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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da cinética de crescimento de células de inseto Sf21 e infecção por baculovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis (AgMNPV) para a produção de bioinseticida. / Kinect study of Sf21 insect cells growth and infection by Anticarsia gemmatalis (agMNPV) baculovirus for bioinsecticicle production.

Guilherme Augusto Del Padre 04 December 2015 (has links)
O interesse em estudar o cultivo das células de inseto está relacionado entre outros usos a sua utilização na produção de biopesticidas. Há muitos anos os pesticidas químicos vêm contribuindo no controle de pragas na agricultura. Entretanto, o uso desses compostos prolongadamente tem resultado na seleção de insetos resistentes e em poluição ambiental. Diante disso, torna-se necessário o desenvolvimento e aprimoramento dos bioinseticidas. No Brasil, o baculovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) foi o principal agente de controle biológico da praga da soja Anticarsia gemmatalis. Assim, estudos que viabilizem a produção desses vírus in vitro possibilitariam uma produção mais controlada e de melhor qualidade desses biopesticidas. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a suscetibilidade à infecção por AgMNPV de diferentes linhagens celulares de Sf21 e o crescimento dessas células em diferentes sistemas: cultivos em schotts, em spinner e em biorreator, variando-se a idade do inóculo (IA) e a concentração celular inicial (X0). Constatou-se variação no perfil de infecção das linhagens, sendo as linhagens mais adequadas para a produção de bioinseticida as linhagens de Sf21 denominadas EMBRAPA, UFRN e GibcoG, uma vez que estas apresentaram mais do que 40 % das células com poliedros em cultivos em suspensão, enquanto a linhagem denominada GibcoSF teve menos de 2 % das células infectadas com poliedros. Ao se estudar o efeito do número de subcultivos na morfologia e crescimento celular, foi averiguado um aumento no diâmetro de 10 % e no volume de 26 % das células UFRN em relação às células GibcoSF. Além disso, o crescimento das células UFRN foi 49% menor do que das células GibcoSF. Quando realizado o Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR) para se analisar o efeito da IA e a X0 na taxa de crescimento específica máxima (?max) e na concentração celular máxima (Xvmax) em cultivos em schott com células UFRN, obteve-se um modelo empírico. Quando analisadas as variáveis IA e X0 separadamente, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas para as respostas Xvmax e ?max em relação a X0. Para a IA, entretanto, obteve-se os resultados mais satisfatórios para os inóculos com IA de 72 e 96 horas: Xvmax de 5,97.106 cel/mL e 5,99.106 cel/mL, e ?max de 0,70 dia-1 e 0,63 dia-1, respectivamente. Nos cultivos em spinner com células UFRN, foi observada a formação de grumos, o que levou a Xvmax de 2,00.106 cel/mL. No cultivo em biorreator com células UFRN, foi obtido um Xvmax de 6,21.106 cel/mL, ?max de 0,70 dia-1, Qo2 na fase exponencial de 67,3 ± 3,6 .10-18 molO2/cel/s, rendimento de glicose em célula igual a 1,0.109 cel/g de glicose e um rendimento de glutamina em células de 3,0.109 cel/mL. Comprovou-se, portanto, a existência de alterações na infecção entre diferentes linhagens de Sf21; a importância do estado fisiológico da célula nos subcultivos, a ocorrência de mudanças no crescimento celular de acordo com os sistemas de cultivo e o efeito do número de subcultivos na morfologia e crescimento de células Sf21. / Investigate the cultivation of insect cells is related to its use in the production of biopesticides among others. For many years, chemical pesticides have contributed in pest control in agriculture. However, the use of these compounds for prolonged periods has resulted in the selection of resistant insects and environmental pollution. Therefore, it is necessary the development and improvement of biopesticides. In Brazil, the baculovirus Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV) is the main biological control agent of the plague of soy Anticarsia gemmatalis. Thus, studies that enhance the production of these viruses in vitro would allow a more controlled production and better quality of biopesticides. In the present research, it was investigated the susceptibility of different Sf21 cell lines to infection by AgMNPV and the growth of these cells in different systems: cultivations in schotts, in spinner flasks and in bioreactor, varying the inoculum age (IA) and initial cell concentration (X0). Variation was observed in the lineage\'s infection profile. The most appropriate lineage for the production of biopesticida where the ones denominated EMBRAPA, UFRN and GibcoG, since these showed more than 40% of the infected cells with polyhedra, while the one denominated GibcoSF had less than 2% of the infected cells with polyhedra. When studying the effect of the number of subcultures in morphology and in cell growth, an increase of 10% of the diameter and 26% in the volume of the UFRN cells was observed compared to the GibcoSF cells. Moreover, the cell growth of UFRN was 49% lower than the GibcoSF\'s. When performed the Rotational Central Composite Design (RCCD) to analyze the effect of IA and X0, the maximum specific growth rate (?max) and the maximum cell concentration (Xvmax) in cultures in schott with UFRN cells, it was obtained an empirical model. When the IA and X0 were separately analysed, it was not found significant differences for Xvmax and ?max in relation to X0. For IA, however, it was achieved the most satisfactory results for inocula with IA of 72 and 96 hours: Xvmax equals to 5.97x106 cells/mL and to 5.99x106 cells/ml, and ?max of 0.70 day-1 and 0.63 day-1, respectively. Cultures in spinner with UFRN cells clumped what led to Xvmax of 2.00x106 cells/mL. In cultivation in bioreactor with UFRN cells, was reached Xvmax of 6.21x106 cells/mL, ?max of 0.70 day-1, Qo2 in the exponential phase of 67.3 ± 3.6x10-18 molO2/cell/s, glucose to the cell yield equal to 1.0x109 cell/g of glucose and glutamine to cell yield of 3.0x109 cell/g of glutamine. It was shown, therefore, the existence of the infection alterations among different lineages of Sf21, the importance of the physiological state of the cell for the subcultivation, the occurrence of changes in cell growth according to the cultivation systems and the effect of the number of subcultivation in morphology and in growth of Sf21 cells.

