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Otimização do crescimento de células Sf-9 em biorreator visando à produção de biopesticida. / Optimization of Sf-9 cell growth in bioreactor for the of biopesticide.Guilherme Fabri Pereira 24 July 2017 (has links)
Comparadas com células de mamífero, as células de inseto são mais fáceis de cultivar, não acumulam quantidade significativa de sub-produtos tóxicos e apresentam maiores rendimentos na expressão de proteínas heterólogas, porém apresentam uma menor capacidade de realizar modificações pós-traducionais. Células de inseto podem ser empregadas na produção in vitro de baculovírus, usados como pesticidas biológicos. As células Sf-9 estão entre as células de inseto com uso mais difundido. Entender o metabolismo destas células permitirá melhorias nos processos que as empregam, entretanto, ainda há relativamente pouca informação sobre o assunto. Considerando mais especificamente o uso dessas células para produção de baculovírus, também é necessário mais entendimento sobre o processo infectivo e parâmetros que o afetam. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a influência da suplementação do meio de cultivo com diferentes aminoácidos no desenvolvimento das células Sf-9 e determinar a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido ideal para o cultivo destas células, visando elaborar uma metodologia de cultivo em biorreator otimizada e, paralelamente, estudar o processo de infecção de cultivos dessas células com o baculovírus Spodoptera frugiperda (SfMNPV) em diferentes escalas. Para estudar a influência que a adição de aminoácidos ao meio tem sobre o crescimento celular, células Sf-9 foram cultivadas em frascos schotts de 100 e 500 mL, com 20 mL do meio SF900III SFM (serum free medium) suplementados com cisteína, prolina, serina ou asparagina. Os resultados foram comparados com cultivos feitos sem suplementação (controles). A condição que apresentou o melhor resultado em frasco schott foi replicada em biorreator de 1 L de volume útil. Para estudar a influência do oxigênio dissolvido (O.D.) foram testados diferentes setpoints de O.D. em cultivos em biorreator. Em tais ensaios foram testadas as concentrações de O.D de 10%, 30% e 50% da saturação com o ar. Para o estudo do processo de infecção, foram realizadas infecções em frascos schotts de 500 mL, com 20 mL de cultivo, e em biorreator de 1 L. Também foram realizadas infecções em garrafas T-25 como forma de controle de virulência do inóculo viral e do vírus produzido. As principais variáveis analisadas foram µmáx, Xvmáx YX/Glc. Nos ensaios de influencia de O.D., analisou-se também qO2 e qCO2 e, nos ensaios de infecção, a porcentagem de células contendo poliedros. A suplementação com prolina foi prejudicial ao cultivo. A adição de asparagina não teve qualquer influência no desenvolvimento celular. Os resultados das adições de cisteína e serina não foram muito conclusivos, em alguns ensaios houve aumento de Xvmáx, já em outros não foi notado efeito significativo. Nos ensaios em biorreator, todos os valores de O.D. testados apresentaram resultados semelhantes, já a adição de cisteína ao meio em biorreator foi bastante maléfica ao crescimento celular. Os ensaios de infecção mostraram que células Sf-9 são bastante susceptíveis à infecção pelo baculovírus Spodoptera frugiperda e boas produtoras de poliedros virais, e que a vazão gasosa tem efeito negativo na concentração viral na fase líquida dos cultivos em biorreator (título viral). / Compared to mammalian cells, insect cells are easier to culture, do not accumulate significant amounts of toxic byproducts and are capable of higher heterologous protein yields, but have a lower ability to perform post-translational modifications. Insect cells may be employed in the in vitro production of baculoviruses, used as biological pesticides. Sf-9 cells are among the most used insect cell lines. Understanding the metabolism of these cells would allow improvements in the processes that employ them, however, Howeverreports on the metabolism and physiology of Sf-9 cells and insect cells in general are scarce. When considering the use of these cells for baculovirus production, it is also necessary more understanding about the infective process and parameters that can affect it. This work aimed to study the influence that the supplementation of the culture medium with different amino acids have on the development of Sf-9 cells and to determine the ideal dissolved oxygen concentration for the culture of these cells, aiming to elaborate an optimized bioreactor culture methodology and, in parallel, to study the infection process of these cells with the Spodoptera frugiperda baculovirus (SfMNPV) at different scales. To study the influence that the addition of amino acids to