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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementación de BIM en Proyectos Inmobiliarios

Salinas, José Roberto, Ulloa Román, Karem Asthrid 19 August 2014 (has links)
karem_1408@hotmail.com / Significant growth in demand for housing, has led to real estate and construction companies accelerating their design processes, leading to deficiencies such as lack of detail, inconsistencies, and inconsistencies crosses between specialties, creating problems that affect the construction process. BIM is presented as an important proposal to manage design and construction through the digital representation of a product (model) that is developed collaboratively, that is, a totally new approach to the practice and promotion of professions requiring implementation of new policies , contracts and relations between stakeholders of the project (Kymmell, 2008) . Implementing BIM and obtaining benefits involves a change in the approach to project management. Succar (2009) proposes a framework for those involved in the architecture, engineering, construction and operations (AECO) industries to understand the fields of action of BIM, the stages of implementation and the objectives to be achieved with implementation. In order to demonstrate that BIM is applicable and beneficial, this paper presents metrics that show improvements upon implementation of BIM in a real estate and construction company, that involved stakeholder from the early stages within the collaborative development of the organization’s BIM model. / Debido al importante crecimiento de la demanda de viviendas, las empresas inmobiliarias y constructoras se han visto en la necesidad de acelerar sus procesos de diseño, presentándose deficiencias como falta de detalles, incompatibilidades y cruces entre especialidades e inconsistencias que generan problemas que repercuten en el proceso de construcción. BIM se presenta como una propuesta importante en la gestión de diseño y construcción a través de la representación digital de un producto (modelo) que es desarrollado colaborativamente, es decir es un enfoque totalmente nuevo para la práctica y la promoción de las profesiones que requiere la implementación de nuevas políticas, contratos y relaciones entre los involucrados del proyecto (Kymmell, 2008). Implementar BIM y obtener sus beneficios implica un cambio en el enfoque de la gestión de los proyectos, Succar (2009) propone un marco que permite que los involucrados que forman parte de la industria de arquitectura, ingeniería, construcción y operaciones (AECO, por sus siglas en inglés) entiendan los campos de acción de BIM, sus etapas de implementación y los objetivos que se deben alcanzar con su implementación. Con el objeto de demostrar que BIM es aplicable y beneficioso, se presenta las métricas de mejoras de la implementación de una empresa inmobiliaria y constructora en la que se tuvo en cuenta a los involucrados desde etapas tempranas en torno al modelo BIM desarrollado colaborativamente por la misma organización.