Estudo da interação do adenovírus humano, sorotipo 41 (HAdV-41), com células permissivas. / Interaction studies of human adenovirus serotype 41 (HAdV-41) with permissive cells.

Joselma Siqueira Silva 30 October 2008 (has links)
Com o objetivo de estudar a interação do HAdV-41 com células permissivas, primeiramente foi observada a cinética de infecção do HAdV-41 em células HEK-293, durante 7 dias. A seguir, as culturas foram analisadas por MCVL e por MET. O HAdV-41 apresentou um ciclo replicativo lento com liberação da progênie viral por mecanismo não lítico. A seguir, com o intuíto de verificar a participação da proteina FC do HAdV-41 nas etapas de entrada nas células HEK-293 e CaCo2, obteve-se os dodecaedros recombinantes (DR) em células High five (base-Ad3, base-Ad3+FC-Ad41, base-Ad3+FL-Ad41, baseRGEHS-Ad3+FCAd41 e base-Ad3+FAd3). Esses dodecaedros foram inoculados em células HEK-293 e CaCo2. Após a análise por MCVL, observou-se que a proteína FC talvez não desempenhe função na entrada do DR nas células estudadas. A seguir, uma alíquota do DR base-Ad3+FC-Ad41 foi digerida com a enzima pepsina e analisada por WB. Notou-se que a FC sofreu proteólise. Acredita-se que essa proteólise seja necessária para o reconhecimento de receptores no trato gastro-intestinal. Esses resultados fornecerão subsídeos para o desenvolvimento de vetores de terapia gênica direcionada para o epitélio intestinal e vetores vacinais administrados por via oral. / Our objective was study the interaction between HAdV-41 and permissive cells. First, it was observed the kinetic of infection between HAdV-41 and HEK-293 cells, for 7 days. Second, the cultures were analyzed by CLSM and by TEM. The HAdV-41 showed a slower replicative cycle with release of viral progeny by non-lytic mechanisms. In order to verify the participation of SF protein of the HAdV-41 during the phases of entry in HEK-293 and CaCo2 cells, we producted recombinant dodecahedrons (DR) in high five cells (base-Ad3, base-Ad3+SF-Ad41, base-Ad3+SF-Ad41, baseRGEHS-Ad3+SFAd41 and base-Ad3+FAd3). These decahedrons were inoculated in HEK-293 and CaCo2 cells. After analysis with CLSM, observed that SF protein may not have a role in dodecahedron entry in the cells studied. Next, recombinant dodecahedrons base-Ad3+SF-Ad41 and base-Ad3 were digested with pepsin and analyzed by WB. We observed proteolysis of the SF. We believe that this proteolysis may be necessary for the recognition of receptors in intestinal cells. The results obtained will be the base for the development of gene-therapy vectors directed to intestinal epithelium, as well as orally administered vaccine vectors.