the medium has on cell growth, Sf-9 cells were cultured in 100 and 500mL schott flasks with 20mL SF900III SFM (serum free medium) supplemented with cysteine, proline, serine or asparagine. The results were compared with cultures without supplementation (controls). The condition that presented the best result in schott flasks was replicated in a 1L bioreactor. To study the influence of dissolved oxygen (O.D.), experiments with different values of O.D. were conducted at a 1L bioreactor. The O.D. tested were 10%, 30% and 50% of air saturation. To study the infection process, infections were carried out in 500 mL schotted flasks, with 20 mL of culture, and in a 1L bioreactor. Infections were also carried out in 25 cm² T-flasks as a form of virulence control of the viral inoculum and virus produced. The main variables analyzed were µmax, Xvmax YX/Glc. In the O.D. tests, qO2 and qCO2 were also analyzed and, in the infection assays, the percentage of cells containing polyhedra. Proline supplementation was detrimental to the culture. The addition of asparagine had no influence on cellular growth. The results of cysteine and serine additions were not very conclusive, in some studies there was an increase of Xvmax, while in others no significant effect was observed. In the bioreactor trials, all O.D. tested showed similar results and the addition of cysteine to the medium was quite harmful to cell growth. Infection assays showed that Sf-9 cells are quite susceptible to infection by the Spodoptera frugiperda baculovirus and good producers of viral polyhedra, and that the gas flow has a negative effect on the viral concentration in the liquid phase of the bioreactor cultures (viral titer).
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Desenvolvimento de uma vacina recombinante para circovirose suína e ensaios para diagnóstico molecular de PCV2 / Development of a recombinant vaccine for porcine circovirus associated disease and molecular assays to detect PCV2Dezen, Diogenes January 2011 (has links)
O circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2) é o principal agente da síndrome multissistêmica do definhamento do suíno (SMDS), uma doença mundialmente disseminada e que provoca perdas econômicas significativas para a suinocultura. Visando contribuir no diagnóstico da síndrome, o presente trabalho padronizou e comparou testes para a detecção do PCV2. Para isso, foram utilizadas as técnicas de amplificação por círculo rolante (ACR) e variações da PCR (convencional, tempo-real e competitiva). Utilizando a ACR foi possível obter a amplificação total de genomas do PCV2, os quais foram clonados, sequenciados e agrupados no genótipo PCV2b. Os genomas clonados foram isolados, recircularizados e transfectados em células PK-15. Este procedimento possibilitou a recuperação do vírus infeccioso em títulos de até 105,55 DICC50/mL. Portanto, a ACR foi uma ferramenta útil em estratégias de isolamento e sequenciamento do vírus. No entanto, a ACR foi menos sensível que a PCR para fins de detecção do PCV2. No segundo estudo, buscando métodos auxiliares no diagnóstico da SMDS, dois ensaios para a quantificação do PCV2 foram desenvolvidos. Estes ensaios foram baseados nas técnicas de PCR competitivo (cPCR) e de PCR em tempo real. Visando determinar qual seria o mais adequado para estimar a carga viral do PCV2, os dois métodos foram comparados. Ambos os ensaios foram capazes de detectar diferenças significativas entre o número de cópias de DNA de PCV2 encontradas em tecidos de animais saudáveis e acometidos pela SMDS (≥ 2,5 log10). No entanto, uma diferença média de 1,8 log10 na carga viral foi encontrada entre ensaios, onde as maiores cargas virais foram detectadas pela PCR em tempo real. Outro objetivo deste trabalho foi gerar vacinas baseadas na proteína do capsídeo (Cap) do PCV2. Assim, no terceiro estudo, três baculovírus recombinantes foram construídos de modo a expressar a proteína Cap. Em dois recombinantes, a seqüência de nucleotídeos do peptídeo sinal (PS) da glicoproteína I do herpesvírus bovino (BoHV-gI) foi inserida na extremidade 5’ do gene cap (ORF2). Além disso, um recombinante contendo a seqüência de nucleotídeos do PS foi construído sem o sinal de localização nuclear (NLS) de proteína Cap. Através do ensaio de imunoperoxidase em monocamada (IPMA), antígenos de PCV2 foram detectados em células Sf21 infectadas pelos três vírus recombinantes. Este resultado sugere que os recombinantes construídos são potenciais candidatos vacinais, uma vez que eles foram capazes de produzir antígenos de PCV2. / Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is the major agent of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), a worldwide spread disease that causes significant economic losses to the swine productive chain. Aiming