation about the cellular origin of B cell tumors, which will ultimately enhance understanding of the biological background of the diseases. </p>

Array-based Characterization of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia : - with Focus on Subsets Carrying Stereotyped B-cell Receptors

Marincevic, Millaray January 2010 (has links)
In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the presence of multiple subsets expressing ‘stereotyped’ B-cell receptors (BCRs) has implicated antigen(s) in leukemogenesis. These stereotyped subsets display similar immunoglobulin (IG) gene usage, almost identical complementarity determining region 3’s and may share clinical features. For instance, subsets #1 (IGHV1/5/7/IGKV1-39) and #2 (IGHV3-21/IGLV3-21) have inferior outcome compared to non-subset patients, whereas subset #4 (IGHV4-34/IGKV2-30) display a favourable prognosis. The aim of this thesis was to investigate genomic aberrations, gene expression patterns and methylation profiles in stereotyped subsets and compare epigenetic profiles in CLL and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL). In paper I, we investigated genomic aberrations in subsets #2, #4 and #16 and in non-stereotyped samples (n=101) using high-density 250K SNP arrays. Subset #2 and non-subset #2 IGHV3-21 cases displayed a higher frequency of aberrations than subset #4 cases. The high incidence of del(11q) in both subset #2/non-subset #2 may reflect the adverse survival reported for IGHV3-21 patients. In contrast, the lower frequency of genetic events and lack of poor-prognostic aberrations in subset #4 may partially explain their indolent disease. In paper II, we analysed the global RNA expression in subset #4, #16 and non-subset IGHV4-34 CLL patients (n=25). Subsets #4 and 16 showed distinct gene expression profiles, where genes involved in cell regulatory pathways were significantly lower expressed in subset #4, in line with their low-proliferative disease. In paper III, a genome-wide methylation array was applied to investigate methylation profiles in subsets #1, #2 and #4 (n=39). We identified differential methylation patterns for all subsets and found affected genes to be involved in e.g. apoptosis and therapy resistance. When performing functional annotation, a clear enrichment of genes involved in adaptive immunity was observed. These genes were preferentially methylated in subset #1 when compared to either subset #2 or #4, possibly due to different antigen responses. In paper IV, the genome-wide methylation profiles for 30 CLL and 20 MCL patients were investigated. Distinct methylation profiles were observed, where MCL displayed a more homogeneous profile. Homeobox transcription factor genes showed a higher degree of methylation in MCL, while apoptosis-related genes and proliferation-associated genes were methylated in CLL. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that stereotyped CLL subsets display differences in gene expression profiles, genetic aberrations and methylation patterns, underscoring the functional relevance of subgrouping according to BCR stereotypy. The distinct methylation profiles of CLL and MCL suggests that different epigenetic mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of these B-cell malignancies.

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