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High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of polymethylenic plant biopolymers structural determinations and post-depositional ammonia nitrogen incorporation /Turner, Jeffrey W., January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes bibliographical references (p. 157-170).
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An investigation of the peroxyacetic acid delignification of white birchGlinski, Allan J. 01 January 1976 (has links)
No description available.
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Climate and the autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) at Mountain Birch (Betula pubecens ssp. czerepanovii) Treelines in northern Sweden.Young, Amanda B. 16 January 2010 (has links)
The main objectives of this investigation were to determine the impact of climate
on mountain birch (Betula pubecens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova)) growth and to develop a
regional chronology of autumnal moth outbreaks. To accomplish the objective, cores of
mountain birch were taken from 21 sites in Norrbotten, Sweden. Tree-ring chronologies
were developed for each site. Climatic influences were determined by correlating ring
widths to climatic variables (average monthly temperature, average monthly
precipitation and NAO). Outbreaks were recovered from the ring width indices using
the non-host method with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris (L.)) as the non-host. This method
removes the climatic influence on growth to enhance other factors. Patterns of
synchrony and regional outbreaks were detected using regression and cluster analysis
The primary climatic influences on the tree ring growth of mountain birch are
June and July temperatures; precipitation during October is of secondary importance.
Climate explained 46% of yearly tree ring width variation. Outbreaks of the autumnal
moth occur at varying time intervals depending on the scale of study. Intervals between outbreaks on the tree level are twice as long as at the plot level. On the regional scale
plots within the same valley had more similar outbreak intervals and magnitudes of
outbreaks. Elevation is a driver in determining the length of outbreaks and length
between outbreaks. The percent monocormicity of a plot is also a determining factor of
the length between outbreaks.
This study is the first regional scale study on climate and outbreaks of the
autumnal moth on mountain birch. The results complement research being conducted on
autumnal moth larval densities and will help in modeling and assessing the effects of
outbreaks with increasing climatic change.
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Depositional environments comprising the Birch River section (Middle Pennsylvanian), Powell Mountain, Nicholas County, West VirginiaRutland, Jeffrey R. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2004. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vii, 198 p. : ill. (some col.), maps. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 161-167).
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An investigation of the peroxyacetic acid delignification of white birchGlinski, Allan J. January 1976 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Institute of Paper Chemistry, 1976. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 112-120).
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An aldotetraouronic acid from the hydrolyzate of a paper birch 4-O-methyl-glucuronoxylanBearce, Winfield Hutchinson, January 1964 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Institute of Paper Chemistry, 1964. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 42-44).
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Pušies žėlimas po neplynųjų kirtimų Norulių girininkijoje / Pine growth after non smooth cutting in Noruliai forestry districtBalčius, Žydrūnas 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama žėlimo ypatumai grynuose pušynuose po atvejinių kirtimų Norulių girininkijoje.
Darbo objektas - Druskininkų miškų urėdijos Norulių girininkijoje 2005 – 2012 metais neplynaisiais (atvejiniais) kirtimais iškirstos brandžių pušynų kirtavietės.
Darbo tikslas - ištirti žėlimo ypatumus atvejinių kirtimų pušynų kirtavietėse nederlingose augavietėse.
Darbo metodai – tyrimai vykdyti 1 – 6 metų Norulių girininkijos atvejinių kirtimų kirtavietėse, kuriose buvo tolygiai išdėstytos apskaitos aikštelės sąlyginai – vienodais atstumais sklypų įstrižainių kryptimis, siekiant atlikti žėlinių apskaitą ir įvertinti jų kokybę. Kadangi mūsų vertinami žėliniai buvo reti arba vidutinio tankumo - atitinkamai apskaitos aikštelės buvo imamos po 20 m2 arba 10 m2 . Kiekvienoje apskaitos aikštelėje atlikti šie vertinimai: savaiminkų rūšis ir gausa, savaiminukų gyvybingumas, pažeidimai ir galimos priežastys, žolinės dangos agresyvumo laipsnis.
Darbo rezultatai – tirtose 57 kirtavietėse vidutinis žėlinių tankis buvo 860 vnt./ha. Išretintose pušynų kirtavietėse Na augavietėje vyrauja reti beržo ir pušies žėliniai, kurių vidutinis tankis buvo 670 vnt./ha. Nb augavietėje vidutinis žėlinių tankis 1050 vnt./ha. Pušies žėlinių tankis didėjant kirtavietės amžiui kinta nežymiai, o beržo tankis – didėja.
Žėlimo skatinimui mineralizuojant dirvą plūgu PKL – 70, pušis intensyviau (60 %) želia vagos viršuje Na augavietėje. Papildomas pušies sėjimas Na augavietėje 50 % padidina žėlinių tankį, Nb... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master’s thesis analyses peculiarities of pure pine forests after occasional deforestation cases in Noruliai forestry district.
Object of the thesis – non smooth cutting zones of mature pines appeared after occasional cuttings in Druskininkai forestry region, Noruliai forestry district in the year 2005 – 2012.
Aim of the thesis – to analyse growth peculiarities in the zones of occasional pine deforestation zones in the areas of poor soil.