Age related seroepidemiological survey of measles, mumps, rubella, varicella zoster, herpes simplex type 1 and 2 viruses

Wong, Kiing Aik January 2015 (has links)
Age stratified seroepidemiological studies play a crucial role in the design and assessment of vaccination strategies. An existing multiplex bead immunoassay for measles, mumps, rubella and varicella zoster virus antibodies together with a newly developed multiplex bead immunoassay for herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 antibodies were used to investigate the age-related seroepidemiology of these viruses in England during 2012.To develop the HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibody assay, attempts were made to produce full length of HSV-1 and HSV-2 glycoprotein G using a baculovirus vector expression system. While HSV-1 gG protein was produced, the proteins were extensively aggregated. Native glycoprotein G molecules undergo partial removal of HSV-1 signal sequence and HSV-1 short membrane anchor sequence during post translational modification. It is possible that such post translational modification is not performed when protein is processed in insect cell culture. Attempts to produce an HSV-2 glycoprotein G were not successful. It is possible that the high GC-content of HSV-2 glycoprotein G led to poor fidelity of copying the PCR amplification sequence. Commercially available truncated HSV-1 gG and HSV-2 gG were therefore used to develop a duplex microbead immunoassay for the simultaneous detection of specific HSV antibodies in human sera. The resultant assays performed with low sensitivity and specificity (HSV-1 of 89% and 66%, respectively and for HSV-2 of 79% and 85%, respectively) compared to the reference HerpeSelect ELISA.The MMRV multiplex bead immunoassay proved rapid, and required minimal sample volume to semi-quantify MMRV specific antibodies. The seroepidemiology of MMR results was compared with previous seroepidemiological studies performed in 1996 in England. The comparison showed an increase in the proportion of individuals who were positive for mumps and measles antibodies in the 2012 survey. The proportion of individuals positive for rubella was essentially unchanged. The increase in the proportion of individuals positive for mumps and measles antibodies in 2012 show the effectiveness of the change in MMR vaccination policy for England from 1996 onward. For VZV, the proportion of individuals who were positive for varicella antibodies between the 1996 and 2012 serological surveys were essentially unchanged. The comparison showed that most young children are susceptible to VZV. At this level of immunity, it can be expected that varicella will continue to produce epidemics of infection in the population, unless varicella vaccination is implemented as a part of routine childhood vaccination.

Expressão temporal dos genes do nucleopoliedrovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis e sua influência sobre a célula. / Temporal expression of the Anticarsia gemmatalis nucleopolyhedrovirus genes and its influence on the cell.

Juliana Velasco de Castro Oliveira 06 October 2010 (has links)
Desde a década de 80, o nucleopoliedrovírus Anticarsia gemmatalis (AgMNPV) tem sido utilizado no Brasil como agente de controle biológico no combate à lagarta-da-soja, resultando para o país significativos benefícios econômicos e ecológicos. Este vírus envelopado, pertencente à família Baculoviridae, possui DNA circular de fita dupla (132.239 pb) contido em um capsídeo protéico, que pode estar ocluído em uma matriz para-cristalina. Neste trabalho, analisamos a expressão temporal de seus genes em duas linhagens celulares (UFL-AG-286 e IPLB-SF-9), por PCR em tempo real. Outro objetivo foi o estudo do efeito da multiplicação viral na malha gênica celular (GRN), visando analisar a expressão gênica celular diferenciada durante a infecção, através da técnica de hibridização subtrativa. Verificamos que todas as ORFs (exceto ORFs 64 e 83, que provavelmente não codificam a genes) foram expressas, com diferenças significativas entre as linhagens, principalmente em relação ao nível de expressão. Apesar disso, o grupo de genes ligados a replicação apresentou perfil de expressão similar nas duas linhagens, possivelmente por este ser um processo essencial à replicação viral. De uma forma geral, todos os genes apresentaram um perfil de expressão mais precoce do que o relatado na literatura, o que poderia ser tanto devido à replicação precoce do DNA do AgMNPV quanto até mesmo consequência da sensitividade do método utilizado. O agrupamento dos genes por k-means seguiu, em sua maioria, a hora pós-infecção (p.i.) onde a expressão de cada gene foi detectada, o que é coerente com a expressão gênica em cascata de baculovírus. Entretanto, por esta classificação não foi possível predizer função gênica para os genes pouco caracterizados. Em relação ao efeito da infecção do AgMNPV na GRN da UFL-AG-286, observamos que em 20h p.i., uma grande diversidade de genes e funções celulares foram hipo-expressas. / Since the 80s, the Anticarsia gemmatalis nucleopolyhedroviruses (AgMNPV) has been used in Brazil as a biological control agent against the Anticarsia gemmatalis caterpillar in soybean fields, resulting in considerable economic and ecological benefits. This enveloped virus belongs to the Baculoviridae family. It has circular double-stranded DNA (132239 bp) enclosed in a capsid, which can be occluded in a crystalline matrix. In this work we elucidated the temporal gene expression profile of the AgMNPV-2D in two cell lines (UFL-AG-286 and IPLB-SF-9), using a real time PCR. Another objective was to study the effect of viral replication on the cellular gene regulatory network (GRN), in order to analyze the differential cellular gene expression during infection, using subtractive hybridization method. We found that most ORFs (except 64 and 83 ORFs that probably do not encode genes) were expressed, with significant differences between cell lines, mainly in expression intensity. However, the group of genes associated with viral DNA replication had similar expression profile in both lineages, possibly because replication is an essential process for viral multiplication. In general, most genes had earlier expression than reported in the literature, probably due to the early DNA replication in AgMNPV. Moreover, this could be a consequence of the method sensitivity used herein. We clustered genes with the k-means algorithm according to the time pos infection (p.i.) in which each gene expression was first detected and found it to be consistent with the typical cascade of gene expression known for baculovirus. Nonetheless, following this classification, it was not possible to predict gene function for poorly characterized genes. When looking at the impact of viral replication on the host GRN using subtractive hybridization, we found considerable inhibition of cellular transcription at 20h p.i. Furthermore at this time, a large and diverse set of cellular genes and functions were found to be hypo-regulated, indicative of an extensive effect of AgMNPV infection on the UFL-AG-286 GRN.