Planering med BIM / BIM planning

Larsson, Kristoffer January 2016 (has links)
New technical solutions is popping up all the time. In the construction industry today there is a development to find methods that can take advantage of these modern technological solutions. BIM is a term that stands for this development of information handling and therefore for the streamline and improvement of the construction process. But many in the industry still do not know what the term stands for and therefore not what it means to work with the tools.   A good planning is an important condition for carry out a successful project. Today various techniques is used to establish plans in the construction industry but it is usually traditional methods where the results are presented in a Gantt chart. But there are also other ways and one of those is Flowline. It´s a technique used when the Empire State Building was built. A program that uses Flowline and even claim to fall under the concept of BIM tools are Vico Office. They claim that by planning in their program with Flowline the project period can be shortened by 10-20 %. As previously mentioned many do not know what it means to use this type of tool nor the method Flowline and therefore Skanska wants to investigate it.   The purpose of the study is to provide the reader with the knowledge of what it means to plan with Vico Office and to investigate the flexibility regarding changes in the 3D-model and changes in the planning. The planning was based on a 3D-model of Skanska Project Länsförsäkringar in Umeå. The flexibility in Vico was tested during the construction of the planning. It was tested by upgrading to new versions of the model and by changing the way the building is divided. All this to result in a description of what it has meant to preform out the work.   The description shows that the construction of a planning with a timetable presentation of the Flowline requires a number of different operations. Some of these are control of the model, the creation of calculus, quantity takeoff, creation of a task list, connecting the various parts to each other, location division of the building and creation of Flowline.   The study shows that there are advantages by using this type of technology solutions when planning a construction project. There are benefits such as a flexible location division and a strong visual presentation using Flowline. There are also a number of aspects that needed to be taken into consideration to ensure the success of the method. In addition to the study Vico Office uses many more functions related to planning that can make the program more preferable to use.   The 3D-model that is used as a foundation for the planning needs to be adapt for the purpose and well developed. To avoid work with adapting the planning which in some cases can be extensive the construction projection and modeling need to be far successes in an early stage. A risk with a plan that is mostly performed by retrieving information from a model is that the commitment of those who will carry out the work decreases. It is dangerous because it is one of the key elements of success in planning. Something not to be overlooked is that the experience and knowledge of the planners are very important aspects for the planning to be successful. Because it does not matter how good a time plan is if it is not followed. Therefore it is important to find good work procedures that creates commitment, utilizing experience and uses new technological tools. / Det kommer hela tiden ny teknik. Inom byggbranschen pågår det en utveckling för att hitta arbetssätt som kan utnyttja dessa moderna tekniska lösningar. Begreppet BIM står för denna utveckling av informationshantering och handlar alltså om att effektivisera och förbättra byggprocessen. Många inom byggbranschen vet fortfarande inte vad begreppet står för och därför inte heller vad det innebär att arbeta med verktygen. Att upprätta en bra planering är en viktig förutsättning för kunna utföra ett lyckat projekt. Idag används det olika sätt för att upprätta planeringar inom byggbranschen men det är oftast traditionella metoder där resultatet presenteras i ett Ganttschema. Men det finns andra sätt och ett av dessa är Flowline som användes redan när Empire State Building byggdes. Ett program som använder sig av Flowline och även påstår sig falla under begreppet BIM-verktyg är Vico Office. De påstår att arbetssättet som används i deras program kan effektivisera tidplanen med 10-20 %. Som det tidigare nämns vet många inte vad det innebär att använda denna typ av verktyg och inte heller metoden Flowline och därför vill Skanska utreda den frågan. Syftet med studien är därför att ge läsaren kunskap om vad det innebär att planera med Vico Office samt att undersöka programmets flexibilitet gällande förändringar i 3D- modellen och planering. Planeringen utgick från en 3D-modell för Skanskaprojektet Länsförsäkringar i Umeå. Samtidigt testades programmets flexibilitet genom att uppdatera till nya versioner av modellen och genom att förändra hur byggnaden delas upp vid uppförandet. Allt detta för att resultera i en beskrivning av vad det har inneburit att genomföra arbetet. Beskrivningen visar att ett uppförande av en planering i programmet med en tidsplanspresentation i Flowline kräver att en rad olika moment genomförs. Några av dessa är kontroll av modellen, upprättande av kalkyl, mängdavtagning, upprättning av aktivitetslista, koppling av de olika delarna till varandra, platsindelning av byggnaden och bearbetning av tidplan i Flowline. Studien visar på att det finns fördelar med att använda den här typen av tekniska lösningar vid en planering utav ett byggprojekt. Det är fördelar som exempelvis en smidig platsindelning och en visuellt stark presentation med hjälp av Flowline. Det finns också ett flertal aspekter som det krävs att man tar hänsyn till för att säkerställa metodens framgång. Utöver studien behandlar Vico Office många fler funktioner som har samband med planeringen vilket kan göra att programmet i sin helhet blir mera fördelaktigt att använda. Vid upprättandet krävs det att modellen som används till bas för planeringen är anpassad och väl utvecklad. För att slippa göra om arbetet, som i vissa fall kan vara omfattande, krävs det därför att projekteringen och modellen tidigt är långt framgången. En risk med en planering som till stora delar utförs genom att hämta information från en modell är att engagemanget hos de som ska utföra arbetet minskar. Det är farligt då det är en av de viktigaste framgångsfaktorerna vid planering. Något som inte heller får glömmas är att erfarenhet och kunskap hos planerarna är väldigt viktiga aspekter för att planeringen ska bli lyckad. För det spelar ingen roll hur bra en tidplan är om det inte följs och det gäller därför att hitta bra arbetssätt som både involverar, utnyttjar erfarenheter och nya tekniska hjälpmedel.

Administración de tecnologías Bim para la optimización de procesos en empresas constructoras de la provincia de Huancayo

Gómez Alarco, Julio Martín 12 March 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como finalidad analizar aquellos procedimientos que sirvan para la implementación de tecnologías BIM los cuales permitirán optimizar los procesos en las empresas constructoras de Huancayo.Al concluir con la investigación se puede determinar que las empresas no consideran importante realizar una implementación de nuevas tecnologías para desarrollar sus proyectos, tales como las tecnologías BIM y no cuentan con manuales de funciones que les permita optimizar los procesos que desarrollan.