Methods used – researches were performed in the occasional deforestation zones, dating the period of 1 – 6 years, in Noruliai forestry district. Each non smooth cutting area was divided into equal distances in diagonal directions while trying to do accounting as well as to evaluate their quality. As our considered growing areas were gappy or of medium density, the sites were chosen of 20 m2 or 10 m2. The following assessments were performed in each of the recording sites: spontaneous type and their abundance, vitality of spontaneous type, the level of aggression while speaking about grass cover.
Results of the thesis – the average growth density in the researched 57 cutting zones was 860 unit/ha. In the researched pine cutting zones, Na growing zones, the most common turned to be birches and pines. Their average density was 670 unit/ha. The average growing density in Nb growing zones turned to be 1050 unit/ha. The density of pine sprouts while enlarging cutting zones changes marginally when the time goes by, but the density of birches... [to full text]
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Lietuvos beržynų sortimentinės struktūros modeliavimas / Assortment structure modeling of birch grove of LithuaniaVaičius, Dainius 25 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of the work – to analyze the regularities of quality rates variation and to make the evaluation models of birch assortment structure, concerted with Europe Union standard’s requirements. Object of the work – semi mature and mature birch forests. During research there were used measurement data of birch stems quality rates (diameter, bark thickness at full stem length) and round wood defects. Methodology of the research – there were measured pruned birch stems, filled in the model wood card, indicating the forest and the model wood characteristics. After this empirical database was structured and normatives were made, which allow to evaluate the volume of timbers of various diameter and high trees A, B, C and D quality classes, paper wood, firewood and waste wood. Results of the research – birch - grove felling sorting – grading structure prognosis method was prepared. Sorting – grading tables in MS “Excel” computer program make its essence.
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Save Our Republic: Battling John Birch in California's Conservative CradleSavage, James A 01 January 2015 (has links)
Previous accounts of the development of the New American Right have demonstrated the popularity and resonance of the ideology in Southern California. However, these studies have not shown how contention surrounded conservatism’s ascendancy even in regions where it found eager disciples. “Save Our Republic” uses one conservative Southern California community as a vehicle to better understand the foundations of a wider movement and argues the growth of conservatism was not nearly as smooth as earlier studies have suggested. Santa Barbara, California, experienced a much more contentious introduction to the same conservative elements and exemplifies the larger ideological clash that occurred nationwide during the late 1950s and early 1960s between “establishment,” moderate Republicans and the party’s right flank. In California’s cradle of conservatism, the ideology’s birth was not an easy one.
Santa Barbara should have provided a bonanza of support for the John Birch Society, a staunchly anticommunist organization founded in 1958 by retired businessman Robert H.W. Welch. Instead, its presence there in the early 1960s divided the city and inspired the sort of suspicion that ultimately hobbled the group’s reputation nationally. Rather than thriving in the city, the JBS impaled itself in a series of self-inflicted wounds that only worsened the effect these characterizations had on the group’s national reputation. Disseminated to a nationwide audience by local newspaper publisher Thomas M. Storke, who declared his intention to banish the organization from the city, the events that occurred in Santa Barbara throughout 1961 alerted other cities of the potential disruption the JBS could inspire in their communities. The JBS would forever bear the battle scars it earned in Santa Barbara.
“Save Our Republic” argues the events in Santa Barbara exemplify the more pronounced political battle that was occurring throughout the nation in the 1960s as conservatives grappled to determine the bounds of their ideology. The threat from the right that caused so much handwringing in the halls of conservative power had an equally unsettling effect in the city’s parlors, churches, schoolhouses and newsrooms.
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Subcutaneous Immunotherapy with a Depigmented Polymerized Birch Pollen Extract – A New Therapeutic Option for Patients with Atopic DermatitisNovak, Natalija, Thaci, Diamant, Hoffmann, Matthias, Fölster-Holst, Regina, Biedermann, Thilo, Homey, Bernhard, Schäkel, Knut, Stefan, Josef A., Werfel, Thomas, Bieber, Thomas, Sager, Angelika, Zuberbier, Torsten 28 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Birch pollen is an important outdoor allergen able to aggravate symptoms in atopic dermatitis (AD). Specific immunotherapy (SIT), an established procedure for allergic airway diseases, might also represent an attractive therapeutic option for the causal treatment of allergen-triggered cutaneous symptoms in these patients. Studies with house dust mite SIT have already shown beneficial effects in AD patients, whereas the safety and efficacy of SIT with birch pollen extract in AD patients have not been studied so far. The aim of this study was to evaluate for the first time the safety and efficacy of SIT with a depigmented polymerized birch pollen extract in AD patients. Methods: Fifty-five adult patients with moderate-to-severe AD and clinically relevant sensitization to birch pollen received SIT for 12 weeks. SIT was continued during birch pollen season. The assessment of safety, the total SCORAD value, and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) were evaluated. Results: The median total SCORAD value was reduced by 34% (p < 0.001) during the course of treatment and the mean DLQI improved by 49% (p < 0.001) despite strong simultaneous birch pollen exposure. Eight patients (14.5%) developed systemic reactions and 19 patients (34.5%) developed local reactions which were of mild intensity in most cases. No patient discontinued the study prematurely due to adverse drug reactions. Coseasonal treatment was well tolerated. Conclusion: SIT with a depigmented polymerized birch pollen extract leads to significant improvement of the SCORAD value and the DLQI in patients suffering from moderate-to-severe AD sensitized to birch pollen. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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