to contribute in the diagnosis of the syndrome, this thesis compared and developed tests for PCV2 detection. For this, multiply-primed rolling-circle amplification (MPRCA) and PCR-based assays (conventional, real-time and competitive) were tested. The MPRCA allowed amplifying the full-length PCV2 genomes, which were cloned, sequenced and grouped on PCV2b genotype. The cloned genomes were isolated from the plasmids, recircularized and used for transfection in PK-15 cells. This procedure led to the production of infectious virus to titres up to 105.55 TCID50/mL. It was concluded that MPRCA is a useful tool to amplify PCV2 genomes in sight of sequencing and virus isolation strategies. However, it was less sensitive than PCR for diagnostic purposes. In the second study, searching for methods in support to PMWS diagnosis, two PCR assays were developed: a competitive PCR (cPCR) and a SYBR green real-time PCR. The quantitative PCR methods were compared to determine which would be more suitable to estimate the PCV2 DNA load. Both assays were able to detect significant differences between the numbers of PCV2 DNA copies found in tissues of PMWS-affected and non-PMWS-affected pigs (≥2.5 log10). However, a mean difference of 1.8 log10 on the viral load was found between assays, where the highest viral loads were detected by SYBR green real-time PCR. In the work outlined herein, another purpose was to generate vaccine candidates based on PCV2 capsid protein (Cap). Therefore, in the third study, three types of recombinant baculoviruses were constructed to express the Cap protein. In two recombinants, the nucleotide sequence from the signal peptide (SP) of bovine herpesvirus glycoprotein I (BoHV-gI) was inserted at the 5’ end of the cap gene (ORF2). Additionally, one recombinant containing the SP nucleotide sequence was constructed lacking the nuclear localization signal (NLS) of Cap protein. Through immunoperoxidase monolayer assay (IPMA), the PCV2 antigen was detected in Sf21 cells infected by the three recombinant viruses. This result suggests that the recombinants here constructed are potential vaccine candidates, once they were able to produce PCV2 antigens.
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Montagem de um pseudo-hantavírus quimera, contendo a nucleoproteína do vírus Araraquara e as glicoproteínas do vírus Andes, em sistema baculovírus / Assembly of a chimeric hantavirus-like particle, containing the Araraquara nucleoprotein and the Andes glycoproteins, expressed in baculovirus systemFernanda Perez Yeda 22 February 2010 (has links)
Os hantavírus, membros da família Bunyaviridae, são os agentes infecciosos responsáveis pela Febre Hemorrágica com Síndrome Renal e pela Síndrome Cardiopulmonar por Hantavírus. São vírus com genoma constituído por três segmentos de RNA fita simples, de polaridade negativa, designados como S, M e L, que codificam, respectivamente, a nucleoproteína, as glicoproteínas G1 e G2 e a RNA polimerase dependente de RNA. Com o objetivo de estudar a montagem de pseudopartículas quiméricas de hantavírus, a proteína N do vírus Araraquara e as glicoproteínas G1 e G2 do vírus Andes foram expressas em sistema baculovírus. A microscopia confocal mostrou a colocalização das proteínas G1 e G2 com a proteína N. Pelos ensaios de imunoprecipitação e de centrifugação em gradiente de sacarose, foi observada a interação entre as proteínas N, G1 e G2. Nas análises por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão foi observada a montagem do pseudo-hantavírus quimera, com morfologia semelhante ao do vírion. O pseudo-hantavírus quimera obtido neste estudo poderá, no futuro, ser utilizado em estudos imunológicos, estruturais e morfológicos. / Hantaviruses, members of the Bunyaviridae family, are the infectious agents responsible for Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome and the Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome. The viral genome is composed by three segments of single-stranded negative-sense RNA, designated as S, M and L, which encode, respectively, the nucleoprotein, the G1 and G2 glycoproteins, and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. In order to study the assembly of a chimeric hantavirus-like particle, the Araraquara nucleoprotein and the Andes glycoproteins were expressed in a baculovirus system. Confocal microscopy showed the colocalization of G1 and G2 proteins with the N protein. Immunoprecipitation assay and sucrose density gradient showed the interaction among N, G1 and G2 proteins. The transmission electron microscopy showed the hantavirus-like particle with the same morphology of the virion. The chimeric hantavirus-like particle produced in this study could be used, in the future, in immunological, structural and morphological studies.