Building Information Modeling in Support of Space Planning and Renovations in Colleges and Universities

Keegan, Christopher James 29 April 2010 (has links)
The construction industry is responsible for approximately $1 trillion in work annually. A large percentage of this work is tied to the renovation of older structures. Due to increases in sustainable initiatives and the growing lack of green field development sites, the renovation of older buildings is becoming an even more substantial portion of construction work. Old, or urban based, college and university campuses require renovation of their buildings to sustain an efficient and comfortable campus. Renovations on a college or university campus are often the effect of a change in space requirements, and the planning of the space in a building is a major driver for renovations. The renovation of an older structure on a college or university campus has many inherent issues associated with it. Included among these is the likelihood of unknown existing conditions, constantly evolving needs of the campus, cost implications of minor changes, and scheduling and phasing conflicts. Improvements in technology have the potential to increase the efficiency of the renovation and space planning process. One particular technology that could be of particular benefit is Building Information Modeling (BIM), a technology based collaborative process utilizing 3-Dimensional visualization software as its tool. It was the objective of this research project to explore the benefits of using Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the delivery of renovation projects as well as its possible utilization in space utilization management. This study attempted to identify opportunities for BIM to improve upon the process that universities and institutions, in particular, currently use for their renovations and space utilization management. This research project collected information from the WPI facilities management department specifically and from surveys of other institutions to better understand the current issues associated with renovations and space planning and to attempt to validate the use of BIM as a viable solution. A case study was performed on a building on the WPI campus, Salisbury Laboratories as part of this research study. The case study utilized 3-Dimensional Building Information Model to validate the possible use of the platform to streamline the delivery of renovation projects as well as its ability to benefit space planning process. The study was able to identify several benefits of utilizing BIM in the delivery of renovation projects, including increased efficiency in the design phase and generation of conceptual estimates and phasing plans for the owner. The principal benefit found by the study in the utilization of BIM was the ability for spatial visualizations and the ease of modifying the design in a consistent and efficient fashion. There were several observed barriers to the utilization of BIM in this regard, namely the lack of knowledge of the software and the cost of implementing and updating the system.

Generating As-Is BIMs of existing buildings : from planar segments to spaces

Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis January 2018 (has links)
As-Is Building Information Models aid in the management, maintenance and renovation of existing buildings. However, most existing buildings do not have an accurate geometric depiction of their As-Is conditions. The process of generating As-Is models of existing structures involves practitioners, who manually convert Point Cloud Data (PCD) into semantically meaningful 3D models. This process requires a significant amount of manual effort and time. Previous research has been able to model objects by segmenting the point clouds into planes and classifying each one separately into classes, such as walls, floors and ceilings; this is insufficient for modelling, as BIM objects are comprised of multiple planes that form volumetric objects. This thesis introduces a novel method that focuses on the geometric creation of As-Is BIMs with enriched information. It tackles the problem by detecting objects, modelling them and enriching the model with spaces and object adjacencies from PCD. The first step of the proposed method detects objects by exploiting the relationships the segments should satisfy to be grouped into one object. It further proposes a method for detecting slabs with variations in height by finding local maxima in the point density. The second step models the geometry of walls and finally enriches the model with closed spaces encoded in the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard. The method uses the point cloud density of detected walls to determine their width by projecting the wall into two directions and finding the edges with the highest density. It identifies adjacent walls by finding gaps or intersections between walls and exploits walls adjacency for correcting their boundaries, creating an accurate 3D geometry of the model. Finally, the method detects closed spaces by using a shortest-path algorithm. The method was tested on three original PCD which represent office floors. The method detects objects of class walls, floors and ceilings in PCD with an accuracy of approximately 96%. The precision and recall for the room detection were found to be 100%.