The engineering and optimization of expression of rotavirus-like particles in insect cells using a South African G9P[6] rotavirus strain / by Maria J. van der Westhuizen.

Van der Westhuizen, Maria Jacoba January 2012 (has links)
Rotavirus infection causes gastroenteritis, specifically severe gastroenteritis, affecting children younger than five globally, regardless of hygiene and water quality. Current licensed, live, attenuated vaccines do not contain the G9 genotype, which is a prevalent rotavirus strain circulating in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that carries a high rotavirus disease burden. Rotavirus-like particles (RV-VLPs) is an attractive non-live vaccine candidate, which has shown promising results in animal studies. Previously, dsRNA was extracted from a stool sample containing a South African human G9P[6] neonatal strain, and amplified cDNA using a sequence-independent procedure. The consensus sequence was obtained for the genome segments using 454® pyrosequencing. The insect-cell-codon-optimized genome segments 2 (VP2), 4 (VP4), 6 (VP6) and 9 (VP7) were cloned into a modified pFASTBACquad vector (pFBq). Several combinations of the genome segments were cloned to produce double-layered particles (DLP; pFBqVP2VP6) or triple-layered particles (TLP; pFBqVP2VP6VP7). In the current study, a ΔTLP (pFBqdVP2-VP8*VP6VP7) construct was generated. The first 92 amino acids of VP2 are not necessary for the conformation of recombinant RV-VLPs. The ORF of VP8*, which contains immune important epitopes, was fused to the 5’ end of the dVP2 coding region resulting in a dVP2-VP8* fused protein which was expressed in the presence of VP6 and VP7 to produce ΔTLPs. The Bac-to-Bac® Baculovirus Expression System and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf) 9 insect cells were used for expression. All the proteins were successfully expressed. VP2, VP6, VP4 and the dVP2-VP8* fused protein were visible on Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE. Expression of VP7 could only be confirmed with western blot analysis. Particle formation, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), was observed for DLPs. No TLPs of dVP2-8*/6/7 or VP2/6/7 were visualized due to the lower expression level of VP7 and the lack of calcium supplements during the assembly process. In conclusion, it was possible to produce RV-DLPs derived from the consensus sequence determined for a G9P[6] rotavirus directly from stool without prior propagation in cell culture or virus isolation. This strain contains both the G9 and P[6] genotypes that are currently prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. / Thesis (MSc (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

The engineering and optimization of expression of rotavirus-like particles in insect cells using a South African G9P[6] rotavirus strain / by Maria J. van der Westhuizen.