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Bombyx Mori Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus : Molecular Biology And Biotechnology ApplicationsPalhan, Vikas B 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Structural characterization of viral envelope glycoproteins / Caractérisation structurale de glycoprotéines d'enveloppes viralesVasiliauskaite, Ieva 14 November 2014 (has links)
Les glycoprotéines virales sont impliquées dans les deux principales étapes d’entrée des virus enveloppés dans leurs cellules hôtes : l’attachement des virus aux récepteurs cellulaires et la fusion des membranes virale et cellulaire. Je me suis d’abord attachée à l’étude structurale de la principale glycoprotéine, E2, de deux hépacivirus : la forme B du virus GB (GBV-B) et le virus de l’hépatite C (HCV). Mes tentatives de cristallisation de l’ectodomaine de la protéine E2 du GBV-B sont restées vaines, mais l’analyse des propriétés de ses fragments a suggéré un rôle de son extrémité C-terminale dans la liaison à son récepteur. En parallèle, j’ai co-cristallisé un peptide synthétique correspondant à la principale boucle de liaison de E2 à son récepteur, avec un fragment d’anticorps dirigé contre cette boucle. Etonnament, le peptide forme une hélice , en nette contradiction avec la conformation étendue adoptée dans un fragment du cœur de E2. Associé à des données biochimiques, cela suggère une flexibilité inattendue de cette région de l’ectodomaine d’E2. Dans un second temps, je me suis intéressée à la glycoprotéine F des baculovirus. J’ai résolu la structure du trimère d’un fragment tryptique de F dans sa conformation post-fusion. Cette structure a validé une prédiction selon laquelle la protéine F était une protéine de fusion de classe I homologue à celle des paramyxovirus. La protéine F des baculovirus est ainsi le premier exemple d’une protéine de fusion de classe I encodée par un virus à ADN. Mes résultats confortent donc l’hypothèse que toutes les protéines F ont un ancêtre commun et suggèrent un lien évolutif intéressant entre les virus à ADN, à ARN et leurs hôtes. / Viral glycoproteins are responsible for the two major steps in entry into host cells by enveloped viruses: 1) attachment to cellular receptor/s and 2) fusion of the viral and cellular membranes. My thesis concentrated first on the structural analysis of the major envelope glycoprotein E2 of two hepaciviruses: GB virus B (GBV-B) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Crystallization of the GBV-B E2 ectodomain remained unsuccessful, but the characterization of truncated versions of E2 suggested an important role of its C-terminal moiety in receptor binding. In parallel, I co-crystallized a synthetic peptide mimicking HCV E2 with an antibody fragment directed against the major receptor-binding loop of E2 that is targeted by broadly neutralizing antibodies. The structure unexpectedly revealed an α-helical peptide conformation, which is in stark contrast to the extended conformation of this region observed in the structure of an E2 core fragment. Together with further biochemical evidence this suggests an unanticipated structural flexibility within this region in the context of the soluble E2 ectodomain. Secondly, I focused on the structural analysis of the baculovirus glycoprotein F. I determined the crystal structure of the post-fusion trimer of a trypsin-truncated F fragment. This structure confirmed previous predictions that baculovirus F protein adopts a class I fusion protein fold and is homologous to the paramyxovirus F protein. Baculovirus F is therefore the first class I fusion protein encoded by a DNA virus. My results support the hypothesis that F proteins may have a common ancestor and imply interesting evolutionary links between DNA and RNA viruses and their hosts.