En studie om BIM-användning inom Jönköpings Kommun / A study on BIM usage within Jönköping municipality

Khadi, Mohammed, Abdulkareem, Rawa January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: Compared to other industries, the construction industry is behind in terms of the use of BIM in the work activities. The challenges that have emerged over the years have increased progressively and today the focus is on building sustainably, economically and environmentally friendly. One major reason for this is that the construction industry is generally way behind in the development and utilization of IT. Another major reason for the minimal use of BIM, which has been made by previous research on BIM usage, is that developers lack the competence and knowledge to require BIM in a project. However, it is not only the construction companies that are currently lagging behind in terms of BIM use, but also the various municipalities in Sweden that today are all at different levels regarding the use of BIM in the work activities. The aim of the study is to investigate what advantages and disadvantages the BIM use can bring to Jönköping municipality and how the municipality can start implementing BIM in their work activities. Method: In order to achieve the goal with this report, qualitative semi-structured interviews have been used as a method during the work process. Semi-structured interviews are made to give the interviewees freedom to formulate the answers. Findings: All interviewees agree that BIM usage will be improved in the near future and that they are working on implementing the tool within the municipality. They believe that the use of BIM will have a great benefit as an information transfer, but at the same time will have a great benefit in the management phase. At the same time, the interviewees describe that the municipality is also agree unanimously that there is no problem getting financial support for the development, but that much external assistance will be required in order to implement BIM in the municipality. The municipality already has other large projects underway, at the same time not all the skills and knowledge to be able to use BIM without help. Implications: The municipality do not currently use BIM even though they are aware of the clear advantages BIM usage can bring. The biggest reason may be that there is a lack of knowledge within the municipality or resources and time to start and introduce a new working method. However, the municipality are in favour of this development but for this development to be carried forward with clear guidelines and recommendations on how BIM usage can be utilized in the best way. Limitations: The investigation that has been accomplished is most relevant for Jönköping municipality, as the investigation have been done precisely in one municipality. The study can therefore not be seen as general since the municipalities in Sweden are at different levels when it comes to BIM usage. Keywords: Administration Management, Building Information Management, Building information Modeling, Client, Implementation, Information transfer

Itpkb and Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 control proapoptotic Bim gene expression and survival in B cells

Marechal, Yoann 25 June 2008 (has links)
L’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 produit par l’Ins(1,4,5)P3 3-kinase de type B (Itpkb) est nécessaire au développement des thymocytes et lymphocytes T murins. Trois hypothèses sont admises quant à la fonction physiologique et au mécanisme d’action de cet inositol phosphorylé : la première postule que l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 module la réponse calcique intracellulaire ; la seconde, que cet inositolphosphate est un intermédiaire métabolique dans la synthèse d’inositols plus hautement phosphorylés ; la dernière, que l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 module la localisation subcellulaire et la fonction de protéines capables de la reconnaître par des domaines spécifiques de liaison. Afin d’investiguer cette dernière hypothèse, nous avons analysé la physiologie des lymphocytes B invalidés pour Itpkb et avons généré et analysé des souris transgéniques d’addition pour Rasa3, récepteur potentiel à l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4. Les lymphocytes B déficients en Itpkb présentent un défaut de survie car ils ne peuvent activer correctement les protéines kinases Erk1/2 suite à la stimulation du BCR de surface. Cela conduit à la surexpression anormale de la protéine pro-apoptotique Bim. La diminution de l’expression de Bim est suffisante dans ce modèle pour restaurer une fonction normale des lymphocytes B. In vitro, Nous avons montré que l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 est nécessaire à la translocation de Rasa3, protéine favorisant l’inactivation de la voie de Ras, de la membrane vers le cytoplasme. L’étude de lymphocytes invalidés pour Itpkb dans un modèle de BCR transgénique semble montrer que des anomalies de réponse calcique ne participent pas au phénotype. En conclusion, nos résultats indiquent qu’une des voies de signalisation préférentielle de l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 passe par la modulation de la localisation subcellulaire de protéines possédant un domaine d’affinité pour l’Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 telle que Rasa3.

Utvärdering av BIM som arbetsmetod i anläggningsbranschen : En analys av BIM-implementeringen för anläggningsbranschen i byggprocessens skeden / Evaluation of BIM as a working method in the Construction Industry : An analysis of the implementation of BIM for the Construction Industry in the stages of the Building Process