Van der Westhuizen, Maria Jacoba January 2012 (has links)
Rotavirus infection causes gastroenteritis, specifically severe gastroenteritis, affecting children younger than five globally, regardless of hygiene and water quality. Current licensed, live, attenuated vaccines do not contain the G9 genotype, which is a prevalent rotavirus strain circulating in sub-Saharan Africa, a region that carries a high rotavirus disease burden. Rotavirus-like particles (RV-VLPs) is an attractive non-live vaccine candidate, which has shown promising results in animal studies. Previously, dsRNA was extracted from a stool sample containing a South African human G9P[6] neonatal strain, and amplified cDNA using a sequence-independent procedure. The consensus sequence was obtained for the genome segments using 454® pyrosequencing. The insect-cell-codon-optimized genome segments 2 (VP2), 4 (VP4), 6 (VP6) and 9 (VP7) were cloned into a modified pFASTBACquad vector (pFBq). Several combinations of the genome segments were cloned to produce double-layered particles (DLP; pFBqVP2VP6) or triple-layered particles (TLP; pFBqVP2VP6VP7). In the current study, a ΔTLP (pFBqdVP2-VP8*VP6VP7) construct was generated. The first 92 amino acids of VP2 are not necessary for the conformation of recombinant RV-VLPs. The ORF of VP8*, which contains immune important epitopes, was fused to the 5’ end of the dVP2 coding region resulting in a dVP2-VP8* fused protein which was expressed in the presence of VP6 and VP7 to produce ΔTLPs. The Bac-to-Bac® Baculovirus Expression System and Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf) 9 insect cells were used for expression. All the proteins were successfully expressed. VP2, VP6, VP4 and the dVP2-VP8* fused protein were visible on Coomassie stained SDS-PAGE. Expression of VP7 could only be confirmed with western blot analysis. Particle formation, as assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), was observed for DLPs. No TLPs of dVP2-8*/6/7 or VP2/6/7 were visualized due to the lower expression level of VP7 and the lack of calcium supplements during the assembly process. In conclusion, it was possible to produce RV-DLPs derived from the consensus sequence determined for a G9P[6] rotavirus directly from stool without prior propagation in cell culture or virus isolation. This strain contains both the G9 and P[6] genotypes that are currently prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. / Thesis (MSc (Biochemistry))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.