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Transient transgene expression of human Coronavirus nl63 orf3 protein in a baculovirus systemLiedeman, Kerwin January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / Insect-derived baculoviruses have been used extensively as a safe and versatile research model for transgenic protein expression. Preclinical studies have revealed the promising potential of Baculoviruses as a delivery vector for a variety of therapeutic applications, including vaccination, tissue engineering and cancer treatments. Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses containing linear, non-segmented ribonucleic acid. Human coronavirus NL63 was first discovered in the Netherlands in January 2004, where a 7-month-old girl presented with an acute respiratory tract infection that was later established to predominantly infect infants, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals.
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Inverkan av positionella effekter, promotorer och terminatorer på proteinexpression, exemplifierat med multiprotein influenza-viruslika partiklar / Influence of positional effects, promoters and terminators on protein expression, exemplified by multi-protein influenza virus-like particlesHöglund, Beatrice January 2014 (has links)
The existing seasonal influenza vaccine does not provide broad long-term protection against seasonal influenza and must be remanufactured yearly due to frequens mutations and reassortment of theinfluenza genes. A universal influenza vaccine with the ability to raise long lasting immunity is the focus of several studies, including the Edufluvac project. Edufluvac is based on virus-likeparticles, a modern recombinant platform wellsuited for vaccinatin applications. Redbiotec's rePAX® technology allows the generation of multivalent recombinant baculovirus which generatesvirus-like particles presenting multiple proteins on the surface in insect cell culture. Any effects oninsect cell culture protein expression brought on by the regulatory elements controlling each gene in the baculovirus, or by the genome position of the baculovirus genes, could affect the composition of the virus-like particles. The ai of this thesis was to elicit a better understanding of the protein expression by analysing multi-protein influenza virus-like particles and virus-like particles encoding a reporter gene regulated by different promoter and terminator combinations. Different bivalent and tetravalent influenza gene bacmids were cloned as well as seven bacmids encoding a YFP gene regulated by different promoter and terminator combinations. Spodopera frugiperda cells weretransfected with the bacmids and harvested recombinant baculovirus was used to perform testexpressions in High-Five™ cells. The resulting protein expression levels from the bivalent andtetravalent recombinant baculovirus were analyzed and compared by Western blots and ELISA assays. The expression of YFP in infected Spodoptera and High-Five™ cells was monitored byfluorescence microscopy and measured with FACS to quantify protein expression differencesbetween the seven promoter and terminator combinations. Analysis of the bivalent constructs indicated that the order of the genes in a recombinant baculovirus does not affect the protein expression in High-Five™ cells. The analysis of the tetravalent constructs revelaed positionalvariations in expressin of the H1 and M1 genes, but the number of test expressions and recombinant baculovirus construct clones included in the analysis were not hogh enough to allow a definitive conclusion. Of the different promoter and terminator constructs highest mean fluorescence intensity was reached with the reference combination. The early promoter yielded mean fluorescent intensitites that were close to the values of the negative control in both cell lines.
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Development of Engineered Extracellular Vesicle-Liposome Hybrid Using Baculovirus-Expression System / バキュロウイルス発現系を用いて機能化された細胞外ベシクル-リポソームハイブリッドの開発Ishikawa, Raga 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第23225号 / 工博第4869号 / 新制||工||1760(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科高分子化学専攻 / (主査)教授 秋吉 一成, 教授 跡見 晴幸, 教授 大塚 浩二 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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La formation de prolongements cytoplasmiques par tau est altérée différemment par MAP2b et MAP2cBoucher, Mathieu January 1998 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Comparison of ascovirus and baculovirus genomes and their replication and gene expression strategiesXue, Jianli 08 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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