Mörk, Anton, Granath, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen betraktas som konservativ och trögutvecklad då liknande arbetsmetoder har använts sedan branschens begynnelse. Det borde finnas arbetsmetoder som är mer effektiva i förhållande till teknikutvecklingens expandering. En ny, men idag relativt oetablerad, arbetsmetod möjliggör att information integreras och samordnas i en interaktiv 3D-modell genom en hel byggprocess – byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM).Denna studie har i syfte att för anläggningsbranschen belysa för- och nackdelarna med BIM som arbetsmetod, samt redogöra vilka hinder som finns och vilka åtgärder som krävs för en bredare implementering.Genom en fallstudie utvärderas detta via kvalitativa intervjuer med representanter för byggprocessens olika skeden. Intervjuerna grundar sig på en uppsättning av utvärderande frågor samt en konstruerad BIM-modell över ett verkligt anläggningsprojekt.Slutsatser som har dragits av studien är att utifrån de nuvarande arbetsmetoderna indikeras ett behov för effektivisering av samförståelse i projekt. Med BIM som arbetsmetod ökas samförståelsen och effektiviteten vilket leder till reducerade tid- och kostnadsparametrar med en högre kvalitet och tillförlitlighet i den färdiga produkten.Anläggningsbranschen välkomnar detta och kommer att gynnas av ett metodbyte i det långa loppet. Det finns dock hinder som måste åtgärdas innan en fullständig implementering kan ske. För att beställare ska kunna kräva detta så måste en tydligt strukturerad standard utformas, som även utbildningar samt kalkyler för att få en ekonomisk vinning grundar sig på. / The construction industry is regarded as conservative and slow developed where similar methods have been used since the industry began. There should be methods that are more effective in relation to the expansion of technology development. A new, but today quite unestablished, working method allows information to be integrated and coordinated in an interactive 3D model through the whole building process – building information modeling (BIM).The purpose of this study is to the construction industry illuminate the pros and cons with BIM as a working method, and also outline which obstacles there is and which measures that are required for a wider implementation.Through a case study evaluates this via qualitative interviews with representatives of the construction process in its various stages. The interviews are based on a set of evaluating questions and a built BIM model of a real construction project.Some conclusions that have been drawn from the study are that based on the current working methods that indicate a need for efficiency of joint understanding in projects. With BIM as a working method the joint understanding and the efficiency increases, which leads to reduced time and cost parameters with a higher quality and reliability in the finished product.The construction industry welcomes this and will be benefited with a change of methods in the long run. However, there are obstacles that must be rectified before a full implementation can take place. If clients should be able to demand this there must be a clearly structured standard designed which also educations and calculations to obtain a financial benefit is based on.

Effektivisering av LCA med hjälp av BIM / Efficiency of BIM-based LCA

Olsson Hartmann, Martin, Svensson, Filip January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns how Sweden relates to life cycle assessment (LCA) in the construction process. LCA means analyzing a products impact and the analysis includes the whole life span of the product. A building has a high complexity and the combination with its unique shape will make the LCA more comprehensive, unlike e.g. aluminum cans. Recently there has been a development of a working procedure in the construction industry. This method is called BIM which means building information modelling and the key thing is to gather all the information of the building in the same model. The benefits by using BIM are that a lot of double work is minimized and different involved stakeholders can take part of the model and work in the same model. The purpose with the thesis is to contribute to a more sustainable design through increased use of LCA. The aim has been to study the opportunities of integration between LCA and BIM, and also study the opportunities of making the procedure more efficient. Firstly a study has been done concerning whether how LCA is performed in Sweden and what problems there are concerning the making of a LCA in the construction sector. Next step was to find the benefits with BIM that reduce the problems. The thesis questions have been answered with mainly a literature study and a few interviews. The last question, considered as the main question, has also been answered with a case study. The case study includes an attempt of making an LCA on a part of the building of Jönköping University, School of Engineering by using BIM. The result shows that there is barely anyone that is performing LCA on buildings in Sweden today. LCA is performed when there is a demand from clients, but it is rarely. The knowledge of LCA is therefore poor and there are no standard methods. The results from the analysis of buildings today are not reliable. BIM facilitates the performance of LCA in several ways, but the problems with unreliable results remains. Linking the analysis to BIM makes an awareness of sustainability in an early stage, which can be considered more important than getting a correct result. BIM gives us the opportunity to save time in a time consuming procedure and hopefully contributing to a reliable result. This could be seen as a step in the right direction towards a sustainable development.

A framework for the implementation of design assistances for preliminary concept design of laboratories

Sheward Garcia, Hugo A. 21 September 2015 (has links)
A framework for the implementation of automated ventilation systems engineering was proposed. An extensive research in the area of design guidelines and best practices for the design and operations of laboratories was conducted. a software prototype was created to better support the integration of ventilation engineering to early design stages was created. New methodologies for enhancing the semantics and for deriving building morphology information from early design BIM models were created. The prototype software was tested using as reference currently available practices. Findings concerning the speed of operation, the extended capabilities of the proposed framework and the implication for future research are discussed.

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