Díez Fernández, Carmen 09 July 2015 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1), a 1462-residue mitochondrial enzyme, catalyzes the entry of ammonia into the urea cycle, which converts ammonia, the neurotoxic waste product of protein catabolism, into barely toxic urea. The urea cycle inborn error and rare disease CPS1 deficiency (CPS1D) is inherited with mendelian autosomal recessive inheritance, being due to CPS1 gene mutations (>200 mutations reported), and causing life-threatening hyperammonemia. We have produced recombinantly human CPS1 (hCPS1) in a baculovirus/insect cell expression system, isolating the enzyme in active and highly purified form, in massive amounts. This has allowed enzyme crystallization for structural studies by X-ray diffraction (an off-shoot of the present studies). This hCPS1 production system allows site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme characterization as catalyst (activity, kinetics) and as protein (stability, aggregation state, domain composition). We have revealed previously unexplored traits of hCPS1 such as its domain composition, the ability of glycerol to replace the natural and essential CPS1 activator N-acetyl-L-glutamate (NAG), and the hCPS1 protection (chemical chaperoning) by NAG and by its pharmacological analog N-carbamyl-L-glutamate (NCG). We have exploited this system to explore the effects on the activity, kinetic parameters and stability/folding of the enzyme, and to test the disease-causing nature, of mutations identified in patients with CPS1 deficiency (CPS1D). These results, supplemented with those obtained with other non-clinical mutations, have provided novel information on the functions of three non-catalytic domains of CPS1. We have introduced three CPS1D-associated mutations and one trivial polymorphism in the glutaminase-like domain of CPS1, supporting a stabilizing and an activity-enhancing function of this non-catalytic domain. Two mutations introduced into the bicarbonate phosphorylation domain have shed light on bicarbonate binding and have directly confirmed the importance of this domain for NAG binding to the distant (in the sequence) C-terminal CPS1 domain. The introduction of 18 CPS1D-associated missense mutations mapping in a clinically highly eloquent central non-catalytic domain have proven the disease-causing nature of most of these mutations while showing that in most of the cases they trigger enzyme misfolding and/or destabilization. These results, by proving an important role of this domain in the structural integration of the multidomain CPS1 protein, have led us to call this domain the Integrating Domain. Finally, we have examined the effects of eight CPS1D-associated mutations, of one trivial polymorphism and of five non-clinical mutations, all of them mapping in the C-terminal domain of the enzyme where NAG binds, whereas we have re-analyzed prior results with another four clinical and five non-clinical mutations affecting this domain. We have largely confirmed the pathogenic nature of the clinical mutations, predominantly because of decreased activity, in many cases due to hampered NAG binding. A few mutations had substantial negative effects on CPS1 stability/folding. Our analysis reveals that NAG activation begins with a movement of the final part of the ß4-¿4 loop of the NAG site. Transmission of the activating signal to the phosphorylation domains involves helix ¿4 from this domain and is possibly transmitted by the mutually homologous loops 1313-1332 and 778-787 (figures are residue numbers) belonging, respectively, to the carbamate and bicarbonate phosphorylation domains. These two homologous loops are called from here on Signal Transmission Loops. / [ES] La carbamil fosfato sintetasa 1 (CPS1), una enzima mitocondrial, cataliza la entrada del amonio en el ciclo de la urea, que convierte esta neurotoxina derivada del catabolismo de las proteínas en urea, mucho menos tóxica. El déficit de CPS1 (CPS1D) es un error innato del ciclo de la urea, una enfermedad rara autosómica recesiva, que se debe a mutaciones en el gen CPS1 (>200 mutaciones descritas) y que cursa con hiperamonemia. Hemos producido CPS1 humana recombinante (hCPS1) en un sistema de expresión de células de insecto y baculovirus, y la hemos aislado en forma activa, muy pura y en cantidad elevada. Este sistema de producción de hCPS1 permite la realización de mutagénesis dirigida y la caracterización de la enzima como catalizador (actividad, cinética) y como proteína (estabilidad, estado de agregación y composición de dominios). Hemos revelado características de la hCPS1 antes no exploradas como es la composición de dominios, la capacidad que tiene el glicerol para reemplazar al activador natural y esencial de la CPS1, N-acetil-L-glutamato (NAG), y la protección de la hCPS1 por NAG y por su análogo farmacológico N-carbamil-L-glutamato (NCG) (chaperonas químicas). Hemos utilizado este sistema para explorar los efectos en actividad, parámetros cinéticos y estabilidad/plegamiento de la enzima, y para comprobar la naturaleza patogénica de mutaciones identificadas en pacientes con CPS1D. Estos resultados, junto con los obtenidos con otras mutaciones no clínicas, han aportado información novedosa sobre tres de los dominios no catalíticos de CPS1. Las observaciones realizadas tras introducir en el dominio de tipo glutaminasa de la enzima tres mutaciones asociadas a CPS1D y un polimorfismo trivial, apoyan la contribución de este dominio no catalítico a la estabilidad y a aumentar la actividad de la enzima. Dos mutaciones introducidas en el dominio de fosforilación de bicarbonato han arrojado luz sobre el modo de unión del bicarbonato (un sustrato). Los resultados de estas mutaciones también han confirmado la contribución de este dominio para la unión de NAG, cuyo sitio de unión se encuentra en el dominio C-terminal de CPS1, bastante alejado (en la secuencia) del dominio de fosforilación de bicarbonato. Además, hemos introducido 18 mutaciones de cambio de sentido asociadas a CPS1D, las cuales están localizadas en un dominio no catalítico, central y de elevada elocuencia clínica. Estos resultados han demostrado la naturaleza patogénica de estas mutaciones, ya que en la mayoría de los casos estas mutaciones producen un mal plegamiento o/y desestabilización de la enzima. Debido a que estos resultados han puesto de manifiesto el importante papel de este dominio en la integración estructural de la proteína multidominio CPS1, lo hemos llamado Dominio Integrador. Finalmente, hemos examinado los efectos de 8 mutaciones asociadas a CPS1D, de un polimorfismo trivial y de 5 mutaciones no clínicas, todas localizadas en el dominio C-terminal de la enzima, donde se une NAG. Además, hemos reanalizado resultados anteriores con otras 4 mutaciones clínicas y 5 no clínicas afectando a este dominio. Hemos confirmado el carácter patogénico de las mutaciones clínicas, las cuales predominantemente causan una disminución en la actividad enzimática, en muchos casos debida a que la unión de NAG se encuentra obstaculizada. Unas pocas mutaciones mostraron efectos negativos en la estabilidad/plegamiento de CPS1. Nuestros análisis revelan que la activación por el NAG empieza con un movimiento de la parte final del bucle ß4-¿4 del sitio de NAG. La transmisión de la señal activadora a los dominios de fosforilación implica a la hélice ¿4 de este dominio y posiblemente se transmite a través de los bucles homólogos 1313-1332 y 778-787 (numeración de residuos) pertenecientes, respectivamente, a los dominios de fosforilación de carbamato y bicarbonato. Por ello, hemos llamado a ambos bucles Bucles de / [CA] La carbamil fosfat sintetasa 1 (CPS1), un enzim mitocondrial, catalitza l'entrada d'amoni en el cicle de la urea, que convertix l'amoni, producte neurotòxic del catabolisme de les proteïnes, en urea, una molècula molt poc tòxica. El dèficit de CPS1 (CPS1D) és un error innat del cicle de la urea, una malaltia rara autosòmica recessiva, que es deu a mutacions en el gen CPS1 (>200 mutacions descrites) i que cursa amb hiperamonièmia. Hem produït CPS1 humana recombinant (hCPS1) en un sistema d'expressió de cèl·lules d'insecte i baculovirus, i l'hem aïllada en forma activa, molt pura i en gran quantitat. Això ha permés la cristal·lització de l'enzim per a estudis estructurals amb difracció de raios-X (treball no inclòs en esta tesi Aquest sistema de producció de hCPS1 permet la realització de mutagènesi dirigida i la caracterització de l'enzim com a catalitzador (activitat, cinètica) i com a proteïna (estabilitat, estat d'agregació i composició de dominis). Hem revelat característiques de la hCPS1 no explorades abans com és la composició de dominis, la capacitat que té el glicerol per a reemplaçar l'activador natural i essencial de CPS1, N-acetil-L-glutamat (NAG), i la protecció de la hCPS1 per NAG i pel seu anàleg farmacològic N-carbamil-L-glutamat (NCG) (xaperones químiques) . Hem utilitzat aquest sistema per a explorar els efectes en l'activitat, els paràmetres cinètics i l'estabilitat/plegament de l'enzim, i per a comprovar la naturalesa patogènica de mutacions identificades en pacients amb CPS1D. Aquestos resultats, junt amb els obtinguts amb altres mutacions no clíniques, han aportat informació nova sobre tres dels dominis no catalítics de la CPS1. Les observacions, després d'introduir tres mutacions associades a CPS1D i un polimorfisme trivial en el domini tipus glutaminasa de CPS1, recolzen la contribució d'aquest domini no catalític a l'estabilitat i a l'optimització de l'activitat enzimàtica. Dues mutacions introduïdes en el domini de fosforilació de bicarbonat han esclarit el mode d'unió de bicarbonat. Els resultats d'aquestes mutacions també han confirmat la contribució d'aquest domini per a la unió de NAG, el lloc d'unió de la qual es troba en el domini C-terminal de CPS1, prou allunyat (en la seqüència) del domini de fosforilació de bicarbonat. A més, hem introduït 18 mutacions de canvi de sentit associades a CPS1D, les quals estan localitzades en un domini no catalític, central i d'elevada eloqüència clínica. Aquestos resultats han demostrat la naturalesa patogènica d'aquestes mutacions, ja que, en la majoria dels casos produïxen un mal plegament o/i desestabilització de l'enzim. Pel fet que aquestos resultats han posat de manifest l'important paper d'aquest domini en la integració estructural de la proteïna multidomini CPS1, l'hem anomenat Domini Integrador. Finalment, hem examinat els efectes de huit mutacions associades a CPS1D, un polimorfisme trivial i cinc mutacions no clíniques, totes elles localitzades en el domini C-terminal de l'enzim, on s'unix NAG. A més, hem reanalitzat resultats anteriors amb altres quatre mutacions clíniques i cinc no clíniques que afecten aquest domini. Hem confirmat el caràcter patogènic de les mutacions clíniques, les quals predominantment causen una disminució en l'activitat enzimàtica, en molts casos pel fet que la unió de NAG es troba obstaculitzada. Unes poques mutacions van mostrar efectes negatius substancials en l'estabilitat/plegament de CPS1. Les nostres anàlisis revelen que l'activació de NAG comença amb un moviment de la part final del bucle ß4-¿4 del lloc de NAG. La transmissió del senyal activadora als dominis de fosforilació involucra l'hèlix ¿4 d'aquest domini i es transmet, possiblement, a través dels bucles homòlegs 1313-1332 i 778-787 (numeració dels residus), pertanyents, respectivament, als dominis de fosforilació de carbamato i bicarbonat. Per això, hem anomenat a ambd / Díez Fernández, C. (2015). USING RECOMBINANT HUMAN CARBAMOYL PHOSPHATE SYNTHETASE 1 (CPS1) FOR STUDYING THIS ENZYME'S FUNCTION, REGULATION, PATHOLOGY AND STRUCTURE [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52855 / Compendio

Rat protease-activated receptor–1 (rPAR1) expression and characterization in Sf9 cells

Lavalle, Maria 07 1900 (has links)
Connue pour son rôle dans la cascade de coagulation, la thrombine, une protéase à sérine, peut également agir par l’intermédiaire de PAR1, un récepteur activé par protéase et couplé aux protéines G liant le GTP (GPCR). La thrombine se lie et clive l’extrémité N-terminale du PAR1 entre l’Arg41 et la Ser42, exposant une nouvelle extrémité terminale qui agit elle-même comme un ligand. La thrombine et une séquence peptidique de cinq acides aminés, composée des résidus Ser42 à Arg46, nommée PAR1-AP, déclenchent dans diverses cellules de mammifères une réponse intracellulaire comportant une composante calcique. Dans cette étude, le système d’expression par baculovirus dans les cellules Sf9 d'insecte nous a permis d'exprimer le récepteur PAR1 du rat à la surface de ces cellules et de réaliser son couplage fonctionnel à leur signalisation intracellulaire (modèle rPAR1-Sf9). La composante calcique de celle-ci, en réponse au PAR1-AP, a ensuite été étudiée en détail à l’aide de la sonde fluorescente Fura-2 et de plusieurs inhibiteurs agissant sur les canaux calciques ou d'autres éléments de la cascade de signalisation du calcium intracellulaire. Lorsque le milieu extracellulaire contient du calcium (Ca2+), la thrombine ou PAR1-AP déclenchent un signal calcique qui consiste en une augmentation rapide de [Ca2+]i suivi d’un plateau relativement soutenu, puis d'un retour lent vers le niveau de base initial. En l'absence de Ca2+ dans le milieu extracellulaire, l'augmentation initiale rapide de [Ca2+]i est suivie d'un retour rapide vers le [Ca2+]i de base. À l’aide d’inhibiteurs de canaux calciques, tels que le lanthane, la nifédipine et le D-600, l'entrée du calcium du milieu extracellulaire dans les cellules est inhibée, abolissant le plateau soutenu de [Ca2+]i. L’inhibition de la pompe Ca2+-ATPase par la thapsigargine supprime la réponse au PAR1-AP après épuisement des sites de stockage de Ca2+intracellulaire. Le TMB-8 agit de façon discordante quant à l’inhibition de la libération de Ca2+ des sites de stockage intracellulaires. La réponse à PAR1-AP n’est pas affectée par le D-609, un inhibiteur de la phospholipase β. L’inhibition de la protéine kinase C (PKC) par le bisindolylmaléimide induit des oscillations en présence de Ca2+ extracellulaire et atténue fortement le signal calcique en absence de Ca2+ extracellulaire. En présence de Ca2+ extracellulaire, l’activation de la PKC par le PBDu tronque le flux de [Ca2+]i tandis que la réponse calcique est abolie en absence de Ca2+ dans le milieu extracellulaire. Le H-89, un inhibiteur de la protéine kinase A (PKA), cause une prolongation de la durée du plateau de [Ca2+]i dans un milieu riche en calcium et la suppression de la réponse à PAR1-AP lorsque le milieu extracellulaire est dépourvu de Ca2+. Les résultats obtenus nous permettent de conclure que la PKC et possiblement la PKA jouent un rôle critique dans la mobilisation du Ca2+ induite par le PAR1-AP dans le modèle rPAR1-Sf9. / Thrombin’s serine protease activity allows for it to have a role in both the coagulation cascade as well as through a GTP- binding protein coupled receptor (GPCR) known as the protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR1). Thrombin binds to PAR1 at the N-terminal, cleaving between Arg41 and Ser42, and unmasking a new N-terminal which acts as a tethered ligand. Thrombin and a five amino acid peptide composed of the sequence of residues Ser42 to Arg46, known as PAR 1-AP, has been shown to mediate a number of signalling mechanisms in mammalian cells, including a calcium signalling pathway. In the present study, the Sf9-baculovirus system allowed us to express the rat PAR1 (rPAR1-Sf9) on the cell surface and study its intracellular signalling. The calcium (Ca2+) signal was studied using the fluorescent probe Fura-2, and several Ca2+ channel inhibitors and calcium signal modulators were used to study the signal induced by PAR1-AP. In the presence of extracellular calcium [Ca2+]e, thrombin and PAR1-AP produced a Ca2+ signal which consisted of an initial spike in [Ca2+]i followed by a relatively maintained plateau and a slow return towards baseline. In the absence of Ca2+ in the extracellular space, the initial Ca2+ increase is followed by a quick return to baseline [Ca2+]i. Ca2+ channel inhibitors, lanthanum, nifedipine and D-600, inhibited the entry of Ca2+ from the extracellular space and abolished the plateau phase of the response to PAR1-AP. Inhibition of the Ca2+-ATPase with thapsigargin abolished the response to PAR1-AP after having depleted the Ca2+ stores involved in the initial spike in [Ca2+]i. TMB-8, expected to inhibit the release of Ca2+ from internal stores, inconsistently inhibited the [Ca2+]i response to PAR1-AP. The response elicited by PAR1-AP was not affected by D-609, an inhibitor of phospholipase Cβ. Inhibition of protein kinase C (PKC) with bisindolylmaleimide induced oscillations in the [Ca2+]i levels in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ while it significantly blunted the response in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. PDBu activation of PKC truncated the [Ca2+]i surge in Ca2+-rich conditions while abolishing it altogether in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. H-89 inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) prolonged the plateau duration in Ca2+-rich medium while inhibiting the response to PAR1-AP in a Ca2+-deficient environment. Taken together, our results suggest that PKC and possibly PKA play a critical role in the mobilisation of Ca2+ in rPAR1-Sf9 by PAR1-AP.

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